MIAS, péir lb, i gay -b ia outi be pos% msd t difficulqty uf Jaalt ponnd pockeges o.1*n*ed 25c., Itbeats therg v FOOT'0F: KENT 8TREETs Tmm thelb deu ubme 4mfaUb TIOKLETS mu euwhu. et hwt M by 0. Ir, atw1,a. ALau mm OUIiO miE&. 3.oK&GI ITT âtONET TO LOIN. ma tU. E& &mur^ loftUdmu, suoma mmw vt& Iaagso nl 'u « b 4Swo.oniyaiul la e. b,U.mIU .U Kbls e hp-Uff is FR!ID 'VE it 8 A umisu ut huart. mmi e mulsu ut bamia A unis. mous eau nier; A unicu if bernes amis oulas mi jemie ~m4 lb fia, Murnau Uuoeu. ha~' GDORGE Mc&UGR'8 .A4ND & J MA LAUGHLIIÈ a 8yza 0oruirAiA= Meeting saonmevahlve roman omale George Seys :-"-Yon knov that 1 am a roman cetbolie, ami mo are. jeu. I knov thennItse you cman trust me te, do rîglit tovardu tBe romau eaiblwetr Manitoba if 1Ias nt te Ottawa. DoWt Meeting a peotetant comuuevtIve, Georgesu plan*aIaise&o &R. 3 MLagila'. ple a lusti:-You are oppoasi toth e remodial bilL, Bo am L.Ho*.,"necm you vote for Tapper and eginsi taneIU you. are oppouëd.b héBeremedw ri Mf, The 'asla to, Bm.; Thoieîs appeaiel te are. havlngt ftun langling la thoir misvec..ove, George's Md Moauhln' it. Bu t Bom enet te.! lte baya. Various oe, erdevios e being uued but not one sberna t. eak W61L . Their attempte ho oi 0 peupei[ bolee s t Btey and laurlon an oppmes te separate 1loitoola viimottdo. AuGere m MLsgaiade"n themnirsu f ollovesu de Mr. LfMeltVe may be velI to kmev wlmt Mr.lauun' views are on the sbool quuostie»4 vital, knI et remédiai büli7 amidt "001 ool le anta., la bkmtaeu apsa lu: Montres?, viii.Globe Dec ibM, UM, U'i. M.Laurier mal '<I tE Ai ADlu CATEOI.i. I WADT Mo HAvE mSUâ» op MAXITOBAAve I woe v =3 caMOSope ormazoam lao mour rpaoïmunijnu'Or Qoumo as as c inMUCcaor ONiAMz. ** HAVE No HEEtràum M =NUm ToeP ü I VAITTO HaVE EEm wonurM IX lS. 20BA saa PIO ULT $à" UU. zu am TOTEPEOumiImucu»e tub 1011*1 OA!EUnommeflyM que"tl lhQé bew Ba*f0 revg a phd& * b M. *0 j* pew4qAhi If mmlm MdiE omb 9gdPo« ab lé ment be rumlu m o '"et Bade t 0 linmrlby.si «» e"" tBonurn.et livesamc ma .1 otmsy0 .he.i he bnu saml by tBeImua somm Be line m iu011d=le to * mie th ý« eff *0 els . Bhi e la mpoIU"tloi t. *1wrslgàu ommaei..., R teé-boy boom-vax b lIe lubicuml for Brlta irree beaU. of the Hlmleo ulouae.elis The <rit gomermentt Bers ahouil Plan evthe lthebr teabonisiau mi mlo « Md 1nu li o omue voeu iMt aety eba amilority et Protestats or roua s slbolesor'unIt ehoi l ie eu demombaion thait Hhour AMIBOLTEL onces on twt»a u*avekaI the 0don of lb. ushool day. T1 1%t vouil shty *-th isma catilomlesfor Ikeir lemmnisare moderato. Mr. Groenvaof ersb hit heo" comdillomallyon 3jnty0 wtrules ronea cthalo or protestant, the imme agaa la p.,., Gt@eavy vil qul*kjy mce the mobool queston. meeting luat mond". a4FMgSuboarl, BouB menipeua. 0mb.,meeting. durtng ~the veuiha". e bombell Mt Eden, PauMaY's, Bli'., BrymWOm'uMount Horeb, ami Jeaou.. The -boonbu #poles t.o rovisi boumes Oeory iglit ami th e thusiasM leulmv mokel muai le usaigratinin tMhm. Hs be"». Ibusif mml iatlia ste" meetin ouaever qesion nov lefars *0 publie. me. qmososmanla #trougscoutr" bthe* v.bWing of.fGeorge NsUagb, vhs veillam o. evsythlng trom ftees trai de oysth 0eelebalai uchool bill- mpqiUhlyf«ustai mi*0 mâelnbill. -Te guet -dmàdvultyvili *8 reforan tali. à Bat bis pewty bu no pollor excpt tu f Mmniermi lma min, ami thi*thépublie lu gettt.g"dé.!Tbé vW" lun OivraIt Tuesiay ai Caivoci, Methé te m bopm of *0 u-dru 'e »"m"hImtusam. relgiontram mw* hmvebees a din&megsbfeapilIfOr ," t.saae. Bi U» 9MU. mo onn bwmes is rqs. ie hm tàumm M bu ds0e"m " the mbe il ofeeidor ,hm ie am e. MORUOaB g« wulà* r a 0"oi~ pqmw, *é '6LdIa - pum- »* - wbét mm u l bu u wu thoveembUldw staw ami wrf ub.v aee toivuth& voméci Tmu'rouv "muuath *m, ew a hwowwtub»*.o aa" m "T ibr!M *0t . mbolies a .1ami ImiuWlalc=risui Cmais pr. ibisa Ema Maiala - 22-ILee mbuwm@ and Whb ut il lu i u0 bknus cm tuhe Mdupu. Amedre bpro- imprtamiceghluon "u of gtlh wM rbeadla «»m vhilàail iberase mTh «" *eliMlt fi onan mdo uu Wb" *0 soUe of .....hb. nui éo ta debom cMd *0 93,1 vierefore le of tourent or aou"&slth esuMM 0 vImpé Th" iciro uv oae a UA!i0N rude a<ritb. il*am&Wcor*0 le u vhstmm Bepolso enastlm bu Liook out forthe Daly MaliEmpre of esteriey mort, Jue 0&b.1# omblma vieva o1 tBs Trent «MaI. 1% may le ilaàmte la Unov * ilu 01 *0e BdaI marbetfor ail fobstufs aMi for vinOMSaisommples et un p..- mal Uime. ia 18% *6 United Kingis Importei foodatufsi vhlé *e anbselab suppling n mfolo,:- '- Anmilving, ton food. ...#4,18.4a5 Wbit*.bely, oatmbp4 loin. leur fied. -- .. 1M»714» Margarin.......... IMMI............... .um. la lmk veonmpplaleoft Bus aMd" e *0 uel Kingiaa bet an *0.olobaim Animeais, lliegfo d ... *AoEOO Gueuse..........1s<8?' *e~*t*tO ..~...... 135 Vadida. 5s , Lq P.ft. 5. - Lake, 3 p-m; JPo~, "oldyb o80 G.hrt 8 p-M; GiiadoesZMont 8 Pi. Carde. 8 p.. Wodnemda mJanelotBasung a p.m; Kal Lae 8p.; Ummnio éko, ."Mwy# 8 p... Thursday, Jquexi, Doeu.t8 Pm; .Itondal8P*M; Ew» a p6.e Fnidays, Jas e. i, ia 8 p>m Satarday, Jane z3, Cambray 8 Monday, Jane -1, -Woodville 8 Tau"y,, Jus. z6, Swump-1Lake, Galway, S p mL; IIa8 p.m Tharmday, Ji xW.ls'sSchool, Cardon, àa p...; 1Bexley, 8 Friday, jumzg, Rod John Méc. Fac«ný , chool, Eldon, COU- 79 8 Pm.. Addremseswilib. deliveW dby Maj*or Hughes.- or moms of tui foflowlng iigereaWho have klndly comented toassit.-J IL ica*a Eêq. ILP.P., Cobocamk, àkIeld Geo IL Hoaston, Esq., Nozta"d# Ge. I Laidlw, ~ "fl Fort" $Vie toila oad;# i ea' e. q cd0 FI"O.;A. BII s~ od :.E]dOS, mmd FaduasEaq Metnsbe*l ty~oocokp.rn. The apsIim 1b.e xtemded oou'eaakWh& Th Ladies am e 4diainted A. F.~I. S u e i IEADQUAWRS eFol Ç,.HNNA, QROOKVRY 'AND GL.ASSWARER 'q 2w pemum Ilmonts m e o b 1 7b.c Tmbo4 d gam".Usse?.a (thef . ole, 'liai got exactlY the ac avideut ir b d « 0et te j I U dt, ep mâ>ses# of 1luitfflur. At .lé fwuaasent tola t.* - mlif.............. ..429000affle. ErperimenWal arireporta, dai1 "Tuppe,8$ BO amiE jt hvp, jspuar miuâteof Irmmtuuleoe'a report, ,peechea made ta bqpei ltom1 moesai*ul nI.ath..............*W03 teOmomu, aifinanew rePOIte S. emUbrdfamlls onamm ILH.13 1u, *OePs.pminièe.f Tises v ies ult teaoh and aU. Dr. or »Assaeut 14 tBit. o 0» eau- jushu. ..................M 1 Elaàéari could have touud outach wu à hfulm gfh.g é»oor i t. flbA. Wood9àfe , bpesepu* th etbutrho attemptud, au a i il mwmwe- ba *0 Pet*% C IMe... .........PIM176 apsakers d,.te dmoive te.electort pbihopl ea stul. ___________Tiseb, whol. pollcy la deceit mg là a le Louis. mllt.roummemsmt North VPrtSuVitoria Rond ina moUd for Sam IHughe tpsmu" Of u u utmi prof eratiai rade wlth Great Britafl. vhle *0W115 b JUl Mmot o1e0ilagle mttmg ell 1 *0 e DAMW!OOatu Dal"o.on Konday aight O 95OM&éPmtalad ludsoI*IV.dZ 1iOfnt i jr ]Etiglu bav'.ehemr fgave GeorgeS. Houston s rouslng recop. upmil a Oec r 0fufemt Ummor h îe SIf_ 501 lion.he " The. shool houe vapacked sud umlmias9c*0 empb&ire 1 f. m mstigreois, ia b e I w ith dup Iltereat to. the able srpsla iitatf ght. oUm bswog eorTi eM b Mi neloiuelst iacourse in favor of Samn *0 ~ 8 UmmJak m tm* mmlHhees. heboys of "ter BwxAy Dalton" are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o vuua ptmu mtmm aa& HtIo5tm'an Mê i X»Bd 5fOarolifor Sain, et the om plexim an&g.Mutaâwo.g for Mr. Haches gue* y SADOWA on Tùeaday afternoon wu dleIN!BIL le gI.mui uita *0bri. mollieranmd roceptton for Mr. Hughéî Up je dais of gaimqt. preon ve have Tiaurevasusev" souaded four-Mr. able roprementatlve, Mr. Houston. Th *0 eft»wq m h mmugik,*0 i» iesmBe ttlemont ttqred out and gave the mot~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~OOl mOf hii<tfeues.bi aLuhi,* a reo t fBgrit speaker a right loyal greeting. That ae.elSI Gans uppr r 0 05 pper t * bster msvliaIauog.pluce tes la moud for Sam. Hughes. suge* ve owmmt cf omint*0 IâTA eek.mr.. Hugbn vu m ausI AT S*AsMonT on Tuesday nigbt thera Usem Vitora dui.e, 0 S. LuIsfre *0uuimg.Nomay ~i<a, o ~ vuas m normousa crowd to hear Mr. Houto fo M Huiha.Wm. Mceu qise or w*610 ceeoteagody, bu t *0ylàt owmevOW * ÀzAualysi Ban trou lb., of Eldon almo eddresaed the meeting vf Ibue& n.Thé gteitoré M -mTeroutoet 8 >..hofonul t. bismpose lu, jor Hughes. Maay were present feimm *Of oua bse ouw, m i- *9 Bat . MAî«eqil vg Ulfrhm Ostulo ooumty and boncs the mont- ______________for *,@mm pis.pe*@mmsiohfr. Au *t id egol mserilsfor lisior Ifo- 1h - - ~GIDIrey.- The gueit publie questions of 1ftýlua&Wb m à ba outUirt te y Vers band W lth great ability Vu" abâ OOU" a oiud ami bà" 1oui *6 bal WrM. -Rughesby bot speakers. Two commercial dada%, Ibsie v oul lager e«Porta- Itam Mnutesfor Dé.. Gilusopb 01 bnt meeig.it hadbeen their prlvilege tmaa p. amas f *otM hoe*9<tatis m.h q! 1. hl . a l ' Tbe 1 - N0EàNI.-WeLIOnIy night Messrs. fanajwouet. I mcli b*0 emeoe~phiezatly en hem »fi ey HughesaMd Houston attended at Nor- WUt g» Umitel <taismanufaotuim Mmtes.Me. Dlkam pecsi 0hea1%L 'The ehildron and youag ladies of Ths e , o*9 renm ihy ao aq mp g à" um idfolova De. XéKé the*0vileVillage, andoteet by the accomp. Uââ bupapera p.l %rshal'lo isi sher bad fitt.b op the hall wlth lap turMv ls omte Umm n: teM in* voervsHhes smagumua. A beautiful arch out moant- iiiiwmdOOeLmot'n.Tbur. oetaluty re m MW*[% à&- No1twgm fd.veif«rad tlb platfoa, uapended tram, which mot tnimtelby e lesie fer *8 voubaremsauy lys he»6nie. Us esr? fileat wu*-*. motto "tImportaiUnity" vhils i l . Osm di s then oth"mte tutheo f i l.. * .1 u ion ack vav ol above it. M r. litaoim& nàdvu&gd one. Every lest in. the large Mbmethe pqet the *0Unitel Butes Maurn oà"1u55, a~bal &Hvu paoked, and plenko vere brought s, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w a. tsml .*lisaua u0la ' N.WIU ii.n a udinlat. aupplement. Tht vwu fot enoueh b «Mt te kwov *0 resac. The Mpm oen.fl iA t à b1 my no mw>est n' thBe lge of the plattorm foek ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ube Bmfrlsmob aoyies f__aMdionm*0 Iloor, vhile morsu atood &round T«k mý b Ùli hm a"ldmBehm ocreandmioutle the. vtndowu. Ma uàerIlis but vishe.Théasie "Jua'n tmL4ttenvoth, Head LAke, Beech & »d-la l :dlfS*mu> u*6 Siam« adoui * Bzly Mi Somerville vers mail lot hrei, 18om :-"if r liusIbat, Bon t"" mi "ltotl4," decoç.Th lmoat enîhuglam pro- «à" odu ý@ &.piy lueon 1.7 Ilogi bearhlly étà1mlse, M&ia<ramiapirit la sbroad for eh* a 0g - uim mubsowwdaume. md ic Sfbgà___ f«bkMx. Houaton brilly open- awk tu apu4à -6 sndismoiOak *0 .mt*0 utcbosed vîth- a rouulng me hoMlM lbo *0 l reor als."~ 1u Wb fS the grand old cause and for supp wtene làmte. acêb*t âe.yAm m407p oi sIId= ioa Hughes. M&Hughes"spoke alo *0 bu BeîBefier Canadaouvs-e ausiby e Maalivu Mont. fvavlreoetved. Two 1.0,11 IqeapfS" »n Wz.ob iuor b*, dbnng <Iris, Mmn Houston and Mins NS. momm *m Adole.usrprlseb the major on his r1sinq to tonle.u vib a r i 0miltosSPeot«xtunW"$ Mr*uPeak by oeommg.forv&ad dpresentiag ho"~ la gtom es" bt B.ho l xlmau 4' nos "mtyh b 1 éY-hlm WUltb uitlbouquet otf fowers. '2~ DmSy! mi e ~ kt hI*0t pmvbq 6am DSm Nglt"haoqlg 0 toeis a plant maor 0" * h à y i. .88-1 u ** CO M1 Mi id cul isbrmae Biho voul laten on l ins t ~MWeleoilcukmnln unmse theabjecta et P"no < 5b UMS sgisin eml et leoit fittean years or "M 4*M p# .,U* lâ MM d -lfr upfdo. Boisl *te0.conclualon of t -ho un et dq»4 mb1"4!am rid86 b came £ros i théplat f oimand 'Ot **»gkqf« J lh&«Ub ý p«t»déhepl5eslg ma n ntiv as if ~, experiemesb.- munMantha *~sseiip0 the pol1ar Buc& lak.teacher, o» tu IIW am14 cu1amd. .With mach easosgeeuîOn every hand 4~S tami u isi.cause la nigiat. WM, on Wolmusday night hmc -Wm, McKe. Eaq. br bs meting&»mot te baud as '1 .1 I I I J I ,1 i i "'60 Mb anedo r- bh ave III * wO ant Est LHe *~Bar l-j KEN" a, ~ - ,opty car >iout thei *egallon. A~ good une or qua ceive. T ve know THE1( s p o R T I N G G o o D s I Jus. Mmajor Hughtes vil Wvs go.! mujorlly. very VOrutagala for Sa=n. o @d. m Wd. xi.us% Me tno fialtef lb pover remWeda wbmmalinmuch 1