TEkS ~o. perlb, in' hiporud packael PAIRINO OR ju~TING i s- whendo IGUT, bgigbias FOOT OF OET 8TREETI TICKETS bld .vsywbfS.l.tun by G.T. Rdtlw. A LLaI MaidOU iL151 a. &. ROYAt L I GÂU Md StruSORTH RKING. $0 J.MATERITTS TI"Agau. quO~ h. un . "y. 4h,1UL-II* !oinEy.TO LoALq Imsm. BAIBONà& auSI air*fu. -. B1ftNommbeb, "hl S iaw w m be onum uerw of ai roi*W*owb h SI oeêt VM&DÂ, NAT ma. lu&6 Alo the & aisuibstlim Dàzrkîb* irainWsd&adtheaig00w Mdoui emon mi "Mofm o!maat àit t tumi ouI ýb hmge sanie Xe. J. J. Imwlrn ogeupi eh*h Md proved a caslm ffomsa. 80«u . tiom, ptitby by maudiesoswu. uawwei stlfa~tely- nye. Kugbs. T,. pwomin outefmtvu *0e, eos m eougemaa, lb. eth*a s P.PAÀ, levai fauis yuL Mr. UuglaefSLut v aga" the govoasmu. Th*ela m "ho ia l shouid i ab"stool*t w vIli b frimed, .uet g te sobool liàs 1. ua plI loigo, oumaI" 9lb.0 - uutm s bu mtloi t vaisbe"le -t&i bya oas. »Mevtlvothon sa toan govueumarnl BoIboauonThueedsp utgivus gaand tlunt. Il wu «di -te hli*à Iaxai pou"tcelgotheabg ««»Msat thlniaI 211110villa. Me. as M"sdth chhlewth masi "04. Ut. MoXoui"d x. Hngbu mikessi the audienc e. lsoisla m wfma W avoai.Bavrailadis m ss 'lmiitu, attend omdM t muthme hffl bMUU the corovilasno futi Gr4axaa om ad i metvwua wu «M n tlhbloretlhe «. ils of thhomlL >"e eM«smai la " a evswy setlaliwo1ko laMd Pl" pluk is ieum b waui Mme homuSli, e, s lau. as The uemmw on bvasi y Musem 1ie. imam ikes yuis Mr. ku amisa lamavf , b f»eg*0 omiews t a va«"tS lot i.hsmýbi Mt. Homlis t. Na isS-a tins &oc@" b5 mthe inq"bma&e *Ma VW.d. e. Xv. u i.. nasi blassa hi *W.a ma tans fabuateatI vmleI, a.m .«O"m -abi«M W Ai bouc ,oncssce mw oi.tMr. TouaI. but vleaolub&amuti h.aety mntil bb lh.ofm mie aIs se ilhg b las. me 0M et mom ozivsueing.ae1Ud miies.loefo iiboiomib Kum~J. EL . OsasogIPP.; W. emIL" PU _mm induel1' G» .. ot4 pàdihia* Ofl.*9 -I Dr.mJ. .o. o" JP.,et *0 cou-i M"e. Ialdls, iovoet Dlu09 m oThea -sm, 4ý oeaDpj, mm% - wamuiant, .P.A.. res a-Ilha mes Jehan t. suppoatSam. Rgrhiam mu1 ap mah s a id ujoelry lS hlm m vil show *0 "o anulm m ia *0. peopisof N" tiebhotiau pelt lb mi iioo"001 tow"dI Ma. a #tc» vbe lof um ti bvnby maibi. Sto ul e ttloriesla hMcu~ Womsl o ,Fuc aI, CaMn INMusaus*0 Q* ploss ilFsMaib Mr. Ri., epi- emi on golng la pou vb Remmby iiapak fon voplýfi e I"a hm bsqm inaesle4,ort*0he oewng Gr»' adi Nt19. C. Wfae (eM"i Cwspa« e. 'W. i. Win. Nii ajos R am mu"sv aotisoUem, me oom" basanet b u. a u mm& X&, me.Eum jff. a. Miuie1 ou dis tsuioml *à* a16 vu" Ina ""0v veu A bS ue n mm lit tamb bu w lieet . u Do» t iomm u in s te bu ha hie -, 1 Mhebu a MW uk.b K.. i E. Glemi uh Ome . te he ilihlidi*8mos b5tu * Fou. *4 4"uet MSho i b u *M .11 inu, Gt.. 1 1 1 W K XIt Dla et N d*M 8 u*IUm veelkl" r laim am ilbFms Uimm uhwh uali 49 hi4" VU me os liea 55e q s-ue M e l U Ie Qa dalms f 'W&-u ot-lm4 XL Doua9 D*6sygmau bbus 11h verni, t.vIre las boodu MMeiV dl'h, *kmSil. t. tbm ema ---- g ieme-i bl mur hm&i sl mtm m a Liii g b W"aa b ae .o3e.z eh.~~q4, vi mt rI m p Dmueu mmai fb w mo»"hi* 4 amu Tho iuimbla nomb ami *0at I~ IsiM&-*-m i. S à- metamef is u eb" -." ies- *fMiumm b a dW m buby LI-d am. *btMoq âm *0 bPm mt bis mu4t bueL Agni& -mi lise mm 1»,,& buji or dms ba 111. 4Dés vu bu lt.busM kbâ un lis - d", !tie~4hu. Pbw hmdh cl 250,. 14 beata therg Mondays e zo Loe.v1l8.Pam. We d =eda. w~ed Of TlSburdyJlune 0 4, auRiver «8 p.rn.; Pasin 8 pin. pridays j Une 5. Long pointBd mm M aie, Spi. ];Povs', Satu&dy, joue.6, Chazbnr'. FesO" 8 p .14 nsiog. S. Lof a;. 8pi@ Mondy, juus8, Gehrt 8 p.-.; GiaetnÉEMOI4 8 p... lurdneg8 p.m. P Wdudy.Jnoe wBkxdcmm a P-u; -14MLàko. 8 pM.; . Gaway.8 Q,;:way 8 p.ua PMmyJue8 *pn. 0"7$dMIJu. Red ohn ille WIaoesdFA, Iane z, cRevis'. léim ay" , SorneIk 8 .10; Eldt Saio n.,f N'wAOMAS#TS. FOR 0CHINA, OROOCERY AND QLASSWARE, J. m»isýosvetet u i Mo M M" b Sa% Umm"b"E. "&i Umm un tau a et ssium luugiL.& avo vuiea 1 4s' vuhM b U iih mi Miii - lia *av*i 1pt i"» Vm 1 * ta o et O b Obh&htoi. et é*. y M -.te li u M4 u1 voiurig am.Thib p-.l. i tua a om ell i a,11 t- K6 1iO ~wmbommshWaIli~ier1 A 10le ~Li. hove ai Wu S UICIDED ree ly i ng Paris Green, but thst jio oaSon vhy you should do- witholut puresi p*àoinusParis -Green, and our Izust Powder we gurmte. 10o killfie, ma. miainseots of eyery description. Doin'4 fürgéé the pot, Hïginibtham's Duug Storé, LIndsaY. Bad Blood lute Rch -Red. -BlOc m sob T amme uId wy )de V. other remedy osse such perfect cleansing$ healing Mud .purifyag properie s a Burdock Blood Bittes. 1* flot internally, but tt heaLs wheft applied .xternally, 10 ulbrs, abscesns, scrofulous spres, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin cdean and pure as a babe's. T4en. inter- Mllyit k watves ail usrorbd effées or waste matter from the aptm a" thprouely regulýtPS al he arguas of the. body, ~irgthe. stomach, livr, bowels and blood to healthy action. jâ this "y ~7thesick become wevll, the: we>m strong, and those wbQh#ve that tired, wtrn out feting reoeive new vigor, and buoyit laSlth and'4irits, so liat they fée.! like work. If your :-e s apbér. your ebrgy go.., your ambition lost, B. B. B. ýn è toQsit. th. full Ijoyasent of happy vigorous lifie. 1 XE lia,, C apty1 )Out t) l'galle A go ,25 Pl nlessi re or4 ive. re knc IF YOU DOUBT taqu et Sooi Samparilla Write m=y dwbauio KIketa e parçhasing ~ »Tud, dugist Qaen t.W.Toroiito; *~J.uidLlpNtownnt. J. MorroVy t,« FaflotoOnt.; Win. T. Thomp. Ont.;Goo.D*nharn, druggist. ~p CaL W. S.Bond, merchan4t W* %Ont. joseph Duncan, farmef »4 Oàt.ý Miss Hautie Delaney, 174 md tt., Totonto; M. N. De' oc, -et' M4 oçy, MWm. Coenjsh, FuUietdm WPQotbewr =mes on aPPIýcat!con. pOpe, and joung and middle ig*d as u-t fortU thmelves fr r :%rlg "Y the bloos a4pr*fyin, i he t' one a 4abîe "- -.ive *t i4f*rPo-e and thi'. £i. ~ $ r0m hI1~. w sn fo5 Qui I -Bs' bmatID0~ maum we bave the veq --i iki ooirà%oqiwoý kA Whou Yolm. n"d it.