UISSL $250001 whtmead.ou ai o agtogif Iawoee. gauanoâvgthek :tm ul t the raiet oae 'asiete Trsmi u esofb Tnvie re *0oo batow 6Rt FuWlit e ylvt 4edte. te e 1amghgW pvce.miate. but ma»e YOnv appile- Resl, ]Route Bought sdBl on Comamison. BENERAL INSURANGE AMENTI J. I. SOTHE-RAN,. Baakbrr snd Broker, Il KENT ST.- LI.N DSAY9.90% U " S. IUL-5L1 kFALL GOO <Ç dwards4fA. HURSE SHiOils.-X Le S"Téeel Welghit, Wi& ia ic. We iosp the Itoan mai Sheel, SteolTos OalU, Home Rails, Bora@ Rupe. Boita, lqu ai m sivet., Wood Wori toc Blit Mi M Cutr.Wholeulie la MO EIai il, Go EDWARDS.&OOu'. Iipormof olItou Md Blel, anduas Pli and t1 25. Des' and Yobths Waterproof Ov.rsbaes, Po60 s"d 75 ceumS k.'à Inmtbe.es 80RbiýS . IS. loti Ente, Uhospex, 09. Tm 1Dos't - nil' Eq. 'Iws.sm uepeoBoots. JUNNSTON & SIPONl.. d3gn of the.-MinI aw, M0LEN NA.N à£0009 Sporting Gods, GU adaw. M .Lae hi ab" eim rive. The Celebatd Scmston Coau delivhred at lowest prices. ]FÂLL 000DBe. Stove ags Buse 3iruerst Goal hodstOVe boe.rdai Laamp GOda, liant4rn a Gattie Ohainfi, Haltent Ourry Càomba &80 Biruah ews, rcsa Nearee adware'lstore to the marzetl. 12~O -NOON- SYZBY yFBIDÂY FROM TORONTO. RUN A ly 'phol8t6d ii shades of PiioOad Cream, White. Pinks > Bluel Gr«enp Helîtrope & Terra Cotte.. The finest lines0 statiOnDelY uIwayl in stock, GEOS Au LITTLE8 Book sud Statîonoy stars. 0lpwput Po Oes st .Uip LlaM. 11ev. la. 55.-le LOGAL JOTTIIR«Ia mayý'et d liasueS a" apode loibyE.ILeUta-S' uw V.um -d4 i snImmitàb iau Idea, tmiu m@ I*mspyl«im Hoiii ls 48laag»Ma lue.k. Pe.m~s Item iiae' suesar sua,. - TROU. ~ EA!~R1IT, *aul.P.L. SauteS. ui~'. uni dgiegaej'. dc~ ion. A M*i& 1d005 lai US, ~ [~Lo;:L~JevuIil jiera, SI Zest misai, r ~ m udm ite sm leu M ta B, ce T»e fl iaa *8*i, 49 *us*W a,. 40u a6 . J STmS LaamV à». d g1h au mobou i a hu "M MS o M»is . gi a ýis. KJwesAUvlesaaitai u h etité 4-s dudau-lism u t ial4" hmi S a hmis els 4 "Itm ewe teri.M. Jbusie lot àew viisu 48L AxUama mwuWf Ie'!.u", I4@4 boccà. 1ug ameuýtes. Tu aut. eLiuli, la e h en ef lampesommes. Eve'ytitu% l*d. --&-t -lniesglA--te taus M d mi edi. ies. Mai mm au iitreSs Rock fehai em adee 41Vali ap te lt tahe s MPlalls. Ir Liav> anneAxL-Tite Weei lbe i lueus uadmy it.laplamme lthe bailet the metvpâltsi voeiy apopu t5.I exode lua rsamu m m icS tar anm tlsu ebl iePertmastm. - laftilm a ptieiaw 0 M St 1le Ui U m aaempaouala mto> mnstagcathode m k~Incml a a esim tas amievestnts feleatu . I&t"km a brsi libsîmi. OMM iii loet al u uetims et ama rilmpsrtase Mdiimea asamis fls I R6040leteome sMd ftm.uam. Ths WssaJy Glabe hebaua .mas oumuule paon m au p.odétIs@adit" medepertuss. à valwsy ef gosdi aa a lv. alem pils oeil. Md àa Imag olftspiuial cebu- Harera Essor te'ReomIe' 2U*vini le a mpeyb Timoukgfving amela' ita isues. idio oov., agia extra auppleomu. It vini be lmmuasy sasolletvela ibies fastw4 inl Wmlat ibaeuty maistyle hrm lte bais mitsv. and la vumlof t filmmt,à*as eitable tee laoi of he teisraNew Yak ~Mile Ite'laeby Kmm at~tec laisseN F'rlsei 'LUDU&Md i.aim lmsd Vii ad te lte tatama aiibisewilag meette0Basa'. li»m sRwrm.-Oa Madey lait à bome peyMOImuma mit tru Musasses obdia otfane. Win. loinalauIroui Imunl»ad y. P. f]Rbde.Tiui b.d bern la camp tiresmonae lieu ayauJI..m'te ouat Mutai. vaastesounlte -lulIa simlaI Proiouttée si turi mx lame loir uerlsta tova by ex",se.a PMeyta lit nmiaai muabtp oethe immtoea.Wbfl ju semp tiey Wl viafimi by dosme oRf bie hu BW'îIe, lsldlag . V.Lahen l.U usIm4iaitasob«etaI liaIPlu.en d bletslieof Mr.. Bu-hmefl. The pr&y repart iavbm eopdlaasly geo e mailusiMdmka liidistrt lhiA amanmail ma gtevu" 1ev. . WToIses»dii 1v. W. IL Tasie' B.A. aD.. xsitemsiPalpiteesntthe lOti. mml. Mer. Toilaspmeseim et Daddov, Rom dle aui Ooboomit &fadingvery g00ai ce aarftisie id a vmr smeogs upuete hie apasfeotu"@laids ed te %9iemmluli sworbthae ursit. Titis feu etf Isba'le mamlg "ey mmteoglug svass. tbe mes osub or 0.booomi sai lisesautarll pemaagêeasa g aal salallste *it ouft end wi olituIaet ismiuls Teeoie-6"Tommy. bey dateIou usais y« daiimP&pe' B4.ealstI uit suin. to lo itnç mwy-l du mas lts$ pa' te irmu sO. 'amé I vu d*&vin osm M bied"ta-Rafieen a RomdTable. T5aoba'-@.XOW m peal lie'. l is baye galuas eilio. otmiybai Ouly titre athe mmSes" o the heu;,,]itewalys lta Table. UM.Panons. No. 184 lieua mut u86 Toiai, 0678 !;-l au aaang Dr- L&WIeetm'e Sprup of Tarpuatine, lor brositila Md mui mif it je coatlally ltsebat Md saI effioliviÎ aemy i have 0.1a MMmi. befon gi vin<it l%011H11ObtUf ilI t rome bavaitor frdtumbeu r lit utes iR mes OMuni te ypar baby. rojeo t IlMd mmeDr.. L,iAIsttea imp e1t rpasti a " v lsta &lvam& u and p"ltblm. Tite M ommumin yulla nooveit ulit plesen igMmaga' DeailmabuHmode atrugeeifotra essoni apaumaSiaiet opffa boume hmiset a. Sousihitrdm C&e's Psy" seupauy,. wvioit va.Mviii «Ohi diligi hm lait"vsi. Tiidate le Dioumma T-Pteboro eswls. [»mou Bahue eurs»i is 4muy ta'ueme aIbi allie Aoaiyet iMuetsthedatse 49viiol Wall appmar14is. ILesdsy. 9Sitlue, t.as s<e BkAuilmi etth* tis lv a 4lokiy suavite atten& For cotuls Dtas, oies e' o, VîTotue u io ehoollu.ae t liteMdlothi« 1meMd Op one ute setLT alt ifly in ume ftrils retuaft; 40, BUXalycoa ivcr-oit and its filthy eesstiU,..eztu'uI 'iîrpoPha item Uidaucit . u ymany belleved tebe Ins- ',l Ute lte evideuce of bumdeds Of ,iivig wltnesseste ltefel 11.1a, l in AUIts arlier stoges, comsmplias 19 a cuable jlisease. Sol evevyase, but a lar par:, ceutage of cua, and 'v Uvefti per ceut. am ctrc by Dr. PÉMS e' Médial )bcoéryeveu gile thlie dise liasprograeSd » ijr as to induce repealed W>eedings from lte lumps, sevee l=mei cougli with copions expectOml.On ie(-w ing tubercular mater), great loms et demi In exlrne emaciation and veakuesa Do you doubt that hundreds Of Snhcb cse reoted tô us as cured by ' Golden Meai- !,al DiscoveryIl vere genutine ecaesof ltaI dread asîdfal diseae? Von eed mol lae ourword for il. TbeY have, lunearlyevery instazÎee, been 4o pronouliced by lte best anid mail e",r. enred homne physicians, Who have ul; !-Cýre~t whatever ilmis- represetir-, C- :1 -110 were allen a trial of G oeu :it alwIvisdovery," btâ hofhv ee oc d cnfes lia it surp av bes. crvcer oer tit ftal màse nla cativterpomedicinestis raaiicl hy ac qallohrmees.as t o livr ictl ;ieyar afit"emulNsioni"ad linitr oi ilberid itsflh nualy ion l anes castesi ad ieter utei erly alt ene- caseor au ad cith emteyfed t benefi. 11 o fitsort d l ee Extrac ofia il heyo andshrous pe 'axrato f mlt ipohos andhios p a ton fathy re lu vain. ohe photographuuof a trarge nmbarn. "Tios curdoaf conr-apsuof ag ui, br oiis linge red ofougls asta. croni nasa catarrit nd kindred stmaadies, h asael skiafuarepro4uded inaaadehav eaeiLy Doctollyer Bok o xo ina g rausely l îoraldokh ofvii be pae oeyoilu o receipt of address and 31 cents ini utamPS, ta prepay postage and duty anly. Address for Book, -WoRLD'S LISPENSARY MuIA sflCIATIOZN, Bu&faO, N. Y. guminti. Willsu.st. hbelemI.cep geai§) glae tv oaa.-11-41 A AMMUILNM0 l'e ,I&U 14 hows. à PnowsuoNALAzvN&L "'Don'a yoc ivaite un My va-lnmauià 111110 selarei uroiin..-. f«Vitlfer r' "4Ta pst îp de stveplpe" ODosaho Pit up 010=e- on inu "Did hodo. Am' de s'- lb Il am dot bIW dest ml demI, sur par la. nde vouies talke issu'bal tue luavede houas ville bdi ftbkla."a-Wacaitg m TJuxsm.-Ur. ThtesB«, muhunit iesmi ra«su tTxa Wà»& 1.t liaith@ frame tor mla le houa. thou tie aue tou epaes vies lte* boues oosspliedby Mc. We.ley joenvun bareu nTbmay meu.a fmgi Rati Il mt bea fer t* i. i praporly voiai "sebave laies an. Go ve Dr. Néelais. itsdsmuai gai our1 taehti zrsem isi foul pdna-iIf. ."SurwesGaumci," opusats li marWiol uVI clou as 9cooooon loturdiy ea sing i i. ftute. We are recsvig Nov Tam m»di 12tbe Titis la te sseiay lta Iitvemas linoS ai hué liesaxaluS zu e. I~~' ~ Ir.y. McO&xvr, 51V eta a teM rosueilna Pliuls'Dlittti se e isbeutnmdy vo bave suerassitla out gamaly fort hcel affiotiena. W " oiaiam .h ulitout it. Tuos arrLnx. Lladay, 14ov. igth.-I usa smt ulourataibet srstiraad hbevlag mmiii Plkile Diphtisufae. oaa bema'ilv ommudit 1»t Miy pffln ioa amaloff eteai -17.tt;- J. TMFEMx baek.iep'. A lovw a' lovaply taeti a»dseM beseh Wur uau ODORoIIA leete Spopulari Esosas ou Commet uslt. eV*a tar a 1ev imys tit e xpudmiong lMa itglastook l pes lhe tuti, this mimaddau supos lie besahl. W. uiLe4ttant Ita P. . Ta"u&im the popular camoille bou tié te ht un &ad siusieft learoce - md baUge eom. milles, viii buoa andidate fto lnovaoilp et tie oomlag munipal elottus. lum--m -..P. Malii bs eallm te t., espdirisu ip. caissePal aid Willia TUEIIT 6.BlinohlueAlg i Violed l'eo Proepry o~262. Taseiay cienim m àI good samdacce late vqaiesias blot 8 ite t me ri ofsu ta i b. 0te o rus aid sueur. gray aOMOw. boras poIut o ut nfmol. l'" b. er a yssrllat. rad 00 or$, aay*afr. metion Ibatol ii tus olhb« ruovO J nUat.- abl vvaded. LIuc nia tPO. suipome, Nov. la, Ls.-*8 $1200 W&ft8dmjý ,e lot la m 19. W. es ogm gv W.tbetrm cein mrdof AlarmboatL(»tOtePS BILYERWÂ71) W~,ps bsi * i sse GGW mi I i I c J I 1 j I I I I I ] I s. ~h*,esI lai- jas~mnust, - w- -~m- bnb~ b demies 51 .i~Sebâ-. utpaumubon% M tonbimsl dasesamI us dtém g sua' is. If~~~8 diapf &tb ha. m u asta Aà" hmape liai te xb I no Ma he a l qu dutA* itdeevMrima wau -a th hummm m ssli ba' M. u laus ldsem m alPse.tuma imu FMiw hm gdai itai u tou hAti e i ormai imea-11saIsa "ar burs. Oasbtr ui ecre wesl ait Wiuliam aa.-i1.vtt V esoebofe lai. apiy e ate.,t mehppe niiilay i evaist saite muk.ie ous. drotb sr W"ha101"0&,the O ipofde r. te am théouDiu bau ainsivsiva bave mmopsrty lale upposét& foiuas t» ni cWf u IreMoraldlnuared l*oOd Br"ud At a basai natml bellla M MMouatertiI Mm£ longeg a utl. OMMay deeimss euwina tru 851. $8100 ft rltse butS baveot WusL TM nolpsudeby tuisllm d tt 1100 vas: Tuus.platsetfvêaiu'. ... ilatu et .11ke ubluspoeat- m&d bimm.e bls* esefml ofeamus, lv. abloapmsetaof eais mi ma7» goa" ui.Tié vII.u1bCI mus am turimiai ai, t d mimes uies. tes mite., voiues ba d over ngb.t Waa en agitbrou ps. la li m uan a t donglevasWussisi ls miutmi aie ts titra bave. Tins .11.' hiaamet*"Ad t tie caut vei aveidd758 pis 0» of tim se mms asue bive buesm e, Mi aa mauubkmassue1 woy. Thes pihaltoc te damai wvan tvo.hbMlrd k ta ons.UMii vaten, .eurasd ymotMda i 1111maila su884,Md5*uWlmMxaivilieMula fRoue ta m"ie a saitdomUit. TiidocW ugi amui, imeais m end toelduset niait.'WM . fi vue "e paioitmom&Wly vidia a oh..e at &imite, deluevms. ad booktbt vs lt asslami due; vies tiisu %lMitàlvu bùwda f'yminstai. iluiglian C o., 52 Kent St., Lindsay. W.~ ~ TO poieioisurpese la vM km bgls in alillinos, snd Iynesùcme in crowda 10 pick tIlaîp, uotviiàmlandlmg thme lad vesîther, and yon vers deliglittpi mid 66 s vev. This wv e moae msk- logbigeR«onia, a"d ou vilil be rsin largu oroude.This lasyour ttorend the bargeine aueforryom. TM"bfuk thiIs lavoir fold fJate aie' vait geuTaela* elo ove eI ,cma 6000 8 DAY CLOCKS raid ebsevhers Mi $4 50, our Pries $3.90. IRINCFS. CIRAINS, LOOKTS, etc., out &0s came Ver. Do ou ollsle of ata sesmme of lis~ ~ i strsae tklgl s RUGRAN h 008 pelaus.lavgea ai lieu Timini et tiis:W. phaceoussi" to- mormov, a lea â» of lii ubemkble Doua, wiit haihàù elgil f Dnon30 baise, pai ul e 60 o.. obeap ab 50o.,. oui Pau35e. KUd body-Dalla ufit bquimhinaisdc W. bave am romeu i.tel on ymabout be (ihina (Jup.. aucer& P1atp. SALE. I T B PEOPLE TAÂLKaING -Mandies Mantie Glollis and- loin gs. Our mange. depmrituooeucrsa aniieàt field for The isteai ,attatio" ns isi beauigodi. Fi3ISEiI[ D II 1003FOI (iL 10B INITIS Our »W atirstions fort te ooming sesson are simply beautifulé W. hope every lady resder viii oonmult lier mnterest by givingour drus goodi an early inwptotion. We shall be ahie o r L bargdwo- Ihhi will onince5 you of the eoonom; I~~ »e sk aifoini trading iH4 us. WoolensyFlçanuelsJ> d Blank et s Our GIove Department Possesse a . hsrm whioh na lady of 'tsteand refineément os» h. indiffeietto. Buyers of HoBiýery 'Aill find much to intereot and deht them in our splend id aSomsent of new Psan Wint er Goode. R admade Ol1othing Wel OWiveto pleasethe tietes etoi r eUBÎomers in ithe 1suleetion of our readje mode clathing.d W. propose to oeil the cheapest QV EG OTsý For Boys, Youths and Me»D, every heur in the day, every day in the week.ý every week in the year. By the cheapeast we mes" w. giv te truesi vaine for the money.- w. are prepared te Sil reliable At the. loves.t prioes-quaIity, oonsidered at aul times. ,We ak you to examine our QjoonGoats, RobesCollais, Capes, Caps andMantles., with Y'oue. B3LIUDS OURTAItI. CARPETS AND NOlSE FURNISHINOS« anod e. rcielieo hs MUJINERY 1 t b., mked for. loy, r' .1, t V1Sf é 1 1 Noyer so pas nevez oc'éheap-e a 1-- .6 a àa- 1-.Zu- zm we. treat you. 1 1 The*re ý is no- doubt ý of