lu e ' Buft tu ~a the Congress oet , sembles. and were prescit Rf 4 e sermon, Dr. m" prr-prate te~~ their wrkther has always ben nation. Test Ir tho Lord opne tt4.##j mian, end hé- saw, *4, irnuntain vas fulletk lots Of lire round about U 'The .Amerîcan Cm&leu, 1 Ing. Arriving or areas4 ai 'ethe representtyi 1 of ttis beloved land. Utt tlîem with prýyen,& ~Ii A nobler group of mn Waahîntonthan thaoft 1 Inirrow take tireir places tbi Chamber and. the Ilouge «* tatives. Whether tiiey oswl leave their familles at the far away, Mar the. blesslngo na] God be UPOU them! . tiienu to aur churches,, sï they tln politicai aphens aand ligious créles. vill sive t lfllths 'to conalderatlon 'of Interests Of thI&Sue~nty ' lits blessed so:mUch ln the 1 Propose to show you and bo fra1 nîay pow reaeh th to-Irnorrow their eyie throùgh to 1411P thein as ln the tex theénlountatüe wltii help fol . À$It coat England many and $2,O0,000 a- Yea.r to keel Ircublesorre Rcpthiv ai St. 1 thè' Ring of Syrit sa'Osu armny to capture. one mîrulate toXi -rehaps r5,000 ins u t I'ur.Ing the night the. army c CdLme Jaround thie vilge o Vl'eethe. prophet vagsa erly daybreak th», msnserya fFha rushed tri. and sald: "41 ve do? There luawhole ai t-' destroy yout We, muet Ioust -die!" But EIgIha *a I a bit. for he iookted up and rncintain4 ^1 arourid full of Uta! forces, anid he knew tha were 60,000 syians agaiest1 vere 100,000 angeis for htm, a exi er t e tii l6>het'è irl$'e of is, sffrlghted msnrvazt t mlarisa* it tee. Eorues of memsd to chariots -ofgré, au, #)flire pulllng reins-of fire 0 lire, and warriors of lire w dlu'Ied swords of fIre, lad 't ance cof that. mornlng. sun è thé galloping splg the celestIal cavalcade. "IAnd orced the eyes 0 f the young; lie uaw, and behold, tihe moun ful of horses and- chariots te, mi about Ellshi." I spea fsýplier forces of the. toit tha n hton ur side as a neti the iow levels aire fIlled wlt' thriats. I have te tel you mni.-ntaLIns ai uur hope and anl faith are full of the hoi obariots of divine rescue.î. YVou will notice that the divii agn la always reprcsentod as i .of lire. Ezekiel and Tslat,a' _hen they corne ta describe t] eciuiriage,. always represent1 wheeled, a harnessed, an upl conflagration. [t la nat a. chu kingr and conqjuerors or eart] but an organlsted and comrprei That mearis purity, justice,, mn nt, deliverance. throuigh buî cal-es. Chariot ai rescue? Te chariot of! lire. AIl aur -uati. erthralments, have been ffc.'rchIng agonies sud red* Thrcugh tribulation nations ria lots -of rescue, but chiots of1 ,iicw do 1. knov that this divin aga Is on the esMo of Our Ieti 1 kriow It by the itory of the years. The Arnetican RevolutIt ed tram the Pen af John -Rat Il dependence Hall, ln 1778. Tb les, without Shlps,'Withouit a tion, vithout guns, vitiaut warriors, *ithout moneëY, withc tige.' On the. ather aide, the m nation af tihesargthte largeut thé. grandest navies snd thé* n tlnguisied corma&nder su adi lnexbaustible, and neariy al ready ta back thern up In the B4 tl'ing as agaiflst iin*ii*lity.* Tic cause o e, i.A,,OTl@çim, wlikh started at MOc drOPP lower through the -.,qua"tilig gernerals, and tireugh the 30 at smali suocesses, aud thrai winters whlIei *Suffased ail P sors In depth of sneW and hoi ccoigealment. Ellaish. #unoai theviile yr-n arrn dii ý Xe lm lot tien. N eyt~rm~ mx&Peel sis. Ds ue$mdybu~m by t. hne whole ustsm la um sie ewu 1*7 fS4 b«m à= aur~etadaifo y4ç*t bss alwiin Se. 'y l 1W. ovesbuit tbut *8 éléetUed , &nhe narten,,Whoi.nevei'n I fl 6tdrn ls 'We ameýto nivraw e" «One »dI lisby people vha alvl #ê USetoipuversima"sacre Borne Of lie, but beattheuselves tg s usai Mie u t90 bII v I. dentm!i' ea 51ua. artS ~ôu .eDO n 2101te ieuesty. asrn lsvafo 1 ~ttrdrjtê*iëjs.e t lptqae. one 1a olmd u $v 8 e tIIMbt a ne t. hi ýpp. elguer, isfl liâ e 0.u»1X àuch Uies force Oftthe Pe, I isoul& h4 .he l id dame Charots"Of nerY rlledlnandbig band an ht a eokeUsoeic, and-d as liCba$te 0helzuere ralic lu, sud Bot go eut usig. Whst wui the.hua. tthg tah wamintS ernot "ar, sddredsiOf ha i tude l c oregs h th3Osa *e nta eyt aulthrouglicanebretati ilk iume wati thie MoutaisOfthse -North sud the diéee tô lr hn rntWe scb had the.Sa et snd ticWest, their tiey Muet baVe foi, the. Isd 0 tli" ' thse boots did siot elatter, theeir4»tm TheontY. god thint eav4lirý1 0f Ga llpe b. oabout -ft la many aifiee cannat un. Ged tu thse friseofthje snationInuthie derslanI thse BUnglth iuusc But. 1 "-fl Cttinnt#,tth, nMS t uppose the German sud Italian and tLtnOli. benthm Mva l woe(>Nlt S1WedMansd French aes~rni that maeter ~sughter vol aopen tt Ill and su doleouttii. infernalstufc onI this matieS, o004 asc tie tm-to the subeonibers >eut. Inthe .wlîdlterný ent at the ý.»othinff but Chbeud 1aaty mlii ever uietofGarBeld's asamglstnu God B stop S a 11004 Of indeeency. Theu Put hie.toot on thie necheof toecyclone. Cinistianreligion Wiit Peak after, a Tn prove God la oe thse aide oai tus na. ville. The iiulllngase»4mmd msean- liun I qi'gii.frDxù tbe la* oitht or dai through viic e, e lsevery yesr ane qé retna.t10on al-ssvetu, and front «every tour yeaim muet ho rebuked tise iationh h o e tat quarter -by tbat religion vwilch eake trom Ils of a oentury, epideiels verY «Cxep-- tva great mountaius-from the. orn tioinai, gfd *4oss the great revivras of mountaln lntounàg tic comeI r0lIgion, and frointhec wroàdlng of the "Tlou siait net boar fat« itls èlts-ci of God, snd -frin < b. continent against hhy neigibor,-" d frarnthe, .blotsEoming-mith asylums snd îefarm- otier maunt, msklug. pies fer kindleu stvrY Institutions, nd tram in. ]Men- aud blesslng rather ths a uoealg. tesa, lSatlon Wiclebpromises. thât tus viole ve are golui ahv shoa sig land la to, b. a paradise, mien. GdgIn. Ter ave a nOs ofnt ins! shah alusreligion. The ane la supportol bY the 1I arn encourared more 0maissu Jeauaite anid lu a, malter ar humau poli- tel YOU as 1 eeg lie regimeints mieci- tics, sud If aigreatpatronage, a*4 lng. dawil -thc sky, and 1my Jeremiadaunuder Sit men vIii struge for promu- ttuuIto dozeloglen, snd thatwvilci >nence vîthout réfereuce ta qualidme-' 'was tht Goal Inday of the nstiairs flous, snd Its arehilhop lu saupport9d er%.cfxlou becometic ]Mater maru of by sasaiary of. $7,0%e a Yer,ad tiée lse resurrection. 0f courge Gai vorks are great caliedrals, vifs ail the . m, tbrý)ugh humamssuiiii4unetalîtel'ad chtnery 0of mueesud couoneloand s th 'ls national bettermeut. la ta caùernnoce for 1600 people, ystaa audience of aSý>ng otiier thbngs thtosaugh 55OiU60 peopl!?, or 20 geapte cWNe st tratit in b imoot impossible nov te. national religion, But v. vaut -this bave Illieéal votlng.. Tiers uMs s; tlme klnd oatinatl. religion-tic vaut ma- - oan~sd 1 reurember Il very Wei- Jority cf lie people convertol su" vien drol of vagabon«a vsndctreqd evanugoîzeo--and lieu tisy mlii eanu- up sud do*4u an elootion iyan sd tram age th. acculai. asWeili asuichereligions. poil le poli, and Yotd. hee"sd votel. Do you say, fiat tuse la Impiactl1- ti er. snd valcd evenymiere, sud tiere able? Nor. etimeisa comnrg just se vas no challenge, or, If t-bore vase, It itlyasheeusGosdht amounted ta uuiingi bocause rioti- ctasIinls bock, e sd*a i. as lii. Inug coul 13a sudienly b. provd upon 1streugthsud the. ionesty ta fiWOi bis thse vagabonds. lqow lu ev«ni' el o r r1omises. -One et the suc'onl omperanu Canised uelghboihood ery voter la c apld leI n c~amn v.tied vtiseveirest scrutluy. If 1 etopiehmsl npIýrig au lu a reglan viiere I1pam aiiowed -a tiat mhlci bis counselors salI vas iM- vete 1 uet elltheregitra mypossible, sud I have ta teil you to-day namee, anmuet tel lsgatan y I fiaI rn's Impossibles are G', s oe. long I have resîdedl n thse state, snd Olesl? atiHe sc&arndsddaiz vn hum long I have' nesîded lu the var6 - ntbElghlRte pan" Tis Chria-W Wwtnsfs Il rean u t meouttiareligion le comlng otakabo psses- fromi thc ballot bax. la not that a se ioeyblo oa vr gratavance? And tien notice the eaccuse, cf everY haone, aOfevcry lawtha pr eiitoa m o ttl If valey, ofi.every - mountain, ai evez,7 bas bet on thea eton-A- tep fir acreoai ur national daniain. This na.- tiser nee4s ta ho taken, aud fiat mnutien, notv ithstandlng ailthie cvU Xn- lêtlideaavote mie bas ofenedflor Iluenees that, are trylug ta detroy 41, t&ke abrb 1e, vbeter .ft i lathela gding to liv.. ubtpe of a free drink or cash pald Neyer since, accordlug ta, Join MI- êmuvn4.the suepitoaus aea. oblted ta ton, -ien -"satan vas hurfl e,! haota putthir "dou heBile nd mrr & DsrnngImm tisa ethcresiýsiie ru bld- the- oteinilgà vote et *IL . Seous -irwi Sud combunmu en -,"have. ~ b.oerol4.51o aofaur tshle Pomrers ci dsrkncn heen so Oston- tioià oa*e, ~,redempioQn vii cause. - *inlued ta wl lsta continent as nom.. -*e*w taroiglseiWiSUt &s Jeirelt la-a'love! anedlu arotq64 4iý 1 Ierb 99. km- a he 00b. - o bi pâbet#, On nit bMýý e We ô--'u0e aide éf us the Atltito oe"z, di- OU hbfs5tor vdM»g us from thé wvesisul t ea nat theyý Wb $9sXM ouls ent lCrOPOe. On thse otier *le, We v thýeaidleceasrcu didSg un flou the, ,bav'eto Ss4i. u asabiêaessn ~ etlnWdrUe- [un- the eciIS a a, hich le tise <yens- i" on " Un *»*,ibt 1 ats esvtb tir courage. 1dnavf-1 *%bnetyt Id muan ik fl u dmIa i l0C 1q0000%au Or ~41 ÏlS nd ANOUiê qlU~ V* ac te 9. tes SU a, <atIt . labout à*. u connumuDi» vpa lii tuic IXW 2 Q e to rodeseu l*e*ôS IYB &tr es WM b »m lom-t* 4t lante orwv "ut >- hieartw to ue, N, U mM, u-g, L sv hav, M Yn t11ee oitthe »ajnw QIrnmy te se« ou r pie eilfare. b te" kthe dkUiettér Jostoffie lu ja. ho t .mt, auBefre eerdiece tu, ut- vas léaafor ei tâteed ta a poaIl m St .eoinld be ufauct t isesit tera Befor thepogtal ce, nauwbi 100 s arne byon tbeot teut iazK% and lagt lettn on te saire of te-, tues., depoéits of affectiou ln thît bar- voi that no lm& vas «Ver put upon tla: Szaltoeh It ocetalaed msae .âr "ricaand um 82and Asan"& Artks, snd ail tise bllas'cf ithesa. Many sa nbre tomsel mffer,. hOreolek, sO1ý messagesot kbagnes >7 tint rouir. and mora shorn#tesd kead gol neya tram a, boy le gone. Would that au1 tise segIhts of aur nation ai ltOepsltY. Wvsehla taeeehnge of sym- pathheu-prayers gain up. meeting isiemingueolut down. postal celea- 11.1 MMt by &s stôrm trucirocir on' s wtht,'cSatSbut by tise ËRo aiges. ?To decl. fie long-mcoted sapm me a nunfor the 1Cariaiucanln Ki',Mr.R6uule brougit con gan 0iestu betweeu Kely et WInnie tic: orsy1c naIlftx for gumatis vileSvas aadgoely ou àby i 4MElp Wome." ielom la, presested s Sute gurn thoy playolaluthe matc1, vis TRUIX PP111CELY MAGNIFICENtCE. lu DigWbii. Wee.-Ziàmerab. Boos, ms if und ai csAqcjiM I 1 Minl a.Ce4 P. 0. . oe Mas.L ~f il escipion neUy ndpromptly NO' -SIUII 11116 AS OLD AGE Tod thi8-WhoMè oul merican r Nervine A Lady of Sb Tearu PrF.mently Cu»rd by IbsWonderfulI Ndicinae. ~eeD.koefM «0Mu A". CUe GMPIa&nt" OS"av MW U-'x«.Ne5 "f eVie ae EU0-TWQlVO PI h tienhi r i mppriai Onesia Il 0 ta B 9auUga udeUlabIe vority . -<U13-4l 8,T13.10 tiat neo me bas;any Ide& muaI ex- penmesuant IM b. bu as ertaken ta kqesp up a etesm, yacht. Talon made la an Overydky sais, Tva of iee country lieusesare 1101 Woti Mention- tmgr. Apà oven tse îumuny oai suipport- loga 11104on-i-ia lacerparatively * .tlohsbk l iopgb peiam eit aisY bedoinp"edlmitis-u But no douit WMilim ef Genmny boul ladailge hlàzig W 7tva o'r i1srétè tith e sus-li.4 tkr .thoutilay wvici ýhl ~bemptituisebam YOAMht tie.- Hoison- £afu* eauses i$m. '-D opalEmot oi';1Y atez~ .4hrsê a~4 -b«wbu e oouid semmo"oastissa suuoofortably miii, 11111e O~muklngdSas anl o! lie4 oma ai mliibave Uùset-inlg te Ilay Balle firatr ny IsY. Tii. Iieensallera la "yaht" by Oou?' ..M-i.407-& ,44, te", for thc tvin screw veaffl la a Imitable sSan-of-wsar, mIdi ocalacItY 8,I1% et 4S -t 54,ffl vare iiewfash- ---- "è& wzw, *We, ttsoùgh mluted xruppgi 4e&dly niake, Bue lu bullt aOf steel. 1k. ' tc ueens, pàiite4 mhite i torlIO ioot*, ia thO<>ngý not szroncd, - vulI be , d= ifehbeeletyt »-R 3?0KN DINWOODZ m.seeran, Ont, gjese t. 44Arn OU11 agwe m ofeai ad a--Osud noorne , m ralmyj Sut, Sdt iovely se a Isp. mefi=ee auld do her good. Ma"eu »Mm.wbn, thia sme the lind d a tuff that gives beauty ta ge §%madltg% 'bamum t snay tirme he dulnot despair. ts4 imatiom vu iraduro.L ta ,try Nervins *00 $04mosh tu, Bres boulles, pB i'debis wa umei a *c s e km' hW th mn sd «vas et tý, twym,ýi é tée sk iobtaiu.d relief.- Sb*. e.f Ob ààw, *,t*& e u a M df in &Ubol t-volvo butt" 7U* lW*ibd mi*t Ithe résuli thsah ~~con eeieey.oured o a blaa Lamoody moald prODi1s laàd, th-lt .'ith dly Me dS lcNedeae ,,Wày sboul4 m:us moqismla 'puer i 'i 4 $ t h fr' .4 t r f i 4 t I ~ k - r -, t ~/