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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 May 1896, p. 7

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i4T dàsbeart0flOd Viiirally aft ffllsPSWith the &truOl." 1 ni ,the C~iàieuram Rm k persecu tors ued toe ~t ou~ti itle ons 10 Et up t="UUM Il _ tjaerc 15 Uuw pl&ftOd the figure. j- 4 weU, cross.And 1rejco ekiow tlaft dm Itma lh é0."1e mpýihtpiceWweod nalIe4 toa a.tr%- umî .,eepiece lhan become the myraobim*, iii oC siirlng th"n of V1etbty. it ~ t.i ,the 'cen queror, It tMYle«M tpeski. .\s a kingly .warzlor, hatï è«e b , Opotà»i *ubdued 'au empire.: mlght divid 1 &U «IoSm"a 4t k*4 palacs and i ansion.s ,mm cilln e c 4g > loc" OUIhe daItioas lili. 7and Mountains among bilôt 4 4t2Ut a1 dihe. dissolve tnto tri, oChrist is golng. b dlyAjde p thePossesion Of the U8ses Vileno* &Ilthe earth and ail the he&ave »bave &M a Oumtmy. among 11h' People, and yen and 1w Wht. OU aMr.wllI become t the :,bave t., take 'Our s hare, If v rw ae 4xPEffrO and eabsorato buIIdlng nam jufai th and atrong in our Chrbitan 'eYoted t10 beu8hW mueeukOfta.I uysty, for my text declaresit, #*me r tby Vii becom. àciieola,*art ga»Ieic, §hall ivide the spoil Wlththé strong.- 7'seumaâ., Sytnaetuisand 4eburcies., T7he capture of this round planet for The world la already gùttlg dljgused hr ist is .not go0 much of a job as ye Villi manY Of these *a nontm ..and jýdght Iain.When «the iureh tales 110 Wonder. VWIIE ,anuIMi>OtStiof ou flits coat and relis up ita aleevée (orfat 5cean teI eU I'»atue *a b&* Vth- the work, as It, wlli. There, are 1AO0- ln the lut fe&w1Oto aS brought te 00,ý0Q of l'eople now- n -the, wortd, and *rubtte1 d',ro" elgo 05,t0.0ffl are Chrfatianjs. Subtractltoaisuhlhi" fvn ol 0S,NU»O,O0who are Christia*s troni the. 051 10 Ibê48W*by ion>îyou delver L00,00~0,,.and there are 1,1W.0,00 theb. 10048and go oer 10 hlm pub- kt. Dividc, the-1,150000,000 Who ar e Y bdymid and 8001, Sd wlth- ut Christians by the 450,0000 Whoda o <àW 7ur famfe frein Chriatian ve Chriftýans, andi you w-ii flnd that ,*burohesa ànd y, «rKnOw aU the world re ha hae e, ve-gt 7 s tanby thes. presenta that I am na patron tbrec souls eea. brought by us ijtoOfUlenmadaci ohl!» the ki*.igCorn et Goil, to haVe the whole fon~ te be the Lord'a. 7Our art, per- vorld rcoerned. Certainly, wl bthe jurera churc!i risIng up to its fuil duty,- no' If >You think thmso offenses are to g0 Cristian w!ill be wllling te0 bringseOn f0m"'V ernO do neot lacw w-ho tbe than thiree sou ls Into the kîngdom .o Lord le, Qed w-in notwaittfor the day et judgrent. Ail these p*aramesoftmin 1 hoile and Pry Amlghty Goti that a A wii becorne palaces of' llghteouomuea&. mav bring more than three. i know Wbey *w-l comeIn, Imte .poasorlon or eaeitswbo' have alrea .dy b rought thop arongforvirtue and strong for IOOOit ech for the kingdonî af Qed. te to 11 hhdvS h ioiwb Thr re 200,000. peopie* whose one Chna nd Afuica<, hlo1- rch ad only absorblng business in telb. xchs werld 1" to save Soule. When. .you lb.Porto$ of the oéarth W r iosesor these thlngs 1mb -consideration nd Uitas anSd rare w-coda and- inexbau*Ut-. that the Chrisitans w-il bave to er-VJ. le PrOductivenasm, ate mot pet divided go the brlniglng oa only three .&MS opamotq the - g"o b00auathey.a&e ech lnto.the kingdoun c-t Our Lord, not reayto be divISe& . Waltt outil ali lnillti.,slbilty vanimiies frein Ibis : aiChON-r tatL 1 0oe jee tipoeit.crusade. Why, 1 know a Sah l inAfrfra shah ho entered, anS ]B%'lop ~Taylor, with bis band 0f self-suppoàrt- tii school teacher W-ho for many hug m1inaonarlea, bave done thelut y ears has been engageS ln traning work and btheAghantls andi Senegain- the Young, and she bas biS five d ln aaikowCrsta -U sy- ent casses a .S hey averaged knc-w- Bu nS hr hh nbl seven to- a chies and theY .were ail a tn tereal1, Nerth conerted. anS frve thîmes se-îený are. lbrcvlzîo inA o 0b as. near as 1 can cakulate. S hat e iiiain hnt o oh the brought ber tbree. into the king- fouaS on thec bank8 et the Pltoum dorna e God and badl Sto pre or the Hudson. 'Then, Christ w-ii divISe grandnother .Prayed lber ehui-dren t i~atcninet*'among bie friends. th(le kingdlbm of Christ, and ber grand- i Watt unili China, which Le hait am children, andi 1 hope ail ber ureat- agasalXrp aaibeL- grandchIldren, for GoS remembera a Veoe ber caPaelties for rkce and les, Dreyer 75 Years aIS as though aî w-r . S,*r a5,11051 0*km.0"u bur ouIY a Minute old, anSd s he brngh atbYst IanMP.iMr. and tapasa»4 ler three In the klngdom. « God And 00a n Jupter and porpbyry .mng %M more than 100 to spare. Beaides Precaous stones, anS ber reewd and Oat though the 'telephone and the*00onyand camPibOrand vârniailtrees tr~h. is whole wor1d, within a arang reclous Woods. -and turneS up h Years. wull hobroughb within cera-. frein her deptlis a hait dozonPennmyi- ILK of ton -minutes. Besides thal vantas of ceai and irn, and 20 Se- 0ýr' Science are p1rcs1lng 1nthsma-vadas ef nitrer, anS 60 Californias of tfr Of' the wrdsbetterment, and that îold. and ber 500.000,000 ef People shall *t-sheque-tion of the vrorld's sai- be evangeliaed. Thon the Lord wllli TI~I0~ fUt d th en ' Ime sb ite f m y text b . nOt a, d eeption, but P~'tjîsa u t oftb th bieeternal lruth, thenbthe, time tea thn!,)ithe Pr-bbilittes, an& ~f ~ ~ b thý -U o th proabilitier, nmb bbc ornng when at hbbc mswjlb 'l'W buidingof -he w-noS by Chiristian fariners, andan aiJE eeratîtel: T' id ring ret bbc ithe commerce controlled -by Christian I 0iflw . a gter undertàklng ia hercliants. and ail ther'authorlty bolSl« thgrin teeth gthabueby Chlsttn officiais, and ait the asi-1 g1..for en,,- enterprise cependod eecmrnant.ed by ,Chistian captatn, i1lIOlitiihîin: r.wh1 b t andi ailt the universities under thbe ln-,1 deper-ijsPl. upi '-1rhttness. struction ef Cbrl.-tiain profegsoead Do rcilyi -i~ailtheearh w»~Christian klege, Chilrdai Pred-dents, tUrrender Christian governrq, ('hriettan mayors,C the ('I Yes.T. about Chrstian commimn ui.Ytw-lat land lvlth g rtios ? IiiOrcê-.out Whiat an. uplturnlng?1 laf ~ e e &ngehlzed ? Tbe pose Jitly esrinc Ithat after a few more hundred Wa a demelitlon ! What' -.eurr brav hies re ashd et aong the ion must precode Ibis new apportion-a ment 1 I *k-or that -great refrîgerabor, the Id 'uarae h nmy JiU Plar region, w-tI be giv-Ieon upnerat te nethJulu Wealrus anS bénir, and that tkec lnha.bI- aarglbsroeIVJSre W i tiiits will corne dowzi by Invitation foul>'estlmatlng the vaatn.t etofbis a âfto toervbhie echiates, or lIeue cli. foes gd prepared bie mentor theirM ma fiy soften, and as It bas been greatest triumph by, sayint, "To- ii DOItl%"èly demonsbrabed that the arc-.' mormrw-]King Juba wluR ho bore w-lbh,v tic »,O bermes, 10.0* khwaiobeuand ld tregi-in was once a bloomlng garden 1.aî"Id e nemt b a afruittul field, those regions m& M oWOO5 nt>l .ldo e bthe ai van gardoesanfisanfrndlfut ielb.tItdo su 'itut am4e mit S 51501ifisla m» .W It ab o u t o e r n au p rod o bt v lIt ~ is AUIg~, b -te d w-i b m bore au , lb. ýPUetM* lima kn'WD o ffl tail à* 1raisand opui Sone0015 le-or a bumbel or W-bOUla aU» ,:d ears w-tbouî aglluia.1beip. e la bGw tbrêugb mîel il U15U«M etll80 ao aiitbe ait lithe .coitU 1taharveg si4t a thae b.Mr" few lae -fth sErAs ll be«Mi o-hot PlA#4081 I «ià&làkL = Ilmr», wts r ~ ~ ~ ~ O w-olutewwanal~ n a tLetoMde orqOb b 7OU w-aîit vut Ol h cunih frtens e t eartli aroniSaYeu? Begina l huM au 1olS ravivai tune, ud, tiey w-fil Io tfreiii&U11quart=W te rvei w-lth pou lu J eieS rnnaleeeaee.Ani tbcear-tà fop ttW-hoý are bore ou osrtil aI lhe, 71 ime eo t umet&i and piian.ty di tribu4tion, an thelb.ilcveas ft liOe.W-be ara, there l'bu beavesi> distribution eofsmolia w-ti b. a iurPtee maur. Etee on. L tors boa-bu bthe ul ot -àmsw-ho Iol 1up a Crest dSei, et noorn lai lbchutai' Lon ea.rtb, but sacrificeS litti., and amour bie goed w-ailas mluega »w-as evl4cnt. ne bat qrOwds ltbugh the shlnIint ae, but ir'a a -wry tlgbt r-quece, 50 Iat â,the dokeeper bas 10 pull bard te get hlm hn, anS Ibis man expeets hait oft baves for bis share ef trophies, anSdlie vould 111e a menopoiy Of ali Ibm apiendon, anS te purchase iota la tbe suh1urba, -ne that b, could gel advanlagc otftt,- growlh ot th, cIty. Well, 11111e bhyutIle le gels -grace of heant,- bat enoul te gel hlm Ibrough. ad te hm la glven a second-baud1 crown, whidicoeof lbe ainte w-oie at bbh atart, but exehaugfed for a brighter ene, aàbeow-cnt on frein glory te g9erM And ho la pub' la an old houa. once eccupleS by a ago««w-ho w-as hurleS eut et heaven at the Urne et aatan'a rebelIon. R PIght miter hlm cornes, a seui thal maIes a greal stir amonu the celeals anS the angels rush le 1h. scese, each briagung le ber a-Slamsungt coronet. Who la -she?: Over w-bat reaint on earti w-as aie, queeu? lu w-bal great; Duaseidorf tembivai w-as sbc the cantatrice? Ntti- on. 5h. w-as an Invaid w-ho neyer 1-t ber reoun ton 30 yeans, but abs w-as strong la prayor sanS sIc prayeldown reviva aler ravivai and peuteccal et- ter penlecoet upos. b.theobces, S"S w-ibb ber pale bands ahe lait mr"aa mibtea or tippet for the po,, and w-th ber eutnlvasees me aSIeS Jev leU"DY g a bc11m festivai, suduc-w w-tlh thee Ibis bandea s rong for kiaduesa anSd w-lbb blase w-bite lpae n tong for iup- Plicaîlea, sho bas w-en coronation and enbhronemient and Jubllee. AnS Christ said te the angeha w-ho b ave brougit ecd a crowu for the glorified lavailli- "«No, nul liese; lie>, are net 1'goed enougi. But In jlte Jew-oied vas eta bbc right.-hanS aid.etof my Ibrono thora la one that 1 have becs preparlng fer ber ma.ny a year anS for ber cvory q Pang 1 bave cel an ernolhyst, and for ber every good deed1l have set a peani. e Fetoli It now aud fulfili bic Promise I a gave, ber longago l b ln the s », t) «'13 thou faiblitul unte deabli, and 1 WM give lice a. crow.n." . But .notice lIat lier. Usaoui>, one Beiug ln lie univers. w-ho eau anS w-il dsatrîbute bbc brophies et sarihand beaven. Itl athc DIvin, Warrior, lhe tg Coxmar.Scr ln Chiotet li te CealunIes, b thc Championoe t es, lie -Univeraait COncluerur, bbc Son ot Qed, .Jeas. Yen WIUl tale bbe spolia. frontmis mband, or never talcthein at aIL Have mis I ;rIendsblp anti Yenunia>,defy aillimre ~ and ail elernit>,, but w-llbout lb you arc a pauper, Ihougli you baS a universo rI Mt your commaind. Wé . re tl&lan Revelalien that JaoobPm 1w-cve sons vore se honore« as te have the tw-elve rats iof heaven nnem Ier thein.- O QVer Onegale etfbeaven Naphtali, over s another gate et heuven. Imacarover t anether Dan, over acoher Gad, foverû sellier Zeblen, ever anotborZIodait, cm sd, se sM. DUt ChbrtMmeolaw-rit- l ton cirer ail lb. gs, an" onevery I Panl efthe satle, anS have -U et,~ ilsparon El itreeuion, i *oe i mont, .1 mnuetormbb a, ferlt=wrebcb reve,.Mr LorSd, M Mr ,Uu k h metti *55 U h wbe ueme Ais dai and au >te hosa tb%»; mft SWIi eme, Cwprou- e~ras4 ai ides ohlwemaf Or uasb.d, £8~ lamais 4~ - 1, le, dlvi TKEOL.EANLY AND VITUOUS Fluas8 HAVE 12 BATIS ÀA VEAR. With England, lassée sud oermawa. If Yen iived la as colS snu n Sacs. tentable -a, ceunI-y ausFiand Ait -la hitbly Probablie lthaI lyen 1w-uld Me ver takc s bath., Thmtoeyen wilf*p- Procimbo Ibis rernarkable aloi-y. w-blh proves lb, greal virlue anS bnaery Ofth bis nas; There ae ans, mien doubt, W-ho bathe overy'day. but, 111.- thc mnoalt ofite nemI beroes ot 1h15 womili te>,irse saSdA ne bsounIt>, unhonored snd naug. Tbre ara on the allen baud mne Tsu w-be do ne tale atImst oânebath ,5 mnlili AnS ti la lapretty 1g average. w-bem yu m ialder lIaIfor .il France lthe average la on. bath a er for every Freacma, adla Qermani> the average l soven-touatit of a bath a >'ear for vcery G.-man. asd In Engiand the. averageAsote- hai a bith a year for ever>, Englioh- inan. These are lIa anS poor aver- agos w-heu compareS w«-the lb. lant** a-verag.e t 1w-cive baîhs a ~ea a pot- son. N utla-»t sthe uau.k.4wet bitbB Oint la sa lmeetir W lb. Ikistot cour»e ves la »Chuetaetres etcivilisa- tion as KOibeé, be, .pcgiê bave long eeseS ta ho quahIt But t*e a yflflg lice Trasburg, .wh la luceffl &-ay lu an obscure cet-er et tbhautnset Mies, Trazk, and y05 ui li te anoient anS homorble XFIunlsbbathit e uatom. In fuin force. On the bans, ofethé elake about a uarter of a ile freintbile hoStile et buts aileS Trasborg yen w-tiI -ec a mnail log bobs. vibI ne -Windows amiS PIPa'renbli wlith ne door. Ali around te outalde et this queer buI ruas a 5enai', theba* eof whleb lathe Wall )fbbc but anS le seat a single board Dpporled by upnigîts. There la no eîme,. Tien. tua a box lke a -senti-y shelte-a a 11111*dis- ace frein the hut anS Illa fren Ibis ex that a ,underground- passage eade a t tla Intenar ofthe cail., 1 On s certain Say'yeu w-iIsea l uge Ire biSEiflg nea < rIbis cabhu. And miter libas. been géing for severai heurs- rou w-fi ob--erve tlIaIhe lb ISw-nan vho bas beau w-atcblnig the fire w-fl *ach liet It wfth a huge pair eftongs551 aS lltb eout a bouMder. The bouMder 15 S.hc wli Srae Ibis Isba lic box and 9 brough thé underground pasaage. le wili lay .1t fnally ln thre centre: ot he eanthen flo t flte cabin. Andso5 he w-ti go. on, Graïging raS-bot beuldt au eut of lb, 'iire anS puihg bhhmi up is meuSnd lte centre ofthe eàbia ü«r. Wben aic bas biougilî lhe lest lUldoabs aa ige mound, ani eo CabRs la beglnuing ta w-ar up. In a corner of theemcbla stands s4 U"e barrefofiter. Bshe 4pe a a uelet ft hl ** thra nd thM llwx 11 i Uter ottlt WM4orock& etoË a mras -tram st - VIes h%* b tllrown a r al ûex bo5kets tm C otialala ANO r. I ffio 8'i.W - "ur. IMMZWsalha('d lbt t Ozernce ba- hm via. ms Set dore At* -A, gras& Mas>, udder lchs la dus »Moa'd C*uup qui*l Py- conolussens -parias dot umm vol he vres a ami- IU« f#a0 und 5.01 alothesund a& lia- Mieu1 rlag h. in Fust biumaindbi friasaDy Oct instaiment l"luAi- 'M al elAlImnareputation mit vera- cil>' asieer eaàlsbaedunhil you gel o cema*n jPrdot offce vos le zS«Wàe aêy*%,, -awa'4lb? offmenca a unerai viii.-ulaule fa lsVUl Ser SeaiS zPeal W escli oISo n ayO&Mu Dot self-made mans la alwaya ltrying tb Put bis volk on exbition. Vy ,dcalyd dSa- MmnsVot Sey ar >mIw-aysu Peallag or postent>, vait 111 dir mealence arrive, once mîneady. t SDer vômaus V«l amoate dresses le pleapemein e sheraiiy dresses le la alite et lie tact Ihat il bas becs masLI>eFYM S micOe SM faIappearance et the mflctermachiae la sine tormn, w-ehe st 1prseltoiy urory a iiing maahlnc la-tiser>,. Thal , t bhm net - oed- lb theexpenimeaal aga, It-6t» 'vlse oe f tece machine arc bbaah s = b>, theezpenrnnl «Mu Mdi bY -a fev bit dairymea, but eveu ti lIce cames lie vole la mêe, le de- MuoUtrate lie PeflbIlUty c-f ug the Me M Mdn»t beems gay gram aivastaga agaleL by 11cm. W wUi b.r ffl ta' me, them, a auccesa,,ton. tbsyýq w~rmw r&M deuryicom aità w1 v rémurec. but le lie pres- AOW " "* "-q agau au mg lm ltaI z OIMSWgement for bthme- - d1sf, ute mlgrs»t amrs e pataeV. De Jty Tte man w-th Mec bandageS face gel feebI>,ln muid mat Sown b>, the Soor lu Compatny w-ith a boiic-w groan. «WI I als hlm 'r tie man in the new bat w-ondmre4, . * le ale>,,» saiS be minu n te stand-up coliar. "l'il go sos» uWohi V' luquiredtîle nian la the »5w -bal w-bon the man,1 la lie stand- op oilar netua-ned. "Ne obait alics ell out lasI w-cl," tie Mm la the stand-up coliar replIeS. "Then mwh#a4o ho goaaing'se about?" Semande the. man An lie new bat, ImPatiezbly. "]Reouil te heo e-er ii, b>' Ibis llmc." fTes," eximineS tlite na inslathle stand-up cellar, "Yùu'd blink nso- but, wu sem, ho w-ont-tô a PaIniesascuetiat."1 -Now York WcrId. Pigeea c euthe Farta. MR tte tase> pigeons, mcl se barba, pontas, lumbleracarnir, 0wà% f an- tmUa,, -Xacobtr^marptes, Me., ray b. hast la tb li i eAott anSdshouilfirat be mateSo-s mb.>, are mateS the>, beqa. ses-ou,,and. the breeda leq m"t UmW, aciioboft»Wbavlag its Pigeona -w l e mode a ver> attrao. ie ftaat=* tn us ?um«people T" gltas& la Obiesi Iches tag s e gCiitm. lb"30w e- pmfmubIuigsAoloqm iare w-lli barbera ut lWuettsry mmoauan& Es-O éther am la lIe $Rpùe osa mss a. W, - mo a.OMsteloia abeh -- g~p~Aotoww anS barbea mam Ver atipa te be11. i 111M, CF$ a"d eyteifL cor. sasez& Peel aiLà. Yf yoa wmttnt the lhigitetPi-sfor your Wo.l ssii direct teos -h ohi masfsoureil; md a"enyou Inay ry Gcoodabuy hl iu e manufaurer. W. havlargé mm ad w-.JI ased mtoeb .ofDiaukels, Sheetinge, Shirtinga ýFll.Oloth, YUrss, Menlé'sUsdr.esriTeP ahirt&, O#OMu, Shaker Plannels 2 Osi out lb.ex" paid f«r Woiw-hemtradee ÂDVETIBE lxi the 'WARDB HORN. BROS. w-n. m YOU caunolsei wiil~~~~~~~~~~o *l-v iaUk. tmsdnv~rM bevujg-seclai. YeSf-.ug~w-sh-.~a qml ou Dcsk imites aa ml m ces.Yc c gt fthe vgut oa&geerlh g05gbutif ie>,dont bve uho't ot cm alm Uade*lg csc c yo-beauJ ~ueca meS 0 ent l Ddla& e,,P.O.les48, aurawum i.>wullJO D f atuaIpakae-pou palS. cudren die in, the pi. »Iotches bloom in -the apring-. Boils break out in the sprimg.- Womien weaken in the. sm& Men lose eneW intath ii. . phnplS4otcrude in th s . Old pe" sufetainthu aprlng. Malara Msâsadl iInthe pzïg. in hespring, DbcIo2wý î grw in t e p g. Lta mmm ila nth sprmng. s*I.àj the most popular and sacceuhul opdn ýry;m " t -. DýTOMddruggut, V'l, Iaà" rhé M. .oMor aay otherdrng. "«scott's;. i~b3 s 4~ K

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