0the Itl2 t] aft r, de«.- l est Mh ai as Ce"iém ave ber, ber shal; O VoUte .wM -l pleassd wbén le cornes .back. Re hbu been go anxloua about yen." Constance at vits dovnéast ere* Ml blushlng face.* S "]Don't yen think Yu oul co r» down'to dinner ta.iirV. 'Oh, Do," u ad.Conotancé;"3- vauld ratIer mot," "Whata <bat aIe vould rathés' mot T sai thé deep, musical volue of thé rugir- quia, .dTou sta.rtleid me, Wolfe," »N i is mthe.. Ilvas jutsaylng <bat Miss Grobame right tretch' a pelbi oS corne down to dinnér wlth ins o46y. But subé gays she viIânot. Réally. <lose la no 105eawl> h shh aonli et ; Àéel là qulte wéli euough ta le left. Ast ber. .Wolfe." ll'Il do more-command her,"' hé sai; .and hé went round téo wheré mIe mt le- hiithé curtains, and, putlisarme round ber. "Stand ap," lie mai, "ad aY titat you are ready te oiy e>'ur future huaband, Confutasice.- Constance, growtng pale, seul have. ahrnnk backi, but bis -strong armevm- rt.uRi ber and suppoted ber.. The marchionesa looked at <bus spehiesly ; krol's eyes dlatél yulh wonider and a dawng b eilglt. ..Mother," esaid.the marquis, ver>' gently, *"hèere ln my future vifsald your daughter. VWkai do you mu>' <0 ber ? e Ié narchioness tireedpaiead soeod for a moment.oveoeheméi 1th Surprise ; <lien ah. beld out ber ormat o Constance. "Oh, my dear," shé sai, broenly>, «CC me to me!"r The marquis led Constance te ber'. The marchlorneu -laid ber tréfllig haMdson Constancesm béai.1 IlGo l biss7y0%,MY ar, wdMalte, Fou both isappy 1' ahi&amnimured. Constance <o bet bands lu bers and> kLIS86d <hem, but thlé aid lady drev b« uip teber bomoim aidembraced ber ly "slInévés thought o e the- M'id.nI yItb a smillé,;IlI1bai no 11c.' "TIon thought <batrye ndaiAro wu e thé eni> sensible Vpqula the beot. el), motherr'" sali tle marquis, Minhg On vitI baPisssU beamnagIn biluthar ées«. IlDid yen thinli 1 bag, n o a or tbat 1 vaà Invulnerable Ir' D- eyier thongbt et Wtt ml r res- luanded <tie Mas'cloneus;"mi yét,. sometme- B]ut-oh. ,my déaZ Ia se &Ïlad. go happy ! *"What are Yenuil bing ani taibimif about VI" excilmel Arol, vib th u'n- liaturai impatience-.41Wby &te Yeu no happy T What are you. klmagg ona- stanre for., granmsa? Watg me beéA doing ?" . -Sornethlng tory todîlsb, mileoy.", al 9he.marquis. 04What do you say t:) having a new aunt, Arol -r, Arol etaréd ; <hem hé utterel a oulil cry of.délght. ]DO you mean tbat You are ffoing te- rsnarrY Constance, Unele Wolte'VTbe.ex lalmed. Ton have guessl 1 at one, mey boy." "'Oh IoI'u 0gai t1 o r Y, very gltl t- hé cre -,"'thongh-,andblé-i hi. feR t for -a moment., 1"- always tbeggt 1 aboutdi lice te marry ber myef.", Constance Put b,4r arme- roundi. hlm and 0x«Sed i hm te ber. "Neyer mini," h. Sasti,. "s long as eOne of usn arreïu , 1<'. man rish. TOU'1l nover, never louve me now, vii *YOu, Constance. déat T"r "No. Arl" tbc murme& "For thie best of ail reaesna,"ald the marquis ;"I.e woWm't le 611e," ani Wltb a laugh hé left thé rooni. m h~rarc lonens signeai toConstace t0 ColLe andlait beside ber.. I arn ail lu 0,fiuttéri MY dlIa s', e sal; Iamr10 sûrBuralmel IEt the si b las maide me ver>'bappy." ""hatseereno 80 trange," mI con- stance ln- a 1eWv voice,41 f houhi-" R.paued. tWeil, My béai' r' ami the o» ld ýpttai tise V < *armehan I thougbt yn o-nOl, e aagry »4 is&PPOlSted," cotInued o -oolgdown.- - "Wly, my deoar ?" Constance vMsà silent for a <lien the al, et wit<bt o "Pewof et Lor EeeaWigs<' ne mt attis aray $0 fatut o& The mrbllouuas m ersi sta>'; maindla e te yn bt 1 «hallov goal écasei.bave for oin y Je." .. t sienus 11e a 4r«=,," murmurai, cbastnas. ntotly. "8a strafngome m- "Th* le UIeuli bave wtalIlove wiyu en T'mmiithe OU lad', lth a ami .- "Volt i bnI 1< veaili havé bees étranger If km bal net. Tou ,oe, saY dbar, for thee fritt <ing jeu. are -vory prettyl SmIte wli e arnother ' beaaatU»aI'oY' li the gportrait gaRler>' preurtlyt" ad sIe laugbsi at coustalWi wtp*i50* tam.. Mrben 70.bave <thaWcti mou- -se> 11<11e way vith yen l iw"liMen fai so lrrisuiulie, anaturmily ; amid<U100, my liai', va il lxaev les goed yen are. But <bore I dosa't vant ta mate y7" valu, ann spoillVolt esvift. aPPY WolfeÎI rOt"uei-C "Il appy 1Coistoni ' nmuelCp- stanace, hidng be« face on thé 0Id ls4y'a An Ainov. my demi'" sali thé mai'- abioness, I"yen -muet teil us exaotly ywhat yen veu 11M doms. Teu vIt w aut your friends te 1mev."l MNy- fieais?" eeblood Cotaumt. "Tes. No denît Yeu vouldilII. amé" eft<hem te corne amidseU yen. Remem- ber that <is Place Vi le yOn70rm véry sc n, amnd-<bt yen, muet conalder l< as sncb. Nov, wbom sbmij1I sat<o corné "No one"'sali Constace. qUietl>'. 'Tbarelan e.. ido not think 1have a relation lu the worM ; a t lenst, <hère la mne <bat 11mev et or reinémbér." MIy ifoar chilI. 1ev lonely yen muat have boUmr'"ad tle tenbsr-bearted 011 lady tù"bed bez- haïr. ."Te"sai Contance.gently, «"1 have ibeeaa tory lonely mince my father Bt yenvilil e snoenolonger.My bear,-saii te<Setrhlonms. I"Ton are amng yenouon People nov. Thon <hou laun me ovbm . can:al? l <ler. any one <o viom 1 shallwrite r . "No,,, repliai Coisstano, saaag ber béad.,-"Thers lugne orne zc.ttâg LAi> -Aiwatea." "',Well, he,I .rte, ho1âýéý.x sase Urne pyun-doe, Mt *iear'îJ e meoscblonoss. IIsuppose .the veldîraS vil! le tory uooa?"'P -oh, mt socs 1" murmurel Contance, kI be no. IYen S%, 'uhen You are fnasnilel I sIail est as If 1I bai got Wolfe qultesfé ad secure. .Oh, rny lear. 1 littié -tbonght <bat night wben yen aMme and <ail me <bat -my son bad coss abck <o me, <bat I abeul gain %laugbter Was veil i -i hove, i psayU><bt ho mmyumake yen happy, ond 1 tlitaI ho 'uil. Thé Brakespeares are hot half-hatedl n <boit lové ; viail tlt.efrtoaultsi <bey aeerue ta" constant. Gel bleu yen botbmy léar r' CHAXTMW VIL Thie vlé ofth<e marquise Constance mt lesie thé viniow lu bei' ovu room trying te réalise IL. Wonlà sh. vake PresemUte<lnd. <bat 1< vas ail a iréain 1;lbe thé e etfthé Mar- quis eof Bskesuieaié1t it mexeel <s wili>' improbable te hé rue. Wbat r bkd she loue tai deserve sncb e happiniése -fo i orews tbaiint-wl<b seï h&bP. pluesa as oaeh ai birertyéi réasse eL île couil fu bishie Ues on -ber lfc and hoir, heur bis volcéul 'lgan Àir bé-ait. lb. 1mev nov <Lai iabollot el--hlm froua the -ftt; ah. -tameratool now he. wi[1ever ah. theught *eorhlm --«ndwheuIff isée eqaaed <o <mb of lalys 1-her 3mart liai <lired ci yula at;ange itu'.etfpléasure and pain.'1 Vltb the limapialabié e >' <bat filled ber vr1meb bing there came, tec, a sensé Sa, lud béeniaone ln the vori, ,tat the meer of éer>' lid <at blova; et thie 0< of sWn W'ston, sud a ob »ogt «thýX 'a att t .i Ikm liarme' te -do bmin Ue'~towni a tW% usm'M maqmh uisdistg inthie w-MW e10 oë.13mw * a- tol te 4_ ee efflunt wtb oveaiWtetté gmw 4 tlfbut f ue s ber" l "I mmm * 7U Iji IS«' ho teut u1l. 11ab. r INtke . " «oiein tog flI m&5 emgb, 4j og "a l 0ut Çqbtém. "hp thé butler amd the feOtuMa vue ~yru hopel that 1 gbsoil ~ wam 1 {"w 41 ,$ pun- 114 zc.samaee the ball. mm go1* teiii. hbe «ves y ivu w ym Iut*o wvio eneest no could1i If I ot U m or @y" oh* acy Èim, f M& a"am f$r ka omboxbu, ym0 b~fWm "uId. bam.," mabhé v. ber bandi t.lhie Itu*~ ile 1 g.6mal 4m w@'t . ,h. ont do that r heosakt m-tb" i7 an m I t Un b, er u Miiy faeh*Paa ako" entered th* irawmf-ro@rn.0-1 "Im UJt wvu Dot xuch ce a see*b, but at *MUlh m'«eh msW," Mdai ha vuikel to see you alosne for a fe mumb9O4 *" went boum e' tg tisentm 6% >.dlmflt.e R 3»ugbNau. mother la diacreetlir keepin fl aiAre t1ii thase wbm 164 growna milta the lirake- 1 cm* ne u vftb7m@I" r Um meé imt nmomnt. Do7" yow what 1: bman i. mt t ,I f. drau, vant ?"*, Yla wi1r h«u, mathme P.ou*s "Cusmi." Murmure& c>nubaoe, .TourO der,.X UMmmn"6 h-Ey fvd10ittmi~Wuptîh.îr MM orwelmed -hy this udgnmal Wau no *91iiut happmes' that .she tee Ia m in >i. xtw had grown Ymunger. aul va.sablé <o *le, bide tbe love tliat thIlU.d ber undie" aa mildthi U"bd»of tise rmotaf, m Tltkq mY <ifg.off beretlf I mm" glrlluh playfitni58 that g&VéU à 10 "blême .- . i lodI1QCd bleum «MLAdy'Ruth., mn <ey bai vaeb- j charm Inahi.eem 7,' os. me iyt. 0obleffl o 70l%13 M asiaV.roon -NO. ioa't ring, "S Ido"hore>lo. Bu vntrang biatoraiyvoa. gth* moui. I ant to tak te 70M. ocmethlrng ie i ; arnt<o gémi Our o*m- The muaq e moUeit. Beord.. vIe, NOV Ilui5BF-" M»e vet o«,asm e IYect. quite csxprmlaediy mg t oa <o t o@k t oriebat ai umoothea ber bi, .Jhç lohed round apjobeagively. Thebe vanon <izia ih let Q y=& abo upie.b h blter of orne et <l the U«ervants mrght (»rmi... arus Iha imma b«l a my Br4ttlei r piIél by t.ie *'ôod4W8ht r dimesultselleorovi ailmashmyuaer"&U h gm. coule in, probablY Weuldi et araiflmO- bmggWtb emotme Ad aigrau, ed 816417 *~ver eaiouider et Con- ment. Ircatiosa. for Centawegoute tUrs tance. wwbo bai lés regardiiig hW la Ifé laughul and irew soinethlflg froà1i b"'ai si eber popular with ontme ui» llii@e bis waistcoat pocket. arnd;be eimbabhékldy oke liold out ysnr hai.L" peare régime vouldi ot*be hieken by, "-tg I hmpomk qulte f ramky. 'Lady Ohe did -ouvornderlugiy. tbf a the ftture makibness. l" e.mIIwith a taint azu.. "Le% me ses, vhieh la théefnager Ir' Constance mmt for a- feu mimites lu O*IdrImnaw sfaam- mil tb<h .hft jeuby Car th. test plen, and hbeldl up abeautIfill diamornd and te<d& m>groom closeb6§440<hCmar u&ts>leltl ruby ring. -"Whtch i. théeongaged fin- chtonomethmo SM1»aubé o Ln sy~ki, maibolhg~a Con-l g er ?" lie asked. . Wbre atm y7«goimg T' he dame"S- s ut <r m i e ulyvbu bwa ou- Id 1I cln't krnov. Ton use.,1 vas nover t ýr &cftjiikh ea no ey'gagud beforej' %ho ropliel, bluablng 4' 'Arcd." ame rtpliai, mal tole ea- pl u ereé tcaio. aMdi th 61 and laughtng. way. bea r aceetsue remm.et * 1I thank <loi for YopW tfIDOm-nfCe, The novsa p e d 1 1< OS bia"héS. m ieat," lie remarked, devout inier lirst peoplq nutey rutsi t. believ ' oto, u"mi Catmi bis breath. î"Thé thifr&IMt i't. il ..gx e eni e"rma our compmtc la aiment seaeê" That the Umaque sa Brmhspemmié, h Y wwd e" mm* What a lovely ring.!- île orclainic' . heitama in the ocent>'. thekr.,eé- muter . 1A nlWotmaime. I1mnwo.e h<ldlng ber basaiup to the liglrl. -why. eeatatsr tmm. <.oet «»oc to qiemion, MW ytim tas ~Mr tat if 7m where li YOet i 1< m-"aid Bbc lai e t4d - Xie lsuuomr4 tmelimain 7 .su tu.rned ber face uy. 1goeâest It vmMew 1li le*oe- 1 In mod 7yUVu? So quicl ?r-b« fmgshed for ber with 'gba ,.vur~ a. mile. *'Do 70u thlmk 1 ic it B Ut M th l"4"ooo <bdtat qwst thhave brought a 0b te about viii me on the So f e .tWlmnn5VSMM gmU tf u *wmU., 451 <ol Aj uhsftý «t o f lm, - u yon? I'm mot coneetedlmesingiQnl<ýo * - W " 1 m f..., ut 111mt.AM- fr tiat. i(ymotboex ast te me ut bé, eqm > Coustan csed uitheé ring -qulekIy. ble mrbm -wo« m4rlete uqn mM P *That'm for mey moler, DOe bulbt' <10BilfiSeSber &as "Ootmacs, dose "wihê<ea 51umi5 Villa 57 phense hé Wali; 44but vIat le fi* me 1" 1~ bhUOS In1tg 1?. tht<bi-e Ume t4" 70 UrdatOOê@4 1I tbougbt it vas agf h a b fli, "w u90" l 1", ami <o stère.laa monOl ht, archlng ber brous a* tcoorirg. X8U't 1 lauiui <rei> ., ealdom* aU U pWvu- U ]Exactly ; but, eéeia g1f f< avfalMure the t lue 1n t t bi&ds uS.imai! <, OMMs thO an acktnovledtmiiiét 70iomu lad>.ff wDmt loe vsmmiho ont Ptai <heMi1st"ehmLu n & She déopped bIna keourtesY. aram vo. a Eýut.<o mearmr y malsuS n h e vr or eab- Thank y u-.lirbu veneoo4 i1<Mla Bliy ho irmif ut 10." «tgtu'" ttsgi, 1.jtb alittle R7 or et igtnbt er mxtb.u-sde, at Mta is,- <intrest etém r zmoiWhle caught ber Mdniella ber, amind %m<gb* ~ hgt tise7 liethlbig te do vms o t Constance oulyiy eaiéd t» ecompcft. 4 sîh rOo .h <15 ootot.faa bus a,.' ,N aiji liai scarSuly got Uie <romsra i. ovnis <e ~ty eftU jb, »54 n 1Â I" as thit snarchloment eirel. is.<! te.nqgt mi c e tii.bot. tua" e boo h u%*astis "oh. imy ring 1i"ad soninms . >lgoSai ~f la caTRtime boom te *0 hUé ts hemaiRs tr' ifer and bholding out ber bond..P onH»X p rvm mierevc eekkwet aefc rm b en which the jévels blazed ami sparklel. In . nt wwo tbimarchiones "mai . "Ho kui e ye r' * ba ~ eabsi~~ ~ "ItIeiwght 1 bal von th.day. Y@fl Y - Eo you ibeI. tIr," Raid thSold thé' oPù#ty tanilus vhWb" * es pet"t<aIl hh.,mole, ut. 1F.4y. * <it eold-fasRLoned, but yenou 4 a aéMiel m auxzi*clter jm- My sl < £Mon . - g5W.. v:on't* mini <but.YM. Tnuol oudmt éla labs la iti nit5 e Ot- tth oaaly lti w ait, anid so I gave hlm mine. 1< vas airaisiel tdqmuprn the gchIi wo a aoiusmt, m1 teay mase orn. 0-.e one his tathér piaced on mryfInger 4"came fvom no o» n Inus vere, mai. "d -7«toniS a 1Il M4 LÀ thc day vé viré engaged," She addielà i absobstely !aslodr, yeu nowmev, np rsali Censm"Ma, i t.e demi," but visun the marquisliai sm- im 'ineI19 eveMy lI*d," asinna- àtetui for bis <store vite, and Who mue5t .. m, 1 <àkmal Tgo Il a mate glOnM 44Give nmeyour arm=, lot i, t yen - , md bÉaat* t thmugh<he é.-4 boer.omme htbeni t te ua"- said the marquis, and le tock <hem la. l4»1 adiaaly. né moarehionee, vlao 1ýwàthé happleut ittie dimner <bat '1mev hEfv cruel tbe;eims rto stiert<e-ve Iadir Goal nova ns eilias bai tavela faut, * a I*rdiy trIe am gan tlIlilb7 o50 fiit et@ uni lit isprobable <bat thé igreut évent OSt n iaise mus, .calme and oit. "id ý ,*» dnou mad béoome Imiovai oth l e rvatpmebeah* bs hr&Uflthe demis and j* ' seil-CoP.s, .k.l1e - Iéer#àîm Ami bal rcanarkeb <o the ama 5wM4 udW 4he toensmor if ,Bh jt*àa imm 1o - .m nurse, 44Unole Wolfe le, giiag <ol marri ustMM nles. »ma* ou' otle, uas Mime Grabae. liaamy "Case.t<e but. Saiot st e5 70IM< SM 'uhé s eh le: ani bis. satellitMes OnnaI < pY i"5n, brle biesa <at *A mo*mx1 îirý Owt specwaiattuation -t. Cobstasice <th" make *r bum - <o <h.te h nr- i*~~~ of epe evesilng; and Mr. iefrd isovc4e gi5 t5OsgW t é liýg <no about brIo okiag 111e abenevoieat qWW Lmstltreatel her u asit te buI Won,~arsev 'tnc &e ti im r o1m at&rvatim la'ICS ; I h»bm Mime. ai r ébe ke huawr JBeu.b.dIfal.Ib. - ~. p3e~ - g, -lm 2 Oh~ OVY fer-Phl is lCasorfa. la tn f -e 5 InYe - bmbc.bomf £ «MW1k au km»w *VM1MUs «tw emd»VdtUI M m wdy M atm Umt-a esuba" "vu ~ a lil 0 N1 Md goeie, Z»là eaugmNuoa là"pom lI te mmom nMd- m Iyrgrame.Wooft u ~n. bCfaSBI O@MtbtuemB ~~~uB ~ ~~o tru.s awnkli temh mIh RA an m7adrn Thà ns about th UNo- of th. ye ar thst weaoy ban. the plauur.of inforr g «r Monda 01 *0 m aival of good, pure, rsM.W. fie oed. of lal hind; aise some wuu fine DhtSk So -L fflGINBOTI&MN Duggi8ti 1- -~ ~ta~rY~. Yrd Twaigs, tc.,etc. ioey byelsewhcre' a"M tom ýýt ~ie 0o oncen ~ae yan .Ovsthat ~ire ista -=ll riot t fsethat e Ie a tcSie~ todn t Wo ea. Moonest' U» peopl&- »gmrtship lmclip 0f mai lie wi M ls catr Mie. L wilý lins of p girth, and 1%. oo d m miode CiTloi fûr one i ttofg yo wlth the c jrrupt; ci -»,M becb-r unceen. a âfgs.ny a y3 ed by not =imsr7 >*bos' err, Obes intn t Uish hi-n 0th-!, »o~un:tni *y WiU t t» go-if fa. god *an go to mot the g to pay th the ticket mettled fo a.round i bave forg U 48 ho in talç.ng Yolug broken In ceed to la the n UUze of tamllarly obp you terniou §Omk until Premence. WUIckedn vader th Cod keep bl«m own «n wleld lOuang m lwe, and bMieSt e *hUr, "B3- Iwarn .#ongm »t andt oery MYe