*~ Parqoe~ akg.sU.uuh.l *~ p~Noi ta Bé fl- do, Are. AM J71e 19t i40«a~ "Sa %lmg ubIe," saI 'SeM&flda Constance mai." .' luUne. IL venu lie LIme enough' a *to nuero intended depanrevbho e a eiquitS made Up ler mini vhore t* 90.' A tev minutes attuvurd tLb. marquIÉ oMale luto tbe roeM., He d4Mped 1la gavera! i mes aday, sud uaL-n«Lb.ecM et th ed& goenllY tlmking Go Ai<it t11e wbole et -lIe. ime, 9a4S @stj os- Csslonly adirmnÉ. ga emati te <Cou- stance. Butweandnov thoneshi ejes vsudened Le ber.,asud 4elt UPBe the aveet sud. ovelp' fice vith an omis- etia utentness. .A 1evdaju beoetht. le balbrouglat a lunei et fleversla bis baud-be nov- er Caine vltbeutosometblug'forArol,iS the recru geL qalte 1 ncouvenfemtly fuiSl Le o. IL vas a beauttful bouQueL, sud ,constance, as obe . arrnsed Lhe bloessI& lua-vase, cenli sot irpren lev exclamations of efthglL The next morning and everY. UnoonS- Ing day ib simlar bunch appeafl on the table ,eofber ovu sittIng-room.- $ho di net sait Lh. mid vbene ebY came, uer di 5h. ths.nk him ; but 011 speut vhat littie letoure she bodlnlu m- ranging them, sud tbcy atodI boSle ber lied, viiere siecoculi ue heuawb.un sbe veke -,she wvery fond et Ilow- ers. 'rhis aïteruoon, acheo leauci ag&ùmtt tbe bock o et bled talking Go Aie!1 ConsLance -aoIe. a glances iL-bIi, a" she noticed, and net for the OraL LIme, an: lteration lu hlm. There bai been a certain reoklessnesa ln bis voico and manor vbee lhe bai li-t arrlvsi tht eyontful ulêlt ; IL bal ail vaniuhed nov,, and lu Ita place vas * a gravIt>' sud a tbougtfui1mmu 'hieh maie him look, lu expresion, et auj rýate, utteni>' unllke the tamoUs portrait Iu th. picturé gafler>'.Tt emefs buW aaIf b li ad passei underLthe sple somo meftenng 'lulueuce. Perla» Aral'u IlInessud danger bai grde , the P.hasigo ? To .ber le asparei band- semner thîn ever, sud bis voa, at&1»» elequent oetaa ,Lroug =mas endernm vien h1e spohe te the echMl, oafls more ful et musilo th"s et l. O.Wefl, Arol," ho nid, "comlug fer a, ride Lits utternoon t" #41 wish -I coui r'onidAre!, vitlaa aigl. "I'm %getting syfuil>'Lrsed ofly- Ing here." **That seunis tather ungnatetul, you yeung monlej,". sali ths marquis, hait g«lanclng at Constance. vbo b.d haa ava>' froua Lie lied and almout 'behini' the curtis, as the alva7s <Id vIsa lie vis prsent. dTou n mev1Idom't meau LIat, ien't pou, Constance, dear?' mmii Arc!, put- ting eut bis thin baud, sudfeeling for Iers. "Wien.I go out Ceahtanes vil g@ viLlanme, or sdms1I ou't go." 4"8poken lime a Bnten !"1 sai the mae- quis,appnoeiug!y. -"I'm sm e ju lave pleut>' ot cempan>'.1 #Tus. Wberels Lord' Billot Uneli Wolfelie ho ked. IL 'vas tie-flut Lime Constante lied beard bis naine mentioned aincesber return. ".Oh, b.'s ava>', att!! acourins the continent,4I suppose, Ifes bave bemu back If lie bai knevnu wi'antedlhhn but Yeu sme lhsdoean't ves hao* uv have been III Anytltlg yena faner ta- de>', mn> lord' - "I shouli lime, aocop," %i m proanptlj.- The marquis.laugbed sliotry OYou'1l lie clairnugfois avIiele dieop- Preeutl>'. -Ray le -bave va *op Mia Orahame, please t" Constance abook ber bead aÀ ibe car- tssed Lhe in>'baud. "Net GI, te-m«1% nov, my lord,ý" sho replied. "IWo are gettlng on," ho »M&i "Well.. 've - brouglit Spether YMI*WArC!. "%'bat de joli »y tote is ii. d ho put bis baud lu thie pocket et hi* tusse tNor- folk jacket sud breught out a g.ane& Conte toted, ad Arel etterol i feelile jel ai deiglit. -"Beys alvays crave foé a£ 1h. pet" ai thé marqulis o a PUlmostE ",Gh-e bizlato me! Ob h, vbt a Ilttle Liug 1 -XMy 1 ohscp li stance ? Oh, I hoe.1 saap. WbBttfumU* Rlitteeej Is'C a0eI. Woàft k eootanée." "I'ua bavisgaimage madeforbe# SU je.uusthe ghim on the thoiagiit t fbtfiagb. pse a, o "ZVs a Wan rG> uwotot Arffl t Lo . the b&M the . mqi* ti",P"e!"rho à"&14. lon.uabaê Mg., ~13os1t r auch r* "'Net the wery lpt. ' dO't #noir ,whIi imuer ILtla bift.I" mlle aiV 4I lo t and makei.It quit. veiL Contace der, b lnd ; snd he rais :ed ber' 'kgd andlovlnffiy Maed the. Iinler !two or tbree Limes. -U thl»k you ought to, hlm t too, Uncle wof" .e-Mid wIt a gsve nMd. "ToS braviffitthe zugsiesplg." Cotstaiice's face burned 11h. a, Diame, amd baer es feill A'ilurh -rose b thé mrq ula'sfaýce, and lie loochaiat ber for a momenat vlth sun Indescribable e»preasIou. "Too mîwydoctOrs mIglit do the pat- lent more baram flâa good. Arol, ho MU, em inlng. otinuel. Gve me the animal, Miss OnabaMe. aud MI ses zbout bis cage." Constance 'beld out the guilnea-plg, and ln takiu IL bi b anda touched hems and seeuied tu linger for a. moment. ca- rezaingly ; then hée Lot up, aud viLli a .od to Aro e Ut tLb. room. Coestano,buralug tiliasudquherlua, Phrunk back lu Lb. frlendiy sbsdow ot thec curtain eut oftl. eacli et Arol's 'sharp erus. ~1ether by vea' nor look liai the.marquis sought toe remind ber ince ber retuau et Lb.ý scens lu the' draviug-rooM on. the aiglit before her departure ; but the.-scene, bis , wSa every expression his face,ba" voru7 then, ver.e ver rising before ber, and never bad tbey risen more dlstlnctly than iL this Moment. The toucli of bis band, the look ln bis eyes as lie bai lient ever ber jugt nov; vers the sme toncl thb. ame look au those viLli 'wbb i e bAitoucbed andliookéd st her on that niglt. Ahi, she thouglit, vili a silji, IL was well that she sbauld go qulcklynov1 1 Are! veuli b. veR enough tu leave ln a day or tva, aud then sbe vOuld go. Lasdy Ruth sbeuld not return and lIn lier there, aud, Dnding lier silil there, overwhebu' ber v ILli ecorn and Insult. Bo she reiolvel wltb an acbuIng heart. and the eôclor smon vanisbed and left IveOr pale-se-Pule that vhen the mach- lcees came lu Premeutly ube notlced "M(Y Isr," omll ai, gemtly but firmly. «"Pou am' looking tired aud pale. Wolf e" --ah. atten dropped .bis tItle vheu speakiug tu Constance, as If 18be vers oue of tb. famntiy-f"Wolte la rlght 1I am afrai, sud ve bave been cruefly selfiali. Ies wu quite. an#"y this morning, and saitbat ho e «va su eu oueuli e COeonsace, pale no longer, sbook ber hea". "I am tquite, quite velj,L&dy ]Brele-I peàre," sMe anid. The mnarebomesu putl.ber hùÙd upon ber abaculder. .liow. mny dear, lie a good girl 1 ad de asa8i I iiyou. unflsa jeuant me te geL lnto trouble-wiLli Lord Wolfe. Tou bave never seen hlm angry, biut he eau lie- very-*hen hoe la tbWarted tee muaI. !'ou Malle ?" for Consltance bad ariled. '*Ah, you dont knov*-hin. lHe bas been 0o changedllesnce liecame back. o-good adMi Uate vWbus ail. But I don't vaut te meec hua angrasd o -for my make, if -net for your own, go out for s littie .lille. Cgo on ta the Lrrace If you 'vIli udt go aMy furtber. Why, vbst eau bappen te the 4ear cblld vili).you arc îway 7 And se, If I vaut you IQua cali you from tbe ball ndev." *Constance stIflheitatei. "Do go, nov ;, IL le beauUtio uL. And then wben Lord Weile osmesbat&I ean tell hlm jon ba"e bosn ust.» Conutance rosae hugk samlreluet- antiY. Bbc bai lntended rerna, lng np- %tairs mati! the heur eOflier.departure. 1" ePut on a sba*l .or aorethbr gover Four aboulderu, amydear," tmd the - uSrhWrnos, o» GoMaaSsre-,entes *wtLber tbat en.. 4"dtay 1 tt*e mlne. IL in a, Lick, vuru one, aud I1sg"U net -vent iL ln bers ;and ghe -bah 1% o-0 aiwed IL roid C«bme. "Zu, bnigvo nme .w.AZOV, se MoI& uddut t a.e ý »r4 sSu , -,ou eut eheebu. 48y 48«" - b. .1thel by. Oseàs. woat dmrn theb. aa sr. IN Im w b&n lthé U wS il" 1 haWve UU U871temeU5 00810 lm _ - Wdo gt almy trous bt he ., l ut oit r 1 vbuie yen aie tNt. I MI tst & ir. Tm 10» kt-w tut if e voe te se 1 must bibU5. Yes., for I Cannet Dis vithi ou eu!1»M yen limaime. Coutanoe ?"*r no put -bis bum, ppà hem ,ami bu. u bosur or eub«%~gtL th»blowam uhmfg. âw iffl co w0wes " bw,ým be ie esvatn, *,t t "Icaue h" "ILn jU Deareu mpt vlu ab"onet loqe. dearest, 1Iwoey"p better 'vitli escl am- .U,àm*ee w* rh t& M taiw e *e tt1l Bc ,sdlg 1ay Icotnt Lhe hourg that e, ni &e «bu e' nm om»Mr» unautii ïï d the 1 onts pend vtth yen ai. -W ro MLbeter Mentaasin, tat Mr muiibe the ouly hippy one lu nyday. Ah« thetluk s»- WW O 1%dEi. »I 4 Y; Md M niét gu*M b Constance, 1 tliought 1 couli give Y"n Wolfl r?» . M* muo& hemr noya com- &,« te 4u.Wl5i4 that -as for 'A" upr, but"-ho drew a long breth-"I to" *'WiipaobUdi *ltWUI eluse-vhem "»-. *C M nhu o cannot ! you are to me as the ver b Mt ftta a mS"1 «a, wtt a breatli I drav. 'Wby, deareet, thluh f 1 -1110 nt55< Lb.* M It! lYou .know' I lovai jeu, and te me0 o î@ .W' 41 1 b«r'44" 7 85-mmt frOMM," wa xouCSw you tee an angel of Meroy sud 'me-, ma &W e dWy r4 w'8row fVslisbuodm bmlm aat cor, hostide liait ch«baed-to s55 jour but bhe ldbe ot tlaWIv. clAn". salu vIlli lume, inlu uweet face 'vi ieving mmi. day ai- "Wb&t Vn iL j7"dgi Smt tblak of j b YheMdwt a19- ter day, loow*U itIL e eMerwls Iais liu e a&%»&, pntlj a"i lmiOIy. tue "m MBIlot." that MYj lo4. #lU1ani ovT Constance. *II Cooteverythlag vies yejLt1g e "Ah, Iait la sot tins;. St la, a ailatou I. bad Dot **eaij !ved y»u 1 saouw tbt- L #iUIt-ob l, WoK I souli b. n- love you înow." ee .ba PPW If Ieul belleve wbat: y7' Consitaàce7 bld ber face lu ber bande tes» he £.etevI a!ltq r', sudIlisteuci. No vordcould have loft aud e moirement of ber band lt", Mr r fl riettho MaI& vLlt b chose lier llps If ber 1f. lad depended ou iL. 1agaist bimbeart. "I'fongot Wbat7O Fmt-uISC orethe Man Who vins& -lde19R 6'And nov the moment han corne-vben voeg , vat 1 M. . 4h W M ii OUVY s0"hofet . But Ira truleneWI' 1 muçt castthe iase. Ah, deareut, if yOo sh lik?1 lai t Mus 'ilib. sSxnythat léArest, he lsd the place bmsan's, 1. I knev boy great thfia utu e Ome!1 1 ever Came hers. -leb. l' Wo'Iat ccu* n«otenduesit mter yen »d lu? Constance, do jeu remember vbat page- it le netone Me me jeu ought te bave]OUt vWe 't May'» a MI'oàabout lM. ed between, us.that nigli t goldyou ef claeufor jour vile." Bilthelb.bout fellvlLew "woM-. mn>' love III,*01àeed M' le MaI& vti lovlng mSkoroceu ugbt te bave choses hlm, euton okl Her silence aasvered hlm. er>'. " p&tkfps jeu vii b.good «eVOug M sK uar soman I-su he vil!béear "I beld you lu mj arme then, I ai et me tbi,kliet eraO 1 0lWbLte Me no ll-wl!Il' spoken the worda that-ehoved yen ni:>'bavé a&tse&'I15am alvaju 'illlugg o "Oh, n, orse muwmwoi. beart, sud yet, 1-I Jet yen go vithout learu troua opeor vte ou.I"- Nôt b.! Amd w.'ll ftdnaatmlce vi an anaver. Ab, If Ijeu kmev vat IL «Ahi. dont laugliat ut," ohé. nid, for hu, Constance. 13é' .arr y j couL me!1" bomia u p et hlw-wm viii ub'la hWveua n m Mx"hlmte. iBut i can'G R e drew a long bresth. sud bis band ejessud on bol flp. "Yon ow vbat I taS about even dear .1 Billet te-day. tightened on hers. mmaLireu T on bsv vbt I3. liait I a1&Mtoo fMi! t My 0vu happlness. Cou., «'I thouglit I vam trong enough toeaotlalng-uetbing.And Yen are am ug- sao%, how ocoirtii Marr' mrÀr lot you go. 1 arn net nov. Niy love '110111 noblenian.1I&Um Lbe pen*ileush. X e lulaber ear. bas made me vealc-jes, veak! Con- daughiter. er a Country' doctor. Tbst's Cêaac vbckvbalohe stance, 1 ar ntut e trust jeu, 1 amn not the peraou joeu ouglit Le marr7, Lord ~ou etry jeu. lsten, deareat, for Brakespeare." li3er Cyeo grew moist. TMam'y-7«uT' ah. pente&, ber tacs .)et jour asaer lie vbat IL vIl!, jeu yul @ThaLtae our oplon, Miss Grabae," eas aivaya ho Lhe deareet veman l l i e mMI&isti! milllg. ~1*4lu tbrvS!vu woend to, me. Deareot," bhe maie a mu- "T-Y eu en oglit to, arry--ta O beMdkr. aie.etf the word Liait rang lu ever>' chord everybody-expetmjyeu te marr7 a lly "tat Ides hasb't eduis te jeu, et ber beart, "If b>' great good fortune, .« jour ovu elami, sot a peor solsi>." r too geoqifor mn>'demsertu1I lai von jour "Imnh jeu," ho.ad' "Doesut iL ,nn, h sltloig love, wouli jeu, col jeu trust.me ? struhe jeu,- If yueau"ierILtfor'& ms- -014 o-for99 long, longLa." Knowlng uotblng et Lb. past, the pat t ' Laitht ;; raLlier a beavj Liait bangs over me liii. a uhadov, a peuilt7 for bd«Nr"bman. te W «114Oh.Lan yen; bat's ralber Ide- l shadow that neyer leaves me, thoughi yens -pbtmse, If a votoe netto Le b. sotte. all au LMyte day eth 1" ln Lb. sualight et jour presence Itlos-ra."pernitt«4 te marry ffhom b eesir " s<u v Ut i.msrrd timea airneat fades avay and la let- Coeatanmbee be b imi aovWlp. hetail knevlng nothlng, of LIis, vouli oube ' "'nat la ne arguMent,,, ah. saI, M& f4edff -sud bow amn I te Continué content Le siinothilug respecting iL, te îi t"Ev.rybody 'vii ayt u e ae e1eai hLLie fyewla remain lu Ignorance ?" I dons foollLy, Ihat yen-yen vin regret WM !yenu My tMis day dix vum I"' Ho pauued a, moment, sud ube listen-I it ; that I onglt te bave nid - Né. la Ivil! say nothing4" sMe ruspoude&, ed mtii!lu anilence. 1 oosmeaftboMen. Ab. ta it tee late r' acept that I bave stajeltee l.ugm *'The. badoy may grov luto a Cloudi I **îusbyabount fteen minutes.- ho sud, suddenlj darting abck b ai»% tlast may fal! and overvielm, me.,- If Mid, etUI! Mmlllagut vaygivl, i Mms go nov. 1Have yon foueottin yeu wiiulve me jour love.I 'vii! pi>' "Constance, this le netuke yen. Tsu Se«ai -rt that Lt ma>' neyer do se. But the iark vbe are se pr*u4-" - "1 bave forgtten evsrytblag; am chance la there ; IL ma>' tai sud crusia, "lart'u just vby,ý" sae murmure&, ctlj vIUing te torget eveeythtmg- mie, and you vitIa me. WH! jeu rnu tae piteOus!> '"IfIveren*t, I sbelint but the- leareat gir! lu ailtRe voli r chance ? WiII jeu take mj baud, estili mii .nd aalntl."GL .on lu Ignorance ef vhat Lb. sbadew ma>' "Thoen yoW'U have to Put your r'pis. be of pour ovu n bfro 'l irn e lic, sud ie my vite ? Oui>'a noble- lu jour poshot, jy««glady." ho retont- »116 if Vjeumuet g», Constace. hearted woman vhome love vas as large ed. s"Gra"t t 1t-£ gbt te baemr .tô foammntutonus aud deep as lier courage conld doethla, nled-Wbo "4 14, Lb «ImýperalplutceAit th" rai ne «If ou it.andI bl but I think yon Lb. nebleet vomnan on -jeusee, I proefn.yen. An n ii r pu oenbhs.The uext' moaspt duo artb. DO Yeu love me-eau yen love My lite I bave bo eenstmed'to liv- "d bes otramm. »d ai lttai .vIft- me 'voll enougb for snob an ordelIll? g jvvac *7, Vu . ýMai!raU t's tee late 1$, miong Lthetenrace and luaet the vin.. Speek tL, me, Constiance. Tell me te eXpec ate o es a vte Lte pIon < 'Tes' or *No.' if IL bho"NO' I viii other people,, W4, Constance, 'Pt i.r~~ uesiosda i bear'CI. Even nov, lu thus moment bas7cMme te Fou ? Ten te.decry mmur- oue dbelons L n rgctosandotasg8Lb whe I ongGo neu yo temy esî goalf 1 Tounoseprend and- Ny chili, jeu i vlhbis khes and Cariesii "4 te eall jeu nY ver>' evu, mY vite, de jourmelf an Injustice. Dos't y*roi& sle looked at the fiee nufleot*o conmclence-stirm 'vithen me sud tortures k1mev that jeou aIs. as ne a£pinceffl Sors, aMidLaeê o o bot me. Oh, mn> dearemt, auj dearet ! My as yeun, le., barng Lh. oprOnt? Sat t a atranger. WIaalbU COmu te rate, jour ove, la lu jour baude. Wblch Den't vn eu k 1,otb LIh a.Mruis t « a trai balf!?~ LS iL to lie ? Arn I te loge- jdn sudoféory Braigsspeura à aeLb1ue «« < gato tb0oe me m lisp. Of baPPIues, or vIl yen corne te vives among the âAaam t < ?hsmftaqsB.Mbs me ?9 ?o tberge«b ltu mss,1W.ti i l1be l aMIf la .,matia A moment Pasmi, a moment lunubli hose t Eau noone310ti U «.hoïrbMUUL- tmimdS ibot vhole bel..& Constanice fclt as If b. -Muet bear the.Clend iistiguimed yen irAm e 'mr r teohi5 vl beating ef ber beart as it ueerneî te laiid*d a r&Uet pefecbatppum Bdér*Iieu sud et; edthe iul 0:100000 ery, 'I love yôÔu! I'Xlofe yen 1"1 thon Sud'couteutnlmt. 0 . Ia8e me~.anoW ,,ho turnei aud lea alittie towird CiitaU 10i5 a UtiO*amktm"pqij he %uso luamUWem'vea.» hiîm him- auintitbod hl t mtbe tie* ba . bat l ut eimmv Re teok ber ta bis arma. vth&I& a. n 1ev t rjn s D ebas;m-tb it «tb mr sprofenni jt tender pAMouI*oqmhl*î*#rfo.m«m ut %be 4M o t L.M» i "01,am p loe., uaptwlvetS p1md asSLe4 hS, WbesLve upeakil, aueeewn tI*&- ___oi Wi round h ISc% I mcaL mt5 I-i. VS-aà"*,t bIs r Pou- - »au"mr MK" e nmathat "WliChu ni ~une o'k kMn»V swuthm la 9IMP.um u he êiun wa"s, Mdiet *uu m tm @Mbd~s for U e 9 .rP*- aVsal, a t iwn nfm ia 77#éGrea Englisk Remedy.ý MMetOum 85YOM Umar & tOuinds etcum swith an khow, =0id- MM w be.Mn a mi tdm Ub.rsmDY sMd Uemmt--a $MW DdSr. Ai- -Ws, Hr..o~,«&«-us,Zmuos nu WfryvoE LT*e U«'of 'èu,,Toieo, or .AkoabJIeSiuadù, mlancf VU M - l , comommomA" ar O$7grave. Woodu Ub.qbu Obo MO& swMUB&g y bhmiredso am0f- iatU ee ~o. ~U-ou bu lu. tbgmittMiedkyei bgne-4alhVmatbv h cm"M wu«awmof a oIlb Mm t m lulo om ealu p tudie, v-a Uvub»gplv m up#AhwuaW&-tbe r@MWV l »w ulUan ou 1*hoa b. Ploi, tu d*pwmt%; Pbru" m cepomme&s lhe oocauJUfl, Wlndsoo, Ont.,, Canada. Mm *mei* PbeâOso.msa m sso 0 vboludo i aMSd mm UMglulatunDoieIo. LIEDS. T bon& theu »luSm oI f. th.epar thst v g.s.aly ho 1.pleamurie of inforing our mmd..1 h. rriva cf goodpure, n~ijai feh Dead of alilkinds; aiso sumo My a u* " Bout A§ HIGINBOHÂM, Drugt £11113 ILL V~B~LAM"o Yard. etc., etc. *eyou buy elsewhere. Y . -sozo-tf. Go . -t agoram Senat akcrs Of the a ^àdorn otand z.elobsta 5eiflP'~ preferBe flet to Ought t In ever XerelY riated, Our PU, te lie s tain en~ gd but tices ai Lure t who1es2 core t public jented, the pur fui in are the ln IL.1 j*eak gels, w against tliese, a lie takE the thii 00 CorS et deprE gard t c the Ian that tl oenter with itý uary, a j itectura bames, City Un est zty but on, than si: 1 do no BZar tes, Arneric, The, mEtiora. adjourrr talent-d as ever place." imtbreal make m liste'ni 1ihlqChx bedies1 hiporta lut a 1 oust be their tî rep-resei where c DMOLle they w lnds it the livi lIig a hi mnay no ]But b drops. therea t-hey r ciblyt a churc tbing Oentere Uflend h«Ias b4 dome o: by ins( .AIMIgh la madi geod p, &Versi g that fa' idno Slter- mou't Cthev-t