Di ,50c, ont ng Price~ whose nVOseuasurpaused for fine goods. bsa'*&-thep baraim The stock wifl rr W116LNSMLTvU AT pu R PSO WiLL seJfl au Utdsayo iebMUary 6. 189&--u4. >lyourc*Ild You note the difference in- cliildren. Some have neariy UmIm fm everyaliment, even wath the best of care. Others far O moM moeexposed pass through w.. 'wiIl have ïcontinuous coIds mu,~.eaWa i n winter, ioor digestion in mgIlmmyu.havlo' summer. "They are with- . k*a .hlo. out powei to resist disease, jk they .have ,no 1reserve Bd" 0%mbb m i, ws**MIM strength. &5ott's EanUIS"osivm m.mkvmtw& . oD of icod-1vrý0"n, 'vwithhyno-! bkUn am enk ovumqu n M Iphosphites, is cod-lvro partly digested and adapted mm to a dg ov"M r Io the weaker digestions of ~hUWBBWuâ UUUMd uliU«N children. 0à" " TAum uaetk V& lm hon,~ ~ ~ ~~~e pfSofm*hiatm e, nt. 5@ à et miSUIlaR.b ua. - aM 46I uum ibe »IdissiJa caqr P. MM"I&i m -i b Si G.tourpu1UBodu m 1bmwý.M4 B'Sa W'As loimmede of the aut" 8«» lawswW&gormdbepwwà ý- di"oh otedmtm wmtauMb..Su #MAEFU Cubiàà-d yaàetl ppi<L oftuwte1»Pff lo v I-Sati" " fi»propu of wn 3aetea . ô%M - o -* iMa strongeM to resis eoua MhMg * ina. ppe e we1fF. dmIrd uk w - pMi. 8«d *" embeh. Im I r...%%l à bsIs ,aided hi out iu fuut Ma I m , aM:er Tlatlyiaoe ursa wmcb Wdu" F'U aay vc usay eavdoe~W Mis. Tb§__ by~~~~~~~A ahejvoleos ue fwOmuohflt < em 4»m KARRI*G~u S - [ARMER ME::g Fer nult fewubda» eUssamsW ood om the h DORBAN 8WAM-Pi Tow>iabl i f amii Robt. Kwun.dy, te b* THE RATHBUN 00'8 orna., L:"C"70 WPrIiIog of ow umg eo more cres311 lafrrn ~oe.... ~to -us..-... ~ eS~* .oe~oe .*I..~oeu. IRWATHE & 00 ýGRÂATIFiOÂ9TO SALE PREPA]R.ATORY -TO BTOCJKMTAKING Oui~~~~~~~~~r gslslsfrb.s..lbeswbeaOur > big store hmsbeen favoured duahg l. y, jui hud h ozig ot o evr ore. y Oui iuahig allemand gs prs, ahl- akn uJuar u Ars PRioE-PRUNING Ti MEl, PREVIOUS TO TAKINO STOCK. TISAI vuuflyMuain miW"be ut eiwmum b crobusiess by orowdingi id.. a.yb.b aahh ynv eork»»wubeforo. nle WwIOb f on, im5U do i IKM0<XU'-.Totha'Sad Boys' Olothing, Parr~ igHIs M. MdI Oau 41eto hm1buismsb.i dovu for iueiate sale to pli à"atvil a b».e b. k.b a iO. i ng with lthestartling news I OUR PRIGES ARE:DWARFS!1 OUR VALUES ARE. GIANTS!1- Tee IW17 loNs vw" have bois wuilghiiS * wsMlboe, bavl"strok ià rioit p lot go dt las mfgW dllriuI y« hm MMus ukavsare bin t he, WaY of cet opm tssuiou1a Oooh UMIewMt R ate# Caps and ANOTI4Ef $0 &W lbob*04 We ut Te SâeA. L.SS atlafrd or nIdre-id.l karfg f hsle d, pot HOMe BOld éàt -~ b~Img ilityou.Gough Brua. 6 ~~~~~~i m au uneu lit should jb IEXPLOSION ri moeh AIE" toa lte srifo