'r"' -a-.gied e *w agý~r~ rg-leatly eambarralei by being dMsgl bIno thse eiutt ttipueam t What do Yeu Bay, CnuI5 - uQ Dt & ift t(-ler lip.-. 1ahned -.amd bar sharp eyes UhuSO - oh, but yen muret speale tise wr*' ram Ara! te Constance. aemottraited Lord Lajoobuodcif. **y- Lvr'Ë lliot osi--theYsan aroise- ln U ere's heaith tle Uuiçle WO]fi,'l ftact. as if tIse bey huitannounSe e - -"n...Is hesitte tue IIUtqM 1"r, sSI sturrecion frant tise-dmi. posr e masl âe . ssS*bOt Ola this etrue. Miss Gerabame 1 de- Tihe Marquis humai. mande'! Lady Ruts, baughllY. Was "Thau* gtsu Mxim case; the it foc Ii Arol tock tyou out of tise 415- apl-y augury votli bave hein luSco ing room ?. Wiy di you net -céie toe .withoutour «gearivitemp" nme, Are! r, At usI a naet ConstanCe miii .ber Hae sai'!,1*IFetabnmonue,' #ad I ym ,andth ie tbye tood beokiatg aL each fetched MiOsa rhus eliedi Arc!, othe wfbh a itraage 10o1t.« hait- PU£- aimply. uieti douat;.andi thora ftabséd hrough9 .4Where la ha T" demanzde'! Lady Cen9tanoes mtndlu lthe agtation anti Iiutb, gaina tovami tihe door ; but bl- tum of thelisommet laI lt mac nItý fore mlii could rendit Il, lbopeued anti the Oio eth e ii atquw bastou thse MarsMenues enteill eazing oen m «bevothf!'ê er.- -bem soirs armn. .Far aay lu tise iai elveste!etiii Tlsoy matie a striking piclue-thi li 1>551 there rose a vaguei miiiIg that lady, vilb ber snowwbhle hair tand eyes Wa Vuo vagu e l &bei amroY, - l!aulmmlng vitit tears.and'thtIell, which mas souttected, mls ttietell, eistinguisibed.-looko- an ith m is hm.graceful figure, lise aravelyamlglis fianisomte face and dark cyci, ils bbe But visatever t i eau, Il ai gne ln a Brakespeare àOltfiasblin la15s. ini=pent litre a viI-o4liWilqo dWell.'tutb." Iesald, givlug ber bis 'TL(-- Marquis burned te t.LadyBraki- han'!, *"Ibis 19- a suM,.rise, lgnt-t ? El- pae Ilot V' andi hi grssed lthi outatretched ."Mothhi, wmli yOelt. hum have âme buand vitis a marna Pressure. . PU! 3trFanti make a xight cf ilt" ,$ho mli Thun, as tbey a Il began. talklng atV h asi lhiff É-nce, ha led bis motter leý a chiir, and -T er. yez, Wolfe,"lo e reli. eagor- leanIng agalnst tisemantelshaif looke'! tram aa a Is thai vla amibi liaI t i dle moiti, "take them bte tse srvants' hall" wam hit ause'! bal mati ~ bfl be gave tise Maroinemha hlem "Tbanks, thankas; lts vrybB 0 aasu at ld i vy oor0 vou taes4ay you're- ladtetasee me" hi - dra.wing-roowm unthe crovi, mith i Waiti at. last. 'ison'-ho .aeuld gît lnt a part ing chier, venit of ta- heir 1fIastiig word. "1you are lookng jua ties mie, Constance reMaineti lu the hallwllh Ellat. I1hould have knqwn you a5f ll ie Irtninc on U .brrou viscre. eUno onpt e om "4n~i iyou, Wife," gi'! h U15I, that she ha'! alreadty bien madie You.Woff-,"sai, LrdEllott, corsepiciaus ln the course of tii laYisg is han'! on bis betat shoulder. î--ànng; aIif mxe'ha'! net toftit of e Yeu would ?Taiu donl ltiSai1 Ihave lier cwn 1accord, the baughly, angMy aOltareti inucis ?" adt bbcMarquis witb glr-ccs visîch £LaY Rut!>hidabatat a sErrile. -Who vas Il tel.! me 1 mas 11r meul bave envluced ber like tse portrait lns Ibe galery ?VOh011ito, tihe tact. .Aralt*would noltausti Anal bere ;' anti ho heiu ouI bis adI lier, and! lier saom rallier titan ber cerm- taeltse rill, l sucenlt 10 hlm and lvii u'aliy would probabiy be more velcome S l. *"Looal aet il again, Arolandamfsoiif .'n stth au occqItBoii.8e vas going 'tey haive p*'lnteoi any grey hairesabouit týswam'! the- stalrs, vison the Mar- bise forelieati, or any wilnrkben lnthe i chieneas came out cf lthe drawlls-el face,"' and lie laugluet. but theremwas a andi caileti hir. b0ock o!ga ve regret lu hie eyes. "Olit m'y dear, mies mud, hiait apologe- Ant i dnner! -Have you bai amy- ticlY, and wlth a litle ffulter of ber thlnpr, welter "aiké e ~ are1* naItthlin aitzý "more ymu aolnqpouiss t" looklnf Up at hlm as ifftil ad just ce- *"TOi, My lady," repliai Constance. 'I eurred taehber that hi mlght le serving. was gaoina te My ote" Heboiok lber bnd 1siannd ISs 5jke'! "OL. Yes, Yeu Must Se tire'!, my sToo 4ate for Ibo fatttiecuitf'arn I 1 i de for th fattedwaas. bm 1ra.eforl ta wou lie sali. -Dont ho uniaay, nxolIer. 1 "But I bave doue uatliing, Lady bac] someîing te' est an houe or bye Bsiikesiseare. muid Constance. Rio; butVil akeiometm'"Tirs, psydtiar-; il vas troim yeur lips "No; you -*isai bave Abuse Wlne,"-ta ilr tM W «rr "i Sad Lady Ruth ; a s msalett Ihe roapjSOfm- U55 o M Uif yOu lad hurrledly. br'uu;#t 1hlM back te mi. andibeiees As ahe opined lb. doeor the seu'! of led excita'!volces flotedi mbtha iraout,anl Consîo.nceule faceliUsiahlgiWtty. visan mlle ame back itlh tie iscanir Iasgelua te maltye0, My of prt nd glne he od. augingy :am na ueuis-a tremble liaI I The news, bas prend, WciIi, andi -aa j îiere lo a regisiar eommotion. 1 doing. Yeu mci Lord Brkepfe bas J AI marnae meonent lthe voie Erew 1 i taîtiubere la uohlng »na.. uI rm louter, antinmone uasoufle: ,lai ."ellmntM R- *Thé 'Marquis! T7%eMacis ,1.d na 1s nti* l Re w* vIl as lnoaanly nepeat b the sefIl 7-bats thie-ioeeisr-I (ue meut, t~~e a0labis room. WouJ! c aa ~ - it la a t asi e t0 a li, y " b nw ue - r Hi 100k thé vine ise- pôwout tfor 7ii 0k hc !tse butb roomd hlm ani raieti bs beai. lareatiy for hlm t ?I1iou'tknommisibi 19iti possible tisaI tIsey eau le ablad hoe bas brouglat a mam-rul1sa khlm. te see me ?" hol sai -i a 1cm vom 1 Wall a moment.lu" Glad otcouse tî7'e -lai ' e iwet back te . he mbtngroom, torbd Lay RuIt. You'l hae but ~met lise Marquis. aItise ,door. and speak te lbem. Wolfe.,, ,"Muet 1 r',b. sai, mwith ~aismrug. lOl trT-hé st. shelput "Wel. wi msî,Comne, moîher,," and u. atso i irawlng ber aram ithia bila hé mont e'! up at him. Int tise hll 011., ~bWoffe, bave yen- boet. Ail tisereat but Constance folovt i -1 , ~st onu s ishe, -feeling tIsaI ciscvas outemd<the *1 - - lct? he ;iams'I baim«. n famly rop, as euArcug iicumLsancea frye*W'; tissu,,, Ool is lier qitc.ewe h quit crne, vson 1r, UlUSi'ftg b'ok aci'urprisein la bmaae, h« a4di: Ircame runaing hack Éto ber audi in- ",-aet ? le q:o ' be gedber - tra% ellng -about, ani Se mati bave «Corne along., Miss ralsani : lhob,, , th a.Bu W 1émI quiek. Uncbe Wolfe le gaina ta upak.", rm ute taale cf ,é gm ar ConsW'ice .alloweti bian te draglier ."v<m o,40r t.i4 p irite 112 bail. Short as lte thmjt a seëit~d on acrose tIe 8Sali aWsfatio hei, is nea t l.return hbai ý*à4 Conelanhe, mise liad a Hie bai bien recognizeti by the 4i4u hehîln'!a Si t wba drOve hlm ftram the raI*U>y ma5- "enwl'l se I. tien an'! the hall *ms fusIl 1 e lebouTm,"a servants, groomse and ceseinisfront Laî-d aund a eomi of visi s, Wse-Yo a' ~ n -~ bthe open door lu enter timisdilF. haif- 1,M," Aus lii ntie'! lIthe hall tb.l-^u pa hearty cbqer, ant p o!'! lutlw, 0.Ce ping torwimd., gal6 *rih a 'vetc-r _1wmt.Lt WlIs emtion: eflcl11eWktbut tb& mItbt ui Welcme ack-sn'-Lad *re éesd Ihe.ao, vu., M &uU ieaua- baek !"fti Cias:l TIsa Marquis bb'! ttI hiebis ad i mia .on5at sf S b" as gage he 1W have, oi W Z7'7 W iWO -hta m *erre= #q do Dot oi aa»yhig- f ote W*W ary." aise alUii*p -'S<0~ *Why, miss, Soule esa>s a e i trouble t. osea an he 4 1&bels or. hdb" 1.ook here--aaid te beeiwutTt" scratcbed off picêt lWY% w0Ou lit ve doue t r4 1 eb~ruaIaouti thik.," sug- # a eantteflb Miv. Rmmeard. sh h goall wb on dcon't k1uw the Marquis as .1Y. rDth"be Idmima, or Yo«i uldut, amy "bft*jV bit Mhat. He's the lent gentleman in theéOou't iceq mmAra0 e~uUU~,[i worla ta care about the look Qcf a Port- *AW4I r h tb ~ . '<, ,-à g 'ýai«eU a au - man3fteau, or ho w.uld't carrY MO -là,'id"p t ~t'ui W*?*1b at Ie1 n tough o14 Uslng as Ibisabout wtl I ias.rv. hien M ist-0-" lmwSl usvevaemSal unt> he. He o dnt car*If .if U stle am1.» srnothereil with lbl. îba.e nutS wwamrd"" î4 "perliaps the lKarqui4 bh« grovumn."uun<I *ed bl.i#~O W P ~ e'bcgl.bu n-«ater au veil &m ulsadier". fmuidCon- '-j aIve mwope p r fat% Igq4 stanc, , aughingly. c àb1-M r« It " Abd goIl. i iii queml hlm a ~Thant jou.,UmisaGrabame," saMMia yen eeuituime for MISS UUpê.âal&Ï, beBm S 16ia'B getièmaIIfl,1W voice at the door. and Coetance. switngY4-yoA rt1 ýý res bu1*c siBfV »ào, tue hîig round, saw the Mruisstanding -1 tboougbt 1I w@utdàt *115001 ffl lomeM«ledit 11. But,82011064. t there and regardia hem wIth a ber. ]But,-i ny, encf.*W*4. Vy di I1* !àmMv. I ebeUti Mbt bWI strange mile. Y«oe eâtist iteFal m;" a-1 bluwpiomisdéel is-e IMrs. Ruwefl uttered a cry, but vas Tt aqi i < p* i 11 l 4atebelsSOlo eaiigl too itartled to set up frot ber knees.,wIth a Mllei, andi tegrod W0k. blèze-' 4iP (U eubve st'" The Marquts looked fr0onu. to thei.ng t-e spooc n eilfiW 11QP. ~vji ml1«Y IXAIbs tomu tegImm <th-ir with faInt amù-ement, and yet a emo*'» n I éouidi? et a nthbw ig & nc'x ewhat 1keener expression hIbis dark fbetter ; IOCS w » I InaS hi a ,tbMli a l5iY« t fmjlymn c- eyc~.l&-e, wbet'e a«eM Custerb efl i. ala, aMW. berWVolci W» OPi *'Why, itVs Mms.Rzmsel, iImt ?" Vhe j"Hfow je!R#r4 "«B hem ViVre151e- à 0&tole.alaoo*t sua4t. -rois sald and hé carne Itotathe.room.: esttg," sald Arrl. «Wbuc aeI? f.q* u WUstre mtant Constànee dp rted rit hlm andi gain- TeU un ail about It. Uncle .W~lf,&&04m' a uaa.. eti the door, but as ah i dtno.0and upedI1-'e IPaneil bisnarmn . <v, bo MarQUiS' j 1C, éý-im"Oonstance. ber 11PIR to bêr own nm obe b. eard him say la knces aud loobsi up £1 hi. eafgerIr, ut<j ugtm' th n1et urne. "r ha" bis deep. musical voice :- j"WeIl. it w« In-oh, It's' 1001tom a Àw1 e m mit to Insulit lmoly, ..Loolng «at rmy aid portmanteau. story. Ilil teèli you smre otbft Urne." hiot.ipRuth. 'l te . duty of uvSrl Mrs. Russeli? Want thei keys.? Never broke off. Nb !. eupete herMeL rrind, l'Il see to il myseif. Glati to aie *Were Ibere pnav il'! bormttereri14 you looking mo well. Gond-nigh t." asket Lord Lan ebrook. "s ups you wrif considew l Then ConstaiDe tnmned the key la ber -«Oh. yP3. t - Ve ~d~.t. gve, an ac--o".t of the door and. flunir herseif down on the *"We1î," vitb a pirh, "T voDd'r you, ubl oeg dr to thee Mare! lonema, per- cou-b, andi the tbars of vexation andi ever carne 1aik. il muet. bove ben 50 seave th. Marquib imusift" rrortlfication sta.rted tolber eyes. delgbtfU." and Freng that ltoee W» '3i.>" sli onstance. - calmey. "ft That hc ehoulti havix found ber In isueno more te b. got oeutcf 1he MarqulbebBofttwlIermyuId room was bad enough. but that hioAa!sauctîsci ta tbe vin-ow. c5ub noter ffrob no meul quisitvely examinnghbis portmanteaul tboughtfally. gm ISU lt M uW aegmla aae won almost une-ndurable. *~ ~but UDM r*1ain"U n e mouawlh o She undremaed. but.woary au the U *,or $Ou vie" one « mc> reMin 00fr . ibibIe a .m with the exeitement and novelty ai te hae a&W. Itj t&i hibed et CM MMUWlm'MI". Gaame.- e i& nWght, ahi could nfot meop. andi she lay heinrfalowing out-i *ttbfit. tosaing from aide t t. dgeint over ài lmtpc ari~y the events of the day, andti Istenting tex*o.. , y lor"m ai the sounds of laughler andti mhglng thas i"B3ecause I kuuew tisaIto te U ' " inne a o umut o rose faintiy tram lthe servants' hall. one le taice my place,- sdan d, Si "M uixY bs ute fr.e Anti t -%aimam* . vrue'ull of iithetntl'c boy, wbo van.bainm4Mtng en t*. ma eenw lt. t y our lamer- tall aslecp, ber dea1 vr fi a incl egeandtm smun: ui.Sce<S mucus o ub aild trne, of the rougis lire In the Aub. 4 m ti a aeyuebrao tralian bush. She dreameti of her fathb- Many a Orne, -1have Ibougblftii.e t. T»i M4WSIsîa aMmm vbg.uttir- er, of Rawson Fenton, of the rough is<'paRce. and of--" wetbcr," blers wm.oàWegtbomutes.If hi b*i squatters; anc-s«trarige conftsîan-.the ie Z oftrell a* luIce h e rWO'- ev liMW i -su «tb»ad Seove tali igurie andi haudgomne face of the*ln1 e tà eugfr oi. " edbm osOM osMq ft Marquis were znired up lnextricably etan~ge kinti i of cm-kesvlstbel an 4Samt ncely lbas led hlm te 1%, with every ecene andi every abject, and sathtie Mtisofgltva S omeimi: AdWbnkmw r Beernedti tapursue ber wherever meedton tituatt bas bemoue. et U went In the landi ef visions. dj TI m a onte tat. your petcé.to U CHAPTR VI.go sudet your neck broken as yos de- CHAPTER VI. ~ 1servi, »d imake room fter 1he bo:. IMWp.ai atahama Constance woke the next, mornins brothers cisiWto be lthe Marquis e 'c010<n u 4wçî with a tart, and It wau tisa clangina . Brakespiare." « ~tel' uber t"Mi.-Y IaL*Y of tIse.great be l a much as the Iisxury He vs llii moen, bm ilai .ml surrounding ber wl icis belpeti her tbbis. cait backsd leee.i "boha~m a ~ a« eVM 0 out roalizea tabcshewas fDot silI dreamlng bhlm fldarme. an-d that mixe wa.s tu very truth. Pçrl~i ga;l's g i rd ai Brakespeare Caille. foc Um. H e'd grata a bitter Maumn - msu1&- A maiti brought her the mater for ber bl'an jIw bll--everanoacSh btter." lHe , baTh breakfast ihen U ~Iring ina ndmeD t. rnçel th. t itea& pates.1 <md ven oiss,.*otohég"Mid. apltj1I M. - l tbeut » bour mia,'sit sai. ldut got =y ueok buboneoroun4 ne OMM But Constance bai made up ber mmnd thse muste vitit a bullehte b oum av "bd 1 u*e0 mhbdy boe tisat sba vould net, une ie aIe votedoue tpiimdfilv. Tse.la no u oh laid, go dowvuto breajkfastý, "but record qgain1vt bis pa e"àtpet=!, O 194 woulti jain Arc! lu btheuursery.BiShe mdP,,nly, and Constance, vbi011ý Sy0 lam Mt Ula *a'.O muet Dot forgett liaI 5h -W»sthO e v- 1,&dbeen lixel 11011 blumiWUtenÜI7 erneas-a tiependenlt i tbbgemat boume. Scoe bgaivi. ~',' bsIadti deii, aluaI tforgatten It Ho luugl-ed and Pâsfibis b si.tlU fg(4 sot'- e eral tîmein th11e excllerent oft he «roesbila broo. lui~ ~~o5 e ' ï recedisng niglil. - . Dcn't sui"# re. t"inkwaiia54ê u ria *thMSii Ruth Sha bad ne oor'r dr"ed tithan se gi--entrefllotore of 04s kIimi fluxem wum' Mar heari a knock st th ior ani Arol'a l11t. es, B eutU D Mum ufoM utys« -««g .24 s ea"a e voici .caling 10 ber, aud when 'ahe wlh tIitb@qglt i0jet M à" &d openeti the door b. came lu vth a joy. chaise r'v MII1,-thn40~t ous brjund. ,of tipsa or ire 10 bra ry euv lt *,Obis488Graiamne-1" hi exclalmed, Tt sqi-(r! 1 i b4 throvlng1,is arma round ber neck andirmi efb I~ timilng ber, "'Pm se gidywa tic up. quietiy >- ~ 1 mss afisaid you woutdra'I le. Wie,-de t ~îkq.W, IbV » &4M* .yoi tory. tired lut n$glit ta" you ment t rgy;rý»4ti. off no early T I 46d ;P, uver noIs>i. ad7r l »eeo.sw Loord Illot *àd Wbee. 4 op e- a s>did'Umele *WÛé. ir r* br#g oust 1te thestable mithl .l.ase-mrn- n iai.-mebav.. A ieha' u , M'a kt 3*uVmmimi el um M814 Md5 get le Cama hu bd 1foe ps~edblays - w - v~h Cr- Oa-tImm IBO » p.m. a t" m OManaaigga W -ineau* a o,'e n$lm mi n iâ aavt Vo bmi umui,.u~lilmtkau 1940401q - us pn MmI", baela#m ubwfllé7o vu.. ~ O..~, wImisu'ment, ama m. Smr M. -lob~mu WE HVEI I«&t jndtt * of thei year to boy smorn f' Wgtimbeba's p DauImation Insect Powder and 'ba"tbâ nmiawhîch àsso ofte foond on both faad lm animais at titis tame of yeaL Titis licy 'soms. miphur, from Higiabotham and led Mme toecet'y, animal you have about thbe place. Fma ___ Lmuboe Tnt~I. etc. ~oe 1,.y dsewhere- 't wy. -soie-tf. : 1lE Go.* grJ Vi, m ur S1ay .Wa -wa' dec wor' ha- led .hou the iro, w h vin :the -the lati Sa a the in Mal 40r, -bat bac] Port