Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Mar 1896, p. 1

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IobbO . Il U 1o m~ I ê~i. I p 2034 ontage ~oft I ER )uring the lut two weeks, notwfthadlng t~he story ir DAY- - ofoui atrosa SALE ne 1 nw oustomers OURINO TI4B NWCI TWO WEEKS wm BARSNSFOR TiI@uSN OW Thi18 a oPPttun4Ywhtoh doesnot often ooour. Youî.o $3'( tokolU, Cl.e sqi&»&iw a rIa leco 14 oeV t 10.00 f 'New Spring 0 oods reoeived inFebruary. Jus' h ~s !Gosevery one wants aW rns rsGos Wili*e anMW yorhus, *tinuSae,,S tiglUoa Demlus, .Me. NouuwLt m -00)tuluhtepd. ~JPAl-be stNW LACX ouiTN m22 ge s p We bave some elpecia -bar ga1in; in Dress Goods, omeu et U 4o. per yard. Some jo& r&r f ltsac wes Exta bartaju au. w oOiTe«defor Boys' Wear. Saughter prit».. Ià Me«s&sld ka IW". o *ins bm aaiBm tsa d. au Il 8 w4oWooo u arUde U TRLENOrII is Ym ou ft io wolbs g A, Âgrad ohm» t. fo uq euaj,« tit e ot q ltb*à»0104uàa s mmbez of th Be arwII orn ha&ve ahlnd î WARNE&00 T ~nA~a I5.uuu.h Y? 4T U . 4 1 5ARE THOSE laet «~ f oly1boUWa. ""I a' u' mouvs 1>r Ow,m uuk &-(SpohI )-IM" .,bammm _ UnWet "*"Y *1 ilu Juu 1uOi Dý mau IlftU ~...i Wu .«11 Bmtmxl muu. E v p u e*P a a b t à » i iii t * p u oe M inA»ee .paf* ft eu l Mix.d Pickles t z«. pa ott '"a fip . ,w el, mmanger 1311811Whw er.1e a umuu abSa " *Uh ividmilupau.m t . janb kaii e"i' a -u J leu »aFtO. ttnmmiUv.o E La to i m gj gj" -« Umm tu eId il» Im-muras asi .ft quu'm une, ctue 11111IR. 0n e b S banmd, IbM O bMr.but a puswo m kha lEv.. *amw bo*sbddv Ihou - - tt@Wy&» eA jZfs .Stk %M& 1 Womew i Btto. orLas) Boots 11.'a su enwfil, th&& tbI mil =.»d .mi.q bit'bf'l la umvw% .- 't me' BLo oe &at 'e'u. waauo a .pkummm s . umns'qbemitagT 04001 8 Bot E»iLaW Sb iu4 . e sUsýh u*g m Fawm a.' Saleperd bume Swut hcsg hod hbve ohV me ahI. Iih t u.IC*DIII IL- Iboa 1». » aau m. jm.nim.lhop i hie iy 11 ath.e bafiesw mi b , gd* « baMWdmebnla x a am, a *vam m1 bIbi hié.erd memi huteud as.i%"kWfia au b ".selsvu Md Imm bldo r b. *& 1%0. bu a ma1 i dul.d m aie o au ng hk a bnanIiuIb.wo clbta aehiagaims. îegaî la.. ~ athel uli.I ut ss. . umes w ,%»hdIleoe G omS 1*m Beeta, OmbbaaltaTumispe, yS féefflatet5C. pertpair.wa lelu osa. OwR rd»mrefrdne he u jpb ib m s éte Nosihte V ois.- New eed oP" se.m md é puus% aefl site eiwiflu r additon te @nâ T utte à"@ t in aIL Tu Etc. d la pmp om to bles: tbeoqai sAs uluDS lOmbes Wbe vit Ss.m O w456 hm om imOrombIWta a i Md= sg e mo umteb IR&y ti*s. lm Qwicg to the Lettering B tomcd te and as this must b. effect to reduce the*prioe of EV that yOu wili vant te ,bai anaThe brus amre CASH.. No Ibo0st A* I ie pal imom, stock of ~~zy, ~ l enuwa ad. sâd STICTLY w ~w *4'18 raN. sw i se iI.~ s., 10.. a * a - ~ s o Ail aeoemats ~PiSee4 m ottoos ~aaI~ JAS. tL-4 4 MXJ cweran IkpW~s~w.. U~'4i..4hét4uriiw.n...fl~r $P* ...513h' ~1~~ i f..~. --i luo.p I I T[4!JIM s-pcm =M- Som bo ik. mb loi A~ t ~* t LINDSAY AND WOODVILLE. ami m.. tgd" maio te fS d» jom nu haoiemUl mi oaw. Tic. h» tebe. ov* Icisma es lu 4a dmodlm& s. .. lvqdnna eMmue muds, îhpmuastd .... r. fta", pdedelt . ant l«asaalobooL MW &»8*0 Bsdap paylsg hlm puopla mm lt. tLhbtmis hbuu m euvr pmtgy Ne @me f tla »w ovà is iet~. It l* oosds"e Isolm m" bI.haa Tu ayvmi noeud bhnm »Wla taldns aes suL-4 Cuvios -W. e a ifaaméd, tialtiare vI n.~ ~ b 1w. ~mit" telahébm ristso eob use Md -buamible_019T -N -MsT B., Jannuimas. ltais cheb 010 eté m 9.1 Visi outeu.hr% ., d " uyuddm'y as dm »'aua, oin h basen. iciba ýrteluToronto 155 sitar. mddm mme -7- M Id0fe mm S leToronto sm lb. o,", £Psb 9lu taber meMIu.l p a mth. Liv 1b* mua i .ked aef 1 muit ams k M hISade* ttabou 126. Hutu play ,~ cf y~OScLUA> Varia -À bail au scf @pelles vntio Sud ýUM&Wbrome m,.awuuk ue l*a habana. achool. Ni. SWouf,. Cîo oca.'s"boal with twsnty et hm phe a kn7H.wiLfut ton ofhbu .avw lma~tIaé *um uhool. AlezEvane teb*. BQpr ptudSistwmty ~~smamusi wmnip cf MJar. foc'aaiA. Ev..' popês (-msu fiLm mmclAun nid fmsd ollé laustsor.'im" tvook pu. lr:RW CUVALUUOSS? -We smeple»masb u lias Cp'. te atuble go b. Mood gaia. .....Mr S BIlk ul oafiaed 5tabis Aum....... itTi. pr la ales aa r mmd %à amie1%@11110P 1sf.a as et4 p m. ÀA suat 111tm s et d'f siai*gis tute i tmaiac »d took b lui fuesus lomalesvon mmh. bmasplamal 8uoe-. li. Ht» I. sholding spoliE ms~ ~ lamuis VisaI78@ ; mals25&.; bote mmibabosslg aies. 29q;teou]se; mm &II Isisa lWb* i bu lie; al$if rd.Wood.bsf.tje m is àà a te u & " 9 " sa lest abs V aso e mo wE . ac Go emI misé smois le "s salm gassmiss a snav- W@% Oik mugi oVU l.%»embles acimoisi Pa"s L 0 L 0 1 swom*0VllmPlaS ie paouofleluig tht aw« er e .Ià"y a.m. baie. - baslbout ___ & 9WJ.mcw ai. eplangb steak la a bsavy OM&é» dd Mmepall moud ami muea ataia. Ow~ *OdImOn Pît mÉ 'ibaag 1.uIfMad the film N.eImm ore obllsd -t e a eastatice k 4 toàegop . oLindsay fatormotbus plogh MN"te M&tu Gohsoutescfa 0. upl. ef beurseanobte am asuiammesvulta vIea sai ne o omseta lie lu; ybg. vlt mmd lue th «Ibmlamthau sitc sh 1 $1.se wow m',Unlaitt, msiuou itmift te au »M bcs1m UM5uup"ed in udraulsu bock nom 1sai i o.w ,hmb ,thb ioengluas Os My@ ut"q5 al temwof iun iee o &W 19Irym. tuJu. JacaOUImuiof et MI a. lý eu... Mmafomwuom.pany of ~~ 1tumsll, bu usi mut h a'«mom onlia h UNWisi ssd-inI.tue P'smet »M a uthe b0 à bmidA"4. Ubave %a pte r Ua he »mm 0 *0 toois t m il cudurio£ Ibis tuas d *4ha h. tioth uatna tistolt tmme"et hevâas apeasi lbma 4iteo64LI i * lonI. »Ou»ih-b', limte aul appecS. l.ra. ud",uob.altbpons. M. Q00 d lie "mssihy utuemed bos a bama meîod te bis be toc wiàs i. tb ppm.ueim az B eter tilsal eue>dittr.u.M. "Mom whbiet un .mlu omA.adaw..er W à&:S u &M" f, e. thé. mý

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