e- oue ail" t 01 ol is a- .. ewoidoe Of Fimaele,U ment a hap advance i. I, b.tw grade et 15. 16 cd Ilavyu, Scarlols.White in white an<i grey, single: A stock of about zoo paire to a.lect fros., at primes ragiug from $185 to 5.00 peMrpair. #. say mi ail coufidente w e «« had mach values in Bie-aukeMý-t w c&rShaker Piaaei Shootsaud Shetig by the yard are «m'ag the stapis ontwes this yoar.. LADIESP; OHILDREN'S AND M EN$ UN DERWEAR. Every 1 hng uew, usefM, SvTicaM. and desiiabe is shown in our lareausrtmeutof Undervear. Childrena sVeo!s .LadiWesteai and Drawers, Mev'. andBoys.' flirts and Drawes . ifflsvariety at, pnico much lower than ever betore dufred. cThis w,« always a apecialty with us.This sogosw.diaScot form« <fteings. CASHMAERt LOESAltoD IRIERY, Ladies'a.sad Chiidren's Cashmnere Gloves l in dansd Coorsu-. potddirect from the manufacturera. G drlg of quaiio. Pucs sd vlue corect. ur assortulOlt of, Ladies and Childiou's Cashmere 1¶oseis vory largo and varied. FiuRrange of qualitioe W. have tvo special lines to which w. a* 1y4u afttatu-oUi ,LZÂDER" a 8cots pr pair, ,and 'oesi uSPIM ZAL" t5 ic. - or 3 painrs i*<>thlT an rimdae velum; st'-tb Every departmentin f10 swing. W. have l'Ms of bfflginf ll 1i WÂRIL 00. The Grest Barapt Stiook. Men. anszd 7 el4a.LnmY VI Cali abail~ Wg i uGoS nouII ad WodVWMe. 3mMIN IIosILLL 14PpoieKael a & sýon#s Lumber Yard. Frmlfe,<Sash, Doom ,BlildaMiD, Turnings.etc"., eC and uspct oasud;etpuces before you bey eisewhero1 satisfACtofl guateid. J. Po.YLY Neilo~~oiu ~~ viiibe i *1 I a -ou -mm tpàhsm& <k- "EYE 8PLOIAUST~" WïUbe etU e 3tlgtbot ama drug, Se, Llndmy, Ont.,] DV 9th Es 91. =170y Fm" St.0»Eu lush m M utSu higlo. Prit 1u * . W. EH1?.& ONS moe tsé'lm* ef 14 vmifei * J.êU'.I8e ..usa11 a Fln .u s1< là .Ill Md lar AND W. are show- ing handsome Dinuer sets$ Tea Setso, Tete a Toto Sets, Dessert Mets, Gaxue Sets, Porridge Sets, Special dishes, Vases and Jardiniete. lateat patteas and de- corations. Try us whea YOU vaut somnething, mice inu-Chinas or Porcelaiil. ZÉW* -Orf Kant St. VIOTOBJL 191WIIMI Al 1 h.1 oelg a dil.~W. ait doler ul.d * me .*Chasp as tamys sMd if at ag ils enid tb ê »a as fit .I iuwe y"ù s Y cm" ik* t right. you ave ngio lthpptag iii Og urou wao terpriose yo uay- Mur imw te iv. u4 a ourb Eogiv maction GROGERY: Seaivaluesin Tea&. Try OUi85Ct jai5i.New Cr- itaosud awsjuit lu this week. ImpeW ri ataRice, 3 ibm. Sàow Appe* io ctà. Per peck. !be veOiv ablalI Mud .1ev rosatu os -~0i~' 'rs~woom 0 per Ibm tiOuIW "tb =&96=IsaLIm 10 snu "m m iL foir. lms. Oh leil, 51.-US IoahlWamto& TsOr WOmtis OMM' P u Polo I I. à hi.i 119 day i UslliaIm J""' ai e G e N o '1 I I 'I I .a.~a A .~....à.&.& ut - I ~Pêhi. B, - ~, ~l* u~ h ai Ny l~, ai ido vil -v m--a'- ~ ~do ,.~iv loi. mi mlu saisé - lb. U~sMoldouest Dm ill'e- mpbsseNt -th e - <?aMq) utEdu 'b i aom a. aâh rossai iiite 9hmpo.. cal lb «mvuhaise sVimmn, Im auim ça h "Bk bumgmu ~ppeyte bonie sapewy m s ievdiualthé, batbri sma Md'lrial a *0 t&se. Iet »vesaile la sauR mi, omme r.tyle ess 0l" l mia th h,.siap~W. vle ào teitelMe te te beuUbi No 9018 j MOtsSU SiPoeâ THU bout~su Mm omob bmhm" Ms. hoie N laaki ba a Boaý ués S s va eu mm hum kmgintai utde vul h. legs lmaue bumsmif de"u te loirnuta 5oieusa. la b.lIlhg ne". Rh E..mv t mmkga e mba &, tsmmb *hmbabal in, hlm M. W memUé,Lu vomIi msi ell. n veou. h owa - $m a go mm i iidbOlm upusal a1vsema" mip hem dhaisos Mlu " a otse 1 lsibue»km riiuhgle % Ms.IbaspouSa Esu~iis..Oemle.-IbsugIb i'm 1LuVmubs-'-EIuIslqflour si apoibu utte eavmmi tu cm l fer1se.,Bmlu a mg a1has u.Mmer'uela md " onlu geaa I@no m » a ostl 1 h ék ueiMd mUg b m iu t cr »somma est.OPPose1»t mIa Oco al vliaul&*mci *0 hue a geh00iq84i mumeit lvolss,~ i at i et> .4 A leai dwdianBà i mi Is i a 1011,1t. i i Isen hasoti lsaugbeus.l 1h sa la lo im awo iiami bg l*6paumhgeSsai. la tu s psaImâtI6 , ham&ouil tm on unlese-ilsmilmaide Me : atu bm ha luludbmqmm eIn 1-ibu Ulm WuP em tW u àw-ho_ IaEssebSuIS luvoasulBa caais1hm&-Tb mmmiu' ii .alas ipaieAm , luSvhil u* ll ibm. umht s u mm mal thé l. I %àte oho i Pl"Iesmlo,aMidbaha mdsilutamm vua malis seon s mm- ln aune ulaUa emiaalm. day lv. nasa. Vu iomésà'i *leu#. èaW. i t"ie bm xllm b1lIim e Ma Gaval.on âNudmyr. » k mil m l à » daou s @m ani> £i mun ; v m dim no t I m msmt e t U db "t s a a m a Mi llepsO*"adeal tsta ol 1amisag ýes V ie ii'a sIb Ibosy; lIaI t rdtbboulaais Ie ph@ Ibm ,ad thé. Amr iBuo *Mme me& Vlmme à i Ibm*.caloe, amibag osmal uiasImiss dm apmm aiipt an iuee ,dulsaI c 1n» l buaidi m oum blaot M I ama' pul. W"ulvl ulaaiil a mi MMl mmd jtmmîdevilaste OUa omaMostro m 9émia; sfi clamni" by fg mairplimaIs T.oBaet ci Tm sai;mssaby ov. a A.Mossr wo moay aIL sa 1v lum x.,L The ohlneme departmefliilethé 5Briti8iabi as' .bt. a b.midroosly Rus. à miffuas alibrairy oiains, mya a riter ini jAllia ci OstImmy; visSd uI y v llipe Cauml' World of Womders, la cingle cark ebormé b, lsm mma.lseaa lb" whih cut la. no foer tha n CM< m o mes. l mbo i e aia hIM l b.61 .ouý iý h iu Tbis -vosierffl production ai th& obineme "OCie vi1» esmaI1 vsm7u«.bi0" prom vas purbaamdafcvyarsaio for lm <~Ta«.s mfiaim i. M me sémeum ài aid le bms of, 013Y a Véry emamlumbr à Meiss aveos la, eilIs. The 1 copies ace in szialenoo. ti 1muneayao-Prm"Osd MMulete 410& 0&. poia ai Ibm litoratiuasof -Chia, ooverlug a luImi pwd. 8 o sale«urma-from lobBI01..te 1700 -h ~ 'nII oale s a It ove s iegin tle »mlibrmv olvtM su.liga" et &t. 3. NuhIdL of thse mpero r Kmag.be, viwrbgoifrelin.ammt- lm te1718. In the eumeoflIuUI.of 9 g mugzlr the aaient ihleuire of hi. eou3ntiyIag- h. dimoisiai that mexutevecoauplieu l bebl"oulcsdt rsp izio,madmern edtionus, PUOA&E .K~clE. a"i ho eoslvs th. ides of having lthettut spmsa% boue.lssa bemw uuslise,« .av a ot lhe original.rmproiubmd, sud* pescerimdi an AI -8@à a... IL sa5.VU" ih b un aithou'lativm ferra. ITu e uaàmliy LlIhÉsep--... D eM lubhidumy mieunique down ttheispromeubtlime. haai êr .......'Bit Tim loulaùmeii vms ocoupimi for 40 Y»» Kr Ma, sip visbs lUa.Gmb ... n. =-.e Kmgho diode but h.ol âdpioiide BQul. lia.POU O imel b ume ta md ho faithiRudecaili nt bis IruatintlUt8 M&..... .UUW.Neidn, te mrangmdin esix. divietoma, «mmc le *km fn» v o, mapiy imltaul a, ot labransof know- 1 à U lestBt m.lu*- eia a din )oise. Tle iorna ae th»ua me.*a& ohâ tMM.UB 1 Oc *iri, wdail relaling -te the hmaîens oeiLm mod wdvi S s etinc thebmemtIhid, bt4S ..rTbmgbft l mm.I....n Uv. latn ihil Va=.r;;us -.oUrbes ff«mSain tb. .aivmmy........M to elpu ls yhaixh, ismé2 IIs' vu a pitutuirwàmle 878 la>M".hmi uy- lhi.P ~ 1.i..U u~.00*h us'..... ut w~'w jgaswi 4. mu nom**$ hve~ ~~~~m buawlécim1 - * - *W m ai U inha505, 5u1 .gimu eBqpiuWMýbV« »d, e" & boV"_uo 1 ýIçw bu ma-dos " ":Ibiv adlee 91 1- FW mI Th ie, Tai laoi tam the '1ý Veryt I 14wz et% V e M..h pzéL . ai b« a@& "P 1 offl dt b 1 va- I'fflmdova lse mmp Sali t Imse mai uraimg tlyk oTo.¶m lmadq"vmds uml g.tàaffllb. »0"mjoblthie 0I* ai, v i lbeajut *0. e b Thome Divise Y.M.O.A. Inotes. I t f '4 4. i~ J f. 4~ V I D. s~ ~5 ; i j * .tL ...ltu . 1ev mmaiu& ruwwmme *umi a B.UN lem 4 MMU AsuOlD6 sud W~ are iv particula which vas .bought ou ,oies.W. commei t aon sd 85 cents m Opera Flaues, etc. 3$1MB Bq" le ='s m AU yous, mes laviisd. Na assI meeting es Bufday mtuansoo at hk-fet a biet oesevim eh uh edy >s Mai M.d lut@s foety av*mlnate& h. nadm oLb mommoses «Tusday e et aes" r. .1.. Suamid %Wb Sm A lhiset Usdu" Uay bee*but"& MW. low. aeingon ?lui abmet a4 o iai the limé te suit beys, *RW Ng isi armer MuiM aT.s ml lima Louse xvrm e s: .o$Wefndlsu »&% Wavmpatet onut oumaable -land. 4I.b.iiebotter tu say in led sadide> ua tImet. mticime te fraC mm e aI le, Ibldar.tyuimsifarmues te vori ti'dlmlMoalojber--*aR mt buarhip te use« dlsobarged uni drivem ta e ere ployat-tm mon reimng ba"ete s@pt miiol lov, vegos, Eamy faers jm.of 1.11 t e eatl bel Wmii. II t-paquoethey bave.kept on h$m l otte istluDt bop. defeaaed ma=" ila onmieMmmy vii l metomtimm e qgisu* mmloneg«, Wlt he m rovlng bvaiy .111.vff thepie blandél aettlkg unpeiqui. Mmml.of111mui POMudlY OP at et 1 à_-tus la fttalmmr ymmr? muastaimme tland tha% ba4 for mqulse louaguelmors 1madinla hases t r d rtumi Ite palIs valu& Tbis " suirumis e- ma? ovmm midmust jtemsr@eat lemome te aILBut toS 66 autad magagié-und capable of bing mploymi. mmere ssmion clm M l ave bous uewol jougmo. Wbat cau le docte not 1hevil amiisoe:repoerity. le hm lusmMdyl Nabably nos ingle "edy cm mmesi. Pa.tectirs leatIbm out _a2at, lmmaej» ofes type thatlbande -WWai @U-u mm settebtle as eloame produmof ai Ib raomerm. gr. Laurer mad the Orangemefl. r»e Londoa Pm. Passamaie.--K. Lacrisa ku vaille te them momtéry of tbe Ontario listai msoclation aJiDI. 'WlNth regard te bh ofomaliestatemente vhlol ams alrbuted sua âeby lbheoomvVm ouI mmd mot l75 tbat thay urs abuoiutsly faim." W. L0eo mv hat the talms sltementsanr bmal bea méde about lMa. Laurier by thm «»mtsmivm preus, but Ihwuv. L aumas «» orgaa.,1Lu Patate. eboh tut mMd. hlm m,shmk GA-tm in nelt an orangerna ,meto, Ithellibsal" Ami 11r. Tuile pipai *» s apoilsi thebm mmspesol, deliversi il chioslil 1 Thi libermichiai rsltsaslmd, amidat ln- , dtribable sathulaum, bis solma mugugm muat te rm.nubimh the matholle sehoals om ýh menli n power. The sonsorvatime vers *g ssIbugliggmia Ibmelibèeals, aud a aubinas ".4f q mev.' sai, M. Llaè î'hat 1 smU be appomite 1.111 11.1 engagemenatbecaum 'the >prsset govrsnut unaI sm"tue thm quslos ow de pou, ChInk that mon vho bav talesan ssath te auppisua cathois lalsesceoms"asstabhIbbm th btolia .mfrjaIa. Gsi, lIte anrnose omataeamoft us, *0 libeais1 Thé day vIsa Ibm peop>le &ubal have moalisite asIbm dirmloli on i la, I aIl bavebut te eppeal te the obtittlan ematlmnt oi-m ay"6wSm toeiguge tIbsa thIbm ssis- ha dieu" tlota hon jutice la due." La IAatrie pvfmoed. Le "aport i illthe 'OselmI liaut thIbm nomraîve jourubave PublidNg fantuttoeaccoats o e lsisoumis p,.euoo&a e ivelvobues theexact teof theb isularalca céfis. Mr. lauier" mai thon vont os te girà tumt ote deolarion. se ellees écele aos t fMl I" s sgsmmt. Isoa he- bm va Umc summtl le le qustioni. Roi' Ms eo spet IaImmsvha aensvora tepos1 à, lmlmorms vWittas stabihb the osthelts iï W"il. hm are thm gourmofai lIilsmoe 1 11%mâ004. Ihe»au e ooZaugmuaamomg la% iah 1 The.Ibmday wvbo t»Ils Imoi omfflte mIls hdiadéiofhet 11 clIrset Ibm umll 1 .og bavebut le appeullte Ibm oI~ smmatmcemi party te render à luImeIlaOseta vbou juallmte due."' Ils oeam t iesauderthIbmaumplese ef L~o.L No. set.es Tbmod@F wmmg lut, Oct. OtiWvia au"and 060m01s.BY uht odO* M Y.aVin" moaZeset- vu omomi, am a l sai4m« bpI Ibsbeupt Ibm sslamire.o vu m mst The obalrman.Ma. d VuA dmhs, D. . d d slm làdut"s Sn .......... 11. Vle lue m 1-à - " ............. _.temue m BOOT8 £a.HOES See oui r. ton Ladies' But. toued Boots, ud 'Oui. x5o Messa Boots; tbey wiii pleast ry eu W have a Rood stock of Rubbers, -.ery cheap.. Wej do 'Impmzriag.prompt a" ch.ap. Try us. Specai valuesin la mzkets. Uuderwear, , Gioves 1e, and, Hosiery. .Wb seil hlor Brus. gods at Làcîory prices. le tStroot Wot. [0 lm no-tf. à 1. ft we.