i bsva e b I h ouh ym »ta fotih obomo, If d bython. BRiTTON BON ofe 2 ?AaU ol Eu......Do.. .... $ OW. d plomi ...... !eiU e masy Io xie ÇS. a. amuTis.IT?,4 l MOIT OTOBLOA4.lu MUNIS ILE~~~~~lo TSS smêf~~ à mimsd masMd a euitsIm the maqmagmrnof Liimsy hWfra le eonoamalatsd ds the gemba - touading tisai tstatua vase,&mal tee, dospts ool am Val voUahu. emumut. Tb$attmimmS vu isego vinhib ndoumît viths m ael.Tie boisa trtllagtisa eau SV67 boov pue Thon vome s eus. amle 4ni, 01m m derdm e oumm d i may. Ol OS »mafitakvus ma* InAattna tii -Sm oamtsllui eldmit thei guaa publia mm pnniir. But theugi a.uspflg a 4am.,*6 iomaugit lva eos It la poSMbhli stà e 1hbMtup eto te io d . amI mtmtam .Pm mMUbavi& boom nis; -lia .m homo, nlght have:sosivul but um; md Ml il my vie dsho ulgit ho u b(homes tavou -mi viait hav ow aonbu* iit otv*Owb n h A"t ta tii M886. » Tm W~ASMM sa l i eus n as sau4eaimq Aa piozrïMA. PAZ i mnUME I dire lm. 9tE 8E s ~Pl- 'W i». -. bo= Mambo w bumIû» fwu I* tumail.*0 - botf é#4ama e lmé etenus m memi _& g-bus * 'i dl - ~.~.u sa*IM Ia rpýsm " 1utmwv % u &nom me W - __ _ - l e.S m d Umaa n n of ,à1 0m 7 dWo be i NU*èet * P. h W~mlhonesesm vtiu hw«%» emo~f~ «M 4f ihim mm P .~m 0"fou".t»W. V"et théa Theof Im wu.im M e t he ' PMS W* folemi bd e tub ta nu tt saa ni buus i ,uoi.pof ue bdSsai,),m . b.vonloutmui ci.etmi.q i1.tuai"" et Vau - -19Mf~ . O UM*lmabà»O" olMwb ftai to i uhtmsuval a uTbt"YWm :~~jul te hmiam tui imms ve n "M «de ma mfavi .s o fa pudmlahum S MUI..OIf OOu ,ao.siay w et f"vu i. liSoad St. o adiIh , 0 mivu *, la tf muo Qmho T iuamdI h79a1"nni . h" Mui a I on bub-14 lm ladufdm, ..... bo. *0 i taimp » t ay UI m in o * m" f P*1.... m.m hilwWII.. heiou Md Mrss 1E.ukWMmi; b» là*06h. UN ilo, . .............. joigot lia fàeilguor. laupoptM# ia;14. luth mOb"ua.. isa M isEshe.e.Ib puiSb"mbs n aomm mstI..14» palme. à%s ldve enh Our olbited 25c I. mh ~ gaialy dw". iaT". ha...la ~lb ~b iai Ibopmwah go ummi mm m .ymu Sab8s4 uawm& a%, pub et tu ood~iu lA biEs " ftl*ies o mM1 utfaugu n ul07.li sitit W W O 1UOhlilBMW ........... I.*, ...... vu itm P»""sop. * Ou mIA"in G um.utso......... m br M4 màet m& 0 a ........aiesivse fveym,~ p ............... h. dage. urnalmo otat1b le o 0.p5Isa eti OUt ami 151151 m. c. h _ usaeohosa;a"t9%bouiMdtoto S. U il .......... ..!.....1 1sgpu et bo m ett* 5 'k m PM "1*t»Csti ~ lb. ob- tpalli mmvi e i plis ans e u. .. ..... . .... atus ui hlfs amv.1e ns ~ ~h ................................i iV5iVm mOO lbs.Ofbut bt smulam 1» tLe ..........- »MONpu a wW ..nvuI li u* hl atra m~n ......... . . Le mi te .absa.vuPm S P G. lE P". un,...... i.. ~ ~ ~ ~ M I b« '17 ....... ......iS ........U Is . ii Osho.............. ! ...... -* m ffl t - ce bA. ci v âm- tbi » ~L - w ........,_...... k_ te. i -e- % R* ** - - u -k-----' - timWh. 14 ....M' -- j: kt OUR UTILITYP e of Loy et* liom Dcy Goode 9008% A CD Il QI o o I 0 Q ç2 w ai * G o 44 G a 1~ ami' toiba la0 v el#e ii ail Shades: and Grades, ?DR rDý SÂLýTI Wuehouse on, Wil-liam, Street~, il K Umm. ospus moomt Tm. omnot be bealen in Cana~da. Iron S,as1 OÂMFBELL I4~ c~LQc,~IPL riv ais. and in )ODS, are oing to RaMY aot C"amasou Ilao. * ,~-rt4~. A¶~ t~ Oum