AÂWO] Washington. 3V. mage toek for the sermon '*A Word tezt for the. lowtinnta .letter r~w? guisbed Preacher: ]Reverend Br-totl coreln answer to a' 2 young menof et Watte, 5 i you te. preacl21,~ma Young Men." re we * tnbfyou tepreuaaenws40*s- ta Young WouWn?1" t mn.4à h "ursreaa dta letter Signed bh.it± U Tom ' ët eeks et sura Christ, vbo took b1 *d mo ef M Wnv ne flock of hirds flytng 4O &n<w>M1»c r«h 1»th unym web -'Beliold the fowla of thi..rrm « e 'h a etr ty rti the ilowers inthe vffly~, M,. 0 j jUlmhe cotISIlà aider the lilt.. 0f the e BoIO'aat fà M tt0otff; M>Lit 1*a mat- néamvyYrdS are tull et M m Ilee the lucking of à b&rnyard SwI, to- 1«Ie:t %eer ,yu ,edf a, tx tto dkc. Ing, '«As a lieu w' thieth b« t icpp 1, do- twpder thatet O*êt e«eate 70S motiêrbetei under lier wtg," and froll -407Iulth, tdai1 e 7 ytwBP»Wbk5Oà a t bo« wM'toD of sait ptcked up by the. oa ___ 'I ALt6dgemeott 1WI1Obra*ête s mtan Ing "Sait la Wood,!* will *mat tmI .bÉ t" Mn »g f'eges Mb m uBèeo r blessIng, If, Instead cf. tsdg a tus * 7to1img young wu- ag"7 the O&S5fl , on. 8W a»94-1 fromthe ible f tks or m tou t1b evotealn or , ime- fst* c etvoilbed Aberdeen and& the: letter from Clitmlti;,. *hlh ebu' *%V a* i ot k og sb ê assi*b i"ite * u one of manY letterswhich 1ibave i. b -but t lhO bve pen puaisj tcgetiser oolog, eeeand, aln oelved tram la owue l Nv .dr-p4a«»tw l ,t oqe and of wiitest rsfr tm Im oserats York, New Orleaâs, San Frncisco, O'a U .blYe I ah&, s m 4are ette thse tt~tO -to atone for ts London. Edinburgh and flom th ends d a mno and aerutsge tiat Our thwia o ught tu have uttered tu liv- of the earth, al tmplying that, birt*mg 1Iian ,O W shoudISQWI4 n slwhoo oh lO t 0Canei~sd thee nd WOrd. tiat ui some monthe .ago, .preehied the 2motiOn,, *ben creeturos of lese i, ÙMrt- have:dore PMMts90od tissuail thse calla mo .n on *"Advtlc etaYougMen'* t SPObt ~ePOWert Of velOcitY, wbtig o* igeIs ever Plied up on tiserâlent couti ndelt, wltliout negletof- duty bid «ý te0f antelope, ieaving us fer PloUIIGI f tise Ofet«e& s.Tise W-orld refuse to preacli a.sermon on "À4:h1biz ad ville flseema EO lImport- ' .s PPISudtory &do over tise vork vice ta, Young. Women." anlt that vo be -ln many ,places lu a of motisernvlio raiaed boy.s te be great, it la the more Important tiiet the. put- eormt wvila '#O are %,etiied down wtth men. and 1 couid turuý te My book- pit, be heard on tht. ýsubeet at t h io.apactSeu and poc men, If they run sh!elves aud find thseames ot 50'dis- trne.when we areliaving snch anu mhn a mile, are e2liauste<d or dead tiýom tigtMMIbe men Whio lad great motis- itabe dscusio aboutwhatïk alid te ehaut1omIt aa eituntl te -CUYier'.mother, Walter Scttla itable dela .ionabotsst~te mlause O. 4 I a o ttlthe mo tIlserSt. Bernard's mother, Benja- the"ne woan" a tiowii iSt ecae tf t~ lin$ec8~h CflZWYMin West' motlier. But who praies new -creature -6t God had exTiveIi on te give thse speed whicli ve see whili- mothers for visat tliey de for.daugli- eartli or were about te arrive. One ing througli aIl' aur ctes aud *Sloflictors Who a irke the. homes of America? theory la that ah. yl l e an atlet. the. country roads, sud witlitliat 51>084 1 do not knov of an Instance ef sucli and boxing giove aul football and corn e IestIs The women of the next rcognition. I declare to yeu tiat 1 pugilistie encounter vii .characterised dbvelieieitlrthna ay hîeve 1 amn utterIng thse tirst word bier. Another thory ta that she wlul mince thse world vas ,reated, tisat lias ever been uttered ln apprecia- superin tend ballot boxes, ait ln cela vle tise tnvaliiatm vIiel han seot teli tien Of tI .f dental,,et thse fatigues gressionai hall and tlirougts Improved cheracterized, womanhcod, wil pas and good sense and prayeru visicli poltics bring thée millenniurn by the over te inanliood, whtcli, by its POO- those motiers -go tlirough visa, nevi- cvil she will extirpate and thse go uso tcvelt oin ecrve<1 ate &. famiiy ef girls from the edge ,he vil Inattîl. Anotiser theoryta k ust sxine and cramped clicat and a deform- efthtie eradle t6 theichloliouse door she wil adopt mnasculine attire' andity forvwhioll anotiser 50 years viii net and tram thse scisool lieuse dearip ta, Malte sacred a vulgarîsrn positveli bave power ta make rescue.. Young. the marriage altar. Tbat, ta au sehleve- horri fie. Another theory la that she marn mî up traiglit ire yuarde, met9-ichthe eternal Qed oelebrstes wiii bens e sthetio that beoom hlieDri asts ua eI es-hlgh ln uthe. ieaveus, thougis ofS t aud rellIng pin and eoai futtevil b cended trom thse monke>', but th#-% hi- human bsande ne eldom ciap thse feint- ptctorialtued witis tinta. froin uoft skiescyl i trs.unrdtoad est applause. IIy! Myl ia aUn Or suggestions eft]Rembrandt and a- eof ethte present generation ln 1hyst-. that motiser liadt witli tisse yeung- phael . Cat condtion.from man te moue-ýy. sters, and If sse liad relaxed care sud Heaven deliver tise cisurch an4lth For good, vomanheed,- I thank God vork and advice and slitetation et worid trom anl eue' eof tisese styles Of that thi. modeot recreation lias been lieav'enly lielp that next generattont new woman! She *Wiîî neyer coeeI inveutedi. Use it vtsely, medesUt*, would bave landed ln tise poarhoeuse, have no mueli faîti lu tne.evangelistie Clhittanly. --No géod voman needs tu Idiot asylurn or peuitentiary. It in trimî ndin heprores o ~ be toi d wliat attire la preper aud whl7t Whie aise ls living, -but neyer witie slie thinga ln t het riglit directiomn t Ibeliavier . nriglit.If anything ol ed htsmegrsci er mo- proliey hatatle t ov omn viidaulitfuli reject 1. A lioydenisis, bois- tber -nmaternai anicestorý"o thie aid nrove arrve Bsye of u wd hananove lll terous, masculinewveman la tise detes- vomnan." nver arrte.iabis,esud rban )ve thg tatten et al, and everi' revalutian oe. And If yen liave a grief aiready-and she , i. note iglitist sg eincy'fau the 'wheei seridesl làtoWard deprecia- nmorne thtic eenent mrrows et a vo- the vorid .sl uplifiting se viuld lie the tien and downtail. Take care et yaur, man's lite came early-roll It over on iniistca faceforitsdO~I ~at. iealtis, O voman; Ot yqiw fervos in Christ, aud yau Wv iiifd hlm more inigtlet frceforIts ownthrst-Isnt rmMig thse trsah visiel Makes tiP symipathetie tian vas Queen -Victoria, vIii tel yon vise tise nev emnWU 9 ut of ne oveis, or by eatig too viso,vison lier <hildren, -tlie Prin 0e hevi leti.EO many comuucopta0 of confectienery. and princesses, came eut et the sciool- ail tise ages part. Hoere snd tiiere a Take oere of your oe« by net readiàg rGom atter tlie nirniug lesmon liad ditterence et attire as tie tçmporarY st hours vies yeu englit taelie sieeP- beon given up by tiseir governessansd cuutom zuay cammandi but tiese mrn ..Tk aeo oter YBO-tl o e oc ii rmldI h good. lienest, *lovely Christian. ai I- ii*taeàigOs the yUdeas 0by osop- tod iov lirer voie lad I thebe lnti tinentiai betng* tiat your motiser sud, t. Iana ietds tget ort~pae Secnei a i u min wm.0f ha Ondet oranilat Surge through Oever netienber- utversary etflier mot er's deatli, sud vas Christian Eddy vihe. talkîng te a isats.value' that sailid put ler iadduo ]nEeltll Oniy.those tiedeO ndsobe,"Mother! MO- man vise vas »e muai et an unbeliever lehelest It. Tise earthlai girdled Itiser!" the Queen vent lu and said ta lie ad ame il tvecitdre Vo- vti pain, sud a vert proportion ef t thte gaverneso: «13y poar child! I amn taire aud'Tom -paine, ievertisciesa saw lu tb prie paid for early recklessness. sorry thse cilidren disturbed yen tuse hlm ceuverted, he bresiing down vithIs close this, thougis, vitisthe salutationiromrniug. I viii isear their leseons te- eratien as lie uaId.te ber: -1 cannot ln Maceth:j day, sud te sliow you that I have net' stnnd yen. Yola.talc hIcs nIf moter." Ggtethnaanlrsy1brg And teiilng the stary ot hies conversion Nev good digestion *at on appetite tcrgtstete Ad theniven asy pbin to twelve complanibus -wvishoiad beeni And iseath on bath. ayutt i . ndts ue ise blatnt ppoera f rligon ts~~,~gon tise glri's vrist a mourntng bracelet lerteamtopoernsud sec gotise oakd _AGvlethc tiira; Appreciate your viti a lockofet ler mother's liair. Ail ter.itle me and »è. ~tue ase nd m otier Wite you have lier. It ta the yen yeung vomnen thse vorld aronnd tel tem f hrsu ad tor O__ rn lmest univerual t9stimeuy ef Young whe metiru a 110e orrov, asmre- gereatycliangted asud- icl tead er 5h en Wvihave lest motter tisat ttlc times. lu your ioueliness sud, gar- bralcaud, epat nditgefer saderuofuthed: 41not r«ealWehiat sllc was ta tien rawand Jion-burst eut cryizig, "me- band, dla! Joy foril J oyfuni ttrlerettrmtt.lt.In- ther! Motisci!" Put ou yeur viit Iof yen-kov a!J«uylcte.stl c o- Ideed mothel lu lu tise aPPreciatian 0r thls golden claup, et divine aympatliy. man that tisa, viiete 15aieof 1 many a youug lady a hindrance. Tise "As ene wiom lies rotlier eamfrtetis marnd caunott mpre otaI isai.Thensternai inspection la otten cozsidered se vilii Icamfert you.", worlse n vmanmai ve on tatI rAL an obstacle. .Mother liasnemai17 ne- Âdvice tise fourtli: Alov ne tlme te lrege becase ic viihav e ormkoW-tiens*5abouit tiat vicie1 S., praper sud pas. vitiseut brightentng nmre one's- book, becutmse ii i he more ~that vhicis tu imPrOPer. Itle.tsastouud- life. Witliinflue Minutes'et fyau uliero mon ens tisu tat iOi tried te iiig bey rnuc! more ny. girls knov insois ne uin tragedy cornpared viti Monsene hantha wlaI lttis tisoir &Mtherast 4 4. Witli viscis Siakespeare'5 King Lest or Vie- Manage. aud disciplne and educate 1 1 w suanelaborato argument-. Perbaps tor Eugo'm jean VaiJean liasnepover. aud did as vol ause e uld&viti sSuchsie ihnm epr h owg ootadbihe oûb elt Uncompromislni materfisi. gie may poeriismre eprteye oreetsu ngitn saneamliter have mare healtis tban. the voman 1 JI lins micu Th e &We tt op la.ini onet tic v rtm a ee S od ooou lnd rda other. days, for tise .sevinif machine iMs Tseatraeb e rai hra u fl<>er te a od bma- Gsu reat andtie cniarireniticisano.d a4dI- th@ matern%.eess arte a 5 iae atatbu nuG pta at nthlee n tie ubee c det, dic t te e rcent graduateo f ti, dark alici snd.make that lnvalid vo- thse mattet of"aseftiàUIÇig'w tiser. ibas net licou m n6ý* 4,000 yearu. It te onlimeto repen»taehst DVid hieis ai,sud the "M lray'er thsaït e las " omphasised 4 b7 a Âye, tisaI tis cenfldenc Mtt *.I by rmore miUwantise luE~t 1 tt tup letthi s and éa'sy terhi.ý Cor. uss-ex- & Peel sts., .V*e1*obe ansu d ilng. aoÎtt sIt l ba ain d.n ou t tise MM* et Wv. Putthe le Imon thse vUi Ot For e- o rite te tulatise open- tmg ef a MOisO book oZ PtIit visere e«'wl vii ho mpelled etten tomme it. A. oupsand quoions et yout onning, li»tU ucanuel settle nov,, but lier, Que ueqestion yen a setle Inde- pe ' t mn, wvein. ange su ad »&WlMd'-dtisat te tisat you viiib. Gos VMMaun nov, seucef Oatl sud fr evê'. Clàap bande viti the Âlmigisty. PY'*hagoras reprcsented Mie by thc lot- ter Ybecaue It early 41fides Into tva vsY'a. Ieek eut fer OPPorunuttles et elierng, tnsping, reseuing -suddunr- Ing ail the people yeu eau. Malte a leagne viti tise elernîllea. I seek yaur pissent aud everiaating aafely. David Brewster saad tint a carnet belengiug teoOur. systein, callcd Lex- eli's ornet, t. lost, asait ongit te have apgeared 18 limes sud lias not appear-. ed at a11. Alis, itlaisnet <slitise lest orinets, but Use- lasIt srs, and visat' vote consldered fiued atar. Borne et the meut billaul sud steady sauls hsave dIsappeared. Tise vend vanders at tise change efthtie Ligit Brigade, lm- uicrtalised b>' Tennyson. OnIy a>fev of tise M00gel back from the charge, under Lord Cardigan. afthtie Muscovite guns, sud &l tise havoc vas donc ln 25 minutes, tise charge beunung at le minutes peut il o'cleck sud closing et 3I minuteç past Il. snd yel uolhIng 1.11 en tise f£ld but &Ying aud dead amen.dying sand iseai isrses. But a arnafler proportion of tise mes sud vo- men viso go iltiste battie field et lite cane out unwounded. The slaugliter ham bqpn sud viii ho terrifie, sud v. ail need Qed, sud ve need hlm, now, sud we seçd, hlm aU lis, lime. And Wo me uay tisere la a iew voman sas thorae Io s nev mn, and liaI ia tise re- gmuerated. vaman made suais b>'tise ransacking. traistormîse, unbuiling, tiurnpissnt pover efthtie Spirit vise lu s.3 superJor tô ail oIson spirits tint Re lied ices cied for ecs tise Hoiy spuit. QuicOr tisas vieel ever turn- e4 ons itssis; qulcker lian fleelcat isoot av er struck tise pavement; QuIcicer lians ulg'lWgistnig. ever dropped dcvn It&- sàWp-theiise rssomng pover 1 speak of vii revolulianize your entîre nature. Tien yen eau atart eut on a voyage etIlite, defying bats calm sud cyclonLe, saylig,.vith Dean Alford: One wiso bisu novu ln sterma ta maeil 1 have 'on board; Abeve tise roarin f ethtie gale I icanrnmy Lord. Re iseida me visc tise bIllovs amuie; I shall sot tall; If short 'lis siarp, If long 'lis liglit; ]iEtempersa il. FIRST TIIINOS WORTH KNoWMO., r"ise misE UooO, paper, Clock, BreuL Suuday Sohool, Neg'o Song. e-c .According te Dr. Wi Adamn vs. ntetliet tint Caln, tise firut on Ie a tan country and1 ef a vite, and he - wisal people lived theri tis*y existed befote. Adi Tise tiret Bible prnni wau Ellt'. Indianyeni Tietinet prntnlng pi- W«u aetishe use oft Hfarvard Cellege.in M6 Tise tinet poeme pu blis *ere b>' Auna Bradstrei Tise tiraI book piiuted tanguage wam a_ --Iist Printed ln Europe ilu1i Thsetiret daiiy pap Corant, appeared in 1i Tise tint dail>' paper1 Priuled ut, Williamsobul The iraI Sunda'-scl tabiished b>' St. Chai Wie has tiseaimnea 'snced te i'd~meMary ! ibé m M" hoise *ý«ou the *tage vas1 buok - bgv* rtCork 1 %i'isc-M« baud of Afrmed emntd Oon tmani. IHe says eto A dams, went ý look unte hlm- ivants to kniowi e su.d"how long [an was hem. cd lni Amenica sien, lu 1658. res tn America lie president et W. [shîeà ln. Aierica et, ln 1678. i la tic Enghlali tory et Tro>'," muo ta eugla" tbeu Tis d, t *eoid bave ce aiatli -i. t lb*es imdr84 ,i isbet«%e tise <>su ~ es. côas is frmu hi. *rat osrter to dit for il as graU-' te br Mêom e L l tisue tïiailtce "U int giam, vindov hlà, -muni& w~ sne put up inssu ablie>'aboUt lS G" indove, hovever, did set lie- tom meoral for msrsy yeam.-Chicla- asti Ekaquircr. Pota*o s - Ua mu-tiy W John Gilmr Bpeed. Dr. Cyrus Edeor, (qx- president et the Nov York iioan<z et Heati) sud Mra. B. T. Xorin lests- e&dâBicuas "»Tic Polato as, a Daim'i Dlet'" la Neveniber Ladies' Home- iourîîal, sud preti conclusivul>'prove Ssal tise.humble but popular tuber la set a isestitul article et food. Mr. Bpeed asuerta tint tise Polato ausa food la set neani>' se valuable as vo bave ver>' generaily esteemd il tgte-e Ilt la quit, delicient iu ultrogen anudsan a ole dWIn th ierefore unultable. Il 1»ta irdledigest and theretore uiÔuld b. partaicen et very sparlngly by anl gsve tien via, live active Uives eut-at- door. .... ..Tise patato prevokes Our great national aliment. dyspeputa, sud tise meoner tie consumptIen oet tie- mealy tubera begins tie sooner viii tic dread fangaetfthe dyspepsla. &P- pean. :Dr. Udson hIa. reJoider le Mn. Byeed vrt-.:-I muet quit. agre. vIls Mr. Bpeed lunlita condemnates ,of tic Po- tale. I1Bmm on yte have te may. Sur- liini against the humble tuber,' but tise truti, espeeially vises Itla uscies-i tlflOb sud More eapeciaiiy rnedico-scien- lifle, must b. tld. Itl a certain no one can aI al limes cal the patate vitU. 'tse smaurance liaI il viiido hlm ne-1-rn Tise practice et feeding pela- tocs le Infante aud yenng-ciildreft camont bh o teeeverely ooudemned. -AI polate diet mar net 0111 thein outrigli: &t once. but l la certain la injure ticir digestive organs permanenly >' sudef- fectualli, me as ta, make tiseir liVe. a burden te tiomselves sud tlie ei are brougltIn lucontact vilS tiem. Dr., Zdson .ase cnteuds that lie, patate ig very deficientlài nutritive quaties, aud lieu legs vaine as an article et food than Mest otier vegetables sud eneals. mn. Baron vnilea: .i1Bm set a Po- tale probibilienist, but I1tirrny believe tiat potatoes siould ho served oui>' viti slrongly-concenlrated notrogen- oua food, mucli as roased beet, or, for the vegetarlsu, vils beaus, peas or lentils. De Nlggah Do Nove. it - - -- - - - - - JOB PlmeDrivers St c ondiion. merey te feed gam ndown iemsea a M d a gearaitoing un. Dick'8 Blood Purifier a=atnh coat o ae.mtamti dloisy one and putsu the 0.9 lic tm sbu -gli"asd feela like holding up bis A»wS ge pfly bitted b7 ItL Ise viole .711cm la toned I PuUoeeut sy at m~e1 ta ties over. - Ok & Z.,P. 0-B OX 4 te M 4m ~On~K of aU * êeci'iptious zineatly andi promptly NOSCH11H10 'AS OLD IG-E- To thiosel who usel South Ainericafl ALedI of '80 PetsIrm aRluy Cured by tâtew ad.rful Medicine vbn»mal em il01& AMe w» s er Complaint #Mdi Gave UerUp-r. .11..et Nervia.Gave Belo-T We vt 1474. &untDînahSf-Dar~, LAUWi i nowa i >,tise. Dal>' va' comm' but dîdn't expecttellte.. ES VB DIWOYFsetn, n. L79, lu Ênglaid. use.hl. Wstle nman coachmfl.iidrtvIng1 ~"nclmovseee i g n eoe n in Amenica w cuacsoedgnnrmn.Deuas doe i a1sudt bogbsikt sd, ly Ma * lar msiieecould do han good. Madt.e rg, Va.. lu 1730. m1a ,hools ve.-mmsae ilt" n leier bsua thee Olnd oe tulndthat gives beauty te s", LrIes Barrornée, "Av." aked tise tourist, '*doe c -tti 11het "f Ad st go bstiiaà maiime as did not despair. ihs atute even made lawn -voat dv... sults eut isealibci. ire tr"Tismaare *ssdiom asvas nfiuoncOi totery Nervwie. SBi S la tc evelng ?60Msut.tise mm tvmu6ibeahgis tou* lirse lii, . nd ibis vos su9o1snt rer sang a sugro, "Uv. course net," »Id EssorE :_ge Iky«».ea Su eder chms.ous te ama-te s@"w, hbot . alhonend vas set yot. su. acter, usineR 8l1m "Yen don't mess te "y yen v, ige, Wb*& isen sa»eat o et àec o Wctics, me obtained relief. fBbc pot-! chai bu«th ie- thugist It ould ie mate fer a toiler -l ettS Itl elktuviusi ua okîev itlse blé- -teca it 'ltome eue oeoft cm slnig-taIlcd eoatea Wkl * ti oel esiko m«d Mî Ut;kte olsc k beins ten .Us- vi ilvwa lgil mnoueS fer ai - tt"se a&&205Mm i suso% it"Itssdici», itis 1h. result Ibat ah@ i&:ý b«W>' legit ga hoU on 'tm, de o ye F.- et l Mh e asgoupeeple, thse to-My :ouiplatly cure8 oft ta lros-! mianlaee'C"DEU D uuesm to i.M" a, jisitYsuttal. inup id 1150s ysteixi tisaIihnesteed hor Mrn murone, D - ' mà t 0*1 fl5v«UOt Mdt 7«» ssma er d'IA.~.k*Uefl U& - T«ise nu olising voaderfai in 1he, - e Pr hm-ewtst Mm. Din*oody vould proolaisn< ~r,~st 0&.m Utnd bgStrishiLIsesut~ ~ - ss ~ te t"se houemdeofcf id people îhrougis- broghtto _ boadland, tisai 'itis oit agé, rmI 1 l im at OM" dpsnotinetusatil>coeedeclino, deozem-ý -~ j - '~ ~ I do satd"Me ..Wisy shouid vs set U.s~ueotie sigistiosad est iesu, sui 116a. 1 tise bcor« ci the5 outuy le yua~at ldi s.tis te 5rw Md *k tison te>' ae pu is pie. teMues e ast"rn ls.Mvol a"l WiSb bispepotta.viowws lias t. m cM amsdmopm u mila *feta sud -m tale a Som*aalsig is L et t i w. Filleds Puices rantue yearu 1 Som* othing ýen WO ionable ome tO atCeSe erg, 0as ýore. ILL etc. ewhPe- ~-tf. e ~1 I J«,ïý 1 lrn.wed ft