_________ ~fr -oel~ 34 1s sMcnd hUs Four ~~rnoodlitter tu e ffl e do; le- sm i N lmi Ify U ae a Couile E1R~YS ~RIED' El3 014)-STAND>ARD CRZ P, COUGES, COLDI, IMA. and afl LuNo FZTO ,Q'~ ycarsascd the Verdict oftbep"ei-istb8 il is the beà remedy kuowaà. 'ac. audà0l Ve bottle. Soldi verywbeie. faiy WASON &.CO.." "!q rua by i.J .Stb hiable Moreibm*0 .uah Osis mer eeil4msee, AiB..vetem, eDu mrv 21% ,Mmd uxwâl, 4, au 14 pewmima-a *S te,afflè or,& u oulmaliovetleloas. W igiadÇ saMi l b. e, *iabsbed im.mp.be. Pos'rbap, "veus m pu to w," fl wo *Ulm-k. éms 1.b SOu homme aue, or da b 84ul i ,pis Ïitob enstribulte iM e "owi poes emii0 uvuueofoUi futlLu.Ifte à mwIi thâbi, ve mey b. e Ibei18Mm bng. vioreg .olvb«%eMmd mIt 10 S *ly lof ber vbo prèhis ovuélbimé,bo le b ife.,daugbteum dohée utud « etber. it wromgl m 4xy OoUit alarge proil si bes.Tise hme,'- vihe, la e Itio theibmaItifi!105duasep...ls .ber station, bas so do heu are là M pe brlglug opeof Ihosvblemae te b enmuihouve .bave,, us.*a-il $,a su oe b 11bave b vwree wIâb tue gisai problexc fl 1111er.b w srenae b.mielves -fe o .lmýta là 1$ait**h sotl. OCoada suke b4~ la au agrieuliuai 6OouoWt "d nta fulu l ln %he heoda of Us ohdffl. Nemi vearf nmbier', who- bas worbed bard 0 à&#, repaira ah. shildiiik'u varrbi mlgi suid ai Ibm marne tm mmvsb onairy b, tesa@biLe litai. @ueae b lso s orheu i v ls', » tebm . i. p , d fail vo bm ai- a r. Co; ertmaa' Teebîldreo of railo atm Us deiru.a est, e9@ ils mo eito #bte iieaureê mot lis soa, unit »mmrteas, motite i old; meosIls aruIe moi mlie bl4aon,moDot vis as Ieidesa, t Gai is ehtldrei. F.ir fbseblircu are iuturd, 1w ohihduemu re i estieetf prospumuéti." flieiogpirtal thon lint mo ort avoriasbild awemlug Moibhesudm4ebmdren b ouelry. hom Ij'il à moto licime srslalloebip et ah oîhet u"tom smisl re* MM 1 %bat s ess*Md iat"$%oue* mn e, g bas voii bsew Mis Ilbiia aiu4M eh* i, aoeimysenl iticllai lveusumau IUe4 voul 041 lt be app"*" »Viam ; oiem 'fs s 4deue, miViM a«d & ohm sboi sui. <Tm* rum *X~ pubd Omvrmmd v. mh iae smofé*"Pto. efflu t M -y- i j. - me lvMee. %amm. vboaite lue -ei baTs Bal e l.utbeIWU -~ w ihb Sm a am auto . ne m iieMalh.t u v.- Mm tpser-beemmevu bave ute opé%bsbsd.usl 4mi - Woa m a' l hebe -OUOJM4 Ihef eh".la lot tul i.1 rme I bm ri o ep , D ycorn aua «e mas ho .1* wab t Mtea k*h m u iboh$top M' bd*ela pe bona tbeyboita oùhauareeuadle ard.s ri su5.d, a Yenimigeofis b Ms yrd18 .milhby o-ethé.m we tu tebe Il arof able If ibe und. o sf agro, l t*bo àI bafflt te m5 ot yard.è 1 " ae o r lwiemi, ib smppciof br Il» &MO I aid se itiguae e m 1h Wb# h u, é amsbulote the l. Aba ie udMlit -v»bo as my bubu* vau u spmMd a i le meeulesalmls ISé.*îMbm«~S b sa»i va éaol e1ç5.1 tb ma » dww wkvel te ab 5 edIUUv. iemimi 4 ai. .1we~ ibu = vfl5 ,II*bsa ble *0 meim 1.1à. mn tuluitlaeeleel Nu J L . WbNi U"anes celery cou~ou o HMBDED8 MADE WEL *1(0 WERE PRONOUNCEO INOUR- The Outy Medicine in the Worid Heartily Indorsed by, the Clorgy of auI Deaiuatioas Theli e " ple e0t*0lme @baSehr* partab et SM. Amas'., oohveal, bVe osemla y g.tibleeai m MdbsmeISib& b. tue. siviri Mdiieaitb remod rla vuesu c palme'uCesryCnffmad. The elergi omul vmk mesu ilubsi moudi Ibelu parlabsoasuamd as thi Sm .meeuu se. etîutei praae hto tise gumi Met omou pommi. li. P. BSio »etl S% Anme' most popolirpue bo ouM e m-u pon mmblaf vite«seas oliov: "I-lsu tMir soem" bashr*Y fs. semai expîrie md bSr Ve bismus et uaej pmrlbloneru ltreu tui1. cml, Niai ihýcsebuated modfilZmPie. ibm ~ ~ WM tpirnoisl si<bi Ie be- Woenva t-BSamiilg oftih@eJMpli Of 8B1. »0.5. urlpSi% fou hi.âmab of jasmi :,e.ab clw» -Robm Tenu, Raile M.nlmum.8t. 4 b-Obrlup 5*115W 5-~A~w~e. s: iI~ u, Mmnpsea, I'l~ eboe-Wm ~IauU r #jbrs~#.hb Nemi, P ~ ~ambeei. Jr 4 *4W1 DE' - pi o.04 -illuffl e1 yI~, NU. un~~~~~u a eoIt ueb e.ee'e lut aL utU w* OI1D fem lwu nomi- t»«*-uf sprne Srmp. aMdo.acu aé"wga fou éaas p MWra mi ehts ao -. la 18 boauSnt ' bhi hav eu slm.wA2ePr -mecul a Wati ,_It Suv. M *W$ bet s -- -w - ~, Put OUai. ~ias v-a i ~ -~ ~,- pua IP 41V~fisU. -"rn-.. *0 w...-. il E * w *aMb...... E S w e. e~B ..... Si -0k1~irn.'Urfs *....... s i se. ...* de ~fl...... le le e u AL - - mu mn.uii, uquel -a-mn Us. UUOWAL OASU. 111 511%O, Buaay Middle 6844 vikh a mru bgs Md r..ii vpl fr li le vmuemploye ab. beu o». cai bigwy mPlie, tahri" hlm e, »OU« Wb&% b. vms iiimg. Sou replisi. 'Wby, cmi, r.er-palle, op dée trest; . bu . e 3 . ana l isUnl by sud kg ga1'18uco0 pull mp de ribe. g In, 4 g.'iN %k7ermu tena go Poul Up ihe rIver 1I Wbyq SM,- twa' eya MWa#aA, a gaif j Ob.. You'Il baie %0 puMP a»0 bam muai a 1smr before Tom mmamc-& a. u iw ad, .. 'l s a.ni ci- q e b. Oum l'os ao a «* mm* W ."e* Nm job s'usa vifle Oot S, r. .11tsaY«u IbIU tp né a . ta a "liai 1. *dUd 10- M OM 10 I ",YqbU,ya.ihr'.mbiiU.Omea 'lo.guiI'silhiOedRUSbKM Oum ab.I Ami ferb tbm .4w lwih b"M 'e. Umgbo -deiUtns. a A" oigl- bp iW *kd umb - aoebMS *bm a ~ ielehem LX ê'C t. aMd Qua- vI o gibdaai iiuMgaie4«I rBâe - ui a awe. ïEn. eocaumian. Rmli b iver, &Mi u b 00U5 *W WniM ;Il» U. fi 04 gltatem.hefe l fi itepe"aiafluIî pèn * mvii ufhoéitiftE. JteuM«,W.&.; IL 40 riber'p àcuyu Io. 'tnu iO0f abaut. ah i » S m- e i E a aavemibumimoi 1.6I obuia - bée )'vgelas,5Vh~ I..suhisa ia odm=vtn mm c"w Wmv r ~. z bmdui mme ewdateuop. u"Nig S a. te, aue u nst - Neteisus * ~ ~nI 0k W«v W.G. WOOf)B 1heuwat4miks thbeswial M. m la f» wag-&ma ILD.. Lindr TREASUR ER'$ $ALE of LAN DS COUNTY 01 FVICTORIA, Fou Aimoor etTam., tu be bell at te Court Homse LludaaY, On We4nsdsy 19 Ph Wbruary, 1896t WeA1t "u e am or @ont lit omk ào#* mf e§ý Nw*=Ihg NWBW70 284 EeataI±a i 10 11 7. -7 4 U0 Il .7 67 4eS 95 E.afcltoStVILAGE0F EBCAYEON W et Bebouagou S 41 1822 MSi A114 301 0" 119 à522 hm 107 67 U8 We*hu24ll 8 116: 772 le 9 .1380 Umet pat a Wseibnla 1*9¶ 17 18 WesisrttW.&hmf1. O S 185 28i TOWNSOF Qi »IGBY. 5 1 134 6:13, 6 1 170 938 IL le So e tefN. 80 ceslfl 5 la 719 Onils-eatV 12 8 50 740 a 0 -. *18.7 199 1 70 106 1"65 165 10@ô 1 70 1 06 1 65 2 75 1 75 183~ 81227 M543 17,93 1872 1080 4086 4 0, 46 687 pat'd pat'd iat's il 05 10 42 mmt W&' 9 37 Dot pavM 56 57 patlM 15 55 pat'd 1901l pa'd 3M Ëmeatd 1 70 1 88 2OSnt paL'd 20~ 78 pat'd 16~ KF 77 BlohM enm -Bt.S ou h S 4 19 -1 & TOWNSH1P Or MILY. iotbut3 14 -10 -.1161 6 WeThalfSUX4 3.00 14O N VILLAGE O0F FENIION FALL.S. iBob-div Park 1, W ot Dodd St 14 N ofFranoI etI,Bet CoIborr &1., 8 3>&J i Boft Frm m B or Co"ru Paitof W poomm.noug7 chai t&eemomessi eWoam sUd outbelj a ciut dit-J tancé tii m al.om sS % 431 y. rails Wen 78 pat7d 883 paeM 8904 pat'd 905 pavM 634 pat'd Il 25 pat'd 1581 pat'd 3/95 331 ~1504 4 M W 1 lSt pat'd pat'à pav? 265 ... 4 W0 pat'd 271. 6 436 p,"Id 181 (V 346 pat'd. IOWNSIIIP Or ZLAZTON. EMbt buif s 2 I110 '904 iL65 Norbhal 4 IOii -1115 10e 1 7 m g 5 t0 18f Wat alf4 i7 la 157» 179 Westbmf S 7 100 16 34 181 l SX4la lio il 16 wu* han 13.7010 '731 .1 & vIL.LA or PNG8LAW 1<LAXTON. S 'k' .818 165 j VII SetKlBgSi,1OI8hIU~06 4 1~ -~w I p.,~ ~uI~I =1 owWs Or' OP& 4 a .11 OpW OSOIMVILL m 87 - HSoiUVPLÂMv. 8 10 "3% 12 83 mot palM- li 58 patlM 18 15 net pat!d 1848 pat'd 2878 pati 89go mot pstd .2t8 5890 patd 188 'JO21 pat'd. 165 9O98 not pat'd l2 3090 pat'd 7 1598 pat'd 2 12c 1162 pal.'d aty df Victoria, -5 dfrected by the. kim, iiated the !hlrteenth day of ývery et thse ao.parcels of land, aiuv.y, sa abov#' set ont, together osa are mooter 4aid), at the. Court WVicoia, t Eleven o7clock ln the lthe a m your life a comfon L. - ; ý âtý 1 . TowimmSl patd