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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Nov 1895, p. 1

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Findinou .cf RA and h ave moved CLOTHING, coui Ulaters; àMc', Yc Boys' Stitii4 Separ and Wool Tweed A it* rai 09 0 rd Ij 101, ' aUiPfIi rw. r 1 b15 [j di Wbat wi 4ranurelorm do for YQlv fyol » e o1< if4yourfr. don't. burn ?- It will iot hep YOVi warm, Por wiltt beIp the brnl- ngof jurIre. I Uwoeladvu 6Qto, 'e. wyso4 b toves. If il, G isforyourkîony ad Boy~ s~s' PMben%, yocth and OOD OHEER OO KS, ioa Vuaa~Pts Md F4& Pau"., Cotton if for your hallet petior gsi the Mý OVE&116 &r*.9 &O..ate thom-prlhlU mt Lm l A .m%. Seorti é Bal _-Bamum"_ Eïacr Ce Big e 14-t l tgStreet. o0f Ioih1ig. isIL W. arefMly detemiW omd .ffer our imoieuestock at Bargalu Prices otilthe whole lot is dlspoeed of. Lemeoru' e me »a. m "TaertLiom WIiem we m"* msm eem- t 1>«Ésab. uepffee .. TEE 1 I1 4Axi A R U <4?ING T« WEBT 'IRemember thie plaoée.--Ohina Hall old stand; Where you cau get the beet bargains ini READY-MUADE CLOTH- ING OF ALL KINDS EVER OFFERE» IN THIS PART OF THE COUNTRY* TheGmet Banlkriipt St3ook Ment 76 sud 78 Kontý-at.,,. Lnday .M.. .i and WoodvilI. . Wood'S F1I druge, um la lutît, VICTORIAPLANING IILL onlalsla i O.(pposite Kennedy, Davs-& Son,* Lember Yard* ab pabuF-aaauthalhaé b u Fm*% .,Saab, DOOMnido i iMTuniuigs, tc., tc. muu rt0 pv-u i I Cmall andinspect w«k, mnd pet Prie« belon jom bey eevhe& * Wo u a-m The Wood O.MPnYv je a- ~Pblue-m l awië_u~ w.11 auoed w U he ,nom- __ ~.1iL~J;. ~cuuue b*$he r GRocEaIu MI 0DSi DOOTSana SHOESll fiom mthe Wemt End 3 stores. She. uays its the cheapet and best place in-the town. 10-0 viii mie îoo, if you buy there, Kenit Street West. )$IJflOdB.-U G.'ea EagZishRéme d. *é lae iacae Ieermuniy m&" haSset-ia n toma s rompt m ".putmant «» fasadsagoc r pwj <Oii aSs., er Aktaiilk Sobulfat, anl ct l*y, ~mhm unmiad m pve. WYod% a-s4" uIA sMaas*ase E-il-.. ego&",mums1 415ilP b«e tal MI S#5fsin npfer - mieia m S a b'I -~s 5Càdom.'ab u pc I tie **.*i4 . b . o~F 1m O~oe8, M+15-e& Linou l la dast' MVieom Lfe. emi as nabo ée il toi tbe o a4 .-O theaabOwai brI uaru at.t i4b J.O. En-qhé. ot Me liMbO,,n tert«or 0a 5 Wl 1111001 umlis &C OK5XN soffltu fox ic U SIEfJ. O. ULU (.loo'y fOctober 2Mlik~ I54 Thon. &Aà OlmMLN. DM IV. ras .qsl Smm 0 . iaaai, wil tam Sal81 FNdMw* mou", *.Se ume e-. Nov. 1810 Do. 1*1. Pub. 18W. tub. 1100, mnel 1010 LINU isse. Tacs itu% lsai piles. 0me hansy sd Lîwila JUS va boom%, kil MW U« Oc* houais 18*h -& itiM f»O" b«»ue, liaus r 151 O.0 ot.., 38h Jove1 Orne bsnl, l me i om. hors lm Sua 101 Os. biWfl, lity a1 a". hors, hI am lem rwo hume, 5Rd Atu RM& ose lotus, lob âeSa&I SS on j14 ,, lm a"& 05 la oa, 110,4 ÀMRE MME l-% ~l T~sia aais a aon abom ous ti.e* uof .1 lstai .e se Il -- ëMm ltu, aBI.15. @u l o lu#a . pabeatam vaim melt *V nCOBUSU'fImth*h.d.tabiity la Ct" la- %nu% a *s bali isom teport of appoint- LU. ag sedlet m mi r)y day. imrugh m eu1 tpiOfll hImpuit mem.)ahat wids 007 Ihmt holaq uIals-fthg theooe wu dme W&. IS aslmbmi, P po f Chu g«vsamemlte WM m-* Chit palsoyte the judgust of the Bla um et<lgdwol, by $"gooag msf o k~ ~ ~ lbvssyIdol.ebout tll as b. an f is ebluto I aMoite m ite% I1~Wdip5llatimpression smfr mleaulby th* reissgisîprueuîalcu i ifth lsamy 0 mm ial oeaate. -,Ac a coa#equssoa suoppoi r et miatyiy eU ot îly b. affind-c euof Mpis- mot *ëQ«âotug spça ihe publica Aim eof tlb day; m y while thegotorument viii be Wlvd 09 M affl subammmt imv prrnaot a petti=na 4A»ý may hbave oiaud ta nmauiga ecliltfur: ls àd5 pan et Masluiual sdmuad by thi ersucâ Wh f " ia .7 a- * J~ lu, ~ k au Pte" igamu, ILW. »e.4. FaamhXèea A, y P fr hNaihiiOmIur 1 lm Pussts.0 &a"rton as uboelin eh. WMW oflu~ .~ oce.lxthe 110, mi asape.» et atpa dNl'. a sb.8uluMd.wu vas Il 0essel-ci Ia01lthe Rury ase vu th Xa"i. .- e 10 9aadt ceM an XLUabàm. lrêIaud . b1887, adi .voat "mhy sM U la l *I 4 r.aùhlp oM BootS.Rais Bth. e. - <lofIte .ld 9iamof cI. oouiy. sud u.MTs my W= a. womlm..t saab.î et ilt u Mait a4 El. aidpltW, s oti l is.e Moite Via.. mamItao e"nty a féevecvus04% Ine às 'b Co.ed iy rniup e q teo b oit .da -b O mt a V onM . R IM I M a lI f olJtirèoa,-mondfaltsad. miIv iUv -- mad Ishisi.Th* mambjeaet Ctls diliiwu odeum et aUxWUX s udé Witby higI mbsk »doséuuivsiuty s"l«s%,latla< . the Ualvuolv etTrvusts ne Bs,. le 181&. am d IL À. la 1476;, studîi lla a te the eff co zhi l# a. aks aHiilleL OmUMosQs1a. IL .. sad wa -id e thlsbar MfOsono WIa!aIna 1m77Mduépwesé ia p" faolaset 8Lavertts UP t a ie io .1hm dnsit Doue a «U esttm b ioe "t Duoa isamdothenin ta ii épsti.t, talla tb. dlisiua&W- souellai. enla Cat mué, A. us i elg prsoé.e u % s bhus UeAi. meste b i nuda iy, s elglate »ru ds capestih. bal lasittmllass. Osetht cmaaiI amepiaos 1canada. lie va lssmat ofNo. 4 Co., si,h BaCC. Md vusil t uglausmtd l mayimautot, cl the ask oft aplea salutrut er tyomamum. KrE. uw .§ m nitlmmutethe ldaatv maee of -ttw% Jun, 4 h 1881, Msfl e mmiii b"a etmw ssés, 8. 'ai chié le cusefs sby 20 volua ta a tiu et &W voa. LAtih flà. uu *slse" fer théb oume aué agsitU l dollon la1891. bi us lu armems mj >rty. laus à aatm mienssa. mm1vea d a muppou tth e 1 lsp ise out g ri a4L evu à*ummbwi e t ewsidu, et Rayal liii Kalimbssud é lté os itias .of D.U I L imga Soeemse iet29L Toronto;vou a usaomba olbUnp.ortisl L.C Uul. et Ontario. a hsuuos Mdaia Faiuuiu. Ut UrIL u tIMbu as mttve -nae ite laisplitoal sulat tla lbm11111ud dialilotbui " »v«erai ta M olsive put la audmoaie m th .Bsblaugel 1 o eprès- Ivisulsebmiéof Oada, ta icuiolua iti I9 ilsý a etI 8eUmd, acc. a lené b old kuw..", et iéhuk bit faibai la bsau sua lda -fert hall a ...nlmy. Nelis asmaniei aM Ci I,, Na Uy. 1886, 1".Iouib, dine 11m ai Kr. Te O. 'y oa, i b i Ssils ,oimm f k oualy, by chié suIesw«sava am sMW abe.em. cmliiiswaetdomi ftqpsum t»&m ersliiut s, Na. Mill fi e t go dg p auim rmi,, M da Jar. VWmte'aAddkf o m e bmUo. Xsrsml84Ot2-<UpuélI.l*0aImpIés -U. ilom a Wb#@ bas in" 8 lIM .1w lot d«tmte Ie osImaet G.ésul4 «à les. ut #W mmue # *- Si em mena M~ arU.lad t'Ca Isîlve Chat ita tuuoriug ths wia hloh yon have go long oonmhsd 10 us ft avIl b. oommhusd to battis- offlaf il 50 louee ath rc-àpablî'ihes mie*s Mordflaa v«ep mg ipru 'atlra .of the cosmvatlr elsatoÎu ai Oardwel asiroted se Choir candidato. ch"sml. terni tofficealcalid expire, my friidEt. -W. IL Willoughby. a son aif1the onsly, iclameabilitisaar& e poi. ad hose devotim o Ca e itereets have boss lifsé long. MIÊ. Willoughby lain . a inimatoly hriowu te vo; t.e muite amy eulogy at my bands. but If I' havea a=tu n rdweil vho domIré o t«W@ ma pean%] ami acati or.auta repay amy débi of Mins.. tEe,.osa Pa.aly bu dus me. ho vai disohergo mch obligation viii oumpoual lutist di lv a»uodaêî ln the. élection of Mr. Wlslhv yosMy a ucumeotr. SThe pefimel issues of il .dy lave aGI piaCy etisamidmice 1 lait oppealed for lot support. The ôînjavative penty las, isdeed. mgsthe .lrreptrabl0 cma af ibreedistis. galebe odr-tbe aid chifiuMr John iguond. -hie bisaleé*sccesmr, BMr John Abbat; masthél.most einnemi parlisstaii tn Casadian lietory, Sir iJohn Thompuov. DUl t»sprlsoiplus ai thé Party survive, ana Il in My conident hope that carîveil vili prove mtheIl pending, olectian as trse to Choir pris- tipli sem Ibshé mevoî don. ithespaut. A FAAZWELL. Cling to ,oIantaily, albeit from aàmen&eof diuty, bea th.eîne vhlcà bindsa aoubliema hieoutiueatsudwiheder omn mpo"miy petii ose.,- for I cam nove fGrget 41"al vesmvIseher, th. lots Bon. The&. Whie.meter rea c.d dttfeatoeisewhere. iashduéte briLk of à giflerai éecetion in 1878 vithoat a conràtittencv. it Wa, the loyalcocu- srievofaIUardvisli ho tock him en trust m iheft candidaàte. made hMn hir member. lootel am yutîctir coi fidence to the day ofaie istah,suno a ve him the oppirtaiiity M devolag tothe servie ot tho ocuntr? ho lovai mc ve il ltha talent mnd patriotieum viCl htob cho va s edevd Norcs aveu faiget Chat chus Itl pe.iàsecG ladaC011oii mto hie lam home, is vu the saime spirit of ardent loysity sud aratitude aud of fidllty ta cou* motativo prîirllm Chat moved the men ai CarIceIl ta bostov the r6preaentatiom of the riding spcn myuisif residant ihouih 1 vas ia quoCheprovince. sud a otranguaernaumre 10 very on t va, in reco g ition of th uir is8eiof ai m.la blGdIng Tou faroalBl, lot mes amy ual Iailisauer ot'aue toe he:imh the aeamory of the mémv happv dave spent among v o. tle mmuy varin trieLdhips form d, ard Ch. lmtlsg abligmîzonsudet which you have plioed aie.. I am. gentlemen. Tour grateful rnd obedient servsî, OISIET «WEIT Nostrîal,,October 28. 1895. .T»E OO1WEVATIYE oADiDATE. Mr. IL S. W lit, apoakiai te lotir carrés- pendent to.day, said Chatho iehdé ava Mr. Wtll.ughby, tle ocamerraîlv candidats fée Oarévsll. orsi mince le lad beusideutiiesl > 1.1 ihaI o.itincv, sud lad recelved de- voteé sud -semions auPport, Wm hlm dwua1 l ia uasuicve eaupmgwnu, Mr. White mait tInthlehlpai te bu ablé tonoa mnge 1luit. am mattIns Chat lo Would b. able Cc lem" for OsrdWilUonFrldey erumtng teCae at llbe ampdan mbewUif othilsconsomrvale .VDA2NEE-The vuMbw u mus xlum.- lye1t, MW l unI. .ofsnav. PameuO.-haiertaus aenmlibu Oosa a ee"igoum p 01 4 Em-'Wo et. my te amy Chat NiL a . Oaien? à." ia Mmii.m lob k f psialpa là Mr Ias ethie noovoe usmuIk fo. *L = mçla et tmwals houe item 1 M=lais mmi husrt. Nor it OMM1 te me flidr, Ob léa. IM y ug asbe p t11.1w t O 1-1 1 m »M i chlab dm u - fer Cbby *l U0 15tem vvnlsz- "Pm *twu* M -eet m.e ML- Zi WURM M 1 it ~haiw it vIe ha oe 1 a.aph mm 01ilth quoMat MM"» d»" b te mal in wliCV aimiu* t mer RH lieusdati troelsb r n .à 1 il n. ý Licemd peallu iw

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