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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Dec 1895, p. 1

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On tus. I Pr- -c No 2021 Prom w fat Tii. beIag~ Christuas P wasted. Au W. bave hum by tlu yaudo Th.:s8ds of yards m SOUEI Look through ofar et(*0 .Dosons oif boxes, HOSI ERY perytri. 50. $8.001 i. Cas, Mis, Co4 tilMon'. &c, c ..0VIESAND MITTS of Kid, <ined or uoliacd>, Cashmere or WOOl, prices and qualities guaranted. A grand stcck, ful raqe o fses from the infante' booties to the finest quality oif cashmsere for ladies AnAfbhffEum ~For Childruu, for Ladies, jVdIBmiuLa..f.5, donW"arfor Gentlemen, we have' a very coaliete amsrtmemt ut right price. Dan dwawaLuiIamBy the.thousand, from -the Child's. awn ~5&U*I~UA~coored border, a for SQc. te the ýfineat of tAin fine i luSk et *1.50 each. Gentlemen': Tics Sares Overcoat Scmres, Bracus, Socks, White and Faiscy Shirts, Cllars, Cgg, etc., etcr. In mll thesefines 9one àssortmenft il vcry çomplte-the lateut movaeijust to band. Thon au to Tic Dowrns, Blauzbeta, Table Clothu, Sbeetings, Towels mmd ?4pkizo. Chenille Umortait, Lace Curtaims.-and numberlesaorher mnful ihoueholi comforts, w. show au inmmnseausotment, and we, cordially. invite yo tuspection of ore o&rinpbfr aim wfth puices eut to the cCre.ý Who Gle" BankruPt Stock Melle 76 and 78 KOUt-Ot., LlnduaY. for OèImb'mua she- .auttm ma t".uuht yMr.kw stock fét 4004*1 ProealumnwPoIr sanu*4Mita Ua .# Lams ""Mabs *Avina1h e 1t a.4 Vta *dfl a *13O Tea svm MsW mi.s et im priou huit. mu sr H iloN8011AM i 44....~,. 42 - t -~ i -. Made froFie loes amb W «dkE $,50eois 10 er wmp. Gkvw floy. oole U P ase a reswo e aies', rGnt. Ifa de arm al si S wy aie ------ $8 moe W Uooer air.av your ooyback.* Buy direct fromithe mnfctrr if YOU woeld buy cheap. »... 1% 18W -lily. ýHORN GROS.,' _____________ leaihar Wamied. ~5L Nog, IOoe, bibg Iii e~moe5IS.ub. - ~ lu, WL Apgl~, - WâwUmw wa-u.w. ~Aê - I.s~ led Sus. I.JDL&W5505. flamba, i biarniol loug Sos buta, aenio.alui ,.bise béa, lait uteusi s.. Saab, i yutdi ap, b..s. N us bot.., vol, ibis. os gos. sud 1~. RevuE Set Wu~s oI.sg~~t&hlt ns.v~. !be hua, TieSedo Boul, ~Ds. S1ra~~ * ~ut iMgntbol* dN.V., W, o.s~ toi Wo 70W di ~5out, Let g, Sa. I. hxIq Ibu osaut - b.vem b, ~utg psgSap, - ~O 0* s.ktuguE~iavq. N.,. S, m-U& Wluispeeu SomothingI UlalLS. Nom mStSp'eVgsndvo U~ - eh. l.d i dsumP.* , mi5,~ ,~ «*"muu " *tomhde ouUno& moi m0à* aumles bi us mi'. lu.o"M ii mm a V-W m * l0ot oifroIls Use- o Vt0 e *111 bd 0* ? 1uuo'g T" . Wum., be*ê ltbm Uxdm.sibo tuuilr >t IB .............~* 26 9 :"-.47 - mu- Il mil l .vill. n. leu,à# ~.v m o~"t' a e *eMI km the tso wo. -Thé. timousmof 8 o. ommBwr& " . loDummid au Un5th, lUS lus EîD1auqid tmht la ë b oi tea s" moummmt el h05 ounm deaWu a ds olmev«%es sMuei. I, moum,%the lfls abgihtft la o yomrm la t mout ii or cia viaim viiibd ownm miejabl od 'oeae bvin bcM ITTMBL 4 Ibo* vion A wsWasouêod .1.1 the. Lv. Li piàbt9aon vus d..-4Tâb a ppu vmg mas «Wlas nià b luta. .ud.rnos £kawbd. en Satardai mowng aleSt 8ai* ouapuawsvey ..tly âgeor 1 The doooso vou oua Imué a" 09o: autng q..' ila eheothoam thé àidPf spotioetste epulpit ho ma 'the' "Morequiet uoobreuiv dumemmut lin cbuueis.o huma b isprivais dà.samong bisM ore lrnUmte àuqudsotzaom wào eau yet hardy rosis tbaut nO ut the bulot eil b b,.iu COU. to j l inte nt j sutiq. jet hie e.zrnplsr? lite V11iti kg livé aar loilanthe Uv iis.. hunvhu pare ivu tUnui Oa .uh te conela outr.oLtwih Lia sa iffe. 'utUe ina s eaua on uhit a ibc aodo.umahd by evety Tout#£ MauWho ponu the flat!7 sud, pereeverance that* vut. putl sud parool ùf iithe loi Rabert Doyrtoa.8 sriagnt àa o>oeaiweiy lote poud a li o wr*!y ho wu'ked bis ay no m»W11etI i' dico.. h Ld atmoet compt" bm-au"e mua. iv ha a@semahodist mrniootry. Tée, i s. et dm%& vus Bright'a dl.... se vw hl hoiaudlly md psarU&ty auocrmbed ma.gs.uauwboumdrnkehuamark ans vblu ew suMdvbose. 1ta ào à forgood la w" wed d loieBditoan. wvh o wu ataloum& w vi j oug be telt As au atble sud f»W maimuded sil rou+nd msbIsito ho baid 5ev 1 19e6s Thei. t-avro ok p ecoou onu1duy aM L"5ld sMd bis littiu and sari ticulae trud dieispia. b WrR. là Ribtuos, eshalei vii. oas h. fanerai arme oorn fthe Iwto"t @ver somlu la ot mec ta*. noVla ieM giima alawhich . ie % bld. w evb fl ILn. n-ffl.waviasuuowugle je~ mom ili if m ur uluv ami etl..mlhs yfrui bo .zpeotoi. under vs. goeïl iauvl. ohousa aldeselteeta 4m9liie mas ssudlete. Theo sosg by ilas Cita Semoadoses Voirndored and ilagiimpod «exceflavomi power. The. souge b, lUs £va abondersud balit%]@ dist« vm su&. Wcm D.o.tl. Browvasud Luae. W»e twmus tbeii. amlmao iti a ftob ole%, amotensuitme souga. ?it Oi o slustra. moa* ideWuMisa fummluod. Ur. vow a lv w est mai ho bay 011conatinu tu oemldsse m ilte bond te tslii hé aos. Y~u uolgi m usleu t oryod M pressait soa« tii pom epopie 09 the. aslgaibodo lm.l e a&lgthe bet onaIl. u ý l à vii rfolet tbot vo agis. have te eemiuvoly wmpuard 8ime of ou vcul-be gotlmd s et ibis pi....Sqy, boys. vb l je g ao horbs'on Seaidsy veuigahov mu" boUwsa fvold ho ttiepou viiencopirne oml te M mllmomi s&MI, sud mot go os boulb lie a bord ct catvm1 aé te uSi eniaiet yo«amntto be vory much attuohod. 0" Secmmms voik oanospomsibly bu per- malIbi la aociol 1usd onmmulty. SO mou Sulo imesfe 9 mm ores lg bmmrnd seffe tei b tg losêli te Ton. a noeud noua vil hm a Su a*do" iIf acbImmal sud de- ge"amdimm. wi uexpsai lut Snday . vjg am mur at he rame ot tbos taking port «W1 b. publloy .xposord sud thoetrilluat muluat et tholaw app Aud. Sime mamu oie aIs.ly niii.list. bucMy oiiiufor *o. lmferIW * 'awth MO -70 Pa"-,sont ppirs stem spctaçi'.. a" I th ~O tagala, &m1 im mw"; f«raI..1I tinploy m es Strlim pluehomme 1 Igriuad my bouaMoses un 0 #oresh ye smehing i.ewe. ii.e hwnt«mo wwmjusa, Ont., cn oRead mIss.mp mte- b r Ib a MY paperon the. eye, e«n ho had l-4 sumqrméowaM" -os frec by sddrsmgtel«p'gl bmmnh m swmoe~Tm en 8 7 u Et" , Lai, Toeagy Ont.., Sms 40 VS b elebatlmm,'a DrI Some t fw mmiemm a l mi oogios DR O N. LAURlE Pih.. EoPoÊle,»«Mm <hasima .uhts fT1a4y jti$owmsy, Vl, orTtit bisa. . mb ebglass k- le tump., MM ut'v en. jombm «e m e 8. tieso-*utbot P"bin, ubiA.t e t ue i . l i a i , l" os0s L e . . u » T m. t s a a l ugam IUM M wbtt Md o ijelbo,%smnJts -warml , Jiu îe . Stoiam s as pm-gw.m""s 1Sirbt' ai1.94'RdS Pey d-d-ItrkIi im &&nd. Fmême, dirteO u& Lwhamm awmp u ILL.emain. s m ore.l.d* VotOnS V.tl, '1 op. limavmiCtbmeos. ismRdo.F aIra,.'on V& ýPmà"iae. tbe pi mmlie -at. f tbs uudidusad kt J4 l td'i M<Stbr. 1*01 lpud, lai = pr. opoIS M i, a PceBt. *impISti d i mv OsAi MA& 30ly v"Il-s -pue& y-l~atot om e.v je""'s. Who Lbm vE.ru osmmw. t'e go; u ? oiIiq ute *u" %,OUR" o I . ho sabrn o R tt osas ?U.The mntr .m m s~JigeDm uoaiuu mm i. I lui s M lo Si. tom.-et L Iliob msnmaau" "sW %%~mèr igue it &aPUW IS s ii- Tii 0"ad Isu fe bu ale.. Me" i m *or tue t a 0a t nePOb MWai oi mlvomm u S e a ". m a £~ lm sus.bl asuA ua Z. m vautmml Ia. l 6"v ni kalu. ambla Umbs s. fimota dllm Poat< lMM.UI-ra sbsolm nuis~~~~ 9» ft av. al a ru alea sMeamil ui *W mhmJdo<JN ~~0*os.~amd~~ v i- l a intow r 1Sau 1sle oth te nme .utI af tsm'Iaa ttq vu -eta.à w" b. Qmmns. , A erfln bm ..u a.0; dus,.~~ #à*-augeste enda buitemls. bivos a" lauul.ra1 viiiAb..1*1 nsulsg l maS~~~~t« 09 rpi s ls. baoI aulusicis a N. dlv id*@i bqimta somsu o95ss. 5I5t&ul S edtu iate ui,,m e I muai008" ua. bInbuia un * " un wkmbg *N uaoviiaddum ~etW mamiwUlg %o dah umau tii n ou .Mta i INAt. IaaL 0 ol téo,. dl~01,*omuSaao ilbuga v. ls Smetffl Mdt oIdhsmosuba ' 1sd 0*, imu0 dr J leMrà Ds0 "eoa 5s 0 minou*-,; "s.alsbabg sMe fie, IMU lut mre mal d4sMRaumoa-1 bss*%Olt 68?'a £AOW.4AEINDt, orne ma' e 1lo ne sd dlocuio ias valga ,Màpnoma's wsaxzy, m s. !«t. ?!tbe faim.o. s maa iweou, aàMwua 815*5,- s me:urs 4 'mtii uR.; - *Sul ghutaa UA81»XWS AOU» TABL,0 Otiege. -. ld»zu» 80 misne. A. .41 Pel li% G imbop, Ont.-u,.im pbu*fii5t. a ab i i têu ufl Stqa, m i 4mm ii sAs" el sa". sI Camu an sd Nie. îoes vi«W lie F-adis.-um fismIje ~ ~ "os BAdiqi mpiiablet.»lami«14, Out Thatof J 33* S5~ i k I ~17 r':, 1' / t .5 n r i ~* I ? I i. Gomi slmghug n& d armoesbasy marketing- thoir ptoducors ýGEPEAL beoltuu d hA Jen pie Prey fArj èe.prgithe âged po,-pe t mrvi-t gb nm are Gébil l R.iour, et d;Hum ph r-y Jae,D.-vid DoaThoiq .Rbwan-I ii bu ave roaciod Wms. RowANasou !rick4n ivtlh parulvais ou Tusêay sià-à diurd on To-.drv i-orLiu...1110h leo~a asmoeacf the o:d 37 Nck-ia WSuSli w sd vs.et the front on scaivo mutle. i e en1%é, y oubeer *urviviau istérsus hmn nm Ur. Qabriel bal1ur, or.. Orneme, Md.ia e&. ar., Ope.,t!for of Liant1). 16s. 45 h L14tta!ton. i. B:voan bves a ffoo». da.ghter and ivw. ontouelmeurs -lis Ion sud shey lOurs uhm neortfols sympathy ci &LE. Te uerai on Ta>îdey wv..Intrgl ilatbol, Ber, J. EvSrg un4 J. tU. Tanner omlueo»the iLsruler,. t0oelicrsaun n ngera of thoOpe Sn. iameuionot le the R o oudirce t oi eghbor. hua lace"d holduw Loei. satvo r evtce mr Wea;m.duy De0. 18 h bi pssitlug -e Sos.dlloum, .csîss, eaditge, etc' MlWkoibyr.lrsibmotm1, sf ir the Smm ~. LtawD. R,% and arbore have the *9 p s oè .sa-rau2"nntfur 15.. doili. evalue.motosopes.klsrg d ai.vorthy I l a i*iW. A largeo. nova i myho fle hUITbille hou I te Lus huepàuisa prof. shoriood ulumi he.ma Ao o le apeople

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