MwayPi yru-Po COUHSAND COLO COUgrhs md COlI ray sý byrup Red .Spruce TI-E oLD STANDARD R"MeDY FOR COTIGES, COLDS. AS'1E3A and ail Affections of the Lunga. Se sure you g«tGA'8rp'G~u that cures. a5c. aad 3oc. a bQtti. L"d everywlicre. *mERRY WATSON,&00. rtrnM 1 FB[DAY.JA 4UAUY 24, 18". Tii..Lie J. UL Wlxtoewr. e*an 1147 1 A11 'I. Bic& WsUlmm Watî,B t tNase t and Je" ley, Bpm.uiu ao lack ohPie- ryNo. 202, sud- L l.Nýi. 567 ted on Mes. J. là. Wiesm md wp.'- led ber wltb 1tira r..Inioem batibli a passed, one by 8"e preetoj, *. or by the Iodge. Vftey.vore W stly fraiued, lbthe ue fromtheIbmpimuu. Ir bmtauog samo te b. enibltm# of the et wtb i$bu si.1 or the pweepiory aM hod. Tho fa1Iowatit le a eu"pwofo b: &t ré meetine of Vaeborila BIek I.é ptory N a 262, h.Id on Fridat, 0Qu*s« &ài 1893, tShe f<bloini vIng muIon W Moved by B a. Blé Ro%ems Naget ma 00'3 ed by Bro. -Sir 'Wrn ý Gqblbrth- t LII&MeY, iu %heoe0'M 14?cf V0Oeda, beî.bg plae on ierd shelu ulceste o- t thelb de&, h dtOur lai Bt.. JeanI Wàu teîs. wbo wuae umuhet ef * ing for aeoeml IL. Ont de..m uowsd b.' tb. grand obapsu' .of asi in, being .bote aM troa d meh,, biob Offiiie ho beld -r iri ue eaus d àà simo foT Man, ye.uegrand oh'pWid, ces whiebh h eatd îb pie8io il sud houiri to ont uooit. Ta Mr@.i jut ene sud hildr, anvwitdemtue sa sonerc ulielcere l lathis the heu cf et the "E ern-él Threea m Ou and 0Ges I.Thie0," wbt> hai piom#40d go0he u se- baud tb the. itow and tshuto I b. Itbouiess., wîilguide 'hem l in *Hteýr mudeutak ince mao #bas wbéeuthe jumin"- te, of ibis n)ut eaîihly pipimage 18 irei, ve ulli il useSountubu Wl vth Iose w haie .gîne befors-9wha foua*8 0 h., a-id kolpv. ha fmtbe tea am a haptei ebovre, where pastilge .111be ne Anhd that a Oespy of S 80"0 smo Ullo ue esi <f tue . pr optty., b. lowadel Mues. W nas JO.' .LU. . epo Roxi'. INrTi PDspeiy paoeth. B. visLnO. L ou lIiai.59.h hLindsay on Tmmdy, Oebobe 8d4 1805 -the fiIl winig umeiêja va pea IIoued hibt 3o. 1JO f5 WI. wouafl mii adby: Re. lohuMU, sr aof the sireumh a ah -iegof ou*e o ur mmbéeteu e la sh a f0 J o ames - L. Wlat.em.vadedi t. 4%geososste bh-bad ssudbled utet. à '*5m etopu i6bood ow de »M berou & mo 8..of chu formm ha quatterod ïamsy bero*$44.e "& M*me Mime cf hie goeo of ilg.1*0 1cf iei ' 1 "400 7. fà'ymro.e&L Qu i ore as esto a t dei. l, e'sumeU.v rami w log 94 la1W6Ys to e fu etnd1i u it , othe b ul We ' n o Ve vl h à u s e lh o,0. fe. Y1 -4, I i:n~ -~ -4-. 4* ~ey 800i~0004 1»0# hw* ema omlo hmelnV eaoii ,eumm* . leS I «»L 1 armp bot di,el de KrM.Jl d, Oau=« bot vau. wed. M" aum a teedim go. "mur me t - 4 2- z -, 8h. Bpeoially Beommenids Paind'i Ocery. OOnpOlde.. I~i ~5'I MII- W. ÇTIU. s loi 94s4 ami Roue ami Nain 1.' Te omiai id ulà am be d« i li fbsa et-sq.: Da1y , mal- d. 'rtB*no. a lis , nu a Wel ait@ aIl. s lai mdes"h nmaueof %boum@&d .1lurnosi oistarner, vboae emly Ime te Ibal buh*" e laOhlm iiJeum, sMd guIMe u*ho"a#ut Muhomes. de etrauge sd plOltul eolee su a » te *7 - ne ombuimttvl M tskIbM quîely te g. ihlsa àbafore ibel. ey« * &Y aftmruey weu&ba sie v.a tbe «e of flou ui*ouse mm a pioleet) ahe.....t.,ohdmt» abuffle id dio *0Momnt *t sa *1us8. he oeuivM W oPuai- S #M» et uuoseaOuem e mimaI os wu a oe hmaaue ce " toi 1 10 nI liosm ai, eueSkis ihi uuvo the'vl Wb» vaU baem le.eaimuet b. toa mugt i"là&laglpé mu meuleali IN hahtof 6las #am i dt ae. k.euId mn hb-9, ali usOeoy poud lewulhl lu glutfmidm pasp; 1 I ultpOM. mmdh t l weeVos&dMserve.. 1114.m l.empldo fgRa. cOImaaj' magssteomieuei, addin tb a elek .ab* took Do fb. peu, sud Isth mm" gou le. osuBbilsB' h* iweSo*hl fotr li pau. " ig ib ea bs.,il h.'v lhi. go, ' W u a ha alle i. wl *foue obe ioleboarsemo, Jobs 'u .1 Broièotvu. os. h. dmp. S' a . dsuly tSuLnei141 oamt w e.a MMhlm I 1eI o1'1" 5h.elutabed bbemmvi w b tb ha de.'I' l l u u t J. .y Berunmc péalg towul'b.,, bot mite fin at hsi8e Lflwau bd w hehé hfbei be.. OMoib. ,mothe. lil pI rlb. @dlk tM the aalled lad «a"d.but ah. dli mt mweu. The phymlesumaI" lOva.humn Au ambusmue wu smumo»eL.Borne out whispoe e te b *etue "Dimuhaod," b. @Md, asitbe violé .4 lad ft1owed lts eàd meebai hem., g10 - pobo*g be by: â Ié t1"M te a m1, of shamedi., Ilas auPs'. pays. Irdubua'm oi Lue bEuldet ult Wll I meuu mm Hrpspo uhls.' a. 1livpcpbm e t. amidSsiiMA md eNt umdmesCod Lie 011 tauomti 5OW feui. h kt-owbei fS umbli lisele Rton Oroublsu. PumeM&-.mi>$LOW- b@ whtéw m-d#40a. cet tom"001th s*om41 shie 0101.~ Smd* mita W i twakonfe aulIbo s omtlthailDo .. >LflED saX MM& boul eadvelm $de lag mu be vo O.mempuD astbs.Mat wOb - uner *0 svie. aMde. aMPossi 'fl wb. - asee lonetave db» forum Mudlwe*és emum i 6e limer.Me *~i mieamof Nut , hbum . MelM"S tes pomsil, 8»%, a.osâmm olleeis.e de book pbmIe, pSwtgea ma.e 180801oi-, Io the sorma quànlumalb-, Lmios, thuree mvsoma os A rudmet poêer .eibioa eoumbi." n#tm d' Goema. Beoemls.'sla% e .Urtmm Whoe :bave maie tbeom Mth"uie bmb tekme, Ibo art erltim us velmube pebil have ba lakUg Ib otaie a.e. ThIs hu. hm a baud P«s.for lwu -r» dao eivS. mm ea.t »Vi ueh. mb.ugi iwlme moléj. 2 m te upt eiga ewI" Il boie W. on theee bide have b.d a lg bau oteet hi Mgom.u boua llaboems e *ta&sbut of p11h.ub w" t00dâl or 006$eà& fhve hd te atwmi ueeeeeeeaàmm 2,MW M mp mâ le Ç". buOtpiredewài bbsoi .fsmyesi8Ilqp -rit 0 mil. jeHOYLEE~ -1~ p~ euiImSe* mluedIb*u, ~,UMWflU% B~sV ~utsve~yda Fuse CRue. ~hg~ 000d-s d OU £IoiEnt i 40 M q u .... et 04to.... .4 O ~1 00,46.-O - s. muon% M semm k a ~ mu sM N ~flAL *00cm. r~ s-aU.., Lises. h. n. *L10115.. mot uquis &ft miww0 .tes s4iu poi dae e - nsdet . u, a n u" "b=MON lé»* U. qh SowteM -U. UUma "~" - i EA. - . Botubus OVIL L d «o* j"smu es*0IltUqdor lx r-ifflap o- l, Lm j" Isuaisal p e.- 45 e. as G~e W. Aummi Iii ~tt,.uu ~ted 910 $Umm Oxfoei 110ViOc WS.mwbIeh vlm as à# ai M~ ~à ao a. mus bbt Md *5 air neMsi plonna- Mi gd m e»«O hm a Nt%' le 0 Omàte idswAIsr nobeIsbuimg ,=Wty 4 cai b»Uwreommev4 thl ywmofà G, WOODê the comtratt of makng your life a comfort -thi wit. TREASURER'SSAL.E of LANDS, COUNTY CF VICTORIA, Fore ArgiSm- of Taam, tbe b heat tite court Houae Lindaay, mn Wednesday, F'ebruary, 'i896,ý -Part e r*, w,mcWse ie. O à$»&pu S.N. Corner oS WL.bouuded o' S bBlialmâL ýoe, N. , N.Bey rond Noxih put 38 SW Bay 70 aS à 100 7 -7 4&4 Blrh ale4 aisi l.ke07 m oit" st & ocf Prim. W of Boaygeon Bt VIIA(E# 1BOBCÂYGEON. .,S~ 1/4 1822 pli. lES 301. eSt 7 1/2 301 1/2 3 01 muvnop<ceCA*DEN. N.dfo PWbl,~1euot8 74 .1629 20*e~S 97 1189 .2Waw1 7 97 1163 WesiakffEebuli 5089 8 77 West halfI - 8 1 772 Soth I9 745382 Irab 4 9 f .1380 East pautof Wett hU 9 #1718 West purt Cet m hafle 9 25 18S5 -25 4 28 10 e lacemof N. Sati soutb.etst qç M0 112 18 99 .1848 Tow'NSuiP0F DIGBY. à 114 613 61 1 170 93 TOWNSHIP -or MELON. 24 S S»200 630 il 850 7 40 VILLAGE OP VICTORIA ROÂD IN ELDON. Rlchmoud L -SOU&h -a1 489 1 65 Seth hat 1.ll -10 00 61 Nafth baRS 13M 14 100 11. 5 TOWNSHIP OP EFRWS0Ž.. 'N t k»W-CB&,et Coborne 8 x of, E ctolboutu. CW t ifonSOIa b Upmm &W i mted e ds _ No~eibhe ~44~4 -4,-- -4~ t - 1~ - .4t~t ~ - VU~Â1 ésba - e 9f orst' U.195 Parad 13 se :101 Pa .'d 1332 'PR L.d 10 42 not p. ' 9 37 not-pa.C 56 M pat'd M5 55 pat'd 1901a patVd 3 50 pat'd 1 70 13 88 flot patd 186 203M not p&td 1 67 778 pat'd 16K- 1103 pat'd 1 65 883 pat'd 1 65 804 pat'd 1 65 9 "M patd (; 34 pat*d 1 65 128 pat'd 169 > .3 20 pacd 4 100. 14 09 175 1584 paf'd ;B 0F FENELON FALLS. 1/ 57 165 7 02 W 1331 17 1504 20/100- 464 1, 05 619 265 1Ki 4 30 pat'd 271 165 136 pat'd 181 165 346 pat'd V'NSEH1 P ILAXTON. 4 - 11m 6 -7 m- rf 4» 284 7 iS 15-49 179 7 1 16'34 181 t 1W 9006 191t le 731 1 05 W 5i1A1~J.N ~X loi il 29ot pat'd 12 83 flot uatd 024 patd 14,58 patd 1815 'not patd 1348 pat'd 22 78 pat'd 8 B ot paVtd 988 pavd 268 53*99' 165 868 p.t'd 279, is 0 188 221 â , 9981 2a2 309e 185 1987 22611 3669 t' 18 Sa~ s ,essL. -4. IL "e Aumax~ 2344 1613 120 4 55 9 15 $1227 2543 17 93 123ý72 6 20 1080 ML08 466 466 409 ô 87 pat'd pat'd pat'd pat'd Pat'u' pat'cL Tatd pat'd pat'd pat'd coemmiaibd- 1670 6&5 186 165 165 16a 165' 166 1 0 1 65 2 75 1 75 183 16.5 pat'd pat'd pat'd not pst..d patld pat'd W etl" ~pp-. ýT owmgup op Bwxy. tooi West hau, 14 îwlîF*A-F*ý