*.tAL t, r r - -i te dhe toBuAda to bOPWtb onbabouhett t1h Sf 1 Jaoo ras1 suAd te - amr ijjathtul theta.&".br"* «0.anht. Gd h4 olmp - baowund tb thrunufflh t »Muet o gimen 1 G4 «Sud mo pre»»atin bue aond aut te g camp, MU £2.000lafthe otanpented t arly je--tood h" yt, sd though atr9rn sudthe M bisl to olàtice lur w *.t4 w-l",,, mnsth drik ut0th an r asth Anhgroll ft I laýN andru and d."kgoiehome *y es 22ro ofuncem lamberd Incoflpt,1 Vie 1.0 campalg But f l oa __ stib theuh atre tb andscoop u dà men drink ýl of th er bads thO tarud pIL n 1tbV aret b b 0 ietousad for tbat '*th y-w th lte 10,000butIf n Pmz'obed te strenteJuscootpe rnotbO ithe p m oru, ir and and ià .and ptse on.to- uWd are k b t Wreil th nen10.00, Imse a cf iJbthstptrempalMd otIi-mrt of lathe wter -Rdd b l k, ut -spping lb au s& dMIpet. 300 brisk, rapid, elàbugiaUocme Cliosefl for the eampalgu. ?luey each te takes a truinpet la th band and a Pituher ln thie Mle and a. lamp Inalde the pter, tm ut a gîvens ignal ,itbey are bu P*' trumpebe uand throw dovu the P% amu bcid up thie laimupa90eit Lone. it Ji. nlgbt. 1 meo a gt u et xisreal. lemoOnt . g1U! »00 picked men nd, 4wkMe e* Je ready the aigflal18 tuBSAm blow the trumts, sud tbe dqyvn the pLi3bfl -al u lamnpe. and thie grest »Stof cf Mja waking out ci a nouad aleep, t1k Saseh cf thie crc@kery ad th*e 91 lampe fer thie 4MIDn n M Wbelrnfg foe',F n4 they ziu* t.hzneivs e pacs u toebli i1he Ie«»MO cf t. s'ibjet are .apkrted sad lmpresslVe. Thils lagly vauelef um ucOfQuart% h pure goldi it. -Thieeal«àt de' Sn thie megAdW st nigbt hias .a sleeping hln Itsbr,à%' tu lu lb aaablutaif truth.. aors lent n MMaIl chL nge. I leru iutbie rt IOO rOn iubject, thie lwfulue.a Of Cli strategemn. Tou knuw very weil thie grea&teat vtcortre a ver goa Wfflhngtefl eor aWlOouwere ià tbrough thee fuet Ibat tkey Cam. and lua wa~y tbey were.not expi uetmeu tafllng back te 4ra,% the foe, aemetlmes brnkklg coutl sjmbueRi ,»metlin«,s Màng ' on uribeard of rafts; ail te tiraS hx-g the eofpatfg forces, ln Voide ato wba.t vould be dose set. Tou £11 kncw whetat Srkteee nittary affailma. Now I t"kb higRi tize we liad till arSt Ç ani splrltuàdileOd. lat»u buile we are about te makO Crs 1 sault, we seuL Woôrdbt thé*P] force wheu voeeOOt tO 00 Ma.ny.troopa ve bave aMd b» rounds ofgRot, snd *eW «- corne w1th artil*rY. lafautry o alàry, and et cour» e vore del There aeto "0 c i~I~ be surprlued lub tRith* ttKS U W. uee nie.tact and i i Chreblas wcWk. It làalhi lWl ýàhM as in laW'. ia 4 pede lu attaMting that P&« catie whlch la not arnel 83 suit eeRIOp& Uur « nt f Md aUlthM gplWblng of M mapUt*. -and Ped0Rt«Ptsb 51118 hi a &ytblig but the bI the spirtlUlà t tSlL .11984à ý #é ba, caChristvi «Sm Lhtlatb tla the ORE ide" do" 4 tb«e part * &U ' to be & for r -Mgh wok« ogmi ma #»d tbokthebRie etih S&M 4*uIIIRg'i VIleY. Mount .- g tie to» édu com.' My Ie~th lt fl gCiMea teui wm *L Whm.q .on ¶ 5Ig e *.t fth rýté i w â&!atsd1ýs be he'vw 11e >a Otile or twoops:e e.A e.. ~Israyte w@proutue 'iIL Çk u ndtaetRe spolia. hi0pO5 amy et MhilulbesîWltb i aldeIcrters viii he '~t 1 il1 a .bjut bla1 ý ý 1 . .1'm e ao I wnGi'a W&Y lW di«OrOul trom man'a but ePtatiïS and =epearmieal or luzig la alw&ys e lebéu at &. If v bd ah ob 'e»p1tçbçasI 11 -urethie bRi4 te planning et tRistbat bat.tlê,Wb TO ie Uéu151,D ieF~y n < veudhave t&kn bou ton33,Omouen prulu gist> ~opn thr m iial:belonged tOte rie'my , ulU~Pl'~5 vetan we ud bXe-drillegd thein .and the mâsd pe ef roua. de lntIi blet~p h .~oeU46A5 ~ li.way, but lbIla Mwu.you bcbut aet, rHWs!4c soet, icbw for Instance,,bRe cnia*e h ldbccueoýt>i rt te t 'an geday snd week aud month, su od eftiIdnt wsrubba- y Mwould have buE thern equiPPMdt.!' iassis.5t m f9 anf ~~ai wwo mrds or ape5:s, Bsoellg te thie W&Yay 5ttr am rorr ab.ethau 1 havei hado in n lubbc..rnes,- s tuif thon e VW ecs teo ýout and ftittge' iet W 1 t1O ouildhave, marçild ilmdown lu theriod.74Onualpotst. Give me J3" i wte blI eoliu pn' bbU' foo. t. that for f7 iY, SUd >'U ls 7' RPbà&,. ail 1t tces enetthbie. ay- Q>d d clpte±eu the bationients id battallou& - t PS-amy, and takes uway a&H aheir weap- I uav bbe defudr la nie BPI ndîl 1 on nsd givm 'bhemina lmp and SaRbouae. Ilb eeMaisK>Im au Ng pet etep sud telle them uvs0901 <ale to làeg t0godots 4I out tRie MbMIS8. C#az1.r' 4 th eS. myiÔsésp oïb arn iseacres wirt thie, 51<i Ii rUm~ thei'e 14: 'Iat la Dot iuilltaw' rie eSS Lb« tc e l.wa RoThetae.vleReifit 300 men uir- -rd aê il sI thwed, coesneing sueik a.great Riét oro! alr of lie hlte4.eP<ilsa" P th Mi&dut«!it ute"«tw v1= h, o nwMuid. ,The.blol tn'm.whet .word. apear or canSn Onver &£0 - tbcoprlevlete 14 ke tu~ e COPIllhed sucila vlctotY ,as thec.cImma of etbc mporbcd cils». The me ofamPpitpW*bcrAM~ r~Imuebebc lk~ u~g* *ver- ~GoSt ay s4Wtola'Unreusdb BlutU*ae t id eut way, bte tlb &fla athie best!Talle mirtil daahedREpier on rect ai . cer-, P y per- fet lntx);-ha~c b àpàb f bRie ai snd peari. Thée &ý suýd nigiui Bibl. I W.hait ~s twrnlg cf veut merl.- NO icI -I1ld dare.i B> tioble Ifw vktiSa"elbf pa*1"làet pIulthut eaUVèrdoW?> :No beglar Beem este 'n" wuft îtif i2o 3or dàred at cm tRal miMe fplO ma bthe 30mes tae write e penimtmace. a Yolces of, PrSI'd'iIo0tëd '51, t bi- W s~~ tatue, ý or wrfbe a & tr,,.ormalsemb? N ufowe ajwgaet a at& an art ieubiervirs anw d dsrkoened tbiattre»CO. NO tsar 'Wbu-t re snot one* m -do lb, but 40 $Mens"shah eltery. Pomp abuttlthe hlflsu t coins d ' AIl",Ami' ail uIaM«aggC Oub.4ldtuaetlOS 51.ber çup, -sud - tseeni- ta show thM thIere baL been no collin- d Mas -subie I&ld inalte à atb. . aIes i between thea, bVt sot contre- ley cf JezrceL ]But Ged esme. Cslam-t s iotm si .litO u'Ipo n b'ant Re uucney Market. The1 [I 1hs1 point, wvile they ai wrOte tram their jpartrIdge letbl isM g g9 seb3 ke 1>7 omu ,ladpOlIt sud tezupersuicul. S0 Crash Wenb ail lb.porCelalft pitchëel1 gandthat ai zU*ttr.0f lac nIM aa is lmI uin. rOuI, dbonAY snd wobe lu ' thet e X caa; bthe romailenature bis Ezekiel; Valley' et jesrt4I1 'bie ggTSSlPbl bi Soeunn; 1bc Au.a flu hon hgt againut Godt w 'Out warrior bis hs JûJoshua; bile sauc lm J- ui' ye ldaBa luiutaWhb * toussaR; tisioslngRit J~i, tRie logict-in .14 are Yoo 00WObai» muforbat a 1rivetrbis P&Uni.Instoioret bis eBible. vilicRi villoli ide are yen on? De yen b.)uI~a >ke-nov I mau lit in>' aud-lnSbOe ft te ieM0that ame SOI"gtQ wlu the dayf armient UcBbe-b R1 e arryteSun- or te bile gIeat bout OCt Klatea aanleepc theibl ntheOlda&C 'cBxie t eBbeltaie. vaimy. , nmy te bh o imsd uPt 15 lIn thesalr e ffu Pub lu bs Jkcket Wb e o Mn bOUS l oS t ? SU ldoculYn . tlb heb gocu toea -i&j It bad leen Iefttat i edsbv f ievi oboe m2u o wItelb.ctId have been a su &" theU;npet lovu th i II -star-1 men a Srt biesdvlms ugn o eîe, t C. m a ie»eternity. Thie day of ân au- amesat of ecct~beiconbrovera>' bile 1,Sd OOMot ua ile ut ,pgiM wbilh bas apIse». God'p vwa>' ladiffer- as:,,. , - ,Ri -94armi aemll0 ,'b.m'eut trl m a% but lb le bc*t, Infinitely -upon thïéeslephgouresfo he, *"yI - beat.' thonhp cdliatpabhy cu&M ge fo ie a e w~m 00 b ulm-eit R lartltlofn'u 'ebl tie trap ilo th nve ~~ ~ If "d ]had thebile pL nthe M!bosllvi bi sOI. rodi cml ýee*td.*& .chrwuan'a Wlie vwuid have sali: of bile dead. a" bcd sb, ahn net m-w hn> hvé toyear' s umneu,B agoiutam~ atb>*à hW bpb MilOSUtOl. lot hlm have eltés ati eO aa* %maal- 0*«,&s beàplt& là nem wnohm slvr stilbeceuneof en W7mvii'b1o or ý-àb t 1111s, wwe paIn ache bIs f et1le? àdano et I r lrpy hc'bssu"I I hs uIstSla u> e e ~ li. slO> tI. rouerl>'et thes e ituclop tixeim ,weiu thedsày fee b ad In- raili lobhe veflriy mOf haeWa uwidsutrailuld haeVa bepP ir14lt sud1 5 I el w dl et veo l Msud tOuu lis et whlcb ye . ae be s i githe BIsheW#4 Ice tO Ia4t 'g~iS lu»df rge round ed lomte h.m~ il>'if cpeys Wt Ibe t l t' 1uisva>. vtRi h aveW *Obiee se RirIs &Ub4 < cl' I ý alAma u I a ndu uetho ut sd Ri «M! 1 b . alue . adxPBo&u ite tare lI saft, poudel inat lap oundema k lnis.tc cos Oaur te~~~~~~~ à"" .lameu.I5scES esta sdt u dait hm »wý b"blt. vItRi bis at, Ihhifor t om asIfvnv um asItMS ' be eut endema, - _malshen te >tte td peioun BIs t tD oPodeOloau m nt-,e tath l UMglib la laie aurom 4, êNov Goftis' em etrn b1k dabout. RI 1 c lfelati. i 1cbl05Pe- hv th ibe àueue v C a <us -' Dyu M. wm Baute. I.v.gça It a4~ UI 'ete os 7 the t»i fflP b" renir Pl mo t Ut eZut in uie<iyw r ___ __ __ ilr.ta ab t e ri= har o, it W« a mum t 0« wu » en ait c Ypet to 1 t idt RI Obe btigb et4> h bb moilum tam O.itiut. sethédlt u e n a > odyttU lu ou YS iil.I l pU:c l nen Tbu : 111e larsu tor 7ete ud lb l»ady w hJtCdl5PO5 mn u T ïu euy lv ke s m m aed r.- o15 - *tev âb sutlgaU.ait gu a e o *ot"bUroeaW h It~ éoa l athe e~ __ G til a lad . oneda e hddes tRie I>m e. . euysbevee r. noolu yt ~r vbftw tsa sei tri lvi tatla;ff t mfile lotvee Vax, O'dwý:telu rtil ieran evleW &y.eha uT~d7 e "cntai ftent A O 1, o 1& âîun' .Vkds lthuk th ltrfla iV'g i vedupo r. bu uc d el bcsr gi r oem fle.thbileýUl& 4 ud .p mO lala u e had tg sseifob addat b ýpkîm ber1 ru l.. * upSsr 0be o 1&o1 htatutV',Bt 4 =e avebsbat htired fa tc. 8ht. wt ba ay; ou bbc fotW"r> lbai hi »fbig 5 l5 M plob ke wmmeii le ht bum v4lbfUUaEb mgit o ien IdoL bo aho a v Ten ge, bea p su Ël t qrt ie iauRv alaroflf baby petuea ~,ook pate I "$0 i.bO p l. on moepha.if f WbEh they traB , upon h t tl àhie p r. gurlop the l beachber mue~~~~~to trat Tu . !IeC &IEWING MA41HINES, 0fbed e, a t Iowest prices and easy terms. ýj. W,,THERUP, Coir. 'Sussex & Peel, sts. 10i SICWIUAS OI I ,t'he Frthil__ au~ges te e dm1104 *Uir la the1ate bl ~bl i~beiIfl =a«M mî% e Seaib 0 ile .1tirs male> bave in e I5-= ,ORir- coe r do t thei pIlle .aas u word lande, borre oas lb le bIloUgbt Nss ii ftrm bthé GeMalis, la iosin ug Im ean- tbu' laMOtrumhla bbc ueueubs tàg et m &, M 2 va te' TI ouur>' "0gea .4WW M »W*flo t e i effet tRia largeo portio t tRie fereèn t 'eamu- Ow Cu"bas abudaibilte relgus ot eblesu coualated et boaroeusudhfl. but o#ehmet toe i noailer. Ounbile bile. plantulg et pins@ vasbogum, s a 4Mary. bthme.lu onsiderable tll-teed- vartot>'capableoretsandIng bbeseve- *Sg betw a pimothor sud son, sudtbbc est winters m vacvuaily ouad, and plàim'vel Etepreesla ItuWwlite have mutlions of tsesDov dlfim beathy ltik& Mslafor a PiôlonIred utay ut sud agresable ocie on. Ulmstie uruili- 1ýo n in uorder te ho absout from lng blmber a" fu&l.Tie deooupo5si EL Pstebuurg. ben certain chlages flr ucedies, moreorer, gradMUaI>f orin a iSoWisupon b>'ho be nd oet vilei mruat etvegetable moul, pem=llttiiig tai z orouughiydisappreve, balle place bile grevbh oftbrocs and hme ebr su Wi tâM the next te- wveels a large. &blé than the piue to Ifve on air.' Theo aà Mber 0fët ulaerand disulbaries et Departmmt et *0 Lamdesi ocea a i Meo Emperol' Alexander Ifl. viU barr'en reglos 'wi»lsond n tloO'jM tMb«tehe os b e aof, sud 1thbt h ie pepe bai te vaIMos s"ttelaoev- sluW'cd. uipresa retsno atrongi>' orsa wvtb I lM«, sud the Piera e Ofthst M .*111 sot cousent te ho lu Rus- dralnig, hbbc ubb ecsuved. -I at the lime. s 4deslbelun Bmenit Abots 51017 j %Iebo lvlug, vblch m It Lo01e9>' f <Maître PIerre.' The licase a ' re te s Oi..hr,, la oth fle iU lster et ani :mtety, the ote sosminthtM< ib Isbrlr, IL Durnevo. a partIculat am e srem r adei~ vebilanplus are 110w.. 15t f »Xander nI. True, tbc heevrIdiIDE emcs 09 arbl*oai U bw~ha* c-udeavoesite nuiselehlm »t MW*I 401tTo u . l s> Fencb , vatèr- . aulltP mtuig lm b«r paver et ater- tmg placesdunes bave been traorm, - - à" mgie t er p~0 vSt otum oit laIe vâols. tilua holing ont te, 5e . ét -Giau tRiecharitos M aamotWrss Ida #ts thsbRe ttractin et agrec- vmi are prtueuiarir bht - IBut til ab» a "ab ansd a change <rom a mono-, 4M » ot,-alOSe fS, IL DuruevOe bdng tO4ostbeach. Shlftng sads hay,% - wééte'> oUtel flthc esopen- ileudpreeuted froeictexadiiig luind. 416U ikaitmrlalpett h ho boRd se la .usein canaodu afs have be ac - s '>butlb ea vr'ricR qukleL b>' ompaulcu wblch, aller : u> habtas z ins b ehn% , have cut then up hInto r.mt sal powir la Rusia . is, s x- bu«LutUiplots su" bave seen 11ct toiewt oerviebugalurI do<bcd ~~~~~~vtlb îfl. Elsewbee mutul niiricnLI llueoôl u ggates have tak E-a up bthe mater, and * 0 ner * ef ose cf the m e tc c rae ln larglo oaratlors bthe dsrit or the â - metanve 1usioub et bhc RùaIiàau toosrbomt bas thile ie tuda" L .Dturuei'ela very. ai'bltrary met. Abut wy a.. 4êuitl. No me Wh. vas oen wm~ oSret bbc triblela' -jbe poaflede bso as 8a voodPn -f Regv t b Myru o Md a mi bUl, u b laa MP maieet s qp b dIn e ttomd t1gi é, ot lu e t ib M6 Mt tu»Y S*Ii$ *e t » MObie U iefe m M m ao edi.a y vmnlg a** 440et t i b TRie, I«MuS am f Us a tafu. Sà & ntà"Mbgm Md t Ott end prompVtly re offlo ORGAN8, - PIANOS, AND To thoe WOuse Souith .AirmeriCafl Nervifle A I~d f WTmupoegmaeLtl Cur.d by thi WâofjIN.ili MES. JOHN »WOOY.Flshrton, Oont *45 555 B qie bu $ AU wuag vs ue ef old ma" aucD fo ee, u d-a api4taup Rvet' a tp-medcio e ld do her good.ma&eo j~tU âsi lb«hUy thi e. kiud of ffstu t i'gives beauty te agel ,aàmai aci st, bmfl &at my Uie ah.did net deaPsia kE* * Iam.j» e. laluesesi tote I'>'Nervinarm~ m-ai~4'~ t~ea1m 1a*thyse bottRe., und ibis 'usa anflle d~E* issn »"VaÈluetktat her oud V»aB04 ot ustssi. ai u&U tok ivelve hbbies .0" 4 ~~~the siaiuli, iaih the resait ia ~e nupetel>' cnrei of. that break- uef syte.that threu.touid ber ~t"ru lvody w*Moi eoclalai mwmaa met"eas e ,t*ci uOguietrm ~ 4Ri~Wliy bui wmah eba oule3u ile ce ury W es.UtdiIï, fe" 'hW~ 1 a aput lauibl*le --- l il.4 Il; ~ ,~ w. àtes lm*rs àl we 1nable me to i r kreu PIANOSJ