- f » accordIng totew «týb text selectl W be. 1-, «Ilhave eSid Paul was Dt ne1 21 sfoie. Uc e t for ý47P Troas on a. meorbi o Zkow tithe te4eB mente for the*a t~ er and make Ing. "I -have 4tep ter." W.!!. thteA tê r cember ansi the seenat wlnter. Wb bave béA wm sharp blàti a»dy I wheîe rogImext, its t-r peste. No one bore o that we are in thec winter. This season la net i.one's physical endurance great cities la a tst <.rb ter. A> vaut nem. ý by one. winter -et d6inu stov uad foi.ver. Sâ« htoed, c orne ustormy rugi hoWllng outs1de, *weItmai plng helplesaly:drive» on but any winter n'iiht, if ou good enuough, w. coculi h« of a thousands moral asii are many people, who ou cities on the let Pt Beptemb be blasteà by the loet t this sea5on of the. year. are espectally rampant. Nuý Aong w inter eveùnnguhaei are - manywho wil. rnploy th pursulta,- Intelligent socIl Christian work, lu the stir aud, ennobling of moral chu' this wlnter te rnany of you brigiitest and the best' .o aI and ln anticipation 1I congru 'But te otiiers It may flot effect, and I charige yoü, il look c'it.-wlîerc ouspensi y nights. 'In the.tiret place, 1I. bave that at this season ocf-tihe evil allurementu ýare especI 'J'here in fot very mucir -4br a man to pluage ln en a aii.blazlng gadâiite and the fetid air of. an assem bla thre coisi uightssatan gathe barvest. At snch Urnes t are lu full hlast. At-such. grfglhops ln oue nlght ic than in four or ftve miebts M t sch times the Playbil places.of entertalument nete attractive, and thre actinng i ly Impresalve andi the applu lailiy bewltching. Magy a ýmu kept rIght ail thre reàt &0fh be capsized now, andi thout un le came from the7 coa there. vas luster lu tie ey.i,; were rweet l tire -Chk-*su la thà. stop. by the ttme-.t hour has coeeyou vi!! lm thre treet and say te you 'What's the inetter with t 116* differeritly lielookei É lie iôoed Isat Septemberr" one wlnter's dlusl4ton. At of the.year there a ny monts. If we e rgtl rp!ey tirey are Ocf the r -htking, tir our ocililties, aliow ms to portant acquaitarice, uilsi our ruerais and iilp un. ln a ways. Icari sosroeiy ttiik CI better thar goosi aeigbbér tiiere are those entrt4là wiclh otiiers vit cor" ibe charseter., Thor*a»ar. fhom the. uprinetirne viiib. bruiier health, and, though at thre 0 the sesson their pteot. vu a&t the. close of the seasn tir ln thre bauds o et iedoetsus lng lu tir, emeterit. Tie re d.ath wlli be maOeo et, and htiln. te ave the teeling3 of fily, vi!cailuichedises. le mai.But the Oootor s everyheody cisc knowsi. Uiey d * may icveoa.AiW h viedrlang cwliii you, thre father of a ýfsrnlY. appetites ofi. bato r irapu tti.cuo mafient. « theule84 tho lutaserm thekfellbut ot lesy er.l the ho" wonia»cr sts ttire o. tlree X's onauke " Mdc up my uriu tirettire tira,. X'à e in" a er. an aloegory, ari tiraitirey messt e »MP.- 80 brokeil esgnt up housebis.s 30 prospectsetfa dmunk- t". Ztr e of lrfe 1 1 tions Tic viater ses ou le eapeulli4rly l ýt thce. rtemupttioer, becanse o et ire I ubere evenhrgi allevlug sucir tir!! svng for kr 1115h cv lIndulgences. Yen car uaarcely !ex- s. tr ua younar' an te go Into. irisi'qex b.ning ad nt thçre from 7 te il o'cicck lu the ýr, -and cvqtalar# rea4lngMoeysa uteir R.- bW the' publie," or John ITester'. e»8318. It I liven vould ble avery .beautul i uIg for cyou. hlm to do, but -be wil neot 1Tire *sqzeh Miostt o ur youug mer are busy In 1î1Rffl omeies, lu fctea, lu baurklng bouses, wtinter in stores, Inabsir*u ad wleu 'eienlng eOmea uirey vaut tic fresi«r ir, "d mmar tier vaut anrtelpsd theY mrut W, tàe bas,.ILt Mont &et iýme» bohre andin- busy. bled viii bave tire. or four evenluga nationof et hiure ou the iiter nights. Mien night' - ea thi uer pueoniris iransd cea ethe éaUd ho tges ont. One terniof allure-, but Sn mertsasys "«Come unairere." Satan uays, .igMat '"ltis2bemttor.you togo ln.Touougirt asSues tnot to e no s green. By this time *you 1s the <ugit to'bave ode»ý eveMyhlng," sund more tire temptationo ibiD'ûld le mlghty ln' umre. iup ti,*Me uia s Ve b aul, but r ev vhicir, 1 belleve, s*c gomnfer I .bean :cialy. & ove'tlï ulm tirepropirecy et great cl- ,lPr«P«iY. and tire.ralinosulmon sud. respe. .irc umoirarts, tiryalil .1me oetthe io h qdy fpopnth iey j$biuk.are coin- r *ittM'Ira dupatmnts they t aut- qmeayorne, sud they are 5lmg &b a tô ote Sa *11 departments, but those ý.vum The question et ai vellieol lu. [ni Snu vtlia vaut multitude tirs gritý ques- riend: tien. Tirere are youug i whro lie c- man? pested-bêtere tiato sot âp> thfr ionse- pirat 'bu tit tiroy bave, becal- disappoluteul iii ôt tuf thagains. tiey bave uraU .Tbey ~t»w ecannot support tireurslve&-4iôv cari tt t>~y @f1lqýrnt o0rns? And , the o urse tiet eanman urut-ot marry unil b.e e Sm- iras acirieveul a fortune, vir e tir ain tu-eugit 1* atart îWthe foot o et tii.i msand ýa»d togetbrén b te ithetop. thing - e .iat luta ot X irlquod lway. andl put Mmrt miii b. tire nw talou.>d vsy if fteM e0cty la everoXdr ei t ul tg e bad tmgztb,udu1ues, se rany D 1W, Yua n ee dscouage&P... . m&iW 'mer vu ta haît nothiug te de-they coulul get no- *g et ting te do-a« pirate boe.devu on riglit, tire aip vire» the. salis were down sud II ire the vessei vas malug ne headway. aq- P . e amy they vautt more time te ta ~ ~ Th ~ h itrouble lu tee mary people irt at toe muciiti"ns te think., sud iji- Ur uercirsnts bad .net >1usd uireir Lý&tè IWb* tvetedmany etf hem vbie9d beb-e hlehave hen in hi& n be üae y«lion. m This winter viii' 'é.1 t the 7 Mý toW**MpM an* *aial dStiny per. ôe huue or «t la tie qudience. sVs k t 5 Ueo>m telhw4- nom itemsla * t it a urY iieM~ onwl Inte » àki tir.kuamh the i.y.uxg mme par- iS it «to* t4 se .or re oa-av la niâ& 4 le,. ue. But tMrean M"Ia Ir her 2vi tb4p OP e tb ee om ,and »ra n c W fl t e nUc t it a i n * amnbe s ne that it lu a meut -bu- MWa utum av mu t f. have a amou tes Lie Z Ma Mx M0uIuêtthFT Pe ofteg&- *Cers té tutri out kmdw.t &jes*r t» W»tt"patisteti, te mb118hg M d l ox.u üa tery cui m ^tutp lu w #tlmt. x . J, 6" gt.u.. W& uld tire aneS yulay4al:hlel7,chappp à($ a noisbout tr cer ms e .0 one imeros un *.~to~athecoatier *ud.iii &' we 1i.I ut« trtPo.Nl suie *jMS urre SPlr e t bgi&yatlitai 'la~ae ln duesy~t » nioa 0th t e isr dehe Sutiimbeb e ti and themr nois upeuS th~eatrew me., cpa o hc ou hm su ' My gOlSgr ýdtc m en, ly. Int l nt ha 'a and it did seMau If there would b. But Af theÉe iioervcm snouUd I= VOmISad«ft yonte persiut-la y~ nu t ELIrnot 'a net, aud teUiceh ave tu tthe quiet-Ipomac. mm as lb l* short cbaml<. but Iebasb»diseovered thtia *ib. calied la-virer 014 Dr. Beaman, 'ie vaik down fr Iway Aird vatci -hm au -the musse that "la us"mgeny 'te c. haïr wvIii. » the.driver «i* 55 uter the. linge wàltir.bàildIug cf tii b> r M t Ould -have tUec efféet@ *14Lt me try my bard.'-go irecarne l.tanard -on: Co.er O.née .the rutlàiug your.iiealtb, snd.ever sorteq- *týê2Othre front han ýatteud«tntrush 'te thi e or Mmd ,"lu& ~yeUý, 'lIte. Aainst ilthese et ~ fpàtorâ1ý1 ad the children , -atiir pl lc o ngad o x l aw th venerable mari ud thre whilte Owmt. Ner op ec nrvs &"t ri= WUl i g ar0 n:u.Pa r tht exss. brtiiey tirOUg.ht th.y vouid hush.u a priso - U> tia~ t ant a"d hea ir at thei. eid cit.Mt ot Mtiai civaton m rari v e o i 4 e bgiver te Qermau drurgglts Iran hmd te say. *-ige aid: "Boys, 1 takthe ti.QUMc-lbokimg, reâUp te thr&t mli vthout an order, to the irsi wi sa te make a bargair vlth yon. If sixtW 0r.ou Il -hé wcee ein tooesicomer, tabletssuad -potions vhlch 9 IOn vIii bc stuj nDovwviile 1speak, it veuid bc ticed heman entéresi MIgIt -perbapi cure ebeslty, b vwich ,r wher FOU get te ireas 014 as 1 amrn inarMe. thc deor etfvirich - tebarrer -injure -thre'e rgatlsm sud. produce grave -WUI bc as stili as a mouse." Threwas Ofariy igu or Ietternnidcating the tro.bleot them coutsandorne bpoo, rq ot another whlaper thatafternoori. rame or business etftthe occupant. oall of u'hem b nch boepoisonfa e o vw«as smucl a bey as any ot them. It Woùid bc nccessary fer tire M sd hIt ub iia u s.etudiner- fa * Oh. la tires, aPPreacing holidays let rions n'an te go back te tire elevater in mn tie xzpeae ieds t Usf turn back our natures te viiat tiiey 1"oir à d o thie main han. again te get IMAstrus fet etr ecures of, tees r*tf YW'reyau&go aud bc bors &gain and anp' information, sud ithe reply t!o hie «rousnefetogoftestreés eoeta girls &aiansd niake ail our homes us DvoMb:aWytitst r.veli- k o rarcitiesthetcase of ro ha-Ppy. Qed viirotufl you reaponslblo boss, Mr. ]Reckefeller.- c oartn viti tiopulence t h.t for theIn.ifluencé -yen nov exert, sud nlwurostttta oh .vreU ir Nature pulenceiiof, becam It viilbe very brigbt andi very pies- aacrosfc ta Yh .Wk atr a ie.i.b eif ome vinter nigiri vier ve are ,RcInllr the ri.ea asl ie suthmn that h ired1 Inluconnequenob.i ow althtte foer But it la net.tire treatmert alone that pu hildrsallride aln n ~PéOple tian any oter, ceiebrity lu the u i~dangeoeu. crlybsteuai merry partY; snd ud hsng a moment 1i metroPoIS. N. ceuld-oýppear befere a- Uicecpportnnity te enJey iisdimirtisi- Iritoolemnity look onf sud say. erhmra1asthei.ng à nt f50 DiUDsd not a IM obseslty,before disqnletlug symp- sleep the. best father sud motiier th t dosezen oflkie%, w Wvao He tom s egin their appearance,bih- é ver nmade a happy nmev year." .m cullg nthée r, - he ti t ex-Mo slter%, irebecernesnerveus, im- yGUr.elf against tires. temptations oet change, viren It vas Ihled vltb the: Peifable, snd froni dar te day bu December*, Jsuuary sud Fbbrnary. ,abiest finacIers ecf Wall street, and, lias ne more tir, feeling ot belng lir ise *Teimptations Win! c0eete Yeu In the net hait a dose» 0f tieznukin& ect atural. utate... tcrm eorsaugae! cf lght.. " co ai iog ras- It seernu te b.eriIpreved tiret 1. xüùw tûraitlh »uets represent b&_ vay freur the Battery te Central ]Park, vo eu rot make ourselves thir tir _O tau as Irred snd ueoxed. ui. were a sud ont cf tire 30M0 people ire veuld,«lmlpunity. Nature creates tbe fat i1d UL wua ~re gItePCree s.nn s a man Pau Si the. ive mll. Jourzrey, net tbree tire les»,sand it in.t»e part ot vinciar beng wouid repers usmn ada to th eus elul use an Sequaintance: lu for ene sud tire otirer te nesign tireni- buat perfection, "Ii aning in gracerul hm9,«t ercniin u uthr ragliets, eyés a littie bàuodbirt, but Tet this lu tirmhie. &.vowtiii!»the buL*wnlty soeurs te tail, sud It lu te b. Sud!»ig I bewltcing tanguer, bsad Peut tcv v wekls -atcuvded .the worM feauldtirat tire meut sertous disoe- aotan iimoniesi, foot exquistely b gvigI&,'êool »a a mp te t es, s eilasuihe-usant dangerous Voie oliw s aUne, retirUhiveu'y. 1 tm oPS. v b* are te fat trucm making Pefimedý as tiroogh notiig b",s ever 1f iT e a30lie' b i » gler 380000 te t.sie ia emte rw toiciresithre lips but blsm ef a thon- tbis tbmjesa. -. é, attr ho Wh havî the eam mI ivmi sd S@tg Pmi 'P ed PrOPeties cftir.e remedie@ fer ebeslty, havethe eau noas vthie soSies nevapaporu »lUi th e ts ot New Bed- trY te diacover tirat obeaity vas grae. of a menstor, snd bavC t tuffied vitir Zâtrd, vireD - the Plé cf «tire mars1fuit aud more beautiful. than tire op- l pride and biasWriess et desirs sud Mmcietts tovu naaried lm as -a'olesttUoitu odto hy*pocriey snd deatir, sud tien 1 vonîsi 'very erdlrary suri 1>0. aJnc veotaelU pori n li . ireecodeition have -it toirebed vftirtire rosi et dis- aoewul-ildvc chedd n erciartren unil ireeye beame Tislast giti etir mn.Bieflter gives asfer au, vi ca. prove the estiretia thec old orbe et the, aduler, andi te Uihe mt.wakfarmiuphstiepi ulotycft.trn over thc fat' 11p)siroutlcoure the ofetragiug. of tiicoluu, jl le s-Tbascsbut a matter off lairior, tire Iutr xueat"è, dd ikerfoot thespint et tir raie90 s year, #esuit of sarav taste, tirh Wcrrg i Ofet tirePOtier, sud'te tire sôft baud sd c e. pt Uaron 1rueue year te siotir. lu h net fthp change that vonul maie. t the r.Iris aly expen'm eoi&testm tesUift te hirertire ardent Idéal et fat Mt band et tire vauteul akeleton,, sud then Of buS vestu-r.- Piââm .It as hbl gh. eWty? Would it net prevent the dis- B I veull sndenly ave te beat as 3WAWA WI l u - net nib- astrons effectu ot ailthUc e redieste break Ourt Iluunquenebabileurems, sud able tirat t lbas ivacireulthat smm, Ih obity. Chi tic~~~~~ afetSls ttr ogebecome lu cloise te IL. e . mtl uakes Job»nM thre busofethtie Wom -that mêer dies. D. ]Roekefellorthr nihMimernlIn th riut Unuit! dliseihsto. rtnglteSd c lvlllso rdl. It lugsMMithali 4ung AEnvyEmystor. M dlaàMdned sud flntc-vFolced, sud con. Ciraùg oet bu ras3f,OW,0W,. but tus £ very pecUular eIevator. accident lua vm~etlon tacils, care«uty toueS andi ustimate là uiraaei» pflesaieaRe- reporteulinlu Nov Haver. Davidi C. Fnreschy. cent entirnates oftire vealili et Barndy SliLcy operatestire elevator lu tbei **-- ..-. D~au.. Uu 1 ,.la -MU Baite, Wvire ns urUlp ting tire Kaf- ]Kublrg Building. Ne vaaitich a juau us. u....s..~ s~àau.~s in crase Inlu Lon uhave piaceul t as teuii.gbon i te iir ie a *~a.b, .4D..~~uu4Jj ~Â.. Ae.u. ~irgh s .30#M0000. Otiier estirnates Came frei tire.bottom landing. He »I~A~U itU ~.aU~. ~ ~"have plseed lieua tcv s4$ffl1OAO. Cen- plé«th everS, burt conulrnet stop .*L ~ L~. .AU li~UV~ servative Ergiisirpapers uay tirai ho thc araclineryra teeeao o b1ve Y. M CÂ:e8 s t eu 'aut0w b Ins actuaily ertIl $?l<JoO, iti thre reseliai tiéýre grnS libe.. vent.ta nin eay a Lr wrd o yo&w iDU:àrniag. r poustbilty oethtie bulk. e t éi tadu th*e lottgur ettic loti, strIklug w ta&" te meYW ý à ou»eeJý te e, P- svaay u est ay neThfl ua oh floue aste tiras' hlm dový. By z 'r nie duer-w w ealtir of t the thi lft es net ap- the ti"0'h@ regaijied bI i et, tie eh- si&e urd,& hostIo 'euulproach thefortune et a. o feir- nie uuur auteuoisiiyvas turu ,t eut vsu -Z, tunci . ni>te uU Mrucir ab " luswttten nocenttly901»9 g np&aI trtufldes. ,Whent oni - y au M -.࣠yew'--evu vaut amy abbut tire fabulonsaccuirruitie». or 5trcktii top Situry as tiarovu belj> or 55l' aiSiosoSe -tg Me. j» lkbed> by ludIvI4uaI .Anericane, but 4@'AI0 an»Sd the elevaton -began te l102g as 1 rémember yu s rru *hé& icth ure It oftire greatmest if, ru au fau t hcame. *P*Tis c"r- ,toattcer .nY01o à Mr 1 oum erIlk:'Tiret tirse u op&ard utb tirfortunes; tlanueS LII Lhbey baS Mmdc.AVtripe 7Viii b. e ltaebbto s « irne«dd & f, et tire u t h b0 oderu million- %Wb.ur ut last, by uPenbrrmaà ,exer- tbéc Youaeg@mom. ýdlv Se I lurev iL? Inemekes but apaltryshowlêns, ire 'Wonked ýtire lever sud causa I 'rcvAtoy ac«dmye a~ù ut FrisacSlmoi i letthre machine to stop. li. rusirci Sute heq u yun m» iO 5k5 ir D me e mtiait, vp.s equrthe i et ZZluZZWo 'at e pwwe ue. Voic«et si rin hlm t wst svay. Ie r a 4 h *s ' l u I s » jfabulons OMM 1 et 300,000,000S urI vd ais fter, sud u -bad »Moylý.-Tbé:«kVw ilw fr« madeteuseer neelmoneo âsâ ofcf thceéleva-* ~ h.i - ~ ~ $,UI8Il;Rrvrlt 0bil& ~ ~~iIa niglt, îtire lever stops l5~N45Ut.1 flOns utU*Vràte.W-~rct~eoperated, t tic prciper cf t tir - .Do x m aiuit, GrcoeyKeMt Street. I8 -PIANOS ANOD MACHINHE8, J5'!. 'HER-UP, & ' Keep -Milch Cows InT iAYS.. aliu.otcali h.irm-down MWv to bave a god &o f m, boce ho Mli.vi! mm&= aann anima ] .Uood- SaPurTi.iSytemrmm 'Ilotbinlg IL eady EtoWearat h= etsook-O1 com* Ug la too large and muet be reduoed before the end of, the,year. To do this we mako ýthe pioes, low enough to be an Inducement. en's heavy- Tweed Suit, #4175, *7.50, $eoo and #8.5o. oys' hevy Tweed Suits xi.5o op to $5.00. em'a heavy >Tweed Pits .*$1.15 pto *3.00a Pour. Dys' Knicker Fauts 35r, -UP tO75c-.a Pair. mlIdrenel Suit, &à aiges redocd eu'a IIeltt and Tweed Ov«rcoat eds,.Friese Ulsteré, $5.ôo UP. W. invite you ta comnpare puces and quality. Special value in )Men'a Underwear. )a can, alwaje de.Wed on a large assortinent of e 1very line of.goods to selet,fron,, old at close pukes, and getting highest market puice fer jour produce at this store. s.-ipomS' f I OAXWOOD.I. I The* fa ~wthse t W. dm1oly inthe best and keep a~~~lt a*pes.Ttz the remm&we are, doing auch - a large " *cabh to secure *~~~~F =,~U~.SUS t *S~U sel MO~ 'v ~ y: 'f Fi est