laambmentet Bb snobupou tiiê*alI! ami bld bier face in ber baude. lKe waa by lier aide lu a momient. 4Constancee," h. murmurei, ..f0rtiv me. 1 wanted to keep y«n noar me. 1 wanted f0 spare Yoeu the bitter ibia- pcfintment which tornes f0 ali thtoegWhio. lk. Yeu. thlili tby.canifind wOtrk Ini tht. bard world. Doiveme ; if hal pust now ; t lere le ne more di'uiWetl*>r Yeu, dearet . nothlng but peate and iiapplnns s nanka ion bis kilea Md <et blerband a"bh.spoke. " CM- stance. ay fthe würd ; - my vite-" lShe bi Atorm ber liaid *from hiesgtUBP and> had spruug to ber feet la a atant. ..uNever," ah. panýted. -Net If the word would mysije o rm etarviug. Tolar 1ie would ratier beg--or dle.Oh why îddYeu corné? Yeu love me, ad decelve me se cruelly ? Yoù do flot know what love nxeans. ]Plesse-go! Go 11dm Instant il" She stood clutchlngfthe curtain witti one baud and pointlu:g with the .tli5i to the door. Ho badl riaen, -sud, white totahe. IWS, regarded ber llxedly.; Ila that your lest word T" «ho sai. al- uiost Inaudlbly. Sho raisci lier baud a nd agaiti pouled te the door. Reartieno J"ho exelaimcd, hoarselY, bis fae net and rigi. I'Do mot lie a- frald "-she bad moveî tow*trd fhe bell -*II an gaing. 1I bave Yeu to dis#ier and realize the, mistak'le you bave made. ]Perhapps-who huais ?-the tti ay. tomne wiien You will admit lt-yens, oten te nie.". His mariner..cbanged s'w'ttlY. 1I wil! watt' f111 the n. I ought f0 hate 7011 "-J- psused, as If lis emiotion utast- çred hlm fer the. moment-" but I eau »iot. As surely as there le a beaven s- bove us, as surely as Yeu and 1 stand biere, the time wII cornE whèn you #I be glait-yea, glad to lasten ta me." For a. fuil minutelie stood looldns at bier,, hie face éloquent wlth the stor of@ paùssion tha.t raged withIn, hlm'; tlieb he *00ok bis liat sud sbowly ett fthe, ro. CHAPTER XV. With a low ctj ef relief consate munk te the ground, aud rested lier bead upon ber arma outetretched* upon the sofa. She was phys1càIly and mtallT exhausted. Thon auddenly she roge, and. mente sud f.ung thern into the fire-plces. And as she dld eo jhe act seemed te brlug home to ber ti<e full sonne of ber Alone and unprotected. how could 8h. escape the turther persecution oet Iis xnan whome love provei as relentiSai au bute ? Sho knew.hlm tee wefl nov bai te bo avare tbat lie vouldi not lotie ber in pesce. He iai snet détectiveas o ber track; lie would continue to watch:ber every inovemneut. A. lite, led wiIt th ee-er-present consclausiiesthat mli. vus being perpetuaily apied upon »d *Oha- ged wouid tle Intolérable. Wiat shou)4. she do to escape hmmI The roorn seenici dte spIn round ad e- cone stlillîni. Panting sud tremnlinbg. she hurried on ber bat'and jacket ani went down the, ataIrs snd Into flic street. Flor a litie wile ah. tood gasplng as If for air. Raqson Fenton, with hie deter- inlned face, rose bJ-fore ber, a", hlm boarse, persistent voie.à rang Ina ber em'a. Even now hoéiniglit le cemng bal* te urge some fregh argument, te utter mma new threat. '#The Urne iii! conéwV Yeu wl!!l e <lad te lîsten te me," le lia" said, sud as If lie baispoeon the iords ef Propliecy, ah. aihuddered. She feit as If lie were weaviug aUnet round lier, lu whieb oner. or ater Nb. would be tast bouud sad. at hiem nircy. 1Where could she -ce?1Wheove odi shie fInd refuge from hün ? In this -terrible condition of mna, whlch net auly the scène mli. bait<orne through- but ber bari ani unacocntoea- ed. toll of the last week vus tnsvcembit for, abhe tarted off îalklng,ao no w' Iug or cialug the direction she vas ttk- Mer wh oie duitewu *to g<cfter' frein the soltary rorn bi h hWi aence.bai maie uMo«arle ; »Ut cool air, thue roviel afreets.»m "4 paradiseof rosI sud quiet us, Veil drain over lier face. alie uzà ber burpsolàs.wmv - Constante. as lu terrible atrlis. w st e ifli Bavuon PFegtM hl wvich s me walked viiihMd d; Ifsu are on* mot eb me etn.n bâvdeons$tnt t«tlng Sour rd rub" ~the $"Mach & isterat suloep Cas- w0w N.otlk#O» Mernde king aval ýtien ho 3 are beictr 'r thequestion arasen ta beimini cet away from im la?: a teit me all-everythIing fi aà a Sid,» b. sai, quietly. " ileau y belletetliat tua le, YoWwvli ing fliere, that ouli a foi alnf- p I vas liait niai uiti the dina- eut of mytallure to fIni Tou, sud- 9 veto looklng for' me, miy lord_?" ustanc., woaderIngly.. V' henli;'I"l1iave been lookiiig for del%. Wbee bave yoôu Jen? tance hau rose, looking round 'I epu net efsy bore, my lord," i He oPut bie baud- upon bers <entlY., aoothingly. *A fei minutes long er, .sald; "FeU are not qulte »evred yet. Why dii You not irife tf0 W mofler, t. Lady Ruthi V" licaskeL ci. Wly did you not snM thern fie'aurons aof fthe relation yon bave been xurstag ? Dtd yen tbiuk tilat we-that they-wvere utterly indif- forent as te 'abatliad J-corne eofn UT" -Constance leafed ber head irpon lier baud. Lie Mii ualknow ibat toay, for evew Wword she iniglit utter sed trauglitithiager. Hie valted a moment, bis dark eyen 1tixed tapon ber vît b an intense eIPrceS- Whou 1 carne back te the castie thaf evening I learnod that you liad been snt for muddeniy, sud thaf yaou bai * gne vithout a Word f0 au>' oue except- hIg ]Ruth., aud she appeared f0 knev iery lifflo. What han happoned ? Tou will tell me ?' li adied wlth deep caru- Constance ubook lier J-ad. a'IImn lun In, rn-y lard,"l ah. vmii, speakui« vila iiffulty. .-There la .isothIugt tea. -I ae& ouf to-nigit ,,ud-sund lNt my wayý. IUMunigo iiov, M once.", snd Nb rose.ý "Tou do nef es& me vby I baveben Mesrching for jeu." lie sai an tlcy ps- soi out, and ho mev lier atm vithin bis. 1 . baienme @aminoe" for you., -#For me *" sai contance, vifli a sudden vaIgue -apprehension of .treili trouble. "Ts»ho sai, vifli sad gravît>'. 6h. sfopped mi iookei Up at hlm villi a Uttle ery.* "Der't lie frighfened," ho sai gently. Re tamriof demi, but ho la îcry Wlii" " Arol 1t1 '? Oh> rnmy lord 1 a sh b tenudsay. c "Tn i al, Pressing lier arm tiglif- Iy against biseaide, go as f0 renier lier ai fie supPort lic conId. "HReaught cold lhe daYy ~ou tait snd rspidly grow vet. He bau J-on, in sftm, v«ry i11. aud they are afratdi-" R:ie stoppe&. " Oh,.rPour, poor chili!"Muaurmurei Constance, breken>', lier ttafulling 81>0forgof everyt1ijng but flic briglit boy vie liai se readily lbearued f0 love ber, aid wlio love mie te- ltusi d witb mil ber tende r hart. (Oh, My lotd, Mny lord 1- "I have ut reosrel a feegran," lie veut çan.*tThey may fiat tic fever ta at tie beiglit, mand fat bhoa in Mun- OontêlOea. The day b. vus tab en fil b began te trot for jeu. Tour Uame vas or. li$élips eontrnuuiy, maidc-verune, lu aid eut of delirium, le an as mled *fer ' jeu sud beggei yen ta> conte te hlm" -CÔietu c eldide uetblug but orj -fint'y *ymother ila lit fdistaafflbj a- et6tj,' . mo i. 1man ae boed situeto au flue te «trt WOrde I. *1 Z te1ui set reaytôêjoat once," ase sai,' eagory. « 1 bave bUi bad uêw»," sud she gave a huzr'1cd' éxpaaton 0 ée paekdabat. *'Y ou w4Ueep the, roome, for me," she saed ; I shall. 0 back a nas 80=Mo a, ai& viicomte f0 you viii have MeI" Bbc put scine rney ou the irosinq.tabie 'aiti a lIttle blunli, but UmrsMe Mn u 00ed It away*. IlThat vi 4do 'aliuyou coe bacit," she MId la ber fbamwwy-, " 1-a«M Mot lu neei of if, ani-veli, It vifle a ris.- son for comlug to seefu A~pa O~ to amy gei-,bye, lsQabu. Constance klsed U tdý aUp»à"lt Wb- man. 1I ahouli have tome bpet wltbout# that," she sald ; I"sud 1 " 0ft~ the mouey .agun." F eeling liait bewtldered, but tbluklng ouly of Arol, she gt back t the cab an 4 As fthe cab pulli i,4 -e t, le 'staiqu the mnarquia's tai!fâgùnreckme toWard it, and hoe helped ber eut. IThere la plenty of ttWe,"' ho said ý "You will ual lie more analus th"a31011 cari hein." Constance saad notblug. Ho hai already tabouthUtikets, sund he put bier lu a ftrst-el aus ca'1,age, ou the seat et whlch veMshait a dosesnma- &"ezînes ada iainty basketettofmuid- wiches sud. fruit. He apread a fur wrap over ber knees. "You are to sloep as mach as you eau,"' he sali. *" -1 gin lu the ueXt cori»art- ment, If ÎÏou hould'vaut me,*' ho addci, au ho puto bis cQat, whlch ho liad talion fromn the cai; suad Constance understood and appreciated thc delicaey whlcli caùsed hlm t6 refrain frein ridln w1tb ber. Ho teated ber anif she.iere a pririces. The. guard ihistîed, aid in e maiued *J-sie flie door tù thfli et ic- ment. he leff lier sud Jumipcd inte big own carriage. The train bai <et somo distance on It vway before Constance could reali. that she 'Wall golng back to, Breakespeare Caille, and lu charge of fie marquis t What wvouid Lady Ruth amy ? But shbe Put the question t.rom ber. What di It mtttr bat any one sali under the 3 -umtnces ? If vas or Arol, sud Ara! only, she tlioughit, Xfter a Urne aho grew caler, sud tOr-k Up -one of the mnagauines. How ctzreful the marquis bai J-eu eftlber i Whatcousderafnho liai shovu ber lie bai net lusistei upon q uestioning befr, bidtudied her feelings, ,ber com- fort In every detail. Wasif tauy vouder fliat ber lieart shouid feel full of. raU- tude.t tabili? Presently the pages of thé magasine grew dîmrn d, and restIug ber ihead agaluet the paddcd cushion, %ho fell asleep. Th Ti.train stoped St on^o elc ag Sitations, sud' the marquis came tf0tfie carrnage sud entercdilt. Hie stoocl for a mo Ment looking dw at ber wili au n, nprescible tender- riens that bad memethug stran4gely, ni and meianchoky lu it, ud toek up>,tii. fur rug. ibicli bai sippcd ite c oô, aud aOttly irapyeditIfround bhr.'Ibea wta igli, lielooke dowuaM gaz ad eft fihe crlpie. lu.sine fat the gusrd locicci' f att for l. Constance idinot, timbe,.,pafU b. train astaeamd -tto Berringpn. 'Thé marquis bai telographe l uoig tfli in# tae fle afon-Mlater te prooere a aoW* age frotheficcastle, ani *anus Oque for thein. "Tounlbave bai Mm re vt- b..Na1 "lThoitla riBlit . letmned lm i rOuai von m«te*edn.TT; tle 1 tontÊman l r~ahe& the lét, mp alrt- "fTes," *rgOe 1Constance. ibUle, pies5enb.r»l m fti mutbl.. loe.s. 'L "edoqr Opêiiui aonu qepOc,ý sd tfi.h mairquls gnàtqtoê xi bai- aàs»IVtile hWm ha* upou ili uw» Me a a. ad be Pwredeut a ss.. the vine te Constace. etobÂrol' other and d eldiIb.Rh oa» dI ic J-flua oë,or *vorl? hitai, .91 thlnb lic la the, lord,"e replisi th nurse. -,'Doctor Grifu vin bhr teagain eamiy ta tbo moealmg;b.r bai cuil'»st <oie." - Ie he toci mfloitii vafolig filth tl suýfferer fOrspemitesdpsn- ly ho began -f0 tS ts ansd tro, snd te talb In aslow, rembtlng urmin. Theft liestopped nnddculy, uad, alieung bil eyca loied rxound vacanfly, but seem- -el ftàre-gd»gethe marobionees. * Grama 1" l sI midtqMy1, bas Bbc ooene- Ir%àGamine tO "-Tes, boe.eArcS, dear," mie snu, OnzflýMt ble PaxrJmed ft5u te "I amu noU ~ibe muriiur- 'To.-eu ~u~tgo away ugain T "Noô, deux," retouýýd.iCnsace iront Inaudiblye "Noq, t» ilti me *sud1 I shu l et isy mlsig jeu iwion 1 Wabe. OÇQ4 thnk 1 have J-en verî nM r'. "4Tou muet eall me,'Constance,",uMe murmure& A Iovlng amile lIcerei over bis face. "May I?1 ov klnd yen are toe eL ne, veWldu" for a moment, flieh furaed bis beavy. ejus on the marquis. 100b.lath" #af«. Unce WoIh?? l'a mo glad i-l. ias cM. 't« vontlai- ber igo uad, vIEpbu T' **]o, MnXV sali tiqiMmliu,% ny and b. strokei ltheihotbaud fiat edung te bies oovubatveo. -"Wceve dot ber xGi, a" Weilb bap ep behN? oû away., a»ei', and éth m J-adoimV lio Mid toethc inar*Soonn taa 5w1*oea "ne vOl getbMer now fiat lha ceasi te. trot milan ber."l - "'Oh, pins. OC&,plemse T " nu e~wed h ld Ii l. Sie psunied atudogeab *tleaisi 1 the roii,_ bkh*t»tidtclici. HT," beb mbiâ, minost buraidy.i j ou hb iaudt"*M. ni oelet. ' Renarkably elever.An U amorâ sroW *ibs &ugbler ?i irow amm thte iaN . fLeur, deux and yFm are rW1i11 Am telaut air-" MudCotstanfla witI aimiddeùftush. 'vabigoo "V u ? Me Rd "Â1 ovOMMar biti Born. But yoe muat not ioOk u :e - mY h " e e "V Ob 1tanoe o* ber iiead. *Mmymust take Car of 0f14," be . , _____ Mweuy; ad,"e mfleda tiihe mardi- Imlemu aioe camne toward theml, s&d withi- bouarg, tfor lUtte Lord Amrr Amt dfer-lier own, docter," mu i te mmr.*Tbu «I igo und- oot cons.t.ce retased Amnly. "JXot jet," eMi ad.; "I cannot te- sign à.W pont no moo4," suhe Iook.d attiiotor anwoiios. wl ortiy of tii. daugliter 'of My cM fris," sai Dr. Griffu as ho roe." -rhave every ucnftdence h jU0U d W MyT doux »Younla dy."qd"bMm- "Oh, my deax, If 'Vou kuew boy grate- fui-, amn to Yeu I'.1" mmured the. maveI_ - touesa.-»Ut, Inieei, you muut go sud rut. i huard wlat doctor Griffth sai, a" Lord*Wolfe wuM neyer forgve J-&Om a y a»y of usnf ewere ta lie W.11hV', Contaneo turned lier face away. -1 éaolimet e il ear Lady ia. opere," mie sud in a 10w voles The marquisentered -at the tmomeut I -and emé ~noise eu-sth th beuiiher -Tou have doue more tien the doctOr . - .«»M h lave acooMPlisbli ed, %i d tua vos" th"a.ttbruffledber. 111 bave P«> . Uto tlu a*S W. ',mothotr rfâj WOK.'I li. replied, e ukhl. "mai 1 wut ber to routbut she v no too u& «t bigatoli. 44b* e hau.limin another >Our," he @!&di ash. qlaaSd at Constance'. a=- ip ae. "-On. hour oniy. MinI vIE go apd moud ber morne breaktaist BegmiMber." ho added as ho reachei kmw 1 Zibe to lie obeyedo' Aad ,Constane, who bai vitiietood tb.e dSoesunithe marchionesi, lover- bor bmd m»i Mid uethiag. COAPTER XVL b" fotflmi & assi and Arol bai tormud tlicaga* corner and vas On the woa4 tu oovtyi mtehour abo -a t".etor»d. the oastI.e CotOàe bai uomd W hm wtth fie devottoM ef a çtM bi r; "0iy eft the bei- mk~t R v fres ler limaitint lie teosk bieUs iiuea»d biga fooi; s tt - to beir 'tbt tley -&U lo*ed WM th e d o osot s d t pro f o u d <tai-,A r flicthedayNMe lii"cme back COnà- en mm vo*a" " bl jbëýý uupèbaàoIM4 gddber te _ _ _ _ ~ -ttMQ04 mad the »- ~ gfisppmtuort at tie polut * U~<4I'l *ne, bt ýcatmo IL A. Amc IL N.D., laUS..MOxford Ba" BrocklynN. y. ne r@w oebuamet VebMln q . aq adredpais. »L. Z5flt*w!ts" mw à , asih higldyet tbéir expail- ~~pme ~ la m ew *uwi pacticewith Ouwoets -~ ~ ~~~' et'u.b m' sl vo -u have amSoe Om* ,bkhe» mwa auubt"a19-n mas regeler ~ihjUvoue fece t. corntm th"ath@i um om umsm à» u umkull EBo, 1N..I MM lL M1 t IO. PeI mm ekqp 17 M a' il., w Toek Cit. ]w iemm& et -85 yun Uoai.goumb aci cas wltliaiknowa ~~~*~labM r*ksovs.ud tr ue remody and fretmet-a A.lgmm md aipermuwe Curetlua lStagSucf wa. Uap awmafetoplsa, 1w»goei~ r AJcal.ZicSiàaas, anl ce vh a ri mlend o b COmd0m i mai a soy pave. Wood'sa Pbssssyl(ssseumy by hudreda of casa that semof muMh bewdau x rt lu SJ-*"pwe_7 éýOmes a J-iboe thnsit p te dl% vt ~or mgS -b-loaioe yýM S maiDt dusfr-mat- ma tup m wb-Ua ervoê la Wiw vitiin yaur £Ow i dp*mg., 5; Im be tpostate. *bmwuoàvipov. VmWat rte 057 addreu. sM CO.nPs, windr, ont -P @anadla. M5 aMoby -0 OI b -0 muaid OOdaggla la the Dominion. Thià la aboctes. mon of the ye ar that w.g.mey ha". 1h» plaanre of informing Our fdends o.1h. "arriaiof good, pure, re"abI. froSk- .es f a& kinds; also sume v.ry lino Duté SeM. UNBOTL&K, rugg8ti ~LmuYa. myý .swhere. tors t plec piece. jst, tl lis ýed %ii ys and file eart Sto taký Wlth an WY,~ fo di dlvide be captui lit lmagi! Itt coat y lork, a, ïî f jCo jo.oOO a: M0,0,90 wh Cliristia: Christar shall ha Mgdom Ilreden Ei three s *pe an.<11 -bring n ciLSts W arc -oniy ab Is f0 sa things thle Chri ,Me brini * 4uto thý possibili ent 'S school1 has be Ong. ar to a CL ed. an( neai- as - broug1 Go o] a ngdori o n, nnd ciidren, r 5year -minute l n ft te ha pths a.w-ili etteni ence ai the w-orý -the q ue- out O' PossbilitiE littes In out of t nUes. n as a ç striig Ipn lie hum eOpnds upon Unier to( be evani t affer lion anf 9 fliat reglont andibe vll! Col toiera ble mnay soi ely dem n was fruitfuî OllinatE rien an beyond f- ecan - i01e t Ihalta, su e coursC for b U %las pi OuI Ree1 regio frCli de-ni Co*