I -~ -;a~ui~& - - - - ~. g.~ Sh. * I___--y 2b 03 ortbo w, L e id il Mine. La Bloc% .od 141*0 Ho ule ith t e to *I~e Qt Pl 'r truru > TboUSam tir. VO y impottaad voe .mdaom .makA Men's end Boys' Fe-it Hats and Peak Cap$ i ow complet. Ail the uewsft and m.best styles tre foa.d with at prts eommenct;sg ae 50. for our Lndw e dora in Black, Brown, LLNavy and Fawàse Buttergrades: u#>tg $3 Obesda. Men's wili be faund uuusuially attractive. Full and complete range of J Whie Shirts. _ Wu-have two leaders in Ijnlaurnd.ed Shirts, extraj lu e it 5o and- 75ci. .each. Full assortmewat of - L.imwaC ollis u aad Cuffs, while Our stock cf lies, in knots and four-iui-himds. coutains a isplay equ 1- to that usual-ly sbown in a city stock. . Spécial values in Ien's medium' and light weight Uuderwear. Extra values in Mees i-inl Cotto., Merino, Cashmere and Wooleu. Wé cdaim ta show * the but 2.5c. Ca.bere Sox in the trade. Iilsùow aun uiusualy. handsonas assortînent otansd leancy what wlfl tarif reform do for YQP ,ulUf j'ous 'S hirts, White- and Favtin cfRega t ber. P Jo wlf bot ieep YO warmn, »Or illIpIb chit~£tC ~Ing ofpourliSm.1Iwould adiuue vou to me. Mystock of stovea. Jf il ~Bc et in mînd aihen y9u tbisik cf buylng ,Cloë"ig. Hats or msfor your kitcea get one of my F.nahigs I wl ~7 eut.do~GOOD OHEER OOOKS, if for your hall or pinot get the Wiarn.er&C.0"0__ Usdsiay and 'Woo<IvaiIo. J. BQCD UA.L IC09 Kent tffl. Rhen YuaeRayto 61 >ý Belldg fiWEhlg4Obkg Your. Wool Bear -UsBM. i Knde lWws Mai sMM&.V h boe pbe ttg W esi, éb"i prnikvPays"** new.swev ~~ pu «Iemi t.a usn".Md " e "m~l.ow avte er *te, WulOs.~Bu e i Hm NI. em ii.4" uuion . mi i affl a*»&U!MMet lns u hW.mi M"s* 15p u p u u . t a o m & * ., ps w @I " a .a e h l i o u d s e t i é v U s MOI - 4 Oit lm SI -17, loin IS h Opportumity tb mecure next feaidy ur v ~t4for theWodsts kmown as the 'ýowniBip Of EMili ob.Kennedy@ at là s umyi tho0lot et at HuE RIAilaN RN D UB ,m-ius.a miye Lblamywouau-M&mu &* e=hI a " 0 M w the mmiflBoom lime.im e olm!las--A An btlo b 4aId.. 0 iel mi o I r 115v M if ma uW mon td us WeMéo --N West Eni 3 $!ee& S~I'OV"E3S.~ Mmo&. -~ air *9 b6004 as,ies FUnI '09 l» MINOU * 11s4M l* à tl u M trcie hsud Dry Goodat- LOI4NC ot w bI ~~ 4 ~ NO Oum MM s effr,je bs dah, m n u l"mF v«7 aecriu U ost euvaanbel rs ,w u lmbu& Bb. UIu!Tbib * *u~. l'eus Na la1vldhi'e bou u *$au* teko b dlu amIu. lu.a. .ub wa e, i fimbgo, 4u1,»wi.,a oie luthuet0mis .WM. 'i9 lw4 OMe.ai dhum -*07bm, ....la heu delua Tii" WsubMil bc omtffe st a.Anlisé aMt 1amu?. Nlsm, u.3i1e' bpi. if ueuule bue. o. lbà" . taude hm u t ue@% hie hesebfi tâ alls. 4 bdt .o. me, hu m tvflut 'ami. ussa.. muts . . imabf. e lb a". cume;t%...ï ii bu -a" eMTed os, lum" lme8..t 528a* lbse M&. vmol* m ffle Oe OdS; e"i$du sau.ý 518Icisab, Wtwn*tm « 4. 4e "eus Mapis. Wvu huu 4. 'V urei opertib u Uth Nassi b lus *ma41; tohai u "MW mulls b" ««MeotuPubylie upsie bol mm Svdlilm Fm. W"ua fo e.à IEm ses I*v..ond e mibudh te-ulM 1O1sumiliu, lu i l1.. o ei isa malses, aié uupalu elledmola etmkoeitu. allusif . l1e6ethe.I-à"" cosaudls, AnOi hua -Sb. pte tm làb «u* q@as eîu' bau.moumo Sld bis t. bleu t h suemaisbc vern mes mheuperc oliestemu» =£U. - meus lila bvue. mub uwwmp va .laiemuqtwa ta deato- WmMsubs uluaimvhe amno M *0 ...as M iiu.*vuollbaoU*. X& 1.11 pbis -m51a asier.e ima. ~~#*.à. ui uluat.ut.b=qu . MaU ---udi duve0u -lia dusbfellufl 1»«oau "M h.u msil I.babse dblu tbsdbt -le mambol a "W mou 9"016 *_Mrlb o.iydto*s bramal. nie kwW Si*a dlagmt es «W ift Mu b abs' sudý bu. umkus MLWN.Stveffl a, . . n «srn Wsis.alwuuils"Mmml it . lmif tus me filmo ouMb téadulues lgs.Of.bshb 1 Mh*m - aUdmbepqu bha met" bss.em O.uli 9%e. *ma 5.huk* 'W uimq I - *Tuor oh stm 800»W.theus0»mlut a0% br %" uewusd Qenoeluscderth.epis et awbITIMLO A. LMdui. ome iseud. ul4 .d,"th* Mnencoauthezpoulou .ut.i. boy qUai ela-abs h n et ibo thoqblum. c e asi RMos salluif o beles. aai u udc Da um m.ai bqqa m M Deémweauait . ua ut . ses'omltue ispif m. hethlm ssii. aOon a il t~ uupeatel uibleime mms =7.4=, auwuu »S. bota et if ghalag hmm hest llsuusOka"slu .4m iesldhm o ass, eoiu mebi WIa e Md &M "MaOa Ime âchuthe-a @@@@@ w- muy bbed tj»m.4mol PMe mIEDIO Fim 0 m. . lmeh.aM"m vci t mduat sb ea ulp mi mbde mon»tf s yoaeg ma b ui - 41 .. wimmil'- îe ife.uo . Jet me semelam. cuti 1.14a m em lusubleg Mi. t Iris, svsim Imimblie oa oiiàt ube lbMau%. mi v » mboi.4 lbposomee.m S. oufls IMeil... r a1. nuabical 'km taAlus mSwa teiumedla-h. e@ vug *bs& ta lutmatna. n~woe o u m 1%"xI m lac I u=i b*usb*eh 141,d. VsK. àb 10k .dm. ad pu ser e 1%iuaet Tb@** îoffe eOi.s...b O. M. Ionams bu Mwa MWUU asM bmied hum. dam. a kv pql. abuby n ptn U S& ybul uwabtbe=ul1mlls.lbu e duo"< for oeorulNb U&L.Iu.w.1é.u w k stuo.uieiniv à0 iÎMM W# We 13111 vo-inbconeconsvu-tb PW~ t kus.mues.* .u., ~ stusouu hmu bfer.k Ob ilý O h. inIm ie dm.. as md Il. tvlaUo*0uami4 b ileum897 t", ombeftlbeu& bovin heu as ~~~ ~~cot de., b m. %W.mp.rn lop Uis,.... ..... . aslas - i8.8 f ecebais. Wl à@m Imm la goihs ..... ..44. su e "IF tel O U J_ 1 0 u..u... é* 140 uobuMes pmsu.tb ie tho- d b .4V" in.ftMmm.ahm zut Thêeris i.. s.ultssif sy. boDidon, ~, en!- t;Ait lp4OO tim tuaumOfel o bw . a e1*w p, lâ vic , pd u,. u. Kt. bj Neiea Joh ou . .et u b h 841. apu*. 5 *iosO ~. w s at... v m i& gmtt pb gWB»Jeb, A beibsbaua telle b Ieu om UmmehJ. willoe.1Md @Mt" dm hm l'heuOe, b bubfnla its. &Iaoe-. ?t bntt vu ot oudo if b~ oielvu ta. » .-Ilo. eh.mb uu egie e tlo, a1 on:.s.1abdm . *- elulart btsa ub.aI fb0~O ?ianu.er 9»dii.bia.. u S lU.4 li sev ho "bd @'x M08te. iois., W"mWouv, U U I 0" a o voie e a.At h t u bd,- Sesndede., t Il aude AU&gelstyn ID deliý l- F&ý ng" rtOU e boum pas M Mdelis ur a b CWm 0. d a $el e vévb . eM»hu l aS.. I Ilsuuim, .1erate ré . A"e p amem net oji e'.go t M-b*a~bd à* - m.a-§ me. unlie M~tomm Fsur# MdnanI -~ ilg ~ coleilw"dmmwhuu bore ti tih uoptll buou l pelle,~ xu..Os <.4 - vouies.bu u om . up.vd.I ate ViCrsp "d wahe ~sag w . 0uwa " Ima a ent. mue n te metu te.raire dou umta" ut.. ___ o...m miuÎmdha, Th e o u e. e wM , ý f er m - r n e » M duols.w PM'u touwlgl hq» *ul bmabvbgMr 1- « bm w o ab seb ooutlu n. Vogi -" mil1 s De '5' ne e. Kr. inqt m& scones r U0410 t b. vuple oVNfamet un iete o ?Oubfl%*6 * m te de at.;miu.1poie ve. Tiluadai Ulm be v- la - eruslam»dDouo ebs,.h lire Ma lw fa m angw Maievi e bwkTi u. t h m n o4es W1ais loir.to » 't 4 S10.111 SifVIa IJNTIL PIE EETCU PMIU WAS tEL - MMs Irvime C,«".-. t'à Greal At dmali'~ dus, et j- avets.' Nus bibi uIt els ou - biba b eie N ibil puum.saw.U if lb 4mwus, osé salirnua if ils ~v Asuue.umalo Cilsi ~upu4 Net. lb ~tsm a ahspoiesi fan b o..- ~tai I ému 5 Ullami ai h.-auemshh. AS st.i - .4 ~LeW Mo. Vu. ~vks, READY- c- *imBe",Youtbs' sd Miss *(~ u>le sd val.s« am cor * t t U oveuin ho Iou lài * ,1iMan's *dd Pamitia, 'Of 81m Our stock of Furmashinga ? 1J ýý e 1 *4~ i -1,