'%AY 80' T$4E IUS*#~ AWS OI~O< 'Eh. ~lUUhi U~ I z Thoit C.lucs-P..a..mS nuae meve mad.- the toit ueacted ew» iM - 2. - #et the redeemed of the LrdI Ar!Overtdre, an sutiphon, a dffl 09Y la tha chapter, and lu My M David calae for au outspokn ei aud requeese&Il wbo bave lteeoae anxd blessed.nu long er to hbide the a9i did tacta, but to. roolte them, POiU th em and, as fati as possible leti the word know about".It "Lot t redeemned of the land amy ." la a iful reticenôe whtch han be ]Most ca.nonlxed. 'The. people q uit.au outspokpn sthey pu4lat en, ail stubjects'of poitios sud a tient arnd voluble on thïe Vomuel uestion and bimtallism snd tar-f lgh and 10w and remodele& ansd 1 le suffrage and you have to I ully lvatch youir chane if y"u wa Put into the. actlve coriversation, odest suggestion. of youW own, b n the subjectet ofdivfne goodrieos, ir Iglous eÊperlono.sud.,eternal. hie Sensem, they are not ouiy 'Blent, b boastfui of thely reti-eucc. New, 70U have beon redeemed 0f the Lo why do you flot Bay- no? if you ha your hçart thie posai cf t 5t orth more thanthe Kohînoor ama Itorlan Jewels, why not let otl-w . It? if you gtt off ethe wreckI e breakere ' why nt* tell of tiee cl. the atout lifeboat tuut aalu nded you?. If from the fourth so ou are rescued la i he o ~ oS~ Ion, why not tell of the, ilreu¶ti N e add er down wbloh hoe carrlel yu you have a manalon la ha waltlng ybu, why. sonswt. i. edé those. wha may by the.*mmre prom t an emerald cstlo on thoelau ulêNard? Dy the Isat two words. text David cal!. lupon *11 ëf us 'w V. rftelved any mercy, at the ha, God to stop impermonatin.g the a * .for the. dumb, suid li tiilifiBOl men. womeu, ungela, devi.s wdj oi'ld@@Bamy w.a In thon Jauuary days thonasude .lnistersa nd palvte ChrlatisUd e ondernt about tMe best waýié g a revival * of religon. 1 0 Iyou a way or startlng a a'ovW nitinental, bomlspherlo sand werl e. You say a revival astarts gayeu. WeILi t starts lu heavon Si a pi'oaperouà barvemt starts tli e% Th TRo un muet shine., and thé rat ust descend. but unies you plow a wand cultivate. thie arth 100 y et ralse a bushel of wheat or a Ps fcorn between uow and the end lie world. Ilow. then, biRi !a tnive revive.! stâtrt?. By ail Christii e teling the %tory of their 01 nverslon. Let the men and wom, t up next week Iu your prayer met È, and, È et ln a çonventianal.or cSI ne or dolefut way, but ln the OU~ one 1.thev emploZ 1lu nUthefarnliy làce of buiss, tell tiow'they croi dthe Une, -and the revival vii bel en an d there if the prayer meett as not been fo du!l as to drve i Il e<meept those conc-rnlnt -vIhom as foreordalned f rom al etertl het they ehouid be there., Therea o rnany dilerent mways of! bel7ig, e .etted that we want ta lbear ail kint 6 that our own case may be helpt t aI1"ays pute me back ta hear OZ nt- kind of experience, auch as a M; Ivecs when he te! Is of 1UeI Pauline ce erston-how hie was knocked senFelf nd then had a vielon and hcard volc nid after'a.eertaln- number 0f daye, orror got Up and shouted. for Joy..ý at - dseourages« me, for I was nuel nocked senseless, and I1 neyer, h ch -a sudden burst, of religlous ai re that 1, Iost my. equilibi lum. E f ter a whie a Christian man gat' sanie meetIng and tald how , he w rouglit up by a devout parentagea d always.been thoughtfuli abouti lous thinge, and gradualy thi e the gospel came into Rlit soul Il e dawn of the morniag-no percei le difference >betWeen moment a oment -biit aftor .awile ail Pertl toln settied down Into a hope ih consaied and etrengthened b uring ahiR le viafraltudes of a Il me» I sali!, "Phit. ln exhllaratlî at was niy experience.", And! no a-; strengthened... lnu-another prayer meetInga mani. f a.nd told us how lho once hated Q< d. went 1thraugh ail tie'ràund ofJ ulty untill e wereal on-nttes 1 if letime fraht t ecvaten redec"an ft' i.p~ S a y " i a 'v Streste P1AN08, tah U~AGH It4ES, bo.a4am ees oewul elstuif pm, *1v s4. Butt thiemne * p ta I 19,Uet~ effl t t us., show f, wut ~ve "t fsSus who obt te betsimmkcé - h th te gMin- auqhe ohw ml- 0w, mds,1 outtWb" 7 w'mnqy vms t. andto lie*'mmu in trie tb&Y ce tbm "bm i I . .lbmt% tartar M«eeting Og, h ipo et t o t t ene show 00ltii. .iat et God' braotné«U TIb tw has oaynP»mI ho a ItuMi«ma C e -b« »mbm M» e ea4se orne os whoea you vp, ttiuwot ~Pt'eathlug. 1at&If tand het ive per. Âut the nma teàov&U atransud ate0 S* kw.z*et »6b a iMan ge stii.9 1VO0 o.Mbto 0 lufiod olmn afl t pro, utisthe k.*moylg alae an veotluy. 7MlW r 1 aibTu 06: p* oesio»r<oke entla » i- mnerMJ& 41 M Ov the tw gun- av% ymt svW aU u ap'vend » "sor h..vt e nbmL~e r ne«sàU«> est ho w0tgie oe11 Th" the Thers suarail r&C riOtau vOrkWB berneSf li NIJa. ci5, forear ou L <a ý MAu iI- m<.t Mo'e 0lu txMnt te laie! 11h te! ne o* U. q rie wr«merpoo. U h5V5 - ttiwt" mrt.et4 r taIiI out un& Yfts u t o t &,mg a pewer" hb e u se. r*u WUha» ose lat bsig M o» > d.Wflhard lupray, andthn cam ruebut i.*meou wi mo7«ue one.e>'p t- b" I fie$m.!OnotW"elgo Tii. Sm Othe W tay4tuW te t !-ioio*. suee us>' l 1ovorpo0» tg l beaty, sud s rev » ivala tu u ailt r ais. e steae . «MS te , ty Miw "bote quiet-I s' Sie tntldaci c-i"outa. Oe WOt fr08 leglte asud tlsoltem l tuetlosmP vbovowa& ,bn V~~WW ~~ iin *1105GO lie ie V U d*er wrk i hoi1ném ut*osnu' ié u .t r- l l onlso ui ymert baubou4th soieuwe ethatRe paorbav uefiess Is doue.I »a-os i t aerae foe hod Ver Thoa er41O gou th"lmad.e îa ivrlogrtbcu Ia d ogod ecare Mtorwhile oprv Tihen turne torondver, tiesosthe atgod vr SamW Cdth'Se s: mdann polehv ahbI f 0 Cale adepteble d. thé 'Ir.Eeryot ue' . "drci auinI oi br oe liaumtoa cdm solt 'Fute sret raermetIgmdI ae ava>'s lai your sest$ 0lua chrci unor, utI Ies te atisdh bo llgmreaountw h tuse I manti l r uie d an«» Q14 pu ýc you sie halvys vl ue s Wo * ou OVq mietheleaer,"bu etthtatt lt bth w a puWfrb eus-unvau fh or wthot Urne. are li f Ri fae. Uvln mnnunc ya ur.ehk, mItat r elp m e.'t edn petîk u aornd o a oftSp. , Rt oa hlgReII etvit fr yalaiaeMW olare m;nc;o;asegie l g.nn îî, Ï 4 A 1. 1 , 2d.ReRaî irete avergdcli toi tet New-Y04 ào" arkdtnideg for - Thereand » Rundred0ft icprmîos *, P«» 5. î, icraaeqa vhlch«tuelia M*e pie te rne. evaiew forg baifur, hemVc ba d work taor 'maie mormonsr o-Ç th tý 13tusad heleaer «ouwlf tprevaink o l uieïor.hîrMM*tb% amothor afins heo steps, In ail uer- tige. they bve*Vror d ô î ug btic1 t $oge mnl i hne vnyfv er eoe - ani!y t bmcx aaot, n rr hat r& ood t'the aeuru h therhenl 04-'eu t ail joi>e o drôn i ie, 1s ii o peue *pi tdt ti l ledr lti, lfor oe 8ysver>' » k ani! ot Per ap h as" stbjei bon e ss lae patint.heasast oemdmi "Rivsh-wR a I L aand abb to teheptfie, that Fulto Ci ioRi ed b al put r cf tu vorld lu oly befl.rbe M4 .,Neri i lde eeaeto t ire peoThe Ihave eskli prayeland dlier i bor to puiRe oi o tuhi it rpr &911eefrltion. 1 ani vo ie tehei Or=o- alaer t1payh a ve been to pa ouncI *>lt onTe nvmsrhéap. onbat rayetlloem&b vgosè Wenta 1ean=î Ics ibbsl ... i e, u g t Le t me ciof' Tha e. li<tO tait mghUVoth e Resmisscfnusbe @&tWfor theanc nu>&y eg ofIwhfrll I Aeoodàmgtte M.Mriam essw 1* ove eaven s,. butycea andre ic e nt te mm iI utm.lonh sd ho n> pc!aeluoce "tb>'amr vriu u von. oretRn py po onoath coiltblk f.Ho aldeterel* M bat he, lid o tong ohr a Ottan ivecneelved Idme te -botui t us- bevu ticp he e tic e-ht h ape lia lefi wor sud neetmUV L a d a! UV indgr-l 1w Othe ansy lviafc.Tcli pome itcLrtui o at In Wive hundrel p5.pSs y utMs. P eami aUbe ayd, frbl a b Lot bathésm ~etos zems fle cmha e een bk Am-Chrisban. h, sd .éaiO 't-ob .peeelma rcau ani hlaedalbtr .a> e dge, obteas.I aumn o fo.rot bthi théetl u ty o- u be h tbrbi -Tour parents bavepIsÉnel for Four , : *ITOU vayMluours N ly 1.Ia5abnseieatcstam o bet dinteear5thomd ae yearea id tg, .-j.,. f »ait u Y anl'us1. o lI bave Pa* - iSane iewwl atay Umemeteir mao rvcthea yse « l 0*1 utos!ýW'betDr brsie as iafo unesu, of nil' ayo__r for tt. taseos4h evonube tbehn.It e lulmil l ilfe 15mor ititale Ran ieyougt ~ ~ O~~~i< or erer iesti I og u go ud W, Musw ed Royalt. Sdfinyasomiate tC alivo wlhl etuis '»» b «. the are ' tuaiInhe g ~ In te h mai Yeambrtloadu a u i ing so . i..oait etth Imulton etret oSsae mp.tngsi,*s a end If -flione unt! 111 r Wb el ,* cbut gie sdle ti'attte<a. 0tos te weu he eh ob>'.put ,taecyc alngb,-ad nt a usCeu0mean ntseond PtSi WS.t g 5~ . 1 gBoifbui An atns tcm ihcomsfe* fore they tqut o ~~moigs, SDI uth*4Uthe- co tht b* othe Sstui ploq0 cawWf.ailsa.ce y14am O t td &W vho.1 la. lia-e.' *Mainie Theri*touch of t tuis 1 falte ias ore mai eR mor e m looingr¶ . bsntmy uura'hg, de.t 4. têer i gays whe foiir'U and l~' i" ta esmean intetidM fan, e té __ ô n portraits or te ft5t deopI' .ht rae. c ve doms for tlae16tnoe er___n o n wokm ýn*bta S ted ncna frte1rttre Rad eaSy têrma & i '( UP. Cor. çýuse & Pei.W A glu * I..., .70W~ oodHIlalth m-de. ao e *bma Md loy et ka @she 'fluw dwmly b ti maimms be bommb diwbm isoweuo0oM" 4ood Purifier, *0 iM hw 7«Ime«t « o a 'STONTI~S. What wlll tariff reform do _for VOU if you are cold and if your - ir doti't bur»ý?>, h wili not keep YOU warîm, er ivi it help the humn- ing of your flro I wvould advise -you to sec mvy stock of stoves. If it is for your hiîcbun get'one of Mny GOOD OHEER CýOýOKS, ,if for your hall or pal6r get 'he 109 Kent. Street. The ,Ti. bout is alvays tii he dowa the. price& That Fînest. W. deal only. in the best e reascu va ýare doing such Lasin and keep a large ITUEZRS8 .4.- No trouble, to becure sued MAMERS. 1 ý 4 -àbý-