6. ~u. ef rwi6s.e g...mhg. ~oemb Mlbs. Eh. Il. Et i K. B U.lbs.s bave .~.Ualli uoels.t as a. te beal l .ro.utr&. Nurse Mnllcottage, lal.- Cmeto-morreV. Save Ovuytff preparodY. Thonlie vont bacli te bir wovct h ibm sens.'of satisfation wllhbattencS lb. mam Who JO uccediflg lun1t» .551 -ebjeci et bis lita. .And-i asienM h sketch et the Scotch cott»*ge9 placed Lady Flarence'e portrait oenithe «eul.,leho naidKt.ai t wiib sa cynial émlle And mummumi -The net le dravlng lu clost,MY prend beauiy."1 CHAPTER XIII Thmy stariol sext day. One m*gt i Mesti»say by ld. Vano duinet ovec I«evobis adiiess. with ibm Porter*' ECvmry oee lnova ibm ellghtftuld Oooi > xpiemu, sud> bey pleasalit a journr due noribi may be maiewitb a frlhd t talât te, wben oee anta te taM and boeksansd magasineste od vben ont le tirei et chattill. Noras conl net rami ; but vhon V!aS vas silent Abe vas qulte centtmnt te eSh and vaicl i hm unior ber long )Saboe. As ihey tore. alou g a weiglit Setpe te be lifting tram ber, mini, and but liat grev lIgter. Ani ithe moie nial be ad ofet Vne. Be relMed, vital every mile that vaws put -bet'ween hM @Mi andau, hou' great bai been hie dimai ert imcery.-.Up thore Su thsi wOi, solhiaregroles there vouli be BO causýe for toar. Ani np thora ho CU have turne it iicloui morne. plisfor, ber future. Fer ho tli bhihmeff that. stoner or laier. ibm>' voli bave to part. Tber couinmot go ou living tbe litaéibm>' bad boom lealizg., At gresesi liai innocencetfthe cousequences ot the etep ahe bal talimu vas aus nuhieqn, AS *uneullde ftash bau oon théeiubt o ber arrivai ; but some day,. suddely>' ib eu usme -the grlm iruili. Tèt ; ho veud hi hnl IthiAil oui shoU lia gai np ibere lu the, quiet et Ibm Slcotch valle>'. sud biti-upen 5oon vw« et partUng vlibber uni placlut lier Su satety beyond tibm .roacb et gianiai Andi-as beomaie -tho remsoininbe look ed acros t ber sud tfaitauaUPPOUff go tralgbt tbraugb bis beati. Iviali te Bmavmm ohme roali r mybroilimi," ho tbongit. * The>' fauni ibhe cottage abrMnesU piett>'asu Scnley 1TYersketch of hi. Tt etood ai ibm front oftheieatt ils, * nestling under thernmontote m vY e tibm oelvinda. ai&looliing. te boili Vane ami Noms, lke s bavas et rt. Um. Burnes,tie dmcetwomsW' Ben- ley Tyera bai mentiouemet 151 ibseta the doer. $hoe waeaamothumyloin person, .crupuloualy cdean mud muai, amd the cottage vas as cleaken" coMbOrt- a.bie-looklug as berseit. A lult vas upon tibm bille vin they arrived, but a litge tire vas burs' tmng la ibmemitIu-room, and btubt" a pread wti a subetantiai spp.. -Noas lneit dovu ln front et theflre aud varmed hem bande ai ihebm bIes an urnemlberammillg, happy faces u te Vane- as ho fessai About, ipoiiSl et *hie guns sud iode. * "Doees't ibis ramni yon of the co- tagelIbmtheCuidron ?»" e«Maln luà 1ev whiepem ; -"oui>'ibhei le à *Oui 4mai larger sud more¶mei, A Lor Wally voulsay",; unI ohm laOd. Vane paumai aaniomontand, lailia baud on ber heai wltb usé closeS> cu haIr. "Tou ibinli yenbe As happy buerr bo al, genUil. ".As happy ?" ohm reqffldM am ibat vas ail Mis.Burns va as» adxmrble tio ami tbe supper vas f et ].geo" lesW lilid ,6"tehblb Im>d» -i u JLale Zqng gilabout Noeam g d ý bu* 1 auimiupn tbern vih:hrminemod esty aud seit-peemamsOn, 8"INOM vuitclimiber cnriiusly.'.,- Aller suppMstbey out befotoe *i Naisonas Ibo great mleepm- -ft -hi limai retIlng on ber baud, &m tabuh vril ihatnlie- t Anmd lu the lutûé t guarded: vane>' iber f arrivae bat VaseLIts tout. And yet bh. ave w'nuv froberbnpOet Burns tolowberlistomte "This. W My daughters»m- b th.esali,«"mirve tkli Om Obe.lulloatol a oLh a reces. -é e w& bitet a pght m 1 thsud rmw ailsb. ,vaidve - . ewm m b i t I r, h *1 g 1- e 'b e w I i i I -O00 N s fzumq_ "le-am-wv- & a0w, sit..tmre w"a a nlcottage, quie a New*, out. of a, ,04 Q&ld .o h ýît les ei a)tig uzt m a& àJe.1eu r~et.T aelp jeamrg t"handdurted." EH& hand etoI0 le thie j 0, ethé e leboad i ehtchei h. a cS <*Wte owP I[O uitlemi bmn'UA ne av ia mInta ua*«t*d, iI.*M.anAlticuled bis Up. IUr- SnleyTyere ti *It«do 1. Do'i WrTm. RveIwp eseig erno mm.pimîy. "I Mme. r irrtf tus, ibe M&O you er "W t? ?bm 4t Wwheïabs l went te lif1 at dm SpmSIL 'u" hoe eUt Où# au ra.1, be ftw aM he mwardrobe Cur-. eiowly, au enoothly, as before ttu. S 5lenand. qo-m3tD a whIlzOlc "Worm asuite as bt$ue tY tellg tO' mirulW. tom one of tibm prety ite ePis.e. It geemg.ibat there li'ed ln frein its book. aul put h o n;- and as hitat oetetrnsd.until Àui.U enlys abe steod 10OekhugataI bren tu the glam awT~unlbr lc-l r.ie a O'iu5 5e551flS a SiY @kvanhin-ndagirl 1 laiNOra." H I No er erltgm e p~éosmI te tger. I C toitgloê-l=e papsee. dropped the end t bp1 T and mai. hlste t t b andf i Pe drese ette frein hl# ia"guId : xgel t su ns t ua a fresh ont-, sud les ningbs? -1tin ts *pbar badsbehInd his head, wate-1~# 7 he d" -Pae& gcedrae& i, lstram beneath hie hal-CiOUOd 11dm. UhY. It was ftpe t.vutbtwtl a. ttapptig.bthe hléot Rie hih rn, were, ridkuloue a»t. soua, smiig mmml ugtagas ab wmtheSoneth«rmi gleri. ,acy! How long tbey bai been an..fd gi aoneer Wth e lete b living ibere I dldn't ascertain.bu L nelgbbondriev alo mai te sill pur- the erngthst ihe poor girl vas dirowtieW ceihr; tOwnead, Madeo mli pu-t1be te npetthng oet-a boa-ýUWwal <on ihase@ai; vbemai d It tp a 5 it au brd a 1 ipX~t~ lm-1 fo Vamviim .eMW»dtirea nd agin-saul teibM su)«taiCho.s cç~l, ,abu4t. ~ a resttul lft1.Went to Autri ýCffllff myh or Md ot m uh'-"1dear Morer. tRai th i dP35OOui aausiiyt bp. h ad ese er eltebead me. Toen know, 1 dure MY.. îas.ton foer j sthu-Iuthat I amn rther romantie. W* artiste Nelibor et them kaow ibat the sas-m à 5ld][,e ibee el" yUr pa ton; dow of ihb fte vas alreatly moviug ~marl 'ebm elU e ir i~owad ti~m. Iyen muet know ejready-er di yen (lone ifternoon &%o vas bendilutove."j bave ihe Place befereibsaisi- .bel- bookse, hummit MMefilyfro'heer ent happeuci ?" - tdhm haRppin u d mrudty, When abe heard Bbc faced round sud confretodhm a s~peiamhm.Thé flre-liht fell upon bervh M face. ht was tee m«rW for Vsue'a returu, and dark, flashiug .e. el& vr ad attr a @teoni'U pst.. ln ber seul, »et tightiy, ber dark brovu dravu lu a eh. teok ithiàp &gain und vent on vtth etraight lhue. hep vorli. Eut the stop came neuler, Au ho lookol ai ber as she stood at and cessed *utside tbm door, sud 5h. l>sy the artIst prOdMDIeml11 hihm, sud heard a kaocki he yielded ber a reluct#lit admirion0 Ms. EBunsanidlier daugbter ,bai ."By wBeavon,ehe l0 splendid r' b. Mur- genseut onmre erroM.ansd N'is. afirterILmomentazy hésiation. rose sud norw l"IfIculol an e op.ued the bas. The paume lasted for a funl minute; Ibe day vas aReaidY beginnlIng to then ahe openmi ber lipse adsud l s1e fl -, a misi luu q 1evover the bills. .TInvoice, the WOrds, 44OY.en kow?"ftell ibhe udu 0f ihe gI@iming se MW a troimthem. mean ln a tblok ulser, vih the- -m.lsar neominied Up ai ber--S mufle of ar- turuci up, andmi fr amonmeut ah. gssei 1 donte confidence sud triumph. ai hlmn vttbuft roogisinu hlm;1 thon j'"of course I know,." be returned, lunsa iah. fell b@Wk a paée sud, vith a vague Inî of Purr. ebr th Spplbehnf. cRe niterem uexCi5iiis - ? HoW.long ago ?" h ra tien. itwas Senley TycrI. eda1bi.ro *-h ]'A, Mrtil»,W- r' h. sali, holding oui iHe archei s raa bis lbnd as lie6passai ber sud enter"d-saine the niglit of th ibm ilm-P»itY the roc= - Quute siaa'tied you. rm st Lady Flerene5." sf1. omdIda'iexpbt eaiT5*?wbmiO he put ber baud te ber liP% as If te in 1'tsvffl t<ady them ; ibm main memed tao plu gbe bai ioushbéi bis band, sud nov rond. .Ohm sisegered lightly. sud ie mio! regrdlflg, blm lth ber aosrose sud mov ltOard br ua u growu paie and &a madov or uneaelneu m nnt she bai recoveed, and-. roil- u inber eyem n ro s.secuhtlptekI« a-IIeis ut gbotug" se ald didwith which she bai been ObarpPPnli --dilie exPftci7=ou-r' apenrIlsuddrab"miber amn ready te "I!," le ah, li aailo, as ho strike hlm. k1 took off hie uleter sud vent ie itmeflire, "Keevi back 19 ehe breaibed. "ont jstanding wvhlihie lack ta hi sud ie- 'îuch me !" gsring bier wib a ibob ibat was a miz- ret bishl band'% lu hie pockets. Ltineo0f cynical -amusemei n s u el ansd cli ugged hieshoulders witb a de- 9 atifaction ai tbe ter bis ProuenCe hai preenttorY rn'Ile. I aroused. ..No I 1happed te fancy a " dear girl-rn> de_%rNos" be ru UEup here--1UM-t te me hew bU vere s ad, "you are Mrnakng a great m1same'. *%tthIg oà ; iSUd l. m 1 Mm you are ireating me as a toe. 1 amn Wotyou sit lowna hm al. trY- ynur end, bolliPve"ne. DO Yeu under- ing te mpak , 1 y uiteiro tand ?-your friend! Corne, cerne ! somme geuiaiy anidvWime Sui ber niz voicm ank te a sonthing, coaxing t-Im .Ilt iei1>î,su gaee urmur. "eCorne and aIt down, sud lie *aiH imoe d lte te.asd aiel 1 ton to me. Keep your kliie, If you llie, Rda i v bos o, ans,& lere, .sud ater you have iistenid to nme, sticki Pl tfalid flai le rih.1 A, bicn. quimi h Iito the braai t Oite friend vbo Irwlac "Taatndyl, tght fÀu ie. qiet'ihaiu cone te ave "IL"." plcet yuy 1uYOufd-l, ' To ave me ?»" e.echoee, uneon- yb <'?"st qit"mn 'î e scinusby. t bave enmthiug te eaî-to drinkr' e,"leidwthqetepae aifThanks," ho saMi.* %"a IssfetwW9_U- to ave you.r' __ .-'n w- 1 ln 9" _ . et ail ut au 'oe the w b& M"tg » Ine !b lue tu hense i UPEiXI thm& bibi. R-be ii le j"iave me r, be repeated. as it ibt uM" - ad ovyin enn eber. rbuey sud vaier onl thmSeuley TYers regardai bher vWiih a tmoi 'elgammtmsud grave, almnosi pityhl a mue, snd vavea s-cout 0et»ib Turlihlite-- his baud te a. chair. to Sxrri be«bak te Lon- ."-ai -ovn, My dear Noma," ai .ose the vague f052 WUh vlîb suIrOXIeul mocket? et resp"T' dmles ofhte hlm bai lu- jungiiaIw» ibe Ifa uihy hiemItd luarel l umoe ye, btheuse et ber CliriatiSu samy. vwli lew" t drevot, 0.the blool ta ber fac.5. Mo *td auii MfiNg the couis agaUM thimeld.hoaWdber seMpli ban éutçebis ilM Masjjbm. grippiu the tigi, e, l i* B* ep fixa 01U~~. ou tb s Ufov face. vtth foarM g 1.5, au; -%uti'x-do Moi mini ithloU, equmh t u M. Thboxa~e M a&U ibetUrn." va» sUISta iebo»b&d 'e o 'h"'d "%f y aabey,. l i pUIme tbat yM do nt nditmaai EAI"hé @saliuas pft* ti lm, bo le INO owater t b»MLo4 g& l Shu- Mtido Y-out ibSu woUh1V.be roibe mdel tauta koew tbut rniot e taelibvWUf& Wb~ts4Pr. Waia yntimakifer lu. ataue, Lady riorS"Scestuaboote vonld .thinkazni a.'lefohm knev Bbc 'fl dnet aier, but blie imil sme ûore quilly> @)Iym ,a4«wNom. a, mIf yen 40 net; but I tblnk,:yenu 1c*4un. seou il t a b O e ei 5 58 ai 8ù i Vase fi on bs I mm R t lsweUi cracki ibeir aides vttl fi Mr tW bt MO 1omen-" )e paumai mal bruUOI bis *holdr5-tis omi v1 ga fther tibm khirs about thon' un binilk frlif yen as trom ofUdmilngvle sud loib*- more-as if iliere ie Ocostaainati" tu1 yonr touchi-4he v«7*&Y arynuailib md. Tbmy veu nat Ohuk tli r01 7 more, my dem No t', Fmyeh"itie IrnabpegoM r IbmScaul f««v-" Sun bI ai 1mt spesk.but ber biosili cam oun asumer, uni her face va vhite, gave fo' o rai "spt at glov- ai roily on ber oheeks. Ber eyms oam met hie nflfiuhiaily. "Tbey veuli net bmllevo-timl voui laugth ihm Ides teor- lyen ba iboe weks tu pure igSOIaSe sud1 Su- nommne. There la nSt a vomu a thib verli vb oold bolieve It. Ne; the! voul one sud ail pointthibm Ingot' e meera ei yen ; vouli covier yan wlO shbahe snd diagrace; voulu! drive,70V rm ilium as Sf yenme a mm. -And iudoed-imemd, my 1.e' chbsityem venu h bea leper ofthm e o" Weitan sd ihat kini ofet lepres', 11thebmother, 10 vers, ta:Si vois" ibsaath." ne pausai a moment. The o arei *pots$1tad lotber obeelji, sd a bath palier nov vas spuead-ovr lier tacs a muis agimaturob"Mmis ofha pour e$'os, 1 daim my-Iaieeai1, h uy daim Nom.le sai&. "The me»1 ed notbins vrong ha ItHi. o uld thora ? Ami, as a matier of act, thora w as moting vr.mg la ht; bit tht wotri"-be raled lis.ey'ebreU-"thl world vould bok-ait ftlu a ver>'iffer rel, sd you"-bo panaieddrmatical a"i soireeil bis ohe-a i tst te aà ý se etdeceno>' sud shame r' Sbc staggerei alighui>', and bor banduf vent Up te bier etea as Mmo uttèrmd i 1fint cr?-.. terrible crs-sm ibougli ahi bai boom utrueli blini, vheraow on ib o ontratm. asmjusi saelug bis nme Sin muihmubaud liai crul>' ton aa&y ibheveR or hemrIgnoranS ai tu 1nSnea" sue. erfsa av er aciei as th. enrdd me- t 1 A heani et stasie mlght bave piS.e ber ; but Senle>' Tyerse. beart vae bard -or ia hien s v bonbus ovnueturs*v ai glaie. nHo tMQ nepli>' xecas -puncionLA smll. ecf sefaodo mu 1 edbease. sud ho teck op Ibme)polo s .u-*d he bmire. "e Ulut Iloere o11 tbm sticliagr i md ohémmi b limdai tay',& ab* shSemmi te kuin trou Lt.. sal, gnil.-Ab,.yes% 1 sue Pm àd 1Yen bem OW ovwlat i bave came 1 aave en ta f;ors'1Ibave * crne1 s ua&ul Vas e loe yen avar &Mo Lund"e "dains dmgp bouLaevr 1 b. idu aôt we. luti bai Mà&ý % rsa ber t»aoaup - Ibulv I ete - m e th e -4ba Winy« 30 ,a go the 51108 lu the p.Stlst, »W l letoe hep Yeui #à mm IW*Wm IXU»emilo, se Wei ton M eV vîm hai you cainnai 008- Nase yor Celuse «demetion monh bump . hat dioerey menas stisme mi îsla for y-i4for' ue.If yoa ". ftd*WqUt< teyou OWmmlippIMern. ye wm ï0pnior bis. 1I kaov Fouini, Mr dear dUi r Me ffiung up hoerrms sud lbt ibm "'m ou ibm tabîe, sud lier b«ai ta&U .Whai shah lido r' she pante&.Umem- el, more te herself ihan te hlm. ners otty ur d .euted bimueif ai the table opposite ber. sud icausi fer- *wrio hat thore vas ne nem d Werhm te -spéliabovo a vhisper.' .0 vini teu, lyen, NoMe" lie sali, emi- mustl sovy, as if te Imprels everl word ipn ber. "Toumumi o avAY. Tonm uai bave hlm r'p Soi Miovaisud formai ithe vori$ -th"y roui lier hoari: "Goava-iLeavo hlm r, ]Eoebeau ithemmummur. "Tes; yen musi go svay wihtia word.ne Hotainet knov that 1 dIs- oever our secret. Iai yeou >' Oee ttgnud ihatinle te premifme me bat Fmen ii not téoli ilmor a»Y.- eeWbat ha. passed btvomn us ivo tibis suer- 5005. Win yen de ihat ? Eut for yo 0"vu leyen vin.il I 1mev. she dii net epeai, sud he, teck ber milence seoquivalent te the promise ho "Nora, iisteu ta me caret ulr." ho MMl linhem moautheus whhspsr. Te- lloms5wIviiitake him outOte im a au4 wheu ver n egene yeUn nuima ibis place. Thora la a trainla e evel o'- ulomk. on Must net go te Loudou, but te Giasgov. Can yO emmmber ?1I ave vrutotebmdirections onu is piae Of ,aper-eee." Se pushmd hi acresa the taMe «ugsiber flngers, sud iheY, olosel upon il mechanlcsly. #*At Gl@s- g1w y n iifini avessel ou ihe point et yu strlflor Canada. 1 have bookel ae passage for Yen. Ton se", rlo »pm your Igoolmeue. I knev yeou ilu trust me, sud beihve ibat 1 vas bina Mhuai L o ye-sumd Vas vali hiol da Moment te meu if duo venr5pPi, but ne sigu cameé "ro Win y flud viita- on ibis paper &dom 105In canada, te vhIch yeS m~ig.. i la the namo sud addrous lI a et &ybww e viiitake careofetFyenaui belp yen te make a fies]' atari lau Ste. I have teld ber 1 eting--abmelliely P1 oihing et your *tory. Te ber yen viii 4 1 slmupiybe ibm orpban er a frieni et mine --a lai etofvaud.vhesm veifare I amn auxintse cure. Yenu uersaand, mY Ir mi Ch"li? Tou viiibe bappy ibeme a t.I b eegood peeple, I am Scvour- a d 01 au nl a n.v veid you vwim WOU a «m fogthi* fpartu ie tako eot yours-' vbbwhcb, but for me, *ouldl have'brought e yenu ue-ilo rL se~ Bo pansoi ani 1ev out a ebair. « Uvii vut rony-"' 8asbn bddwe& d. sd ith a spmOiha q- nommé ab raul i aay trom ibmpuise il en m b v h m r r' M sai. V e y a ; 1* nui.rg=sn. But If yen shoul sedUV. u «enhave but te appiy te MY d frieai or te ihte te me." *e sieansd Io oked.ai ber beanil- 1, fui bot. as It lay ou ber arme, vlh m. tém miitwly. Sm vouli bave. Pie- v 2errul te ave MeM ber face. -1'imunevyen viigo. my 1mai Noie," god basigravély, .YunPthbusluuY; à kW yen viiime0-that i Jksyouw ouly Igk oume. Tes. I ba"v sot rlm»uid yen. DMM vemen, 1Imkov, voul leaul MY' 0.- Prppossi tect'r, sud vould stop sud ôbLaaes t Out;- but yrn are Mtet 0fth&% ast. [i la irue"be spo loi bul, lm-. tr-f 01'le stise that Vane Might r- mvlrell vr ib u as m -ma b«r basd. loskedl et ahlm. At ~ theb sgtet hle.'face Unw TYeM PL I&a-usm ambflhtbb omti@i. ,wa frrâ mmË mt. m 15-m mmul tbat vain we gros Chrl m'en ofZ and hbav pulL whew the .n d ti 'don, geai o ae ae. - va»ek.enon Et e et »U.mte cv ab d i e du. e Al Women s j x14V have ihem in Nickel, Qoald Filled, Solid- Gold and Silver. Prices fron' $450 uP. We guarante. thon' from one to four years. Don't spend your money in some city or town, there is nothing, miade by so doing. When we warrant a Watch ail reasonable repairs are donc gratis. Corne 10 us wiih vour repa ring in Watches, Clocks and Jeekfya se je PETTY, h ewlr Se Kent st., Li"daay, next the Da1y Hoxise.. DYEW SUFFS DYE STUFFS@. So,3 for 200. Eracof I.0wodBieVitrôl, Madder, Iad4go, Copper&as.eythig you want to dye. with Bt ,HIGINBOTHAM'SI Drug Store. m ofauthépolnh ITURN9 3 for 2.00. of sav in the