prliI beyshoulâ' frmthéir ~ la aarvedhi r.ptioi nd cone withotit Adnothin la13, btarv>d bldthai ýaaté taken out. "d m aitie I V ~ j; - - .s.1 W! MAMeMW...... SeWer and Culvert Pipes mna r #on PwîOK& 1Tu ONTARI SWER PFR c *@lADLAIDE L. 5. BOUC LUS uu We oe eviW Getoarprlketu catalogi T. W. soI ,6OeRXotre-Dam2 -flATpfuLcocum'n~ BREAKFAST - SUPP<fi. D y. a thor ug"h knowledge cf th 1twd a Ia which govern the opcratUons of digestion Sm =d nutrition, and by a caret.ul splikUion of tafine properties of wCfl seIc= ilCO%çMt. UN Epps has provided for -ontbrhst maad oupper a delicately flavored bcvesgo wbich *g m]ay Save use nmany heavy doctors'bilh.I itoui tq he judictous use of e£chiuiides O(diet tha a constitut ion -w-y be gradually built up uatil strong cni.uitw resist evcry tendenicy ta diseaue. Ilundreds cf sabVIe maladies arce b floating amond us rcady to attack wherever T tiser. is àaweak point. We Mnay efcq>e nY a fatl i kaft by kecpi:ig oumIeves welf hified with pure blod and .a properly niihud ca iv. îil &,tke Gae jAmrsEppsa ce., LU. KARBIAGa T. BEALI., L~It4DSAY, W.m* TWINTY-SIX bi..I. bus - d g*0 LO.L bu lal ~u.ulUuWlulaE.v hi*ue, 4» umt' uJWObi am Iuls.4 ala me etW. D. buth ul*ustos bu i eo~~Vi irae 1hvs. .bu SbUOSBU ar1115 qet May C iW"am am» b. lu«itheia W" mpoielO.ebue la ils ', u w pSiuig mi* tu. wlamée ma àsmwh dis àe au *0a.Tb -li Lt ae.. OO&eeisaii uuo mu *A * m a faî8ul oiliu boipie eaIls vee A <hbhiMd ni te the mwet llie Mu& FInvie n * r .ét.f»umbilIle t rémaaw igm . 0ib la lw Mr th* . &a w ey u" . hm b m . Of& t 4euuOMMhte, VOI bi.hfle l ~a u Kr, W.A. Wom la b" k i.h. bpombtas yo u .*;vm iWgewl .by Bu*. dm* M tlàa um.som e t hmpst " am V-M b M . i a me Nb. ..awbm la INOUm d s t besvu b *%f bu1kle ho euk biliia kWUpt *m &tu bb *lmt Fel wvum 1» mibahrss. ýth. bm gsa ssulimé h ý lamblebi lalsimuu Mare-sutulpluyuIlis The lAd. bave bocome AMam 0'IC hersM Sm IIIrNo *XE tii. amh er nâ oî " 4ousa I0 Pomdé, 9uWin tb.. p ooe:,hrs.tla<s oe M IMrs Hu WilIsUM mm 1h11 Thomnas on thg mIe Swo& wmvus»n uSas tanals la tg)e b.» m " ou~ oosurrd.Who wllbho ne CoLnDesos sdbchirsuJ.I a Ml. who. bave boom remueatl thLb la GalrloeduatlsalusoltlnCOL DMdca Mr. téNé tbeg lu t Tac Wm~r11 Times of lut WOek maya: mWilson, a pronlbeaiUt tvà police Ih. .Th. eos llady lid u avrla riendin o.Bockville wb<> viibr iih muol Sorrov o!ci er deaili. T'h. members ai the cherolio!et gsu aré bendlMip a box of coti.lge0., t. Mfr. Tom Mrui=m9 sloa 1 am theb Indiana and aqumaux lai e oènl river district &m&rêof therVcU" t. b. seul la &a m ou-Wau, upou whlch are luacribed many of the names of Ibm members o ofu00 egaion.There vIii aàoso b Lý aseso! bm rcetors o! tbe towa on 15 ertain, the U L M Sd towua uesdesina t. lioremembered t. one time bow play«x, in Ibis l' h.e ililli reghanut Princeas Loulse Huasaraof Ring' couaiy, New Brunswick have voluntte.redibroug Li eut. CoL Domville, ex-M.P., to acoepi service under- ImBrltlsh government on the ouMidtlon uptbe Nile. New Brnuwick -gla leads ibe Dotation lu pluck and loalThe Province doms not about aot back- bouesuad Ils devotion t. the Empire. Where occaion arises, however, evéry- body kuowa quite socs enougli ibatie baokbone la extra ailE sand its lovaity o! Ibe right klnd. To. mperll gverazment wlusro nl théIbe dvot on o! New Bruns cl ave ecliu.d Ibm oDbr, havlng enough i n'at preseut wbo are equîpped sud rvady t. carr on thse var. Fic-Âbout 1130 on Wednesday fore- noon, them dre slarm vws onded wlen It vas found Ibat lt.élluge tramne building on usn n treet, e1éoà r. io igle's addoom20-0-7Tu st.ring fillsed vorl vasounfAxm.Thse fire vas dlscovered by WUIliam Soott, au emjaloye Who at oncqe ve bm uis t. wIbte firemen quIabIO respoded, la th. nuanime 3fr. Ie M sd his mon vere nain« ail Ibeir efforts by p-ls to.,-t. sut> due -the Ire whlWh wbea kitdiacoyered lied burneê about orne bl ut .of tbm roo B im t..t = on es.aMrved lb. irs lind mot a Ire hdo! Ibe-WIding vbleb from Ii ilams*h nature t th contacts sud Ibm begllmfifwblo&.wuscl audu7 as ~miUnder vatSaonMosa s o! lame. I remes am qul.lY t. worIr, i bm .streams belgg - OS lliSbpnIng bMuding. Ibe 4nmà a,'- 3k as mandr. son .the mIre und mrol , thliiail XdangértobuilIbslà WIb 1medller ixlmte 09 * vu saisance in rem.vlsg le ïbutri tiieburolngbuhx&nguntlldrven cfbytbe wSIrmdas la aiseme t of ibabur.d biding la whloh, Vu»a*ged a s large luj!1us Ib. Theo. w».vafiât of Whih le a mysiery sir. boa aïe lmU iO - carfl oim *1â00v peu bm pisuera, moulders, silokersà , me la uutoucbed. 0s. et the Ohlamm Imm o1 910 KoI Peut-iPeoey bu V ees, hvsuopiou -?"y. W A. . wuS s oum il I àmM lut wm um- b l et -g ...- s~ W i W.o', .. ,M.~I o. l Theat mi JU GqsaOIdoue. au%" 1. moi -8925. OoMOL &MIM.04 Mot . M fi n@*U Uk..gbkoiU..L.~ee1ecnaeematle O~Bp.* n*e*.eilO.1 n.e ..e.n......... St te S ...*e-ce.....*efatS050 &MAP«1boue.. es- 9 Iil the a lkawf----e....n.. . tSS SiCe -e -«a*l .eC e.. Owa 8ès -ObteO hBe e.. .. ...~ ..... a uto$ m Us.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~(Ah . U..~ ~ ne Ite la 501~~~~~ ~ le e..c c.. eé. eSt *~pi.~' ~.e.e**~C e et S 1 etU% ...e. SS S 4-. , * 'i 44 *7"A.jVver ric? th $ i ~ No hou" in rto abe ~r NMh" jft48Ie ot vnfor, ausu lonprie ma ~~ ~ub.hae, a area p1 fr v Q~#t*, Mtioq ou&prouil.oae Unewy, u go.,oým10co -O, 80à toabiguprfi ton iis W04 * Ve k tb.V ot rm oinluseg * ïiJpÀ4 koplig . cr custm erntor v r Ibm oharg., a gpâdw ai nevêr them again. Overcoosès, la Maltons, Tweeds tsard Iv0rstem ....C0.................l imas mim.Vemeumaswiyng vet ourmatslsqusl lu tsasaeeotst ............ ............O ime Tweed Sit., neweoi styles sud pattekuiu, ix @mamlihomo., fueuMdsimm y............... Use's i a ul aPntu, d"k peyu sellapooket. 176 lampottelTweed Pants, hairlie sd Wor&W~... 3 OS sud.cuItaitalidIauarle............ En>gUiliCambrie gShits. ewbluxes sud piuku, oA- brio o otsaend cuIt iOturu dova ollai....- Englhali ComuMo Shirts, n»w ulected atoelped pst- terni, sepulm t coeand. CuI............. MturaiWool Shirsasd Dravers, spring velji,- r(bbd, .ry in. Inalieao.............. Maai dMeuo Shirts sud.Drevers, fle ftli.. Khd Gloes, spin'g, aiades ....... ............. vreli Çd Gloves, inest uades sud qualty.. 75. lu les Uc les 125 QrdoeedOlothing.ý lime8.0mbTweed.. Se, amwpatteras to rder..14 16i&00 .... 4.............................. 1500 OurlpeolW igie Fauta t.o der..................3 90 AX Ohb. lma usma sud. Enlbh ali abrcoxtribute 10 mur baseme*bflS ib" Uemom EvsrpIhlng the latoat la b M heo mi osd' ipricosvery inucb your own way. à au m au ondhuay Ual Sbome lim ewevShape Pelotas, in Blacks and. Browns, .75c. and limne Amerla SUZ. ]Hatla Blmeuand New Brava........................150, 2 00and 250 LatosiLoado Shaped Hais, greater values than ever .e m........... ....1 50 to.2 Bloyce Ce sKaoelabout Cape, Travelling Cape, a lotofuew uolies At almost any price you've a mlnd, beginalng ai .........p........... 2ýc ALWAYB GOOD AT GOUGH'5. o.,., The. Wond.rfal Oheap Mmn StockaTaIiing wbich we lafe poutponed until te lot. OIE APRIL re uoffl er tIi. gretest barPins ma e'veyhing in Our linos. lérgaliq, LOOMTIUS ~m l RU aEL We Cone of thS agest stocks in tbe Couaty, andarebound to iiuùs kt beore APRIL, ti, if "ad-times paces wM ldo it: Wood Taken in fizhange.- c, DRO t v % idudmy. Pbro ansd -Port Hope. LbE iMO VAL. W.A. Gmdvb hmwumoved hi. WALL PAPIMR and PIOTUBE FRAMING business to the Workxnan Block, opposite Express office and NEXlI DOOR -TG THE Simpson HousE, -where ho miii endeavour to please old »id nov customoers çith only the b«e goods at the lowest 'l The ý new Sanitori IAlabastine and R.Oom Mou1dings, in no stock. W. &----------- 'W. hi.-bndi. ail the Wh" lson standar aiso have the following 20 Wheois :-; rd. $6 500 -55 400 45 00 --4 0 00 -5 00~O 4,65 600 6o500 t. -65 00 showin! Bat, Our V. show a M..hNý ibo a nice v SWeha, #th.loade F2onta WUi 21@ >efor