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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Mar 1896, p. 6

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auceatelD&14 vithmfly- ib id ob s paceand at*6to miltai te theibMut ber. Ia * v5 yoD toi' peoelMe1m.unaibave baem uael teOrought i. lb ut me's a Ili, as m ail t sk te c, eitaeMr. Fm i iMton nodua-R, seete Ielal tbeu ouaora-iMant; bie b»W1: WRat gaug la this jre c to- "The -qs ang&" lm repfl o; <"S i ltote Ruit;bisa MI mueli tait abet :Bth eornlaM Otby * that barm505nam youg nglljuflua."... "EnglIhman ? la Re Riovu bsth asted iFeàton. Ruriedy. Iau shoot bis beai. "Wbmone, Rtm Ru.es or it baud &boutboelua bon'.m7 be a10.1e bi a 4mtarte 4 ff euke M RiW Aoais tro nbi ol av ne MWnen pthe d il Teymturh i auSemet 1w rf Grand tMe"s," reliel olly uk pt Ifo ltheinsu Cef-sheYf; 'atbeji aeolte."bnd "Loter-lltau op r«th dIcter ai an. NUl Gruteffop tm Fes- to, haretà' 1-ne coku e.; Bsvnuie Obotlgbu in ithmte o the aru- araie, msud tR«e pner. von'thtae fie tluovlbamt44%ue&1 xntooasUO i #7Aoi, sd l M aetoma a b.e- Dan* *ontesoo pbolvteu_ a t novhing Rue r nuioupte froave m &mure& ithé e mes - f o ttI-I do 0h1ubme pooNe daestor bu fou"e. Ne-ao s&lreescal o obert hie.sFoulon. ishoe wut tte then18l Rucmxlrsi.or'sl IÂts The coraw»eu aet. sSiet th Tnbdaint te" ou O»a #a&oie., plesm, dot ofor Mimé Grabamc1 ama?" Ikdii- eM n k t * Tbe thr Dierrie itht On s con««Ce*01& lu 1a lit boayyre "L-ed nt s g. Seu51 mauase, sud hopIle-deorreel Tomigb Itebmu01 tIPo ro n e entos; j.be, a. t gelbut luBam. lm_ toy chI ii le m o bru al;Md it na ae lerfo t buis»te isi plai, uni IIl.n, C ouan. 44 l sePm OsShat «t4. ù otel 1frua blao eli *# t '1 O h.1'abt lu ut te *Im hlmo FaDa * Tus . TbeoilUmsU7b vfti lao sickith tapaatsi 1Fa eubontme Ureyit 4betveam aut Uite v emmmt 1 oe hlm awp &tM hop* for a e ica "Wra ladyI Md ii g oel M Immt. the U amt sitant h Venolea*ibl -ton-"0 -gober t ft#V " jl âo uUu.th be met." msId 1«- c ton. - an 10fl4*V ,ne thtescorto te ond . . 118 nov U' TM trid toInterfèe viwth un, or vm about w ve iatefto e lb tbcmý 109t, bclr bon"es sd learne4a W1ci4 'thore Wfl arnonin'r ie thon lt Mi, Uemateg Constance-, "Were Yeu, partkiuarly anxiou t10 :'iat t l-siaI, madamée f' Constance im.le no reply. but the dOc-9 t or'î voice amwrd :-, -,Te. jee.Lit unu g." «You B" 8114 te iraer. Re tutu- ed,. uteriy dlsregsrdingt the revolver& ,%hiob Fenton and Dan atl bel, »SI tuoâte a few mords to lte mon nearoit TRerth.o ai: "«TRuc vagon and boreaaste at your diupo r. It; le 19 the loa we candolo make âen4 1 ~qt~*k~l0snv1lOai e bave Caued you by eur rouait ltruWle.-' Fentonansd Dan coferred tqUethel' fer a moment or Impa'.th"n FOntes uOl iu a lq>v volai 10 Constance: *Itoeu ailgor t"Ye mitse mollnel vlth ber 14pm tuer t' tu méil. 4'0o and get vbat thluugs ju reuire." h. »Aid lnth ie smné10oWvolce. "Tbey viii neturt u. Titis mân-their lea4- er-Iuave beard c lm; ho iacmIbc Constance gdecibigscona krund ber father, snd wect laut lbintoer room. Site cama out again ,asa ev Minutes1 wili a muai bonde. -Il coutlhld nmre sare cethina, s»d.rep«etd, vibb the exeeption f et >ht 10007thé doc- btG had upon hlm, anl their wealtit.1 "We amr mdy.," bmuani, ipiy. Thle ranger beekouel 1 bis mon. 'Mbake lte wasson eomfortable," bc e .. >' btol: up the mot- biiol:ru« trou )rfore the lie. the chair fflene or tw* otiter of. th ev warbloleq utf furoJbM and placeltem Inthe kvia.on s lte leader orlte -band aMibed tkm uibRu bis ovu banda. Then be opened. the door and bowed te coutano. "IDont b. ilarmedl."lié mail& quleli>. "Yeu m Mo"usa-th iak fr-than wlh an escort of distewu." Consam wie vt b bu'tatheron beratM, venut it 18*thegis lhlThe vaggoa,~ vitb a Un Ietbrn wbstuuetutheuc toor. The. aer helm out biuband lo amit ber. but Ah.esirumit ba*. le. bit hlm Rip, but, ivitbout a Wor&. 1helpel the dctor l1,4s4" siTangel sa mg fer him. I "0.4 ulght' ho mil. 'YOu have a ast if oct a plissaut jouueW beote rc.Go on: 1 viiioverske jou," hob ai to the driver. ,. Re stool vsteblug lthe vsggonas lt iumwbered avay loto bheiet5.5uluRugt for amoment, thon ho vent humE lelte but- Fenton and Den esb00-toabs. I <l beg jour porIonà." al lte rater. lQoking ut Feuton. "Toi voul hbave llZketd tride viit the lady? 1 viii give i je a borm. Ae j« e rd? cm y« Fenton shoot b batsolndthe ranger *No? No zmalter; they osuait. Corn al6ng. tben. Ton, Er.»â&. g. usam Iand main jour *Ife.08%Corn, i," ho addto PeXton, Wbeo iMmk ban"a vitit Dan as ielf. L<orbae vyth jeUuaA. 1supposer "Tves,"0]on tto, Uiel. e bal C eàd oi«b 1Whla théaiavimm pba to kno* tRut luiquiet acquiseme Say thé ouiy afety. " nqlersi. "4tin- luthèer?' tuathe ranger, As ke mpoit q e torn *0bmms e.ta ~~t~irrh ecai1~d, terray. I ý . be loéobe&8 rj mtaoim. dnuguu ,bis1kilm ]'m"be'Md. abmg 10Melab; v s "'Ue four neif." lb «»b. On the toor, f"Wb" a a ilt- t"abtu aspu maume-fr8 *t 1. iebai neÇer wmon It uei vas & Mua uiggt ria& wM b st lrn crent-thoïek mua t e,« a # al b>rob ao witlbana$@ pOlos IPM thie I=atlura * vos»À theb. ocoba ow* cet; l-ntos bal neer »m ica«ear bfi'w ~ 1* ah* rig;cuaRd eamel elble. latlisJOa- 7 À stbilily et bRutspeaw *one, Vhs.w otuli Il betV 14 aIotb1k smhrau- - sers drepped il? Tbat vu lb. ssW la lte formtula h. bal tbu trou T. bea 1* onla Mo Grthame's Podet. h, ee&0&i hbl stretchel iimi f o" enIR sd aept. «i<1 e id 9M&W1 And nov toEuneandi "lla b ji wumM a ïa CHÂPTER iI. Prise. 120 ;v~~*ltksog -w Twelve mcatmi.les 7Ptad r' i 4aqi stopped -f ron theb.train .1 Nerrngon »;gram 6 akte po Station. 1P ùqffasooseplace diéu but Plaia m0uuinaM i Mdtuée'iIhmtalel-, lmUuS~U b descolmble look -luber , fft vilet ovsawuV-h tIiW notaks sme el*quntly andmmmistably I* htbr 01 MV ot a itesvy orrew. livel tbnugh, et not wult GUsdje. andl k. 4flgb A porter taMM ix, u. &aflei a glaàOe g54s+ g Off lkite-b&'& ho M the beauliftl tace. lobëchWRusbat -he - me Lok.1b51'S ttc m sud azked, resperttuuiiy, thougit mhe ha i d imt k'Pol01t@ a àbUMOM allighted f rpina bhird"cRtuscarrnage >_ pliu VbMi rosle uM$A«tléuiig "0 <'Auj image. mimar tom, *a » otig b am t 44A umaIlporbmanteau., replied Coa- <'l 9Sa ww' leug Pisse"-MN stance; snd aItRuchesouni ôf 'ber voIeè, ietanà1e,. &laklg la te oUtp* »0 ow and mwet, the mmn toucad bsMue. the luc rosi vIndi « bi cap szaîu. Iowa et .1tamir cime, A" 1 *hi CossSI. osed rout he station. buiwma u8Sllhg andi buueW 'Can Yom 1e1-mé thé W&j 10 Bease- fo.mhi 1111k osalo, e ng vv r-peareCastRe?" the sald. ~ "Well. Udw, Itle titre miles ori"' ," i' <ad Yte libe AV, 'saui rellled tteporter. "ToU!Rtake atels tâZaiMbiuct. '1-Miete ta-.ItdWt' Asb soelcarriqe duhblse am Itm »»î Iv onbsNai station yard, and. aimoWtwboie . i Bt 1 aik*ua8 r.»éeba etopxed. lUnedoor wvai«unope a&udkw, *t»" b. adai VUt à t a Uttle boy ras oui, an& , ldiem e 906c&- iSE vsi te Lsdoba 1Mod footman. wbo talel. te hlm u nresp-et- WEO npeWieeuso fui remponmtrauc, rau tbroughte gate- frOlft wb ne. W»Plagg, espesialIy va't o#. 11theplalforu. ,bise *u. 1 tlhiat, aver>' ba He *as a ffchUt cfseven or eiuht, vitit45tYom$ i Min Gauebme ? aprot'face. roundvbkh, long ambaun "I oVl l1v. aMW p tg ourla hung, la protunlob,. aturinglu a au ou 5**,Ans," sali câmta shower oftamuin'. apeader aipon bis vol" u onarul Vet lunic. . a u~e mirBalsi Constance vus laulng biait iniil- Uedudr an6 lite admiration oft 1k bmalty ad etue.c bd 11 cila oUth lite 1e felov. ilohe itOmu p t ttÏ,etak o h xt ber. and. mveeplng o-onjbis cp ui:- Aftausa oponed tht et, "Opesse, are joui Niai rsane?' ILUMmma -It05outI 554*1 "Tom I rn Mma lrsbme, ma LMCo <>11 ian wîli vb hair sa« Me sface ighted uap with a malle, sud n ls8t 401= = lc ho héla oul.a lny baud, but ïdrev t i d05*e î 5311andbowed. bacit sud ihippel pon bis <love. "~Gusil 4', beg yonr pardon. Tbers-rîn .Iways I elod.ritaie Nme torgelUing. lem o <lad you have ooue. 1"m te grandwl' "broe tu 've coins lu meet joui. Granda voie L*OOiiob? have corne toc, but, she bas oueetrlm. "Vctj4041gMol. nylrd," mail th e bealmebs.' <Cole OU* Mld the boy. Sal ho Constance to'uk tl 1113.baud, snd ed CoU B0'Sband and l10<1ber, beut lown n"d kumel dtRe brighl face. ~BiqU andlato the baiL- "'It vas VerYJd~nd of you to meet me. 'It vup a bbehall, ad iecegae Lord Lantiebroote." site ml i. r81 155EB5 idi '<Oh. nula.bit. James." AaGho îuriied. . xm4 baftte RiWUa lagg11n t' b l ,fotmaftsol Porter, ibo uto oit, ueBM * MW patb"t Ii .iMeaa&Wl e ta 0Kima Urahanea Rl«- tien uof sa*me udweDubh ga"f.Comne alone-."e udwgvitR i1e aIr et j Iobtu"a & u ait and sombre ciidish importance. wbIich vas dcli op eëal a duOr, 5.i n I bodl. ffjfrsok and ea«y. ho led lte way te j baud, ber 110 guide drew. ber lte carrnage, hol1ding outibbitRband to tau% but rtIoUI1eoW tOMI. aersist ber in, as Irf he icre ut le.asal euaj.T.M 1MOU bf"by o year aier. Iom.insk uM lw1, and oï "K'm afrld jeu art very. tiredl ," hJ lstWtwe said. "Would yon likte *,*itew P or ji l M * e but dowu? Dowa? B oI i.1 otuM heIl&ad &eanusln puM .out anid Pee titingS. 1Toiti*t b. liid uOk.t.o * v kulransd au N3ul vé uhatet ble lnt..: tId 14wlRns hm. to drl'i utc-kh.' "U% Mb. GiohnterSOAb In dounat 1hlm f rm lite furueusof ber oWIc ire 4Idlan up lu il heurt. for thei hilis racil v naa .1roem. loutueclieÂr. -"lau mol bu <UIobUt t*o ml- jourue.ys, nd tRis, ~from 14baca10hu'La EnuccizghaMhsbtre. 405 ot meefi mOttu'r.'> "Tm Tk.w 'hêard cn4-aà= .haire t.eeu Ithl *briglut cyesu î. f o, îi liMe Yeu. lé ltaI rude- ' No stpp heoe.t tw il be aUMO- te* oft.-Mm t" "Ibm marehboln bd Mrdem, RNt pbs se Iam, halb- d qobW" tohunwbteKbt, A Wb. a, se laIs mnUObasbshar am l "Cl., e b Il. a.t litbt"I à e imap ew1rv-loi b Nset- bieh a lyosorns orUtiheme bl tJK 's byd ~ a»r me1.b. ls . n bo e mmtae.gti.o eL"-pu % atbb* ae'?1*tmma bil m rMllb _a181, % vu a" gbebaiaitbepeaM to oSer -o* fi t 'mot. I bonlt hai. Te,, ML M bb altbeus-a m nmam as the P9~IS< Uee i mr l, b. 00$d rivM"lm lb..m pvi bullot ,t, w we ess ayMt vus sth ~ shirn.4'U m ymt tm *4 1 t o "AS etulm La ~. - ' asi w n m m -a Bs-lampRoies r eV te zmet àm al #MR*"sA&ýs Cob" eu uqpmmý he Comm a& duM obe by" .ugwwPrm&e om ".gavas.îsarl Md" mu ,ohit lkam ,T psleeg011s1k1mare »IM. OmMme - - Am I CLbom as on mibtw *..~ ~uSim W mqmln mmo-8 [11111 I - tmat Mgour amoum -7 eom lihReay AMw or 15 jma »W ,fuunvl sE aow, a = * Are od ,rma%-- Bs kubvemm*wwnt4 en e m u se t b bons a , A aiâf4 le . 0. I-~ .t -mmsmâ mra ~~S kmkUflsU ot-ib kaI dnerwa-' i Douchons. * - -4, ~ 4~IflUuamIdth yoato beyyaome of' ti 11MpwOrhbsWaam Insect Poavder and buslbbtb, vrsin whicb is m-ofteafoad on both I U ~ *us~sMt thaï, tîme of ynr, Thea b* 48M. ueuIligikmon m ad feed ~seto euy ulmal yqu bm i bout the place. 4~ 6' ~. -< -' -yi v *. ,-, t'-' * IL "MILL Tuhb~ ~ -"4 aRrnBrnhiiMdI, 3%;; . e 4.0

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