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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Dec 1895, p. 6

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i ow u ae. r e '0mtw5o msauod te un iaucous fr5 014 amo methepu n. Vaue. -ana--anti 4.th b clisS 111-more 1 ' éli. zauamureti;then hisa wi, Ï s&idden lame *'Whio-le ahe-thba .wo «UsLiten té me, NoM 1 Implre ou- "No one yen knew." lie saId. --Do. 1 demnandt I thenglit you liai tot me net asic me." tisaI Yen ttnet, ceuiti not love me.!1j Br face lImiséti anti ber lîie ocurlet waa 111, wretched, hall etupeieti. au&--" entis 8001. "Anti you went ta -Lady inorenoe taI "Ome weman yen are shamed or ?"1 cosafoit Yeu," a misat, iwitiiwhlulis. Re tarted,, ad the veine atoti out, llListen, nov, te uic P. Drekeàadbus- OR5 bi feha4. -k>' vtis emotîcu au lierOke.vus, there 4%t tg trui,"the san. buween ber was a note ef wama.nly tlilty and ouf- teeth. -I oaase. ltt u Four face. Andi ferlng ln it that awed -hi m Imb aslence. Yeu veult i 31ti eert Me forlier?9 Do "W. are parted i6frever!r' lb at your peril ir' *Naol"'lie breatheti, wlth au oath.* He atartei. BRie rseanti utretchoti "'Fere'Ver 1 Icari eee ît ail. I oaasec 0out her baud. how Yeu have been tirawn, tdriven te "n lbat Your per-" 'flnher moot ber. I1tic net blame Ye- Bush t Let haflged, and elle- tnng bermeif upon me speak ; It ln for tlnt. uttinle, tî la hland atrained. bhm te ,ber. -'Vane! mot yen I blame, but Senley Tyes. Re Varre h! causiotgve yeu ulS, I cannot 18 a traItr-a devil ! Be liasdoue St I étYen g0-1 cannot rE" But It la doue.I 1votilt net tair e yu Re strove te uaolasp her banda gent-, frOm lier If I couit. Iteu muet go te lier, IY marry lier. Tou m uet foilget me"'-er *'FlorenMeFloienne. t fer Ged'e sake! volce broke-"a&s Isallai.eroget yen. lb ThisIn.luma4uemm.--I have tolti yen-I It tea ls.te naw tealtter thing, even it 1 coulti net lielp- but tell Yen I.I have only wiuheti Iliem alteret , but I de net- 8h. JUfft mccii ler to-day-"l -e tter flîtedte ta le your wlfe-" "lt vas able for ýwlom you were grlev- Re brekelu ,pasolonately:hIng. It wau the lons af lier that matie *11 havre heart Yeu ; I Win hear no eu11Il!!"ase panteti, w lth clck ln- more I1I1vWln go te Rie-yem-ýbnt not te tuition, and wlth a alintiter. marTy lier. I vil! telllier .the beie j He hung bis heati. tory--the truth-and ehe vll reieame "Doi't ask me uny miore quetions. 'ne. It la net lier fanît, but hie-hieIjfor.Beavenlm salie.,lot me ga-let ue I vI demi vîlli hlm. I1vi;1-" He chak- fPart nowV,1 «etianti put hlm liant to binthroat ."Neyr1 h nt iasl." '*Watt. I Wln go te hier anti tellher ho miar wne!' mine! Ton belong te me, I love<I yen; liev yoù ere lot-thef flt te lier! Who.lu she thtRialle shonit wliele truti-andt t 1l have tound you cerne between un'? 1 am ealmost. yotir again. Yen hear, Nora ? Giv.le yenu P- vife, A.tew heurs--Van., yenvil! neat nOv that 1 know yen love me F' He leave me ! Ton ehail net 10 Iauglietilu, vîlti snckery. "But there He groaned, ai trieti to methelier. la ne neeti. Florence la tee prend te '!'Tou eliall botde, Floreno.," lie saIt. nuamr a min who le lu love wlth another hourseey. 1«I have proMted that ycu voman. I Wiin tel lier aL" sai! decîde. I vanoli net mm"ry yen Nqora looket at hlm-a strauge look. withl a lie on su>' seul, my il&p.1 have "WiII yau abiebyher declalen ?' Bbc ironged you. I knevtiowIvs .aake. . ere deadi9 1 have vrongeti You, but: Re leapeti at the'euggetlo-at thSe she-ughe beabe rneimr reî cOuccelan.thaii yen have, anti my. miet theuglt- "Yes !" lie cnied t.Ton vilisec I Lb. forgive me--mu*t h. cfflier."1 wlll understant, relemue, andi fOri?. Sbie breathed liard. me. As fer hlm-" 4"Tell me lier name 1"1 ]aie face vorked ant isi banda cilicb- lie set bis teeth bard. cd,"Nora Trevalen."1 Nora stooti a momnentvtbh doviieanal Bbe Puabeti the ha1r, from liep" fore- heati, thon aelleald : -heat. anti loeked ast hlm vaemnty. "IIYen go no0 ?41"-1 neyer heart cf lier. Elle 1laa "Tee," liemiti; «"at once.-I vil! net nobetiY-memne girl benetih Yen ? Anti lose a moment. Nora, I wil! corne te Yeu Wotild eave xme-mne-forlier Ir' She Ye- Ah !" broke tram him, au a doubt tirew lierseîf ta lier Mtuli cglit andi look- or feot etaie lever hlm mntiteuîy. "Tou cd at 'hlm ln aUnlier huperlal beanty. wlll -not mn away trôm, me again-you "Vane, yon muet- be mati ! It muet, be wîlI flot do tRiat, Nora T"the fever again. 1 *Ili net belleve IL. t' No," aile alt, gravely. "Wbfy ehosilt Yen shalil-tell me ne more-until mter Jthave your word. Our ratelihag" the wetiig t" upon Lady Floreice's decîsion. Ton have lie starteti. Promîsed. ta abîde by laud-ti se aise 1 "Then-rtlen--you holti me ta my hon-t wIlI I. Go,' now-ah, go r or h"le whlsperod huskîl>'. He tenirlier baud. Ho vouiti have J BRe laughed--a broken.- terrible long!'. taken lier lu hIs arme,> but selletrew "I save Yeu trom the consequences af back firrmi>', haking lier lead, and le your mati foily, lu epite o! yonrseef," sell badtot be content vîihklssing lier h*,nd sald. She drew nearer te hlm, anti lent again and agaîn. Ho -spraug, up thSe ber head -se that lier face nearl>' met pIth, anti at the top turneti anti wavet isl. "Play' the leur, as.you tlireatetid hie baud taelier. to do, and I wil!holti. yen up te the "Remember your promise !" ceorn et bbe whole cîvîlîzoti World F I She raisectiler licati andi looked at wi degrade Yeun luthe sîglit of! eiery hlm vîiha- repetîtîon oet-the strauge Ibinest an, What !.you dare-yon expression ln lier eyem,tlieu turneti a.ay t dare-to drcam etf jltîng me !"--she and looked out ta sea. 1 age14âiontev roumr-' .He leapd on.i hIe anad rode uway. onthoove0f!or1m 1-( at tRie rnisk a bis neck. Hi$ soul vus Inla enel for Got'a . ake. litent a tumnut; tRie thouglit of the riali ho M c!" Rie eafM,. peatilhgly. --I know I was runnîng, of. Noms. retoret te him seceu te deserve your acorn, your hale, OnIY ta be suatchet avay agaln, fSPot but ms thére laIlighit lu heaven. yon. hlm withi sorrow anti aprehlensiosi one wonld pîty. me-aY. anti ler-if Yeut moment ; tlie eaz&f1on or SenIey T>'- kncw ai~ ,ers' ville treachery tdrove hilm hait mad '"Pty 1" Bbc threw ont tue word vîih the next. As lie reachedthbRe higii-ioad feregeuture. -i shonît not pi>' lier lie saw a troyeen, ant inquimeti )t. hlm Ifshe -lay tead a&t ny et. I vonîdtet thie way le *thie Grugoe, anti matie for It 'Qed seo ere'there,. demi ! deat ! Who- et raclng speeti. i ee e on eeon ns ? But elie e When lie pule7 Up aI Ilie otrance1 shahi net M' She ralmeti ber head antid te the bouse the herse vas covemot with itooket steaily at lm,^ Vane, yen sa>' foamn-fleckçti eveal; hiselethes vene 'the iccîsion reose vth me. I vi11 net Spattereti vitRimut, nome o! vhich hlad give Yeu pp. I viii save Yen, ln epîte of' talion on bis face, whlch was white andi YoIIiaOi. I hliu yet your promie- drawu. Ne flung thée reine te a groom th.e pletigeti word et s. man et houer." y ani went qnckiy up 1hé stepm and I îto He turnetitram iber fer a moment, .the hall. .Severmi peruson' ere ther.; andi vien he tacet lier agaln 1his facer the britie-malis anti-visitoerasked down vas met anti rigid oiI cazved inl atone. for the veddilug; andt Uc>'stareti. Wftii "Very vol!," le ie'mat.gravely, item!>'. soacti reason, a s.tlm:& Arnce '*The dii011retet witli yeni 1 yoi prett' k otfetbritiegreem h. loekea have deided.O" 4"Florence-.Lady Flerence-1"-h. si& He nS fVed avaY froma ber';anti aie '8 ant is lmvoice selundet bourse as ». ran lashtOetise chair, lier. lu" ai lllng L - vna. 11thse aa W" hung ove '*. ete. They gathereti round hlm il antmib. Sa enst OP te ber, and letaishai ment antiaburm. rail on be' b.sd gostiy, piltÉylW,-auit fi "Han anytblng happeneti r" aket suenief some eue.' "00d ferSIVe yen eu Gd f orgive lm ai Before lie couldti ns-ver. Lady ior- bO V. noen'r' Ihe saI, hàtrieiy. d ence looketi over thie Maire anti calea ' didnot>ookp, aidlie t ler,' d ta M oPei 1 h. teor, andi pass ownviithe; "Vane !1 corridor.. W Re fought bart. for conup.oanre, and As lie dia,-so, thse Bariof Waricck, forcd E smile.niontainr gthes tairs with bis crutehet "Ntîgbas Rappeneti," lie sel& sUat. <>ohedwu. at hmi -I-I have been- kept. An'WliItte 4evliIle1h.e str.Vn" An eelooketi atahlmranti ej h&ane, scmethlfflluth. m9fUeu' P- - NrM 1k t e. I 't I I I t 3 t I I I E to Weuelt4stEa'S Vane lochaP na= #'Tt cfIl want yo : at once, tbey i0* woanttns oYeu MW, l1 f* and iitht la*- yer chap-whmt's hi# nazUe ?--tOii flê ta tell yen that1tley d do npthiffbU youix carne. 'Tell thq .arl,' h *Ld ,q b&ti l'Il ,eenm4he .arriis to, iSit UPah train.' -The earl-wbat carl 'r ak-eVI ne. eonfus~edly. ltarolti Tempeust isie at hil. **God Lard r'" h.e eclalm*d, Se van't have forgottentbat yong VerRon waa the. late re oaiy9se1, aMd tisaI as lie le *dead. yen have gel thse tlle, and . are niov the. ari of WsaUelsh ? Vine looked out ot the witndW. *11 bailtorgetten ttiat-ym.I bai for- gotten lt," lie mli humbly. - "Would to 1 mM " buswbn t la IMA Vyeup. Pik la the iung healn vIrt.sf*ta ini combioed wIth l. MmdmpjllaEtM propnus tim«oLber bnsmibc. 1 A PERPECT COURE FOR COUOQH9 AN O OLD LiT&LXSASBS.Obilmtecouis hr lenaI Mhfreinea e Idpesyt i Mlaat pny syrnp. Gn.J JHOYLE, GANNIWBTON. Aluia bs.,fuiom.uOt et Noek ..~ IOUili "0 sently. "]dr.: HaroIl, Tempest, thê-4ýhe 1»e "O.yez. No.malter. Be.wUIl bo beri preaently," agldtVan.meehlally and ie.went upataire. Re 3)aCed Up and down the roon! half çtupefeO. Af tee a Unie the la-niord knoeked. andi U8ke1 If his houer wouldn't.have somte tlIn- ner. Vane sald no ; he would have Bome whiskey and .water. Thie lantilord brought up a, bottle, anti Voue filletila gis anti drank It. He irenk two 02 three cucli dra'urhtis but they hati no effeet upon' hlm. Intense mental ang. uleR, like Intense ip)hyslcal pain. defflizes te be deadeneti by alcoho!. He pace< the room, or Bat wlth. hls heati upon hie arnâ,throughout the llve-Ieng nlght. Ta. ward mornlng lhe fell uleep. The mound af belle awoke hlm. ]le started and looketi round'hi m wth a bawldtred, air, then bis face llghted up Wlth jcy. or course. It was hlm wedding-mornlng; lie was golng to be niarrieti to Nora-to Nora. Then the truth broke In upan the delusion, and hie let hls beati fat] agalu andi groaneti. No, flot.to Moa. He shoulti npvpr wed her. It was to Florence Heath- tot. ! He dragged hImmelf to bis feet and began to wash andi tirées.Morne one krn>cked at the door, and with the towel la his hand lie went anti openet It. What le It ?11" "The gentleman has come ;lie wasnts te Bée You.," salti the volce of thie land- lord. *V'ery well," e»IdiVane ; -I shah bli down dlrectly."1 Ne finlee dressing andi went dowui. Mtaire into the parlor coffee-room. A Young feIlow ln an ulster turned fram <lrummlng on thie wlndow-pane to greet hlm. At slght of Vane*m face. whlt, haRggard andi trawu, as If lhe had1 only maEt feovered trom a serIons Ilines the Youung fellow uttered an exclamation. ..You-you have heard the news al- ready V" lie sald. aolemnly. .0NIews-what newe V' said Vane. wltli callons hndIfferencè. "Yen are Harold Tempe«;t-the'"-ýhm voice'unconsciously grew b!tter--"the best man VI "Tes, yen," emIti the yeung fellow, nervaue]y ; "but- I say, you know. are YOu SUre-YOu haven't beard ? Yeu look se devfllsh seedy andi cut up."1 .*IIeard what ?- salt Vanue. -Tou are late, areu't You?7 We expecteti yen earlier-yesterday." NHe apoke ln <'aid, mechanical tones. The young feliaw eyed him curlously. "If you haven't heari-, Tempest, pre- Pare youself for--far-bad news." Vane amîleti a gbastly amile. "fl.at news1 Fire away, man," lie saldi with uto'ny lndiffercnce. «"What la It?'" CPAPTER XXXVIIT. **Pire aw.ay,*" sald Vane, coldly, reck- lesFy. What baci news, what news or a wor¶e calamlity coulti this young ffilow. brlng lihn th.an had alrf ady lx'falIcU'n H e b-d fotund Nora but to ln).e lier again - ;1'Is tIrne In.-leed forever, and most hope- IPa"ly ; for was 11e nOt golig ta marry Fiarenice Heatbcote ? The yyeung fe1Iow looked at hi with Increased surprise mngled i wth lies solernnlty. 146 d(, ubt lie thought VRne touketi a nilserable klnd of of brldegrom enoUgb., "IIthought You'mighit have, h'ardI." he maId, slowlY. '*News traveis so jolly fast. zîowadays ; the telegrapli and ail that, don't yau know.' "'I've hezrd nothIng. Have only jpst 90t out etflied," Salti Vane, inxprtlexitly. 'How the deuce yon have managedti t ,4o(t he1ýe at tlîls unearthly heur ln the Innr.Ilng I can't concelve. Won't yrour neWB keep till you've hat cme break. fast ? Ton look meedy enougli." 1-Ie went toWard thé bell.au lie spoke. Mr. Harold Tempest cauglit hl% arm -Watt a moment, Van. ; dou't cati the. servant ln Just yet tilt !rve-I've tolci 'ou. I cama on by the day mail asfar as It wnouid brlng mne, and .coachedth Re rest. I've been travelling ail nîglt-"ýl "TOU iook itv" "Yea; tliey wa.nted t-a telegrapl,, but 1 ald that it weuld b. awtuiiy rougli tlegraphlng tg yen, dropplng on yau »0 suddeniy SuaI before'lourweddfng.*ma bat l'ilte !you wheni lmhtiy t ayeti wfth them us long s I oýid.$" Vête starteti aI hi= t~ peycug Whow gone mati? 7Wbmîon era~ r~ t ~tilUin ~J. nom&^1 luiN oBmbeb atter a pause, 111 vIl! go te Westieigls ai ronce f-lt tRite wedding tees net taki place." "Pan My verd. I doult see how Il j aun!" renatrked Haroldi Teinpest. * "We shah se.," liVane. "I41trests villi Lady FIerence" As they tirove-np.te tise :ange tliey cmuid- pîmInly eobserve thc signe efthIe prevalllug exciteinent. Feelmen &--i WKrooms. vlth vRilte favonse,,o"td atbout valing for 1h. gueulae; a* group of %- *lagens, lu theIn Suntiay beal. and ti vl favori mIro, andi lige lunches ef prlm- roqes oui violetr, hung about tRie gates and clnstered lu groupe on tRie mre leading tota bbc clireh. > Vane anti young Temnpest rntered tRie hause, anti vere met b>' Lady Florencem *mauld. 'The bride, alreaty attîretilunlier white catin mud Brumeels 'ace, hati watchefl for hlm cemng anti eut ta grept hlm. *"Her latiyshIl' love, sir," r'aidthtRe mralt ; "mut. se. illcorne .tievuas soon as possible." Van. nod dot anti pamued into the llbrary. As lie croceoth Re hall, tise servants notle luhaggari faCe, anti the grave ceuntenanceeoftthe beut nian, anti exahangeti glances ant imlperet comment*. "Mare like a funenal IRan a wettilng," sali one. "Van. tousnd tise maril liste llbrary. TRie oit man vas net lu tRie ieut et humors. He Rateti a vetdlug, fot cnly because ot ils attentant tuas, but.be- cause Il necessîtateti eaniy nimîngs, anti he did net Cet dowvn usuml>ly t tRie wonlti vas veli mîreti. "'Oh. liere you a~re !" Rie -salti. rallier shorti>'. "Thank the Lord, Il wli seau be ail over ! I avear thal If I were go- lug le ie marnîeti again-whlch IHeaven forbît !-I'ti take thée venian on, nuy ami anti be mamiot at a regflattr'o,with his clerk for vîtuesa. Nov do, Har- ahi ?.Yearir Ince I'vae ciiyau-vien You ver. lu thc chlckoen stage-al legs Prd wir.gs. Teu're iooklg- No, 1I'm l'a nged If Ioa amy yen are Ioklug wtelli! Vay, I'm tialietiIr >eu tion't loak as If yeu'ti spent 1he niglît before the weddlng as vo ne tnthi Re goot aId tîrnee-three bottes a pece, andthRe brltegrooin firml unuer tic table P," "Well* Lord Warlock, *ve'eveve batl ne;w," elammeneti Haroldi Tempest and tlon Rie tld 'hlm. .. The carl v as terrili> ehocketi anti uipset. ' 'I1kuew l voulti bappen 11" le tic- clareti. 'I aiva>'. toit hli'i *dbreak bis neck over bliat (urmeti coeibîn Rt-- ncYs !I Andth Re bey, tee ! Oh. tord gSucl s. ulce bey ! But-" Be stantet anti look- et et Vane.vWho- stooti b> the vhntiov, l'Iagarti andi muent, "Trhen yen &Te the new cari, eh, Van. ? Heavens 1 whod have thouütRit yau'tie-ver Cet tbe tIti."' Van. nod4ed i gootul>. The, aidmu leanet back In' his chair, shatilng lits ûeeu fth hb iai for a Moment eo' tva; thon Rie loaket np auntieny i>' via ets.rt. But vRaI the teyii are yen dolag Riere, Vans-? Tou ougt-to tai t West-, leigh.4" Vane Cotoreti «'?he--te vod4lu& Mr.,*"Ne *m. lnl 'her etarb. t. iM «W*. ,I ii WliAt I W estlelgb and àsg test. and# yeutN , ai & ut a ý ix g! 1 mnusI b. put o1t. Raffl&~ go andi ten tiseuntise gieva, ad snidoms te i Olrcli to teP tboo* oifciundIýitblh, Weddtnig I ou muet e le ofatet ow1 1012d te tRlkabout It ons snaob t 40 tilla.lThe m,ýrsa mgtqq t&i alter 'ue fàeu -Mtjo qui " *a Mtp»MMB Moftlob. glm w.m dae untb »-o'zuj!Lm a- .sslm 1 M Iwqm*0 Uo. aff tei au D S m*Mtb va p-, Mmd hi. »W«»a b uM the woet i. a t&ts 104 uM coirs...? ~.J1 Kvagoe.u m .n.e.£.mg 7mi. Grea ro10aajaRmd bX~~t.swb.,s~etute puO orupAk*iaje w cklI,aU c te B udniêm y..m «ria.suve. n nile lit lina Om ho W tol.MPM s asetIa dmjiij II,-VI Gea EUmm"emdy à t .Dg, MM 2ao, bt Merz'. &vmua es ato di%, gm te wo bm dmn- Y« hm lmla1l m alai p&tYMl ~oan~tme.oegfhoafr.i~lIyOen Canada. a" NI &..imam Md h lb. oeu1 ami la the g us. cf WnVaPb.pb. ~ --à-b -p-.. - - - - -Udau- - ta-luh.-D- Im-.- The beit Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines in the Market-the. cheapestaccording to quality.: and any inake desfred, either Canadiau or"American. Wm We LOCANe' Geuoea Agent, Lindsay, 170 Kent St. West. YICTRI&PLAINGMILL OpWf** £umusdy, Davis &.Son'. Lumber Yard.' Ttr4nw4 * fl oeu. MUp4s.ouldiagi, Turhiugo,.etc. CPAI ba4 P t wo4w and t prics before you buy e 41- Po YLY ~etc. elsewhere. -20I0-tf. ITURE ENTLI&Jo# y; IL06r ha ,yMe Oh'te Ou ffl foui &Rd lm.s q îau ii;l famn mmmetw m4 il, , luesEbis 3. I iil l.*mgisl owet ode vu W M4 Maoem4y usm. ......I l a . mmemm, par Pm..... . f . S S A--vZým ift am #aiSt*bowUm . . ........ 1~um~e OnIbislut . ...S............ jbSsqu bU..... S by a ~ sumn d,. no iw M ma ~J~itLt. tMs. s-Us i.Ih*IJru OMMU. ooe«ddsmt ul o ,-lm - - - - - - - - - - 01 - . p

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