N?~OTE IDOREU OIE CASH os Itralghil Loinstaule ho 7ar«M'aisiot J cho aredwu of e us 0f oaiamg M or t-. taeMsy ovlota.-Taie odd abie aa ygo hagvet. pia amii uo orleSU0 poe c-anStut h. reduoi irat«. Dos't prooaaaîlute. but maIe IFour uppa". tien pioiptIT. Real Estate Bought and o on (commissions GENERAL, INSURANCE AGEN&'rt, Je He SOOTHERAN, Ban kr and Broker, 91 KENT -ST., LINO SAY1 0111. lindasv. Ot !Otbà. 13. 5 1v AiW mYOUB WBET OOLDP- ohm. mmlRbs orlde Lais ~ ~ t " 1.0s m gem 111t, îe.ybsmp.lal Biga of thé Min Swe M0LENNAN £à0col sport-ing Glooda. The C leve.baite S, amo is., deSi Pre.tiaul Osuuu 11.1e ha.1 Stove SRangeoi Base BiarflGrS CoaI hodeStovel boaerde Lamp Go ods a, afterfl MtI Oattle Cafa atin Currty-Combe &Brush- eAxes sud8wS ~ WISDABOUT!V OaTpS COW TISNIa.arfflt ardware store to. WCkOOPÂDIAN'the market. ENGMBRîOAsi EARLS ER Jid winl uel ut reduced pilotthis a a i u ____ »»On. If yon vaut a X CUT 8kW or bu AXF-, ________________ a ~APE LAFor a MICHIGAN viu satiafy Fu j y il eWEERLY, Our, gocis athStaie . ,îPrlo"theTOURI8T lovoat.CAR IG.EDWARD8.&CO iholisme a gi sd RtaWl;w. HurT. Shtsud Vna "lPAPEàTIIES" in shades ,of White. Pink, Blue, Green, Prirnrose, Hehtrope & Terra Cotta. The finest Unies of stitioflery alwayp BE.ALITTIES Book Md Statîii.Ty totê OIDelte Put 0110%1lestMB. Liasal WOÂAL JOTTINURL ELine -T aimt elt (W' brI .lgrUrhm bld bu . ro u=! Lb usy .- 4 e g Cu D. Jobuas ale1ip if hie iibev N. auu HuAnT ismu aRuwIutU Nf ltrle Om ilo.s of OgmeeSsaU ampoliPain lu L efi . oti.= * 1tmessdfl4rL eada M Imm. PAEF10 COAST 12.05 FIRIDAX ýNOON. *g.t 0. P ., £ si.Linem. Moto rqordmugMW&s Ras> aiUMM*milet Ni., Gros.detii md a we hat let M &u d o o.4t Theo IU t ttub fu tu s aDesmber. Mr. Josph Podilai bil. anltIng hic doter. Nlm D. Pilou teoisM lut essai a the. mluortuus te bus'mk auiboue la hi. uti, c hIitwtt!ao&"bd"tshmimla Off 'à u.tt ul mi iksIB7m u emtih me. lei a *Wl-ud mmua* Visu tàms ouuegsttm- bmb« e" W5imu n im tirva. Nm.-Tb Y.M.O.A. mus u.tat ulatais sby- cie o «.9 OMMUic b ~mi wS bd l R b loby e aIs la tillIs ls Bui . toua t*es. bb 48 o. * ~ fTle s b 0 ee 'Wo u ulohaim llg bi an Smo. elu a t b l »ri mm mumpueui m u t*sume%. l'h li tetlWmerli iaO7es.i go tams pulel u ijoraest vuM a tbe5IIIhélimaautseit AU" vMàmmiml Chi" L ab," fol sa, al plsu ile.g a r-eb »»&tiehs eii ve s pet *0 imssielu dii le-uin .ik o~~ the m»u t " 4 Tve I. Humirsi doua.cmsbd Y Yob. it, 18M6. To aisgoli 0glu. iv barnliu mhei of tathtai lo f Tatahas ram P.000a 0is. 0001, 8dal, fo 0& zOupUid SILVER WBE W.liy ou m ueoua goodm, Ou, à""queiit cUlee"ab" ofu m 0»mdBLE ai ams.for I. p.mtadoc me tfS peseuomU. ai ast ies . . F. M "GART'ab loe t.srSm ,7 ast *.1 ;~ ~ ~' a. MONEY 1 tww-- A M -Ummà d P Of hi ±&Ou" se mm * esfltlon mi tommi a enueoui st= ~ 'as etm lisuàuImm.damno mamé tlauss.labiotiu.le uoul U.L. a&Ir Detslo Wle im"a asi-IS 5. syu-!ie uni i» w.lstte's By'rsp et Wuraritelu My f ulonimru m Md O, fer OSM4 saie. cs.mp Md ,eïk4 11; lm alwa ea fosiismpm-1 -m Mm,"eeils.l a itai te isi fi" ve bam V. nmette Isau m a slImePm. le gala *umbla te eatule bhiettes ou Meout or dluaies. CAMM a ]boum sp AuS MdlDa"i postt, aj81.0 pu 4-- à .sltei la in àai. al.b. ai .sammsn a .taihest uibytaihe "ul fra0.mlity, ami tai Tm Sm LiMtsfor sto but W. J gerstim. 40Rum t uet Jâuiu.-OStL. AUM im uW lim, haock Mdbout- ~~ag ~ sIMs.Tranint uy. ih lb.rur bfIajn ouma esrytbu a.am ma dmlet0f clai up tethie staliaplatga. Tm u mouai Dama -Thaiemu ut taie toewuhlof sBuevlit ag&@dmitaie ematins of *IatoilaM a m Seborougi. cme oun0.te bubasaiss eo Mr. Justicevéndsit %taie ohlmoery elîtifgu 0ftaie hfl ai satlLiai. my hm itmus.q.Tae om u ubIougail bv tai tocumup 09 Bomerdlllsn-a issiar. yt". agiumi tai e snie of 1'etboiomh Mai Viotor ia taiethélatter cere louaI natasataie Elamout bals. Taie*Mty et VictorIa sihega mslaUys.eoftheai isfsuists. m;;fas ouita tha s u 0080«ue&.allaititaihe pWatif am00"U. itubisle so os. tal u su Mbêlai siée, Md after rmami y esumme . i NesitaiiM MI *i Iý. A. B. Ajlisoili, Qa. E. Wmoq o., ami a a-à Eaul, Peuoiuh.to fer ., taie emof ?#PLa-. bouamai; i .D. Moors, Llida foiedM. *8aiet oofty etrim. OumAnT-Thée toloclag n tic fS. esii kuocu intimlm oouaty t.las troutae Port NopeaGu0daTue loès.sigamm vu ftlais.et N"a J«. Drymon, nom wacmi BiimU Baroly, ciao depésIlstht. lits on Frliay. 2ai. nd 1895, vu bora la Geea, New York utile, April oth 1824& At haieag oîet Tm& ir ho moisi, citai ait. pusasto Camada. seiinilu taie township of Narposa On taie Miof July. 1849, aises. maroh susua MoNSl, lie noe morroing eldo. Ha vu ceuvertae G id vben ha vu Sesty ruaré otfpne, ami ter oui hafàt a enuryais, onehstent aMi ussimimembur of thie hurel. For ammqy usr.ha vu aà lug ne il thae old lipoas ircut of thiebibleo brWmls ohauch Md uperltendat of tais Saday Mohool at-habi a1.1appolaimenl. Ht. home vu aivsys open te lhe minisInrs of Uhuiet, sud aie. villaaies devotid cite, debigaitel to maisitea te taie coutort und vlfaré of the mesaugi.ofthSe Word of Lite. Ti deeaiaua ohrittlaaà ve emlnsntly pràiool living ont dally taie puinciplea of the nec testamnt moiplues. 1Ho dillgsntly issobol the mrptures. hu@im c isreflgla vu ucriptelu diniutelligent. HBersinoglacte famly devotiaIMa no alter hec0 pressing the olama POa hie lime vers.Hoebai a greal hou"o asao'tef E d m ai lh .a- bug beame mo defadtve thât ho vu unable te Shue amy pur tftaieservice, m ai.In uhuroa vu»w evs.vcut. As a msibur, ho vu giirumpeotui mi uny ail ab"@&lsisi Jaliriosa sud la Opa, vainsoaied alfoi lhltyfour joan, aiswu regarMi hithée groalect tavor sMd rspecl. HI. counéel vu fruqueutil saugal. sud aisaduiamesa amIoe. mate ta tobbov. Hie tntdhbtgmos sMd guuera kuocleige made tlm a vsry efal tmer of oeety. but Il vu la taie houas vhs.uaim wortai vu mail sipruolais sud lhie lufueuce more tutu telSt. Ab a bumband, aie vu taltaifal sud devolsi. As a ftlaishaiswu affeotlenals sud jtadiclous; hie olilhdrec rift up sud cal hlm blosssd HoB Wuvi haaiemclh paralysie ou T'huudti morming. Nov. lé b, mai motcltbatandliii laieefforts oet hisbut .uosial mil Md niIetendenct faulli car1, on taie mornlng oft he 22ad, ho ewu mot for God haltakOu hlmla th» isath ci Ssby Ualy e Mar lubyso oeeof ths but dt anbmnis o»eofth*Ia clt affOio»ttom of tlaerorne of the hindust of ulgaiborm aMd Ma ofthaeMost consstant of chzistlau lu géene» larutI. Heoleieu ballIcaim té meu hoaer imparable lam, a chdoc, four daubien sud one mon. TIat lt.leu tethea 1 . ain ta hhr». oguriamt of Gai, eU done- At lu.t thy esarfares put; et, bu la Maheap, s Doet hfatten tua b. i a ouet la Cambridge Sb. mthollet ohuroit Ibis vealg. tFulday.> MId. Friak uis. rturuihoue on ThankugIvig dar tro Bala.Muhoka. c har. ho lad beau voikine i vil i. Thom» Watts., upsriausdeat of publie woike. On Weiday almomlag of laits esaho cent 0. Gasiehbrut vIsas lhsexpeots te voil for about six essis. Go To Dr. Neelanda. dauntist sud'gt jour lueth sztmstsd cithout palu-19f. Tai e rular monthly meeting efthtae W.C. TU. wli bason Tedmesdav. De&. 4theet 8.80 p.. A eoutlnud rePort byoui delécèts to the proviaoal omvoa lâtdy1.1.v al Haailton wcll b. givmn.Every corea daithiacaus 10 o ntvorka iould, orm n d Pt tamie morustlou aMdi stomofttaie ethulesmâiou by taie vorksseitahs aouveutlon. e.SnTmes a owunT" oppiosite thés makeit, clii oous et 9 o'éocok ou saturday eventage la Murs. We ame rostlag New Teesand St.Gre.O ail v u ovearoed- et thes plaaoréciligivez by ia FimPoamoe lirelIL Taie programme wu a met exiottng one, ln- oluding Baoh*o C0m"or Fautait hisaiwvu rsndered tu s saner that shovol a gramp of thei ntioats dlffioltiée. otthat grestmuter muaIs.' lu aisnBeethovena Soasto4 op, 10, a"s autauf.edtaie adieuce cth bh« eau- mard of teehnique.' la taie Largo mia.die- plsysi a. devtai ai iuterprétatioun éidof a mt itai. Taie Beethoven Cocrto wehobmii vili psrforrnatHeu Kliageeli'mo ,rhuuat omusrlext Tueidai gueulingeau Plavel elth gmt sfecl. sud taiscaiopinu s"tion."# andi Liait Etade wensrsukable fou brlliauo and delloaoy. - Torouto *6NiL" in igaresil lU appeur sud Cive a -uber of ai estuteelectoet taie larmeut Osutat te ho ilin luhie Cambidge et. methodiut obureaiouFrldsv eeug.Nov. 299L. by tais chai. HBar ilis voudeful Youag ver. former, aimataie famus Teber lus caulats- WJUT TEE PUoPLU SA.-Lad5yo Nov. 12tbais bf.t tacerâfy Sast 1 have unda Pi kioe.Dlphthosune for hoarseuna.ud mre tairosadtui oud Ià su exoslsut réedey. W. F. ICOARTT. jewelsir. LnmuyÂ. Nov. 2Gr.-We ha"i oIsaut- talion tm reommeu<llni PiUla iDphUbteu me tais but rémedy vs baisverund lu oui gaaiy for gut Sarcln.W@ voul Dot ba ithout IL Tuas. Hàan.iT Li daay, 1hov. 121.-I aun ubj et to ulceralmretiroat sud laeitng ussd i'ilkie's Diphîlerlue. ocu hmat1iseoammeaditIltu a"Y porion uoaimv yaff.ted. -171bf. J. Twnnns, book.keeper. DowvxLi, Nov. 22ade 189-While diphailerlawvrevaleat lu oui meaboood1 ve umel 1 leu Diplathaee a trevectv in out gamaly. nieraof wvidaIgot umore thra but a tee dos ere êers nfiht, tosO u m immea" ste tgla v" oua Wét Iilà eiery t hat 15t.areprecesil t.o.& W voali mot le clthout IL jousEPELUchA. DowvuILi.Nov. 24&h. 189.-Vromi et sur 0"7 Wacevers.5.11 ti a "qvur ne thiosi. Teunid lMs'eDlphthuhe aà wrSis n I e 1 oa mis M»heusin àdatW e t u i $1200 Wantede Te baie Bot zoom te ton peu about taie Miina,(>upi sali.oer & Plate l a m mu lUg aà x&. or l*0 bquil SALES balls,,Ubeata, suad te&$s a aj i Wr4towall by i taie diof thesea- son; They su«&r 8leepsna su spirits take ligait. i iet ce the help offered 'iu Doctor PIero's Fa- vorite Prescription. It's a medicise vbiclî was discovered aud used b7 a -Pr ominent p *yi'an for maüy msr in ail, cases of R"fetiuale complaint=sd theaie-emus dis- ordiers which aise froua it. Thie "Pre- seriptiou " is a powerful uterine "tonad nerv!iie, especially adapted to w9manS delicate vanta for it regulates snd proluotes ail the natural functions, builds up, invig. orates and Cures. Many women suifer front nervons pros- tration, or exhaustion, ovlng to congestion or to ditiorder of thie ei1fuons. The wate products sho lg«bel quuckltiy sot rid of, the localI source of irritation relieved sud the system invigorated witai thie «Pre- scriptiOtI." t>o not take thie so-called celery comp0ur'ds. andi nervines which only put the t ' te %leep, but get a lastiug ;. r. Pierce's Favorite Prescripti.u. 46FEMALE WEAKNESS.". Mrs. WILLiAx HOOVE, of Deiille, Rljd dCo., 0kw, irrites: "'I had been a great sufferer from 1'fmiaie veaknes;' 1 tricd three doc- tors; they did mi no good, I thought I vas an invalid for- ever. But 1 heard of Dr. Pierèýels -Fa- voite Prescription. and then I Wvrote to hi= and he told me just how ta, taire it. 1 ook eighit btties. 1 no' feel entirely ' well. 1 could stand Ms oVR on ,,y feetoily a short tinte, aied nov 1 do all uy ww~k fi: mr-y faIuili of ftvr." F&IiBII[Musi!£11 S [Fît AD111 Our nov attractions for the ooming soason are siiuply beautifuL. Wb hope every ladyreader will consuit lier intoreut by givlng aur dreesgoadeauan sail inspetion We shall b. able ta off or yoi barg9m: s ta vi ou izic u of tIi. eonomy ani saia acionlutrading with u8. Woole na Flannel s and Our ý.Glove Department SPossesses a be indifferent to. Buyers of Hosiery Wil find muoh tW interetst ianddoit them in our splendid assrtment of new Fal and Winter Goods. IReady-md Othing W. strivo ta pleise tne tlais or uctoners iu the seleotion of our ready-mode .,lething. W. propose ta oU âthe oheapest OVE ýRCOQATS For Boys, youthig and Mfen, every hour in the day, every day in the week, every .week in 1h. ye&r.- By the cheapest we moan we give the.truest value for the money. W. are prepared toi sel! reliable At the lowest pr e-quality oonsidered at al l imes, W.ak yau to examine ont iJoon CJoats, obo olars, (JapeB, There lu Capsand M antie s.a m o doucbt of our dling generoualy and liberaly BLIDSOURTAINIs CARPETS AND- HOUSE FURNISHINGO anods a' rctv ie fte IL the luk"et f9in-Uhqualities cof new styles as. ve show-lave nothing to be aake4ý for. - Comq iui and-us how farWO treat yo.. susu'thilXmas.villboi - - I. W~ Kcaffey r vdt . 'gr. =,m w[iDomk! mPut Htud ope h.aieam GOOD 4E ias' Ié%" a àa bMNW ea..upêsm mme atm-lmait smi abuinte~eotra"Ws baiebu.amui lv a ik o"e a"ýfm.Manties, àh wu wu.'pue mbtu* la, taie ""we rhab gv axcslst m uea1Ra Ni Egabo f taiebaptimi Ch a m àO ~ m i Alagtis.tae e tin u s.ym ur ma liensliThe tes D)o you notle.tthe fiantde effortsoe of taie storm es ieraklng to get a piec lUG AIA 075pulseshuhe tam. Tll ctit.:Ws P" s smml lb> Don, citaihalr, helaet oilg 30 luches palos olso haro W &. oep ut S1O ui pdce 35. EUi body Dols cita blque hm ed ln., 230.Seo.., en ummeari f=c. Ir, n ovm iL t h =W=au for aubus,! taon or job voti; Imat v »ttl thtr udebtedue. 66 - erIdate. À ssvP&Pe'r owàM e .publbel ou mhMs 10DST, D» fmm *aiemerohaiu mu i o on tala pimu.tai &sa foreotm t. b. kspt. W. therefors rquai SUiiWhs l .as a .fSi .udip- to Tmi WÀnnu . ove" One Honeat Mn. that if vritteu to enfientially 1 ii mill ini a sealed letter, partictilars of a genuine, honeut bomne cure, by vbich. I vas per- manently ,restored to health and manly vigor, &fier years of suffering frorn nervous debility, sextul weakness, night losses sud veal shrnnken parts., I vas robbed and swindled by the quacks umtil I nearly lost. faith in mankind, but thank heaven, 1 amn nov vel, v aonussd strong, and visai to make this certan eans of cure kuown to ail sufferers. I bave nothing ta sefl, snd vaut no money, but being a firm believer in. the universal brotheraood of man, 1 arn desirous of helping the unffoetunate to regain their health and hpiness. Perfect saecy assured. Address vtistamp, --Mr. Edvsrd Lambert. P. . Box 5,Jarviont B POPE TLKNG ?rOODSI O ROS 31EST QUÂALITYO Manle loisanld Le dmrtuaut hrs magniflont field for Hugian &Co., 52 Kent. St., Lindsay. baTo, r vio aurpriesluat csek aud baguns lMile, sd on came ln erowda ta pick-thora upi uotcithotuudlng tie lad voathor, and poçt corsdelightsd und se vois ce. This sia oek arismak- lug blggo utm, sud jon cili b. hors lu Uriger orova. Titis t. jour Mstasd taiebargalnsare for ion. Tiuaofttis,. Lovoly #old <illud Aadies' vith go 0n Amoricun movemeuta, olaeap $1P6.00, oui price.$1300. 6000 8, DAY CLOCKS ali elecliere ut $4.50, oui puice $390. RINGS, CHÂ1NS. LOCKETS, et., eut the samo v'ay. Noyer 00 1 goëd. never, où cheapq . j A 1 - we lhow la, froc