- Ple lia i Dol 1 watt 1081. TAUSl esme,aIap aI bbcdosra',.tbeomfflS-èS- terci ita i nlytà ltIft sr a"4 crown Derby.ie, v the*5set «t O « ee oR Uic Cblppcndale IUMMma»* aflt- ter o£c ecui. "RIer -hadysbip Ibeuglit peu vmIS like 10 bave your laup baie, mise, and' rcst.1" sbe sai. Tbanâ pou," sali Constance ; bul even as l. s ali Il sac doubtei wliter~ .1% wouli net have leen icIter Rotlber te -go diontaM.. Ax abc vas 4*1-' lut Ibis Ià ber mine aMd Pouim ou ber* oup- et,1te. the dSr agnedi very peU mi -ýl«4 Idnuw ok'm face, vitaIs Iofg mixhurn u ris, wasvisible. "Mai' I a ? n " bala .8 Constaace noudeS a veiçome,ad hm ran lua ad'claspci is arme tron hem lop. Net an attitude 'the chili 1001 vas unermaSftL andI t vould baVe us- qulred a beart of stone le wilbstand hlm. Constance'» beart was eofftic sot- ont aMdi wAuiest materiat * . .'"T1am very, pflaiy.u have wtei," *ho sai. "ýWIll ou 'havc nmof m7w toast ?1 .,tWell. I've bai my 1c," h. sali, "but 1,11 bave-a plece more le hkep you cern- V&ai'. 1 bave my te& in the nursery, thougia 1 tbluh I'm ratherr 100big for that nov,.dèot you? "1 do". repeatei Ctmsaauce. "Toux $an h) ave lb v4tiame for the Ruture,ff p'ou lîke."9 R fiealyl"tes eexcilci. "IlThat vill le jolI' nlc." Constance smlled, "let une soc T amm pour governes. aa T net 7?"mli.saïl "Tes; but I'i hImoutlotrfen it. Orou arc nol a bit tike a govemueus."1 Constance'couli lhave hbogod hu. *Well, Ilion. I hitnk I shall lai'*au iembargo on icheword 'b it lla ex- puoumye bit fot i rettZ" "#Aff rlgt;" b. mli, gav*" I v 1 on' Mai' ( t lloaibGeorge ttws-eM sitl "dGeorge la a groom, 1evq are Lod, Lancebrooktl,sali d mas,.ig hi'. IlThougix I tbhnk Gege mi«es oiery -nlce ia or ypuo ulIaMt Me bilmre mouetoast I? Siwe ill-»V "Tank pou, but 1I atwlt et boo souciafeu Pm goug dm» to esertt o- dai'. 1 don'l nuas. Iliok tre le a parti'; hui LoMmfùoenIg t0- mlgbt. 1 bmrI'u un meMy. muai I lways go- siI*flv - e ie m irs 'Ah yt'l ~i 1 heh idi SU-t dentli'. "Be lao andu n o very S0-r em o voeykhisa, IlW ny goS-, faîber. aamuaw'ie tl a H e caux dé evezvblings*oot, rid-and me'n --ah, b ho màwla I Be le teaddng, ie and ho says tlftlnmre diSp1 shahdive as vol) as he icea, Put," wl<ia doubtRai sîgh, Ilden't UIink 1t *88. Wlat a prelti' iocket Ibat W15,' b 1* o ff tu exelaini.- . Constance put lier bani le ber born=-s a locket of blaék onyx bad ilpped froua ber dresm, -beneath wbl0b Il vas gêer-i' aly hidien. Sire waa -puttUng il laek, vheu, jnoved lii lbe fuank enuriffothe I. lge ei'es #Ixci on. Il. h. toucheS<lie sprintemad, houd tire Jaet cul 10 hlm.t S Oh Il' he saldinlaen aw..aluk toue.' ,11 krrow viraI& 5.it' ourWfathher." "Tes." mmaii Constance. ottt>; anti mire elosci- tb. lociei ami bld il avai' In (te accustemei Place ever ber beart. "rrn uer,' 1 spoke about u,"h. sali, vîitirswifi compuchension of her silent pain. *1Ib's mode p"u *cmeuber 1dm. Wouldn'l peou -ike 10 cohie and i lhc bouse 7l" h. adici, na if Sisick b> amre idea oR divertlng ber nSd. "Ver' rnuch,' sali (1051stac. "Corne along. then," 'ho cxclmemd. Randtinlu aud <bey wentinte thie cor- ridor and Lord Lanceehoolî lbaici Uv4u the balustrade. "Thats thc banl ; poix krovlirat, Sand you've accu Ibe dravine room. Camne, Int Uic dinatréoma." "Lot us go mai sece maruSery and s*o oo nmfluaif," asI naoe. "4Ail rIglit, thls vay," ,ho returaed, and led ber under ata *Ehway'1 talal mmcm in lbe oth of lthe bousms. ."dThis lat1h. ntuewye aad tistaI h e zurse5. Tumeio, bcre' ilaMm OtMaemé." An'cul' wy omau vftlsakinouà moferly face came hrwi uhhdo@> p'ed a oourtesy. mai saepee her baud. making frlemis, amr," Me - - Âli* yen, nms," affl puama. l ing aI hlm iwllh a feuSz è ýM,11 been teoinlg iS abut eLlo-" "amasure et la;v *1»~'S&d- alane m;br- w ai It thluk you have mucbcas -la.lad1 sS4ê la e, aportrait t cfbiseif. Whcr te yoUag. of courU, it mentj UPn au :? - B& m 'rut ils' «W" ~ aig b;sawtshe a oftr»M ta hum. mi ii30 ~~ . xomence. èvec fsh a » Kk 10W ~ a.; Cust n d thi<le machomlm ex- 0'ria ccunt of hlmfrosa Aw<iot ebangd a smile, aud tberw-ve*pumsT W'ouMhate een 1 posususlby1Zfi %inwhern Lord L%âfeofMi4 l's fa".saiif .ot by bu, face, met ~OS, gamiayk Muetuiso lI eertainly by bis 140914aid01M e ts l.raiou bs* Oh. grandasa lokmnff.e r* nse ," u.e hl *f Asamo l d iV"over «ibeg yeur pa~ir4m" lhesai, srmilUS ttb«*M I the ffladys placli fae, and she vino- bis tiick yw sMostache, Am. mylme Lord ux44LmmWta -1 " Vs arno»O sther tlme, perbaps.'tbe larc ttymw-anDle .. 10 4-#t: a_1, ., - euý 1qo 4 wiae e bq w1c ualm m ÂroV' sff4 Coastamoe. j a wb4sper; -but de pou msa. IOn y@iir C.Ue ualt . rasê ýem3 .V the Ma 0h14m55 topai.b iceudon m seitel7. Or sh«h tpf U40bevi ~ ~1 ohit1 s 1 w-91 show M »0s aow., Miss Gma- ydit dor l im . w afrai al7U~akw t~ s k 4 j~.Wuq mva.b berne,"she Msal.0bi~ioUld show Il 1<> bai a*aaeru ere isaras froua Me." metrii % ahem,,1s404 At X 1 r@ w Em you nomDe ime. Se Ipeake. of mY cld- It'. iu Grahame, Itie uew goy-vu» &M -0àlàM est sn .w4MSi tIi WWflt uqui." erneou,,,Lnled Lord Lancobroolc from semui t wut tc ie 8h. went Up 10o me of 1hb apllarently bis perci. 8131e won't Mini; shes not fet Siis' Mow sléu *00 Ib m solii panels wbIeh Oourred nov adlike Miss Browalohn." hael m14dtas mga iDththe Une, and. touching a spring '"Xe. shc's not." muttpeiLord BIllot mwttti»M& uaima, Aloime vlth ber .vatcd. finger. thc Pane) si underbis brealli, as he Inlined iebis 'l. MaroblsMuM sieNSi ise1 bsck ad vtevai theipoitrait. of:a beai, &s ol) asulie could un<ler the cii- ..ouni a, Uttlc e veumiv. MI~"'se ssiim; 8", et*m'ar Yeu agsMa. cumstancos, to Constance. "Forgive "Wbai ea ,tIIt bef mie mai 1 stae dsnre.,' hi it vhs a -osng)au banduome face; un. ies Grahame. Arol s0oi1s Me;' loy VOICe. br. ow. cam tofethisa it 8te not ualike AMola; but there vas an ex- In faot, vo spot) oacb other." tW 9 bal "s144 pression etaudseity ami ,reeklcSUno , Tliey vwent mb ic hedrawlng ioorn. lRue, ospl.asi t leu mars 00leLay ra an ^W O<f 'IIde~ Md VMMOB- SWhidi AroLsilU .on l»r<JlBWa ho»u d.~iloale O,"Ul4 . q '~ Co.la seemed to jroclalmir eidf .from cvery Constance, valklng bsieau.%hem, liaid r ¶ai 701," ad hoveat ad eWu ftaun>ite,.tobU ye ndproud)y tlt. boDbgerv*ethe, atalvart propo- u Bipect? iNo one, or 4«ar.' « I »m14 frJer,<àx OA- curvcd lb.elm i tflut o- -tiens ot the boys opuaIfriend. the MareQn&bîqc.jyle askei head, adeven la the sbapely banda. Lord Bllot vas an excellent type of Lady ]Rue Obrugtledb« sbouliers jCOMUmm gmàfIDOieber beai, and IcRI patience over the buntins cop.la au far removed from bis forefathers dWb0eVcr "ft ln. Iî late for dun. iS We leralc b Wgroams *Constance logmi aetil. aad as she di as the modern tborouqbbued la froni he sal& I, ldlferciiliY; as Une tiraits i màa tb4h ldes bai gpa mb Lb.th go a strailge feeling assalici ber. cli Flemlab charger. -There vas nmre- inade suaie nmark te tard fliêt. >Im oani m or Mlt isa Me Ph.hew that mixe boai»Mewr MM the ic ing pauticula.-ly taklag ln the franlc *A minute or Ivo clapsa hiCOU- sp .tered.. *f~~~~~~c.~~n boeaietlioreageay manly face wlth Ils good.nat'ureda tance bai forgottée Ibe muids.m i «ayt.tag theias ater. Miss-<ara- it meefmi anler lo'ber. suullono. Rair and gazon that sauanl nt iglnf OfRthb b M tlhl 40rcps.. t ibum ?"ie li kei. The mar"iiness notle iceffect Arol'. long brown locks Lord Elliot's Ota and LordILancairaM cam iL . I , oTdord Elliot" se 'Plied. «I aMi the portrait bai iroducedod on.<»r air looked'almost 7,110w. He stood looking round in a haif-hesI- lo&lag £for thé Marclioaese, tbatin "Xc1an c rybnioe, dh'ot~ Oh,. Arol. Arol !" excilaUi c ne*meia- log nanuier. maid Lad>Rum ou&sa 14 al;" iMIe beat aretreat buauwvaay sbeald wtb quveof othrl pdcchionena as the tbueeenterci. "MY apl:,frtb usincoih.p. .4sad w»la ber ofe.. yptd dear Ernost, vby do Yeu let hira plague dYeu are before Your lime. Mrol. The. R A&uueeas«oeai Ibm duavng woom sé "Véry,"' assented Constance almost In o go ?'P gc eseti lt uYl"IUvle eol.useti n h Lord Elliot luh as he shook *"Neve iie". murmured t1h.Mr- a 1111 a eam Mm. Xort«We a« whiisper. chionoas, apioeloll Z Lt is oom oee Za ir" who vas it a £'1-ali ~'e1 yeie, mGifrîebande. w- nie vasm aldsm eet dlovd fo She '«Oh, aIl rlght,." be sai. "111l take ltu." a" it sing ue 5hebeokMuid te »Ug omDtheiroom mx wsoe mlt e as wa10 s bepe "erbpaMY reveng o mre day. Walttl'I ruahlm. tIbeocOUlady as «0A " m a.atUraiy Uttl by anor .pund Perbt an old man, and then r i ale 'hlm «"Te." sali LardUMoIt. '*Comne m aasPossible. vbt le w hl m .ved hlm; Btwil-Carryme. 1 elpect my hair'.la ni r 17 is Jet)>. Are!." a b isb. l ito a I Wbere la Aro!,am.and t Mdi-b. bis aula, aad-nd--heystate;" and with bis pleasant laugli he RoDa opaeacarni iaoa.Vn.MnGaaet"iiioILd stee anding ent up 10 greet th. rector and wtfe. But -Arol abock bies bon it aui au.-Zlt **Tes ne l manme >.nnt sl uÙsuai graviby, an& gelig Up t. COU- <"ne viiib. bere preseaiUy." repfla e p aauedaIonsUice remeainaeilil-x Lady Brakeapeare, vben bc came back taiice, drew lber beai down to bis, a"..Conance : btho hé lent d<lv enl gsnga th ecls fc, hc t er wislpered OVM Uic ohl ady ami sai, ient)>: <'Au. ex-:e a acnainoerbrab ol Wc've been Int 1roduced alreaiy." be f"Corne outaie lIntoIbhebaRlm r011el w anta you la lbhelibrary>. I*iY "ot soc, I et. c lma f c~ sald, turjalng 10 Con stance. «I tuim harne. 1 vant yole *WW" t. demi e,» 1othnei U imalus tanî aulcr Arol la iaricuiarîy fortunate." "Wblat la <b. inatr, Arelt'"deman& ~eohldy get up et once. it alimost mea o e au ~If 1 bai li e addei, hi. cyes folowlagC 1tat e Ld I.1%o and i o~vbsI'l UclbsyOn>dea~va Mdm, as 1 bave donc thc rest;- it la o We é %! s she moved away. *"Wbat a h.autl- âIW1 e d a v~ar nromui l .hemalter-bas b. butortbmuj V raay eaemrno Ibae on lmuH Mglirl r'ani bis volce sank 10 an si- bLr Ilt bsb ls o. .CouptaoS drWew isttumbliag a vasy yMiw $mm1 vei a n ohimslamiMost Inaudible whlspci. ne by 0? l xiaI. bonbâtl-du â«Sel isberS. bve madeose oak andblani to bisehlonens; "and she le so sweet. I know t1hitbashapped-srncone tawWei"v, ix imta bl e îs i Uiit~ ti yt ~<h il ld .~ai, he lasffgo d. i ia, lbough sbe bstlit£hmCvt u ixti S beltl vasÉo loyble.M 'ad r," aln es uiy been ln tbe bousedl.ev bours. 1 ol fr706*tt & turlci ber-briMMlmg tyes teComanc T"she emîlecià nttle pîteonauIe Cntc.Iemarle.or a %l e >es o- am>n u abeahc taneva o a~ohe aU c e. tY oulI think mfli oollbly susceptible. ored, thon tunedicpae. 1 . W dii e asnot cavyme mi lanesomo. Ernest. but abc bas von mi' boart al- 'dWaat'lias happened? SOI", cm 4%1jau alw s gonrvos about bis. tbetddl t ev em hnsm wants me, Lord laiicebrook? T@u muetl fa) rbetsIoul o 5 Ul geeouIuastog xii"ready." ai et gtowkaDoytanouap s genhcuo, la he rnov' skih o n- "BiGeorge!"' le sai wlth a blushbe m ilubahon. I ab hoa ii; a t»bf a sc, gentml 'Dol, k o-that bocame hlm remaukably well, l"n . No, I'm not," lhe mmii. O udbette r W vaè s, Rla' oom t ng ik- stane, enty. orn orlt lllbe oo ate-' 1 1Mbea erhieface cm tfroa a. ffit 1 he marchionessabsioh ber heai. 3ti5Mbout as foà11mb myseIf." Contao ros ei . 10 ae. idnobis .,.Ido netknov. Bs astletter, t4iree "DInner la ucrved. my lady.' Contestcose ix d to fro a boSse or«M or f laspouje. whal *15 to do.GO& &»l e) amot so viii es ie. mnontlis ago, vas dateti from Anixca. e"W.hauc le Ruth, 1 vonder T'~ sai the "Léord laebneOO6i.ovshes me té go Me Mar' not le there nov. lMe couli ma.rclnimcu. At Ibis moment LJord neveu stai' long iln one place. 1 vroto Arol. rau lun'wlth hie baud bebînd bis IAto thc hall wltb hlm. Lady B&ake »" peu tibave mot beau froua lm& to hlm tdfllng hlm of bis gather's dcath- back, and maklng stralght for LodEe *u,"seni.I -fc-te marquis-for. a Ver>long "Oh. It's somo brick or tôiiseiisO e X4 Mtis ? ai Costane, MalaIe up Ia ba fot hnovu beue ta write fer tUnt, whispered: -camdLd ul."Trel) hlm t. o h plmge nefd'1mw eI tears befoectbat-.mG beggiug hlm to "Bore you are ! Inimrri' 1 roughei and take hiseseat, Minss rlac i <ehga ne 'Ispoeb corne. bomne-. Ne la Uhcmarquis, tb. Il; b. qulck. nuo.oewIiinotice .If you Graham, le suie tb vite mand tell 7voixi iho, la owuor of ail Brakespeare, youkflow," turn your bacli:" andi wllh due muystery "Let himlm âu, eaý"picaded the ar retmmnn?"mutb %be sai vwIth touolilng slmplicibi. h rsetdatnyl-rs. *dioneus. dArol. do not b. neugli- ld lghi e o "4Au d* ii he net repli' 7" Lord EllIot buxst Inta ýa laugli. *OU wo' graudua,"Il be ucsPoaied. lis ea The old lady wlped ber tears awayd. "Whal, brush mi' bair before cam- 'eyes uihreatenîng t dr ..but seMueut 1 Iotbng le more inllkely, idox j T*eàglie'sent nme bie.love andti knd PZInY-oh. Amui!'P Com< îr,51e Osali. "ecpect *ben h cacmre »messgs fr ail ot th=i, but no vomi of "Well, 1'il do lb for you !" * le sati. Cntne bUb i otteg ii k thas.Ibe vii)corne (ttesuldeoli' bis retxu:n. Me moie corne back at ai'" M1>ioq G<rahiame. hoîd me Oup, Please." Paçevnnt an* t uyt)ber fuse, andi ah. ai- efloWthut glving us ani' flolie. meft moment; 1?. ould lie 1hm; ho may "mi .rl- rmntatt i, A ovwed hlm to ea bailntô 1 halL 1-,lie cIumes whcon e ovauas o&is1 flot nomne back li 1 amrn nulbore lu chrones&,but w1th the usual ).ving "Weil, *bat le It, Aol 7" abc Mt&, a5 cl lie vbe * ho vas a lde veloome hlm I Chose the panel, zniy smlile. "Binent, It la your own tault; "i'm afrai yeu am e ctixag ~>am a ln tt fboshu dear; Il moyes quit. s.aly. Zeoubti not vhy do yon let hlm take snc bet-bIntb eai iisgeY his-s h Bo tstsIh beau' to have bis Race uncôvercd, look- ticn 7' .441 «ni hlprt,.' h oterte&raîiaer de.enq«makelli tho irnOtIms lng dovn ut me, and remindlng me that "O0h, lt's brotberly kindness; hé lknowii plteaiasly. "tI intMutW fault. Be tl 'u op m'leseüsSsm a. perhaps, I be mmno n mfou t1e , Jadt bc.w a man f eels wben bl% balr's ail me ta feleli mrn me, Uai I Prefere Idsr14vEak5e Mdli - lae"a%,y. Will you lift hm up, miss Oua- yen t. Aunt Rue" I ,,à genti', «"ani yen ouui net lic Constaêtol eicpanel, andthe lIre ne? i'r a.frsrldvo balbave la loit -ne-Who r.. sbcakoi.& if e l e'-l volinolliaIc eu.as t <nachtou,,aflur a moment or tva, hlm - ,ork hie vIoked i yl; bouMes. Il'. "I don't ka"W; Coauic' ble Ifleesa jLt dei.a turned le her vitir e suie throug&ber oiny fair to mi' valet'" Hé o-eM lb. toor R lb. Ebber 700 5, a tears. Cnsane.vh lush tirat besae as bc spoko, augi Conctance 0&w- the 1 t~ li eOfa irwl -1 arà afrUéuli yoU a I nk 1 an S U1.er saWeillas Lord Bille Vs cîîd Mutrted tan figure O ut a ssa stiIWlj uu thebo > e pali en tcuy delefu) ohld . IM Ç 01bame," Asou l p to tUic requireti beigi. mand thé contre Of the ?ooS* I «M.yervi' ooua uX t obe -satt, 4"but 1t. la OM*y ygiuen 1 am boy, wàth perfect gravlty. Premoded od.lu » w voue a01g for ttavtoIIIag-Cot w en Ulwtý h *yu10 tu4d1scf =y septuap I 1m I gve w'W, andinii oletorture andi make mattugos xe. OudIÉBbat aIet«AOuU *ctable - bead lbst t>bl# tWuagd u a 1 do mot efionu peak of Mm. I hope Constance couli nul rePre0s a «Mlle, ani M aet e se al&»ta er Ut* the me pou am e Iamltable twg pur zsozas.Itheperformance vas In full swing *ben ne turned *0 sOo oe baegeeh iso b. a, Ir ,e »r Alaït, n Whomba»selady Ruth entereti. 88i aine 9*iwauite bl Le ý l h$ lue - biclmdoncd *.vu oYua. 1Tw» eM 1» &NÉ Shie stopped shortand an ber.sharp 1 and mOS li d 9 e, éh t.1 a~ru~pelbig 1 . m, rnk peu, esu 1- pou horm - eyez IookIn thel. - ple. eat wbhieh Me utteri en e*± étie'.bofl l? a~Ala ee gm MÈe: bave a tfe frisaiste dinee - rest voue lamUng vlth genlulme, «. Joy- 'Thie Portrait i6 tu $boutre é1 l i la ft ? esd < ,M voeu m Meint. ber faac 4umbed *rangnl1y. Lord Wolwragasl.291.- - s __.uq~ ~ dbgI w EhI r inelu mesl Iji al- f &e ule Utaine znw1.t trÀ4tdowlf te«M ýM '<I 4 e * osthe Lad lot lookel ber 01et Z '« wftesidl ~bbscoq» loii . balon)> doreabmortedt bu »>ia-moeu de01 l'miu llWeU , mi~t 4aue ~ w~us. ami bat -té uhm uemliI us~I1plgoemticmaMd hsta Wa "ONOWue.,frglhsMIP .Ite ammDr omd m ý-s' 13E -~ puer 5hUiua w aman Me. J -~.- * I&-2~e cet £ag'isâ eme4 bu Wb M1.Wui <hi e cai' Md Wemiet-s UW of Opà#a ZbiatgN or iloerlb * au a 11.~ ~ ~ M m uOsBsSa eMWgrve. v-soda b ld bamstca te> 4nioe -ont-sonnu~e"Um WE --a IVE IT .Thusi09utbe sason ofthle year ta buy.some j. lliiibotharn's pure Dalmatienu Insect Powder and ban"uittii vermua which is se often found on both ktad a aimis ut this time of year. Thet bvy seine, suiphur from Higiuabotham and feed somi to' e«Mryanimal you have about the place. ~uu4 .t pii~sb4m nyu boy elsewhere. y. -'moxo-tf. El tOc. lit bpqqwqqwwlq