TO LiFEsr'& iý lft ftobb Pla paon roi. 0hew*,;faming mat. atu ~ gh~ibs IIm$at. Usmou&*lI ba fini. aun Mrtbms*'- dma 511< "i. i ior oo Y.erI ue .<M. Ir a man la three-fouttha an M4<.um Grem H.osfuw.j ho MD Ei f in 'O04 rdJmt *11"« maideo Grom fe rstie.a unIf b. vere a pLIloeo)er. The bu- Tables Waainto, -b 311v'Dr. ¶'ai- boUie boy, the laughing stock of t5h. Shinge, mage's sermon frr to-day vas a Picture utteat, sad ellowed by a mol Loo.tiu «< $au se the roadsi t *MauyIaet*5eldit bM Mà amh jysai o . ke Mudcotesare tilain 1 o e a~4ta vzene a.d. aomore approprloté for the oe & ýwitêe ) the nation t"Ibsafa8511 t - l'h. u 1%0numamt-i texi cLosewu es W 1515kX=Xv. t ,M 1*sd'ama ym tell . the ory vt "@Andan highway "Ji i e iLere, 5Md ifeT Fraarsheory ofet eoctricai pet- banai a vay, anS h shaah lbe caled the VUFasuarin -Aira. baubeeu chut ouitStuna c of. Lolinesa. The uncloaahial not I5a otRaavea. There Las been. many a ied & over It, but I h alml ho for ubose; the. man vue stooi la au observatory andS Vbo waytaring men, uhouth *MIs, sali riot avepi . th hoeau vus h la stelomoopo eon ihtrelni No.iloma shall tee m~. tiii yai -bas Dt >10..-abie to ses the 1h. a nom an>' avenous boat sa" ut>there- ofluig sa. Mmii>'a ama bas beau jIge o n, lu abat! nat le toumi ilere, but tamiflar *th aiu th. Llghr brasobeas «d&um the redeemed sWhal valk tiiere, and et uiatiemaimil sd yet couli Roi do sî th Ucransamed eit te Lordsait re- Sthe simple sum 4"What shalfit profit fe a tua and corne te BMnu vit on",an id -a5mahn5if 1* $Slu the vhole morli an i îîrd eve rlastlng jo>' upan -ibteir beais TIeY losLis own soul ?' Many -a ama hashl ablilobtain Jo>' aid glaines, ga and mena 5fine r.der et ,Smmgelesanmais ort aorrow -anS sglgg@hall.fiee oway." Poemu and yet coui snet "read isttiDOamo There are hundrede of people lu tis aeler to massions la. tLe skies.Ilr bouse wbo Waut te find the rigbi road. Maiz>'a -amaLabu botIed amou tsa Iou, sometimes spe a, 1porsos baltiiig'at the continenit, and, yetnfot known thewbo em a ois, snd you cmii tell by bhlm- HoetSbsronIansd'iL. Lily of theii al. * boLs ihat Le visItes tote mk a quetion bValiuF. 345 If sue-sbal. cone li the, r M as te what dire.,tion lie Lsd leSter nigbt Spirit askiug theo va.y to eaestr, all tea Salie. And I senS ln your preserace heleviifIndit a plain vM..>, Everythisgtiis consclous of tLe tact ibait ther are ln 010. f- L vbe les te get on, the t Iic many, of you hliea ho reslile thai U'0Mbo 1evn SbsrugL th.-Nev Tes- ~ a _7tuere are'ea thousiandwronig 'ode, but. Sament teachlns vi» get on beauti- ~ enly one righu onean sd 1take fitfor tiufly., HotôbOgoes: ihrough philoi y grantei ihai yoki LaYe.coma ln te amie601>111091l ilmasio lt z net ion Ihet as i whlch oue15 la. Heme. ne erosi &IL. Christ ays, l'Come ta me and 1 thai opens wi déhy, - but 1I bave nei vIl!,takte- ail yorinaaway, andS t lat much talth lunfi. There are a great mlii isa ail yoter troubles -àaway." *r many oxpousive tlilgates scatere ml Now what lu the-une o! my dlscusslng alog bfi a>' 14c!,aievav ed ay more,? lUoi that plain? If y=n jeu mupsY ina is, or psy lna euu- vIsued to go té- sorn e dtyiand I point-.,baethu fllexions, or pay luni ftagellation&s.On ai yoia out a Lîglaa>thorougil>' laid bah tuai froad, If you gai througl i tai alit, m wS ouid I b. vise ln deiaiulug yeu r i you have to psy youm c-rýn -way. and by a geologicai. discussion about the cm since ibis Siffeme use muci tram viaut gravel Yeua viiipose over, or a piyp- ob Tbave heard lu. regard 50 the ighi tlolgical- discussion about the muse lnghte wa>', 1 belleve hIt s Sho vrong vsy. y"u viii have to brIng -1 , ntpisla? Na.. -who )qere lu anoth(-r rosi. On -lîher aide Afterlù 11* lble iia#- Vimited You tLe o sl of t iarc bouses et.slntal entms'in- way So-baaveç, 14 15 *ls. fer me ta ut- Ot ule ment and invitallorr to core ne uanSdStai yoi vIL aiSdiscussion about roes dine and reet, b-iStrouaîL 1 o f the auie oft he - àu vi4l,. or whe- bitai c the people vwho mai don th sluma uhr tbe .atoqMWamat ça Imtmi or un- I an eriluStla Lewrng iiouae anid imta zj a~*la the rosi-gocn IL t.srtlaeî the wroug va>'. Here ls another ros&i. 1tula eplain "aY. ,inls làa f tfl tIdo lDot Et la ver>' beautiful sud macadaiseqp. saàla aid vrthy «if acsceptanca aie OR. The bhmese' oofs elaiter and rhig, ihat Cbhi je» aentthéii. world eut. IN an mabîe>' vhs ride over fitspin along to ate alnera." AnSdi-at la îou aid .4of the4 htghvay, antil audieuly tday fini <bat lis me. Any l1h51. chli here esn kyww1 that 5he rosi breaks over an:embpak- mrderstand tLis as weil as 1 eau. "Un- klug's ment, aid they try to Lait, aut tber IM ons u leoe &asa&Ulttle chli you ftstneu mmv tLe bit lu d'e miautia of teîledrY asSet am e bekiagio! ofGo."1! liai tame otoSand cry "WLoël Whoal" But h son are mvei& i ilDone ho a N ol le toc laie, and miaul! ihzy go ove 1 iiuopler; 1 iii Wb. as a lutile cili., *511 I the embaukment.. We saolituma a9=4 "Of sucha1la the. kinsionu of heaven." telles vec If wv onaît la diSfferént MaI (Julensyou get th. spirit oaI utile diii- Theyc et roai. Tou Lava lacard oft h hp- dren yon vIli nover caneoui at Sheir Gibri't mia v a>'. h valm3Mmiles long. h glorious Sesilny. laken, v-as 24 f..i videa aaSon aib*,' sde Sejilt urther, ti-lerond te -eaven lai. ve of the .roai vwas a, path for. foot pas- a age rosi. Sometimes the. traveler bumat ucmgers. lu vas maIe out m à&kstthneo.a i tbtrbNayp Would'thiak L~' eut lu hexagonal.shape snd itai te- ibm.fmp«tgyUsmein%ot, knving t.ILGi' getber. Wbat a ram, it Smue t-have tibm vals aliona by tht vas, bumytng nmui been! Maie of! smooth, bard rock, 3U0 hW heai deep beiveen bis pava, and D. mniles long. No vonier tuaS ln 5the t.e, viieu tbe igàt moment cae, u hings. oeratructlon ifht te treasurées eta und"îte fgamfmi prln th. mas Ulte utudy vIole empire voee hauaied. BMn5e ia vgçe, ai ibera vas a.rnauled couic a et luvaders, and the:eemeuts and tire caressa by the romIade. But, aysa rainl'hba- -the old couqueror wiao tesil op a text. --Ne- lion salhi hatheme." 1 vish of se500 r0ad as he unes c*ver t-theire le a nti. - 1eouàdmaLt you teed your entre Gîte n tag loti of tint structure but a vuln . »ucury. 1 tel you plihil> thuone thai la Sut 1 'ave te telyouo a raabullt rrÂuteafa.maa rg, huba b«Mee Sd hé, before, the Appisu vs>'. aid VuS - hi m oi f Goi ha la»asa5eam though tItla la as g6ai as wheau Brai 50555flcted. he bai ban 10,00yesrs a h eaton. Ho garden Millions of sauls bate. gouae over I. ,aay slip, lie may alie, Le ina>'y te Mtillons more l corne tzun Obu acnail mtryi b, ta uih, prophets mand apomîes. s<oe, kapt by the power - of Gai, tirougliareskr ParueSibi rsi ill hme dev ifaih, uto comp>loe n alvat-lon cr- ikl W. iheretoro viii, itliout dismay, jlestingl>' asie. 'fa. savrent triaite ae iUi Christ, the goeel .14 va>'. cïf'Jet,,U a Christi» iese ms a n-ta LUi hli, M* h&-in - z lor'>. where firet, ibis ronsuote i nsthu ela other verdi i ae si tlalng ihat - King's hlghway. lu ihe diigence yenmas bppen. a obUS ci <laila heavon. dsLon over the MBrarad Pau ef the The lody- la osaly tht cii mhiipers that an Alps, smie, mter aille, ami iLtere la not be <bmw.s sii. just beicre puttlng on O, so mach as s pehhh e e 1 athîe viaes. the aniaal ti ht is lmsoul, Fouvon Yeu go over bridges vhlch crose châm e nnot hurt IL.1 Ne firedan consume w0air tbai Malteyou bold. your breat l, un- Ii- ne floois dan irown Mt;no devila r a * der projecting rock, alont b>' danger-oea capture ILîî.hl wlth the mliags ot the glacier perbapu for the firuttiure tea usa»eiy ot a rosi hullt an S ai b>' Goveraienalat ori>'. W lord the at liloOi tobuildia Es>' frout ara11-te.heavon.Ilui Ipan ail the ohavas-mi humaS 'w Oainaom 15 ubeliuad Silthe talas et emtbr ifl'. Xi aho vIde esough andi staoag eo r.itIf nom mmyOtU hem wmioui la bora. h*55il basa lhe "jRock IfAgme"amndocente 5h. blIaof t îLe m"Mdm.mii 0aMid the shoumg0f agshS axeeraton éf devls, The iz"a bis Bon te bltS tht net Il bisaiandl hanS anidieaattet ater, theroui Wsm*,Oouqg.ei Riz. blaermedband e« tie Wv iaag, -Tt la filatbit"napoi.q li,000ooofranScofr 51.buattasu Shtuai"lan oi thai bis eassuon abo err or -the.devasitle . lat Our Kinc ss, #a"tmr. pAi buRtt arosi for & difmtp Shat the larinem r a henli yd* iitoome ova o«mea.L,» wouldbuil ne Ohtblsi i4 Ie vorli done, ne mourais lw les et Elm a, 1*Wê)upitume vihbHlm, a" oSo the simmp etrhoave0amqole eet ouihi dene Btultunther, is r"dOs PehI tle de rosi. Eps 4, un buemaem>mi", fou-= 1 m t hMin the ly ai"d ~ M. the a;mrphite na.. t he rlgh rs"làau.Im I aetler- M sno va mi ' rip adt WIrrn &admi ovod mre they tho Who resi thefir Boule, on God; teé SPxmS - *s the ground where David etqod, w. h éire, die ark abodo. ~ Iso u la mas-»ta. Rs reputaion la M. ,a Euvergiblng b amie. "u, ho% Say .suppbee -bis store hurne Up 1 teW y h ii~~t Wii. e osly a change ot Frltims. 4"19i, F ou 1" "suppos ot big »Me goma 10*. miSer the hq ' ted oem»r~ n 9IM7. *%e ainsMi mt Pour m ,lm thbedaO evma lie. Ieare the mayaulsof hmaven. Au îLe>'take rg ad5 su q4'rt»t bugh iLe th papeioeIl, aduo beauti- cht Wumate aboSétr..paper, - no ofien the w b 09gutl iem iuon, under iL. au. mo t -a ue benlb h»i.Wli mh- aides M& Natmwft onthe Iimr ~ ~ about me. Out wm m la mI*t ta ~nitS ahtr eue UmPtia50i * ~U5- I onUbe i ahUM Bit tIR ni 'r ci '* I ihaSeve le- - r-I -~ ~ ~- s- take A amiaa 'Ubite and - 004 1 tb amei, m a fl R roa Et umwi yu ils b muimu Who 0,= S 1. ppuomobos te w SpIritS pegarloua, equal la iheir state, fiàl e hlanuaierable ocoam 11, ob.anet or guht'i, -vhe v.imlm plaint la: huard orr 1009wod *aro «st tei l'h. aaa loiana ar«oux0<1*uTop- bot, bantI lum set e bh su eu134 SU e- at s maie? 'Pluyu h rliti mau re pli.. 1g li si-m et mef oe Mer aide, bUMndM au1 uneir brancam Interlock and almUMW h raitS&iad ame& a ot entralamenft on eitLCT w5h. rosi for poor pligrinis. s proad ywL a a tu f gto" g, andvalla adorned with aPillee id -la Vitures o! ,silver. 1 st9rt gtiale Kt.a's hliwa, andI 1 fltd jer,.,ufa4 1I*&y, *WLat, la Your rbé .harper makea no re- hpt imves me to guose. as ils symo tovod havenand bis UVon t1* tremblint strings ibis com iearplfg on tbe 'air: ..The se My hit snd My avation. m "a11 I ear 7 The Lord la ihe t oft.a=7 lite. 0f whoM shai afralS 1" a lUtie tarier on the smne read »M< s truznpeter et Lesvea, m*0 .,ave't FOU got nme muai Lired pllgrtIM Y"An& iwplngLis M2 takin a long brenth ho pou tuth to the trumetl and peursi tis airain, "TLmy s*hall bungex xe. neither shal» tbey thlffl any neither msIl the sua Uglai on aor any*Lest, for the Loab lu luthLe nidtisi ithe turone learn thin ta- living fount&an Ser. adGoS shall w4po awar are f rom ubeir oes."I g o a lit- stance fartber on the saine rosi, eet a iima etf erael 8hais rp but Mbe bas cymbale. Thel a If they liai rustai from ses. s«d. 1 g ay to the maiden 0f "rHave you no aong for a tlrcd am 11And, 11km ithe dm55 Cof vlO- shiebda, tLe cymaible olsP a& n berlue iii diacourme -: "Slng ye to Lord, for He hath triumPhoi usiy.. lae, horie and the rider h. clarovaintoit.hes.&" And, m me a whlte'robeS group. Tbel boundlzag toveicime, and 1 ay, arme tbey ? The happlest, the tait, ai the fairest lu ail beavea e n hey ?1" And the answer 6 'fTee are they who came out est tibulations and Lad tbehr wu.sed aud rmade white lu the ofth L Srb."* ârsue tii. mbject oaly one Bief r. What la the terminus ? 1 t cure boy flue a rosi you pet kI uhere Mt cmeS xyý text depiare 15 "the redeem- tLe Lord coma te Zia.." Tou ulat Mon vas. Tilm vas the palace. It . ea mountaia .. It w« aprfgnable. AnS se ài l-the fanosa cof the universe. )wter han long eaough range te thome towers.Let aIl th. bat- . ofmarîb aidbell bisse auy. cannet break in them "te& far vas a ami, ,Sevasipeal va ,Babylon tell. but these wallu 4d nshahi never murummiar ttber te m or satanlo besiegamemat. Ibm 0"d Alrlgbty in the. ie<ence of eaS capital et tLe unverze! Tar- ofth Ui inehighwuy! Dick saiSt! ai, among etber L, e thougit lna e e id e ohernlmtry a-ad geoflatry -and seotlous. Southey thougU hat a yen Le voubd have the.piastre !mg Chaucer and' Shakeepeare. ne Christ suod aay old frienis-+ à all the bosto I- vaut. Christ de people that!1 knew on eart-- la heen .euougi for me. Oh. a o *t 1lgbt wboecleates, neyer suad whose. fruits nover tWt! anqUet of Gai, miaou. aveetemo palle îbe iaete and vboegueste Inn forver ! Oh, ctty orllghi. v aRs are imitation,aid whoe are pral»e! Oh. palace otfrosi, tGoS la the moarch sud ever- 9 ages et leatb eofbis relgia! mg louder thon Lest, oi waters, yet -amit mseithe whisper mrbim 1 gioriocis hesmycu1,Wben iLe lasi 1la hea.lei, vhen the lest heari- la enied. vieft the lami tear ci W sorrov la wiped . way, and the redeemed o! the Lord mlaal o ZMon, then let MI tmhe rer dbus their 'Larve mndaifl the mters tae do"a -thair trunipats, LU somme heave Ua atuais ho o! mortng aari, bortu .ai robeS vietaeu *5rae et AI% wce olu wmmd 5 &" he. le lut .am m, maid bui oe eamine pdirna. eui one ibrone honouei-'ihai cit Ei-ma~sus Vemlm~. t~ - ~eaa tamisa f uèê sas s~Js umplbera Çblua I. -m m m"" sami fim li ~hiahm-êi¶ hpGlpI L~La ~ MawMi tiiet -W> be Idchap.' ih ~Wpg de in ube latesi styles, cd»0. Nk e uW.smlc e. Do sot Miss St. et r.A, Gmblt sGrocery, Kent street ~wv' 4 1lm4irYrke lEt-romtbe 39" »oâmYorke bm ý dewh s amm r e er . U Sa .#wd le i --et 1 Mo~. ra- umret 'K twe.-wta W sUbtituts Mr et thae eDOOmoesaW tacb W" M oeu JPett . tbs 4w , ub*lsfl w O UWBf ii *qulte ea. Dstqeinutt b.w.prombal e jaffl W 1. - Bb fttur, at»ue owetvlit, te -W.ébeolct uwberle alto mAsli > bi cm l ~it Oei favorite tgnm% ýh.u Iw~ o =43O l at. ,tbouil ii oula 0<14de. Z erfrené oaïib tm for test Lb. lu ub.rt-ibteaceruanm I few slpaou.pupms ,nve o e"o &lehlm la &. race that -re- At tweetY bW., si i'~gled as 1Sa*FW era the oue ms a champon anaeng the ted mes. Hffevas k1àown than loee mm oa 1 e t la h E.wotmd efe po*Int sa ber PerwM nibemuty uahlrs bar 1 prtinsgRéwore bu Un8 and MM.M O0 mmonthome oaocg bm 3 i. a ý«U pltlabnn -n b osai.ýappear là pulW o.P*Iba th. Umm â a r"tàn wnng ie t ibe .mm.ffu8ei kftou t e gramS that bh. c& ffersl 050OM .-- IM la &' ubas mgatudr , tu civer paet doe. Xt bas beau, SOM by osoi» 9lm te jW bad et ber ecttef1 bis kinomen tui be Salaudtb m"the morne mm ee orLuila rDýeerot hy WUmb M AI <>Sa <mer amit j ag w u«. elfy . teih ;a IN", *88 115*IUW tor tt bM& OriW uiast gf rom a ploUrMM»u Deerfloot bhimeltusai togi&Ugh lg .3;*m 0mflh. thi e iom*e mouteur ce ndca*tly vLan mauff asto th tr- _bcIeok ai chiaand the a ia i el. s of t" Btr, glvl AUsmDar auan"&>': i7o4 ali 0f whbaneImprimi doc tahfetuie PrOMI*bte & vluk AB a stoolalInzi= an W <of thnew1Io bave once ba rWei eum u Iiio. im wra tory vas tuai an opportunity of obsrvnngthe- the titk vu s irga him sitar Le LaqcS ..,<... l *a won a rmsa lm, IR.Whou he W8 Tbere la mach promise or romanc, la twetl45-woYeswm 048123tgaus a hQrs. the delicate proffle and the .dreamay _______ uWIUg-thea. anuSi meeting Oethise e «0f ihe Duebamu ofPortianithat trlbma au the Cattareuas te5etv&r my.reaUra wouii aot Le ilmainted - f an. If i da i nt athat soeoethlng 0(1lie Deetootm tuame as a runner goon ambiance bui enteredi laie ber Mie s'prend., ami a baibi sporthig ma s w ell. More thau one taie, migia be took the rei M". la baud. Under urfoldei, but unfortun.tely orne mas j curge of his baeWe5i Domiot vlited Msot amy, ail hg kwovuHovever.ou ber e aiun the ios4ng citiesoi et L Une lrs ri metlng vlth th. youar Duke 1 r aeame ting baUa.wthout, n&y mai one word. It took pace tu 9rcetie.. ail the. , kmowiged long-, that mont proais <or spot., ihe junotui'S Fdltaaos carnplong. At the conclu- o a raflway lils..mi"s Daflas Yo.kce simai et bis trluanbal tour, he vent wau gotag nortia, and the Dulke vasic bac te the CattarsUguaReuervaion, rnsnlng uutb. At -ihat Une ne o qua1lne an tai vei qulely 8 borne fer a foir1 te-ce mxlWaibetween ihem, but sthe ryeu»m. m l ttely malien rovoi up and 4owu tbe ln 1881, the sportlng u.vh a PBfIIbwlizg li hrtaAln r tkmn n. mthrogbthe Uitled Sates, . .i»i*floii for the train, the Duke.ob- etook DI>eefo oma campaiga ihrougb sereiber attentively. and he la 1Englaai, tha e of lonc-istuancm 1m$tce"enfeomed ihat'he sai'to IMuseif bmtdmumi P runners. ai the une. t eéver 1 marry, I1slob-" 9 The trot mnoc arragea for teIVL.- MIt fito e -easw003511suelaas ti D ck dIan la Unginni musai London,..ii, I4ater on the.fuke met tbe lady la 3 a FouetMn g e m» wo had eseda, London hall rdom. sud mke d tr au W i' &*gouaded the p*k etorBritish l ong.dlsaoentriêt*. eba otice e oer* it r mf ryI m e*%ku Whea the Iwo athietee met, &a9çt@aLlithat8ail oàkei on the B»0O t inujghmi at tU» po<tLNl - buillian ut cm. aef ber vida fuR M- 0 0 ipewmanosetfIde compeilir aid ai e Muareàt Éte '07 vita ummalmee. &c ~,.i >wouii simêy*Ib»»hlm m F t o mth- *0I amn aflUalut thle doms not amuse fui buws a e. b o lwU a tlma, to rM esY<- - h- a-----------m m csatumai tw a . tu&" b'ipllMmDaasTbe1 tinm 0«.15It tb«%ý, eaxpcte. Thefor union." i ibm DWkmouwm ila amn emi 'eu v an rt u o h ie m u a s b , h o t ab a c e e t , t h e p *âese m mtp into n s lit l a » t iL ' I hesertfr & « M&-he rae _ M*sb4mi , l n 01ha ---tu4 t ras Dukedom lua 15 v s ohod aW»b o be 'g M& voe mmomChaciehma- Dansa, Toche bou eDueleet 0fPagt- r pio h n , t s trter n s ai %i- A .e R o e fa t 8 « l to t th 1 The 1 Wabu tSogreat taL-: u.@Wtw,ý bn' tovateo scie,, am tett u il. 0"air » mmi «u.ekm nmbraeà the athaMW Ab- vO5~1IUIL~'~hC sence or ambition whlmh are tissa. béfor. 5h. roylftitmlly mdW tai e ~~lSg aharactertmiie.A m py topflvdfr thebeQuea mai the Prince ý» m«, jM ,< &- ol" bet of Wales tokans et rumfabrance. à"MMbani e ma dalrleob. -Vois These be *lirisi bigbly aidkept te i , wu mrti ~a 4*5, UDF baani r the Urne et hbi mtb. Ho iratned the jdy.u saithe old rona. -and ha-1 ! tmmoum Zona Wace for oe et is lights, tbe< gresteutlaiesala the. sand leeourc before tbe matiers and s B'teida aofOxford amd Camnbridte. --0% uIbelooe mu saithe girl, vita . Puiversitles on physimal training, He » mplaads ibaspmade those anuta eremnained ln Entlani uutil the latter ber lamga eahMe rsuber bandai uek- part ef ' lem vhea ho a maiata tht,, ly W.Sysit. "«I abolia oa country vita cosidlerable money. in ibing;as Utilesas tLe othar." He9o.f b lis pooketa. Whec ho luft the Prince tht psupbsey bas lama tulflhlei, mai Eof Wales presentel bina vlth a £60 re al pp«Msaso the bgu8tul Whst Winl tarf reform 4 r.note. omgDubers. 40c met BAidber lot dont bar. ? wilmot Deerfoot vent at once to hh lm 4va$ âbai te bear.-Prom MsdZIIIII la g of yonrft..Iwu homne and Puroc a mnai faim. nof im Iw vtalh Le vnéail.the rne ocfhlmie i fo ieatb. TWOYOM arsater Ide retura to lmsl :ril hevy ~ OM;; ot ct:n nutau G VU 1 raceS there ' sgain t hor ell. l aa ewery Q it u M e l w e . " ri e 8 mb.e "vloorloune comp quie c M l maii eil slma. bmw arl5If 3 asint acotdeo-frucer inBufalowfh M mitue Fch, M yN > and Cleveland amd ateatei tlaam. 1la eat ,*Iounloés or t lt>tr,I Dutis1 cM h80 ettmeladown on 5theCatita'a- On of br àughr. r guis Résrvation, ,aid tere lAvaIthelater to >@M eated o tu l'Wàp» ,»uis hi.e h H mava.tue imons. aWà" thomn.ugblàk lI.The Ju j iAND. SEWINB MACHINES, m, at lowestpricesand'easy termo4k U7à,j WET H ER U Plo_ Cor. Sýuse' & Peel std. Uich. Cows inGood Health bci 1? m &"Y.-, uht e m"a Bolood Purifier t m m« MW *S MI* mI i Pm ffai - mm~mbw m I+nIc db for YOU îf yon are cold and if your fir t epYOU warm, »or il it help the hum.- d. aODv o to sees'My stock of stoves. If it yoor kitcheu get orne of My OGHEER OOOKS, y.r, hall or pMarlrt the, 1109 Kent Bîoeet. Finest. *heapeat.W.déal oinly in the bhest and keep at is: the res os w. alie doing much a large businessi ge and well auioeted. No trouble to »Mere lire in FUR]S from the MAKERS. W 4M ~W1I0L Lu»t St. Uaduay K -PIANOS, à