"ta-j- fm fr oï th b fbm Co~ ie .msMme Y"Uame f -t t Sflb~ ISAIdILTON. 04 .b. Mlbedt leg'et!WIu Md os Ba W" . 145, eoibd moh.000e Dor"' i l rmIcs el 4uv ItowarSd lt h gen wl o I&M 9 mlaifih. ofWthsu purli 0t4 s fooeu rn..v.o êit. Ns oàhflifualWile arg. mi fietho lmelb&4iblu»h ou mot î 'mia t6 R uIM trâmISM iaNu l abes ab in"i wemmlà h 1oaiseS 81eh 1aihw bi of h . III, Uh u 1h peiewho ldegcm do e Ch. thnius5. t ]a.&& homtV M" mm Wla sue»Y. -e s allMin v t ab*0 tIe mu abl ept-ings il dhu au t atwsUV. e are ers -,b *bb ~wrbd ad e a wtiihàSly Bufl.W8h Il aho prup4 iun thbltos "dtba r-u t ti. uu mus f h t hoo eil d h a Ramie.ai 01 OIteMBU dmonw ah. a cpae «%of prté-mlul uinly abs duI t m-'tty. B ue Ass e Wh *1 1. ml.4 coumoultà4Wuahum ?r .. sbe;Waedo . Pm.iusl.t hulul108W li pr- ft ope on Monday i,.ulu %0the~ Y.PS.OE.Socity. Ou& P&ruxi. - Rsv. W. XUOMin u Milt mnder the. ,sclr. . ehui» 90 linu -.8 0 .... Mu . BatWmo., tel utiil conficie tohie b.d..-Louis Wudam -4. it" -ma"ha a svers shtaob 0 -la gaepP. la #&'Wu te ho around agala,. ý Pgamaoiu."d. Kerr , lft ile .mhp. uised eunt froux #UîMaeb due "Meho muai. may frietads. W. es m r"y0, 1009- .hie, lhe.6-4 aMOIsi 10U04 âsa. .PoLITICÂ. - ilajcîr Haux' uno fti,da in Our vil e c e smuê isaI-iýt to >-Oe the rooû .in ho e in luh. l'au... W. ac re ir-there sa Dot M*e m'àen. of lhia .tsap ln the buse. Elis spwohehaveoystherigh -rin, &bout% them. IWO have beon !ooking lin vainutes.' t op"'oh (rom 't-'ar Oharle." Whens lbe n.y*ay?- W 119T.-A num;bt of Our Youu ng ire .b.ut orginiztpgag swhiat lub. We thit - icthoyt;. týtein ditng so athlonhg wiar u ve"' la â.e about over. BUwsallusI ei. Elmnd Msat bas bou', hs out., 'tock of drags lu Doudas sund hu t&ko. up his assduais Ise .MAIKZTS - 815' illpsrton; whest,. 804i ;- a, 25c; barJey, 34o; uiu, 50 o 55; butter, goad quility, k; -W.dqua- li',suae Pr .-"eûta, 1$; poItus. 30à. bsg. Tète Ut. !icb'ab otobol s5 popiste " 'orabli UQedma eh. s sde sJ'a4iDolpl, Mie. Thai. L K4he. W.SUL 0F 'ourusNs 'ù . <sisse we ha -'e y-aad .eoIf4ooid ly »MS et a' Beilllt aous. bide fit %0hi ihi o! 'be turfla th. e oufute. USé teI bn, 'vler. i" s aslua Bis ps M ls.Kuuuyladis Msg 9u , Mi W..Bhulstsal bar. A" ého. *et notice. B.,s»dqk" -ma il ko a eswsewd es. ofBsabuwl. W wIobkh.s Mil- a bu- - i cièa sbouaaole bo Mib he ain ohtd fe. Maf IF*m. J qrdule m o de ' 8.àW*w16 *41 j met - tas eh IeoI Ih Ï01 oWl ,s.Bu. " 09 ss5.'.es8 .zualuteos$of" tamsl Ws ,be gsO'mi the d .81 pe 'gis B*àw fe.1 issiIhaili igo. bles1*01ut mold h. lu eh. lu- a% et 1 %ho QWy st4 let..Les lam ~~~~~~ miii gS e b p I uSmd Au led. Toe s oTh la.a bt p h.I otu o.se penl.sml fuv- 55laber t utekfaite., Se 1557 edy lu * d.jos' tAtoueby tue lIsNulu * gsug .p'r is, bey s G 8000 NAME!1 a fsisg te Civilized. à aud mêe uu»Web , bvieo% Il co 1% le 1*4 the raftstu sbowee ht falle #0 cena *1. pa.chai mai ablnîy goptd 'leh. ègrmt "sd aow au M- WNitu behsia ilPma, tbeughis *bd lpamualralossudSoude se maki- * àas- kWudbitue* Th@ sansPa 1tos% vehy Compouud' obiess sed omifeti the homeS et a»hoam.sds f 8"u and tims.d e.'We h. ocme lt. 1me la.4m Ce wla'um em* fading amos. lii.Tas uf.( buae unrai tdmou sud vome baser tu fUne, andi ts h. Mmeo f lsedia iael leufrltmb bem e n. thetteu mmd esgbmuep. atos. bsmbtgbe uam* 6. coen 0.ucp ."u-, tueb aiffor icugul tioq sud" ur ur :m Wi Phs ho s:' auzisate &bout s port Cuae., sd tuer. "h deiltI.94.a'uî gthmst 1J"it.e#Xeens meus vutah usalsi ,a~uamuvu mellosue. *Patus Oeiey .*y Oap@» ais bthe tuions " ut thelb bus plupoiclam.»d als emo. *oadoft u mae tus crii.ilT.lh. asvous, Piesod, aei. gekl 6> 'Pa>'!, chutieo »d am~elals lo lu an.îo 2, elahsu NuiMy t w tit Je u, th m,18W0 ?.ura sud -et moJus * soeuyol bave beas u aMé6obs marly ft o tre ma wlelg st My lls'uiibave r*~ls tbecaiua a uomuldaslipetites if li pogel. A & emr «0 .tlits ewis mai r ,~. loka tour, dualagthi laiviol 40ules. ?T* eep cite vuq gssi wei upn a s.ieb aud Nooe'l W*ia-, ré" éi1*s m sesisk mepirsif .; see et h% i- boce, «Ope cie. &uatl tes teo#n as.. pme wO pu.omsel it* enSQ5f-bd b m i te <sum #m orwo& Il ie éu metom i a ý-' bffq- rll eýà &k.»-igh WQ CT t -apom , .1. ,s ildm fielue l b.uei r ns te ua .sguthe o m m aEd, » edSaus.hÙ sdioobut@» sde .uuo, utIsg t s 0foun.e.o elI bim fusrhosu lud;butsoone bei bso«In8 la ah. sIca.; sud m 1Wvu . usbeul1maumiatsIsSUS su My empbywol t:quosîli saut rsh.grou B«8u91 *1 bW lvees s si M eft cin fi"j "M asud sboy o!foutrain.Sell*0 12m,&%ré*Itblus ue sf.hetu hio lunSUVoS ulth eS" veller sMd belkh vu r@%mu i e#h b 5.é s turn. la om o wowatyos eh* osher udm of be eom ueasW04m01110sodI beloasSles et *hi* v. v u u ai d leishi e "a lsdy egt wbosetn 0 bi «vtio ida bus poeum .tbe .16.1 dsuqbts e l sla »faully, lsd aserg.e beure et. lbe lonsp p.ber, Md @0 H301M Kemp vua r. qu9maitisS et .de àois. Bt. trosi 1111 1111udis s4 outs udutIII 1 a hopléU al's ses. . lbe.'.vsq alim s tom# traesous a u"elWm. R esk, m isîle .je l $dm"0, likbb %ita zablt eaffl.soeléu etf R. Ue, M.. Rabis'm mino t.e ep!.l be puI a u » »mlsd Ib ls eî *».5 lotmiBud hé . wsp lu.tihtelW.. .lfoif dte. beoqu tehbuahty de.. r .ae of Eetcb. lThe ugisé e » msmh.'u lsadIn*, o tbh. store piaf.Su 8,iSh R@16I.i. che waleoi ssl r hbia set cftrnekmaug i. l autouserU.?fat s~~~p dan ss..,sd hiud aR bbi e p eaus bile «etsm thé lb. fum nu, - beym v el enougb ussdad; Roi ts bu3 asuFbe usa m»sd s draker. *ud :mmss Kmp l lu uy *a m kspo o*eg bruu." Stick Dut ToNGUE! E Wbat for? l3ecaiise it miay save your lifé » It is the barometer that indicates 0the state of your, heaýth by its -shapes coatings and colors. - W4U a polnted tongue indicates àn iritation and dsOld& iii the stomn- mS flali rd tongu e shows warît, c(f nucoor d e action ' 'ý-M-e)plnched tongue le the A dry tngiie freidence that the * omaland- tsthes- carmot, do mauh dig"ev work.1 Cm*i C of th toatls thue re g~imue I - I 'J 0~i* ~ -~ -~ nom ký id §$eu* qi "e seum leut Loud Oaso. ualos ala. sud fumIes fue ou51.0* Obs Die., sud ela-*. .. a .,ash elR as #oaag tm* tb ,, 1%» va~I gwa ie wu 5.05 l mus is "thé'* btbs wvi Ieu à h f*oltt h.we g»his,~ pus E.m b BSud mm lff~,yslvu l th, mu»,»e Wmp w .. tbpurhet : etl fl 14e lndu N.et; e 'us 9fqIl d 45$ ýn« allemd wcua Se StmofSiU5YWIn- 'h. ma*u0U$e#a0fr&- ft« â i Ius.em hig4m h~US Tmatte a" eisms.s~.h 6~ m11 - due - 1u 0~ b-4 b 10*0.104 LU *8W8YM h ANDEBUON, -. MUUICI h JACEJION nous£ àL JALU. JCS ilà%a aS bwml bu.C--= aim Ono Lu i a. « Ufgui *â m m MIz . = "-Im Il ut l -vm a id a.ç V40si m cà &.". m as ibthe m" i. wuI.ro e t .1 bbeD . W.de flm a, 4mos 0 or debaumO., o.. - * mmp m-ij ebw&~ 8A#OIN POttORRILWA7. ode tun tuê &agni Us 'té 1. 1 M 0,t U, woL.. ua. : wm =qkes.. Mr..40 ami es bm0.ai DUWi, a5eT. Iou. s. & row." DR. Y. -AW<ERSI 0 Bs* et S Dt 0 n" - &11 t"- la ut .,d lm. Dowky M<I ueLP#frDS DUUTISIg, imu L"» wl1boutp-du by W .vti*sulsaa& iuilbses l byhian fSlà 70 ,twub it mueu S e .aiufd ie pus uWtD.coiou et New York, th ii. <oeW aSo.fau otezIeUuqtobib. Dr Cohue wIrs Dr 14.e1.dâ tbsh* tu lise g hei 8 siu at l rmiou e.h(e nu b4.re cpar B'e o a P.4I& * bate al Must »be. Ua r aa er du" O mOàe it s m y v e u w e # . o . o e - c aiboyi 0MÉ0181et 0.1v. Oomw- LI &bd W'e- î;èý;w »d " . Abs Uis.. bDi itqi".Ubwwb * ~n14 £m51k~ue. 's' ~M.. ~L.5 * ~IL Q =1whu awm Sv$undt gale Im-& eusmaiS lbMi$amlb LnsFr baie.o 50 mortsSt uwm a a M M qeram lricha Ul., £M» ile.purs - 6& 8"t c «e te i fiov »of wo, in Lande Fot te t of oro t w - aoi LedC., VLimie. 300W. euo e MaMuà Co.. T'he laima eid bhm% AWarded th. oid Me"astIthe Jeiaauçi h mq »*wDÈse Cupb.uy -1--t t-~4O fto u-04smiiw, aDu4n, kdspabli%j ImmS ZkPX j Insect. StingG Sore Eyes :EruPhio n 9 -I 6reFe ~EI g, Cmp" 10 cms du agmi'q ,&poil by re L L.D.. om tua eV% ithosi' ic Mmd u0'fl je, lu " à." wnii Pu i t' SThe per Týn. P' l 0 ÇCa4 et Vlotre. e tg ou l OsmInu $Wlu 1 E le %0 e h S 'ai tui 18 11.l'i Je >la int ulto- -SN ur L - - ý -11ý 1