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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 May 1896, p. 7

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XardIlY aUF "U x» vwae ofr. &au@5 aewmcon1BllO4No masDe Ile âlW&yà t4S I with him. "Mgjrltz Mid a cOnvicted = ad If Re 1184 8-b1U g0nteflce 9f ,.det wu& '= 11j1m-"1flaY t jleMse the cWO ,omnfy han beeuay rii. 1 ed the bl.slng- of gSd Parent AretUrn; promloil4 to avo jâ ;ioociatioflu. Rad 1 k- .*à moise -I Bhou14' 1baye beea« giiame and becat fr6e froua Ie .vulture. threate" ng to drm:i jiigtîoe for crimes yet MW5V .uto once mved ln the t £t4 fWcety and 11&-e beathegIM dttflished public men.am Wa &C through bad'oompany?' This 1là,but Oo o the R proof s that vil asaoelatlo= il UestrOY. It la the Invariable îrhere la a weIlMnà.n ln the. wSr liasptal, where thmee Ba alI, -peîsick Wilth aoui fever, vn rot bRie o &a>t teW «3se as a good man woulf b Re MIitten with asesI dt« ohut up with jIlquitoWuw coeiu ln Oldefl 4111e pliI9era W together ln the saine ccIL ,bu one Iearned the -Vices of Ml tl pýIts, go Vtat stad of bel tormed by incar .ers*on the daY ert1on turned tuera eut uLpOn Riasts.. not imen.. We May, ln: Our places of X 'be.comllcd to talk'and 'niai bad men. but- lie who doib thoofls e 4a-SGOlate himuleif Wll Oua people la engaged ln carrYir eourtship wth a ]»Mlau whoe wil clip off ail the-lok of hisa i snuri1e wil Rie trlM*ed Into pe, $ln is eatchlng, is Intectious, la nile. L wiil let You loo0k over t lions of people now inha.bltlr earth, and 1 Challenige YO o 61 .6 good mani who, after ene.. 7E 2nade ýczioce and eoumrted wl yloked. A thousanid 4flaWr for one mach Instance. 1 CareM litrang your charaeter rnay 1 with the corrupt and you *111 eorrupt; clan wlth.burgiars, a, will beceéa.burgar; go a= ,.micléieax-and Yeun wIfl bèerU Many a, yountg ms ha, becu ed by flot appreclatISg this. HE op some mointn- lu the greata Icnowe no one except thée Pers *whe.eemploy he has entetrc. goea into the store all the -Cé'ic hlmn, meapure hlm and -disent The uprtght you nt men Of tb w.1shihm well, but pehAa sWb formail ltroducUtiSaudov« bave emone deileagy abol t aviil feto their asoa. itlons. Butt joung mren of the store et f eportunlty approeh and off oervoes. ?hey patronhse 1118 profees to know SU: about the they wll take hlm anywhere la ta go-If -he 1011 psy thie expem If a good young m"a" o a be- rnan go ta uomne place wer* the, mot the good Younig mMU bas Ita to- pay the chargesL. At, teie th1e ticket 18 paid for, or the Ch& settIed for, 4the bad YoUuxnu arouud ln his Pok6tl*a bave forgotten my DookebocRi In 48 hours after -tht YOtflM êntered' the etore tRe bad tW the etablhnentslap 1hlm1 shoulder familaurly and at hi in taking certain aoMuoàono Sa Young frelal, you_ wMf ha'» 1 broken In," and they hamn84at cecI ta break hlm in. Youn ln the- naine of Qed 1 Vara 'YO Vire of how you let a bcd m famillarly wlth yenu. If slue elap, you ,on the. aboulder far turn'round a.nd give hlm a.1w; look until thie wretch cr octhes Vresence. Thrie.la-no, moD0tr wlkedness that oaa stand un umder thie glance Of purity a Gvod keeps thie lIghtningS of b bis own- ncabbard, and no- hux can wield themi but God gives Youflg mani a Ughwnlt hMs lme, and tRiatlel the ligRtnitH bonest eye. %,%ose wbo:hm.?e be 4 - * PIAiIOS, MACH 1t4E8, t~roe& or.& Peel aa. sumq ý«on ~ aheme e - U17fhere les auMfe ln the.o Wbat la I4-? A pofcenhl.f i, and, itanlag 0711', 114 la. -shenIier a young insu,' rs-at yo ir.- 194: <b" z0 [hg th1* iy, but »oeeow together a- shillli or two- tht top gal.t7. . -Rela an wmf ounlhies gbthan!> Le ci he manonn-hie 1.11 haad 11evý oaao r he rDuriiag th. paut f av. yars thre han been a great demi c!fduImem la balm- ses.. Young mn ha.ve complained tRiat they . have little to do. - If they b&ve. a4tRb18« tise tale, they aà" real and SImPtve thelr- minis sud carte.. tine. Buineess la aklng u>, aid thq superior kinelytge .tbat ln this Iutorregnmof vor yau may obtain *111 b. Worth MM0,00of C"IiptaL Theo large MAesnetofthé nsézrt 20 year aren havlag their founnatIens laid nov br th1e Young men vis> are giviag thum- selves' 40 eIf-lxupeovelne*t. I ve*nt' tt a store ln New'Ton sand saw Ive ýrenaU Cmi sltlaits, aMhUng round, aiy- lug tISaI Uiey bai néthtug tô do. 14 M aoutrage for a ChrIstbm i man 40 have aothlag ho doLet blina go eout and vIit the poor or dlttlute tracts, or g*a&" rend thie Bibls to the aloi, o eut M blI fl* Ietaàwmt and be15 klSg éwýw4 *«U*ne. let Ufilgo toto 6i,*ba- es"ad pr&r. Sharnk bsok frein *IMeus la youreif aid lnothers If you wenld maintaln a rimAt position. 0.od, old Ashbei Green at more than 80 years -o! age vaa foutu? busy vrItIng, and nosme-Young mas sali to ita: "Wby co yeu ieep 11wy? 2It me for yen to.rest.' Hfel aswoered, Il htcp buey to ieep eut of mischiet." iNo mas la àtrong enouth' to be 111e. Ar-e yon fond of Plotures? If so, I Win show you one o e tiwoats-o!f a oUI master. Sere 14 -l U4lvint' by J jtht eu lof -tIl c itWRIu> maiby tRe ijneyard o! the man wpii or! uaO-1 aaadlng.ad, lI!il v il ,.arôrnf ovèr vitRi thoras,. and nettîca 1ad î eoered tRie face therecf, mand thiestone vaR va.i rokea dcvi. Then I tuw*, -and conairi veil 1 looi;d upon -,$ and recevti instrucichon., Tetl 1441 ae.p, aiUltiS uworý , e 11141.folng cf e h sads to u1ep. S8 shall 41w -ffv«1b side ase one that tnêveeth mi tfiy eNat dm a amed MMu." I dont h»op.wamtier senteno e ttR.Bible mu-M .-ve than 411.4. 1sont hbom @ùftly, Ilii.the -fueset o! a- BMs, a as?115t inrts I lialit Poundi- ze.Th l p'e W ?uve tuigRi . '4'h» devil tempts most men. but lbre teapt-theIplL" 4. A t--.wA éS .o, si .o w p kwerw -, 5P' dt" eu. ýt q m p l y b l l a t e f o r t e r as , rifdu cf.a eaausalé À"pla lé (elIrlu of ,their a.wtqi 4est* tfieày- lOtcO the- g~biandiipro 14 tto Uir, IPP. the, dre;gsof the. ouP *alllap."Uo theIr lon U iI besa Rtesbenand uni- ceawhi 41.adders of an eternal poi- son. Aaa avio1d ai yubu mivold thie .Isit& et 7ou1 body,, iia MdSuam. MoY -e»Wo 'bSO lbhlm h. gaib-- U.«. spirAL .Mon wb0 w&M tte gamble vil? fthd placeq fust aumlted ta theIr eqs1aty; bot oaaly ta tRe undergroun4- enster ea, or ýat th1e tab>le back of the ou rtain, coverei wlth greosy car4a,, or in Uic steemboUat sldkag "alaa -wheme thýe*biosted wretcla wtth rings- In, hieeaue. deais -eut hie psck adG ivinks Math4e uneufpeetinc tra.veler- prtviing froc drinks an around-mut M8 gded parlors a Md MUigorgeons Ascii laobeliy StImuiMat. Tnis: nia werks rua fira4 by nu- Rioaithful stimulant&. Excitement la Piesaurable. ,Unier every *Y ad In every age men have aoeit.LThe CblsauuSaes t' 4-by smoklng hlIe opaum, thé 3er#manIr cevlaig bas- heemb, tueii. trpertua abuffabohue't th1e giger la a euali,.thie Imebriate lIn th. bottle mmii ic , ha V"010» Mthei garnng-table, we muat M Urnmes have exeltement.. àA.thummad vokla l OW nature dexua" It-. 14là rthL Ift 19 healful. Iré8 lu <imgû*. 4-1ea &Mt graiieu 4h18 apaflb uMdhuýe it baek la a. tcrt1ikreaUo44g10 d- piorable eadM Z42,k Out Îfer; *e. agltatloa that, hIe a, rougli m»10»s,, la brtnglug out thêt Une Plavgo a rd 11o breakb'davwu the ustrumMet. <GO& never made am" stramif aough. 1WeM- dure thie- var mand tear"et à gan>1d excltement. No vouder .1t, after 11ev-, ing f"li"ila Uie gaIn 'en bsave. te- Vifl te NWCtp off imgiary gold froa thie aide o! 4the table.' The.nma» %Ws sharp, enckigh viien 11e started at, the game, but a m9ms at thtedOMM. At, every gamiag table et en eue aide, eo- stamy, outhiamai, rio]; e-~ frcnsy o >or Y. én, 411. otber aide, fiee- -mess, rage, 4mai14. The pots Ilm gamenter mcbooblalmein ie avvs4o quietacafi. Tht kesèe netgambUliu obe !,'ut hoouga ai pmoemum i amblers, ln aime ecoa oi0mftmnar pale, tRaie, vhemy, twernomland àuL haustol. %A young ms« baving addaiy in- Riqrtei ar.pmOzuq.y ans t. 4 baaitoMes aanndtcaUVeIn &.la a box t uisvaby jfatlwes liMe-' tie ét an 4amtand -tom" 1a awar lamupwàôecs unmtum its Vtctlu-kl*Wg bis adt#ês laruta feol, into dt or sendinW 11181 grlug a aw a ttem uSer. bu fa0mIv ilvu, flRt - ln 8 es t* h té - fl9y USY. Cel! te &Yý,bmd», .'~ II iW, . i n 5%'igt e i. a saubrtia.m t6*"0 &t- Bow o J. ei. Ww b- «ft ébéRý t th #1br? la Serth- et f«xflina ab.sIL net be SÎat me-'«4tle aet Uut*tos l 4à1çr,'Pto laa, ngaL _X*ý or ovucdi R, 09 10 t pU * 1d a s tes hean-lau- ln a yise gambffl <Si' affWw. Itsvag portia an t i vi wtRa v&hneMWipp ton te tantst Be Sthfe etat% ho 5UWUa e ouly tg* famIlar, 4118.4lnata- e- s roue the sinlon ana got teaapting to assurea -eXACtmt 'acout*t ftte Mo arrnage,' w~ttbock, put uP ! of mie prtiduiar, Mcident Uic rebort- his RIkses ,a and rfiM#e ad lovaor la cooaroated *1411. aayte, huM a. bouse and playeL 4111brrw aidlent. 4oaen trteaciiet w"vIalch ts 0 *se estrfes -ter hoai and, on aa ie ln *erfect hoaaeuty ani ulàaert.but aI eta. frnu& ben whom 11e ber- ail iWering ltuictali. depvninu fflgI rcm7aee tgi&èà. Re veut iack 10 o eboit of tlww et Uic uamstOr-'Ont Uic oilôon and beor a gtea.t whlle ro ths confusIOn- order 'sut ba e ei'- iiad -,on *2AOO. fSq ilci at "ladt., and the. hast reait that ma, hé htemvtla St. Gilee. Ilw. maay gar: hou0ifor le- a consoctIve narr&tiVq. les fét sonry for ]Cr. Porter ? Whoe ifor tht *Itgailft oetRhe daRlY prose eonsoled hlm on 4the10..s t 1hie citxte ?TJdo lqt pteait a laDs. of tveaty-eO« What ,garabler subSCribed Wto hRoula luuSd11te veriftydeti»L - e atone qver the poor ian'. grave orNt course tie tâct là that péoe, -do8 one ! jrùrtiror tRia $ln la thbeleve Ii WS&t the Oui<rs5F soure e!tunt<mualci itsonesty The IIiough a.ttinmos te ý rsy .deteet 8»MM gMme of hasard 14901flà ottena aC&t tri <accteun.y bicii Io ithiua t.r ýpar- ilou Say tuf CA amiecoptiouista the p aved. iimr is h8 deâtwlof e! htcarda.!1 Thte owonent'a 411*7 4emive 4the Ereater puart of their Su tlaoftlms m ud Mt by isri4 e urea vet fo h CardsarSe marked othat tomy wb. flUk* t AS 0 >ht pof a iàtgai1cdfreux the ad. -j ar ewopper. a40 Its commenta gaiptte'm baye tiatr ,=cmulcso, ané l ýt affAlrs cf. the daWas t te ls VmW1 o*Se a vOuai ay1.1. ied hegane, Thte onipdiltim e ethcz, goerrametorha il.. ~ ~ ~ ~ a 0,e&.e esi ne ot, every reaer laet ?erècet Ubeuty Un1te aurf. or, lsagr*e. wth tuéae , 9n, de ttat deubieia corne up .every -14~b uac.bti iUnt tira.. 1heo lic sg latodmed ta ,the uaeuth of &Ur nellei siflétâersunobàftved by tih onftisfe lre evp.c 141ti »«on .came lotuée e ay, aà tw41 »t 11.aMoqr-g h 1 eMIe!ate disortica or..suppremoencf *#<ouatu for the faet that $9 eut, et facta. foir tre la mo -possble UÉ uS4. .PO viegabe heovr ebyfo»Osu& MOL Tedg wbont b am.; tt ed aeau" l0!su~ aoraccofathon. raie dm5&M to e -apoor, ulserable, haggard M00o 11 '!Ot8< ifltoiS IsatvuuidDot50V ~. Pml jictOst oIuU*U«, Oitactors or té low 8 #tk on411e dooratqp cf the l,.,ISM uS __ . I,=- J:per Scent. t ÏMouoI W accuse a Dev a'l0 froua the zmIne, ý devoete 1oclarge po er ma.y 84botbe tnkltya0ourate, 1, , Uen heaeo a"i uo$MM.,&%,a imore e zently the case. mJW ButMe ietors.. litiose ntety Rie 4*aivy eud Inoompit-SoJlý *Pof7the carde vent 18rt2a. Every eyt e lfed. Net a 0ound la Riard,&~Psin util 4the &ct le reveaflcifavorable te J * ',fanions Nagliela ayer one 'maie the. Rima. Tbre are aboutat Po roi, i thie assertioa la the, preseace et uer. fùul r *but t!>. keepen of ethte table' MM ladith"41.20n 'wOMMAZL V«er wt iouethelr pâtols, aU thé Uproar't*!-latt 1<e wttiout a pontart. A ep- s0uédai411. bon a. aW« $%.M0 al LdyG. w1#0 vas premeuit re- Iaau-Do y« mui 10 . g >fa «« et bIswycr'.set atecaent mnd a&. chanài? Tliere W. Do: chanoe about lit. 4i B9ut 111cm. d"*iaoaeStn latheo omrylng *IËW~4t later 40 yo;uiA gfi on cf the gmueatare motiag vhem Coca- Ym-L ISf parci vth41e frau4t 4h arceoSm- A voci or tIwo later théIt U a rsr- mttei la order ta atte mav e.togo 4EUlOthe lettt'. and a =O*si1**ta.- osý u%*i i teastasoua 'soi, aaaabmn«, tgUmlmg oas -14 as; but. attetr ber' W&- *1111as ne.ly,-h&- k»: rmtc mture Lady G. vrti: ewum7 tht vlicus rate aid Uicpor-l I 'PA-W" e 18i'1b1. 0W, 700o, WV tion of the rziaasJeo sld 411. augt -_______ tes vIrtue te get th ese tO Con- I =. ~. . thrue teR gmuae, bas Writteu lii. oun-f tfle3' lgakIo&re, ciaflthRe Rank- 1 O50u ied'w MAs -: M*e oiaeyvaut sud ileliel 411e a- ay m o ou rgeacà iappliets1,feu àaaal.'s gger. Thore lu ne deptIh o!fn w ~e in ataeauo to WMcbIe*a14 iln lm t o p. i uuaW p tunuovOl.no»e Tbhr em lan»,cýia.lty at h hRit, aa mp- ie. nc ý IMIe eL Wit la1no wam-g f e!God Mt WMe aioth aba"OMM imPi 5S thât t l l 11 i, dare. Morelfess, un- log m- UDeLrdwSou b *«Rr in 4élM' 1 Tauis «Mai' àt &4ffl ýMIo erôr a wmerit lidsifiiammalw. Tber lem» crtwisog, 14dm. «XvE~e sietRih* g No%4Mre t lhirewww 40 Wb *wibtq, #bIemt 411egel» ~ - 1, haibam gdieLsu g l .4li% laM"or lasc ais -.- saco 118 da' sâ~h*_M" . out »» Mn, mmi .î otMm-se' .1lý bjýt 4-0« A~%s~ IU~-4f4i. 'Attentionl rWooI1 ssiidirect te those vho iy from tihe ma4ufaotnrer. Bm.ketf4 SaselDiagaShirtinge tu, CotoisShaker ÉVnenno, uws, on, vboeleepniceS. Luuday, Woolen Milis. BOXAL ITED Poel OE0e, to 1he North ide, nazi door to Je Go 'Be BI< - - ct -ciemnsing, healing xl. Bitters. 14 flot .appi.d externally, blotdaes, eruptjoas, kbe'a. Takea inter- te siattofr-ou th. te-body, rbtsn lfe. K bui À 1 * bë itàý bis »Ue 4w to itv& -lm IblawkIL

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