»ays FEYES ~THAT -8 eOhmsdms.mSI. e hauoekmuglaé au have a yi V be & sué ws O -C m~uno ea-U a. p~3 J.UNUSAT. f ha i Rt om m ubaRU..t ta- i . L oU. B. J. M&TOIIUTT, a~I ~ - OSe, 1~hq lime.,, Due MsS, UU.-IUIiV. _________ idoliuiTO LoAN. uneff .U =là=O 6sUUMSoUAlbal@* uae.b, W» r um. .~ m uW wom.«arttyof etua uh hr « emt = m m, so miSe ta IIRPeaw% MuMoae imiNls Wuhp ut. 09"u. - w.I.1v Il ~i hie ictorii fox*~ Ai u£amEll.mhnu m0e 1»u& MONet ommle Md blé 8 fLg. elawin0 ag un ter s..hwtman.' o T' -mu;0 h mmo rsl» mtbe muWoliWb"aiUppmLeony Camai lb. lles lm uels. .0t Thepaivis E ula vere Eof tvaoudan... Paty of upe uo ce*Mtllea.-b lb mo.ofLamoi ii m amm0tul »mmg «. Iatosu viîevl oa o tea.asbllla t ru .pt ieu o»S .4 wbomam asIbeoi, .à1 ple*Oin 1ma ile hecamoi -etehm u@- u lvldusthelld TIe R ouged" pstw» paimofte amsy <rt eParty.lÀ lb Eeomymaru timgo ie Roug puy Party of luQaeb emewu il, i ille uésades ea llm.ae va Js Y' vitRu b. .1 Omuo o lare?.i soml, the pn Aie *u âb.ëvoBa. liem. 1âa i î la theO imof a i mbb » v4et 1 h., rt PI. olpufRsi e1Nol 'vlgo0118%114lay limarne "Mtome i blud.,lg lampmalty et alb goffommi me. lb Mol mbool polla Bue ana. qumdest%o. "ulamuto. ooranq bail theil.oomervailve btuh Tiuim mol muet lme auurt, WW tduel s. wlfongp.pite fêmd loyalliy by mIbo id ëd aillase vio Ber Oowmvauvu orf Quelmo srwmo, Md vIle sly sboi but uteslMr buses I me ad iwsmifrom"4ie '& mamie, jet the, vwuRlmoskw 0» lmet*vus farl*0usinlomia. El 1 alsismasmd"iasvul. te gl as ieBole rmi lb valik br* uval le uvaelos- î touS maW, dm *abat t d4aImm b" a mif C s iMn M4 Se-bar »od" mi, be là 16 àmee a 1m&Mm. k 1k h .105. abramis m pew on abm tbuiS..m- aimi.pree:- à m bummemi îles lb abutépre. «N Im. lis in mm1etiret C=i la »M orer . makatl md or bqwh prpo& .Thu. do aIme s uup le.,laUlà «ùba va obou poM . b epulem... d» ibmneleam n'P qeesime ail s A ine Mve it4l. Iaiebollantviol sa .11geu q1umom Ieboulmdé a.a Oumm "ie mai pous mmml lsgm.s as vli Mml. mài aInsIpropers-y 15ev km priportohlm et lPublie exPM&n forý tIf. puapis fotrypeu amdin mv plamo; «S M MEsaimtoleromes 5 aoepsauplemfaoinM êmo. The ag'~,sime, ueIfve iaeo, me in hv laofe*muabers et me.-a cIm us. vIe biivmily1e . bs fbMM pwoperty ubouli bed. Ti.h b es. rems"lomm"-uà»îmoea illa f"i Md1 amillul .ohv.»"t..lbm aep@ Be fat1 bm beu tle w"oéuui s"l violTb* plubI 10Wla ublet,, ubsir faon bdchuai. %boib bues mag wjsualy Bat aonbéle dm4gd*m Tummip igle. Tlev me .0.1 of soui fi apow, abmimbB. t asai".A Suu aum*Lb- 8@u'Vou"laeml Aemsm m bw.M- e.t à" Oaae bu tgmi Itemo bbog MONmm Mot Chorblue alLz Mijeva.: aml Um momi VloOaob vuii et o1ui bro E hMàbD.... mrmole am" bule l"»s -i"in beupo.tS Sol gkimaomwfrnu"iM m boe.. eny cm ae .B a Aîaiveib> hei.a tae og muellm 11e uuvevehMeM Cpt 1asoh Bummi lé, bae PMU" itilm a o FRVIU~ lb mues. abi mi u~ h ~sii uti0lu. e. mme. BM Sir ~mel~ pesuus - b oie Sousé n Aboin. ~mmouug*uopmyaaiquOe i le amihg; lb prothohi - El Nove Snob, P~huI mimai, Ne, Nwlé ami .imni lb embu iMet I - whb mimime, ami Lu. hbobe ver. hiu&ed b by SI.e JIPBIR ~ mile aUbe, Meai iqaily fuw lb lu OuI voe~ modemie rouai mi ~uee0ie ami fourni 'i ~ymnlms, meahoimo, I - ulmqymm mail. ~aaove ~v - vas e..iq; tIi humus w. a., i 1mw, ami gjoBm violera fer IpuIIq cmlii lb peeple .1 t ~ I ~# E 1! h. Ulp Omeerua," vIl ubers g Bu. ua lithevtu msg eUumvy abs *Id adiv..la yram divih m e. essaMii "s hmolieol"wgyle fle aui lul amd ma. i umé - uses klmii bu hou le vosie.tlbu kw oer .maons ON, am eu, A1. rfem la i mil BAe ib a e mib l l1oSba 01?m bemo bt"umel aM I I 4 4 N N t 4 UOOM* -un amwa wmalet L 06L aumai ri, mi pi Wai *0ea ud4 , I" *au" am, i he- vudm 9nesévui tel d dl ime lý ---t Obb # ~iW Yahodmmmui, smmme on W.ime6w, je*' is h eau Md *0 a bbd"Euue O...m lb hbvb b. . am Brauda. Md b u Mrai -b-imemu on es ,10mamiuer musigmihe oub a euMAiiiel nvmmuami.@zpom"aluv. iaiWIiu0.b«S% Mdmusw.uet soma, bUm duaMdolsm amuit f, S4OhimO t eumhmo.1lerM'bla aw*@ juo mi rq.s. le s ao.g G. aute, b "alu" drutebu. avoag uea W tt ei m u'.mau Mr. rhbs Ine uh.Mwedi, a vuli attoahumadiet~rwMr.Soubd Tohala., é a but th"ii .$W ea.Iem A are, uol bons m Vouémie t.U7 l mes s e, Bu ewons. huit. Wé Viaexoé ou bo e Mo.qt efeVge Ev TIi... Baeimmbu01 Mr.~ »dlm oaIa la.. M ESaui mu ni o, hpï If t valu S"Va ,ouv oeumW h ar ome forai m tbn a emi, e.llx.êe 0wf.y. Rcummi-The ayMmee v ia".eux seme 'emily lmeuoum Mrad Mme. Rabert N.iloaère ge e M<v Va iuI-ridena.la.l vosai mm. Bemw Wowll.xPemmuvlîsîlm i., P, *0aab opomlag ouamnl.,Bob, IEiON Pi&Z e lb D $very mueouatbagom atoh l se a e. T e u er bm o iblé aomohaet asCtI..tueo, ami Umm b * obw.eme olhPih..lm: W@4»die @mêm§ Md vu aaméa sme».. bing veli pamb&e.lud l M"i People muflplom"ivu eSonos .ay Rifesvilul eolo00o30" t lb mmcm vu s ee M& Tics seo.wdQuh i Ie e hIeos & Ph. m"l (pii.» evShmMd WM ilau Ioule bmu sose, o*mCaltée. à4vg p» le au"ib. e bu Se M»eB à& lacdlaa wn m 0kPaSm eâe 0»uahf ilae"0 wbih bb le..dho muii for Mousre, *beklmqUCa Semis, .v.ii lb fuquetous of thé Wkatbo ahi verse Dve.uiby MM "Wea Ur.. . Brook@bâa imé,uugilm ~ osla th* pori.. ut il ûoamlue à"e Wbs Vekohobsm di., pvoir %0tu Iiody pkmeusai ..mm eb"InM -ee Ote bg c. vw0" GMon ---itIsaciou=lvi Pal: Baw i8». -Dr. UWmi»nmu vpW iptX be degetw écoshap @a Ouzmure -TWOV. a.El Feutey"" crol cadiors «Mnum me, os la ahe coea but vebeouom b hjumiSo, lb mmr belaa: DonuCATC. FENULON LPA ehl W. Juabhn, k. 'volai :79 e.P.OIIE..$ la b Pêmbes. boaphi. lu&-nE. J. Wilsnu b e.. MU o ,Pu.uwa--mou Jaqis Gamnobuof Rat&mbowo 5dulb a et m#u WV. ltwatbe &pw u abcJowom lmai «mo bf muûf ni ý4salun.Cati mmd (ont opur o Ce & B.o*lbrgo<1Pool- Oreugd C Lm. u I1PSUh, 1011. miiOlI. beau, Pure Goli Baeni Powder, j Ibo j lb. m X lb16titu, fiight IàtO0ldPICS OUR 2". TE^ aSTate, B13 VALUE w piTOWN. A. OÀPBELL,,Fanmily .Grooera, To lo l. lns lse o aIan~Orat;m, OrneadCto POOls, Ohoce WIgs ince SMét Inemakages,,Lemons and Oranges, Chs. & Sanburnis ceobrabed Cofféein 1 i ltis Oui 25 cet Tea lsds them aiL e- Bargains w. hsv.*o.d&Y v.ohi~sd ad u p S'hmgehipuSut CE BOYIS' OUTHS' and M NS(LTIN nk s' a uofs t a t ihr .Ao v o BoV ule si 00 eokoIupri . 5 * slm at __ - mWar le - s -- -y. '.7., '.yv no;a 4 00 ýSults lt 4-30 V Overcots ee ,et ol«uiug I *.U5 laBel. YOUISELP. a o 'mi. o 0 w c*t~ milT ?AII aMoL Now »a bave orou mon i GENEF B Il KE W-m 01 ud-*49u tom Umffy U-u4.,&£ lm * dgm oUmm "Wmm M U. math& A qsdim I«vtaWt ULiN I*e - lfieel Wl- FeLbIuv. - # Id Al« mad Porlers, ma vrligthat la 10 b. found aa a st-ciam Gwoooey sud Liqmor store, WveusB ml sd . os buo «6 a "~o sLosdîeg Gros,¶ ORAHA ýM &0. Th hdngGm., I sd lmo Orh m o 29Kent street, Opposil.. Ben son House ré keeP cm bd v Our gos r Do. Februlary Soa 'aa1883, Gooham &Wocls inwo rboe. soocoh aMd Irlab Whls. TELElIOR NO24,' ,putde1 tomie ibvIL u. myl -Itb adlv1 * ési mmmmmumi . 4" jeal 1 oýo's