ZSWWbat *1 rou t3e1 1aubo s1g~ liat e l'Cf mnl ,a lutO metlg were re m i 1%= ?te Ir veOO@hua eueS t tt5 qslug b sortb of the toWi, awi4reuO ti e u d .Mw.as ; ý b ~y4W o. 95wu5dreWfl UP oO~ aw o. SrIU o em beona Fez Ml l h eedtu Ur. aImI la .omW et t0eUc'whO.CWr.Motin the t d impunsd , and ~ ~~moved, Setonde .opelfth KuiciUlWarl for t*1* .1 !>.meberst a out Of $5 per u * tht1.audltOiS reprt be recot;J N Omt 0r 1ifr It1bt0. E, CriaUMoved SoondeÇd irtOR, .bat ii.au tcra b aalry$7 eo.-Caih that IKoL5tYh tum8<1 besS NO-.2%Pro. tom, intmasPi t, thst W. cas. 7, con. M teSANo 2ji«bMed o1 NO- . U hi.xlibers.O =, CurJflsmel semOl~ Voet, thatt h usual notion e g prUlaineested, g4 udta ay4lwW 1essdaInext eetli, Mauna the eýah«s If noretsonohon lttDi __carieL jar. Fox mnoved uecoded by Mr. COM that th. clerk ci frtenders for tti . bleip PlUhte be opeMd aI asil Du B. OConnell "a that for yjS J ho hai been obliRed 10 ferrY bis sW& implemielts îa- ouath ii ve atm~ hià farl où .hi wost aide, bt b whlch te bulla i eraft orhes mnodatjofl ofman w ose bil bis place. Br. ' pa! taxes for the lan& and cou neli should aid him lauebmu couneoli aith.y -coul net Mki SU uditure, O'Thos. HenrY adda.SSOit!>. * syngheh. no authoritY tW mUeS -atorne te crosshie prmoIUi, h *a»,reflsibnle t te hempan IY widge ai premi e% and wo i road. . 1....i, e n e ,1f r. Il kiw mv -on tuls mltrt 0kuwif lthesouc ho compeled tob>b i aidg a arcadwa8j 1te b.obtelanif 0set lhtcnuions -C.red. Mr. John Shsnallandeais4» comensation for s e 1hati ehoyeun snow but the council liES respond, as J6hn bai no certi.UOkto bis Pthma8ter, Others claiS.4 Pl * weake d' w-rad obut thel? Mr. Fox Moyéda, eoiedb Mr-.Ci that the followID& accunt Upal' Re the labo T. ut MIL T VOr exere,$1 m.Battwd r1Urer balance lu fli, accoult LPowers, UmQI $101f Gs.Seth, straW, Wm Gd and taoficiai àcr e h.uvïod fofowIn a&.Jas. lu. J Agmew, s5k rodae , $18; JaB. Pine, 10 rc Jno. jaeksou, bolween 4 nd àqraIII pichard Jackson, 8 rode, co. Bobt. El," Ins01i, 8 roie, cos ýWeIsh,,IlhIng pitch bolsoos1 Carried. Mr. Cuing Moyed, soed 1p Hitn, laIt tus coutll «t .odi,&enril 1h, wheU au APPoni.-CrrIé i W. U T iualUrnpl AND naLUziEou * DAoi> »m TUa W!LL MI mapiESIOIALY 08 m à ID Q0315SINPI AI Tc ob.emomomta1. 1.- râm ÂKN bb ' - _____________ &A lU %, IM& mil ~ h~. ulEu.* lsSSlb .s&~ ~ ROM mon~g.- b osjymuOI.1h A ___________ bol .. . IImm beu*e *M. 0I,- __________ ~SI the. S>»4 hOUu Laids For Sa e lesU l-IS bu ~ b 1 - I ______ O s a . "RI LggD ___________ p~~~o dm - s m S - -OU à Am) m m , . eL e& et 'I oou i auSO - l-lgo ât-m go -sou.___ - nI - mOh. Ammon IMM" HOT las D&ENTfou^0F $mm Mj là _a_ _ad*__et fun ml s - m o .* :1 . . - '0ma. W#» -pain TROUSAIL m m_ _ _ «Young madOh i oa . OSj8ihf5 bMSd" themu~iuv inm- tS i. GROthe IÇ&W 1fr. M , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ c P a u ' é y C >a p u d5OID h U _ JS s . U G L .I A nàfeM ? . i' u i is O r o & S h the Um *.m mebt A»Oà w T hé.. om.w - ~~~Onk.&bbâ.W m fhy.i, mari P-b O T R be OatS mSom ,Ovs, j %" ' - l z itD ro O o., i m t d ad elom te mo ss * ào0 Paid s P , mor " 12 blbl OPnPOuthe owu-M solIu Lb aoa j _ __ 18 .e0 t g fjp tb.___ __ ---1.I= .S mo gWm5b r 'D h "d 1 ïm.mwuobmos L. gli .mm. uoom .mih Nl CLI17nie Lu s b o U Sle h hm ly ~- femNo m_ UsO!NBL OU!<L m i sa m ia Ves lI * kv f. ]OW . a b S......_pour_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -Mo"_ _ _ _ so isoinid!ApOa evpl oa.I s4m 4 huhebOd * N UE?10 O1 adms teb:---m miie m m j Ont. Iiw l fr uin J e glha os !91.1510' m md 1h15 , WIOh u s . , itm4 b«* l ,ý " h ra TatMdhit o ic l M". pebp, bSoi ao S h 1, iasDy ldWIhOoe ~ ja peu. b. bm pli>lmlgS* ys i : ..P"'P T O es ii gauiu. ~ hVE<lis *. ~'»U mmIL 4UPW At hsoiT tm aiabsmsgrf a m iS au yo ,~ ~ u aren .ms.D . .E N I Ir 18 50W o siasI M M bn aDlobaB tmondai,'OS E M - ile a ra% MdOuyW eull mieatml;lb aig v ony uilu Jmmi, asmlâtS'.054t»1 ot er t e W W t m m er"t u m eM. asm blay o fas lut1h V ie ntv XUSCZ5On . i&Wm l m_ form fftb outheu oib mot% end eb jouub, oh ai1. . rbav e t"a-llu-ulmos 1sa m1. x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dc 0" 5 muUiS ma .O OU.- .,.MM% Mtmets lu5.blb7i - ymWod,»WU« u tW b.ir kU- mIi rdvu. ferhem ,, um tO' hu:Deoia',.o u baJvabd imum -a O o k u u à m u ,t n O - u & m41o c ai b ot a d 1 . 1 - ffo " law u àS » i m a "50 i IU - V objoft bW wu% fiagoas -U 0 Dlma d , VI & : 441 V u o t ýj s ud @ W dab. 6-»mM k s iiq-mle u o mar Rim«et nl ma&Ima POU & m» to édu soi, L "g-faome »4 A A M J '-w ' or éw ' du 4 U 4IeiM 0 AUSOUI frslt Strv be S M botât wu -a thoceuE ybu a O o&et qqauwL ' O m ,I *I irws f Ubs-t-t TueFoi 1vSo.forlm i*P is mi .t UaP lot -A 11110 olpil ""tu IIý *L O 1 , fil s I. M t! h Il S g j 'I à LAU#4Wfl juS M w I -77-- w- ~ Ail. 1 axo mt Ify( l t is COUGI IIAan( soyean ai it is the ' Ver btt sie. LMui tPuo1 b» 0" "ut sise1 1 imni enu it B I I teg rmcai i Butn ie Go icapatlo ma perle Lat the à "Math- ISO Bel r4poue