Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Dec 1895, p. 5

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Imm $ý25( » SON B"t&M ur ltbal, API'I~IJ1EO lu AhUeameuBhê. NOilSMOU& 'CASH lID les itu?0&01S& DUuIW os uagt bLouisre te. ?m VA ot.* Who are dem*ms et iehab m * lui lie »vu«y doMit boe *0 meuufm" »<W "UV? roNf le, lB ioct àave th. opporlunlly to bum,wail sog *&nt etai £hegrdued »t..Dont procratraaks. bu& aie O5ayU efll bon u opaioI. EeJ 8I~eBough tmsd "od on Ooiamis8iou GENER ALI WSJR'ANOE AGE1#T Bankfor sud Bo Si-j KENT STo# LIt4D8AY OT. WORDP AOT COW Ti ES W keep 8-à» *0 LeAs'a MOIa" Oui gud v ts usmmi ung * j jevet Oasis, A. WoekT~~a, N~ 5i~ I paa~a8o~ S I N*cislo Ousu. R EO As LIT TIBooksud Stalle V". 41tnt EU L AGOO00DBel coa~l amai 3tvbie ds 1- ý - .i - leslieGéde.Isten Nearwt S SId lYs oe u 1othe market W oad CUý A 1 A N9.u CBHSTMAS AU-INEW -YEAI'81 momis nbloMm iam 1 *ma m maiw *a Boium jm I k i'5 0a wj t- _01 fàuf*,à= l.l b &mpàmu&-etloews Joaie. u *fdt e.liéeb" ai 1mai1 -u am p fil" lb@M. mm Ï1M i rp le 1111m" ialmskau à» -Io Mme M r evm-abp 0ev m 1J ueb lm bdat., le tise on " Iem~ u eelm. TYi M le tise Wiate mdl us e ' limmsa ietres in impkm.mie o e AT M& 04Ils.Ome el a au mes;me511g e mler a 04M @hama baieleu aon*%umi md vin 1-- tlard "l sU» Md? &P hk b ki;Ïe;iMe aile te Igo. a At1n oMpa Pd miu *l ouit vi uWb" eis ute 0 mit w mth a P" iMe a mIe un Imlevre a ",i.ti am" boi. 14 atlls. Terk e nmet. LldUi tluMlbMW of&I bempahu. %IvwpIisMc hm&.. las&. Reéas uteaitlea.. lRocks #iu&& amt aidet mmiii opteIos *0 spatm lOb mL ldig lb sé eetuiet uevmgma fIttel plvaW t yait àisu & Oo.m-30a8 Tam Nav WouÀwmm mai lt e muse 'bloomore but vhec aise vate a lue O0"%i. mm. premmt for bar huebmdtor obtînus me «a. disait te Varuer a Cole.. mh.eie c ieds ont of the largntuI tocls of dry «onde. coeii« for iusa sud boyu, sud .an île N tt'a fIg mie*vae. @mukise lev. tu%.8m06te iksto.e, te a iaisme tais. delaghAmi otlemoa viina ta murpieeis.vuee s' Xems lad battuoe Il eitistu ulomre am iste thssroehoffu. lne vls be mmPrad bleu. self et tleumPrim et aiftLN l& u.Vum 10. ai «oeil gonda. G. Bsuaurio RYuuMm, MDC ,1 'T'uete, vita bo et thie BLauom«@buse ldsy, en esuirdev, Do S21.,4% rSumaei"ma ovemer- sud rmSOUeu-U4 As Jlaiumi Auarumi ate e W" enueelalye a84Em3bse à Ca. % ato yen M meeslasly Ma cl lb0u&- . 1Uoiskm. - maiwd eise#Uâm@" biseI u d l&ia muuiSaiet Psm elb 114*q 14 latte tu e 8*1.u uesl ~sS~il M oir "Mm aiilà mue eissmb tisé 1~iu smi iau M i îl luquma oiSm ubeà" m leulmy Tise modi sal o là - ia.i bt tisiswu a bouls e mtise abiles ifetdeuoual.but thon vu »euviimmete m*» hmuai vumu&i lb» aulio""M vdmon vute tlb cf-et Ibol puultb vu lb e o m uisaMet-lbJ"r et@r»Mel avqrt lu usum wum *0l ne"&l.u.Tb$ e iecouamu" "isé 1ma.J. E. et ufa. muvi k tim.kNps ie Naifrm yasm ai hiem Wb«' o,, md . N Me vFun Is ur is U. e lgnatvel emBuedeath I d aeusiy et"slimi bamy laXa&ue.lmtllbu «sa nse a-et Mf.6 "Pussh'e DTéor tu" ïas" et .' ama i sae-Sut.t »ltu le bave lb meuluty autSsivom mut uan Msnué SaIlles Detuin fon.t et 1I tiiol mmiwei.bue01aIet Md dl"e vans i*, Jei.vtabse, # stu& A mi ce usenlufaUBedais bus Wsm vMo Miso*llab MamusFm un depeu it u$ à la emsaumui. lulbM te ff 1.z'Mu Orna"mlue""&a ivp yW cOlesi .Ime mfM lusry Imadata " mt«et ua ee osmal b. D O;mf*. lUéR4 mi Ns iliuet a u ie, t mbà" Md lwdum dms 19;r à1âa , s s b e181200 Md bwb0 i w 4- -&. mm MWlo ae ise *M I~No lb a daadsi @ ams kg g tipe MhS MUm a *M.se el«M4 hetneau 1fS.mmmas luT" ma atmla hlb 00dn 0MbUdf oeil m MdUS m.i sal o t4le -a lm MTis bvgmmd u.xiaullhl. uii tve ,Md il l u n tiv ml Umea, *luboua d Àu e1 m1umeev mme le ma a nt ls *DM"l t b ae ~ md K m »àVa". jIuh <'n Oetm&dy. Tm e viiiomildsiefer ooth Vkb at thle sem1on4»404., v dhoeldua te polilhul uaien VUtisa fe Msade. Ma ta% e awxOmn emgau tIi cuisse8a a tve.fo.wt aLNet in thw , lutp sm tboe ....t ,tb . ie dog. aon- ruiveltise, "Ippdea, tisai ha oult pou. be. t m A ldMatoes pêelai externtlsbut ftta UIppOUatiai f hM eueuset a.1dia1 M feorse 14Dot lr S uI rem aeludO1qum'ubu. miss. m re asmrata vuiug lt e we e tadl«by,. ilo baMoi te Charley Fdai,. one.HHOnest Mon. that if written ta confidentially I viii mail ini a .ealed letter, particulars of a genuine,, honust home cure, by whicis 1 vas per-j maently restored to healtis and uianly vigor, after year of sufféring frein nervous debility, sexns! weaismess, night losses and weak shrm"en 1ots was robbed and swindled byteqaks unti! 1 nearly lest faith in ankind 'et tank heaven, I amn nov meil, vigorou and strong, and visis ta maire ibis certain means of cure irnown ta al ufferera& I have modiinq to sell, amd-want nmoney, but being a fira belie-er ini the univeram betiserhood of mat,1 amn desiroo f iel tise umfotunate ta regain their hem!h isapmm s.Pedect eecreecy sured. Addren, vith ap :-Mr. Edward L=ubet. P. a. B=u sj, Jmui% Ont. forPeet Fineat Quality, Lowestî Prices FUtglian & Coa F32 Kent Bt,, Win un fdr LOC0uOR LESS A lood Mouth Orgau, China Cup and Saucer, Lovely Xmmis Cards, à nickIe plâted Hand alfrror, And hundreels of toyu, icture, bo.ks, etc. t* q -M «.ISD Uii ILDlir~pIV K obum! be takou la teu$*mdedus zM crease thse bloc&4 qm*ck- ~It bu &a Mrcl:gth utmfor Ami nte. !fbe "01ÏestQiiul. t 14 eu tis efibl0 ise Pure blood coturadn* tbrongh thse bqt4ymMd the nervesare vitalIaed âa&Mi lfMgtheUe& ISot deadened. or put to s1eep, nu- the »sO>.Caffle ceeery toutpoituds aud terfe mixtuires do -but refresbtvd and feti on thse food tise need fur b1=lth. If yon sifer front lmdr- getioan. dyspep.da, uervottsneus. sac! any or theills wIîich corne f(rim iItptt blond and di»Ordcered stonîis. youcami <tre yernr.wff witIi Dr. Plc?,e'saCý.ld Medical Jiscovry wlî tecan le obtimelet aur drux rtst'e il, theenctintry. geel glése showau.M -1 ai. yout rers, 1 ? ok-àA êhâie10 dure -IAý4 v suth vSmnpli lfuluY0 W.u'p and " eworep abs; Aitvortlm.. 434 tisea w1d WM kaonmw ye Dan't. sud yri die atoe&" Go TauUv Dr. '.ie d& tt*o% md.gg miy Th* ils net bem h i.a1»87slome ou tise etateet it uhiisrefthv. oethee ii uh. npsesi. Tlîm f lctk.'t- mu.* lb t ut%ia w., thn tsulai', L te mgOldta lust yeu vis. tase nisemmi.UM oo8ua' O GMcuaIlz" Wi**thse ipbat, t', fmime 9. nlW e vosdig i e T.ud s %tum Wénam "wet1.un'W,* Tue an A o."0a< m Munv. IRI ul New Ter. di0hmdu brs. » mmeseme.. Wb bdsah la m S w it lb. Wedlp am 41 e osue. mm..le lb fru M4am %tbeI! "a .11Ww Io%',* 'uI.pop'?. 'tmmP I 's.l lsem bole. Thes tis b 100 vecu l. a ouAtiW . lieut lusvut#lm epaowmemhw vas sM *il@ weai ps "s. N om*'om el *11. ph..X? spuvu a eu" ia M"I 0" of om.v0mMd tue- v' ', asim. ladel lv vil! b 0s amilW oti e soo me%"'o MW eP'4um M lV onet ?umn'%L hPde PMU. 50011 1sa-41 1 'van 1" i>Pi aSé.-14may* N.. 19*1. Tu h let.eSrduy lbt IbussuMd 1tne mmeftm î- k delu et 68.but rmml. *0 * boue Dtpis «r I. wIbml h Tua. EAâ*iwa. bu«I., 1. -M - .4.te ulyll uetissaimml ishgMdl e' *4 bt mitsbub*is ànv u wemese dIpktmb vuusav uoi~- . 'Wé bb la lu ià se .8,u' et ulos e tn aIe =eai u loi e u u u ludielu use ie. e saW uielsI ve tu &MÛT vitA à h. um L"oav" a eue fmm lm ele R o;â li1"a ut,ées ~~sImg4s r iyeux, on 1 th for, beauty of fih nsud .simtr vhenshoppffl-uc h omne « i.d. Handerchiefs bythe MoiLn -W. oommuel"s n44!oetmi20.-stop ai 8.O-aome Wonded IWOUbotween theoe pruces. L1adie8' Ties and, Scairfs, mauslle usadCis men's White and Oolored Shirts. The buit 2!.5o. Blak Caahmere and Worl Sooke, in -the trade. BANKETS &,DOWN lqQU1LTB sway down in pricea. Chielnillei ( rtiains .imported- from the Philadeiphia mana'facturet3--bY a&U odds th. largest: assortment on di6p 1¶Iy a Lindiay. These goodis commenos ai $82.6 5-frc id ,d Fanoy -Shoulder Shawis in 1 lveIy tnis suai rioh weaves. Just the present lor an *erlylay XUnoboM XNapsvy, «q"M iegooS md oharmiug baigrgi. So appropriato ausa ]Presni o a hociuewife>. MEN'S$IKUMRLA WHITE BBD SPREÂDS, Whafi eau be more acceptable to 1h. feminine beart than Ezitra valuesin WOO-L ýDîRESS COODS. w roff«!«g morne.btugains. A lot of Bols.' Overooats at $2.60sana8.00.. suitâ and Pantis at Deoember prices Mlieave something ker pre senti, You'l. 'Si. I 1004 a yard, L.ee themil 1- t' For 25 Cts. 0O-R LESS W. have an fimmens rage., China Articles, Vases ?Pe.riéires, Good Pocket Knives, hauteeus * * Pendit# etc., etc. * lFor $100 O-R LESS 0rphted Npin lgs i I. 1' I k' ~ A' Mis :~ i-I s. I *~ i. - .ý , ý 1 1

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