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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Nov 1895, p. 7

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ohmeug rim 4 gha vaut "Ai d Sèm vain ct -ur bé m 11 - , lnw sisoaecrn he mms d grpeutln Coul '0f stneam thetotu y enIng ot national captl 1 give ype Christian salutatlmn.1Ibed ffeIL et the privOoge '0f U tbis histerlo oburcli se bmi ver by oie of Ibe,mcclio men of the -centuy. Tbere 0 e- gooi minustera besidex Or land. but 1dinnO 501 k»w 0fý exoept hinuselft Ilinough have tood maucoesufrY au pbantiy 43 yearwSlu this cU pulpit. Long dtant. b. t vheu that goapel hieftai* di'wu the slver -trmpet vi ie lhas marsbaledt the oita or'sheathe the. sWord witb bai struck sucb mghty bIoin and rlgbteousneau 1 cone te thie gaue gospel fliat h. han and to joi you lu aH iunde timaking the vorld bette hcpe to me yôu aul la Four h have YOU 0.11 CoiiC sd soul U.,ont ail corne at once, Mdi sny preiirninair dIscourues a .1 propose ta do 1 beginlicite to cheer You with the thougi Nfeaven Su s mOatbetlalJt 1Io 'ýSeelus ve are Mo meaie go great a ýcIoud et witnuess Crosiig the, Alpe by the. X paso, or through, the Mont C àet, yen are ln a fev hbours at Verona, Italy, andl a a leu boum examlinit oie 0f thé ruina eoffthe world-the aaau The vboie bulldisg sweev.a a lau a circle. Tou eta" n 1 wbere the combat vs o the race mn, and' en al Ms rime., fier above .tilý t.U ti '40elevatione, or galories. à à»elu, te can to tie a I senatofi, the 1ingsandu the cted spectatos.'At -the.BW arona sud under lthealln *cS l vin icis the.liens a are. kept without fond,- un tI with, hunger and tbirot, the eut upon nmre poor victlm,, hir -gvord sud alone, laconÉ ment thezu. 1 think fiat Pal once stood Inu muci*aPlace, a vsnet anly figurativelY. ally, that lie bai "tfOuglit w a-. Ephesà.» The gala daybas comie. tie vorld the. peaple are Pol «Ierona. Men, Wvomen and eh stors and senators, gMat1 snuat.thousa*da upon thom until the. irut galiery la tut] second, the third, the tourtti -aileb.wayu'Ip to the aLil the wR.y up to the thIrtielý war up'ta the tertieth. .B« je filhed., Immenslty of audier fng the great, circle. BUi Urne for thse content lbas ]Roman officiai leads forth Into the, aena.: Lot hlm gë with firm grin lu hi rtil 25,000 ait breathlèslY atots the door at the aide of the a or-en. out piungem the lho lion, bis tangue athirst for 1 t, 11h a roar that bringa aHU les to theix feet hoe rushes a avord of thse cozbatait. kTIow boy strorif a stroke strilce wheù bis lire depoiids first thrust o! bis biade? bEasit, lame sund bieedîng, as tcward, the aide ofthle an ralling bis Wantig strengli Up with fIexýcer evle and IDR rc gr than ever, only to be di wilth a fatal wound, whie halant cornes, luaviih tn stroke until tie moister la 4 réât, andsthefb. IMW piopl banda and luttier-a -about tl thec cty tremble. Somelimea thee audience Ci a race, sometimes to me fighl eah ther, gstiltbe P Pauslonate for the talIon, tu tbumbeuPaspau an ppeal the cluinhed b. spareé, aid »- comba&tvas vith ildienm TO an amphitbeatrie£I au' *refera wheu lieaïayIa We &J Md about vit80isem ja . Mr - Wte m are tui oui vouuis bls bloc& 'ell wmbouma m4 ej-cSd ue soP t io of bb hureh b 4 t le Mbtert lamesi6 MdOW pnmofter Wb* .triei itm 2w boSses- degy Togdei !LtaIrn aiem SU tiecohwrce urt thauL m lxiI! vin -;A. ' Zan 4"Nt1eIw1b. w«Is bav el , liat fiai wofli ut limngla ta he? '2ecste <o uw The >*taor ww*sbor a artle b> iui Msatmle an i Once. à tbea udensa mpumestre, i'Mhce are tiese weel 'Imam TeIAYl. -x M a a â-If Viii q puy caugli tblisOcer- Mntméry. Ci@Ailee ii, Imm e, but Ictëts'. m anda W" hil ie ~ psyW atts amd"mi siwaosmwi f imaveu Itou ucht bu @shW&,. 'Tb* m-n tout hW laba i w no musi behue tber 'vom vb"Iat iKte aYm bis girie -anidslev*tise e , hisey vouli bavSei£ted lie a1s- * »w be"mI.The king. sllting la tele ur. lag. -Ami lier, tlMi ti « aimiiekie'à iat an èald. I"Tbisa as solt XAt le lion ariec-DavSi AismeL taduget ebm - mg gos . un ber dais by aavord.» Other reK=*O ami Job» Uuor Of Indit t i <mho» w u uai out, aid&lme poor svel, Md IuviR dbhmr et lbeab- . elultma teL YTu ey, "Biaise, uiame» rigines avangilhue&, mi Mis JLaloi CenS. ut iib ieannmi5.BU thle king. lu lrim 9luisesWiho».aj-rsfor Unr- thu- ila cas,.hla ur brothser, andlieoviii r» foot 1boaven 67 viine. Au> tim dRu eee tht v bhave faim pla.Ilo, B 1viiiCirhtis.ns re IOXflag U th* lie «*-ia ,Iste dori. the rusliug eut of more leus Our atrugge lu »stbiugt t beuru1» &m ishoa o as meecl. Be viiimet suifer vi, lu ChrisW a 99 su fert rou li nor.as 1te be temped aboye ai vo weare codTTiéy vahmi Oreentavàil'Sey10 aij-s I&i Thant Gai! Tic king la la Uic mountalns. no vi suifertouthseà arins, "5110171Hie U*YI meui UIUS.His icat? Thej- uve tilu thcIrOlles. gtor heurt la vIti us. BUsbaud 'vin de- ]>o ve gel fatiguai? Tber taIntoel, gsts Ilver ut. "Bleseiare ail hbey vho Put villi noie tb cura fer them but «&- 1 Oulit iboir trast lunblir' nibala. Amc vi porseculel? Tbor 1 look ga.sud a I eoe .h uagelio vere auat&tmalaod.A"i m. tbey &P* cat me ganer7. There they are-the augel tisait rm ern tiacl aeiy and meus un *o »G ex- swug tic avord ai the gaoc ef Eden, lu the pres.na et th. Doer4. I1 cre be ic fiO ht;NIekiel saw eupiOldiug te hear lissaWattsaiidrmaingUW 11> ' r. thi e t trOrse Of 0" uni tram wbich 1 bise h dhYma, Onlya 111 c&5 figers look 8way, for lie spiesidorla lu s- b afe otem rensil LorbR.. Sers aie lie guardian angels. Muei you b ame ets ke 1,t IM Tiat ome watched a paâtriarcis; tifs One * ou -aoerboise cicaoe, viti protected a eh; liaI one ha. ýbeau 'Wble others feuglit to vin the prise. néed to t Pulling a sou!0ut etO tanpltlon.Ailn rsic ieg lej es tbtit 'oe theOflib nliso te' TaPlady sbouta lnuie ls oh Ypi liter- rocks. Tisis turi e onsiiciib's UV-Tour harpa, jle treanbling saints, beasts ,ing lests mb oa ieap of. 185,000 cerpues. Doien trom tl ivleva tala. 1 Those joeider ciaulmi the Crias Laud le the pralua, cf love. dvine. oi ailtR oSZoI OYWBetlehem until. the chant. Bld every string avako. 29 bInto aoke the abepisols. Tisfe.MaI rea- en, or- f iou stao InSuthe bataeuy dot Beaven While Chiarles -Wele;r, lie blethoilit !i ndsud - Csoresad.i lithevbomn ori breaks forth n is - Utvaric e rdi, & a coin . -4wi'pailiM*dOiffHi.Mli.asa nd the Andi hics'. holer and, migitctis u * A charge. te keep yen have, ie flfthian, in mihael. thec aréhangel. To ce=-A ot gofY mîeth. iseU as -eartisîY boit t'gi-vS diguity, A nGa i agOIy Bav &UI the but this: me '10leader etftthe 2000 A neYd ; Igfosel l sav ,place. charlots -Of lOi .asti Of tise 10,Mei>timeo n tfrleay sweep- 10.000amgehLa I lok agsin, uni I mue tic gullery Tic 1 tuIkGod givos cMand tai 10lihetof ur departodL Many oet these lu tie ne. A archangel, and lie arobangel to lie-,o: ser galleriei Ve bave bourd of, but victiUm erapblm, un&, tie seraphim to e ii. ties.ieknew. Oh, bey tsmillar liu 3 vosi eberublmunttil aul lie lover ordue'o f fautTbeay qat at oui' tables, aid ire- L. Théeiseaves heurtho cousisnan ui o forth ualkea tote.aouse of Goi luncou- 1 heur on tlie ilgh bebesI. 1 pany. Bave licy fergelton us? Thome àcrec Rfov, brisg onj-oui lions, Who eau 1 falbes ansd mothest.arted us on tise 3taived four? An lie apectalors n lie Sanglie roadet Ilite? Are hhey carelesaaa. 10 d, anid, kallerj-are Our. frionds. ".leubail vat becontes oetunsAnd lies. olal- ganer- give bis ungcle charge oves' lie b îren; do hhey look au vilu Sioli n- net the beep fiee in ail tiy ways. Tiey smhaU diffoce au te visthier vo vin or laft D you bear thismp Inlu boîands. lestthiOu I liis battie for eterily? Say- 1I me ani viii daNs h)y foot againul a -atone. Tien tisat etiliiunuig laissband over juL >o tie glaililroai upen tho lion andid adcr;brov uni aaying, "Fatiser, do net fret; m - wild tlie jouig litonuni tise dragon hall molier, do not voi7." 'rhey reusu- m back -lieu lOaple underto."bei lie day lie> loftI us. Tley remuea- - n, Though lhé arena b. erowed icivh br hem lie agof he kmc btare*ell. e oe ltmptationn, vo ubal ii thc antelie Tiaugi josa lu'inchavesi, tisé>'kisoi terrible ielp. lutke thoin dowvI n thlBa 58UietOf ur, faes. Tiey remember Ousor- m baek -omi ami leap estIheïr hcMU rcasses. roirs. lsey apeak Our Tb«s. fl~ a co--e i, bending hhs'ong ef brigil anglSot ae tbta ijehuagt for beaven.Iia,1 aterfm adswilfi vla " fltandme lieurisc Dp ad. hon Over uaid aI bis foot 1 bau uto-day rou vvebefore ms lieu 5'.alm dm*se pthili»d5< tra4Ile cf thearensi esoouragcmout. Tht glsy1 I ea- I look tgala Bdsu8htic gsilimoej ff L Tiiy a 'Pftugaces forle. the pr0ophts andI MUt Wbean ~After va bave *du tble o thcy es- to me thn emightr ones up j-i ?Bases Peet ise klu*to eenliu, Sa>i5t, Coqà 4181015 and, Jerolabi aid 1>51101 5 a" biaisr." etuies licbotisgge le, o- asni Paus Fl uer teiS'olia Md 1t>liethe Sa I wvipe i umt tie e lisir Ja"& hm Me oah -wiu tor.m j- ov a mi ludon tlptos. rassi hi van- authe Sxte om*tt rkb ithé «Up mv tigabasai te 016"s ibe nec the blue, ùu Ute iaMta P."i Sm. w atmm chBss, vals* glu «Mjlemdjb W*RI" n omemî-e tiuging dowva, frm ,ïýi cePs he Jewm te ratura.am hssund aig "e ldê tuiul uïto0 »M.*l a ePobtYpme, vatMUËfor tic "Mr- 1«dmt. *n&,-Gls ho ave a crown. b< * o' 'tas et, -amelfi m e dbflbe » Ir j , ,6*mwbPhIniueý& 4 Ow ~iNg - animman saMw ltep h mm islluIsM. Tàéen SïIateoec'meiis. %.l mines *ami et the. i- 1 * - S loa w e a q l r , t l i c o -1' ft a y ' e n e c o u li n ol a p a u l o t k r w i * il~l~ezsvttùv.le sç. mm enta etcfPr&" Samru icto< - Wtco iriterjtic art oetl tis beCape nil 115h reacica 5ciatnts the cWMM or Ijve mU iy expert», burg m ne prblvea_ a nleM1a % l* 91 lia~vl lts, ic oegrphiasl hum wS ie Stihtan ibtue In W~' e t ramemsti o~, and s» Os. nm enej- b*ps ll e *IM» wvi<*s rie ~ spawenl ~ 15 tamai a 4ta<xet 9 crMM at Ser'"O Th* bx , epartmnt b n m".in miesnlunes x , ctop cittK. oscar . . ..j __ usot.calimi lwtwatersrsni.Tho&. .tbft elgbt for lthe5SB"d5<17 feor woeis l ihîow dwêly ewP1 iOY N li 5hnCera drnhmapptail ve iné--A o ont lut» 18 uhtriet@e. O&there la tu W"a fleir 2M* atampe sui étk istrier a&;»porter M Im~m 1UVre sp m.voNM oucat sE ~ ~ ~ 1 oqm~ crmi ~ tmdau. scua aà Motai, Md lie-.utpt o 0 9 =bum tir eahiru ctr obethla s wguar at ,iIb tisStee rp~otr. & self ami tbtidre porter, Dupergne »pomsliity,of disappolut- & »oqhle usporter. aMd, Ito-racing mem ila sny of tli ell-estabished rorti. Tiare lua a lsi u writir MsM& for the. greatteature 0f flic ro ts muoeror zsilajS nc for a- lftveeu'aud gold 1lieus la a uingu- ti~n"ul ova So ic usR -i barhireg*fi%7tyofthe auiferous straha. sut aIealuI earf puamen 0f 'Deywbm e&usgold lbas beejý MS .abst e«a'maiPstanaai onfu acaBlyiv dstrlhuted, and as- pielywirg Cailornila and ÂUsanls, ~Moegsu dww of i atm <of pa. tsbave bien tie fcature. ý»w* MeBMPff »WuM M4er e bt h«etbire aa lwaya In thbe vel- exlrdpartsof lie rand' certa wb1ýl icab a Times répresematlve reectawvichesnVer tI, wih run down <10elotelI<isrlla WU*a aiaiot aven dup of frOm 25 t* la eêh, t té M lecorti4191CtOOf stdmesu.aUdieblcsmakinw allow- OrmalEritan.-MClu5's KagSame tgr certain iven-krlnv re.a K FI (LD STOCKS, btù e n uet t rat vaiatons f&»e n iicontentaeoftlb. oldci, veUI THEYARE HE CAZE F TH ~ etbfl dMines areaimeit exactiy ruy AR TjýE AZE O sov BI' a d au the reefs never break 16H SPECULATiNG .PuSL.C- laipagod. miug ou tise *ran 05fl5505an element 0f oertainli vWb"l Vmm7B0 U.-. al h lavsi a 8ehereouatries bai so far beau f or- MMM 'rlâg m ~rpe "d *wJuin uThis Wtwatersrand formation la alaoutse v> illes long, ad over at lent. At Ieo extremities thie veina seem te *Evcry reader of a neviPaper bas be lm riel sud sligitly lesu usifToru homd0 any aut u the ICaf- ail tise properties ou them heing les fie gotd stocla, speculation l lu vhli h.la tttougiuiyexplore&ai. lieu mris5arei rni.ung vild lu Englaud at preteut. gMlii.mi or -Ion problésnatic, althOugh r-3ri*to lsaunex-cirons clown1wli 5gdgiiasi iiecybutpit tic centre of thc mai rush, snd ia coin- t»_ idenlty willi tic better-klOW5 por- ing »Mmilin oui o e insane desire tIUoss.Dr. Schissaet aid BaMilon Of the Eagllsh public te bite and la be BMMS s ouur lnu eslung tie value bttes. Bfoy long Il wm b. betore the ort legolu ln hs Gitrict dovu te a, crascwvlfl reaci Itise aide cau orxiy ibedepli et about IM00ftet at someviiere eoujcimd. hé tocka -are, aiready Ibtove.. *30000,0ansd£3.0000 liere and soni trading la belng doné lu "bhcrit vi» b.possible 10 vork theus. in :Vlevof ith act thal lis i- h e 5tat -greater, igdpli Ianli e eu suavemeut la thc proMeut fealure 0f 3u01»M eniled, aid viotier tiey oun- lb. fianlai wvend, lie foilowing cx- tisse Ia1sgtiwise ndergmound. bel-oui trats rfoem auarticle Inte l:ie ceen thlaie tpresent knovu limita, arcelunJO- Century, vintton hy a8* P. Van Oa', -thsiu ieq et mii s linher viii b.etfmore than uasai intereat: -, Ticpffiodiof tli ile 8ix -The indirect ceaot tic ooriîî1e texVOkeiupon, aM fçoovs -a tic Inevitable resua et tic pemiod of ' luto o oe Yhi.on lithe5gefl stagnation which folIOwed lthisehé ake &2 dm #& lu. gold, te exrattvici eft hie viii flnscelmg eOf1017-18%.w-ecuOW ai 108. M. Baise, on oe- am~ lalwayproduciag tresis cxpital. 11*1 -cf lb. slid produci s18profit. lu and we bave se, mucof et i- liaI union 'vat wih polduetios cf ver 8&«%M0 tisera la .a constant Outgbv te tareige OW<i*75M. b ker & &-uptrkbe bo ecose Itutted mith "yuli& ieefreaprail t ove * 'momey' ho anuoetulhiaciamont seri- 0ý et of ubc U8. Ua psuAidn «nily redUcos tfie j-lid of capital. ve '* « U &nô# 1M 1but Utile et Our sgiutput ZfrimpreeSetqu.o5 , te -i.v ,Pa, c vweati bas jauni ls WaY abrad>. b i fehl *f'.1T4a I bo pr ieseput4 Vta5n f e laiek O e on fidence tu for- V PMa the a 5, lic juBta *3. eli bomwmov ,andi tise onsequenceor .01 Miti tlmdSprse*- ba" becs the graduai ape ri ,toett P jUd, i artee is an er', alt gea i Szveemn ts ad thc atte ~ond- cha«* M wsarnutv Ibis miser pn erou a ere e e~ t ic loa-x rlvaine 4h * am4 s ooo pul 0f 8,m.- et, in captal. Thie e mo us r rim 'l a ~i me£*Suen tmajbute iuG cOnuIs, ihome rallwy stocks and theiS àMdia bu Ilke.hbas, as'is g.nerafl iu owu, beeh - . wu*£l bevcte helic Uinâ, Oie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M CM Mgdit0faucu amw»dr Ui masueimp5te one: o» mosan emeit an ecesiveetot, u« 14 er unL, POS t thePmeM' 09,10wlable ONRimat ab ses sudb a nd jopl ANS, -PIANOS, ANO SEWIN8 MACHINES, Of bout *a«, t low.eeprlopandeasy termu. *W.. Eussex & Peel' ts. NOSUCIUL OLD AGE To those who um South Âxericafl Xervine A ImSy 4I~ T PVrmamenItly Om'I by 'pub*.car" lodiciay. ~'- ~ .-- ~ -j-.-- .ofoli'sgealsni seSaia1l me oouli do ber gOaL ai Wet sloi bisat ivmsbasaIt. agseil r heaibadia not - 1- 9l au b" Ai 5h10 an sisi ~ ucoM 'pt~ ~ cÉ *1~ obsesehe, *1sa4 Ibat Suis iii uI1> ocisedmellse. loue,- 50 ysh,1iwe~ mlgb.fl mai aholla., usA ,mlhhooesm'>P pa 7mwttulb ubah' fi r gs~~ aie omaut ~ eand *iietoree - T' ..- e -

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