f Dr. T mnettUM' I.'An iboewm e gotse hiors open eOse *ieS wmoS 4IbqtWba we lu th atreet Isd plitm b» aue-t uoit asm *- Way open for th* pawh Oldai5.lb.nem ot text ehosen for t to-i5$ S l5 ei iha U :t» » ueMddm Lutte xxiv, 47, 4'BegIiiiilt at Jas' Cibdi ~~s ty ce' Ch '-There tle -saithe e ivè t- t uw apptmts or f aulthéote mge ail lnstantiy and e2.oteily V1-0" ltaj sa' ttge thc arrne g o (o to "b <hotiret gIlai US aillethc or jerusaiem, so longCh. 1 07 0t<te <5 la. ot v bol.e earth..That City 0:= At~ti &ai. $ sui Iv' d ten.Ple and palace amârd at, il- vanagmau tfra eigr&% *dw i or*Moe ther Ioaked up- at àotheoValley o afhi hon e bo in omre premeata- Jehosbaphat or ai lt trou dW9 wé> ar È 'Va ùiutbsa la lug hill*, was the OStpit& of IL STOSsr ether efikwqm ~thse ocemus. nation., Clouda of làcne bad bo"r- '09 coursu ie ti Lt amtes lpol- od aver IL -Chariots et kiffl b" fl* CilSami oOOOsouSly tiser are. aen tcd Chrouiet. Batterlng ramne cf smo- rh g« fînot he er - M4Iql et juies hai:thunderd gasttIMM" lls.ie 'l -ober Ialah propheà!ed, -and Jrmiab au- fr t*" ed. and David relgnel, and ifi 1 lit»ther bai nos heart, bÙtt hiala presche4, and Christ vus mtih.eepmlIdmaqc"&1 ife ubpCilfll' has j8cst laCeres ti ng e 1cimoerstitUla.,lethéi 0y* , S taa motlà.dfrk- cassonry russg-ita fiaI toWeIA.r 1~ 5*l lah national Legbibtureai- lfise neapurei its irme ri. -or UValtV 15< ugkthesa vu imes vben ien- mwunr ICm BreC scepter. Whàt e05W- bàcky. YlggtsIjaý DopkeMrm, as salIem vas th the lewbà ah iuIi reûw mrQ& andmi eacisetts bha *Wmahingtnn la Ceo *,r. ou 500"t ' *5 r-semai& % #%pi aepre- the capital, the pisceto bh l the i'itdvft *ho nt u'audln sand tuibes comie OUp. h. ret mtl«ma .taoeel.in ramil acina-s orehigîs t*art wboue th 1rob senis liteeoft th -ii'cm %ver, ot meuM throuffh the bOdYIdy llédeMCt Cl mt lu BeOtte or fflft dr - - et- the geographical extremitle& I (n'es <lus mat here yastesda and W bat the resu rrectei II Christu ~"'.white Che, m'ye,. «tta bhI» dýsiplouwhinefl orWer blheît Jutio w~r ithout exception. etheni to start CMs hir V0 et h.e s l àpuiý~s beno Men bdong gobbeizaton, Qeeginiu at ZerUM«. eritiolêm fur -goci msu s udmental 1cm." it aeeme to Me Gol IBiS wO, eMf.OWmenC. S laaideparta etso! ln, his provid..ince tote CB esaethousands, 0OUCtJ ati wt* iz*5 or, Christiana lun "ChiaiY. Stwt f mn O2Udti ane to-dai Uki brWlst Cils evaugelisation of -AmerlOS., e- men osa nd aumh es i ofeuetAm- ginning at AWauh!ng19 i enb& blla a , t going t» h. tabou for Gd. t'Y i2lr ' A : d do not belieye It. jAke 70151 bat SWthémaiP o e and. li55ve the room ,teone man Or iheffi sudfenty beoomue pronone *wOman via doos 5.1ev. (IL ABS SSO- fer'Ç%Cv, Ap& Cth, 4ec% ly as Godl ivées and (le <sgable tu 00Se eIêMchr<losf ùlors an (bat. aun se mya H ll i Cia e0'ntTY vii I t WNM be osin*el t -7« R0'Mo be .vangelled &mtMtros.mUh Of t@(h. 11* nuh imum i~oestmeaie Potomna. to the moigh of <b. Oreon. jot Wroqght upon Imx religious lm*u- tram the Ii su of tbexe g!* d " ft *sw byo ,h"avée mot to Che Gulden Born. frons BaBh'-b7observeS ihat bas" Ma n to the Guîft e X«mex an sd Christ VII C.mmwS Wém nt (ug tbe. walk ,very le, vileClisib toxid navy; <(uerai Grant ami -Robert U or placli, s-ad Se transllgiured On 0wY TLee, representuthe nstberma *ni mnuntaln, snd theéuigit skieS, Whe- aovh. em mie;Oieri Jmmto . her tiey bover over vOYSo ! etrUfr o-represntlssgthe Supreune Court; the its or over Alasilan glacier,. shmlbe ils gbumuy.o»,Theodore aind »wM- lÎIlel vth. sugelo eterturo UOf "<IOOW eo". apreemthlug theo UuîCctithes itoe Uod and good vil ho nMeU." l&uats; Williaus Penulngrou sud Again -snd again doea the qti book. e * uýr. «esthea on nounce (bat &Il Cie oarthaaa4±jss. xlIlkée«, tisesalve tion o! Gel d u tanred b 'o e Uipiwîb eFmr or Incudes the leser hat taklp lAm- ais viter la tu, vii la, tiis caPitaLl ï etteic gloriougly ln.. Van 10' it V< otboh Amettoa. nation., "',v are that if Ameros la rmttaX« o f O fttb. la our prars sand eertIOn by bit cousecratel pooeil IIt . tMn ito.C1 r uiomaet en met takou for Apilyou ? *The forces ohga*- JnatioMnasd ist«omaUà .owet, her ûded on.botS aides are US traemiala tagumes p Inf. la auotilsiPentecot. (bat t cannfot be saisuwn battWis. C Tere ame on yomer -bibi (bse Who. de oîin,.tise ArMbedoi<nt lher .1bu thgraceocf Gel, viii beoisisJohn. tho e mriea.nSabiati whfl erih andKromm« aucMi liysstgn aieneousi titis nation: be haniel over (*te lO j fl.gUre@Àw vbmim 14.s<gnetatti. ard ,Hmidebrandsanami Dlocittinand hiThmreblan sugbluIn 1 have ilenl N eros aistleul pover. and i boi-ol ryw noesamsn, ahi hea1% U pli finBrmwilrelu, meat*$. upn pâliSup h a <sba ou-q M-Wrt Confaibeer boSiW, tilis UIMMth »nmusi s anodhe. 1I-demy It Tihe toamlng wth domeatlo sud aUMImmils ut of a man vho a brise 100or ourse, and crime wiU tiftI 1Cm ubtâi.r- tsi.. otUs ouIlsbUs héblgil ed ktife o!fAmaaalnations,as andm.ttls 0 fa wofttS 1005 #reS wS Reys Ofrf ot buMIlar, ani vaye <banthe oul of a sua m anbrSh* .4 ~tet oh of wist -couflgrathlts, an oÜ s»-one Into tho lk=sSo. ti gs4.ob elties Se hurned lut. SOicua, Wa111fi ~D1g et thse uifrS 1M * C' ter Àimighhy (empecseofi11»e amhiepai. reachins -tishetme en et * brimetone, sud one (iai wvisot ab- Afletioe, vouldha . -et more value (o ertneiou vill surge &%-rose h co'n-erth mani heaven hhan iii sur otber tunent, or oui Sabbtba VIII <abson part et thse nati4 onbcuse it wve inlore sanetity, and tise newevoPepra resis a&IIthe, tatea,. cities ovis ansd will becorne-spoalyptle wIMM ofet b, seghborhoods o! (he continent. oh, nediotion, sud pe-nitenhlaies vill. Se for the outstrehched right om f God aio. doned for lacil et oceupauts, and Aisigty ln the.saiatliou ,ofet is holinessud hapieme, (vin son ad mpitél1 di ugiter Ot beaois,.- shah wam 1OmoOfut uremihn - 85, vison, et throughs theloaid, sud Christ isign Chf- clo.se c f ths wrt fofltary dis- over hia nation cithés lu peréba w by, tu ( hie ceuntr7 iabs ovel ot, cons- INSm o lorloiga (bat the viole pal-ed vitil whi6g-h. bail Cimes o! (bat William tise Conquaror, ocuhi not«i lýnnfg to antiapte e eult be comparei (o *Hlm. -eveil the Oasopemiaif amethft s dtdY t» ,U ta ho idèti forCi "cauquertusg and ta I ia.»auDm sot ises, <a ga'*s. e conquer.'1 tCba (at f?htkm are m oitàùsi Why vould It h. espeusialiy taisa- mü ioml*usuw Iuts. tageous If a ugghty vorlilof grae e. j metbmC, tis he e Oum te <1 started haero, "Pèginulng et wasbnsg- p00OWN Ida ml-eun ton ' Fluet, beaos. (idtp'h . Cifylt m W ogmble fer him heborder betusen tii oti h d hCi1 e bb&lv.Cht le mo Tt XCis tnitilsi uortheu~m o M>et reWSl»Ct (isf aciailra It comuiAgiié » *ê @li- e mq » e '.a tes.. Tt hinp's luetr t "-**r styleà of poclliatlon. It 18la m-ç« te b flght, but be&utiful, a oee u W 0'culd bave esiwcWml lvefe q -u (Lie viser. thoy eentutilon thse Lauu lisorange mmya 1- Li th,*12 Masecbuet~ala aneta lo vo t-itau or Uh1oau *b frrm (h4 sontiseraor urlh, et presldienta1 If o.tmanu le -is native CRas, It la hlilvc<flsfms'lie, ¶d mot ,MW ldC&pIW ..,*tasAde rs « heenwrffe' *dt4uy? Aeê téM"keer % Ch. ennoffluomn- <r, A«lc h %1el«,b 11MW *tÉoiope'4 no. r rdetn I C I w o P W M 1 ( lu . p r ore ç u ps a r - il5tfi» *-5 nIUolà4 sonates Md me- voui4do , q'yorneflt comme forth trosu Cheïr slcibe&Ia o In- Plore tM e hevew n uoui boisait tront Cuiïr mldnf*M DaUOWS. sud IMauniba Cthe agel visecanusot, even by Cthei e! o~Waenter Cil.e hurcies. te spe«8.tir lave on earth lu 5.9- efcaiubg h. Mailou of Chia nation. Abd ;mail qUsuMailen aMi vomes S9furaseesofttrouble, se *s'Uéd .t.l sud among len~s *» Daniel. MW lu duageons cetrottIie. asw wap eml»s, Ca Jolit lia thoprrer. M.4dilet tÙs ch"ois et oi weywo lai hou o e isAhmlgiCy amm <th l615* Ratio*&. tien Senab»to tfhe United St*te viii anounce Ce the MStnLegislsiauffl Chat meut tbs iue, Andmemàrg et the Rouse or Bepresentatives vilIi ft- Dort te the -OongremWknsl- m ts that ouactai (hem, sud theo maup' tiousauds eton sud wo an n sd bers mn- agitlu inie alun> sartmeuhe eof na- tiorMal matelas viiiith ome, Ciiu aU ectieuof eth(e ooustry (bah the Lèr l l~', Mi thst ho la ont the maa~ ~S <lsredemptlon of AmoulOs. Hshmhuab.C> Lord la comlng! 1 bear Pb ruasblua ai Ris ohariot vheefs. I ,M ehmek the bresti ot tise *Wbtïborises (bat d15w (ho viotoi 1I mse the flash of NMa lanterne Ciokag th. loue nlght et Cileworbi'. sinanda Wo v&M aut usChI oustsyr. Onh'on a la*ýbr s'ale, ht wblob other ésu- uries have aeop et Goda vorki4am tu la the retrrnslsmO! h.itos ce*tury, vien Matin Luthersu 1U ip. Melanchthon loi, on; as lnUieh awakaming af the Seventeuth centurr, viles Bunysu sud Plvel ami t5ev BimImos, thse serapileMethodist, sud Biahop njiUe. the. ApostoMt Wbl.ePwl*nMSbert Darnes,tise. eonscrteê'Pl* n.rs ansd otiar. just as geai, lu. al ienominations. (Oh, vii motMm.ore t(h" ogorigus saeb of (Se pat . - me bsn di help,%Wt Corne devu off p'our hronos, Netletba sud Pflnnoy and Daniel Baker sud 02- vand Paimon ani Truman Oborue 5Md Esite sud Knapp aidInalip sud Ark- iSsud Aleader-thst Alexanider 'the Great or thse Chistian ehurcies. Cômle dovu' > iou'cam yiu reat up - hiere wilen (ho wosid la dylng for 180k et h. gospel? Came dovu sud akoniuss vihS un lu praie,. Coma dowu sud help un prosohin l oui palpite. Came davis and inspire oui Courage said faits. Heaven ca Sget aloflg vutiout you Set- ter tbsus e W. Lh.But m«e than &I- ami overvhebliltas trèvest omo- (105 vlob l-OOUM ile a!hl e ip- lu h. gireamiisom o f Tl esremÈth mflity to aie! 'Lord Qed b! JoshumI Lot tho sun af ChIa oentury standaMlii above Gibeous sud (ho moon above the valley ot.Ajabon Outil eva cou vhp outth Cie yMkagae ofhell, (umblilu thsm dovis Cilspreolpices aZ tise other lye inhgu veut ove r (ha rocks of Bstii- hotâm 1. *bât -ù ft*i go érely be domi CissI , man«otmratu ilsheu"eh of rumpb.4,1 . Prom whem' e eKMived la ossei os (ho beac h 'e eonryAthaitie ho t1bé saDès lavei by Cils quiet Pacifie, Cils Country viii Se Ilmauuers 1ulad, the vorl Segnnlng at Wasinlgton, it'WS bave the ftan d holy pasand tbé *coomeWstion required. $Phaloet -n , v mlterm mut cetlght. Thst wus a stttlug Urtto , . .eofX». SvbI"O* whom le si, &"It l8a adohaut hlug th UA aioIto 'bail tfrouUnder'(ha puipit; bal, oh, boy ireadfui a ChUnato drop (biCher ont ofth(e pulpit..la has &au ailsuggestive hiug hat Paul vroft (o the Corfnthàlas. Lest Chah Sy mas mosus, vilen 1 bave pr6»es obe.oothers, 1 myseif abould Se a cataway.' *Thiat ssMe~n~ rbteu gy~~ mie. Lm z.cs mfw k. 7~»saLL., scces>' Luit Etrést.'~ OaS ru y t Smruul'ile iorl wttChCGai wua "ISLi forCMal- *0& pymdi t; bu' le 55 I&s re t, but t hoecorriors ta&n, tMa oDS Ct' e, ksaS Chat Gaivii 4**aOnan s, <th"vO pet& mot."014 Wb« Mnovato tell' mm, pvate nrlate o yOUs lI tiSe sSii ~ âê >ts; iibW e tlsasépi péstrilÊSostbbk-Othsre iof tse 15811 usrlove" su. lu haveu1 ýIt a moisis>mimewtmfl luPhulaelphta. Ne «Mrase, iuoli gamasuscilpî roI: W 4 îuthe MMuWé' 01, 1 bavae M".a.ute Tise lu nea I ha th(e Meu -rib au W du- t'a te nova Ami~Ib' thme H ese'L5551 àm=me*e wa(cb and prmy, ton C8laUs. »«75.Ca- 15 te meus %Wt a bee Cu thé *Ç;ý otms lomenle bouma Dets ou milautgm 9 sm.Cl Oâft te 1- Om Itni ci4 e ur ot Chm. altbe Img 18, i a oetel bot Coewb ablubt téa end ai en 1Tae ziiuiim ofUtbotS obmbers of h Leiaisu roetsive s niofyEtS pet IlUS ter ma "Ydai t the, sess08. PteSiat Krax mWhoe As Che right 0 et &Msgl tister obamber, le a bigisi>POli effOMais mlsny anunt- lag t homUWPeuasnom. Gen. Jon- betC, visabods Chico ofices,.as crn- osndesiOaithe foces, misber of (ho eeoutive sud MOImster et Native At- fars .elu v a maiaiof S300- per sais LM& Ostar unier tSeChevdT&in Theo Preot ofthtie Travami bas under tSe OOtBttutidt4 Mr," mLoudon Star, asuous maprerogetlve. wben Che Leais inre-1 nt sittin, bis pro- ChammahiOnab%»s the force. of law -san Ciefe proclsmaitiesa-are, ubequently. On the meetingcf, tise Tranavas Par- le ment, otber placaid on the ahatuti 5<mat or reoided Vamupire*anid Phnitl.. Acçordlng to the popula r supersti- tion Che vamnpire lait >us or ber Soi> lu tie grave whlia engagei ln noctur- ual pro*îs. The' epidernie dascribai prevsiied ail aver Sc.uthorn Europe, Se- Ing 5h Is warst 1l1-1Hungary and 8 r- vis. i Io lsupposed ta have riinu lu- Greece whpr.? a SefieZ. was en er- (ainediotea effect thiat LaLin Chris- Cans burioi ln that country could not decap' la hir graves. baing uinder h. ban of thle Greoil Church. The cheerful notion vas hat (bey got eut of Chir graves at niait aud. pursuei thée oc- cupatimofaigieula. The supers(itlon as Ce aboula la vary anolent and un- doubtedly or Oriental aniglu. Geuaraly apeablus. bovever, a gialo ajust tisa opposite et s vampire. belmg s living peoo* vipneyaon dbai bodes, vhlo a vampIre le *a dead PeranChat feeds us Ch. 180io.et(hoeliving. Footb* lbasbeen plafmlulnEnghsud for Mr mtiubam Èp'ap.lorutely k.t vas <We ob*tom te bIiCh. bai; but lattdp' gr sLSus emap -«he1 tvm i» O84atà UsCtb. haSt le zno - ~1> MANS tuu Wb» te am Iber m isui. moe wu w o ves vu Mr~~~~~i >rele% lu rrtsg bou dis d ror3 turnlm& RIlS I.t bal busA O tbul.aout e 'r,és# -- --w i r. mbtla Ch. g o ut t> gtCo.Dm> el u 1s ami b" teSueme<ung&bout iméeaahaianlm. -lue JsaE OtIt s bIgtbe bu*ae0 mfm Krie(a uma' fr li ret 9latoirl ettri mas oqu me.AuTise young1a la mlpi. uqCh wor ; glnei(about w 0 bbtioea esairlng ve»rt.t adbii6Mm 'tk er u ece rat mais fI o telNor 0*dm paOk% t fa CSs o*et or e a*"!1 ot. 5~~(mS5 ~ m diplaf mm* laimai ssoaia.u Ms' MO" ' bldhg iii. tu ut s ais* ls ar bois 1 '10ove s poummtft»M a ZuZ ïmmilr gmàmbouc.~laemil ient Nabolson tarlsi out am a, tall-' .M m em0" Usaf lacoul6edi maS6se" eUauat lta __ until busbpptwdnl(ytu Toulon cmme. j oriou'à liteéexhibits hm.feoafl tél- we. hetw wuvmoaset-(t mGbr- wo » asmot Che firof anp' mdbgs Tbm4ahaIm deeare (bat Chrisrtbu.:'. meiltely aler the crucutflxon, becaume'g '~ 4 7 ~ et MedeolarlCoas witS regard.tCe Hlm- ~v . . spit vus eoomlughy the moSt l~sl tansu»eilubintogÇY.j ha pommoaS rve melista timer ami ea5umem vs ».11W.iraMd ity, h a Ilemuamle gfsl he Si"act%,MO«C 0<laa et fflaSe gage Ch. vlue et imprvatlas, or mlstr. r um,,w dss- walCmota-or (me -M i C hat la Woi ýt lCh. oituoatIof Ut h. Imas mi o he -. lues Chatnov la," sud for "Chat w*a o C orne." Gai, the ail- ruwas **b»aer, kuowsa viat auci expirâàeucmu, n i iert lemi te Sm liasseS lu Chia achoflor et te late mt ari dpmt tu the orthest #à few eveiflgsmeo a oreoee"dmIM wm pouowm ase.u Who knew it aU. uivtegbis oeltlv Opinions. on every same ta a(oui volues, maiotherwam maklb bhita s ai sk IMae.; A Btea girl us parttoularly annoye U theb lordIlyairhe sasusel, and Use attseka ho bai maide on mmof ea e Pet theoule..8he aie up beraruin Io bowl bisaover If .am ever got a ItX amine sooner tha Sb -expectei. A teP inuto lakter ab* w» tepart. Va ut te erou-eyi man, Who imnie- iitlypwaei Ci> give elborate lu.- stueons as te how oertsincaris uOkMli be play" e4 Ce ure (hem (be ga&,Us.~ n lchel by uaylng.' "Now, seoea i sBachk1347. aud remem- ber 1 ha"e my eye o o 05" 5h.neyer uoboS IM4 but lu th. ee Innocent w4w iuglnslse. nid: "Which ey% IfNs. Zones?'" It broke up th. parti.-Wauh. A esver mother h» sbit upon a uew pis fr kepng her ehiren wel and iipAssgwith te.doctor'm servloes. At the boMunnlng of the wi'tter Phe'rave tbsm a ta&k on keeplift well, caflii hir attention Ca te many ways ln whtch cm" s ame caught. Renloue ludige 1dtton brought -on, etc. Then aile- ôferrd s prias fer keeplur weh ail wInter. -'nd tbqs for has ouai ber ide& (o worL ielce a abarm s.-Au doctora'bina ini a fa 117 et ir-e IUhilrenm are frequently rio t i je, thé pwWos will p>obably be worth win- 315e. bit Ch. greatee.t.resut vUEbe t lu o eobbiltCshefliren wl» gro* Sm t oe WttM heltil Mileau sof-onu-, t.oLà Itew ork Post. AIF*owu a mm-ssd Wbawflltarig reform dofer YOU if yo« are cold »nd iflyour Ort dont btrn ? Ihwill mot keq TYOI)wavm, 'cor wiII it belp te. ura. ing of your fime1 Iwould advieuionospe m stock of stoves. -if It GOOO Q14HEERCOOKS9 fe "Mourhall or pae g«t the 1" Kent- Street. The The bcst is alwfya the cheapest W. deal only in the best and keep a., .dOwn the pnces.'Tht a tb, tereason uc are. doing such a large Our.utock in alviay* lume and vael assoted. No trouble to secure WW kyon requis in FURS friu the MAKERS. 06,.akmd Usai cqapes30 boboslo". O. Qu»r Lmb Came, 24Ims un pn. UAL ~ m o and -àj Istsoe 6Kamt St.L Undsa ines.t-.,