ways ~* I I I SO mii idu laCà is. ? uw.uu U # flMuIS ~ t celsaiPm," Olm afflm R.J. M&TOIUTTS 14ONRY TO [OIN. uisnBU.b, **.bqt bee -if- - b cli.wo-m niuub*b .buPom* s 0 a IEIDAY. JANUAIT UL au main uou dudso,. frnl Ammlusmig mmmiathe dlM ofte awixi*rvM i ril1w. of l. ab diet, tiyaell tlqten Tie- debats on the ad»dampm *à. The specoosmviasna-il ekcM Fridsg Iam't Sur Chtles Teppo, a Mud L»d: Tuppet vomito Noutnal, guelts of sir DuldA. -Mmd Lady liai noble sou&pleW Mondr eatrmam 6 Fàr Obuse*am l0ie usme etofMonarvol s b tic., cf, Poutevmatu" ai " lCh aut"mIsM dber 0 ouoi Md m ui d»l lime c09samhip& It vuoaii&Ai gesé .sImlila -.ala ml oei mdV&Dmou etvmm e .1 H-.ohm" la Emai"polmtlmg tlbu pevi. i f et Omwm se amp lé ueaais ieu a lit lvu, vl bffpaiwqa aelbVA sdl et mm&t- HM &&,tm vu m.gatmis. gijlj foi ilS mi* P~ wq»o te * et. e mii.a eda se-.à" I ANANH oe in la e bun Osu.. 0 -.-l vieitora«N"a.la 50 viol 'a boy. fha.Cepbuqm éb j aamethuo Blt*tnm lic.,eti Souihmgla ou Atiela Chinmfoe: somotlrmg Whem uwmt ih osas Wb.nT -#Mmt dl th" tom ,te I lyoleizullab blei a *0 * isue sslesi tbo esaem l ~e - emow th le psUm - lb 4mub$ O .. thw -X eusn *b64 0in tibe l#ea t wbbasilumus M@84 «M Np»§mate ba$ me - or ADe u Iolmb mébis ol grmis. sà;. louis i. adu" : ll OtMdSwak i.Miaet"ruaendsumla flb- do!0lsPussi of 111.1109et litu Fre Themulavieopome lb0oUsci Mua for 89 lmaeulled la lie commcil ohaubet bau *tIl '.olek osn Mday. viii tIc.exmpk i t, of e depsey.u.ev'e 1.1mb, *hovu lb uelq amoeuaq et, the fmnem'hà". 0*7l Lae ey, Jou*lbaof bem 10ommi i. ounstmlei ao al shlm iées. ig " l somi eillo iBe»Pl", #bu* tuOhom siorotut to m im lyO le " mmweula l ouml. »04 tem*bmm 4igh& cul sveor Taih * mb« s& : w ï;Mdomm ,waaau AID immaste. - Jum sili On te einm R. ott mélmW.m pa" to**e - . . .. oan ~ cf ~ Noàma Jeugu Gaubs-u" u vuE L débau W.,im" Md 0. Kaulklb ftum A» Bumb Tend". dam et htwwi l V= jr 1 1 1 .. - poeu ¶bM 0»u*N mWothe Il. lb.s.b. lu a mu *ýt i.euMa VO&MMbe Ùt wa bc" b e«* V" am ab" so g ta ained Mh40MIm elb ki fieu" e mn'mberti. rabig affl U.b. U-1 IE rthelb bs v Implor MW élt a oiu LuerB.u.b. tudai, bu mei ls au mof.1V" mimeu. Mrt. J.. aKaovho vu pmuust I. aur... tie sOMMUinl wfcvýaoe 'a a-M port tiat hm s ibgoslutedm dsulft the «Ututàeluolosela voguai lea aée1m ie is sÏZsusa i b lai- e-m Utf. ToMuhb--- tNaia misth"évu cil @d in u lboSuks ueOsM iswM te. 1 su Mi d pe muluetefailn lot toMimuor adet, ai me aime@"a" by J. D Gm0. , &à--uauabeualilai vmi, vsomu ilthé e mtas'aaf er o-der b. guli. .s'admi, W. A. Mugi a. &W. Jaekeaiais8125 pet- imawd ib" lam% &M, lm fumbs, ami "0e balammof am ~fua»i e. l bm e mpay, vimstuimi' vu - m ad a hanl omtalova, ibis0lb ms.vhos g» ouit et huwnwtm au ui. The oumnitte favuveiiIvl'ml b so"MM"rsccaweo ma""aw M u OApIMuu »lu badm àlr.e. l& R 0aecOn osmoUC11, ad»d à*iS »Wle oma éi hmai Uthe »"lvuM» ofet et-tm mus .of lia "»W...'ba»d.mm"luenos"loI t âm mambors vis bai th«i ia aoàmultis ba appolawmip thîe ommenl s.lavudgate be mafter belote sM umbe maile MoiMi by MriR. mmmdeiby Mr. J. lb.Graham, liai . Mayor b. au,. lui te lise uniraM os mvouco, Imm &Mtelme, f urfohý t he obllieimé'M amu, lbitlbmaui te omum'bm b. rotoramite dupe rir ,mouahua- Noib, Nu yMrJe&. Graham., moMdu by Ni'. B". "ia vie..m oa . u th amombai MMN,00b ave b.. dluoommtd by *0e Oum uk furelIthlbMeof lb mopvatoa iuta"s*lbmm b uomMd" ala" "lbhusai et tie roalob aidté liasmoes t. ivei*fi of1 abyýlav.'-Oani. Krt. v ady beotup ie qemof t. peor punuMa vi.vou Bat go to the loe otle à* àN@. lri oo»Maidithai aidLM go i m. 'a mm nlewud te by hlm. Mrt. James Graham vemluiod thc goun- où of atba"MRaygum at aivoe moud lut gea Io indes lbM. omet r. lie ptso.mm hume fort le aend,lait vomi lme pucust home veupvué.il sote bque"uao etky- ..4 a l sOMMeilVu omomaad; Dmw ble eMa u liat tii...vi. oten »U vooeugo Lais the home vefmd ed do@,., amitlb ooemml ormu Doi tomto. lieu. r. .Gamma, adulerai Il va a lffsmlqmttoi.aa Ni' . Pedhw baivwltnom or M» pla m v era lbpiic vfoue pgot' *9 hum4 d omel tab wou Id e lim e boo . lmai meitbâ»p Novei by Nr. Pod@l MM UW bir l Nr. miew moeturumme l mesal»"Y lb *0 aiboom oSu *6 usaiuiMW Nu sué s or CW&murnkt Tme »»mIhases ad in% te eumm.aite lu saurm-la a lm&mlet. m 14 bb b'w 181 j-k.N E]ven the Wisest. It vus the spahling jewels sud glitteriug gold that caught Solo- mon 's eye, s"dbgve caught the oye of oeankind evr ince. Cail sad (nf". yen: oye. on Our watcloes, cdocks, j.w.I.y of al kinde, largeat st«ocf Isilvwareg enuble for weddimg pressats. Gem, dàiss nsd weddlag9dage, buet goodu s emi puce.. We tain tockin aMWdav% blg aries fram »w mSlthe: dol*s a"djeIuy te ls ferte. hwd~t. use mml Wsst' Umcola.s &Coco.., Càdbuty'.Chocolat.« &Coco.., Da&er'sChocolatu sam ÇCoas.1 C, k. chbitd Pois- Ornge., cionand Le... MNoue lho b,01. aM 20IL ho.., Lem=, suaiExtracts. PviraGold Baking Powdeg. *Ibo jl. ».d 1lb tins. full weighî, at oldprîc.s. Pure GoId Spicos slways reliable OU R 25d TEA 8 1M a ST VAL.USg1 IdTO w I A. OMPBEL, Fainily Orooer. 'I 'To Fer the Poêls Graham & fitnst llaesof BaOiu CmoliLmon> Orange ChoceFia. ina Meuli n ackfe. Lmosend CD U2 ~NO Il -e Cl~ ~ na PAUI e. 0" to Fou lion Oos Real and Citron .Oiangem,. SUGÂRS, .ES 9-- Oh.. h8a nsoelabr1«eICofftela I lb. lins. i K Maimv. Seagram's 1883, Gt*G.oeham.hWe. awo or botlus Bootoh and Irish Whskite 4ies sud.Pcrteft, e.nd eoytl th" tl beb.found. in a-firati-olass Grooer7 and Lîquior store. Giv. m a os! and b. o9Mia on ibivol -a~mdusby9a Lasding Grocers.l QRAHAM & 00. Tb. hsdiag Gzoeoen, Wiae sud Liquor Kerohants, 29Kent istireet, OQppoiie Ben son House, TEILEPMOft< NO 24._ _ _ SUAIT &TAL i. ma t h e 0pme mïe t.OMM.vu &o N. Clar m lu a esgnlng lb te oi sW~w. mimub iweqbemt h te 1alhIN,,. USiSIO-ta the IoumlOOtDmeflO tum a" * msewfLELdblu . , à d- Mi.s ul bg o m»d emomumi c f hi.. lq. 4 . d.d.B, à. ai W« *0eo, imlof.1 babho emaeio osUm tmmTua.b " ium. i f~1::r OIoml PWfO bmtulnmt io biuuPe k. g'i la via f à» m Pr e off whloh w. amâllsJi.mbie -paM m tehotua pau,%iebom ptovr là*Uit b uime ui.riUiu, slo b mtoulte tehoerfotev * lb tmlb aga" té i ai t » :-UvWmAda ithM »Vm. mmmau. bw"dâmm 0 etMoi». If 705 ý i MAPI Obur gt womt ami, r i. Ulm hloa b -elli imme DbAm a~m um Eu. t lbCe" w l -a pu mbsmm lb il éu.- .vesyté *MW bli Md *0ke. wavw offlr. Su* a *0imi Mal vbu gos. la lb .l pesa Fl m le oe aéumum Tbaeyimiaetb wu ssé - nimAUmliallr b. eimus uq OU d"q le»uauey Mm lm mes u pue hste We 6 "b t a.im s h humbeue Juielislb AM espeilisaibu ab tom$ mihsm t boum etbb us. l net hWi.'nt h *ho ws b. Aidm.ulM toa =et ohuw »d hue, InsuM4Nbto ehp 4 4 4 E 4 Ïli 1 mmm;m"