eOum un rACTICA. 18SOFU * Mustfothé ", b"t u.wi WaihifltOl is may men Wb** jw t othlmg ai urI wrhe toIts choiel wra: Gcontais x I& They drew and lIftaM up Joi ont of the pit Md. musoube tei~ iumaeUitelfor -» »4««or aw u ams sxlv. X 4se il fgoar e0"v tbeiland of g"pt.'- T'ou caunot koPa B lOOM» O * god hast deoeed for higm a crtau j elevatiO op. ne a lau bi teW ýthough.it cou ithm i thousad wo: ousonetimelid gmou «far gUi l ot ho properly aipraOiate le man comt to bavaled Bt just b. lu .worth. Tou ciantot wuv la and you cannot writa Mm Uwn I t acil are polvrt.iy .~ subect. It W<OUI4* ha bu I*fflt te pffl that you ut . MOt &Uf fmf erth. the lifo of J »P -b h ous brothers tbrew hIM ate a plt, Peilnt a caravM an W Mr trudeng lo lng On thalr UDOsmes, qjspiesand Suamo thst iwaded the ~ ith arom&. sol thoir brother to t marhat§. VWho urleAdMlaDI b mgYpt; JouapliWai thoa i o 1 bow by Joàe»eIsnhgfrity h.rIl Muselfte ib ttt het SI~~ tutti, UerMta oi Iary: hou in primea h oma iPet sud c«enot hm.w be h w1wpetation of Phraairmu au freel and héria. the chiot1 jg% tory; liow lu th e ttme of fam ine J$0 ~~ ~ bal the control et a. magufon tOuse wthh a e ui wbo had thlowb i n h i 90o1I hM M I capttttue"to he sent theta hMa wèl*h th. bow burden borna 1boum uniar lhebo the. corna"a: s;bow fl. it M their brother whtohUdalS, lmai _____ bdden came oa t lai"-mendal iurncd by tht. brothar'a- ftMb b%, &nekindfleo. the euly ravange ho1 Tou sea, lu thtifrot place, thst 1*1 worid. la cômpellol te houer ChiM eliaracter. Potipbar-asa only B rnwa" of.the wofId. Yét Toeph rosa lu in Mdý-4 1 timation until *11 the. affitrea of joue Vreat house wGue oeumittal to imw- charge. Froin i bserovant ne hom en cnldence was witlhel<i We eph was ln prison ho soon woft thé 1 of thé keeper, and tbough piacal for being a scoundrei, lhe soon vnced thajauger. that ho vas anu %nt and trustworthy muan. and., roh eral superintedal of prisons au Wherevcr Josephi waa place4. wvi a servant lna the home 0f POtiPI a prisoner la the pénItentlary, h eame the irst min Véiywhere sB an Illustrationi of theo th bi I&Y ~du tlaa4 the world le- comipaRaI te b Chrisua.obazuct*r. Tiera are t *bo affect to despise a religlous rbey. spésk f il as a. systém of btomy by *which the mon la l '91 his courage and uobllity. Thai he has bemeanal himaseif. Tliey É(nd to bave nao more confidence in siflcé hIs converaloha ilum bafore mversion. But ail tuis la bypoc hre la a greant cdéaiOf bypecrir ride the chureh, sud :thero lea a1 deal of hypocrisy outaldo thé chi It la Impossible for any* man flot t mlire and confide, ln a MaWho a that hé bai reafly becoma a èhIl (3od and IW uhat -ha profemsait Yon cannot. despise a soni of.tea God Altnighty. 0f course. weha'v admiration for the. shkaniof relialot 1 wtIs at a place a few houri the ruffians hati gone mb tthe rail and demandéd tisaI bbc ýpasse x throy Up their armes, and thon1 ruffians took the pocketboôk% n bI& -satan cornes and suggaste to a m5 hie throw up bis arma lu hypocÉ n)rayer and pretansion, and. then à lis Bout -. For the mère prétcnshi relgon weha abberronce. Red I ~' ,f Christian sacifice"au analta eacrifice to devlm, "d. theré are1 men now attemptlig the smne th hait a heart for a",&"u hait a for the woci-aal S L dea Oa i f and t la a caicatur of railgloà1 - the only sucoeusfW sisugt ever i on Cbirlstlanty, la thé Inçonsisteg their hearts, mtliough MbY w« ésiogise wlth blair lpe, a COtteAl lu persécution, 'choorfulaW tWusUuI inl ous, tlutp 1 find Christie*i hen11 il and loccupatlom14e a&uI 8a" aPcted aul iseti floranos m»d distrama; ouar from dunigeouito laar t W for the lady ani sou!; Isbed goinu to thé p ror ~y f1 e Prison to shako lsobluxee suifeR came te the puisou drlvlng open -thç dless »&4i loa, tjhéChain, ai weOasll j have ievoted themmoives %o »raiMaspiitum al etale lau bth" DIE ot <ota ~ ouv&u MW, o at -ha rtow a. a. t Mt b«omor bis lat 8ritlmm boadme by. = "rou «- i4b aMi _ = -IW / am h- ,. "ew l ron i... -um IPlau , ft't thatia otdesio Bleui. -I-I s pistai. la 70,? O.' somo - sl Ada S~P *iliIe 00w5%h ~ h e t*.gaoh- 'làotI art they W~* «- DS ablsufr fo atisb lgoimlb espiag laé~ îvx lb.lUBiwrê » é* ~U aé .otren"a helios t i »Bwt ibel twwiluitr tact bl pllpsela te WM11555 lambuoi un&a"i tas tbob i.tiejea.luo hmob istetio bet h M &. t&ttweom s *i Yus5 bMewOVIt4, xte. Thé mm*, os 110 bbwa'avbal te uilotfilek oelir o»*0uglt et Gai rér10aL"umèreMathao. nbai IlIum thtan W'.1b mael aeed wbéý ad ee airaldsoalmi aebli0» tffsraa Cath tot6 MW ât- me" pue qe ti "0"thit. Me v f5? MasY et bles viseare Making get spart mêmoti ffllgstvweaiice eSsaI for paaand pover vii ne»OV« mmte bise Atuh" isauemaat*ul bu »00004. . Js eaabwan renet ot ?uloYUbiP0fet zwpb,7i Fm70U 55tevisa ftwffixb laota o e aabusa 1i. îlekObmystMarlous VMY Gel 000100011150 tl. nature et Mon-«tat laet aui g»»r- tue St.o eti em. 8. hIo essat.site des m&" tumouabl mon-to gatiser 1USd btue"i .Tes re anged aboutmcalohe" okami aqtogaether a lét is, u ieï ara apt Ute fr- ahosad ttse la F~n bt ou"s vet lb. fsuilet wbo vbc he ia ub- sooed koltot Une uaflebd daim »M or iS attemptlng 10 fet e mV uaSfrola tbp garlea e &Idçqbal~* " si 84 .peroctîn aa te tisoe Os 0«CalvM ad thu te twtu4 tlitu I S othuPtethebIsbugimof e Isva. Thos buabaul t, goa relation bebv.ex tlb.aahaet la- thé umlso ascltisbaIhume l is e a»Mer air m&U let va rejoka t>4&7. W. bava 11,01 te-. tbe Arolango on KMs tbrpu. Gel galber many happy. year. Ibit" je ttua &iret océiiasi Mt Mf ha»m i me et aul car f..Tou ne lalue » ytisaI ba mprlmg Vii, bmII vé an e I. ho appy togathar toraver. Stienout la the trie bbfl the h ou"o Do hava now-be brava.I viliinot le iomeono f thse Sock et bIrbe whiS* Mar 'Gool m1htr te yeu, fo e uâaal vhenah osisotai tbeisen il. vai tooi ho i te 0 Lag or etour Fathar vill a wvir &Ul baai t*brigislvl~ 1001th.?." ?qiuaoelimu sow. liehe.en t out te siug ovar Mount Ararat. rma end Icroinas Ir go jute anotisar TIe tubiç tisat blooma la te gardes, 4«rtet.» i a dI5 Itisat thuma ret 11ksprint veo nuu«t b bhe. anal- ýmato istmas w"ha-va Isas.Tise fartsastMar oensnsilO bea oom a1BnUmol hva iproad the zizoulet the univêrs o eugu e ~Sbvt 0010*, thea artist awaroân tb. otlioe sia No -gué gMsqwus ver unia vie- at théeuldvermAnd 8".pYu'Tpenara lenly maltreate -t"Ils a on oilai- Te" . lm te mei," for fron tâtât briglit beal l a rSturemâand ulauidprel, -> aiS &'Volet ligit vU~rn cas pabll onie bar Se SOQI ý,là a bW la kthea iscavana1, 12, wuTallag«11. a Lonmioaand a m.n aroela inteaudiae vomiealwe ra." ô là l 0Gq4sti, &Éd ail; 1ý'Tou vcro Ipu bOt Sgt." versé8e sinSaI b meon1*A lep*5 anI John Waal*yml: "*Thaul Ge. aLt, 0* Gor a y eotf' lnahait. the visq92=9 taa4 g 110 Meomp»la utise book .t a. b..S Oré. 1 bave. beu osarmu i ih. rytie Vim Our' camUste Our- grmva bero la kuftt4.Eàl, folowers vere bootél a patis ail markel out. UMac vet, at adnl sqIsd a and éid by e'very de-. la ur lts le >nneted viti eve4y testtble lame at'let urnal ngeutY allier oYant la oui lite. Ouirosies cculd. la'vent, but thebotterlhe ports-- mathe b. lb. mesS 11usd rO. 1 our oubia tise moi»,uaply, they -pp'tsO OUla. damubut sMd Our ýl0tf7 an sutW you Saov abat a âtrs'tàboul the . y fflubratiser ba've baume sud vIsat -a fmménbos Tb& vIola lirectisa et.rour lite vas tos for GoidIald1.ii ti tiay hara chngealby.e mothhztw4» lst lthe '.5011g aul tha wctld over. Ewt v. " sémel te Fou, Irifint,- wlile p~sutiu isigave Bstp~~>Pri'stmoocéorémo lsWh semel lie- hkrIMamIlq Wo*. pauaculion isaI mnuousaffeted 791&_but Ittie. Goi'i gaveoùrlan Su tecl-vil hlberty. alplans &g» maguiht oa1beyoqa ea- teutrd. te .gei,W ,froeloui.Tés, 1 prehenaon. goaamllus and- lutas might go arliser bé«.sd sar lb vms -d- d'Ireotas, Mandi v o uew-Il mot. ereftion thit gave lb vwoMi tise bousambior et rs are te Hlm as c ffrsat salsatisaet btha gospol. Thé t- iLggi ora ilmItie, Tise most terrineé MoM moebury, bhe iumvtg mal »thuia occurrnc o iem net make'Gel trem- llau. ltheunjuib ,dbaajg the tsaguomus- ble. T"e meutt rlumpisant aldeve- tous "thl~, vhou a1tl lb torée et hlir, meut doesnetmot ittHm Ista rapturé. fl*' vas hulaI a««MMstise Cfl155. Tiat oeegréaI thougît t o dgoes wasth lb. SsiInltroducétion etfbiaIt reut Ibrougis the centuries, and nations Ilgion vhichl as*y« e .b. thea sur-itre adfain, aub era Pas. and the. délivrauçamaen ur aberual aivallon.11wr eagsbuGoMksth The state sométinies id te the cdurcis, arîl i sanom, u Ge .11eepibtc "Corné, baftemy band, Mdl i i heRba1i ved'adlemaalrytelinlng aet 10 rou.Y1Vhat vas lia recuit? Thé dhurchi satmlctutceuy.TGl ventbacSamI est118 mbat O~ îe'they are ail> une évent, oeahltory, oe ,wnt aa sudleieestéfat fite-;AIplan, one léseloPuvnft. oe esysteni. nesarnd turne1e uil necaI 10 îîcjGreat admarveloui are Try works, oduris. thvi cra Midcu. W he aiLord Gel Aimigity I1I1vw years 1ago beau thie résult? Aller the »terme hîose inla Rau Oreana at liseexposition spenl their fur the h *h., a farroonm, when a telegraxvas sent te fromhavnt ostsny f is frce hmtise présilént ct tise United Statet, at inceaméd"dud la vorth lnflmitely> more WsigoadIewle oe1 afler thée.ssiUlt tissu béfore. Real Ior r mnuj, ald theà thea presidet't man ist ry, and you villi Sud 11mb true. anivér camé bacS. snd theu the presil- Tise cisurcb i'tr more lulebtél te tise log oMeier wtvoi bis- anîkerchief, anI oppositon et civii govérumeut tissuh hte wesignal va uste baeMa-n#o tts appro-vaL.'tisé ires ot thé staSe1m s-arorrt ae then- baveonly béen the torches wbich, Christ obiaerr e1 tIc exposition etarol, &ami bél labils hlui, ýby thé, ligît et viaicia the-président put bis fnger ou the thé dhurci bas mrhed to 1er présent electrlo butora, amdI nstacbly the gréaI glorlous post.iIn uthe sounu ot racks Corlus vliel begam te move-runil sud implementa o! torture I hear-thel. ing, rumblingt. rdllisg.ofllng. t vas ruebilug ofthse gospel chariot. Theî ovavhlmiîfg, ald15000 pleécl*>- smoil oretmartyrtogn ha-vo beau, lhe pel and aboute&, Juit Out nuger 'at stalrs by wviiçlthe Churci mountél. Vashin startel is atI s na- L.eBtu alimeft-omrn ow Ubjt tbat sin cîmuery, liuuiréui mandiubtOledS0 wii come te xpooute. Long, X« ffl muet avar. m4"i1theugst tIhn, as bal those bro1ue olJosephs ale 1 thilak »ov, *151 ml 01sonsotha Egypl.Tiser had uMade' the*ou at1er touai inimuemoaitisaIreepond In the fat baMueve that big favorita liiiWvasdbtatsc.40 r7@si5 ttem ne'., M lest 6"t TIserbal ,sUPpuu.mi th e rmp, f réinnov, 1000yéa.ra trornnov-lOGOW- amdit wf V a proul asçoM val! ept M00Yearsfrein nov--OUataudis sunl- by tha brotetis'. EUt01160311a thela 5ng Ibto the-is ies. b »«« lol ut. I"W moutmlher leas e Va Waieaiau tram Ibis st@iy 1h. lIat b»sma ula lu -Egyi>t, bav'lng beau, -proPrlab7 et lsv1ng UP fer bse fturs sol tkero hi lIe maill et Mi mmI ovu urt* t lise ae y«»areofplentr, lifehas.m qwev iat otu muet bave Josepis ptqmfl 01o Oowded stm"êouiàs Md lt bI5i5-sa, et tisa Tie lIte 0f motllmes lu a veorwIrer- Mof- :au Its UPP la pet 8dl*.IU dlàt.rein et plDiu", "Ni-foaubm r léas a adfam ine t kmlipin 114m"Y vIii b4a5 manu.passe Ibrommgislt. itileut 51 th, tm Ior ls lM vn r Mra ce'plaisr. Purim bée *Mm » est thSue v serai tsenai cornes fréi. 1 #mm îe h la lOb. V ,i.sp mi mL To suaepadi t tu e b isé es no - Ue -i.- f *W O.inehitp.neSmlb -;Ab 1.e imi e4l pSU "dg I l mi oZà&- Ot ue U»lb.r» 14 gwqst P t.a çan9 i41 Mit ut 55 un I&Ylt. Mr umt otatuaoè VrSus U ï t ai à abcutrima-rh" . sw" tusâfç MMlim ou ~ ~ «S at 4kv *uyar e1U t i"" *~,s~M-7 r Mora eUAMW or U ~PIu t Ië tof1,UIUurI 40 b. iè tlar y« mae balOtboSi tha bcrvlm" t »*. wS 4 sitl. Pusi aime0f thosa wM tué .ohir ~ao 0fOtUi quarret abou lt E 7cm arabutS- >. ONW la ul -19 0 uai10 et Thea viii ha as lt.st tee t Sa bt e il eth.go** bo tel e w- fIaviii tu*V VII tisob OU amgý A- Fcm am..buro&TbW o- .411b. tiglit triS «t lisêm*k a4Mhil5u1 gialvis y me démal.Tbsi '&W e roma iNoly4b Méo_ enly val.tir -eyou t. M&.Visat bolbh& T41 sisl ho a V" 1 thea vU aiu Moarthlv seomu n ss mmI fmo.Tser."t 286 1km laVa If 7lm atbar4 Iltu ms bAusé fort»- vina guÉté aSU ta 70 aupsmi VaIkOI up vIe maa»ai 11. sus,to grov grap*, it te s.aws'sgate, t wcl net puS- bava lMasufrar. usa ou shi chois ""y tndeàalsaor S a&Dow"ai s vina te» muaI alookLol 1 I bbink é nIrt off uRS tbar 7«a crowa or t If bbrval pupaaü. b4 a.wa « -the 0Bm-,lb. «oOluain, Sabas- siloS laiSsai e is iàvL* toaaIy«usnd u i~ OsU .bas uagr. , 1. «< is oluba e gagnol bor a p a o e I t TSi~o uubttag t a En- aa pu etsqai «-hsa l b. * TI. à»a pflave i-sithoia »methol Dow pemlcÎ giOle M ca tsandI uhit 0f ~ pla.OSSIUoEr. lo tu'e - .go"- m- tche maurtd <nI. W roudofi00. lait W u M Mta àt* utr. ZâIo2e ss>lo gp~vaW~~mzng ~ ~ohilros do not get ciret te 8bi lb ~~ ~ houé% a l.tr Ae srioa b-»na. mê.aa~a u. "Lige has? I do zMt bhOUe.t sair~smsuiIs#u.v~ r bava "r. Baths Man kSa a auVtw roffg i Itba# pwxeà eluim, .Is blif. but I1m»w ne Irunkennema.T»a sal. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wo otu tqspatos m.go. the . fahoea ondnby. tî,st os oe liM persons la -'ner e4 P o AdSutWo bMgbabli-hseone U Unlar v all. fVala modA dog a 00f 1502. Tb"e4i be *mât bath -J Mm tàmhaiwe * voa w Po bStroftoet mman amI vomen ba*&lmg M» un r as nt telau bsa tW~ UBlaIS~ l15 .4 rmalobl Hala im filals a great restaurt' Sai aflot tp lt tier ara tise 5130us 8 tia0uittable 1IàkIwi! tara Bt'.5B evp rrow la spe&. Mouterte mmore bMuthiii th" Mn t B bil sD5tS da DIum imagina tiser greatot tissatisa eaUaede farm. I are 10o i %, ï,or fiait emry urne ok t* tisaboys at th.eSt&&oi ul- au «»0 pluay thébuer tbmnIv vrsii.argat insatution. Vissa lb te e h p qmu Ao ttachmcnt, mtmis a&U S. euOvMafttil wUSibava the eoacolom sm .1enhecasaevoul is.-10OM tà l lrgool anbwmenl cg morto rsml or comoiatd.-Moris, bar Institution c oia la thé vo.U. Min».. lqun. "au em vetigt goaSt Voit. Aul ai Utal, a rge -Paxt Z.vdvy Nalas. e qloeeuI sd oet Wyoming m Jui m peu ao&m en a e ia as- =$à et Anliova ma lm tuM ibn=II ci%.0018 lb.e mamit ooms.Ors.ma«l" cf saan d alkli Md-luP be blIq# Mbeasam meIil-a baalto Ziezu vitli viter. Irr4gablo$ th b i -b beu uIhU h employel leI h îng, amI I blinI the. Goeru-, stone In jevehi. mm otuglbt totake il up. .I1ballave At Tise princem.a rlak ecldedly éffeo- lia proPor ftIMOUn e OfVmmDeut. 1 tlva, witi 'Il threor USeécoiored iuhe a 0b ons ortrucUtio t gvera-. itomes matlu a tfrmework or liamnms. mental functions. Dr Srrlgating -hb Lorgnette chIsel-as»are ry popular, motion 1 lavo lesorihal t coulhO and lnctuba bath gold iail-0ver cisains. --" o tesPlOtfrom 10,000.0 ta 0- %io golId ams punctuatel vith pearIBiZ ,peopie. The Geverméant vauh sud pussIons smea.-Chlago CironS- gaI backmort liss3It U&lY Mlthlà5- tresse 0t wMoaLts.ettiers caunot un- lertake thisSrgaton problem. Et le The É.wSDBpwlrSWappr. 1jSbis for tliai. ater han urouglit Someboly las vritten thé followlmg. a&miracle lunTaxa. Rereltor* it-was. whieik uufortauater, 'taa hable t10 hé osmadrel imosbla ta grow tic. on trima anywhére: Raser lulgea apersan tl evlands of thé Carolinas evn 17 by is OutilleaPPearaiSc. A shah-.mlomial abot.. W. found a commun- by 014 oat may euarars a newspapr Ity lan Taxas vhich ta gettlng rieli publlisel',,vile a min1u'variug a 1cg gowlngrtmIcs.Illa niade UP Of f peo plug bat and apOrting a gokl-h&edlaio vers blovu eut et Norh Dakota cane mer ha a dollnquent subscribr.- by bhea biUmae. &Th.y have scientise sîmuswter Gageté. mmeng 11cm, ald bhc scentlststhoughtî _____________ tiat Sr tihe a"cou«. -ha 1100Ml i uit fersT"il"grow rIe. -Tisa ezperimonbIRk If your iiuband limIons. raupcttuliy a ucoas.' gava hle&o*a you can dla la bretu.rn tisa comblIment uhén -le irea" mâmou an editolIal on nseéPartIcularly mi*- eo,*1 oilâl matter. You lotis kiov. lumtb110 cher la a am on eus pent or* thea otiser, but thé Intereat assumaI la platslY pOle. snd uré 10 ha &p- -bocit zriemb-Joues saI 11mb lhe ne-ver Ilsoagit tIerscoul hé anythimg vrong mils tisebanS vbeu alrevI bustness mm * 1*0. reu ver-oouthé boardtlet Z*reaoo.-WoUi, E neveu thougt tisera seul ho .amytinlg vrong vlih lia bank vlma istS4 >hiiWnmuS ron M1e JoU PU'O-Wlipg-t 1551 t Vils h emvy Wa- 19l i tbyt1Ubie tnty by mwvIt vga% , i al Pilai ca boeh or. ýýft Utir.10 tu sgoU 9iv~lle ihl t~mael b. Iàw seMi fla allt r t Thé IoWe im Ah. Th» Buis marxet vams slrtually de- asaOl aMd sonS roigual supremse. on lic Wno-évered table oteie lfI eumetlie remim u fs et ia vnmSe a boMutlful spcmn oethte Naplca- thaIle to itIhe ]onaparte--OC tise fmur t»-e-soréis OC eta sImd «Ahr eoeimel s young ms4*ert o*ncblg -an11.1 liroction sud vsxlng Pjg5t , 5, hastm tomesretmes err Il iicac viici reignal thérmatto wus moue lutha aitufe ef a cloul- horist, for 1h. nIgît vas de.pmsg on leu" la mehLim.. T'h" mol iia barS mller. "Tour mocey or 7rurle"' béaasi lai th* h1ta*Wman.6-. 1 ife - Sm UrnetsuS lbu gavaep iw Mar d-5rw bisa laIe on-varabOz$. lb. sil be tmgpalte cornaIbua MeOi la goas,111% bboua vils it-.voel lb. lB tuStheb.auImmS uat ui* but il~ieG ne DrM Md %Usmd g l êtg t A it7N dPoeI~aIrs*~ rnwyjeals ORBAN8, g,'PIýANOS, AND SEWtf6MACHINES, Of beta mku,4 at lowcs pricesaad easy tenu. J. J.WETfEýRUP. ee --f~ cor. Susmi & Pe a iPiii Drivers - Blood Purifier, IUpu 0 O wwwwwww~ WORK Md PMUPtIy Tutus BadI Blood inte NRich Red Blood. §soi lm hl 8*Pus Me" wby uulBU. Neothér renuedy Possemsse scpeect c1e4nsing, hea ling anmd purifyigprprle a udoc, Blood BItters. It nol only cléansés intetaaliyp but it béhais, vhen applied externally, U misQres, ulcérs, abce0sez scrofulous smre, blotchas, éruptions, c., leasing the skin clean and pure as,.s bab.'s. Takén inter- ,mM ni rémoves alrnorbid efet* 'or, vaste malter .from the Ssysteus, and thoroughly regulates ail thé organs of thé body, rstoing thea stomuacis, liver, bowels*asud bloodtb healthy action. In.. this way thé sick becomé véil, thse wéak. strong, and those -wlk havé that tiréd, vorn -out feeling raceve néew vigor, and imoyant bealtis andi spirits, so bisat they fel like work. If your appetite is poor, your energy go"e, your abtinlost, B.B. B. :vM- retré you bo thé full enjoymient of happy vigorous life. - - - - - - - - - -u 1-