Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Apr 1896, p. 7

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GIA ~: .~::. .oe~' Imm *e emmmt Oudtime mer. l bexaupvà e S Iriseng tuhe SUSUm une&"on 'guh mmeath e opitul. Hall! Baster mrtng.Wi OIre!Ailof hem &uni*, la wlanoDU. aulet thèe -tuell0 MW Ib aver met.o0 K bere t My: ftQlwgj.' ha Bfell. how tbey *MW; the te r do thc U w hi.glry *dm arril Olaroo.'< A44thon1 J aêp n &U aidXo there oeoit be ëgraS. - ? iex and to-mOrow à* MM llut &&nieHanot mtab Ume i*t peit me faltil? Flowers! BSààd them lintothh lde'a h craveset fthe. de, USS Pz wearrection. PlO"uers! Floui them into a garland lm Mr 1 mi Easter mornirs. "Glory ftahber, and to the Boni and IA Uht; ,ýas it vas lu the. b« toiw and ever shah be:" Oh. how b*lght anS hou the &Iswers, nS oW uc - nue thhak -o Cbr'st -a»d Okat brgens. jour. charneter, brightopis aocety. the chureh, brlgb tenu everth *ho go w'thh gloomy coeunté tm&hng that yetw are btter 'Iecause of youi livubrieoi *a.ot cheat rat. Pretty m roi a atuthat profeage i th"a M oquor. Il'à w Lkat niakes yo. glooMY, t1 ut Sit. There la J1!st_ nau' In a wedding mia laabri mmb ireligion ln a mile. a, see are,, th e ~*la Whouii tend money, toi t nover àeé t Whe vomnen Camete 1.11. Sai and they droépPedl p&IcSal tomb, and't.I.. ploS W lame a ofBwe t i «om .The. îwo angeha mbe took liold of -the.atne 94ahd tomb 1 malthey, urled t rorce that Il cru, ad lnlathe, world's sepulehre and lhe eai Beal muet eome forth 1 Came not hc>w labyrhI mmusoleum, or hoW cost1Y tgd ,rus, or. however, beautilulb the tamlly grounds. wv.wau bicon up.by the. Lordof tt tion. They muet cone Ou and toter-they muest, Com bandd ml wte-theY MuiSt Brte aduater-they. Mut. Ouri alntg lidren- osme eut. The ey'esthbat wq noh tremblinc lingèeamuet va the radianceoretbta oi we folédlln det muaIJoin was huahed in sur Ivell Mbtunel. h. heu 4e~, 1% ueto oWlthie.-WuAI resurectio#4 *wai. broken hets I, T bh msoi badage cit Of Z ea 1y7frienisL. I Ba l tu le emobe.y ou@r som keh text ustting t&,tb a beId@ christ bas rmiuI; ad, 131 duse. -H]3e tue o*Bru ritsa impve " Beforo t-S«tliioo (Sf le.or the dead tbr.a4a0 are bwt.dmml Ivii $ ammsi, amd I vM idrbOaleg9% or the geiý-* rom ôf W bo u *very IOIIIIthe ' Umi tati ..fflgrakemho -tir tir5w' Slaa V1 ~ ~ y 4W1 i.. o a,"hou Caaà O tbMI-keMththl i e sureaotioa a Mh te- waI ute the DufetMbNes? 1wii f es Mt ma affe tifea pieuu p goua4? a - ce 1% lat 67 tere il betnau utb- la ne 4uek, smu Vis Mt tus a*pUtthle qeametertem. Il ùtt p1fthle facis tiiat jeinretoS occo an& Oh oui mernorles âýýfý e th n, »«.' *É<we e5.tituttin r v% » cla W.**teformea- thal are FOU 0 In e, ut t»« -h»an ay vIllov loersi UV lthe atesoaaC»you tilnk of any- 3¶q"- th' gmorebeaiul thanthie reap- w the pearamceof <tiose -front vionive have bc'et hem P&rffl.? I1 do u« cars vlci v" ?wtatlithe ta uh la .»» tiiea»t» oftIbe I .e.u Juamt hiqrkicamsor ISýthe b. W t, the g oare th"1 d" ga5 t timuner- the Je amuy lenIt mm leu ma the laitChIm nas- t. I18 or. If but sut flthe. brkeani liaiS ocme thse 1.51W ofoui i»WA -ea ne itel ahwitàlaIe St hrami ou got~>ebt I~ ~~~~~~l T&- r10 UO'ýTtiW~l tiw a ~ tue. ie vr xt 0< îl tl dntl. itl aioa olii$Bl a f« moe~ and th" cou0541 tilfutliit reio m the i 14letheliUt «d hi ut a lioatIa bbtniI* is n ;& bar. thie ip aieItIiloue ma*l.- Fou 0 d . awina m ttih- bala lat - ' - gealmi bUvmots? LadUd. i th brn, ri gl ig! ral th.he Vode oat ou es? atd helckAIf n orelUS t a hevIiyuoIh@ <u s thratat r oma vod rful? Ai 'K tm jame thé tise rind he lis -ndmut t>"t WI'nts ti ii.boe, hymnt lb .t h imite tiC wo e ?Anil thrrnehailM Me teie e not :*a .r"&i ofau go on a te Fk*S' t elee UQ »r mptale@;Te A bfus il.b à"n tudaYth* reenrve *ii?-ethe SII tg Owvi h' fo àm oiei. b Dtth ominsf5 n wttis Md the arm corne f*miihelaU»,a h uX vttli tà-o ean cteOII tie WrreCtlOs? r1 of the Windm st e i. a Witispaume ti SU4 the Au I b o ut SfiltlyImrv. Oui b eoe coine f Ustage e e asvsu yes, maiys ne the tee amt is1h iteos y.gou oac frre diesvlii Bo o ger fW38 u7 es .tghtis yau a thêr -inmgi»-& mae tiSa: a astIr em~ ye 0 a a <ffse, ielagburé- ut. mi a edt *-yin prtaemoe M is rom, me Chat hécti *p phe ofot tal buineclr44 il eu" WM thus~e am h>em n.~net ey mt 8 the i bau chan l .m lsta, b mut e tangie m. evhoneey. . ever b-»d esP m e et _ iup enf _uto at. 1 I 3 s i 'j I h Zi'- . pwr.fraÇtmçor T a4 W~ ~c)'te1 tea Dn"ul t do 1 on u lo mm o . -u-u i hm BA ed tier hv*b *8. bu * *010. teilsého tn w tt..mo*tieumae eelxullpt elidtn u me .1 b.wtia idsi l later .1 #bewfa chl, and0buerbt bmulm It uehm ">tiersand O __ stanl 1h out la the' atorma or a is.- died 7cm. a&" the beauty meuhl b gons. Weil, thie humas body bas e0 Ckhs5i. mmando4.ril. ami brulmj¶ i Wfthtisoueb rm.othe st- eme o ofehrgemêrattuse mmg doed frein geaertimutgmeta eU. lbarlklgthie *mtlloil4cetvaut gmm- b*tIsa h-l.tu *0 orjs ! md~ ~ ~~~t tsuttuaooilgleI eruSs b.i.U _a gmmas: and ai sovelâIe uâét taa iarbito, &à liméevu & lsreoosbetwéen mr bodies as they are nov ahd oui t4- muit.forme. -Ail Who are 1k thaï graves saAIcorne tortl." ies kwy Wli -Omoeop reste&. -me:U#Ai»u, a"hmi be s l aptd 10. mm t0f1 ieis I 4mmat lie tbut me yle n . âae«ell Iied. ow ollu Yo"bave hcard hein tiBUUflilttit te. dl- am sn:tirai 1, ,Tii. footaB, il ma»W Sneh t ~t h* earll. 'The. le' atired vcdt- -le I1abouti gseiiiiiuwUêSS et - 0411 foîiov. Mel uisiofgis- tuanis eWMos, s1" g M sund expu'1555ta m*sepat.o Smameic"r theu worid, Ie"Wl- mot - lad a pers. PrâiotIoMMI, ies imean -tuaI mmu la MWay styla a« -StWbgaenat e le ofs5>,the wMbe *OtiUV0 oUU imet bensati>otMftigue. I do sot beijhmý te el m aS - h Mdrethe fi éncé vi artetotire&d. Ybr heai -la awa vi or 0, M-1. i55 Irai, or your bal ee lied, SI yoet s~leietveta de foot le tire&,or your braise lalrd, or &lrIu-l ui gyt*m e tordi i Pour nes ame tre!. ILong *ourmoy- la ts uhfo vtb&ha hnn e melMd &Sga, or buoInes aplicaitlon. or le- =4 mai e leMOveW.emaduery of reavement, or alcimeas bas put on POU laIm, heavy veilit.BSethie Vaut aaJkm" ne.1tc, mIlb. Mfre m tiese i. et liome hwbvent eut et tiI. oil FoPet - prIv«mogetW Il.vuseleia vent out fatiguel.Aboutt hie pOmesg*t tUr.iM t bave 1,1. bribel or amen place 10 roseut ltii.vorld. Iteals 0100ait the MÏ&» .>ublic bourda phierIs aurrouadul aulmg, 1~U W'vi t bt ave te 1 a' o eto tlaritles are exhautin. S 04 d oporatoii stope oui earthly lite, and merdfa5t ue.bp rpet o ciMes-lie em, anl mpupaes ! pivaI &ýO MÉC ai ti huit. <au a 1baw éhai tonflw*umeî afchare fi fiel ~ ~ rmirmn i thé, ~cpsuê .viaia' he leàsal ul ossý et lia owb<e pid.venag515Srpeu soIn all am "vdar msr et .'. t.nme lm . oeps o a" muacis Md bomqe wtlIb. cp u;1aý1 -4 . "u t tvaOeb a [ ft i 0< gol.£»W» 1tb ho o088eo dean5011 vasaof è1h. ra&~~, dm otnor btheed maawm : tfl bhellesuet is umis ro8*01 e r. "urt. fi. ~ l1hO bie the ,,,h e .v . . .e..a. . I.ls.u'erCor- viaIa b îâ 'il . ts t5 a0 aoi I La vu ât iu mirum 1 amm ie teihry.q art ~dMrvaliýpe.o tI l1 a pcor eoenomy tu. sISaltis, mo MM lis ioMA la ecarUlaMu ma* a sumply o ad boune iere thetoe m. bolu ise pcite& uati Wha g ta the!g etîrob u em hbéi N.kmw Md 5iebrel, là -the - cf services- te a0frien.d Dicsme% , sl vociS amie r.70 O htmi et ruome , Wl h. woui - cm So!trouble foi yen me Veauspma a. Iofle dit.fr tlst"ocs ~ ~11*I# k tisbemmmi sltbile d#- ~ sS vmiSapre ihasit9 miliar~m mu ftige.plOeat *nd ibushnots19 'élm* om-an it*UIçV~ OhL' i vIbratiom s ýtrieS b 1 Immle .oéji MUIq a, v 1?and : d -a and Fancy Goodi, -br gooidson'TH1 j* ana 2sb, ami nTHJ Dot weck in the latest styles. lofe endcouie. ITCNE L L4, O~GANS, AND 8EWINO MACHINES, oeboat makejs, t Ioweo prices ad easy termu. J., WETHERUP.& cor. f usu Pel e ASAUARROW liat affect humanity there is e chaint of health, some spot tffiub>le. Tt may be theliver, ipehaps. it is the bowels or .dy it is the blood. Burdock aîzht to that spo, strengthens biain, eoe the cause of the jieaIth,- because it acts w'Ith Wewer upon Îhe stomach, id hielt1-31 assured, without come ae~ Burdock pobsitive1y remove al *ssesà co&'la, scrofu-. I"tles; , o m$ otsetc., ýrnaly, as elatan O~K aOMtI ~ Qlo~ms '-psy. [URSDAY, iURSUAY Kent Street PIANOS, même 0" use

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