ub s, u bcfu 'l'. oitawhioh wortbi te bu pot b.d tew The Met lMro0rtall t M 3e.mureyou ,usfyb IêWII# 7<0S going te mn 11». ne lUI fine boude or g. a'i. the men in lave bave a - rsw bu do net efatii O wm Poor. f tSla honezt. bU~h aud j'ue thee qulitiO ~ botter tban riche, and wuiI enure an y erftu- ary omna's ppifS& OtIthen itavior oi a man t b bis other or ulaers, If h. han a .sYOr or woren In 1 erl, if ho bash»no h81 erela- tiveee A mm uw w etau 811lno chhairous te the fair sMx. gbouid prove tioubly se to th e be promisesute cheriuh fbrevet. la thes mali a cIiuCI gos?,? Il'do flot tblnk ailltr*IihOf & man who aya b. e »e nt fl &5OIch iloor. There, la a usylu t bt tv-8 Pot the wvrt bind of Man i o t$ ',fou' occmamtonaly, but 1 I obe S.11 xcuMéd troamba.vng anythingt o wth tlt* buid e ta. As te convesatBion, avod any one. *ho d&ýghts 1la %,.SOIUIy Jeute. or who, makes uha#y reiz81l or lndulgrem i mronS kuteU orbooum et how mmnStiasbave >b"uInlu bn menans the10Cid- ayiiig proves sf105 Irire, 'Show une'yourt rK4is &" 1 W tell.1 you wbat y»i att A man'& *otward appeerapoe lBa aleoan mInde 1 t hie characler, vis.-. hie 1181 In dsllwa, hie Ilnen bl& peroefial oint- inu.Othier points wblcbuoinld wUISh Min balanceI e lUeioig a MtO peylmet 8&0 kidnesu u de aImi. )UefO f in! ÉIRe.,and rupeolful uteatIM e ». . vWhethsr'rcb or poor. X.lhinglanuSo deteRtable a a toody-onme Who la al- tacys anetkini.fWtewsmO e nebetter thon himmeif ln order b f4rthr his .*wn ends. Do flot admire a man wh@ thr4owm hie MOUey about and tblakr lie M generoue. Bueh conduot la simy, and 0f en sheer waste, wblch brings ID lime wOful vont. - lfavlntg found snobh a man,- pousesing au thes above good qualltl, do flot beslta4t to make hlmn happy, -for hbe l Indeed prove a -pearl of great, price.", and you wi live te denIy tha.t marriage ia a fati- Phrenolozy Vindicat.d. The priaciples of phienolgy, as laid do0wn by Cali),Lava'er and otie leachers have Ibeir ardent diailpie au. -we!l as their dIshelleverc,: but, whether tbey. are truc Or baisel, tinere la a car- dInal,ý a member of thic Pr,,ent college, Who ascribes te their theorlea the . rOwntng succem oaisi Mie. . une weeke ogo Don Antonio CUoo- lares, Archbishop of Valladolid, Spain. ou lied uPOn Sencr Bosch. the Spashin Mir.ister Of Public Worka tê anounC bis -elevation te the raaik of cardina1 and recelve bis minlater's congratule,- ,tk ns. They were heartily given. and, the new cardinal then made lthe tollow. lns explaination of bis visil: ««I wlshed you to ho the-firat tao, on ratUlote nme.. 1, ahali tell you vby. One day when You, Senor Bosch, were about 12 years oic! your father 19iguel Bsch, t100k you 'tolits friend, Sen*r Indoleclo Mateo, then maeter of Ctremonies at the -court,. I .order la bave hlm admire 70w, Pecular talent for the exaet éclences. AS Yu and your fther entered thé- rooma etMates thes lOtter 'me t4lklng to acaptaln. or gr- tifferY. TOU were subjeutted 10a ex- amilnation, and the tbre. mM amer Mates. Your tatber and, the uSIal, *ere astonithed et theins imUu! taitt cf tbé boy. The subjeot of pbrenology ihon caMe up. Tour father vae an le-. dent advocate of the teaclhigu of 0Gall, Ibut the .captin, on lte otiher band, baad no fait inut hem, Afler your tmth- er bail defended hie point or view, wth O)! possile argumenta, le y*opome, itif In Jet uand hait liq sarnest, te ex- . mine the head of bie, aGvermzy, the «1ptaIn. The latter readily submiltted. .Aller Senor ]3omh* bad pajgmed bis ftng- ens ot lthe coptainls emnlu, ho 8»M: #M!Y.examînation. pmoves. liat yeu . wfllneyer amount to muchaaa ller. Theo bump ofetombatlveems le unurn- aflyseti On lte eUe band, m114. nae, bumiltY and religion are ex- tremteY highly develope& I1 feel cor- tain <bat if YOu excbange. the ewstrI for the stole :andthIbunifolun for the One cf ltetotluttereat portant monoucal probl century la about tl e hone prv.%c.tical solution of vial ioj.elesaly stubborn mecin cuity proinises te give 5. ot er ne way Infeior 'to Ni Two or lire. yessdmgoI Ptrnmylv&mls appointed a to investige ethepossible encrmous quantity et culm ibtat bas beca acounulainu tiracîle rpglons m"nesOl began le ho worbe& -Viii 11,îely repotetcitthlisa ef culm amocunîci te ai thé total output of lie inusklng aeariy air,7*M i Vat eàtly waste n'aterit l ed liaI brom ,ltitstremmw ccal .dust., tiatI bas bopt as ce tie cool mine bave en'at ion, tierseeuli easily e nntually 1,10000 barme lp Per. nay vania comssioi etivlneed by aluai ,téti Culh oaa he transferrei aile and convenlent foina et] eggmttee by lihe masuufm of course, once tîls anu bkmni oved.lthest la procees. probaby .patente dirt la easly comblusi vi trix eum, pilaI, ami som tonial, sud the resulttng pe an ecellent .1ai preàufj ssdlly eo.vertei lato e*01 Tie Peasylvauls- M4 for putîils oli= te tu PoInts eut tIol 1mtho! aim thleMIsu -ý. slvaS bazulbd* eilu vuoa% 0»'bu tiS»4i% p'wers0#07 $er.-, s eéqual 10 1151 Mm 4 1 eU d 1 etS ii5m l adlmtu- of the 1. s"uà But rtler bleu apUl dmu- eta>- preisnstan thelsaoiéutli* oPiylà g81V« Ihe thsîe Ius a EsV«7 Vague. "N..Y *lr positon mtalllug "Y e- bille vhMlOuroseboumbelîtt liMODt?. My dutiés ululsi lu IIluîtheUt stateontsandaitlIs amunt *vhhe beolibesper preparsed pIS li litu S mmai hgnd mat"e!. enistîme 1 wouid bave ebW $5t 0d rSagain SM0 or $30. ou =y lirgt trip lie cassble cauntethe ln.mesey footed thé aISte- mentte anti bandedi Me tUs' .Ichoi, cautlonlng nie about IshiOstoOII for uuoney pali out, snd Dntte 0pay dut more lIon tlistaatemneiila allSd for. il vas connidstei Q.Asa bto ta maIe lieze monbly*tAip&, Md therebore vies 1 va5 05ledi lt ith ornes I vas- very proud lndeed. Tic cnation someviat turasi My heai. 1».fterIp b ai utarted 1 found I1vit dreadfully liay on sanie pointts, but nny pride Would net permît My' relurti to the ofice. 1i maiesaevoral p&Ymçenba su.ad vas cngratuiallflg rybelf gin MY busineqss abillles, vies 1 icaa.t.> a store viner. the clerk vie r9eyth1* mony "aI:. *f e lrs, Younig MaX tis 08118fer o5,neMt $35.'evus t'ery dictal.t1oriol, i m Uch s0 thM I jtlieugbt le muet be very igI lit su- t mrty e I lremblingly lianici ove? .$I0 more -sac! burriedly Ibrust lie re- I cejp lpieh>gave me lli te ..uatcieiand güt eut as quiol asie 1coui!. 0f course. wben I1came te tic lntUsaImn IvaU $10 ,short-a eontlpgency liat bac! net occurA'ed 10teme. consiierahly dcrut- fanen, I returied ta tihe le and maie my- stoleentb. Imagine MY con- sternationt when, I vas abova lhe te- <tlpt, gîven me'br My pompelia friend for #65! Wbere vas the $10? Weill 1 palid over my owu money te malte up lthc abattage, bult tcelessofi was vorth àl» tl cost.-Hardvare. 'Tien-e 18 living l> in ta viciait? wltblni tirent miles efthle city, probable lhe o!dest marrled couple ia tic. Blute, if net inlihe Uniled' Stalos. Their am are Darwin, and liey were bortu lt àlontres , Canada4, -1ani are French Louis Darwma vwas hotu on Septettbet! 24, 11788, -and .lai. heretore over.107 yeans old. Hie witm vos bora on Mrl 17 1794, a nd - as 101 on ber ho Jirthday. Th lsa ged. couple vere iarrkSd la 1816 aui bave poýed mtheir elghleti un- versary. Thoy have Ulve d near bote for tic past borty-lwo yeors, and im bau beeu n(-xteaivey engaged lu thei lumber ac! 19iogglngbuslnesa, aise- In famiug.1 They bave' reared aý fa.mily ot seven1 Fons ant ilOe daugintersoniy 1ve.cf lie-n. blng alive nov. The lsot daughterlilves ber. antd bau o large famuiiy, aie belus marniedi vinsa u vaa Il yeuse macg. They have lie tourti generatlon froni the fastei troc.. Tie aid gentleman vos oue ot lie. Ilvellest aoltnstihe"boys" on lie river fote yyears moanticouti danice al anouni lthe oung feilova aI Ibal hlme.. le s ai eeifor hie Iboltelesal, wilci at timea vas somewial ridicu-i lous, a as mîte case ventis vifei vas9 very oblck. The atteutdlng pbysi- clan 7:ioing tose. lot met lie busbani eoming.4to lie clty. *'Good moralifg. Mr.-ParAn"sai le; *"boy le your wlii- the morahis?". Politely raimlag b l .esai: ,"Sie tl e V5Y iiiih veorse, thani you. doctol'." The aId coupe bave beau very rut- gedi-and beatty, sud have lived in a collage by tièeelves for. several y>esrs. and al -last summer vero able te 1*e about on tic farm, but <bey are bothhvery ulmb at preweisuland Ilere teens 1it11 bflof tIbsir removery. Atter boursoreyearz ot marrici lité, tiney aediposi 10 857 1hat go bà! Bq' they ar e cnernel tley tut îloat niarriage lau not. a fallure.-St. Paul Pioneer Pres.. The. Czr'. An«Pe. On onte Occaion durlag lthe parade Of lis HQrse Guaris, tie Emaporor Psul of Rusala (1745-180) .w- ssttemely difflaltei yu lUe manerAn wobich île rflpe1rormed tic svouUlo& AI lengh. afler a more liao onaii- ly stupi blunier*n' othe partIor lIe t roopm, tbe Czar opâilistand It ce, lo- a al'ta long, mmd Exnglim' usinas as WC au kql a baby's flot. fOi *M be S w. W t romalbsIt. Arnerloa frmerebefoeu me"7Yom. bave paesi by- lun*tinorg arb m"S et tie twentli em011l mmcii "tg s&al 4 d *ý hc tie»e will) e OOnuil0I OWtid u. huIS lsw d o nl ea a ev îâre cinly just begtzfl0gt. ho oulUCiYl»t %« «, selfP« »0 IrpogIS ~ gsil'.# .,<i~~ ~ bas~l b0» ta 4wo 'M 11111Mlb.sli ed In el:net.HithertO lte wlld c09 mai 1 n1y, and ébat laà .O th e Wy U, 80~jJ ~ ~the g iWhere theislÉ e lium s..l?.sme u. sanute of t-a t m) m aelrsoS A ffi itlu &- ______.__q_ *Myu_ In flavor. aià"g th ~ 10 iembul ThceP.uropeanf, Ispaneze and Amt- li ivis1.mtn..P oeu dmi. irIcan chqstnutuare et thrée.differefit voi eMdtID ft ti vet ali tu s w. Wtt -the a bu mmu .tam .T.K@iw.ê eh VjV Cilmens. Botof thic îwo former are. bl*nla* the MO11M PP3os.1ihdtrUgb atur%-" là ha-t vu!S'aed la iacountry-tholi0 0 jturetaOw# dW «nAl0 thb = a«tMs t thoen re IK lia.l q u it e la rg e ly . B t l e o rc h a rd s ao f b l U -e I ; m 1 . ' - 7 I o r o at a i ai .w i a tint cbestnuts now beutS pet out In I5lSOSet Itë wS b". %lr è* O tlml talbllebvWi av"ythes unbomrnis New York BIate. Pc-UnYhllz anî aMid va Mt&,,Oob *0 oslio%*Sb ob?. or wb in luCos cetdivoM egive cIuc-where are froni mtive North OstO- oan ff hwu~a. i lt U shtaelt ota iUscii lnz. and Georgiestoel Ini10e ilS;sitIIhS' la oouo i, _____ boutberss clates are t.nand ufld trees 1M giveil t àuclI iialogs sV irti, I<ie Io wun mvola s» chordés tluaI beur cinesUl uts an Inchad Ssud sot *tbUtut a. .l.bi@YS aiImotrsn etoou 1 lI lutdameter, oVeregitig qulte 5U or thls zdt cS t "M H laFri. _"dste is Soomebisdi b te la l big as lie Imported marrons. Tltey are farahis. iu, & l ft1ie vIowé l o t$ta elviprves.Tehae*8 boises 110.nola ufrage, but as: y« et . gle for e planatiîons In snany partesusd gboitJy viel queOms hamblr 4a stt«a .nM olets rlsMlng te ___ et-the 'ountry. Fadmers are îoamnn e*na btinn tle'm amomm e ommbers a11111211l8- that there la big nmency. i growig m1014f Md* 55 3005 - tUila fBImtmà %»St.t, eg Os aasrin sI- ew eee mts, and they are goitg mli te busi- p-cteeu tSu a od Strullib. Ino ufavor t of ing thella t.," on a CoituiderOble se. I nOre, lboiaïr l e isol.ts îdinas4mtg Abroad c!choRtn ut lre an îIm portant TheiI.. 110 dO doiti t b t. r'abutit ls w m u b t tJ 5aoi esl d -~u ,~ u lf 1t, mi of food stup>ply. Tley ae utlz- thp 10801;o t.; a lght vIw e .* veto meel n m b pas* O dtail pota cdI rtvariety of wtys. beng more:veird ausruth"na navl, ujetDurn it.Mhlns amml tn&ide Into soup, emPloYed as a atuffing hý Pu eOlt sarl i wtin moveralsi 00k gmdn m er c tn m otl t om meen fo.r bîrds, boled and. dipped la syrup CoOnISmO.determlined to, ùmtjIe. Wol«ethle capital are lu coteaut fur a conservé, etc. Now. and leh en ateC»Mnu oted to s iBad- htgu Sw Pelo »usne y 0f vm PM ~ 1 hest nut tw is ln bound w lnich bas , a b ot b s o m t. M rc u d m i s n e n ito s q e t o s a sCt Bel les of luira au l onguS ,lînsteadofu« WUl NrCl an e msntgqetis&fl tihe usuai two or tIre. thot dangll t- be ever .ho perudei ta tel! wt1it lie bu th#lr Intoutsare. before tb. leglo t,.thtr.The Deparirnent of Agricuil- e ev' Olt 1menion the elC lv oylag etne r sl4 liuiO Itare would be very muci ubligeit uoad 11 la uits a bsud h.- oiadeas yvMeulgfot »nY "ne who wil sead te It a break et Iveen tie ZLindsay aud Ogglt& mtsue<er aIs-Ti Chaulauquant. that kind. Il means siniply 1h01 ail Of the latter clan, luin filght f.euntheir Df the female biSsso«aong me enrinift sgt ult frouas he. ~. %ipike' that basthe burre ae ower cfHeitlu U gve lbezm smiI- betn tertilizcd by lie pollen. OrdlnsiiIy er Ita s n rom, but, adise pies of bld- Tbe brlsbt girl vio la not Quite ours 0111Y two or tireseoft hem are feth lut Ortieln, letI Ilieun Ilere 10o tarve. t tîloth aioela anIaei ithI llte o- ,~ . edc!. If smre gratte or the unusual 111Y have been thee lothe Chut- ràm. virtuse, kmeIf aIe muet aMr q rowth described con bho ecured, pomai- IV re-Mins wbick stratîci lie sari, bt but ab kyou» 10 s servant via offere bly tbe produclng power ai sucb Irees Iwhatever It b 1 tlaliia secret. ébe R nYthl* at bhe table. No. t je notW o' MSY be m ultiplied. A fl0ler story lu a t t w o n c a ia y f r I e r l a y ta l 'l < . m l e Wc dcfu tin a rc sies y eiig tiic, ccclebr&ted for umny viocs but vil , but If a servant shouli pick up a b a i g c o n ~ ~ l s h e l u t e e l i l a l T l oj a t o v e a o U fo r t h o t M g a m b l i n g . l i e Sa p k l vi n h u h a e G p . d r r -o o i < h i.ecan nuls. ItlaI predlcted thit the PiC yed continausiy, bob-aobbins vAlu t a lUienfan, lien a quiet, aelat" proafits ot plantations or pecanrs In Ibis 1ils bumbleet servlour, oouid b nob- >ý Wbioored "tbon ub eluproper. SI. Country vill eolnrival îîose ot Use tals, Lnotber partner. Hovever, eue 108*"kaabout the management <or 111*r"nge groves et Florde, and Cati."Le.rd'a dey,, neoone Com outl epOsli-me food,.ani bere art a Wey"gmmerl (omît. Pecana wil)yîeîî tra:o 0o 1 tt lyvti l.Tn bpli uo o er: Neyer bite f5oi of an! ybpm..tntd ;Iwo0 per acte of profit annuafly. An IbleOPed anaîbeinas Upou heh&îl ne 1mai Rk Four breai sa o mmmli«Wtbh"b arcbard oethle trees wqll yylid a. îor- à n e -wbo darci le daeleratesthe ril ; Out clerY la bits sud tIoe ut m a.uls aw-tewvu turne and a bincome frayoy faItl" by tl.ouel gthe -Della SU &OM ySirttngersm and peces froua tthç,bhanfore Patientbuika," ausbe iseIgnaîmi caris.tin aa Mlemm- fer bathe pties o te v Itorull earisj Dat)Patte. ratiner Lt h tivartlb. orl fgverlonn udv tinle N l a lspnee a for. th. r it an b ulh n bis dosire, invoking thes ,foulseu- 0emdu1tarloe of a bulbe, puttlng ealelon 1 vise b ru « v e MM Ax fu'gOnte rdcstobr tO'b. bis patner, locke. i hmu.slft ite 1 Of brel wortoastAld biscuit ad SmemPio,am e$ a 1.0%e et nuls ah eeseoo, il ivi li te 1 00m., Thet "dovC "oent.,&ant lnonsoTVq71nil-t<o iFour moln.Couques . 0» p.N*<mi$4sdai Çetch $15 a barrot vhiesal. Thou-e th fun iwu fssl mai urtous; unea14 Ull bas- ae i e pe e 5 1 G r saieOf acres of pecaus are iG1~l.aroobrls ftin tees, mesthe caI. Il la never a pretty? M» t*5001 PS unider cuitivation inuthe »lia es lth*. bi bI., bai m th r l ice aimbutho e ueilandtens ce eible. ~ ~ ~ w~nn- and Calitornis.. Mor than fifty*varie- Pu.i hi @»bete hlmourloslti' , 0m5mlicol U»UaUl 515m e gpsmaleA sl l al tien. bave already been inaei. orTh -e l whdfrbsCrol aWs otUulyrtcevr u naît In native 10 Ibiscooatlnent, sud la Tfhe uet IScfcoabe br 11e nol found siewb eeela the Oic! Wori. "t rte wb .nae eu .p~ t~ i ae fo.ln Bgw.A Tie pecan la a specios o! hickory j surd oierts ud mtsesa e i ppoe pulmpaoqnre m L ut- T ie large at sd inest s ecim en u a c l c and b. fou mi. Af1111111>w t 1e u t up a l u bwi i ta. m te m p mb o c metrouLon islaa. Tic Amproved Imti iv e to uncr, ls a mills V3 91,i <Olbmuins. wh1e vay, lIe on- pean bas a cheli s» ltna iIlmay mur.le OntM lysatellt egtnm lb. PItâ ore thefo, a oashuwils. foin- l'e crushed oeasllybetweén tie firer%Ie'.»yba eua-m »amo fýmes ah.P 1 in nileds ot thoumaninof poumils or nom oui Aimee lm.crniomu 100anaitin a baffe, sud outit ffbe Aflnibnk lb 1St ii staOb. i losa lIaI y« vil %0est, M. P( <an nuls are fetcled ta New York, to î e.sht t '1rhim-Ulsale orfus. rtr aes ain&ualiy. and liere theyr are c!soned la Obe « the X "PM a, trvetge îo rour am or «uln.Los 1 :cvolvll--g cinurne before belang piaced thet Li aPeaivem, brte essta sbcn ioao! l n 0 on the market. ()ne concerri lIbn ne m rne a ao a i bs ree w u .o 10 t i e msty oul tke a 11t roula C-.tY. engaged la lte business-of '*bue- IbeurturmlatPle'1eMdUe m g anibrskn I aI agas aiai ahiutg" pocan*for Market, -gives ans .d aboi i l, ltwe Ml , o< 14" At UP 15 ut* a laant mi. vioyment to fitty people. î i iat tseà" MOMtins t4ara' ytby, biapssncug 70 myle or Thte 'meats" ln gresî quantitles are w! gai b. %<.MM ,.b eq>n b OU er ot t F M evy -"eParated trom tlieleanuni idby WîIn 5801e, ithse e pb uSpis. Stl l fond t ar sW u ".her fime. one cf whiein disposes of ttaive n s u end ap at, uà<.1a rul be i.> rm intg e v 1 1(o ,WOcPOunis ofthte kerne s per an- » the go g lM bo Is bl ti bu.ls t et oot. " ole m e Icim mf m n'lin. The wovrk Ot cracknglie ut O l rtvsihn.ve wvu iu ipelws Wg-wett aae tal :trnd plcklng eut the mmeule la perou . n hiea oe c d I!am oi iu ymarhlrnery. !The . niaIsgel) for Se alr upobet MW811" gtt8jeWP renie a pounnd oc«-r ue*exenlv- a it tp,-e ieetmmdeiuieHa W.tifni.. Tb.au"t Ogaus. ly, l,contectioners. Peon lhe e-top. wh lne o eu I i*v .vnevuilv ,ty ~ r.t IiP cE-lient for table une.Med t locel Cleoàkaers and 72- u.~paie F m t" bias a lise CihWon b»rlbuasPN igunamînths use il alec. Il la a -tf ins 11, of Ioint ud te- erim I«-àb11 I. leola:Vo lntinant; a kernel mien isi i i tes sd . eoli, bat Il ileU uaiée AIl u *kO uU.eh burra for a limeblllaty feell ndvte ibia msl or<ht. utaies,1111ectoe: .&~D The raieloftElngllsh vaînutu bau I*c. gnooujM.- lertisulgmu tLecrn<. an importaùt -luiustry lITae a' saeo' itOAW sinttb uecti cramait Ju Stiuthern Californie, durng tlite st I ot î ~ l~~tha n . y»»i DrIm m, lu u m basa, l g rs 6 1 moethn2,000.00 our 0 lDExa ,x, Ii aillUaést ie g ovas. *weariem v.s w uc U ftr mkeanu uy.Tny e ia W ner lis tm l meS <oss" . iiet#e 0isIrti s nG ilr rie. ton t siaor te ru nn aeI sa U5tIs M1. tI.avkmuar I ol bfngmarkiet aquslly. lie ugt1 au.Ve rgue 1. 1tu1 orm vitetasa811111% mi gher canne ton thinaiy b e laIco-f r mouei, w1st hp, Wear010 8 tnsoti u hioet nfttr n rusanS ou ruls .thé glse ,.gfl tos el am *sOOtl il ga'brec by arrng ls tsas sllo ~~su:itinti.jdm"et.ltl XfUa- w Ç ;a the. "l"d tmah best-paylug plsus 0f pro. fil "Ill: u:T O -Bis LfrJ~kfl9E ~ UW unibel Swl~g 85U~ md us~mB ciqln or -mg~I 5mB 5lhsese w*hae~uokt 1 NI. 0 .10 w4»a g nd" t b un meodu v mi MI - Md mith". 1 ho gis »Wau - ubMftbumMd D o au a -as -Ib a 'I O m s"uoal.,mdt .qbauUkt i7eoriEru ~y ave 3 yaautrutngtlnoumb"dsof camus vth a&l inono lust vo bave dduoovoed the lte remedy a«d Weon-" ut vIl e0ala prompt ani penmans.<cure in ."1 gagusi ,Aà*la n runea, Nr-F- WeaAa. £nùà*-eA, me*i ki t. if Opus. orectevALoel.& Sils.ti eto Id to lmii, w.OamMMUMpt ma u M nly gv..woe"' m bms u m e coufuy by hundreM a est hatsssed omsuluby l.moct tabmtel plyei "ta ba" bila giveaupio dis, v l M-oUMÎr yM àd mg duspuir-D ma- rlla-Un uoM.Y la Dow vIttesYO ýl é - 1p; byWou o ffl P«Oiags ont- f ýSELL Pianos and Sving Mlachines in the est àocordiag to. quality, and »y rCamid nor Âmorican. General Agent, Lindsay$ 170 Kent St. Woet FLUNIIM#ILL 1ý!% aU. T "~t..c *00b uwbe gITURE i.. u4à ,gk 141 I '4 ~t ~x ~ ~;ii1 pi j 't 't, "t 't r t rji~~, t * ti h w magi oft and un m the text a wl of h Dver, Prr on,i the everls shali hous Tou efOle Looks as t titke. co nscq mnany therc .nl13-, granti whik mucb many aiong1 flextoi Mhat1 you Since 1 hav )ferg et ment dine the P< 1 ain the wj It la The lb. hi tha11tt ment, saw t eteed is tuo the en~ ae ;f et roa Wll- *was 2, *of the menger eut in gether been! mlles Cnstr of invs -the. roa cia log lef IBnt I before la asj Million mi-Ilon ite Pl We th SURn Firsi King. d1ash c Alps,1 so mut Tou gc that n der pr eus Pl wth t pertiai malesi by Go fjordt way b' Odine talns wlde rc, e he 1rGo" autly stili tk clea om tbrW, en lt break, faI. tli "'u a& bandIt are reý it bavi Jeternj1 tý Ayc, Wurne: ithin ro±0 m 1 , :i[ý 'l-1, T4 4