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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Mar 1896, p. 7

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CHR inte tiit sfl wn, b1 glte ItMMu18 houetime« 's'",ûS lag'and writlng 5ei~0 the gathuts te,0ft» o .pJVW -- -Thuough a Mpevnlatua w uor 6 1 mtght un ia Pw'os Me -, lib« Jacb lochs lova owhresghit 1k. wg the mnluxie u IMh. mu ghrist the oeutrp of 511 80pow a- tr'act"o, uu l.aaet bmaà the worid.uS qv ewe w BkD.wlwb Rt w MM aiwa* -M T%0 wSuI Ufil bultu put Mm OWBwau te put hm oLt lau be«VO.? lmWb" .XeàavaUag for malqiit7.-uie ~ tlsnortiieuutet ESUa. #àopir liSte lablet waà toUaI oetdlrlug the. <Mli TBUrat et the LOimtOSUS Christ. t%& ig la this Vise: 1 In tii esa' 1? e«thleepire e Tf berba O c«~.. &M on the. IS ofu tlie Practeromeamo.nJeusa utmar- eoh te lie betwor'i Ivotu1ee... Qun' tou CoMllu te lm&S hâta foth le tthe Olace ôt exectla. 1% em e hêhwm. t W»w ~Iby thri.by P4A*'hel; f bu Capet, a private cilS s. Tis. Vital Pualuhflift VUS otil sUESwdm te lavw Tiri t.u«,IbM tWMS un the. igu basAaide ef Chal U a vismnt; the. u»M.e thé. sthlefer uiie en. the lofIta mWtle e t ChrtW w Cestua Ponttne Plate, dueîug PMo trmgefv. myu ttewlWle velU Tblrty-thvue peis«0f BIreamSL Tliey saub b iýlbth to b«lttV aMt Mut dmb ite .UpidebtiO.A À *a,Mt the city boit abOut thffl thun BMt reeently eXpsel by« arehaeOolgltS shows taOBviOSLure etf houa ChirvpI -mvlnclnt the. omtenpt la Whlcb ho vas bell by -me.nyla lhis dmp-41t r c- -tlore on Itie val apresentiflg a erfl ad a bonkey - "W to Il. and ne t thie Inscrptli: OTua là hie Chrlst whom lte pee«le w*rnip.-- But 1 r.- Sole. tint tht ailasuone by'.Ou 'Christ lAs comlaw ott frvei n oer the word'a abuse. T*' meut popula.v aune e« eartli to-dmp te thi e et Cirilit. Vhs'. ii liai oe frtend Christ -bas a tisausand friends. ITei seotters bave becomethie *ers#pers. 0f htvitwwtu OMot oei.#rateaI lMisla COreat Ball- ah, ln pur 6&v.. i-toma bave coane ba*k te Chrvist, trylng te onde the blatant nirnhief of tt;eir lilve-slzttee u ou f' thie twenty. Evsa'y muan Who. villes a fetter or sig'no a document vllilgy or umwlttlngly. honore 3ou- Charbt '# 4Utee verptinirau E.Ci or A. .-E C.. befere Christ: A. -D..Ama* Osmial. Se the V~ -of ;our lor-.AU the. age iet hletoary on thivot ofet h. uOrigii bean t fthre oSmet the son of Goa, IL C.. A. 1D. 1 di) »a*amem ~t ou al I hm-wiiptethr C.buhw. "- Kimu or Vaorntnw Star or Sun of Itl*irtfous- mens.,or .Baînt oft-Gilea&. or Iaewmnt edar. or Erothur or Prlead. or taite the nane uséd la thie vers, froin wlai Il take mp text, m: aiAcli lm Putlrh *kieIt means his Son, or tii. Tranquil-. stor. aop the Peacewaker. Shtinh. 1 i? vaut te toi Ye tnt "unto Hlm Shan_ the gathering et lte people le." uI Ètii. fiait plac eiepeople are gatherel arooni "ret fer' pardon. Na wenalble man or iiealthfulIv abltioua mnan le maasfid vihlhlm peut life. A fool may thlak lie lU il iehit.A oea- sible nt al<nows ho l.act. 1 do Dot -are wbç> the th'euwltftl tma le. thre neview of hiîe linlùe behaior before lod and Dan lv. ott hlm * elal %&tLa.lsMqri@. O." lie aa, 'there 'lave been go ma»V tiiln*gu bave lone T ougt M lt lm iiva d<oe. keehave been so a niy tilagu T have ai I %ught. mot te bave aIl. ther- have been so many, thingol1 have written 1 ought. flot te a v* wrltten.thie- have beçyn '40lnMy tihimgu1bave hirought ( ought nual te bitve tlitwlt. 1 imetU çioniehow g«.hUdn. readjustel. T must.- m,ow.bO have lhe peut reonohructed: titure are lazya a»dmotisa andpearaS for 700u. "Bute," aya another mns. I féar 1 have commitl -Whit tic>' cal! tuas unpardomnble cIa, and the. Bile gaya if a min commit th in I, ire la aitirer 10 k. forgivea lui lsa t4K, par lb, w@i'I4te CUit. Do pou thIluithtere lutnpF mere>' for -meOrT1%9tat lth YOU have *ny ooWcIlude aboUt the mat- ter .at an. provo- uetwouW Ab ' have mot seuinîhlel 1k 21L .mer.y-for pou? Ut ilo Wlob rige eueurv"or tg» )JaBal17t tktrtobean M.Wgo<qte te Mudanher nurVefrr Ami g o thei ci m a tem aiy ar he bo 9 teletasSp m th*ate -a Ir tu h 0 aireau giki'xsCii!as aa iq ' e" t4mcwaw' tbe >borse*gt oetb.ib I ~ ~tael u à"a»"'- âe «M -«..svueàcitais M teeWou"t.#telSe Mdlie W m »M silu tes mmli »». oewa atu mmr. m 0fthmt suat», osel6mt we look atl) ue'mie for. t.SId maoi t he .iW' mnI0 VS Wabo êi ortir FoieMtaMdou mut fte alve» ?eae"Mt 10f Agm iM - S" ~i.gI~vIi rka aebpameosesmc'rle ~h~lenI aiu. .». aioutira".lut *MW, oemtut, ,ai lisp ase hut lelahBh m brni sI ame SuetreIl*-ba 't ts NIise Cf etale ____a_ eeostBela, 4111%» ol uiitma*, le samWho tad$bp4-« *mtle>.tothe l. ut ua orlmg aImmvithete out.fotAUNU ftiuivs'i.u palaSeUb *m aei sMd - 01r uiie niéa tm touustitff!laea.5am I- etsmmâtât(wIr e UM?) orC thaut en_ awu lrIot Pamila(vii ir w! lmg a t fr bar 8quca«0i b 1 ahlà-trble - u e - b5cthe t w ¶'M»Mott»11% b ~ettAS po t. Soul tel 51k.valu. bomS m âo &"&"i .s tooe . fro1.*O'é a tille .> tmw. W Ï&Y l. pweile.mprit. rwa- Chathe bo o the ma.ouSthviii il.co b« m ul Inea 111Ob.1eWhoe &».domraild m blmmui. Tire anm hlt PkWS auls IiAhV'bniL amur.i mmM lied u ê ht uatP iirie Ovite inale tire du htI. m osea et vi u n . ~ iS1 ipiLaS o! »s »., 41M aptbave Pbeua111101111011,01111 m no- o%0 fertlty em mafle atre trobr Opiague i*Ouber., d.ailli Ti.mlv.pObhord et wu M »«. Im q.v* poe. M t OS.~e mrI boa ridoelsvoi.le epeb."A # eedau~ r'.oat feu seea s the . em WerW5 her fuitir> bestnd eapthote mIat able w*e t tisaadau-L en.Savo. amabsseraI ie u-uwmorla n mKas« ta <lU iveulrl. lmt c sinahywin wrM t ii nt aiehl lnglaçTci f l. u" 0me vetoas pmt 0uai 004111101116 or.mm« »11 h a w . ot1van If OaietlMd u whe vel au.lis oivise.n 141h as4 OUvibr 'tiore Mai nn-Fa ("ica, M arelua>mla" g «@$ mie 'AUt l, no pu- hvtbogt a h'eprtcla ar*»oiS tr cs$m" ciIs pshiip. Tear ad eu1lade seet IMMaleag U w ileh we-«iv. s.M"»e.gOr u e lhsI mms rm4 o ~"" 'bgfor~math'-qmpthylathe Alaho or he,ulu udluumta >.31 Itos* el ii bS~al Gio tCl Kt such atàom ftwéme tbéouerex ta os. Oseb e. Oum lie Me .1", , -- cliee alatlaandtie s , uyMphy..Tol aui th p"wMaix l..g ta l,' V eart v.bet, oi m dlve b laapaua o 115e19,e lire~~~~~~~~ lie. t eclzanepees-Il, eep w'e b w sofat<&I or c 5g 5Mj% nAa riai . uithresp vtirvblia Weadigher 4alaaligie qp li. .,.wî meaottwof>p< e * hoiau loenen vs ."Na, Tehéa ~r Atli lo" t le uilhnn ~Iimm'-wnet"m ~l* .1W eh m frut li lmelie r 'e oba.- 1n 1-lgapv a""im s p~ butM na o1uoomr .rs t oweekréf-Th samwiaie.1<teme »a "M.ou t lon a t maideopuata Srils~'~t wib '*'ouffl % Pimi .v.l â»'1.t. m *lil " Ïbocelte frontoms i ,"ýTra" « %l Uliss1nt080 hbelpflWen v ae l" hy aimi" ite lhrTMgb JmsChnI leSUE.. i* hein Lam oue !toe Pvibkuoe teWMe atir m e " pulgw.In' i t, lt usuasmes la Mlo(UMM>.ie-' have bram st1se *lu re eaxioSne uai cameBa*:.nei b.. *tg&let BE lm tiet «li.mi uis EUveu sscfN' Itota" Abveto ee, rW S"veha havere cfWto aa en.îyexpi fot a ilinothe <bAL,. athnaet Sesma ut onah fort tucahoue atoundar~m ie s dpay. ein t be*or.itIthe nI h ii ae eduitree rIrOlie yetpbut >r e, .hsmoemdo" 1. 1lau.'lu411s lt avetare la bud *0 unopurovincses ara liheforbiai comore uic efptbverirbe "Cemblr takt us UllIane tb,t # ec lealieet la W au « theiviair aies. la fu(ure' lire hues o Yefi cil If G@ ut> atiel mbenrstat. .e irveavatl mgir trebaialia tra crr bfoi si______am tired' gan ttirfieli, viii e movryte hot ie t-fledwbvbu ea *Mie-i ter hélaI le uaabuapt b.me iasm "xitmnea ftwlae us mienosr that f t «rlgd.ei ia 1h. »ýbi e" -cae thioftheo Jam l laiamdil~eitdpkx lm la e 1005 atalow O lie" etleiitrno «M. Il 1ouave our. ha tis ftt co rne mindtagite tret« kiu.àevlg MY.ra.E bina, Laeven h'e fati1 temy.tuBe off" onemmaonpmaiud e C" oiewa 3M * Prtom a » blat ovc rsn rce Uuie hu et Sa'cam>-Te m meva ceins h hetr tin ' ues, yun tire achiccmet . Il bloolTeir Bli 0f ortiaî, I hiew.in bt .sssuWh@troîam mreyain. l pamya t frberavtatm us nioier'. O usi haco1eot ml iakc i d al vau t ccfuitrsettelleMaur 148, laelire Ihreteied for elin,0«a. efl at aie vii u ilo . ndWe*Iln de ou ilal bie vio l ngaia0ny 1 M gE î Orne Nsi>'. fter Stad t t. iokt.utlie~rsanta~ aI~vi ba'.~l u~prmo4"aactM eul In peaal uryltue lM&eBrusThav«e-xcs vhi Yic fal M tlu'gll ova oaa i s ' bMiI ID r5101e. alitoSq In Wben lchl ire hy r cu> g p etW l tsi et *t tou' spiitulaor mptir vror lteli'tell h.au *UdOI.ti<pi e ou n e3whoris* m :~~v-avsî1 ilio l giia fo paion lapln onforlie Ai , as vi coli niygis t viloit bele 1,w nl7.1 oa tpè e w wà; l f been tmgro1Mi~ïdet theimeofdecin« yarm-sto.gpi, dwihciple fl ovmra er lUoslp sorooé e t oteanfyuout tàg' es'- ii-Me Cty.Up. ýbe nuiw er miot.4 s gbretma îmy. laîum vtI o liIfor a o" nlci sellier, w< ____________h_ 110111%_ 1 palleat eprstîsimehrit ae le.vi aliul' dliseea 1 l oirv nvéîaa Tv a heMdo« tres aioet 130 a ciaut* u tslerpltdinhoe b t~epoit tglAoucs ho. sht e vas iheliaionsie 1M. ak ml dItiun>'loX ponvat reoffie ala l ev - eSV bS<SiVe of To lsoW hooOtW ut Atutie rn« thrIe t aanonnt, street%." te go bock ber tPd nm ti t8018lierUm& Gelbve.w b MAvu tr* u Ge, and ie tuliet>, l*evb&O tlo ltI a tIlechIl tblfoca latA c l. aimbIehla é.biSiteSoi momtviMrs irmnotan Ctht mIlp ain ae ho riga t te vlaie a tla ~ palearnoliv-M- os;ue iw -MW. ýMips01taur" . ep umuietiréb uimils' et* wa'ek, Wo u~I el~ a tueLoti estasChris ns aX .piIiO apeat'tic toes e a l euituAtthe hO e tt ev? ien vi8thsIxi e lxut l Prloo. t QM's.pou voloe h'er tbac l e tmaioa'mnaetqrel utlali thpaee- t*ssreilocs lie ir efflp», bard thl'euleàaaas vlI *é Wn1sI'mnNe a &m oS&li olier.Tire obers.-ceO-MM_____rule but il:o*11 theS blot trahle gamici' OaqcrrveeOuln l istrit. lie rench mook ereiag.1 se .i vii. a' bolm WhIm ou t Vave J katblel<i i 4UIISand<owlvle tlieoMahl inWtci botUW the<ler. ap'b beentu i mmo h u o liesaimae aid.thon. ptng athe ani rop ,èt. etli jaole uf tire legs. Mdleu e baeabw » tn «d l h emirl creba: 7b.MWt h Otd b WM»Ml 4~~vlth don A .to lrine tcue meccue lre viilspor lieveuan "Ste II vafr As>. qouI." cPiaW-» M tbves,. fle'.. nci in n l paits tlata.-t ami h . ise i co-t &w npe ol tit Toe u ttd i m not livta1t e b Oaie m u w «Mros. f s t ic Musin,.Pmm_ lmlà _________________, __ mol.0 i ismiePait m e- morthn mta virabof rs Iar ve -maiy e gemj e et. C An -<f 5'mmtufer. la a h mrmonrn h' brtell the laory 5 um.W* Soail .tlntG i wa '. .vhWEU~uWil br fortuon l ieeut tut stIlirp 'of«ou el e fltiulexe mi.srpipi e ~ob~* ect" tai «Wu'Mte. -" e t kepe mal r »ne..u7 PU arte w ire ton lMUSP I vdl palis <heu iiil0fol frumleth. Ome home and , ami a la , me tIthe lisa" 1 eU5 t eIlê a timo o &" i je on161ai ab'01tre OtTnquue oeMw# Aith 1 vm the top ofthe e ,jer lerb. ia s î --epucoo f h e o . u d GubpoS1 ai s4Mfr. tI.a teufrt-1 ibn-hoâal fo t d«a ors i tet trouhe sn' stu. In Uml e sloIac o l theshee UIUwàWdi « nta e '»_0101àb aalgv em ~eell vusI>tr aulqp uaj, h osius e a th Ileno tefil, f o à lohd ot.We-wh av wetd s h tebor@ h"thyowr, «re& Osa Roé.~ ~. L 8, 3.04. - - Dn~ frm~ ~ D0fem~~, EP ~g N. N. 3*.. -. ~gaal aMi. agiS e *.u.*.fn apluglg 010AN8, qPI.ANOS, AUO 8EW1116 ý-MACHI NE8, oeb.ut etml.. .~oes sudesoy terme. i., J. WtETER:UPo __ cS. . Euirn eelsu s ktwm tueffnrm dobr You if you are cold sud if your fire It boa? Jwlmok.sP YOU wsmm- or %ill it help the barn- dfymâm Un, m Udvift KO~to me» mv estock of stoves If it GOOD OHEER -COOKS, if fS "M hau « pmdogtheii« Zog Kent Street. - UIP~ der lihemb ovoe. e 5e 15Llbp.. athe latesl stylee d coin., De not Mins il n'mm, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ..... -'--À Y. Wb

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