Washington.. >De -tiw rouiget, <'r5g» grecn bat<kard 17 vwh", dowu uleln aedWeofAbs.' Here ile o c8 ock or wthe chranorneter or <iii. plee«e world bas any-knov1edge. ù,tIf a vatel <bat aid Dot tick &ég to tbat d11 not trike. 1< vwas aê- 0dl Abaz, <ho Ring, Iùveùtu t Xw tWees Lue 'hOurs given ta tteratt&ad the cares Of ofice-' lavetel CVetlhg by whicb lie coul<cl' lie tlaW « dM Flic sun-liai mnay have' le..ag gat columu, and when thue sbalows oet th« roiurnnreached ane point it w« 9 b $. snd when It relacfed amother polit it fwas 3 O'clack P.nU, and ail <the boure aud hait bours vere, no '<uasuelOr 1< rnay havebëecu a filit af stîi'ýs 580 ,as ray now be -faund lunEluaduptax aud other aid cauntrief, -sud When the shadOv reachel 'one step t Vas l Q'clack a.mI.,ý and Rkewlse other bours rnay have been liudicatied. The ciePsydra or water-ock fialov- ed <lie sun-liai, and <lie sand grasa toliawed the clepsydra.* Thon cîIme 'tbu caudie-cîaock cf AItred <lie Great and the caIlé i& asmarkeî Into <breparts, and*hie the lîrat Part vas -burann he gave birnecîf te reliIn, madwhUe thie second part was bnrnlng he gave hirnei totapolitics,. aud vhlle <the <bird part vas bumuilng..ho gave himmeift t reat. 1After a, while came tlhe vheol and wçelgbt cock, sud Pope Sylvester L he second 'was Its mnt Important ln- ventor. ,And <the Miili of centuri-,es ot exquisl<e mechanisrn <oued a ttien- piecesunutil '<he varl bhal the ieck's tlock of the fourteenth, century an~d Eluyghens, <ho ýInarentor, swunag <the firet peuduinin, and Dr. Uçok coetrived the recoil escapement. ,And thee "end-i tees cxah-j" toilowed, sud <ho 'raobet aud plulon lever" to>ok IUs place; and the compensation balance sud <the stemn winder tollowel, sud nov vwe bave Uic buzz aud clang of thé great dlock and watch factories af Switzerla and z3errnany snd -Engl ud dAmeriea, turniug,.out wbatseerus <o ho <the per- retion of time-pieceu. 1< <00k <the w~orId. six thousal yeuâ,ta o ake <the preseut chrouarneter. Sa vitb <lic iieasurement at longer spaces <ban- minutes and bourm.TMme vas calcu- tated tfram new' moon ta nov macu; theU tram barveett<oi harveit. 'TIen he vyear wà's pronounced. to e hre hundrec snd fitY-tonr laye, and <lieu thbroc bundrel and slxty laye,' and, not until a long wlle'atter.,<broc liundred' und sîxty-five. days. Thon circuts vere D&luated froin tlie founda.tin ofa rome'. afterward tram <ho Olympie ,amc'r. Thon the Babylonlane bal their nîeasurement of the year and thé Roman.s thielr-i and <he Arureniaus theire and the'indoos theirs. Chrono- u!(gy was busy f(IR centuries s<udyiug ~onunie%,its. r'iiltôiclÉ;, iiuNm-' mies and astrbnony, tryinig te lay s plan by whicb al 'questions of dates' right be settied and cvet pu~ right -place In the Procsalon. utf, the ages. But <he I rouolqglsts oniy heaped.up a mountalu cof contfusion aud bewildermmot, untîl. the slxth century DiÔnyslus Exîgnus, s Rom-an abbot, said, "Let eirery<bing date tram Uic birth of Bethiebem cof <he Lord Jesus Christ, the Sa'vicur- a! the world." The abluot proposel ta have thingg dâtel backward sud tarward fremi<at great évont. Wliat'a splendid <liouglt for the vorl ! 1< vonl bavebeen mont natural to date. cvery<hlug 'tramtho neation of theo vend. But Iami glad the chranalaglats êonîl mt îse easlly rues bw'oy ad the world vas. ln orler to get the nations lu:<ho, habit of datlng from tbà.t occurrence ln Its documente anI histories. Forever ffxed ln il that &Il hls<ory le <o be da<ed v-Ith rétérence (o'<ho blrtli af Chris t, and. - <ha matter settledl, Haies, the ' bie cliroaxoiogle<. leciared <bat <the vorlvas -made lire- tbousand tour bundrel sud 'elevca years bofore Christ, sud Uic deluge mare <broc thousand anc hundred anl Efty-five yearu botore' Christ,ad al Iho Ilinstrlaus avents.ofth<le lait 'aine- teen 'centuries and, £11 the groat events Df au i <lno o cerne bave bem or shal be datel 'tram <the blrth etf Christ. rhee<inas i ay <bat yau may knev sliat s vatcb loi, -wbat -a ock là, lstesl Of gesing on tovard sundowu. turu and go tovazd sandlya.. 1 se thte Iuvail king, bolfterel *pand I Va Lun blankets, lSelng outo e opon <the.sun-ila uthe D ý liaU<b h aft eaado wr't stealoetgeit n ïen the eveirng t gee seltc ecleek lun<the rnrlug. "à tlice blea ravlug tooe aud, . eougÙli the boit Heseklali got vel. 2iow 1 irll corne ou vlth 7058 aras uncerh"ain "Wy gro aok betoo minI fer <l, e - No; the h4w tlS the sWOstndlaw lt el1l dean * bUmeUeossSand W*fnaothGooi .1a aodl.h8 cotoi a the asw o M ai WbI hSi 51081iftto U *4 reudut iowle.ue rmmemanae- hl oli ndvia tb <lue oag. p t s Mua tieylai thaq e sn petnd la ainei-bCidàe*gw ew la Our f*a YeUey it V ns th nomalOtwbeà4If UmtbMêla b. ttotnoo * 01, Te; la BeovielGe&',odin te bav e UM&Uvgants1<otffrcra. l!te it suguqeetk flhtda ,'.li F iou 't iefrg<ee e t <.li 'Skias O! C 5 p4 q>m<qt granad rnay1",. Att ye Srm tP00.<lue "Sm A re f? Y o& bavet aremenof lnjeaaa 51087 ieu ofail a ght <18* sua t non.tt . s Iou nt andlestNonpatne re bs corevn th snowbit lt Ioît'aIl daytlong. Thofrei t ear t th. l themicobes as <lie cue ebttlg but sbà4e. Nawsloa th~diease vere deorlb-l lthe Tlmu ta ad rssethat ieatn l 1 tam p' meuten ubrore«. > ' hm atha drusata <o udtembie legonsty ags a res." deu i lue scarel ut et lceetW il. th-a tal Ou tefMy <h& uwmbe ore tat o wemateabotearànt fLbur.PM sttroe asa Oh es; auot<bneyer pas iay ee i.worM. oTha a-wht i>urehae le ew, e Cod in .11the peept$ that avP b M elt 13 FnelIne f- briht lWoth<su isOr lite ae led ouat ofalUe. cf; r 8the fty le d. Sevc ,yo18utlii- secarn hfau jIt s& ail &Iveeants lig1 th v ern5 t. o .Te.a u ba hn uve a baO l M ».tov . W hae 1<.Don lt h* kbiuautmoeifo&II ourec1ven toems terh h.irb' b 0fdolrsves of hnq ere e l on tyu'<! e pau" > 1thI5 lebutIshafr .IÎOGel, I me ave moIcteasewse e ltu the uta deal t) ate trpa :teolir mo-re gom d algois u or rs ug, dgo ta tue arkew r0m(30dandthesibe at tom.'oek, have thoe& wiDn >dyfriuda 'Icanot ookforeueabeS>ouitur rflgtMt tl r ob-u t«Oe, he urkt'àMng.atToree akelaire.a rgt moment tnthat etrailesaorw Ol "e x pnieadiuafray Ahazs » «dia vthut le azn thatsGoemm1 Gaan the enthc avx."d te cf; or as he bows ai tha lessn, t wh lf é iooknoft-hurt airalai o are nee dail t er.TtNo ntrisAdams aI Isthnd a jusodescenmoire, son fo 5nybdyeab. happy when "n-bave hinteaor!WfavarILDo ta tite batcunof t salynwthtifrrea hor rll iilgnv< daIl Tesanl-ry W o o g ar tath stoeand Iruy ae la0ou.Teueve aWn thonyaucan ilunI u tc~ n jt ot. cokn about <lie sunh ee t.hv ter yolen urma dîviden far lare tan mon f FOUeM mymef But m e Wo unae been prornlsedamIé y&Ui Wngets arbe tte d O heLord vinw neil,,gehor cos u ad.li yut.corn Oe tLnes seaIthe daynfrom aoug t beeattriuigthlg lha aut hard adwl da nd onm anlbar do I towadev tuate ut ou senfond tatieUodailtw u is wllilut ourtst rne ,gthin st9yl;eso ttOlst whlch yo- al ave F, al e us. Tk.he theg!ndow Itacu filnca,th lucheeks lo.froudteleev on e ro gMl nd to.are sun- table w hat re do ou w sat 0fone r InToegolngMaxiwae srishThe 'te!as dial you cou leaboss th wod Coet ! haits sunddistho keesail ecu my extcams l wih ~l oi- nd -Ghtc,-ilm. nd igne the <me cntolte a rnes n d Thadoe-w! î, dBu.t wil ooki by thi only Ou wof Oh. thed al]dow leu adev 0f e rae oi edon fta issei x mth hvfsekuese! Shadow ai as anIeoeth e su-da liwvit inI tint 8&11,nfrptcy hdownof mcental depren-;1 the haw lu golng forwrdshe stan! Sh yo caet ers haupyn! hwo li a amudv.He a eo o! bth!Sek ot, O su-di! a msun glsatat ef frnpty tmuevs A-lias adotl i theupeou lee <bat lthe rsn@<o migl.AI!the watches <lat manags th<sIua-ew! A Heuelah steca orthwe cstha strie, ail Uii lue an. laewldv rppd u9u0i!e hdoer t <hattomoiredanlne val-Ile sudsuroundl b anoy1-s s'i-las blaste. Thcapro alieta arpn catal:meaid oaen.mort uon c&rknoss. Buythnov, lu n wier <paynd bakn degree sl, andlnt'ne a lenr ese bnssd leis sut a <t a mfnda drltyen t chrnan rec arIPOe snrlboutealet ofunset 1hae neeo<shaeur tn o aru-tand<b oottur U ne bf the vay The Catalu t 1 tiSel a an crerhal ontris <e gug1vSa; bgies hlm <a.he LoSrd cen- neldc.oTcoaet-blnks arell oetu, som mmnd Attan!Rgtcbukfcl <lae 'bout thna <ebaseaushan. T he ev smacigt wa rs l eeuce gtat Gra t hôr SchiAnd ouii ewrchlan tovurndu barem t theart, <ho~ ~~~n scutetrote açice sd thde Snarbla ovlu mindo hemainhlng- r*y eýéo coes.InsphiatIo ineal ovefNorv he orUSaul marheffo-s who* a dved esltn. er cean.rulnNaie eac%,te, mahf orce to-wards ligelit aue< ano- shut hlm nprn er ork, myudrc tlhe tecards ceinfitland arcld j. hle benm-fulc rompreevua nd thr blg., hope sud marcbuthnes ton.I ar à liersudfhehlnel asholie boutet 'a changtllpo onda udeto mstlng, < teratur. a '<horue.o Tue aînt Of odis ý-1 aru osanas <atrew!r bole Thel orlèlatoIl. dtat tyeiah ait. a carhaluaa<bever tril, ov, if <bte buae la sfypellelexciylssane asa lot ýp thevItuhaitthend ho eon it 21 Q. freclÔiz atne csalel i caruc Ie, te lIaI f tAbst a n towa-rs a c 1eps M et cnsufeln rnanbeOm Biaighdeu<oghi'alnd tgars sutrhe, k <be jenvel of imoal vau. Teeoume.w! cCnhm o.d ythe ony1<? oi bOhk. the PatSh e 4low ofs sun-liai I bave em f da beakaireroulantex msy b. reo airr sudtimph nov ert te an amI li gteror, e-verdhe le bln a t- of but 1< tnl. h ott bthelits0f Leanon aun auhla on Aaz aenordell iat evperpleulîhave intaen. ever <ie SîAl err N es sud e miecos e liacw san if you aln t al ruld-Âtlathe, Uicksorangaiter AU de h anhl Pà-'bek.eleheot <broed n . u -Ilte !adoiwvhn <lie fon AU te e% va-ds n erne yane acfodli ytIck. u181j iuil dAlpsd ilqul the ra eadaof th<lack band of<behsun-liI o! this u* butl<hoyunrise et lie chl ame et i k<-os va stbat ead ail thlnme atuie tosudare tarsprtnn Lord ba1 gon grmsudle a. et a esObathees ail ic elis a!the anstgrs d' thtaM- itImaor t lun at illmines ai <lined oUis et Heso! nee athm thur to la ISSUbuth<uce etaurnve theaithe faculTheCapai <ore.il ehnow The sauietbcsdare s-balnc spia,tnion! amitiaouace!;,<leI the Nor tia o tht lu, Eqpet orTeIfuoe ws wtbachigit <bat mlndeeknS a gTea Gert -a sth .be.chilolerls <h Mt eface or ardshardtlngu fhert, I. tsent frotnlUa , ndte e iyar ntwh i in, butaguui apd ca ofthé fruit fe ahowy o boy o argulty. I preacli <lue muaird eat r,- vauo flgant In s iai. Nrat, of25 at <tretrand abvgmen< et ai dersin. orts <h. youngplae e<oaew oarhatsrds 1.ighteunît piee sa . him up ' fomOO qp ber. r admaes ba t vars a 5555andbarcesoa li aim theNworl-reowd pub - armagolmg e Andt ve. toWur&v t Ilse<b.d h e ash vo rleloilln v46ib ~3 ~aae orde lik tha ofi 1a Ced a- hGelbas a eer ol, N tar I hem bunle u peledexa . 1th sanlas claIegttvohetrisb<oftpaaes .w. ce ......... <bat fi8, PtAWJ8 ANO h 8EWIH8 MÂGH iKE8, wes'bo am artm g k. making nomalthffla &a ad alphabset J Psoelan-5 £W w l v repzme -.ya aie. eut exaamos.r rlte ee -a lI« » 1moIed or e..1*d Uy tW<M& osae absut flat ort tM fts uar It lu a peurac *ks êd.es ara. .4ed ln the tomo f a 1bow .QuaMewMt trane m&Üd exiLt n hiâtMcompsta« ait* â< a tabse le th* e ntre vlth a case eeut*inhag a npqlj of the tortv- seven, kaa heforeb5gl, a elogjè pecuIir-looklng eonipsli stick la hi. bazud.Ne outseta tawlco M&li iffl . . ,Sre ee ~eah of hlm .ive or. six assistante Wbo a"e usuallT mmll-boys aud' girlasw*Oh maslug naemos'les. 1ber hiv'e tbelr ova cu beld detly ith tii. p igsticks la their lett baudo ruebl aroval la froataoftthe Cams piek thetype that are needed tram bewllderins mais et cases, manSg the »Mn of the character umtl hd it rbe work of composiftlon theref are, -a bcdlam, vhlch voul 4 voan Amert- eau prInter, out t' o vltow.-W. ,- Curtiz ln ChICago, GROWN-UP SCH . & l nglsh Imutrr wî9f Papale A». An Engllsh professer, Who vat up la tendoùn ome tirne aga with a vlew Z)1 e-Ving Instructioatopeole éWho wvere beYond school agebas made a great uccess of it. Referring to his cholars, lue a»73: "Frankly, nearly ail my'pu- PUlS ame omen, and la a large nurnb.r Of cases- women Who have round the.- seze gettlng Independent and ambi- tions, amd have becoibe desrous o! aà au Instance, many Young womcra 116 .cted with the stage. These, hav- lébgn l the very humblest capac- files an -the boards have revealed gem- uLne talent, and have then encountered the great sturnblng-bloclc of vant or education. 1 could name ta you sev- iral gtie ernlng very e salaries Wb*e, vhen <beY came ta Me, cauld oflIy 'ust Mawi tbeir nmres ln a mechani-, cal vay. But the strangegt about mont if My vomen puy ils la that although uhen they cone ta me tben cên neLther read nor write, they cag renerally apeak vhat lacailed tho 'Queon's Ecng- Dow' verY Pa«Sab Indel, for ther bave karbod fit Me1wParrots, this eapee- ,sur applying te Otage foiu. lAunovW. am te the more rqinantie oet t fMy Profession, I have anaton- "lutg Mumber eof oiang married 9upils, Who, flavine cpf«ortabîs borne4,and MOU apIemdid ornes ln»Mre lnu<êmces, ba-V Otthclmmelvos tc, b. vort8y of- Où*r smurrunu, mnet et thefe girls havi vorked ii <hovery humblese ca- suaiesnibut bave beau haebY eàongt »IMbîàfh , pet 1 Ihave,. snd e very' w« ff* vma« te beet, wva q'oiler t -omô Pflntifg vWOrka s adbasmar- Med anu. 11,5gb sount, oitee t t douse ber. nober ipuloigue minl 1:1 ý ofa. ocouman g m «m edt et- a abigenot. mh. vas, mit long go, a boueamM at a waterlnq.plae 10 l0"-bo7ze The vite qt an emix- Mt Iawyer vas, two Yeasmago, wort. bg In a 1aidre . Be lanot ir%" >ut a meaurs wkuuansd la ceutainir â» elepereet ipou 1 &"evr bIl.& ,b! baet an ex-.*Àuge-ul~sog neSrly 0. a»a u in nov edo, il. tat dm mom anted tutebe ouas w I bràk . LàlD«,mâ um, at"D ekrs I$Iood I'urirler MMOMeuObew 81»8, te fm..ih*C&M&0 Fm"mabo"1.18.1 Mduce .11k.It vi! o un lis pomos vax.remabla: DuaM ltma â 1tbyf c 8 mSg w m bms maly« wilgm bsck Suhi, Dt lot Sa.e. ; Mswusaeî Me - Y"veV e UmJohn Badem, ifribi, motin4cfMr. Oampbeli, Réeod Wd i'fIt by Mr. MoPhoteos, <b. lame -foul O I W'R a I W ear a vus extended te *. 011 th Tflaunsry bv lMr. KoPherson, lb. followloog mte Ro uc d Prices. wuvee sud mtadisolsd te b. paMd: ELe.. lsIll epmlrlug rotloa pu 150 ________ Joba OlMm, orne da's wok on usai team ..........s 0 41M Uma%.,boiqlig demi '.; Our stock of OIoQ~ing is toc large and must be Me> éÎI aora.... .10 d oêbeoe, the end*ot the year. To do 0.sam b a mgzm.this wemae heprices low enough to -meisiopal drain No. 1 .......... 45 Sb n00UeMlt Blwyfare seallumaerxpeam of sesiasgJohn Keosmiuk Men'a heavy Tee-S4t 4 7.5 o, $&oo and 85p>. go Tonot.4................ 7aTed " -5 Jobs Menure, Ltsuga ....... l 8Boýys1 hea'vy Tweed -Suit* 81.5 op to. 45.9o. Alua&M Wobote,, Lot ravL'.8 20 Men's beavy Tweed-Piats 81.15 op to 43.00 a pair. On mti 0ellfiiwae..,..,..Boys'Knicker Pauts35r, upto 75c. a ir "00"" edby Mr. OaMWbllD. ee'k vwsChildreiis' Stite, ail aises reduoed. Iustmrnel. le»i Jéboha Eei te big feses trom cf tam aulovma e.f« ZMen's Nelton and Tvicpd Overcoats. OS ]PStNMguRm.d, opposIteU1151..E len'. Frieas Ulsteas,$5. p. On mNO. t M. Kepheumon, uieou&l :Omqi r byeu aie SS8uite. a Boys OvercC.t# "a" UlatM su e bu .*09« Ras b. vomi basWe invite you to comparaprices and uaity. blu -, -' mdr TbeMaeu U BsimuaBoS.,St 1. SPecWatval»e lu lien'.Underwear. O. ais.et M& . O. N. MO.I& You CMn alwaiyu deip.ud _o a ilam aotment of every Une of goods tembeilb à. 19Uv KPho.b. ieu..o vaie &« ema #lm p«ti i. g to select froun, mUid aicdose pnices, aad getting highest market et é t peice fer your pzriduc at th.sOÙ e M&epo Ob190et,0L. opm OnMr l- moe a. eeo"1 Mont Fýj mab .v OsaN.b-(:>Spqma r ..1S.1h ...vsas i.......u... jeta, ~ 400 Or.( leFinlest. slhsIl 2'boatiaapysthe' ube .Wedeil onlyin the but and keep .s. ýjj. dwn the, Puce&.Thau à tbe we.soawe ame doing sucli a litrge be'TTRS. <lei.ebis e'4p on Seieesszp1« g» -Ib "f sho f u m w a M. U.1Mel 00 ms. offip a u s t8s00a144s5 m s a .o, 10000 21981r-$80ai 4 I 100004200 m 100 aU lu800 19845 04 0 1W0000098 290078 7 I 10000 l121125112 8 iS1100 00014 74014 'U 0 8500 10454 lu964 Ofeb.g »Ùwhnat Ioest pdocesand eay.termi. Je Je WETHER-U~ Cor.. Enssez & Peel Mt. Keep M *Ikh- Gows InGoodHealth m PAYS-4t lu aelmut zPm a lm, rAmsdw* oM»0havOgoad 8wof îTI"MkvU fm =&nad j nV &b.Me&mai i URS fm theIAKERS. b Imm"