t *1 y -'I dart eyes fuelon bir vhite fae - 1 s5a15n55 touubebaf r eua4bbm but seet«da lgitlensd wulitas ala i f hebai net bell ber no ligIhi'. no put bis atm round bei mal upu ber. $-Ton a," attala I Do po" 111mb Would hurt yen Tl There vas reproaeb, a terrible e proaob, that .tlanll t hrougliebla1 ne anger.1-. -Wby are yen afrail ? Wlaat arn yon toi". bere 1" Constane founui ber voles _I came-1sell oges, Mis broya camo dovu - steruli', "liov tons bave YMbelobie Iotlà", arkedi in a 1ev voice tfoU cf et cauce. .1 do net 1me," due nepled, metS«- glin agaait tdoterrible fatlai lIaI threstenod te ovenoome b*- . - Toudnonet w.evttuiyeob-wmt yenber wen cae u Md aS l glanced, loval lb. vlndo'W @*Te%." she -sali sdsue ualOie eyes te bis. Bis III mot taller. - "Yenu vers? Wh.re vers yen?7 D net b. alarmed ;ansd ho datiled ; buit Il vwu an awfnl, amile ilu Vontamos! "Tbsre behinid these curtains." abe rs. pied. He di Dot stant or efflus1à"Y iurprlaé, but someiel tae fl gnouelathe situatien. "Thon yen sav liae masneue vws bere r, Ahe luclîned ber -bea«. *'And heard eveny vend ve sli 11 b. ésel dagaiu. "TeS, my lord," she repli&. "And you-lstenel r-1he murmure& wlth a look et infliate pain vhich adeug Ccnslancs toe 1e eart. "Illtne-yes," *1e; sai, almst Nwllly. '*Oh. Myi' lord eyen nMt uun stand ? I-I theugbt lb vasallteOS- .luI dîe ylnlov. sud 1IbId 10118 th. curtain..Wben.I I it vas yen 1 vas a! raid-I thouglat you vu1 Dm lhrongh the noona, -sud lIai I m$- Ton are crushitg-My «MIn UMy i she broIe off piteonili'.- R*e bocaubse inen-ilo me, ber arm*4and euiasi ilta lb.hel1ht "Friemer'héa. sli, peattentir. 'amn a-brute. 1I dinot %in@ 1Ana yen hoard al-ail? "Te. eertblgMy'lard," o*055 fentel, sdliy. 811, voli bave » me ouelt. offens.e 1ebai coummttel, Mm*0 mats open Confestion. Hie leotel aI b«er tugt 'ýn vhat have yo e le1el t fre youn Conclusions r1;" sI. put hon bani te berl s *4I do nettueso. Ieeumed? 1 lava *learnel uothlng. .1 e o IbotinSI- van lu knov nothing. Let me go, my lr&." "Iu a moment," be-u sl abuir thOUghtfully. *"Ton muat bave ft»*& oome conclnsionu. ,'2vt me uatt*01, mue. 1 yuwl bell pou If 1 he7 an Os- 811e @boot ber héai. .*Teo me vhy I aboui alunit a Man- snob a mas-to the smlue st Ibâ hu vecretly, aidgive bi"aMOM Oy;jS MW me givo hl m ouey: r She maie a Utureiï et amaent. «WeUl" rho. dommaiel Sle boober boa& ",I do not 1mev. 1 Mammt gusi"u 'He vas mitent a mment, as Bf 111mb. lnge.pi'; tben %0 Mil:-, ."Wby M 4yos conaàs bemrsalt rbout There vas ne toueI ce auspidoh in la is oes, amlpy dedete te hpum Constance a"ePt de hait trm lbe' Icrehead vllb a veari' gseve. "I-1 came te otokfou myi let. I bave lestil- "Ani you set mnch velue on il 11.1, 3-oe veuturedlotacame ldova la the dar* nuMé aarob 9!Pt 1 r "TYes," ashe MsI, meelluS bs es tosiir.l ' IValse Il abo" verUytulmE H* Put lis baud la lis pocedlilald bell gmtthe_ de fragmente! the Chain. ls lb! t Ir' Se tloch il eagrly. 1I tound Il lyiug by *lIe e' bu wheiel lt " be itir. MII wtl Bper e choiauesu saii jt st OMP so *i« w abai *wà. ts *t. te l laï0aimiam m,« vai juat for a momeant; thon ltu SieUr novw by I valte a"su«agupos ymuItvoice. Ceestalmios Ilove, yenM-I . e u. A" 700--" Sev ewber ner lu linw-OeW9v Mne ilà " 'Us. lier braln ivan,11*0-th r0lom twue -remid vth beha, sud due uttersi a loyw lt sbsmed te reclbina te blmsef. inanutteniy alte&dvoloes, Bn Avoici broSen by pain sud *lespatr, lie éail: "Bush IFor ive s e ! o absR!M *Uas ame?. NiaInov! 1am Mtot lt. l'st aov I To-mueaTOW' te-morro. ÀAul 7it, CuIuZslsc,-4n1 le lest tovandC ber apala-"ffi t vers s, If yenlovel me cSil ye- 1.001 me la 1he face, 185e rased ber hsavy elty i- s bisg Wei"s eunl aDy la ber brais. "comtmueS, -i ever M womm&We face miruore, bar seul, fyourdo«.. And I rosid he ul of a brave vomm a ltIose eles. Telli m, en udyen Aaal, morc thsu you cas gué»s, for -tbe man yen ý,,ved? #ould yen-eS, no. I cant ast y= pt?1 amftemptel tee beavly. î i yl xo sk yen. Mol to-nâgiat. T-morrov.i o, Ctnsttlnce! ,O. mi love!- My lové!" la tdo pant«wllcb ahSk bâtisosul. e lis &alatsI 4h5ber bandi frontbita, aidI eaoe avtY tien ber.b -o. A ig Lesvs me le unymif sud the dejns a lIaidblluer' cstsne put ber unmas tli er face, sud, tunming slevly, 1sfthlm, She groDed ber vay upsIaira, sud gaiber MMVu roMUf, mae 6,aMmr- naimbulist than a cousciona being. Raed asebesu dreamiug? 8h. opeuaed Ier lita andi lookel at lhe o«et; but It vas netthue- loclet vbich Imapmais ber with tiere,fty ef diesOcelolelebad gene lbrougb me muela au the roImarks upon ber atma In the pluce . here the waquW liai bad graspol ber. It vas Do irsam.no neviolon,.nDonlgbt-r mare. but a relty. Wftb as«Y et ex- mlltation and bevillerment esbe saut dom en. *e M e 1 n!ltie th int, to* mnarabal thee inedents i« theo migila proper orloý nd nirealise vhat bai hap- Wtaat fearful . yslery bnng ever dis marqis tha1tbe, àasrsntiy tde pneS- Mti of men..abouti brin, a mms ltq 1h. aSxtRe at valdalgiat, sud: bribe hlm? Ul vas s bribe, tor luelbait amittel as much t. ber -ia1the course et bis isud, mai speech. Çeui It.e passible 11111 lie liai Iss un~ty o!rsome crime the tuolielgecf v lcb imed hlm la the ma'spower? Bron vftb auithe. tacts ttesla luber latudéevea itia the mas'a voila Bmer ears,<Coleta"cq tirust tde thouglit Il vas impossible! 1t vas impeuplq e liaI h. coutl e capable o! a me»n s- tIlnes;&udcrime-anl crl4ew-vasme»u. But esle vms mt tua eeaiionato *gue I the pout vltb bemse14,forVkwmmmIBn ber s andsui cbolnt laber hoart vers the pasinato vends lau eblis hai avev- ai bis love tor ber. SI. usmenaberdem7eenioved, everi' eltloo 8ihasmpmied tde aveva1 eni tue remembrance Iniled ber vlla a sage mIxture ct pain sud j»y vlalc vas tinescibibte ald ineffalels Cmli'ouse belons la- ben lite bai ah. ever beail vordsa coÈlove aidnesad od1 brA"th"I bal bm bieelo luahbu Faoo eston b"ai desared, bés pas- dies for ber. aIe bai mInent trou bina; lai overvbld ad uladdianelim vilahber eClin.MMal ber oumt. a. bai shuen heindemarquis, but vilS warprise sud boet han; el ad lot treuted l im vithlaaseu @ho ae iitrot- ai Ravas nFenton. As skie malel ersel t1h. questicm mâle ft bor face, h« aicti, buis vidha sui del a manad obe put ber baud butore ber epas te sitout lt» SaUer wvieic lber liant aunese. Vas Il po@eebislai If ho ba iinsialel ePs» ber gepiM in. f h.bal InsIstl upon ber respomding b bis question, "IDO yon love me Conauanrthat %-'ve , bve-boss gmpuiisi t sj"aum- 1 1àl Rth whtet qedistcrO t h by a tteercf ij efloe or in eel00t 1tmp ton îoq Ibat yon éaahot pieSâr JePW ()hua Otfcué itn3utdl nc& . alite Ib t sIl orei titliàve ltime te both et usnm&l mave , ltoe ' Itvlbe bët0*Ubt qis 0»,&Iàua4teyb." d & tOU te sn efrou bave not, been te bed; pOU a»re c» ititressed. 'Wirr Constancessface p'ew er4=1004. dieu __ w ,ble he Ite là= ek.Then, asili lashl upon ber dll bt oue Word. * üue unguaPded lord, it" t <15o h Iseove? th i arqis' ecret Buter-. 'itv *Itth lMao nu h"aibribed, slie closi ber lips imRy and stoolmitent. îî dc «-j se,-- aimogit ua lLady Ruith. 0"Weul 'oYou are vise ; the mont ela.borate lie1 evoun la ronli net aVail You, yeu smlstesl est fr1, A shulder ran darougli Conatances agalu I0 ~O5t5. ied 701 "Shamelesa?!"broke lia aunPU>Y cf 1-,wil Inignation frein ber quivgaitpi. conuma flYeB, Isbaelemi 199.,repetl .57 ii Ruth, venomonsty. "Nôo uebùt 1the Jaanlec mnt. shamels *culd 11e tgUll>et uscla ,' dm cntact as YOM.s. :t>Ii 1 ozumleër il À probab thaît 1euien cttrraue im *a qnare ntervievw lothout a chance et dlsoov- yor ery ? You forget Ibat my roomt' as1he hi pointed over lier mbonlderi',sll tae#lmg - y.. hersye flitel upon Coat'; fae ovt a.s the serpent keeja l1» eyes upon thee lb. w helpleas bird Il la taaclniting te Bts de- tshîe. struction, *"hat My 'reoou direel I't Kt over the lraviau-romu, lu vbica yout sceruti meeting wvas te ta"e plawe "I n Constance abrunia baci. sboheu Lady Ruth laughei moc*nýgiyé ".Qh, Yeu are a capital actreai ; 1 aaw it from.1the final. But spare me your wt tlteatr1calo; they do net deceive me. ýoM Tou bave net. a loveMmicauan te 4051 felt th& wlth nov, Mise Gra"Muue, but & vo- Ruth hi muan vho kuovusuad-hateS 7011! for ber . the laittwo voris eseapei ber un- tlc. He wittingiy, .but they'aueemed te relleve and yet ber. aIrasSe Constace's bremili came Bn. short thoUgbi inick gasps. *ben hi 4"Yen bave nothing te say ? WelI, 1 I a thinli yen are vdsa. i've ne louabt yen WOU141 would deny lb. faql that yen left your tbe recta-at sncb an heur !-le mesS' the marquis.' be neti * It la a lie r' broke froin Constac e cauft lin ber sgeny. ro 1, s 9 Lad»a Ruth amiled acernully aid fi-Umeing oumiy. DMothir *'Ne use,"lah sali. "I bearu bis volce isWvii aid yeurs.' I 55w 71cemmng up f1h.BertI atlrs !"poraw Constance bld ber fae laibet band" ww Lady Ruth steci beating ber foot upefvl n the carpet. vbat h "I sav yen-I mev yquzlt on have ai vit, nothing te »Y. There la ths bard, tact ber asud al I bave core te deal itdiyen. If babi, i you- cau utter oeerdo of truth, If aise qe there Bx one aPank of remoretsnlayenr isys or Sbosoun, te11 me-MI me wbat pausel b. ber. tween yen IlsSoea Contaance -droppel ber ,bail. anditlon i ? 1 od the Bafilatei vomaes la the &« M a Cace, ber sy«a blaslng, ber Ripé net . grow s ven wu rallier die!"aIe said. wi.ai changlng lustantly Bute psssiouate de- " b fiance. t114 at Lady Ruth breathed bard, and look.h- s s at ber lu silence for a moment; sud»Ul 111a look cenld have k111*1, Constance &iveutý venu have. fallen at Lber fnet« 1 ted @"oun r ght M1-" sh " " Itamel.e va. tee mucb te ail yen. Eveui yen are Metgs hasaelecs ai le repeat le au A"i bounet vomas. May' I ask vIsI pen la- rernem tend te do ? Wbal aae your Plan " I ovem Il Constance steci npnigbt sd . tremb> 15ev lins ne longer. OeW MX' plans V' abs repeated. la a loy, Ibere distinct voicé. '*setau ' Tes. Ther bave sncoeeded mar- ld veflouoly velll np te liais peint. But n Iat& o --nov that Yen have uoeedel Iu en-He traptalng. pur prey, vbat do yen lu- 1___ tend te doe? I suppose. yen imagine w h thst tbere la ne obstacle belveen yen ber ha sund th. Brakeepeare corounet Yen h tu fool- r' Ober liase vonds vers .uttereld iteS ohsIitb malignasl accru that constauce invol- the ON nlmrny rcoel fuoeAi 44Oh, I real pou as cash' m a bok," * e continuel Ladz Ruth, vlth a Iautwb. PO»X "]But, like mosl omen or yeur samp, MElil yen ame tee cRever Mdl toc soif-cou- Coué5 fient Teu dth themarquis viii beart ma r uyy 1srabels gl tuokbngli'. buail 4*IlsGrmahams. jYeub net sow hlà te pbt quite *aU enOuL .ne marri'Yen Il me.Wl Yen. -" b-lok - Cn1»-c fon hu Oue « a m& aill Z. rho for m *0o pe bu »s Il a p *lit qv -7«oulia lie m4 roie. lVe ias.mv" màtel bsrl am,leaioanl 1 li eFon. tth ne tha K !s.tU a moeu wl.t apik imb-b br-ma a -tu e tot tbi uh1  .f, ý me gob - 0W se m s.IettUte kia b.M47i b' ii0n e yen~~w ýORMUsr b -k fru N3ent -ld bu i na* dss 1h. otam lu stUeem su mli! o.leut ]ut esut o vil vrt au .tau tr; lo l 'aee mal lid i msUt@O d1009n reto «ace toiBt eP mi Bw- [es. n* dei" lwulIesot aisu ai Iteo ~ertb oe vtwbtas.M acelt ady g h tnsb ai thebe.bleto va ai iblon tme esl Bse toi Casg- r euea eipe s e elawy- e orute mominei afumit wm O&tbeil niaIb«oia e s ma. s b badlMdI5h so,b ene. * OIILiiRdtlbe5 vase"aleiieona ol ot . aensale ddvavot g ddi en diacvet cf bOs lnmaus>- Devosi -me h ls"4mai? Wo.ld b I.aoet ~ ve bW ow#? dme UN» Wu now' evu lo. forebou laIe*"biit 55 PtS Mdiou le.w &Mi, &t411Met aêr MaS It ta ie aoui&l" sotimê t eu! oar»r $b om le- meve ses» lat A»aaa aiI rd veakilM veul 00 -e i gwuqsE iuov^ Ibor Paiemesa" n il va mgw aI Leulgoa 190 SMe aierdnt me " 2 'tC lm abu sate maule»M.t-seU a" mu *0 ltêt lm tomm. emi Mt Dasoumi m w«W4« Wm9mii tmo mmi~lsl at LW$ *lm . -a mue as ols I iam eS bee tL8. a 1Wla akeelBN taelw th"~n5 se,4 - wée ba. u t*m bIu 4trieS and i.1f a uien40 È..l Ut u"..94 the____0é___" SuteoIng tbmber eo-ttbyiWu ,bm ttw&7 elomed the Uer, 81ma__ it reoh"dtesaioCnt et t if -, eoumrSI. Aporter * u mom meh4 ,uguate Ibo uteunac "d4t ethe portmatau. a Md ltlcas slng mpi. ataIrs wbei ' < « t"Md thon ;*lCoutoe. a". then puled op, ~ItOg i' à bbsttém the sadaiik mi bue'r*,,aoef0aktfd *I GOrabarne r' ho xciabm& WW t~~w~ m'-k e Umar 4t lies Lor4 Billot. C.QI uu.IU outoe wse th a eiart Mda854 maeli. ~ S. n efo4 Vkl70,X. T. "Lord mu rt Vah. falrel. mot pa Us. II4 fet*b zuk -Wby. 1*'hstla tdits ' ho .xcamed. am R W or -m md bl os ougad soin& bb ÇM oy x- ~IlihB- li. ~ ~- ,1 een oner fame sa 1he .ta lm m- nager5~ 1" areYU op me te emm tbm e. qqestimmade 00etooc-bu m ab*uva mentibe baidot aùkel herséif thu - - fe~~f* lb. quey le re you coing tg Loulou ' hoeg&salC.mmi, Irs, My lord," ahe rule.- ~ p ,' lvg.,lsVkêI "At ti ieof, the moulng t H1 ave ho-bve Yo« heéri b.d anewsr' Constm"ceremained Bilent, and the Pesmureof bis band ge.wawrmer and r mmno orr.1g very, very sonry. It sil verny bai neya, 1 ho».. Were Tolst Wob~1l&Lord EIôt.,,.h Se waibmi lesie ber. seemlng libevI- dered àod couftsel by biu unexpeted rem.dSafmme15 7«lue mug h"Mm&leof mmvuiBhanl kuov me tng with lier and ber'auddemi de- W, aS ta avu bmwBSOm a thé tme .Wm.7mi l U.Smt-à p&ètur., Ida frank facoe lnicatlng b sa d.awEeifh i mi pomau"toen l lantageof ewics as plainly au tdi l shows the. SD , un.morRAÎDaoe, fAra ne W>uad, baWs, M u&.l leU. .s, Us ~Ojùq 21i.c or eAk.kMo&SKulant% ait cf la there anythint 1 cau do ' libe tek- le - si.hmaI~ leiIaMdmI au Iy am Wood'a ad. looint down at ber villa anl man' *@&.unmebiia s~ ~buu c aa blaaa huliei solicltude for a. womah la trouble. ~ i~s..ah aa sI~h maupi nif there la anythlng, I aboul lDeng ]o, thereas notblug. thank Weei, 1mygle me t~'imt b bmalmup gosds% S osi," faltefl Constance, and4 ah. qulck- uaqsm*.mibê-D yew nt amt oed ber tèteaor the train vas coming ,eeàb liaFmsPUr" âmau-li5 faMMV*b 5WwWfUÉ W 111 19.lsW __a ubSu to a n cehh.aUilBiIhoq.u é-1 ma get your tic ket, at any rue." 'of~- u~ tfpwk«*Nts« byu01 .. f PsSe lie sal,' sud ho hurnIed to the eookliug 0oe.agu.fu$eeamitesiyI sacs. "lnlu pe tange fluat 1g ày1wbouX., .t mnja meet you, bers," ho sai, as ho q«. ber 1589 &«nitisUcarniage, the porter ami. *Werà maby~rad d~aSUUiUmii àl aromspctfu1y b an«.the s-a- - - - U-S -M-s- ôalG bqparesu *WI-I vsaao we ledasmminng. ma-sud Uaogt 1 vum àvaves ailop. Ob. la th« .math- teand1à ?l habroke oM- Z-Iha"e r iýe t Of Pour cong up auai 'te 0d." e Qbked wistfully ID A"i do 1Wate. b4 er.twsgl toffl ité mnp ltelb.cariage. W 1 mqear. farnm Imetv- »Mut01OU bouu bab&"da aI 1 IWvir t. ýypuplela Id k»I Jair people t u 0»4I 1wbere Thà 41 husb-f te =t u oeo 4mw wm ers theyT lard." thbs : a wbeÈ minuteaorUBIUB1meamuetis tin Us~~~bd Se Ib*by U o su1pIt i irn H otna. nd n e D âmsd -55t un y« com? g ? I-I W~ Itmu o r mot coimg Iioaeses *eû bt at amho è' c m ibu* thaMy -1u t omwmtm 'r«triot 1min B %Wu tu, My s k t.ue-".b baevut *Zre. Li I~m.àpI. r tWd, iqMMapureiarep hM ~ 1, a, irulve iirr *no *u ssmi.s- t U~At ~ Lmu1~Mill'd a.nd texts C ogbey d Mthe lites %IV b85 dec yat@fl. it Co netr *çsare. P îI4cýt. it PM that d'e th 1f -brother nga dgng al ,vicesland tb rormS ~bY = &Wif te unde -"y:ýbev hIftatiola ai lthsreal bo; lioW I Wm the Co g9e whlC prUS of pie wto bai t MjG him in ho sgent th~ bannia bof liscon a lheu brotbh MWen cél lU'nei by a i ndnel Tou 3"., gorid in Ce siamnater. «t tue wori timation U~ 1reat bous - tba Fr vAudence oh vas ln.g pf the kee; tor belng *aoel the ot mand tria kgop close *W superi~ Wierever . staOrvant 1i à prisorer qe the fl is ilustrati DM the w' I bg &1 a n < là"ffet IW Speak &ismy by ilhis cour te bas bel kai to haN gac. his Svenson. l'ere laa lils the c leal of h] It la lmpoi mire and -Umttbeb Ood sand Ged 1ml admiratil thernla ind dern Ibrov UP ruffians latan cern b. throw Dreyer an tala soir]. religion 'w tb. king, S« Christi sacrifice t Men now bma a e, aMd ft la Va only t -Christi lemipt foi Plasuyou SitCoi 1 M.acl 'L.Oo. 0