SIFoei*i 011111k .Wbok no .2014 Imm ch r.babdL O511 5? STO.OIIBUba Kents St W"4s.U N.. mplm.m.a.1 l opend laOu~ ~ ~~ '~voia. asels...te tbc*x amb Il R * isini ~IJWho~ la~t* omema Md Fiydingour pbmiges &o, mxl uby il mIis ssnmuuedbadsûaL cf REAWI.MdADE CtoT r thtof, r -'a"'cap$.e NO 14 NOtf % ls TRgET, aths lnswith mew gode lswbue 5111M131 SWUUolmiaositeimu..yg ed .o tm«i ly. W. amre dtne orm z1p*me mm s.g uoeda ly ms nimed to senlas chePai> n yl , Z "àwbgwuewiwotfulsubt ui.outî - sud ~~~~~~a :if st any ime shiould there be e.Ipr aot, f'belti ~~~What Win tarif refoM 40, fér YOU i . m ifyoar amCamy cause for counplaiDt, w. Wil Won auUd5mWb- i 105104 1MdUB mU lai'uaw s erms .ptm ~ lg c por Ie, WOId dvle ~ cfstoves. I i hanking you fT»the« Fan B .kt*,.uhmnW. nmr.ue t ±±JM JN .. .'± .&. ., .j di't uruIt inl ot bn ïOU;&, ue kh*tebualav e greyu ntehae- rigbt.__ wamiirom lof mutinslyI and have movéd ont KINTIRE STOCK :0F RRADY.MADE yeur mofon aepe si h at .siti.mevra tsi pwi.UUls Ulaer; emsYoth> ad0 Y Uts'au BYS Oernats sud-G" e i>in uour new enterprime y0u The. build of- c lle. tboIM.~Uadwwoisauvlo bm omso .isr CLOtHIGPt akes Mes, YouthesadBos ea' su;bels onbead G OOHIEER %j ay se your way te, give us a wrowm*n a tigemloswlbpvswet Boys, Suits, 8epaate Coati, Vits and Pats; Etoffe nets, Cotton ffg« tal prse~sieo ortae.W il~ OtOD~10 iikiiUlOSI Ul IS ij f ioabo itoe md WooI Tweed JumpesOvemlIs.&c. &c to thon pranises, .G.x iaz Ubt ogv i aifcion. I. olmace = b kuml wherewe commeuoe st omnce GIIlm e.Onu»i Im 0b GSuS p.& J. BO .&L mýSret. GROGERYi GreatKacrll aj) T&& ' à&Oit7 la si.ftf o esa. a 1 ho ss a .îtyomdda i Keut Bsin îrI=eet.e amitblp orâ a p n Ne C a &mmE wu e' dg" y lu IEfJ tw , .w .du.g~.9u " week. lsaml ado of Glothoingou. t. i "U a emi W *0 mé L g Uiéséyi b I M M 9 - MI mJ Ld » V U E S Ms p1s . ' . - __________________________ GanI r,. etibmRimeis3, We re fily determined to effer oct imuemeestock at Dargala Prfim esm" lb mi » « M âmet ." sov Aplsioct. e p e m âSU"D f tbsfrUlm# et aMtCobei until the whole lot is dispooed oLf _____àmvSowApe z ek à ____garé bo»sa vii w bgr m w iooe Up A iqiaotl"01f.M Ibmluttaa hnelM. lm-IItsbel.appa.s teare $11su.00t Q.~~~~~~M .=P.8A ioWaW esmaxIE %'.= ud $150 bep.marmi ltsmel aomml il ~'&kA"TukUi~ ~ ~ ~ ~1<ILa onouse. Me&'& Boots; they~ viin ple%%se -tsbs L OUOIMb out. 1, & en.Webave a good maic mNam mI 11 1h.b O~susdo~ bo ei Be ember *M$"'e oOin ~' ~cfRbboS% very chep .~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ Caii ibn~fvst old stand, 01% .mS m thlmt.Try us. "a" Mm . 5 %%unes I slai bsdrlau Whm em eu ant the. best baralmo in READYIIMADIE CLOTH- I oSbIua aebu b tibu immitive nDbUUU»1*p? É% o pmmuy b. Ma. Osuadoli, 1s-e. -ti-i_ ~* U~ ~ CU~UE A ~f~VV b3~0.~D TAKI W' £518. 'JVULNIAtI. pffla m in tom. rd U#. p l.i WÂRNER & The Ge.1 ankrat 13 tock Mne 76 and 78 ]Keznt.. aJnUdaI and WoodvWU.. VICORA LANIII IL] Cmii aad inspect work, »d f« pri@s cfswe ju "y>elmewhe je~ Telephone 192 NEWMM YLEYS >ouas wonl asotetl uIresIteiI lAneIeuUS. =reas u"e MW#as os 1aSnda -ymmmas aSldavu sudteds aa m oionpas" ingSua, ta is;B Rvieu. WC oel Horn ý M4i. t .. .. Ann -smbumim héomui ta blok fo a it. handtome Dinnelr pas gos at tactory prices. vbas SwO l pav euau m aps 1415 ~ ~b' T%» myor Uamraitie ie"t&ui eil thîe Téa 4 B. Mb&W. se w t"lee oe a"n m PP!>iatsévOuli stendte ià@ Tate a Tete StRS.râ~"» ti. samlées mtuss3e. * la meWWgThc e p«atals Ieusedd. -Sets, A Isa vllta b. Oaasuhlo amdo ip stod Ibmeseemel. 1)«Mtsete M ]O11h. Muthm, bei b... atsoodd. It u .b.d. GPm meSzt UaMMNUW UBISPq unsaut Ume -Io do. mo- _iadaW Specia dishe, tssm lentStreet West. -.*0 «ie ossMW 2: Camiilpiomasib p ere. la aie. t autMW&olb. so~P0 mst.w miar 'f les b msbspu t mmisa rostieo tmistooee. .mmeed. lm1agosi ugeâtes. et e ama ba. siq ..1h fti amohf I mdiet of a. Thertou fur 76 Vases and Jardiai daM oft lutu 85 e cub oepd These lUnesane <Of the. 'barstIo a 10 BUSIN ESS uv. t bmisJoeof10InesoI.d latupatterus and de- -' - % ab"meot N TA P I COLLEGE The vm vhm bos ad ne vu. lupuSOM»& uoraion. ~'M W 'M~LISsutme-ilsbalkga t is u Im Ut maz sm ohaismeaof issus.oommlsîs. to tu&L 'r~t nte- vh e w '- w li zy maieBtpumamudals Iepoft 0etihe% sommîtes. se- Try us we yuwant npe% ot4%MUs -MI 7t ym. i-I&ý ",1 emmomdl b hepe7imt of et nvamantsal uouehing n cChina BIU7. Most widely. sttended je Amer-aistsIa Lm bp.d AS v picl ai(otesufo or PoreCsiSZIL bimiff foot WattesudMaicm Affihiated with the Institute 1P *u à o _fh.__imedund du ~ ~ a» â M of Chariered Accouatants. -IAoeh lamo. asmotteels te l J. N. 1*d au amT Of M» k MM vu lumbee'e. socowaà' th n ~lUL.IS. '"* For catalogue address yum .I~ le Lu* ll io psî a> 5 amut iller S~ ~~slh~~ sM*y Novai by a, KL is .oo*oatd by aM4 W01I1 ROI NON £JOBN8ON itmés.a~~ ~sSaMu iatm ilLe md v»ter .ommiuise qmp -fauet lampe m ýumlts 8 »teBso-.iIf-,yeI&de P.-31 ea b& Md - . and. Foot cf Keat st. e".t Usunvlj% bout *e0 ESSBWpU'hEt Foe ofKnt tceotB., -bla-ebumttegl. (Tdmo rtle.b BIELLEVILLa, ONT. sbaaot"miPassamm"usabat. t >.t1 by Mr. Kylte .emd.iby Ur. - C9t ouIMM. à[ Sous. 51 Set a ps odet. lIa-Kr. B aokve, llof1 e 80.81, LIDB Y. - ?#vu,,,olso..l. i asathe i. sssiaat *ithmbos elad, b. pald Odu, 1.1 it utMdlais.- ume 116 onais Seeouotherd uivan. ouaiI sPsdlas s&atim udeuaiocd the lam m thl »t S.MaoIe sIW4 1hhou.iois' o a ot eau ues eae <ultfllOiimoa tu ralanumaSba.skie ou es ér£abommoudl oood by Xr. Killaby, VICTORIA- *m 9pen m.n lia t 4e ad t the 000"t g.. .bb n~ a ~odu. l. do uda«mây ha laKig. lIII~.NIfl4 '$iu iSo tlu *0b. %U&od ' <.CoolC».4 Windso64 Ont, ImtUy bitdOmd~l Iaitua ibm amedg on eatu. e nsLog igu ýa&vLaOt. ~ meurisUISMd DetrotLMLý Q I urpons, ofbmtowas ai sîds have beala@ *0 " _ BAxtvow BLOE. iw oid knobs,"o.t PohuÎoal otes ~iuioimaoU IWhi~ '-~ ~~ q ulapi, iiibmw idreS fir hs~ , 85 los A.Mm10,10, l a uesc dilves lu~ - # îý- neobmnb **.b *&ît*ýfeiz "Miàù"e lma a *6. nmafsuotas a ais;thiube r. aube, uW vItalcoali-om b.maie.u has W. m s 38E.,A. ler et5s làmat tirse tsedatinv lsi o MM «mmia, ol "fla .l-e owu.ssiml t izs, teli mu eW n nuld os aimaeo jet î M-lethme Pretà ême.thon, «t« ieh useple apors iabtlPro« »V"d *4demd l Çà». e o ona oltvof 1ev ta hm*= h.nOtwIugl (ulisudormui e be mu ;Ïwatth e n o m o tn là a ndg ostétiia mtGalobe ï, MW mmb"" peole.. au.oo t b" M" m lutI afsinsa * d70 w"-»@ m.W btaes b" ! : j v k I I i~ b. * ~1 v ~ .1 4