ut WATOGH beont tirw" £FOUTT-0F KENT 8TtI&.T BOUE KIN&. -om Ta,,lbithazaS i",Im en- hk B. 3. àMla&OIUf lm mm «uiM au5lmb ýFFIETIAL TP.ADD VITE Eugtaud Impotai luti Tmof Bui'a-45,48208vortLl OCmuam ilid cf Oh ocly SCO,OGG dolliasvort. Umimu p rofèentllltraie. Cnada sbouti aupply mamuilme of IL. Englani ImportaI lui "V of caada famv.l me s ursl a01 I Canada houli fuih mnymilIcof et6 icaOnut-m, O0Ovoe of. cýnd uréi l %i bout ,13,000,, jutas inai 1-0. if canada1 uruabi ouse bfo f Eng. land's1 BU TR mid are"sme sa import Il vouli net the nes oummof 8UO00 annumly. Englus a u rée iod of supi esly ose lhait oft ibai auni. la th. tome Itemof e saum XAMvs UuME4 3009.md anuu- , lglinitélv a"C anumadia a àwkotif my en.hait hieu Importaet ltas. coMUtol4 ,vIa. 8110,000000 mmuuall. - 8110000000 amuall. aloto, vIi olmoisasau veme oafNiat t parOMUyms, vsmioMbsa * h vouli usa si veugo cute. CanOmadien, 1tm Yser Thonvii um-8 ar îvetif U 0 o the muilsafaMmue- piet en 0 pouhvy aMi 0mb., tceés pont qonuli bfore Joint vu a' t mwe -.an cabnk us 8'iqu *»fVu. aiu bobt -*lb0ieh au betbeoTr nalmen mighi m V.um -&WylaBoq.t ue f ais lUR &ab et eS,.Ares Md omau Husiha bshglbaohu At KM»lauia marsmA Tula, Bq., 'a t lbmieplumilid ualthgvdvu uým09ommmi totv" ub4g pmmosaior l. The tusus ma inémamly lkeui 1Jlm ila wvux«peW oirb l 411 se sk Mimdenmii a S.1. bedve te Kbmomut MummaA. Ba Powelloc L.iam, Ont, ilactc of*lb. oommWul mau in ham»"uo mpaY of Bull., Onumuo, aud Ill. HughosMdmem, .6 zoumg Md viii îppoOIBISspeeuab EvseywhMd Me. Buobs i. vlm.Thg friands e we e nvd-bsoea, m on 28.1 Jua. hl v ia vtehabuuW eut of aigle *T. id.ismlmtlmof etthe baousetisi cb fsitp ouâ stlcmala Mr. Hidhosii"mdeveay 01.5 lgy hiesb Usai Xfau o f thegMi Hlm outIl..e t pwoealmw ovale .Md lb - 0" 09 lb g4%awS t la tou "vm hi. el.Iih AU ivavells vo hemvulmmeau omiiatsi mglme atu, "tbb smajcehty vuidb. ova? Ibi .huaesdm i tamiIf alladoiams tam hb viisot Poi tblty acnavatlvvotéss taoh.estive M.Lumilss 'ades t asImg tlb Kallabb mobool quithan lata appolinta cmmw.shv * BisOlu m ovail*l bul of 10. ev dom liaatOb ai. ut»s otf aU"a astis Oululo, vho kn.v the vaY tht Bi Olis .govoes -msa bus foSui spuils §oh"ola l Si. peovimi The Uistaiptlcem la Bkle bpurty plo-ini. umsleotsi. Anbody as bave a. ph.. upas Il usafmof etP> -il vu juil ivsuly-ou. ysaaMgo90Ohal HoRa. xkmmdeuaol, hm pusmis of Oamdob, ttlb bh"iof th ostp lihiia uitmliiwtic vIiol theDomInonbu ba adu» ecsfiemticm, viols h. feiov. tmg ilt,. saohgboy ho vu bau by ulavmZUslfh ""iamui md bcd- 1«14, mb oy bud ho fou"i l todstsu tbe tuosui ahut fac ltepoiiu.m md vis.- Pdomveofthlm o»apmoty: ",Filsaex P0. b b. laoi'i by oBs" Uuy mue mat f ol, by aamit. tbeyai m oi osllioe, by adviscooot *4 ssaly hemaiff vIOh fieuda md pmaithebfods- ia .,lbfot. "B4om s mulb ulav the oSas. $#Soma igibs - a t a dialmsasmd appro" bin ua sie a. t " ave~dud eIhai v" Pe mmtary mb e slr.7dFonof et Ai #m Eisai smmsmi drwtM da b".LiMn pumwhioumpu la lb ~ ~ » .ali..Tl pmlg ofitlb Sbm.mAl halpoe l the vbaud mi tu e i Sa bseuamuspga - mb 04 tpi» ulb.. O.a. ilighi«M» mmmyb te U"W«4bu Puibirni, telnahsula.lopt éh Ohimbodah. lb.§nuBal Gue him va mtu É seuisl. gmr 1 t" 4«04-cuamssabtin m PU&Md SaInpu t lbA - - m 'à Imà d lap. -- »é mhis "det * *8 T«" -I fS elà»mi pet aimi -'aIrn lft. !bu btu'Sb aude te miulU;4 T«Mus huMy mlr vaisthe la. tuI ibShW m (The taii hotoebmbtmg 21'un. ki Touaiw, y ÀtaaIloeApJsrves. - Th eHmeilo musit a bumm (6) The aImal-p1s 0 "<~The oMil"u OfusaI ache.. Ru5 » il.ds .gbnmlg fl m o a. tis. "%Wlth one ezoIo mlibSUshèepimak make fat h. mvm.ammim ip*? of Caiada, mmd, vhith t Oxat" .i b the Peop le fOntau io." n~ib ottlas" ibmIovi.*gior lb' plarem of a musi namma chiaoiS. The speolatlse Iquit. uight, bu aavlg I"ab 1*viii bppoioed by lb peoplse ofOOnario. Gsitmemmr putr bu immoisiaa tivblaMmlba whbildeeiustib ,bnmsk iyuir" tb lbeomia thbal The feuul gevevmuosamttel" eo ft SA br fmtos aMd igota, deoliasi b iostroy Ihat mob. Tbmsk Gai, thaurnD o anmgimmlb Our Party-.the libumia. MdtbmaSsai" f dl.mlt. Ouru tte ouvis.fSa, dvi.ob% la n vItuipeopoaticot vs mlpsalmmt. The mppal t o, h ot uv anialup load tvhe.l Immu; .hibuvaàn s mad «Oued dslay.« The coubm î g mais tou mi th. ovemmmestinhvliou ParOty b Mmshoba b give iss. Tbs Initation wu moi is " ou, a0mo Mulîshould bave besu, but wus avimk sudi1l1iasoute ippial. 1 I élé mirnoa ooehv htrnfesscsvltb peoviscrlal sgis 1WhaO vu vamrI vu semm éi deolvi ictlos-mlrnoeonmlatls.. I mlviasimy Maiobé, imd. teias- repitl, Maipd rnd"idm People th" 1 vouli bulng intai usmeil lieaw oroilm oneif IfItroduorni. A umeiwla lw»vubeomib& do. 1votndmaganelfor ho wu cmîvi and lbe voik of lb. blmmuaby. The govevucpvist Es svlir mu slite 1 Thank Go.l, vsub oui Party ame oi the slaves ef biabop& . ht id ot tak. msy oun t ot t peoulsalllessuy a iabouti bavs ht wu Bol muhtb lotb1clhopo. ht fmhlid bdo juthm b the abuoL. 1 Thmk Gaid, vstb Our Party hav nous regard foritheb lbe ianditlb .aburol. Sw. amy to-day to *lbflo.:Tbm SpmSco le . aotbvs; muppen maMd ,vs W in-Yoemuis.. Oui. Party bu"sosi Sai. Ouipvr miplbthe W mbi 15amudo ut -né be -iuvp ae~ X qa . m ia odyë m »tisos i"aldd6oham min tewal . Iw egeauiso u 4m- -à&&-IMM" fi mie -vbuuU *0 is eut" lb - b .m - fa. ma" misdos blbavmt hm beLvu Il lm LOIPII baa?,eut.. itl If Io. Kit ubai» rni ibc* hf hm éMo dams titik ho hma drmmu b hi.~~be aie u. i prm.u.osi »O.mlom__ m to Sb Mm01v movai-maihi bui" «Mmla umàsel. tu a mmSe waPlsb lb lrns*0 b u h ueduoppoituli. poilmu I mgalu" Ob gr- D Ius mylm o eu f fwhflii a "" ;imti.t b dis i1b ifi oouoit ELEOTIONS. Nomination, Tuesdays juDe x6th- PoIling, Tuesday, June 23rd. North v ictoria M.sMq, la lb. Iai~ui cf Silvoe Lake, FrIday May 15th. Fmnelo Pulls, atnrdayo ILSY z6tb xkrwi Il osay M ay 8b UpU», ~ usamey 1tb. iGlos, W10 j ay tBd Md T* l b s m Bà* u* tvil oeilv, st, fo meu i - v» S« forSthe 6. ai fabePlute Saitbauit by, us»alow buit usulti For the bumM of »w . mve wM &Mthat the Plui luput, up in bop ma bumsb b" Lied Salt in200 WaSeoIIOS ofip0<momç ens; m t ia bhdp pou load. A.CAMPBELL, Fam ily GVroc&.e MM*$ m loiW O O i.y ..osi.s 1éuim#&,T. 3D. Ïdpe t At bigLaitmarkeipaifWer oan d are offering mi.,IA INIEM NS INe ollb uuai ..i. IMMSo«m home am vo fUY mOur sàoo&im"ldus - full asaortmant of #PLANNELSi W* SHERUMMS BLAUKETS, YARNSs etc., ZOIEN LBarm» iiùi pou am seut goods hmaDyo the following la'ift T ak. "" basU I is -» ".. . - ~ . .16 .. ;n e. a . i. Dh1D !T A D wtD pv Tamis, Le Ommasil. ,,May B oou in Mosib@ Im ma eondmm r o s lt MWla M. M lOmo"#olis Vau. aii. fmityaihrsra bTraé m PUOau«owed for Wool -q osisel quoslsmm d 0&4ddbe mei Sa bc am "In "Mm tj u Mot S Oof ml sa lsd ré aid&s APul U.PUism anfl, I . - ý 1 .B ed Star, Blue Si 1M7. JaIsA. Emle oposarni hi.mmi en Masday a"mi0lbw uqpprnmsc vhhh lbyuiamdi pusua ilis" R G R Ï Tmi GaoS»e olutes Yvimr~ JS eemg vuaiai vhwuloh ffle aulldiumSapIpeMuiW fmlapeuisM a l b Sou *b FPlpmm iCe. et ipaseas__ om a" o aumd by lasuams*en. wu -" ml »aLl'&"sy *fi< miP li 6"f Peu"si thu ug l Icaa mI vk mos --l -of-the BUC» *WWAM MIbomflElbThey ar( Filb viii mooul a hng oflhe P" M . J. Ain oi la vuhlsg bh . nev -l - Tam mumua&Mofe t Mjat B. Hughes, - ML., mesloktng foivavi eaoly i.o Ma.Pokmuoft iMdmay,:vie u o sNhm 1»U»TOf a oilgmfw dff i viI 0 Usais to vol mai i'C'WuG*Èht Ma lm ou rdy fa, Ootiaoa~cm phoogeahlebQ11, for 1-T"u Nom"i ol"o. p7b..as Wboalub-âm lamahe. ..Who -lIr a uS We ~. .Whakuni l pmêlbS-3 ba4Se"lrQui" LT OLOSEST PRrCES: clware, _Crockery, -i oe u-«9I -v'Ss, «r% - --er- Inn & Housefurnishnge, -on mny goodse in Above depart- t WINEsuad hàvo-fui bru". .Central Pr~ison é Ilibbon, Bed Cap, U rt etc.,-ait lowest EL, Oakwoode Two Parties as e-To-day d byr the Electors When Mmzd, Whloh Party LeFor. IN L iberai Flatform. 1-Vda oSiing te Ohm, place aBd expouent "F routei t li i Eslai" a Vvenue tariff," "Aàbolitimonfe ever vuuti<e of pro- isclicu, theaOh. aus ay be. I2ý-sopouiiy vith tOhe Unitud States ma, dlseetmlumlhonsipgluai Great î -Vea w oorifgia oprovinoesla lmuttobi, oppusauon oetOh. minou- hy. I*Oataio, bada cffManitoba. l Q* bw isQshi l vo fhet bminou- mpovbWmollmss akos for TES ~%ANGIU Lm#agtL r.aodu pe onint morti âHo diegallton. A good at 25 per unless it* ure orq ceive. ve know THlE WA Wall. for 'ut Biie( bob hostu ie ItO te@" 1 n ta$