4 g t1ei5. Jo lu mon .io *fs ths 1%0 tonY'i*~ 5gOng other grea dld, accrdilg mote x tt bissen5.tOls w1»d0b4 Ua on eath ougk t 1 e wndomin la sU'omtt~WWi W stand ln CORIErOSs eSprI or f reobstoa or abfles or go* ê60. 4 1 ib teir deooblonsaUtons go ep,-o down. Lawmakers ame uametl oU*« temnpted by prejudie by 5s * *li ea, 1b adivallceeItand. smeti es lo f îest to do la no doubtfulth ought te be rSyd-ter ad emSueseqel tt ln every possible w. LioBI etse. Wg »ýç m**t*dÏ gereIy oritioised a»d blamel met riated, sa s 18mucc«,ie:t ime lth~e, . -t o-eit*"àî e Our publie men are 1sotofen the. amet 'U- t, tain emlnenoe.wh" kotiter men vaat- #we M1 0»« 131m in ed but could not regob, tht -more 1*,.- 1h >vYom of o9W partU"t tioes are. hurled at eur national legMa- y vil 5Ut-Iê ob 4 *ture than thé. peM ogl f. the 2Utelsl t 1» i@M 1MiP Y States can possibly zma8sln Iee~ velasivaxtea 0f ur wboiesale belying 0<of:tU pubito men U1o. t<b u slpy dauen*is *By residence ln Wasington 1 1*51v corne te. t)nd out t4t. may eot ur ~ Spublic nmen are persIlatntly mntS*o- tIYlLUIIk&t thebeo*bmli senteil, and *Borne eoftthe bot- oftàma 01055, or In th* cekter r tbe, purest ln their ilvés an" Most tSttk- f i <lm e 5& Uil05 lui in the. discliarge of their - utlus, Coelt il lta blessingu 01 are tbe worst defamed. Borne day 1 UOn hoi w are de" Vant to preach &a.sermon from the ite l fturet. PriaIt t&*t w ln Il. Peter, *"The>' are énet atr.l< to . àodor '<Eternat Fatb s1-eak, evil ot dignitarles, whee s-eOfNations» wmnwbereý gels, whicli Are grealer ln.powe ad Aret vern sud lte Iaut. m4ight. bring -mot -r&lling ý*CC luon lée09t he C c .onsStui against, hem .beiore the-,Loe'd. But MSrhi'811101& Nm..titý ti!ese, aS lhatura.i brute beants,- made te sJI hurmdas acar lets be taken and destro'Yed ope"ak il f ltà,prlorigal iflaby. Bu the things, that lie>' understand UOL" nomeonee now living who 8o con stant and malignant la ths work M&rbie palace ot the nrat et depreciation a.nd seandaisatios In re-b. l notthen ui sa.w&, gard tao Ur Publie mon that ail sver the Irradiator ofthlie o the land th)ere are those Who suppjose sIngto, b. a«ed lte» that the ch>' et Washington la the douaw»rd of ourt Enl center of. *Il corruptioa., whule.sIrhat lt aee ia en with Its parka, and its eqes&rUa ationsDmetUIbow o uary, andi ts wlde streets, andi 11. 01d- feBI aanS 8Sl»aItioefr Stecturat symoetrlcu, and itI j.ve17 Agalti, befor . thte. N h3imes , It is nt ontl te mort beautlful journent of oct Âmet citY under -the sun, but has, the. hlgh- t ought to be'deelidedi; est ztYle of cllizensitip. 1 have sýeu mlettled îlot no appropria but one Inloxic9ted man in ltheimore tesectartan scheols, ai than six mnnths of My rosidence, and courthlp betweefl 'chutel 1 do flt thtnk an>' man can glve i- tbis country, be 'foreve Bar testirneny et an>'- 1)er oit> on lte Tat <questioni already se Ainerican continent. *il liotil. 1 inkWtS t n The gayels cf or lw*o lieuse. of pletely and fbrevet setie national leisialure vHI soon fail, ani and alhIstitutions as j 1 djoUrment of two bedies of, men, as nominations sitoul ami taiented, as uprigit, -nd &as patrlic le lvel before Amorican: as ever tra.ced the capitoiviii laite Alexanider Of Rusais, al 1place. 'Tha.t two or tbree untorntspale - Pà1e ,asked e itv mi outbreaks which you bave UmairS ou i>' *e. 0< WE anake more oonspouo» lte dgsity, lie m 14 Zbl" fraternlt>'. tà»,,ei.wie)o. t e 4&y eOW. ? b e uff me tvhicii have chatclesci hoge t»o betw'etnthem, and lt'5 %Qffles during Oaiýthlt ong months or et W" tl 0< IRportant and marlous dellbcratiem. WVo omnaion lut Anit Put a halo -.&mua&great me fthlie tilegesabove the otl Mt lbecaume le>' voeesorare ln ardI*I'dUY fieralBfli t. their -Ume. Our soliste and bousee o cubo it ait uai?., rep«resentatives have fOve such me .n - rch)1kltt a S1BIY. where ono e i.>laI one. -But it'vttl ObuIt'Ob Iet lah ulaud .fDot be ull after they are de"I tiat. chWrch ral la Pom5S, Mo they wil 'get appreclated. Thi e *,Gt ireOn Constntiople liflds lt ater te Praloe lte deaI tiian vênderelihow t Uw« pe .the living, because the dopartel, hmv- theC denominations ln 1 ng a hen.vy. pile et marbie above tbus, stand oun t e OpiBtfo mo nt rise te beome rivais. s, sud no let Lt ever 1 ]But betore lhe -gavels cf ajouwveat be oPrefOere, no -pa 1 roP and the dbots otCaplto bll*Aiht Ipt te itelp one mot a there are'Ceeor tymtinggat ouet 'An anetitet. Wojdl te be dune, and jet as pra>' Gd UIbtonE. and 5.1lte.earIy p theienamu>.e acéollited. .Morefor-al l te great stateamen cibly lIma ever bef>ere1Coflreg » ax Ilte teirvocea* been imploredtl ek .nowledge Goelin teudofla>. If a adie)or Our constitution. Thte Methodistel ecano tU11* vthout hi a, church thst 1la lways dolag gloitla lpaI appropriat01i,thOl2 .thInM b as in tm recent Wligl m or aq*i>a stti&i-Sgo cMOnference requegted our eongr»e . t er aide of lte leslte .. amend thé immortel -docum.ent, *bi@b plyro e titiA<>fte has befÙ th. tOundttlOn land vab admi DI. O 0 b . dome of Our United Blutes Gevnethperailj ,and d4.UII by iiserting lb. wls, *T4-1ruaiAn th Tai~oeI 05titis ai Alrnlghty Go&" » Ifltat sbedmentl Ue Le tatdeom' Is flade, ih wM?! netout>' pîcaso au tli te had tltIdoamthe good people eftlilb.countr', -but *11, case of God and bUini . )>iese the heaven& . Il s ont>' an t Uao aal *V aversigt or -a menlài accident Ibat lb.>' aoeve by tblr * that rathers who maie lt" cont>ution It fteUand »M ip Sntenc. -Tore ailme fatse Au' y* v PIANOS, AND ww - t "w - ua4l :t:u Iw a.lles ati pg kotçr a" àa"i leuuRmobg ce grot heraot repfle41x, < n e cmaia",.tou, ce utich t b. more lautbc ber Opportualtiés et veatit vtici vii ~ioal ite 88 sgve ». parcentUmre ct amuemo. ltai Umoe lanlth*site ever pag.muài, aMdInsteai 0f the For be$i% leblack banda orf A mericeaslve t"* 'glotios0"- 'are lb. more laluslrlou hOck ban«a Klug of, GlerJ et lie cOw i 4ýbn Min«et lte autb. of t b t0ir whilcit ara tee forbar tuisu -m tai "e th. ROt M0~W~ Ultoeaein.avtAiboos la&-, or stlb.theeweapqte *tie us1 recogabe 131Mand11thereameplevula he= whir _re . t: - ar vatons ,t r tepsandLad ltais re mena=ie .iher h7lited op 440 0 S iOr h .lot liee a stu pl4 m a n If y en do A 3' ?<iu met usderatdhai e0"G mnswwereiAb- be or 4Rie rraitmAnt lcoln8 prayet in lic White ýý,Sét«a the Iouee, and toue'wailJaçkmatis prayor. Tic gi!eat la inte sadule, maiansered aillte tion ileepsa 01 Ipr&w etofi&Hlb. emtiedrais on bot UlanIlo Oc"ealies of Mason'mdDiosUn. God'a pillow of dust ail l&Uitheva>'peuti; G30ds coun- il I ttere nett ceunôr Pt>% In'y D. ln lie White t"nv.PtHsnameluyurjî- tonon oudr u~aukntnos; Put Hlm&n»me on your t'o On-l becoin onaigus; put Rte name on yeur city and- y, nstîtulon b>' tale and national enterprises, put HIB j» ogttreen-namin lu yens barteu We cannot slecP oh. oI Irunt- v onthle tant steep until w.e ass&urel iiiVembuur',thal the. Gel et our Anierican Inatitu- betore, hin ioslte atw DeheGdO >r t Ilto, e-sur Ameticau In1stitUui nltelaya- that are le cernle. Ob. ites ail the proa.chlttad- rivera ltat empt>' lIe oAtlmland m le»conten 0lT8Pacifia soa» abalilpull on tacheor>'bands; y aud forever Vwhen ailt the great mines of gold aui kions 1e made silver and frou and. ceai shall be laid nd tha.t the ibare for the nation; viien thétantl à an-I state n Mx>shall b. reclaimel, anid-te laStt er broken 'àP. jungle eleared, and het i slArnoricait lems5 temPOrar- demlert, Edenied, ami front ea te sea might 11e comnthle continent affl b. ocupisib>' more d. An taciocîs t"itan ,.,5m oului, nia.>it 11e touai meli as ail de-ltaI moral and religieus Influences bIn lu e Mmsne %were multilied lu momre rpId ratio lay. EMPerot than the populationl. And thon hhere 'this Petaeof shU 1e, four dozologlea oomlng f£rom wW> leicinIU- sorth ani meuth and es«t Sud vet , mm tu Amei5tcg tr xoigles rcilag.wari ascii q& au vwon M I oteruni meeting mldoostimeph vAl t b. 0Irem audit dasi t 0fbol>' jo>' laI thbetshah Ibroiw. dm. Mount 10 lte lbloit.1 il D retiolIS Aub be8vm#ts bh reilressai aga, 1 Îca bald an>' Witia ponce on ssrth, cgoci wliletan. ' hiera ho coud take a step farther amys> that1 Tii. <'i-k beloéte taveasof out enaI &ad i the. Lthbra lese t ebwosMtativsMd Ourt-polt- lte l1w est 1mcouventieus pouni adjeuurnenl lte& Cathi1tll te. ougît te 11e pasai a lav or aI- .linite MiiW opleb a plank ef Intelligent beptul-1 ,11l'e emp"Oor uses for lhe greal; forelgu populations1 usible tint ail which are corning among us. Il la 100 Imrnec. ocu d lat now t dis itet~ber ve liai Or=- But Obe t beler Jet, hem cogne., Tbm>'are lie. be. 'Lot - tàý% ite>' arecOmng titis modwmait treug» rIllAl'. o at l arrea, heiutare Ibis moment' tau inch Wer &ori 14iAthelstof o-tleg ,ton a e 9er- free ait et Axftleot. Oulb.>' vwülii »eulento6andi' oomlXue le coee long a bscous-i t etf the Poil, Ir> la lte bout place to lve Ia. CaInst any' Sli You mlgW as velA Pass a 1Lv pa'ohlb- au lnstilu 4* lint rsumrnrebecs front aligitint, on, tpropof na-&fil et blnam*g buokwta, »Ua lot tit ot anul miglit as volt p)rohibAI Utcstaisa 0f âp (>. On th e emoustat" trorncoinAng dovnts ie worM hlasbad leorlick MWà le rblbt t tiuàgtr bt- >f eh ' urch a".Ion nations 04 Europe tin coming l Vs mf»On thlie titis Ual et breai, » a eprohibAI ltte1 gaile, bora c.f ~e» of et ungm., reWsa&BSoU*nd~, ie ofet b.AI' tal>',.Ncrvay, Ivedes amI Geranan>' milastic corne .workng thmrSmiam h o deatit on smsul e. mosI for lte, vageson the oller aide lii. ma., (rOM DII>', moü n l- cOinfg10ti tisDlaid vitetb lii.are * *. haltb0i mp.athia ats unlder 1»e ariuit a b l . daprnetad s t ..0,*thlt tie £asartlmm psireS lte Dakotasandi lîi MS @M lepclu ohe , Sale Celoradol 1t, v of our lasth- ta h leertit miglit <ore a"l t *wplow, ai tOe aml 44r. gJouI"along ~ 0L5Mlte oeattuai Sauce oe tials da-. ~ pksptbrpvtýhomoff 3Uah 80 losg am M vIl 0ktb.W â .5f*oet ofAmerîten WIAirititl*ldi i. tem he"-Anhat a &a t-o her tlu*hutW g «sa t» "mu' tithle utt." nouab ý bu m t'i âmna? I MACHINES, as qw pmme eav 1-oe l a t Mse tu*vk .àw,4 Fet.he lW1 More mpelmin.t Oh. boy gooi 0 w»a te *Mrtahtit% A b" o i Gl 1 Montai lb UAlBias Oet AMeta T t oc are i rsSM tmat tssocou- Yom ani 1 sitoWd deour besl-Sitise meuury-trme ea$reusse: Out q talliai.'graves, eut etedle.oct uchi- 0 Amsw blhtlit - Wben x Mr>'yeurt rsIiers graves, pour pulses run qulcit- Ir. Wboliea' lthe>' leep, ln t i>'cere- tet>' or ceunIry' graveyard. tudr dusl la ver' PrieWles -te 70. I ltuit 11Y llved velland.ltaIt e>' lied rigitt. mA tes Ibis ceuntry' lJeutrcraie. Il may bave rooked us, ver>'rougit>', but il ws a »ood crable 1t e a'ocked ln. OnI boy- mucti w. ove te tOua' boyhoo)d aid girlb tea wuA vaMse llu tiis bleas-E el country'. 1 navet bave un>' patienceE tt a man vietlas aainslttisà ,ountry. Glortous Place, lu be bore lit.:E ald oc lertous place te liv.la. Il lia beqa eut r l-Ane! Il slatte ho m'r ebireas tbirhtt. TOU and Ic wmmii out roiI. Ve vlU porbape mea a fer moprbsswngblournoma. ard we viii. perbaps se. a fev more »mmt mer, barvesl, mi vo ve ill penlape gatber &'t ew more autumnal fruitàn,E but ve are h o band -tisageverbmtni te eut chili-en as Il vas bandaI tg las-t a fre lad, a happy' Rani, a Chistian0 lad. -Tuo> are net* te be trantpbd bb>' luspohaim.. Tic>' are mol ho 11e lacer- aloi b>'artielties. Tii.> are nett beb trlgbleued b>' anarchies. We must bon tiisgoverumnteentno tem ver1 tte ballot3 bmo or-tle seool dest ower lie citumeit alar, a vubave ire- * moelvi *l, am- ons ltesm olmml>' te Put Ibsit lMe tetî Iand MslSUtee AmidTbmuLOP& dvdOimlghtyvwe put. vihtatua i *ufei prayers, ile Tbt>'protectIon titis natin.Re- member our late'tb«W adAmig foot at Vals>' Forge; - amebr mrlndmc ICoeuabo; remonter lte oeid, ani the huage-, and t.elong maroit, ani Vie £*ver bMuital; reanemater lb. tearfui gise .M1Bunker HAll; remambot léez- liagton unI Toctmma aMiars moult- tain and Gettysburg; temember Per- r a tIle on lie -lakge, amidBapton R-e, vérée.a Cmbcrlamiv*-nt devai aember WaMbmglen m' yer by' thte camp fire; roemer Plmoutit Rtock, amidlte iÏng mm-lalte*av- agos; romnber inlepenlsacsRailandb hoy nut At cmet our - ttira ho aiga theit' aune. ramoniber &ahefibio ami« t«» o f tIbm .varW<MtIs 18 --ano, Umehliait iêmembor tle grom litI as ni4ghu tl h"Iloaul eth3r groos, miti»litearotI litItumw erso - titan aI ote t iraIs, aidt*aah ltaI vas» : taUlier than ag othir desAis,tb* itmut on wich Jesss 11 lg mustb ail men ihappy sud troc. For1 fit. M*is cd ag ý Ibis ituauan d divine sac$Soa. O GùdI; Pao'et tis a lca A"t vitoaever wetld rt ibm I cland vitosooer would strike ât, dows, and vitosooter «wotld tuili ibis teck, lot bu tbe acounsed! 00 bmrete-dy. lnu boioem oe-the future. T"e: Etcrnl 0.5 2. ion tlb.' mIl. o et bisnation. Our hoilgitesi dana avwe Pettolemne. 9o b*.tk 8- aed f:rtb Vie trumpol litaI wi eamv l l4e. l*g*aua5gon iii ~~u=qs -Peopl- au oVer scetis" e » - bouse, or onea vIA mlv teggat *aabout ho cul*. va ~g*~4~salby var Of tmk-AmothOr cas- tom > a ourisu natur. nace irev*ff in Ea*Unansd ohetr eoatrids la re- heec o mail. se o tank tormuti> Mmest ahe t.maime, tablaeviiitite is.0 penantlas "d soiranIs. The mastutof Oe homse aui blé roiahiOamal etlthe "Per 004 viee lteee -wa»a imue rom~& lîie persons, etelet oO.0- muena. mal utext, ami ail abm ovalteý mid«.bao loilte, botm oniitsé table, the Servants vers pkacoaccoriag ho tetr situationt, At a certain part et the table vas piacel a lare sait val. Wibidtvied île supertor fron tble anferea' elamslng. Btllng move lte »ai va. the mrlia'ofet a gentleman ýor ma of go"I connections, whlie ho ait benéathIt Il aoveda humble station la BaIt la touai Aa grester or lem quanities la ulmool evei'y substace on cat, but lthe waters otflthe oséasp- pear te bave been Ais OrsI great rnsaa- sine. 1h la feoulid liere isigkiveb litIn enin emrportions, and Ivo .purposes are titis sprved. namul', lthe premuV- tion eftbaI vas bod>' et vatsg, -vitiai titerwise, from lte ismrerable oit lochs of animai--ami egetable lite vIitb- la AI, voultibecorne an Inuppor'table nais ot corruption, anidlte suIpI>'l or a largo e portion f the maul vo e- ire An -eut food,' and fer ethea' pur- pose. Ttc na=nt>'fthlie smit cou- tained la lte ma (aoolng te the test autaollle>amounlute tofour liudrei LumtibMIAou <mle foot, wvilt,1A plied up, wouli to«m a mass 14 mleà IouLas ian>'brocal andIs as mn>9ilit or-, .et«lse dispoéei vould caver lthe Whou .eEurope, lelanls, umas Mamua te lhe belgit Cf t. sunirit et hennI Blanc. vitiçitluabo"M 1%m tesasI b& mmtheUa ,te people O lvel ou mnMcontinente vould lise gpéaIt, meulin ' An s~>lg hiemmelves wAt lt; anmi rou mac iov bull>' PreviSsace vatobes overthe bm nfort et kiiia nsturaforature bas pro- tAil taI t te maS, on leavbl homo contigents, ail et vltihit vre meso ever- sIPrIad Ir"ltit i, shouli ldeposit, -vas <inttes etsai,,suMienl le provide ïOi lte mnessities otrlteénaetate idta- oeparts. lanme places -tc mail lam .xpossi en lie surfaceeofthe groami la a glilletAur cru.at severoi lâchée Ibicinlaelbos, thiker layole bave bemaue.remiovrer-wIit otisi - stsso, ".. liaI mail nov taequieste te &Wa up lie aor»eYmn>'otites m-u uaL -Bail la touaila tiS u "sapef M. ohuseft «« paut « Meb.won$; ltée la ta e-astempire et CIbea Atla seme s litatIt lla umliedlaIe ltaI ceunir>lalarge quati"A5-Dot .vIt P____ Ibe vit, mornela tbero 1R t nu MY Ifornie pime laossiiJes, ke resbiug latoe but r*7goa"atos "1', bo boyW a 1le boas vit yeur wAtt ler asfeR lte sur~rio élrLe amr, o t e 0OWe4l, thon, dont se>' aatiiut te ber ut &IL 9m uétala lom Mm11 tètufs, ani b. rMitel-co«, WvitAl lb csk wè= ummw .,. U5* a dti.a. - et tout mor msVl Bus>* *»e nom aniur lbrlma l*$"Mot h i te a ematelai. Tts 511ww. =t lb.&M l a sempaias teR ht- W*htob. vseol h *t, ci-diar>' vs«. -i-a #Mm la 5e&âà à" -n tugfr kM 5 "'boa es& e kmu e nkt4 ayterMl. - Cm o n«Sei & Peel au. w~I ~ & Attention! Ul yos wauý 1.Otuthb hgb. hm pi.furyourWool sil direclt tctheose ito mun" tu.1; Md whau y« buy Dry Goode buy (rom the manufacturer. W.Iv ba em svend veR .rted stcof .1Bismketo, Sheetinga, Shirtings VsUIeiY...., Us.'. IU»mismur Top Shirts, ColLons,. Shaker Flannels, E~&tmmnetc., vhimh vamun Bt V1«7ERam1v wâ onwhole eprice 2 cents per lW extra paid lot Woei whea-traded ,HORN .BROS- Lindsay Wqolen Mils. JE BOXALL from lb. Suth aIde ai X~ut troet, noxt b the VE» Pont Ooe, bte1he North aide'inazi door k> J. Go - dwarda & cos Bai NW MW 1W1E-Iw Turit ,d Bliood into:e Red BlSode 4 PM-* Mo" uI y .Inu LB.B. mss«seuS ch perfe cleansing, hcaling as~ ~ , dc Bu4Bitter . ,It flot buit heals, vhen appied externally, a, scWoêlous soree, bletches, eruplions, 5balU's Tsk9uinter- regiate the. orgatta of the body, r«,,'e ls, Odb1oo4 *0healthy acion. cmýwalt% weuk slrong, and Ihoseo Mg eîeve .nev vigor, and y 111lie work. If your .90ý".çerambition lost, B.B. ofhappy vigdrous lfife. Ayilng iaug ter.ltai O&e'b luko lier motlieee Vhrb#o4 09%f tban Ms own lindbelity. The article sent nme sa>'se las been deuicib>'qm Ohm va er. vlU*b. fch a malter 05U Arile tin , ME tihat.M"I . Lo oM mwi. ocan s PU retetw arit ,a' 10 mn,. -e. 'te- masO- ~smE M-a 1 â o ' K Apte 21^