Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Jan 1896, p. 2

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I ýw ffes fromu the i0uriouI ýco1tht. 11e more y«oufuset0f#Lthe feue Fou Iuie t. Ieùt GC.. E. TUCKETrT & SON CO.. LIU. HAMILTOV. OUIT.. i:eý wiIl1 take no Risks. ahrow<flOS of a01Ià r Crffl@ty Merchant. HE KNEW V V1AT WAS GOOD FOR H. in winter when C.ý:"adians spend a large pmntion of their timei ineoffl and can; t hIrve ue saine variety of fresh food as iii.inier -aî'ýifail. indigestion :Cud dyspp'*a aftlict a m.ijonity. "If anybDw.h w1lteI1 me-that dyspepsia in itî adivancéd stages iis --ýrfec-t1y curable," said a Toronto rnechant, '41 wil take his word. Persona!Ily 1Imn iPo riska. As soon as I feel a sense of weiglit in the tomnach, lèter a meal, 1 knowv that rny blood is sluiggish in circulation. In rny business L cannot take mnuch exercise, and 1Ifight the first sign ,of jte1nch troubles wîth Scott's Sarfaparilla. Ithas neyer failed mie, 1tidl is s--ved me many Sdoctor's bill,?' cot ýs Silî4~ari11a tossc niQdiçln4.I properties superior to ail ozlièr so.cu,,- - sarsaparillas mhade. As a vemed(y for iii- dis"tion, rheurnatisin, pimples, scrofula ~4;Jl blood dhreaes, physéians state Y,,its equal was neyer known. $old at Ir Pei boutle, of ail dealers.' MMAT. JANUARY 24,IM IV .mWiddui.oo0WadmiUon ýWhes v ut ont a.jouuuylag. mi baby gerl * aud 1, Itubelil an a Wcader boy the »wam p LoB. The cO.umu la toU L.e sttitgrom. 'h. obarur te lamyku4ë% And tt -gint'trI ale witý: nu bMh mtie * 'O, fomuWiddJeton *o Waddleleu bdgAI. But trai '% Widietor te wid',"4"ý -isuhe" teila miles 'I (w hi<nh teljouta fre.k la dietanco wu* My *h t Éh tb. ûedry .thaAt baby 24r mq a» failof Oh fr4 m Widd1ee.un toW. dietos 1.b . I Rer grardm& a eg!O ou M et about. 8be 0'im; *oee a ..âr ahade athe uS W, her ip. She eqçvý bc way le wcky msdihé tu t i ibl'y ehad, But we tel ber tif anather path thao m .t atid clour. anid. bto. W inever have ariwfj ut 7b - aBs a bout i 'aaon the j -e' urly head And thon I draw i oer, closer, doM e l And tbe testd 1q -Irred tep .'e ml * rtler i-u',dr oed. "'.Ifvom wilidletou tu waddltoa ias pighten miles, Âxvd (rom waddleton tC Widdletou Il,# ab@. teeS Umiles, .And the bromest brinse a maimarlag (om drowav à ifter e.u And a-ittle P'rayar ii uttered fi- alUs te bniw ne trial- > Oh, *:omWilloIton te W*aidlegtou f1. .1gb 0< UUot- Chai.q's Fillm have g.loed cop, y.7bmsus thee? ae ohle ifor the Urie ael dItiun, Preot Brfahrt'a d%@aW, cure Rbeftustl.m and l1a Catarrhal oondfttoniRof'the K14ansye and 8-intd d. They do %bis becoual tbey pes. coearoêi."tk alterative, itane -, .4 dutke*l Pro P- les, erer' awnd.lrtn"i amine MRloo ~eeoù titià.ted ?,ssfl.utae umoau lusmbraner of the kidueç.îor bi'uddieé G.. :dl a ilna& 25. box. Thoe eopesimoe"a la the vold.-2? I LUifc iue mai«e&?,ad -lob p Rierhd.Olat m twrk aBs- ww W~. aleu b *9 Me"Iis holsIb am MewmtLa, loiS s Mrta mauess bleubel 0 enom fum *0 tutesaFmesevm seL .kAdlomw . à, a as eose e all iand é»unmd lmoa Moii M'ahl on Pdd.y, Mu* sh . Vie embun e lietwmmsl e.mal. %hie 40e emoo%0i o moue la b Iuiiofe mbrt Viis, laqo S.rrenbt 0 VuOse O urt u«: le ut4 bosmngi Imame 9am ]Paulni mi&" ohR"d Dais * abeulpklegUaseiowillhplu Db pw eu.. sbouml alw kAnml's AL, Aboudy o.v t»ebuadmêl fuma. Mms% *hss lave bas. sgel ýfoiby s badesm wa sud othos. 'A pobies tu ais. be puisetsd leLb. omamhp moaiS te bove oW, lisSa lgîLeld. homWewu.-m-li le .*Ipso" LIaI b. Id mseitu o ompaay ef l» i #res hewbeSbn I*or ut a homesor 'a, tab. ens vet iiif« thépisé brus Y..r.. T"raIs IvwpMli y .1nethroate....... Ma ssoitas foui Boa&,te laid -up vtlhdilpI. the hcouasbinupluerelby #bu suit ielb lis. Go.. UoK'e, eel ofsleet eu )M&vY, vus la eurvilage swdmeap Kal laevrysoatas. Wood faIm-a *bd# "le b"reA lu"geamomm t 0 Olaul ol lotitulIba s ebd« hébl. d bor for ahlpuesl DONT VESPAIR WILL OCRE YOU legrne '; Do .d ' "' " ""t crea case7. ai kright'sDI"Pl, ia e.Lma robe.Impure BIodo moncy refunded Sal byai dei s in med cne -or by mailtu iee ile. 5qc. per bo, or ixboxes $2.5o. DR. 1_ A. SMt""ýH& 00.9 TorOntOO POit? PZRE y. VELCOUIL -Ourt ownspoepls gtladly open ib.tr raille tu e eceve sud veleosas a d'iratlsseql'tlo eOur numbers ie. grand seorlty of the> loyaid ruesbIne ~4ooîtio 30 sbas puvohassi! hal fâne pvpryon Ooohrene .M., kno'vuas et hetmyPrOp.8rty on whlebhonenov te aide».. a noe. he purohase ho la hsvtng ' hopteue..-o'i pliesirsuvsled sud uverbaied*sud imaking svsty aspair ne- oesry goaMdto %hoetcmtori o sbo pro mi-et. W.e omm.ad bua enGrprire ami sund Iibe aly imd vlth the test et lu tova off et a beaty vsloouge l0efrt. Imprawn 'is Ielutestaicg tamlly as parmotuefltwitdenta im eut midîL. L.T B. - AI a regolat meeting et Omiidas ov.n lâ No.. 9, loyal Grue blues. betdl-ons Thtidy ovsmlsg, 9ih guet , tbe tollnwit,g offlhors vore dl In-. seoliel :-W.M., G. J. Mieb; D.M., A. A. Bavermau; ehiplali, W. H. Clork; cie. m.e'p, J. N. sab pOmo'p. B. la. Ford,; Iresutrer,,T MoLougbllm; D of C, Chu,. Alidred; L.T.. J. NoCoumelS; O.T., Glas. MRoa; oommitts-John Abbot'4 J esBaient, k ilieba, B. y. Oramdofl, .L.Oruel; tructsss-J. 0. HrIi Mms bu as uta e pu bp Iamsuy.. IL le àeaiSspot tse% vour asvIéwll ?M1 vs e. n"l Io u ict b.auCtWh u»svon. Wbm & ussa M o.M " isalatiome et 111. 1h Us a.la s', atue, e " l u asabus. of twé udta-ime- ..,.,,.tIa' mddateus mu i theo gaas dluotep yfo.lufnDr, piSe suV vate. »P " Wspl iiours par. eseisil, Md vpoaN*e t e p o. e i e"a *o.a% 0Dr. Piste'Piemi Pelke" mii asie euaslpàtlsa. ThmIe l»a.rma tu b. etlid wàyv w om eot b sfo *bluthi t îe. M» iS - t l ta sg' *lfl 31 »éeS l 001 muut ea"mpte vair.* 018* nUErln. Sisi, ........ Basw.e, @elsemUL-Il.gL w sel maesuL~l~is -- - ~ VNEMIU - - -- w-.-"- - ~ fuu W oe a"m . et i omà@à rao u à no e.-Lu JOHN' MAKINS8 Il__ St mn"v-V q - m uramamautii4 tSte 'aqu"Pup b 4., at*W, 10bava Mu 1 DR. Ws BI g 1 du blê,,1 me 1 .11111Mlb,111'*4!a du u et tdosmorea. 10019 &MW*W* oiom, __ __ __ __ oFob86 rasuteM 0 Luidetaanlm dos, but Hsir 144 @»b?.skALe~i~d~t ~~DB UMNE uuivy a as:* de ' omA es*a S ent s 4" 0 de m 09 « L~e *~ r iu~. I R Z. eans u Fr Sale ~, ~e E. mâi~ s b l " * bol" at.mm s.Mb.. , rm iu~30se IiMMrLh ad evs .. blîr 'sue *r..7. riiii *0s lthe su SSiIte uETN iAND1410 LINDS feh. b m. vassaeet gbeoga. _ ab ue. a oy that, #m a4*0 wg i SU @'l Wb ayob 9rne me"ieoa shrt lip.Omu mamlepisos . -Euane daa -go 1b., IRêtome, 'aim q». aiS sle d d e4h ni, b a 1a.in Stehnson sema uIdB. 'o bsd lte ae1P"are.'. b . Ta flams o Md igu aneimw as" et i vmêaft 3Be.4« iat00eusaaigrie nse, bey dou ti Ier Mr# Tb»veet ' t"b* dat hb leo U o or »diclis t a"G. K.ferOENI, OU'aeufa«Owl MDtofgoric.d r at -.dh p5b-beem m otldemm gtaalmt onua s: .m, hby i marelàe" brai h «ar #àutp.- '"Z om saa m emu u,i os-ilui y » uowiae. ei, op., s slio b su b l. he im e tt*way. le u Gaty.Alli..Mot ms,-àu bss. Liiy e-mhWsimm m m *Nsiue 5 Mt' L mt andanOthe oh a . ile *. Oam4»d Ib" f *maide lte h«»i.msassi. li bei m ut ?rosu' ~ ~ ml'slL mm No *lon è»Inmiuroe Co., Lb LINDSA 1Mao la oyis mlghW$ viletab10onm attt Dwb.a? uem btudme MiSraiIt . U USrl -S.bàt wmmk w-.urt psSs ps.utpa' a auble. temodmes dou gmed IKaolet ALA à JACSON4Lq MR. QA.SW Eto -eSli identsw! âm@sr IentealdeSeth t»mu,é ox 1.ite l the te4U - demarliel1 t* "d *1&1 uk As do4lt bgyJ ias tbemAouno.,grn dmri at miTb .tllrluBdlg h Ol sd ooi Royal topgm ma tBa" un mmus ou." Jmof th e. ome butup.isn u uneu eaylvsi m e 1010fa l ieyo .audAe»tI-te«fuofptco Ladies' Ro;tm. Jour% sud dmsor&*-s bs Luabimd le et b.pa W eh@as A~tmm. P IEmu blu y e e 4m stmm s0~im .s et Intuatole m agooe, b sud 1 betbo nd of iisuh om i eois S 11.OUemme e mme, è55W m* lUWSor&Um .VStoea$m m lamu a ï m nlu mug6e tîetîsai arLiel. tbusbric 1 l. elgêonof ixri sa n mtezmsn mrt s oe.gstahiul em s n iaaa i hre-oL0bibégogof Ionder l8»OU;of s I a. v e Iee mie là bir pleet.ea maiet o..000.iW* arai 'antaneteaRive M.t obehod am o r pel voit ea. elmasà, - a U loopsBoritieet,& C. î]EL aO Ouaas aivtas bonditAi< tr bilun«paI, vans nma On» arm»VblhIe e$ cloebedemeaddmuer Sa sg d.a u nole mu. a=sdonb s, oeadmtctqal ouI ~~~~ ~ ~ *tw w". liealnkeSe -br. -up Hve . ikhi vodwok s pesabs, pd ONE TOLOA. rDftwufI <rès ee .m e b haa.bteh r m htyn u b'a ebi.lIa . U m adfflmoa n-l OWpapari teoe. l mck Osma sud4klew Kt.l0ah. sya. sunebluem thia style t LoemnMODbuts Devutate'r as ebaamtherolauwberSietbi llube pliosule. t u r ok viifu r "MojuiîIw m 4. ostu a theem or had fo te su ba ille e hr sje sas <f Iis isalp urtse IlSconIn fmimu&m ZTOAN. »d M&- "'wmâ 5i! u meiI £The"mwo ITaro olD FAIUE 0 PT8OA A'»NEITL 01E-Wbsvupu-aMeeletmag l rodis flublMNET T OA KWMM PILl%. po0114v., ie, bad& edias I àsus.et1 rueS.m m'vèlès s ?V!04INAHm ot.B50 N ENIT uu unob morimaa. tus. ta f&hmbà"bm Md las k TM MMai Tthe oruget r.., l .jlbe ue mai! Wel ton apoa £mmdl thie uyhlag mha o lna gaO«M tgi fia odwAieo m..m.quret mlkaSunt < pami»hovio h."eîrb.D ot houite MIse, J.Gis aumH. RPILU. hriimmm. .1439»75sp . S U-Z -ly.M Dart ubuos oom eeth ukto m ley heplIolme (a, mdas Lu sapu00...m Ifdatme. EpeouîbRodTablegeT»abicecI seU ittcus pont. liai.omd4Mdmo 'uouts keay rslsatlpumoD i'a e le nte a.Iea tveed ets Rtoam*tlr-, y, Hsad.i )o" of1 u mmdOsî . efflbed l dtab,yPit Abedbr aveV5l blVeseuhja DoutaADIAN PAGIFnt.O RAIL WAT ua e J PIle ivrtll wa of @*For R isd labb la adIemeIoisi$but%&baies - D(oè<ms. mewe.*UOOa amids. ~ ~ $bisprety 8bugh: "l wnde Ilth e I hsof .thèse~e, pt1 i rnPlue ahet"111Z5 aer u wm t h omstegoi iemwa o Q»&L fail 0" dil Mobszolius la" Pavsu..-'5pu.<foEGE FOPinBTER, FOR* snaa5 r bu u I aue gate A us ~emu es im~es~ bat a 4S aobeAt--Vew- -- -f-I Atect Stingbea t1je erebnt o a baOu gons fom bu be osd. Te . &u ahold b et ai.es Tloo- ndel. i Fot mu Ulbo ran S itosn nd e illyU, oot alloua.sw w muokua t '1ff mmm. hafi out h rlits la to o*veusvbiera.. léme _aveas_____________epssile,__ MON.E, huT TOCat lorb. sti lab tlhaSSk bute ole e hs o r lgm e I beloll sam @Wflà adu re »iurwedyte lm Ib h W. WàKM" eh.tgiy.pn ful ofbw pan rtasfu otaad reolcsMdmepua ettesm % - 9.- are ndk os at téSn@ai u ne#b$os*.e i o àWg u afwdra Rý, .11 ....u t oraaefr1 u hti nt irajyor fsi l»ymmW ovn OE OLA.Te-mw uxli"gbo u male Tiplaint- ,quANU %b m-,lL L I I i -I I j I Ath I i! I s I Up Iproptrticu LUi' res p. n Takej ForCo G r ca Syru FOR( and ai Be sure that cL everyw ICERRY W, (2) Tht, On Fuida& Koiloy, r-pri beeptory No. vail o n1 sonted berw beeu pamsecl, other by t meàtly <ram tory bettriog ordor wth t lmohed., Th At.a me oeptory N I 18uh, 1895, s pased UUobi Moved oy econ led by That this pr st Lin aeà,1 hsvebyp pis guet on tho L. Win'ere, pweeeptory1 baviug for & ofîIL Oure honorod by t ]E&mî jinbein wbioh offie vas &Ie <,r officels whîcb soif and hý, Winters andi eur sincereê lhtir ber,avw lu Thrte,' wv band ta lb liage of Ibis -ever, we wil 1thoewhc h -the fight a.'i -ohapter abov more- And that a Able Bonl <f 91 to Mire. W in JOH 'Il 1895 the f.i1 pntifoil Moveit by ,seouded b wherésini nier e sh ,mell one exp1. in pauent. à ooased brcn au8 Ocition; osauvuy aUmo hoém w'

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