-RiN #*1 'Et Me" igul tst andS, 11thie gaadens sa» 1» thé-, le almie domineat la tu a t ~very mug<OSUYJ. -i, Thcu s"st be 1ii. a IUteÀ den." The Bble laa teft DOMi. -4 in It faulthema rhytlhm, XLUk agery, nastwitll*g aniiem4!, r&pturous lyrie. sud swet U .voËOflahPsalm-thouht style moré.solemri tllea t 11 a< gornery, more boldt lieu hiit< nocterrible than lihaI @«Dante, Ilaturai than. liaI et Word* imphassiOiite than la ;umore tender hban thalte imore ivelrdt 'an i aIt f peaKer This gîee.î poeibringa aIl lhe 9 of thie earth into ils corouet, and kveaves tlee lames' et ludgemant lis garle mis, 1and peursaï ternI Ibis l book tcouches il maies beaiul troin the plain atones ùfth11e a Mer thrashtnig floar Wteitamagl Of Nabor tilling tie trougi Ni' canels, from hie 118h pools of H bon UP ta- lie psalmist praislug with thecdlapasuneof 4om snd M wind and Job's imagery er Orlon, tCrus and the Pletaiem., :My text leads us InUte a scene ofà 10cr redohence. Tic voriti-ham ha greal many beaulîful gardons.C 1zwagne added I ci tic glorY Of reign by dccreelng that lhey be es Ilshed ail .tircugh lhe realM, I ing even thie namesof ethle floiver te planled lbex'e. Hienry IV., et M peier, establhshed'gardeus et bewl ;;;::: and luxuriance,, gathe intr' thein Alpine, Pyrenean anti Fr that pletwas bwrougshavle mpee o f ai t. Arbor andtei rrace and a * and ruslle temple and i eservoli' urn and teunta!n here had' hheir Ml Ing. Oak anti yow antibaMI wat S btir richesht oliage. ,Tiiere f*al lite more diligent, noe1seulut genioue, han tliaI 0f'Bhenstone, ail thiat diligouce anti geffulai breugit te lhe atierament oft t treasureti spot. Hie gave £300 to Ae sold t for £ 11,0W._Andi yet I b Itell you la-day -of a r1cher 9& thqln anir I have mnentièned. lb la pardon spolien of ln axy lext, lhe den of the churci, wvilci belong Christ. He bougtit i, Hoplaule He ewns t, andi!lHo ch at!be" -Walter. Scotb, l lis eiillSyat Ail Ifordt, ruined bis forluhMe, 1 wdi lu the erlmsen levers etfthoge den., y*u cans amont Ihiai eor agiuie liaIy»u sï 'le bI.04«< eldmins'.broini hkert.1 ment 11 eteble st *100AfQO. m*G %lm. -But I have t le l .1 jO Mlrlt'a lite sud Chirim@te<ahi 'he outlay oif 1h28 beautiful gw o the chureh of *hi rn lt * M Ob, itow many sigis anU leasa pangsuanti agonies î Toi! me, je mon whe saw Hlm isng ! Tel m executioneru voielifleti Hlm If im down ! Tell me, thou am didst hide, jye rocks that f011l! CI lovcd the eburci anti gave HNu for it. If bthe gardenon fthiech beloniga te Christ. certilnly He a right te valk. luit. Coe, tli blesMcd Jesus, te-day; walk up down theseasalm nipluci viat 1 vWilt of sweetnes fer Thymeif, Tho. churci, ln my lext, la aSI PrlatelY conparedtoitea garden bec la the place of! choie. flowU sielect fruits anti-et. thorougi hli tien. That w<ould bha-& trarge Ira ln whch6there vers no flewers, 31owlere ohs, hhey would be alofl bortiers or et tii. galeveLy. Tic ht ihest taste vii- dictate somnethiail it be only tie olt-ashlalied hul:* t or dahlia or daffodil, bu t 1£lter larger rnepns liera jeou wvii"da Mexlc'a.ucactus anti Maga eale& clusterlng oeauder. Well, nov, t4? comes te Bis gartien, -andi Be Pl there some ofthle belgiteat spirite ever flovrercd upon the weridi lS iflost every one liaI touces t Tihey àre hard te haulle. li Inounce them Inotu'gbut t£C Christ loves. hein otwths r, their aharpnumas..- NanW.i, = lied a very-* hard reu*4 Ik1< anti il as eren béen riu-, trial he haa ralsel etOB Crop of grecs. A Veuf -Was lklng to a rery and te. placli eid dersat entroi your i 'mp. mrinialerto le 01e4«. ' * emper lu 111e uotea.t" tii 've Mrm'?" :î Is h9 arder te nig t han'fo e WM levgace~s the » * 01 4 b*~u *ta~i&. g.ob~ PI p labeW >ever * - the latter4" ment us a.»lUlsed I &amo lad the but 1>y lways roiev4-rcn» beautlful bt col 100k- emf .Iiiý ulum t«,eeunfflu anoher Phase ef whrter,1 I ot lu, and then the 1 meau tiiome Chistlans who are pre- gala.ueef vat for up above the staira claie ln their tastes, .unirnpaasionee tu a undcilewtr d I pure as asnpwdrops and scold. They sgw L algmi~ugon the dry pavement, a.V noer hed aytem.rs, rneyer cet com," d~iu froM "op to Olt"puntil.il 1 exited the nevr "yay thlng came se»« eaI ola heai' te musical. hr rathly,, they neyer do_ anytliing pre- ruah,, an l-Iovires'lb Igi, lroud titul. elpîîttly. Thêlr pulmesnever flutter, gtairo Lo itcme oalr*u naifig, roar- u-their nlerves -tever twîtchý their lu- tng dows u nti ulght and 'wve ln liesdgnation neyer bouls oyer. Trhey, Ilve cleesnoeWrectle turubleal at my teet. th longer' ta most people, but their Ilie go it la wtth the chureb et Qo4. Every- esh- la lu a miner key. 1hleY neyer run Up thIng cornes- tram abore-Pardon trom Ged to C above tie saff. lu their music abovejoj» troim above, adOption from et liof fe they, haev ne staccato passages. bve,,sauclffition-from above. A v>Cris lapt e4 tem lu the church and, Hark! I heur the &Lach ofthle gar- they àu ii eý'ot gaie service, or t-bey.' den- gale, and 1 look teme wviletlacern- gu-would iro bèthète. Buowdropa, alwaYa ltr.ie,1hear the velce et Christ, *"I arn a a enowdraz>g. corne lmb MY gardon." IUay: 6"Corne 1 But I have not told yeu ef t'.e most ln, 0 Jeans! We have been waIting for har beautiful flower et al tht. 'gardenri hte. Walk ail through the pshhs. Locit t is aPokeu etofl iext. If you of e a at thee lovers, look at the fruit;, plueit tab century plant. yeur emo tions are start- that whiei Thou wllt for Thysmef."Jeaus e1- e#. You samY, 'Wh1 ibis- liavor has cornes Ijute carden, and Up to Ihat ro te betn 100 years gathering Up for one old man andi touches hlm and saYa: font- bloomu, andIL twill be 100 years more "*Almoat homne, father; net many more itcih- befere other Petals *111 corne out." aches for thee. 1 whU noyer leave tico; ring But I -have le tell you of a plant that Lake courage a littie longer, and 1 I wli -each wa gatherlng up from, ail eternity, steady thy lolterIng Steps, andi 1 wil S 011 and that 19Gosiea ago put forth ils soothe lhy troubles andi give tliee toue, bloom never to wither. Il la lhe poa- rost. Courage, olti mani.". Then Christ but goa plant et lhe cross! Prophets goes up another gardon path, and He t hs fretld týBethlehem shepheris look- comes te, a soul ln trouble andi aya: lm ed UApon ILt la tàe buti, the rocks ehoci '?eaee! Ail la Weil. I have seen thY e et &t. ILS iuzrstlg, -andth le tesdti OtUp «tears; 1 have hoard lily prayer. Tee ct1On Inu heir wluhlng mii>esta"eotîs fufl sun shallflot imite liee by day nor andP blo.I aaelpo oc-bodlemo y nigit. The Lord shaht ati tlhe roots,. lood cii tie bognzhes, Preserve tlree fram ail evil; He wil 'n- Wod on &l the baves. It. parfume la proserve lily moul. Courage. O troubieti è 410al b.àa.om.Ils bresth la spisIt!" S lýeayen. Cbme,,Q vwinda, f ~r»the Then I see Jean. golag Upanother la ot.adwn fo otand gardon path, ud1seea t exoete- andwins fon he -ot ad wnd, fom entamng he eavsand 1 hasten he lhe West. and beur te all tlie earth up tDat calden pati ta sce *bat Jeas On e e weet smeiling aer.of Christ, my Io doins hhero, andilla!13e le breaking )r IL ILord i of,* lowers, sharp anid.eloan from tie amn Ilsworth If al the.'nations knew,. stemn, andi I say, "Stop, Jeans*. doa't Lrden Bure lhe whole sath woold loye Hlm îeo. klll thome beai.t«l Î, 0 li." e turrn a the . Agaln the oburch ma y te appro- te me andi sans, "1 havre care neto =ny Sur iPriatelY oompared tei a Garden beeause gardon tb gather liles, and I mean 10 91t it Sa a plae ef frujits That Would take these _up to a higier terrace, fût d IL, be -a stranse gardon whileh ati lunl ne the gardon arounti. My palace, *and SIl.- béiiées, no pluMaor peachesoor apri -there I wll plant the and a botter bots- e0t&The paar'ser fmUs4"~ pIxefed soailandi la beter air liershafl put InW thel Orohnd gr they are set 'uon o ttrliegiter lesTes ana e.tecrodfo- Uie *aWW bldei but -the. c'ôiceeît oucesud ino froult *sI tck them for- hb-pu~i odnsl ever.11 Ad I cokei up lto R]sMa àe ~ *stp. te eI Chrstand mid 'W. Sft 19 Mg 'iarteo. a" iik.te a x~lmsa i>autîNe -han a rlàM ite fie hst Ne i n t tns-patlemoe. charlty. geuraulty, witb IL. The viià,be. doe-the harulest PN1latigmlty-but Me lateuda Urniecho)lcst prayçerman ever mdo. 1.. Wère truite to b. lu tb-* gardon, andi,'if lhey- It ha se.red as If Jeffa Christ toOk Se .are rot there, lien miame on tie the béat. Prom rnamy et jour flouse- eksm ehrh .. . Il1hebldo the bes orne 'la UGrn. Yeru knoti and Religion jlanot a messentimen- jtiat sic vas toe gacti fer tila vend; wo- taitty. lt la a praelcai Mlt, le-s'ivIng sh was the genlleat la her vaya, tic] e, y.. luaItiul futntpoalem, but apples. j eepest lu her asfect4ous, andi vhen 1 t " saujs mmsi.oiy, 1-1do't ose at lest lie aicinmu came je u iat noi th& wat ou crdo o e î chrc ba.taithhla niediclues. You mev thal lhe tret Vl.lded.» In repir I Sk, Wiere ad heur cf 'partlng liaticorne, and. whein, ascII jour asylumu cesmbu rom. andi your thi'ough tic rich grace o!fbile Lord kurch hospitals, andi your institutions ofJesus Christ, jeu aurrenderedti li& has wercy ? Christ. planted ever 'eee rSu' O 54 'làoeJous, talie aOthe=; lie planted'thlern lu Mis gar.,IL. It la the. igat v. have; take IL. and. den. When Christ gave lght te Bar- IhOu -a.rt W~ tiy" he ethers lu tao Lhou timons, He laid the cornerstone te tiausobold ÏrnY hav, be auOft«caser Jevery -blIni! asyum that huever baesawnld. Mibwaa ofet tic Oest. ppro- built. Wien christ. soothéi the de -!. Theheeven oet jour »11111e .wlil ause monles et Galiléee. e laid tle cerner- rit bufairly begun imbu you get s, ot atone of every lunatia _98yIUM tbilaIthei. AUl thle iine invahein rg-bas ever been entablisieti. Wuen by Imamortals wili net maiethema for*- T i't ta ak an Tse C el jel. Tiore they «are iradiant eIt tiy betiandi veli," Hoelad th. cor- J tMOre'5tiat veut eut ftrem jour r theN leram o ee Y hoitabl tie world homes. I threv &ik"me he tii. - oi-baever geen. When Christ said, '-I Grlin-g&. ¶ey area41aI vIlnoIr iu g if 'Wa«lut p1'iSnIand je visîbtet me," H e ePalace. .The. crPPl.et ehild baho,. ,ock laid -lhe cornorstoe* t eYr! prison sound ifoot n"~.' A flje lame chili re be rofor= aa»edatAi iaI "tbaS evor beeft 00 %'1994 vi.l ha isme la ieavenY' L the. .~Sl~ The ohgirhof eChrist la a "No. i . eatb a~ 4 nd g»rlou8 g&rdeai, pudt l l u -iof la heaven." A 11111e ali c Md s î~î<tai- Ma, vil I . 81M la hesver q lents 1 Xkow there te sox poer fruit lu IL. I1'my -demi'; yeu wO%, ha pijck lj lesf thbt aw tien aa meu" vedts ,a o* h1A.Uý .b aacliiM aya, X* *U ae~~~~ etI .hrWuVati e*e uy bâ*tai aheure." "NO, "My aer but tiee are sm or usi» Pw&ttia s 'a' eml eae.Te r seiO«bhttecoatdoloa. Ibnow téiste , ailvretse the em wM graffl *MtqanJou t e I.lm Ia le.M WU thOI tihers SPflDt& EtBU &» Yeu gl. tea'le- tîi av bh la 4esnerou te.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tre i j~gtm~se f~5i Oicn ot tln.. 1 * rani- * t UaiU 'tUS vl! flutti biitag'# gars o tThe rnay ailmaus y iaow' ~ frit yoi, w4,g lu» miakaWe WtSUk .Balo l Ta ,watPfP nti ' haa*e.at s Aau laIw the, 211e geve etlb.OhaP i esa Toma * Ik4 . dp et ~ tlagi4st~s~ r hete uria.*I lin awbt*na as~ e nueelj tb, wtnll lsmjghMn"e maiede, T &long »t- e In. Il'-~~~ ~~qmuasusi d tIsh sfott otigga it Ur1 ou 1*"' èk-em raIn qte.qrd.M ae Se'uoUê »ai yo dit? fl il o I3mw6ti wmlte'I yen iu1u0o la leftute ravellIna Iti MaY Qed. late, breax a ameft lat ah Sfà" Ml utoboraphW%. l etbai.p -e aauiedorty' t alnith eubt thiry d kaop 41106 ýéSdaùs. I »Jrle týi beealse' hier. la no rt tature viielasuryties ct t do" Bant prove tébicme >d te Imxe been lutereaet .&I*. iUaltatàiio anti pos- Tht v ~or et mn*tiou a As 1e Ilat" t- a ie' r u nryurr ly ceirnal th le tarmers utIOO&e 919 im.hin svety,> capable if o- houmesame 'sthoutprotection. WIiew'ins mare sud botter von hanmAz a ma os nuse.lieteuneraure~ <fthe.. jounger men, about licita. 1 bis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ti « maam uleafdnsleie co»tmatly emins tricontact lh «ltee» <efrees ien atormare rau- mmsubeteseen torty an ti l ho ieare aIt, « vien b. oSq dethie equlvalelent fno turhie > useAblàe wvoldantid efth sll by plantIng saen l oebv es t beïambItion. a. prelecblug bell, et Ire.., 1h la s'rew t 1z msy i.hoperMitited ite give tbat-I important liat he' shoulti de se.' my itrin rny evu experienos, la- 'Wien, a Irce la Clven hait a chance St or.aaliW. votre are tul of, atidltIol vii trw, S&" Il'iriligrow qulcily. Il enjeymmtnhoetlite suditcapaolhy forent- la net. se, bowever, everyvilero. lues durano. snd vork. I. have neyer silci la the tact,% lot us -grcv Ibm. aboe se l'an> heurgs.lu My besisnea We have simpîy re prae the grounti uermadc e nany speeches requhring andi plant them, anti proteet tiiom, to more or lems preparation, uer dîctalte have them ;gjnou'. o Ti encc10laver-'me my articles, uer furisiet no aimpe.Tnen Ict usnal bave lie Pro- mirci malter for tic promu, uer brarel- otion vilh hieyaftord. I amrone ic *'noemany maces, uer » meenpîehely Opinion li a s-an la au cucmy te Aged esch day froin oanly momnlng ilmacit, ani ho la, nofer, an oeemy outil late eh niait as turing lie p1)58u te bhs temily, iN i. dec.net plant jear, and neyer enJoyeti mach perfect Irestu prolct is home, If ho owns iteti snd entfre nmunly trom> liaI tie la.nd vilci .ho -111.. We have tredfeeling" vîli bcopies ah limes rany inuis ofttrocS le plant for pro-» te a" oetus.C .ecticu,anl 0f hici vm grow voîl. Il The aummber et years liaI oeehma la iot meountic. Westerni prairie. Ouly ue pobtilaplanel has 11111e te do a feu uknds of trus wil grov tiare. vîti uh&f hecanaccoern,>gîor en- Berneeofthle tielIm mlun tioe lanide joy. Iila a smalter of îereclîlY.ihaiti 0a" oway ehoy the protection of a andi.leterminatlon lu oaci case. I cottouvoti grave, even viere lie remember heariug a diaUngulsed blassatis blow tilefr flercesl, anti- lu pregidoent oeeoet bur great unîver- seme instances thy cannet bave even milAn descrie as thie Ideal vay ofetpeas- liat. But the fermer further est eau lug one'u liane .frorn seventY untIl the have any iutiofta tree tho maie hl» dcle the resdlug cf agrenable books,a grove thal ho mar désire te GOOf*olista exeroAse sud frugal meule. 'Au th la to l Mry, hoeau have MWany.om a shootbreeder andi horseman 0id efýthle many varletles that Ur@v ln,îto me lu despaîr: "Âfter s a â PS&M bl. country. Even ai&mg everreens abey . bunothing lî.tt but ho drive there la muci vanlety rOM wvick hoonter lthatf» ý! 1 j sud'e abTaheut iteiei mwestud___ -Whez I vas a youngster. my fatier an bui ksy nt tet grow se taa..etbail a onvilch aît. rve, wprc il! terra aloue vall eVen idshrevlile evt i lieNorayvaneh laproaby bl-for twenty jeans.As IS a. tiug te 1%ilet &b h i. rpiti sud t-ue »measboy.s andgirl, for su attack-oS tr itAomte the mau ien anr >etieu iederiret oariendly fariner vacletr ofeteveran. Gelw«h boys d as msesard sure. Ho car'- andi. «Mra Oet1h, bous ho helP pet~ so nertemiles et tJýe hîny lima, amna1 highwua cof Wlnehrnater, and *hile ~s wà. * ~umo eia hhi thilictreesthe farmer Put There IWaàs "pratei<pui ÀQa-Uhl,=*#" hlm but! lu ~lunA ia u~l4 asi. asic- Vanhie tanier, sfIo' "Olti Sorrel" lses!Pm-thu"e Wo - vo A atae v ks nenu eil i hm by liha!&- terneSbori1h10 lu.B4a et indut*Pl# ~t~lI vard s~a a « hlm le .tsu.miLa P" bel apes àbut i. ~ e sane ua iti the fermer,ad SWei, uige, sala efi have been ha frigitamedt laI son et te sOUlso ever t& liI&tM jeMadrerlti danti ibh " lmao we liaI uc -c»dltirene lndý it ail igit, except the fiue streaID tlis h mA ltruav h "1 e i- et vahoryoqa meuheusi."telý" m d trate t. l i ii .of mste arougi hi«e pac t oa propelsi,'et,idu oon.iuct beCor lhe lu hie lowest part of thce tv" ng 0ew e r ce coult gai hm boa, sai theI* jge. 1ý te. tie, *ale Tiat hereiveti Jusl "WIah, tbit 1111e brook? Wiay, it a.s htIsy,,3maI as wllng anti Just as deesaft ici! narneilmore tisa a&speo- saxBU» fSerk ior piay un0fli ec fnL ][aasure If jeuwould emPl>' atirty Ye eteg bovl 'ot vaher luto il l vouli oter- mTli esson a"Olt Serrer teugil vas fo.Tou don oeIllih" s&fne t&th ia lie longer, healthher anti strem, d 1ou Imipir 'vioe ie e barness on, anti "4WeiI. if il vers Muci fluer 7»U *beaUiey sy fR off keep theïr spirits ceulda't ses Il ah ail," maldthle Juigo e N"tidyong. 80 long as Yjour blandly.-Portland lExpremeý. te, la hpl,, jour mind e ltara ____________a" â jor heurt las VIgorous jOU are àamSantavampUSV 05107. iwuag.No . malter how Mauyrje««s Bjoeevery dalt>' ioslery sr'e thote V«shlI tilhl talte jour valkt, your vlih lie. old-teashOied cdock lantep. dttve; > jur travais and, your recres- %ieuane la cetho eaandIssudlii, and tien; jeu ahoulti stin mîmi>' vîti an. are among lie latem Iimportations. ser sea&thie gocathînguof et ti pu Tbcey range lu, pricé tram 60 cent i%"gat sosi uet « ftmillsrly viii SJ.Blacki-or celoreti oUUieu-, 4ho d4liaee, thie inventions and lhe brobfldre ti iliuj V4Ueor eluglo qbdtft of thle mimd oethle present. Alevers acatlereti aver lhe. iusteP, anti trba sulti cultivati.e ung ppe. sbe eeimes rc»ching .over lie top Oet«à, Ch"-WM beMllmu, a boy vithiboys' lie Uhoog, are ver! tetchlng. Mîore n botm love adInspire love. elabos'ste steeknga have _'a lie et aster i4ev a Mmsapeut tortj vie opàa~vriregeiibliIi( 0, hemetlicheottred, froiubusiness 0or tie protes- panttem= ltermaling 'sihi a <eioeLe. as"^ w omg4ct'.as, he "M te o lI e% emnbreldednc'le. Tiiese mn. exProsal>' ôU*d0ov treOr- $Dur ycRO& desiguedti o wea» ors, t e tmuillu qIa mies., sud vît iIndoer evclng tires., *wtt e tut~ n the, actIVe aftaira Au« .ber nev style la oruamntuedth, ibi -.Audlatrse mMate Gistmocm-bsped bitaet ofpen vikS sia~dpeUle rohn ajerWais Oxeudingftram the- anile O t tie vM.me *0 ft als mwi- hait "aYt tlehe . Tisse Il«W jÎ a& be ,for -t1h . uahr- The decoieà feti bIuOté 10larely 3wa lu Use lan avilns iconefor gnevo gliee p I u a m c o W e a et i u' o t O i i d t n tby id , .t&Mihyae a1I, t~b but t1U 4ere ble a, M ny tu1c tâteU i~As , M~éatt»ré w au- I5t,1wi b.aeeIJ4IY Uise i ~0bUa~e tew.htbae l a BWt Ttmi Wmll. - PIANO8, ANO SEWING MAOHINE8, 0f bestnmakes., ut Iwest prices and easy ternis 4J6-JJeWETH ER UP. Cor. Sussex & Peel s,,a. if YeO nutte get lia higiies price fer y*ur Wool oeil direct te thoe vho manufacture it; <aid ehea ycut buy.Dry- Uooda boiy rein the manufacturer. b. ave a large snd veli assoried stcok et, Blanket., Sheetingo, Shirtings Full-Oloth, Yarus, Men'a !Und.irwmat, Top Shirts, CelIonse, Shaker Flannels, Collonedes, ce, vhich vs MR àtaIvu.7 sa&U adrence on wbolesale priS. 2 cents per IL. extra paid f«orWol vha treded. HOR'N BROS.9 Lindsay Woolen Milis. 'n om , =,'in -ath , ÂR B STSAOII 48AN ARROW In il. discases: that affect humanity there is some weak -link in the chain of health, some sjot that is the'seat of the trouble. It« may be the liver, it may be- the, stom ach;- perhaps. it is. the bowels or tlhc kiducys; most likely it is the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters goe? strai lit to that spot, strengthens the- w-cak link in the châin, removes the cause of the diseser., and restores héalthi,, because it, acts ' with force and curative- power upon the stomacli, liver,. "%Sbowelsançi bloo Withgjood red blood heaith is assured, without tdsease 1à certai to came and Burdock ~iIpositively remove al -abscessts , scrofula, scrofu- Lses,jýMotc41es, old sores, etc., càbiWIvafly-as well as tace * RIS! -WooI Growors, Attention.! mm*riefie vebobtdnaed, It tom up the sssenids thie stornaof I~o% V ma oâ« pa ds iat ma tklie fblood avay. RK ----dis wu the MIY. ru bloéd k. B. a B.-,4zmý ! W+Iali>nl