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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 8 May 1896, p. 6

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UnS ~ out; but, maintins thilliasti. i t%»Ir oit brlWve esi vrote ber e Then the joiag lady la chiri t hi oelce. apenoi another boôck, andi s lI a mootoneus -voice, vhlcheleai. indic ted hèr dlsguMt St the wbele bw "'S9overmesa: Vteh, Italleu, Go ins, usegocé Epgll*. *te 1 certlflcateiL. SIX children. 8015 tventj penanis per annum' Wm U G Poor Constance locoti St ber uau pathetie faee agba. $1 amn afrai mnot," abe sali. 1 hue Dtether Italimn mr Gonuna." .. *No ? Thon ria, efrai jeou vix iMlht te suit. Almoat ail ort tIe know Germnan, at su>' rate,." renaiti tIse young lady. "oh 1I.bore's autothe Fîcuicb, Enisbh, unnal aceupilm moents.: Salary oixteen pousis p "I. tbik bIet igbt do," ammt Col stance, ber apinlta rigIng same'*bat. ."Oh,and there's semetlIng else. 'XII bave a goei contralto, volce. aùd h goiti player on te violoncell.' Constance's heart sauik again. IlThat viill ot de," aohe saI. e" I ce mot Play auiything oxceptiig thie plano, "lNo? Well, that's ail we'vo get',"soi the young lady, vîtIs the met protout Indifference. I f vo shouli heur of an, thIng ve'll lot you knev. , oare ste VerY Particular, 1 suppfle?" " «No," sai Constance, quiotly. «"ocei mrornlng"; and elle vent out agali,fe Ing ratber more wretched tIssu befei as eIse icinci the throng lu frot o f t, F'ive minutes afler elle bai lett, tl eld minu vsa bai nquired ie s way1 ber enterdithie ShoP. uni amked If .J could engage a gavorneod. TIse young lady -oaa much more peîîl thbs ltime, there bebng a great -dferenc betweeu a peoon swho vantsa a ittli and, -u.e vhs bas anc tefIL 'The o gentleman exaxined thse U«m- leugg 'Oe-verY. carefuUr, smd took a note eue or bye namea%, opoolaiy dthi1 Misa Constamce Graham, pald bis hsl creva ftce, sud iOpante4. A 1fev minutes aftervard lie vas bow Ing, ulcng lui a hapéseai to Kenslgtç ]Park Gandens, and aulgbtod at the ri Oidence of Mr. Basson -Feston. 'Tt lisuai crovi vas yaltiln ute hall, 4-c thse aidgentleman sent bis uame'eip aç vas, ut once usheredi thie.great a ream. ]Ravson-Fenton vas bard et wort bie table, amithie etemrtary at hlm. as tIse> bai nover lftit i, aainvtg B rid of tIese aeetary ,Esyson Fn't4 nodedicollj te te detective. "Ycu.have lest mn lime" he mil quileb ugh ; but tIeho eetie van keen observer by traie aoi fttee, SI saa bise employer'a ejes libten and tl Oean-eut lips coutract. *'No, sir," ho salI" and4 I have bot 'ver>' tortunate. I bappenedto ate.lui cabman vIsabravo thie youit g t4x~ the station, und bbc rosit vas e5jh J plaeei thé scrap *etf.paper beuvlu Co tgtance's addrjmas on thse table, snd co- tinucd ieb repart. 'I1 flt sure sb.W1" 90ouot thls mer»Iluno I1-otehai hi, bouse," ho sai as ho toli>ha-w ho ho folicyci Constance'tte icregstry oMei -"I recognir.ed ber, St once ; budeei, hU -young lady las met oasiy mitaken,," I ad.ded, slgmlflcanhly. Emyson Fenton leaffl ieI Ieai on Ji sami, ibacsote bralu bard at vor§, Constance vas touai at lent ad -s tear bini. But bey tokeep hon thert? Re lookei Up p4asentlj a'nitIfuanIte bai Occurrei te hlm. sud heckoftei hi dctftive te mev bise chair nearer as I unfoldei bis plan. The debectlvýe liâtened- lutetj, uodg cd respectfuily, ami eIter taking a té * ates, and QuletlY. remsrklm tbat w. as s gooi plan," teck bis departuri. For some minutes mifter lie bai goi Ravuon FentOU pacci Up anidiva hi0 r0nem, Wh .face-fl ie bseyo glus lmg, hie wvbe smasueor so utlike te l sitvicb no imiproobsi ee"tî; ia whonho vas baroIuht lMO *contet lb ho soMoi! seamol iko hi te eMyAR Thon udiemiy ho regalned i Ac .nupesure, amdiw siltg lts o te vork agala rang tfer tifs- ell *ami sasonce more-lIse hari;bg4M inpasslve man et Inaüce That aftemneen Constme .wm ftl b>'tIse table witIs a bock beo»sesý t.urmel Sot' «»as heur. WOI lofp te u strt in e . è» an, up one ertan es s ~ Ira. wmmo etig ow litte ho a nrnvImgtte 134-site bmdl, %e fkierie -I r S dee, r ow set.iu t'.t Se îùýfUlui. dlbèBleve me, 1 amn net tbre horeL J Mt er a* th*41 Slt 1 cobzId ot rmi neaI ~ " $ vaijéot. kD o euthb*kjIceuld, aow r ?a,*M. . *, adaeeIlei up et ber. ns vndb~aei i Um st'wngà:Luew i l mmMetvyn*a band se d o- owt5 ah 'UmiI bé oce. I"Forglve me fer .saylng whatIlil:b. Tloâtnpoen. the <ltolVurqke dI .bâà-but I couli mot beur te ;tht Ï easi ~sç t n.ty -YtN wwttt m v Yos ioeiIiè ugo nnhappy. Irmc- é terd *e eemuitad o .îp *à us e-bered that 1 was Young on<c myuelf." bler msdMwpli? Iwmn&mi* û4èoIM ervra ~ 4v~ UN atdl uWj onaremot eId neýw 1. 1 10090* tontamc ait f44*17. a Mi" dUW gSPdI pB0r bi* e(!%" e tle bov t ut $eryn ~,&hiviepdÎie 1514. '* TàMty 1r#meh*mi ln U stbh a**B Wt1 00U Km 1, àà worse tua o<gi, osui sal, etm Plie.we are .a(treé&*" ha .M04 volce. "'ITOUbave P«' wOrkt#* ttoc ply. Il Bt1 i dlt ornela te speaik c rîuto 5 frai '>re e w.we*1>!' #AuBWýt i' a f mnyelf. Mise Graam, but te, try ami tblnk It net e UI ey*D tf. "o 1, mi ssals-esrr m -hl as e b poebK In'vo o l e ave jeu the bo udo, Iwmatei 10 ubow Ib'4lbsjpscsa r.mIm 4.mor: rater bmMmgib And jeu have donc sol" eno;ided [et me soc, Iuil cali Lôr thie ohi thé,letuhIcui o .bZ avn on L~,lUtdok at.hii~l Cotaige. pratetuigy. 441feel twice as end of the week.". tc-day. v e, b.oum n4-lIl Bbe jur~6s aiWtl1 b b lp ae "'»ho ha brave now. Atter MI, -l'have scaa'cety Re rose snd laid the boek on the, tabl&e. «aai. pvM-am UMpMU04 141%; hvakbckasmn b »dte p»d amything te de jet, and 1 Constaiwe rosetm e ac uhs. * imMt.gpsa.Se weuld omtOIU onbnlIebtaitn am ntt quftto ipwrecked. 1Te-morrow 'Ami-aad you de net sut any- M op eWtlu B »rqmpigqroulam wbi id" *ew met ani detes*- 1 wIii put au advertisemerit tuithe pi- feremn>es?" she saMi. ive 4 rg bee abeee :a" £11 thé a&-~4 piers, and--" Tlie both âtarted as a ne @shook hie heai. ternc leie h.tmatnsd walted. ou uothidgt t amy. te me.?" >rdoubleokomuuded at tic front door.« "Na;. qwhy shouldI ? Amd, If you'1l r bete indy r a o ai u lY« Dou tse cstba t Mrs.Meriym wasstho frst te recever pardon me, iny ear Young lady, jOur maulrseohit ov [rs'ju cauntne nhiwltii ~~ herseit. ~face Is sullicient referonce foil me. 1 atm i.MII Xvyu 1bëo"ht ber up8, cm et yF ?Wa' eUla oT n wr S, chas a sgc esfryuIlsuete ua auea cla a es authe évening clmod la,. but Ceu». the beni1 Itell Yeu that threugba&U n 'ehp ta asodding c fo euatudext,.ot *aratnature scouI4ss ofceîy Su Volln u hleb tbo wtime uc have boo seiierated I have tn as she mi li, heromconstance lnnkeidao". te *an]ç har; Sd w»»e. star a t 4l ougt cno othébr voman than jon, Coustnc, e ae on oer erbo ()hlot m4ê se, I'<I better uam jou .r aa eteneourasement. sBbc loft G tht I bave worked vltb no other obleot agtinace, u ohénet repreasa 1blise bmirbonokbemi.room, constante pacei up Sud dowa. theu d'ut et £aWnngasfortune woÉtby an lmprobablty .0f the suggestion. and she Constàne took a shoot cof mte-paper heîiè ttcl bprtiadsc te ou citné fm ueb a wa" usconaldcrably. startidwhen 34rs.and wrete lher name aas iltinctly as sho j hoart. bo ft hmbasnly been bocaupe of îdMervyii r-enterci the room, ami sali-: coul, s nd bandedIit ta him. Re lai x Suddenly @ho hourdi6 koofr t the thue'bope--the hope that neyer lett me, "A m ae wchri s einy ew gi bh ls e."e sI-ior, ami huirrieMlygettffgber papers, and that nerved aud strengtheniednme- ,y or net, Itle asome qme for Yeu, Miss Gra- faction. '"That vIl do vory.nlcely. The b. t bthr Ise fat w ith waton obftbatteu MOuld tcment te sMaro h. Land et harne."f end of thse voek, thon. Oh, »May, Yeu ~ baii st~O Ierato tti emCntné em ie a "For mie!" èelaimed Constance. --Oh, wIll romain hore, I suppose ; I imeann hope. 1 Wiiin ee eu lta aposition w1rieh auj ~.no, surcly net !I, do mat thlnk of leaving for any osuffer I.0. vucm a ê~a lhtev.Teel edmr h. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o "Bti a tl nodgnimso No-eoh, ne," replidConstance. "A gentlema-" sh@le began, but Con-; jdu! @S orm that I vIli neot gratlfj. Bu Oie naie. tl ede ntlemano.' Il jeu shouldIl he salI"piease jlot stance Interruptei berl., we"Ith Iposmselareaiy, rank te SConstanee shek ber bead and starei. me knev lit once. Telegrapli If noces- '0O1, lot ble comanemup, pieuse. am itjjj»yj resweh. Gîve me but jouRr . 'I d nlet flot 1vaujune of that namo.," sary.- There la tIse asreau," amdibe tooe ac glai "' lt oiet encourage me, amidI1 wl »t li she sai. 1"it eau net be me he *tubes a plece of papor from bis pociiet and "But it 'Iî net Mr., Thompeon," muid Vft t Dtil 1IMV-ie gaint a coeet for t e-umbosa"-uhe roefaaIe handecd It te ber, Mns. 4Mcrvyn doubtftull., joui Ah,% Constance, dou't turu frein he thuh eIe rglstry offce-" lbut And, now gaod-bye, my dear Younig,"Tbqu I must bose om mlm neI lseaem ybotroK that see enimipossIble."1 lady ";ami vitI a simile ani a respect- exclaimei Contanoeastr a giqentkm",OW but, the bout, the higheât couli rt **Re heaased* -fer jeu, ami bj your Suli 1evlhe got Iiniself eut of the recm ta u ofmgethse heurt. "Il hd ehosay ? leDove0Yeu more iearly, more.trutj, te marne," smmdii is ervyn. Il OU bai Ddlibe give jeu bis naie ?"', ore ovotdly tbaZo r' en btterSeehhn.Mif Graame11 CAPTR ]U. ýE. tozpped ait Istbreatbitg bard. 4 )ld ory wsdI," sai Constance, sud @lie Constance stood for a maoment or tva ly saiiho wtmini te au ion o boi.l- çaeser: mOye. olierfc uI y taei up and vaftel, watehingthe deor as. If ln a dreain, starbng at the book as js." by mç* tere'etvi-ho'out, :ltb et vitIs an auxioeu t O&y vbIch vis net If @lie expected te see it rimnfentm .Go "@Aepâb. a ràmfra4*fl i bait -4 *l turu It towurd bini. et dliaimbed ulien aho. cegnimoi tIe olh table and vanieb Into thin air. cali e' à4 ' mm pmmpale. white teo the lion, If- man vIse bai accested-hor inbheatreet. Thon se rmte the door ad aledtel'. toolwith oesband pressai aAgabst He boed o; thon, as ho pocrei at bier, Mms. Nervyn. sud tbld ber all that bai Mrs. Merv yn w.et dovn. agais a bue breaist, the otber aImqpIsgtbè hast, ri- gave s naturmilttbe s*tr happenei. maoment or tve pamdff, mithe îdè mi 06 eA r*&-No yeouan Acoul&9Mstest on "Dear me," l iei," bow entraorin- "Ami ew I shah ho able te stay r' peaci * . P pause torrent, muokmsunt- -e- ery 1 The Young lady i -spoke te tlhia bshsdi."i for that reason ne much CO*taOe ý,, l v . a tut wepur'Lut et smeq's beart umwed; he inrnbg b" as amy oýthsr Isat I sui -g gli. Do7ou bock wltb a lew cSj, for thore oteb but theA bot.- oUMato wodoe ni7 1made ut-"Yen,*'sali Constanc%e, bo iealhedkaxwboypoor I sm-or vas, for three Rawson Fenton. barb ra rin -hlm ultIs deque, e- ed eo ffer hlm a chai. ,Poundsaaweek amreihes! vas se pon For aspice in whichomecoUldceunt, Peuau L'a "Now, thia la jery sîngular, qjuite a! that 1 shouli onlj have boom able te twet they Stbod re«arMlg cbeee I-1 [ yU mot listes teO any more," i *colncidence,"he sai, genîanly. IIQuifto! stay a vcry, very t-bort time? Ami maw ln. silince; Constancoe pale ami open- c mi et ImaL ber vebce eernlng wth Mi- at 1 ltIle tbeuglitviion I askod my way etfI1innut go te work at once. 1 muet go cyci vith autanlohuutentbcwlththie look ilcuity. *"As I teld Yeu long, long.age, If Yeu this mornlaé that vo aboui meet ani buy paper *ani pens, amd-eh, mY hin bl* face .-qhlcli the ramembrePon-I4~ eton, If jeu bave amy regard on inow 'wbat bas brogt ehre" fShe put on ber bat and Jacket andti atbon dt ni lufleu f f ,ps. 2Pjfe.ueme!"' Constamce'u face aàiute'3 mont eîo- made ber vay te Wentbourno Grave, eifMX& Teuton M' sie mlitIdat. eetleaintkt a er l, quently. purchase norme toblseap amd other w$irt- Ë* Hots"l thse ber aicame toward bre-it aneMing ani galng bai*,. s n aendlc Lirubbci bis lbands bêer' i ng Dmaterbals, uni came back al cager- !rcr, & certai=mureoied efgornemsla "D e '51881Ia umatb id thse memmer et goid-matured cld gentUe-'nese tabeg&in. She *et ta work ut once, big Oïès Sud' uuumsvrjcto,?,le o n o vle ,lo mon, snd taking thse.chair whIcb 0Cn.jand wrote away,. copyhfg thse markei "Yen, It la 1IX'ho.»Mmi; uni bis v0lcOS jy« werè a queen jeu ouli zM stance now offcred hlm leanci Isarmepaspages, and hardi>' atopplng te drihklor ùýail Reits stdicia" hm ai &a s ms11 euemores boaatlessly, more en1 on tIse tableasnd peeroti up at ber ami. thse cep of tea Mu-a. Mervyn brougbt ber. utuoreur-ent'et excîtement. "'lTou arenutIY be ably. She scarcel>' nnderstood a senrtence, as sua prised,, Consta.nce? itou are 1mt- No, a'>" abS cm n ;"ot ucorffly." mi U My namie in Tbompson, my dear Mr. Thempeon bai fully counted oni, or rorry ta gS me ? Vbu viii ot aMy thteu, ebeore. Iand EeYoung td,' h slie1, I"ami 1 bave themli. would. bave knovn that tIse mont oe- -that tl R" f a bge 0l- mitortune te be au eptbfalat," naentau'y betanigt couli mot posptly fini U J al«eUrprisei"e a &ae er fot ae et the noblest la thIs aiem. 1 M- Constance bogan . t far -that ase vas sny use for such passages. - velce tremblei.« 1 di nMt eà*t- uilt net bave boom rofuel" 14 ~ ~ . lo Iecrpn f -a fluatbc, ani ceagi But ahe va'. happy, thcugh ber fIuigcts thouiù -ossu e e"e',4 viithon do yen cerne toe e? te mt belp glamcimget the o*ached and ber oyes butrned, far was ase 8h, Idt e elle M e at>wai Mid m, w»tba wea37 Impatience. ad* oI "l, e aosrad, XM (ruame "ho. mot keeplng thet ireadtul volt tram theoO» Oê3'adm oen De. "I aim omore mai tban mon er- or<r Who, once ho enter., dovours vitIs- w h spa âtedg ishuai pn tIse.tbl. eneom. oe sod eau lwon- ho &One- hoare,.uldu byau Ia. y.out mere y? ,b<ha.atdthtbs ako e «D-o Yeu" b. re 1 havenem.-tè If>!ea18- 1tdu 4don lber tse vth a atrage mixture avs D e i!Ihv o re ti llq 1-.eauy. At asat, afler IMr@. Mervyn bi becn ofe scrâiny ani omêtsaty. t o OcSeh w love fbr 7Fm out et ýmy » Oa*" liCoastanee, belplesu- lni one or tybe. boggiag snd lrnploring 1*bve l md* i4 be m . heurt.' GaI I1bave mot ioueutt hffl, lier le desaiiComtane'oe i ped ber Pemt.a moment'. pausne, 11 1ovgbt to 1Mb aye SSl t *"R t ied te 0ibiget y« ? as-"e, ~-A pn i Rey 111elu d.lt wu# pahumdmîit ta"peuting for a seat par u il tbeUg-1we&ITes, k bave strug«W ias fea mbae r tudY of that-abserbiaig science, ai î1and opened iIt a 1ev luches. AsumIse idiItee OtVuintc e"utÉaubtmll an o r es, am yitiat vhat I hope Wiih ~s, a man Whoalbai heen standing on the e b snlizros e e e "utsseilasti t.imybplvIand Li1 cmI- - be veu-k on the mubjec" * pavement eppeelte, Ioektng up at thse slij mmli, vltb a, vetie ulgniticheietv I o enslvm siIoa ie As h. ae l-I oe~eti"ar~Ibouse, started, and, turnig isboi alledop n6 Ilfolieba tau». Of D ot, val Mnt 4ll au ihave 0f wUlnais OY- somiethig, emtac mru cisa, vulkpd qalcktj »ay. Ucht thhe cliUrne, lb. lant tiM m uWhileob W i re eaé. ndh m A-"Tes?"ICoatameo scarcelj noedd hm, und ho he hoard 1»r veime; tUn tAne. uen XiY-s TSbmssi osp es en e. But Foutoul le, -If5 bd ion. no i@eho aiime a e haki k eit té. hatl tinstùute-bs tavlhsasoatgst It. gay;, ho-sthis ceoerns e u ? lo Sai, reomgiiluêlunte bai lfigure vith hfta f5 ed-~b*M- Wb"e' i vus C» y ne smiaple. The tt i, vhe&nd Fe*p'ta ar Colluir tbat f Ravaa Pt*ton. aftmld., And Ieu âiMi trhs I. wim- a s e fs r e ai ir. otm he tbis mOMna, my d a i na i "M on tearodetyalrbreak. '0 te 5>u »0tee IS -notMtl l.4fl b 'o a- Was Isquirincm 1a tefatst e wau mtut te vrt salm but xxbr#90-114o etlt of e &"=« pebon Who vswu aeblo bi b ao ~ tis~ta ed ed -meiWM My vert. ý»UI Lou, tMy th Oe O a làta »Sic nmr Iah6m4M aam ai ~do whn y muetlàee .-A 9%# Ir M. ~-gs-n1 st 1~B~mi 1 sel -'ohm ~h. w I. skia jun chu I&*ias ml eimoglmesml n ~ s ~ - c., %Mie Wu WWuuIuP.bvu"Riu."' Great Englisk Remedy. uliermaOÏ«wa treautintg *hosadsor Ousmswm haulknowný * »Mat l" » hwe edhavured the tue remedy a&" tresment-a âa&wIIestapo a nd permanSentce l a &U stages f ~~ ~A&m or '* rnsoa.NPvm Wda&a,, ZmLu&,, M"MIa W«WýA*wkwuse of<006% ,TOWaCO, o ikpÀloàaic Smulants. aiu of wh om " térni enli OamnWdon nd au esrly pave. Wood'a * PoqI.stm m bom usai noof.il7by hundredaof mcat omsemed, duct b~ou-c.isUtba4 booM troshibgrtMbs mdm ttetiph[- wcoi'% PboIhs, I% bmomu*M une n bibais vea p ted, et éw vin bam ghie 7o« wp a m mble-there lak nm wfthia 0 mach, by huus. jesm bauieeio s fUsotwlfbO ami hspl*ns VtheWOd c.npany, wInr, Ont., Mto Tda.n I'ua buhM. mstbyvossta b M sd rota dtugtllat tinDomImb. This is abouat the muMon of the year, that VO' gmnmy bMi. the pleasue of informing our Monda of, th. arrivai cf - good, pure, rolablo fr.sh 8eedof mli kinds; mise sume VUy fine Duteh Setta. A 1GINtBTýHA Drttggist. J~q~om FLIINLiVILE 4 &,o ' Umber Yard. odà*IjnBUâi1p Tura4%s etc., etc. you buy elsewhere. y. -ozo-tf. Of the 4eegar jWnies ,thla bo Wur tih 'Mmiels, *Ith th idy t loer re great igIgfl b .Ised log eV, be pla pallier, lis b e Itito thi tarth littile i garde a, Muortal. thai Pl ddwr t. uni ru *m ian %«. 0 tleir r wie» brough _fleasur l'e sold J. tell t4-n a jïrden Christ. Be Ow *alter tord,r lathe. d the Db, 11o men w txecut IM ifidst loved. fer IL h priate It la select lb be or i larger elustel ornes cthere, Mer -horn Wry t etG *o 1 ]ut Planti Ah.e 'ioveI, binil, LOo. 1

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