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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Dec 1895, p. 6

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hmbai umbsttute Mud Ca.sw 70«0 'um by es VonmgSour Curd, ~dI. Va*pularelieves "sd nsturalflep. cas. *-the NUie's Frend. stoou ethe wza I¶UUUF , duo mL - -lay aà the anu ~d bahaing %.-don't kuow,- hea"th ge« a sugaithe. nlr p ne assumed a voeund4 mxoa -e btiO* * #Vaced h ag ft.th cWluOf re- "!why ueuld -10u wrONg qe tl ti he UniiWde et the a deubt, Lady Florenc e u àwmIw' tetfal'o astt cing O asmuetathe ed, ,rerachfully. "Hfave.r nOt triesiu 10 gher1 fWhe gva Ot Ba" WVY tii. prove.myueli bio fr1 d-*" Ymmr duhete he gmt aUcni WaockQ 8h. uhuddered . sin. -iOh, yn 1" she.mald. lt b0-7 ho*-Mid preuuod impatence-"][,uuwe',P>" Vn odd ad10elU bet "Sppse1"hoe hoed, vitii rail Vyae the k.am odUaiet brave.. v-Yateky. t a- r 4«Whn:ca 1 ss bni-hwM il Hrold Tempeat, là COMlpE to-day she demnanded, restiesuly. h ad Re stemed ta consider for A Moment. -lu a day or two," he said. "oms bn vageadistor couin vo ba net try hhm tee mucb att iet a" oIf enorase i course your Pre*e«Ovul ni Mr.. f'lu aie lS bvd.m h 94t 61-I Win not ume hlm untn ftt s j "Tes, bavyir.El Irdhl ta r1, to for hlm," ah. saId&bitina ber hp. "TeI ime ot.O eetbf.Eethnl ay hlm-no, 1 . iii write toMhl m. al'do Isei.$#" that ?,.' - « ..% Very gOod","sali a. "a 4iCertalniy," ,ho aunuwered. 'Me Iyulelt me have t a o. ta ride Over ta the* ho dellghted vith & letter SrOm 7UYou- Gr""?BOY far ilit, by the way ?" Tourmarn huabee on is 3S ay 'Ifar upon four =lies, aIr," rePlied aon netlady'Flarno "e» dythe man. -Oh, yeu,. air, I'voa very Va"e baisoarcely .mmuntisol iiober aod herse, and X thlnk t vil ho fine. name Th caer amelut be lae jyour honor." face s Th turn«dcbr inter Paale "Ut looks brIght enough.," snid Vane, fRtace mldb.ogte tu hie lë& a a- preparing ta go imbhie breakfast. proaéhing marriago vhicb hmgiven "Tes ir ; lt'a Ioc lear over tbe Wlt- hlm th* Docety pirit t t reun." Ichou' Cadron for rat&." ho Mai, aortly. -IVane Starti and Stood tili "Tht-that cannot *e r aies ime," I What--what place di you aaY '?" e ah. mormured; but thero vuela. tomb w&aaed. bis bach ta the obsequleus land- ot hope ln ber 1ev voice.lord. 6"Pargive me If I venturet. SuMent -' hie Wltchee' Cadron, yOUr h<ot.r" that il sheuld hoasesemm as pouable" Van. turbed. levly, bis lips com- ho nild. "Be neOM S a lvlng sudwatclu- P"eed, a OsaOv on bis fame. Dyond fui caro-soueh cure as ouiy aSitfe Oa the tact that the Grange va" Mer R"'- 'give. -But therev e W at 'etnclarandlkethe Wltches' Cald»om hlm a If e veos airmet himil. n Cornvall. ho knev ugothlng eofbIs vent Wini soon ho the OU Vase -gain. vbereaboute. and thon-" I "5ev n ear inu tIr, » hoaaked. * Ne:paua.d slgnlflcantly and left he- ""A matter ef ton miles. your houer," "YoumuaIgetvelias es M700replied the landlord. "I* a Main pretty can, my dear feltov," ho MaiS te VaSu9' Place, but% vildi*Î1k. t' loe#e1 hait as hour latr ; "yêuve S a is es- Tou can a'mnost mes t trouy"Ur business lu band.,you knov." vlmdov, Youz hoaot."1 Vane looted at: hlm Vlt BOUM- tu- Vane stood ailent sud MOtlium berrogtationm vlbdirection domst lie I"h -Mag business ?" as*ed, afttr a long Pause. "Tes. Ton dos!t oeil mtitumy S 'The andodtufointeS te i. ei emal cue, do you?" aM' iddel Y TYs, .'Wgut.la aie mwuthMr foreger," llghtly. be sali ý-n%6iW3 tii. Grange, as yoU Vane's face fluahed, s u oioeSS nIht uyiam4touugnts dovu; unnd, though bho Made '10 te- th Wltcbes' Caliron on the ceut, a bit spoue, Senley Tyeru' speech tbai Ise ote * rlgbt. i gjat a ht out et your feot, and almost the firett Oýaut0 L bon'a wPSYIf no.iio as your bonor naid wben Lady plôrence and **etvasn't presued for timmeand 'ud cars te veeo: I eeoane of the reugbst spots weve gotV" "-When luaOur vouluE tg e PU> Tauie shook hie head. once?'--I No , 1 have no time.," lie nid. Re 1t shall be'phen'you plesse, Vans,_ veut in and tried toeact bis breakfast elhe answerei, ber hani *ttembling lnRhie, but falied. Bcmethlng seemed te be ber eres cast davu for a Moment, thon drawlng hlm te the place at vhlcb the reised vlth a a peeiefate G*vOtIOU tulnlaery etfishie febai commenced. Re "Thn li tk touua urlls went out and ordred the berle round. I«reh ,11tak th usal nvaWn d- eapd nelo the saiSie, uni rode la the. vantage ani'.say dSeon,' ho miid, IM direction of the Grange, as f tertu Ing ber hand ta hie l1P&. But fort tus that If ho hesltatedl or sitokemuoi rein vretched, lneq@a vsbaouMhave eauho should yWed te the tomPtatiou that man und'vite beore hs beset him te galop tbligt for the (Wl- yo1u promise te take flo-vtaat. rn remain. of me, that Ia"-aad s ho dOIL hre ie marrIage glancecdawn et bis thiU 1bande vlth oeeoetthe .lovlest et th* vlth a laugh-"jnext -month-Uy th, ealhitwemea lu Enlan Al&i end ef FebruarY-+I shah hïav* IMOu- togxsogtt oo e.adYt tlni to etel vOnfor. I'litaUr &0bouthadye e-ghs ut e h t bead et - it ta your father vhen b. cor tl@rund.l h benlo e s o eken& i a- afternoon, f youil say 'Tua." teld.agiatis thob" lm then, bi mo A gsidligit brghterÀei ber -facto,Md t theagiation ho batutGage tre she let ber heai t al lgl iy sPcn bisathe &did ection t th Grnge i shoulder and drew, bis larm round ber tie lRndior d aimaeut ade.l gen "Ivol uacyye e-orw rode on &gain ialot, boping ta came toii'd promse to etoehl by tIftupoII a fingeros't. i.r yoWd pomise ô SetWell b that B the count.ry got wilder,th od time," she sai, vltb a Mâla b$h. rue HhatlnbiW& J s Làord Warlock, vWheu ho calhe, ikdl hobai Ion. monthu e a rt tus Ve aoienbed te the date PropOM laeee fri.btt "Ot t over and dont, wth., e sii. r ide o ndvus oth4mSlnd oItlbt 4"It'sa anuisancevhenever sandviier- teride god attecaneui o o ever it takes Plaoei WhY On eaPth Pe- t1*lyh came Wpon a bondtli the pie ca't be: marrled vithout te us, od, and hoe kn..that It vas tie rosi th&t's lvays maie-" pnwihhha dutedyh mBut.:there la toe o ne Le," Oflm tteS CoaWlb b bato liO tUbis. ay urÉ Vane.& "'iorence PaticgarY w1sés ot l aidrO ecniu i or that lb shah! ho a quiet wvoiiisg" Eue hesrtaiL edhWfS . gvpaue, "Se ashe telleme ; but rv. poâted u l 71ednto t& oAn, dastu ta ber Ibse vents a sMbi uiet hW OMM ; "d it eO voiSing, jeu mint get marettheIpselmaowh a1, o country, Tou'd have hait theleOmla - ý et50 h'ilhb Leonden tombag te agu" t Fm* t t tIO4kmiM a WM koms bore, vhy net go deva te ts«M and get marrIeS f oa *? 1*MI et tayaIthoehu-Rlit -"cmbut t -a mr *à$ l a ulght or tw'o." 41" 00ob*u tg m as "lle Granget ?Id flVans. h*4 ",1Tes . that place et rais ne làC«Ik-ç tessg w* vali., 1-haven't been there or 01 iWn. bat howMa ie o but Itle pretty tand ail tb.t, a.51* mmii Very vol," sali Vane. , %î t ho ail as Florence pleameu" dut$ýIr grIn.- -Tbt'a nly ft, Seg V tait#..1. ' 1-". e il baYe W" but é ingk awnivÉbtts u$k l when bes denoena4oi e4 liUe1 1. i "dYeu proteenssite bhoz*viis. 'rué eecevet rme- Tee1bbuIudr èîeni," ho wuh ou wh ?ou yfu.t it. r.romw e I'eas IanderélInithaIthon- cite=ant of thiemoment <IfId-âhn4 mi Urging Yeuo tlspe1loYb* io ay*iit was '»t 1 ýe i hW' ait thit mi" but wlup'dMi ette&*é*'me wit¶io« à, Word ? wum it kln-ouést, iOl'U11,1 thought i knev yau., voffl, mot bail 1et you 11k. that." 8h. gsao athlm. as ho staci befote ber, bertesa White as bis ov'n. hie ejes ueking hors. witb 'e cemlhg*lisg; etreproacb und Ininite tendftlume. "If jeu bldvo.tcd tIhi the unoruilg and blS me hhat--that -the. reamOn vby yen could-flot merry me, do jeu thlnk I1veau h avé bld you la o ur promim-that 1 vauli sot bave released joeTou 1me-jeu inust have knawn--hov dearly I loveS Yeu.". She spoke et lest. "*Tau-yau loved me r' 'He sttred et ber. l'Tou knew I loved jou-I bah jeou noe! Do jeu tblnk 1-1 lied te jou ? Dr- Yeu, tblnk I1vaa trying te decelve yau ? Oh, Nota Nora ! .jeu have been vert cruel la me, my girl."' "4Cruel te jon T Bbc ecbaed the varda op If she talled to grauP thelr.meaning. ."Tes," be sai, vlh deep emplasis- "malt cruel ! Wliy dii you ual trust me ? Ton trusted-jou conflded ln Sen- tej Tyeta. Wby MiiYeu no'et b me wiiat yjan ld hlm ? DiS jan tbink ir saul ani o semeen as te force jeu t'i nuarrY mo--that I vouldn't bave heen jour friomi sthili? God tergive jeu Nota! 1 dou't think tRal jeu cms eveâ gueso the mis.ry You bave caussi me." Bie laoked et hlm as If paintully trylmg ta follov and understami hlm. "For Inontbs I have beèensearchlng fer jeu. Day amn ait, witbscarehy any test, -t bave beau lookgtor*you Por menthe I nover Iey davu toi lep -but 1 58w iyeu lying dotS or-" e abuddered. "But you.know-you mudt know boy, lovifig you e. 1 did, 1 must have sutfersi." Me drew bis ha*d acrose bis brow.- "But. thiats al aver," lie sali, looking et ber. "«You-You are wvo», hapy? I-Iarn glad of that. WiII jeu tell me-you won'b refuse te tell me-vliere you have been hiding-bov ton managed te heep ont at the vay ? Where ! vhere have!Y net laoked for jan, No-Pa ?"I She leaned ber beai an lier band, a If tee contused anS hovilreci te gts hie meaning for a moment or twa, thon uhe*ooked up et hlm. "Yen did flot know wliere 1 vas et tIrst, but-but later you di." "No !' I e exclaimed, vehemently. "*Nat frein the lime yeu tan away tram me unÙtlai mmennt ave I ever béatS where jeu bhave beer.. I do flot knov l nov. She hait roue, thon aank dowu again, as If tee agitated te stand. "You knew I vas et Vaie Hall," she oali, In a. 1ev volce oet rproacb, as it struck hlm. "«Tou-eat Vaie Rail No! Wh y-Wlm shouli jYeu bho.there? How abouti -I '-hej vrete.thep telS you-tbey mmtl have toli Yeu.," ah.sai. 4le statei at Et, Wbat doos . this moan?- Tou et Voe~ Ba11l? Wh3 14 jeuy go there ? It la tbe lat place, the Veur lest place. lu the viiole vend I shoulibave thougRit of looking fer YoaU." Sho trembleS =6uitttffi a lmoasM of bewtld.imeat. 90 iëO W wil ' MY coulo Dot bta Iswu"to marty me r 'Ph. var*à soumiS teWt~s thronogb« Iwo lie. ai elns but v *0 "b.~bi sb aud tIglutoBtw tu on Mrn atm. -dit, no, me i Tou maone4 "eOI4 a = ,Vs.! jm am cruek-efro1 Ton 1kamev - atmeo fbathul 1 Iv.* jeu te. olS te o t7*u sOlmMât, by flarr$sg amaa onas I 1w» 1F I le deubtet tue eoiaetbis mu MdS. qes for, indeol ,ber- face vasmas ele.aent oethbe truB as b« e evbrokea "Ibis r' ho .liiS rahn «I lveoe," d0 vtlpewed, sim»1y, bunmy, "-dit* ulned t lobt Fnubar» my dimsmae.-for '.b"uaidiagaced MY"- çelf. EverybMiy venu hav»sbmunk f ,n ou as eglai meý. stye" ba isa. rieS me, I via mot M ta ho pour vite aftew-aftor uhat I1haldone. i wus a Bec ~t lu i r m ien»»àudev DO y*u kaog am mrnisg t To q-yeulwd Mue mil lb.tigo! >m'Wveto ket t- -,riMr uve4t, la- mut uoom ,&" m _ tiafn teatlade'vourlboa'fae vlitbs buargy ore . *bWiie* iii sué* widý Danoeu s gel lt.o ur boaS? 5ev DMl It have douem Pamtingq» e rest ubis aruu14 bt face ,ubtern.d to hIa wb a trng look la erlkoy 000 êý'IQk 0£one vbo vanders bln41*wstlb. dau*- nouset a ereat scrowl hie iasulng ligRt et a greatr . HO bkiseS bon, kimisih«i lps, bt batr, the vnietul euM& -"N«y llov e u mw&un" ls t ly a dram ? Cmn St Il tu yeu uni I are tlmgmtàur aNo gsoThab- tom YOU love Mt emmuiuy loeS Uuei»that 'hto vas sllenpo fta apeIl 1lThon btnmbisg, ab* irreaw&y frou hlm anS saak on te lb. rock egoin, anS h. Lung bba Mt % t ber&fiel ButbeR er tlghtIy, «afb&s ifte tlitueS tuaI the ulil vu»- me*,h..7hnt. ho *9. -WSSt. -ZJut Mr ~Oncemens 1Rlistn Vans,' that 1 Mar get a a m a"tof 1 it. Tou sas, 1 am nm m uethat Ibavmn't gso*s4. aMithas tbin't au a Susiuiu. 5h ocêg lev ea M blu, villa kv - rima bot iwwta"e me ý»wxwu R-mefor smusthme . Tom use, wtwla!ee td a weemi o wre Mdt? 1* lauald, pffl muet [I* it "as tdto5 lta ' ê t ** -uko"*1&hoaI& "But 1 Èo looked st but, amusai 'Not-bg*beV-beW dii Oeee - by 'amis#affl bm teg""fb ý' "oe" RnA» & page saetpo dVbei, VT7 qufletl. , Iff toma eut 014Or, octet-bo@k. wte br ,uay lh be sce tho note as gow4alls ami gave tho er bu ht ML «Oom4ms te$l m."se MId,& mp Vans utarod. 'Ple wlUlnoftheb. ntes, vas qUtté ddamitarpWibl 1106 "Tyonue»» rshesli Vmne touflsi rom the. notes te ber Matl b&Ck >agu. ReoWvasetmot equiok, montaN, a NOta, ami bouti not lump te a onclinm, a conviction,.am eh* bai slroaiy dons. "Then-then thia-h. sai, teuohing # reby abioalamd"-i Van. turnSpale uni lookci mtraight bmm hlm. Forgory luanm ugl .vord. > sePelly rvbiielula uni te déetibo Wby-v1-Wluy abouti h. do lbIr Nora'a brmeatcMe fat. "Why diim be tel you thut X-1 mi 1net le o 7-u" eaashed. --"ydi bu tel jeu that I bai goe.t. o ou"- If lb vm ho vho telS yenL-f o u alut- té, Sirota ie te un te Cammia." *"Wbh u b rub ot» ausmfroma tEbegluMins? Why did ho toit Me Ih1AaYlug tbe part et Urues StS MS Ibai brougbt cdue sud iugrace NM laid ber band geutly on blm alui l."es cannot keep lbt rou 7eU, Iue;mot nov. Saley Tyers-your btlod--bqe ldo»uSal1l thi. 'Plusqùwtsio le . vwbY R*. iii ot wvaut ye= t. mar Me.*; but vEom iiiho vaut jeu te At tii. mation back came tho, rmnem- bras .Cg ladY Flotence anS the voSd- dig. Grebt hoavens 1 hWs vedng. Re sIt*dte bis fft, vile as Setb.,aL eagt@miau e Of to. S ea i »r la bis l'W a ti, vanf.? Clu, au it r ilme r, 'ho. breatuo&, hoal. 1=a007yknovI*g Utatho vws uIibWo -. iwam eT» sam rop«etol. <'lay Horwoe? Clu, tvas»dslob% qs, om bu vantS70M 1» maww-alo tUgbed. libt meatl-"t tst dom.. net mater- nclmm »*. .'t hock -.»o bomeS. DWmt le sng rU Van e b»taot aep- àr«eS us, arter &aI ou m renet muar- rhd t telae pFIerns.,ganyen t",aM« Ib -&a* amdiMber clse iant wk ht qb eleaiy; but Sftm >-"d -e -yul aI lamaI e-- a~ IO8 am àmews te - e UtOxford St~, Brooklyn N. T. "W »bydWM la t6.e hildreas dop"i m- hue aPoub igIdy et flar Oxpel. m m a oft e m ractims i" th r1 ail *Wwik u va «Ir ave among ce uowfl ##OM vm bai l m emq MM- onU- q bnies4 Mev y".k dy. MAU, lm -21 Grut sglskRemedy. - met p-mew s c cf r Aaba .4wh au ceo amMMle»smr lop.rMdmc«Ocr e laaiwooh~ ........ mMmmim moà rby 4 1et cases tbau emd, - - stfl UekgUSof am m -" kdeh Ibo 1 9 a9Ib119pil1 Il >,ELL The 1 boi Oipas, Plaxos asd Sewing Machines ini the 1Mu-'tb. duespest accoding to quality. and any ma" dMfrd uithoeCaç daaorÂ.merican. [-y. Wu W.LO-GANI Goeorm Agent, Lindsay, z70 Kent St. West. SasLumaberYard. uldhgs, Tnig.etc., etci> ictbefore you buy eIsewhee -20îo-tf. IJRE T-1. w- wvor thin to 1 LP1 il sai you

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